The stopping of the vote count so they could figure out how many fake ballots were needed tells us that the laptop didn't really matter. They would have come up with any number of fake ballots to steal the election.
Indeed. But what is interesting about the article is that this dimension: the Hunter thing being slow-walked, for example, is now coming to light.
However, without the insight of devolution theory, the Great Awakening and Q, one might be inclined to interpret such 'slow walking' as something that undermined DJT.
We know that's not the case. Rather, 'we have it all'. DJT and crew knew the Deep State playbook and had ALL the data on them well before the Q operation began. But the ultimate sting operation required (one hypothesizes) that they do not tip their hand, that the hammer of justice not be dropped UNTIL everything is in place, including an American public awake enough to realize how and why DJT's cleaning operation needs to be done.
In other words, there is a reason that the White Hats let the DS bury stuff, do what they did, because all those actions do nothing except to bury the DS further and further.
So rather than DJT's admin undermining him by slow walking stuff, it makes more sense that deliberate steps were taken that ultimately allowed the Steal, in order to generate justice whiplash: when DJT comes back, he'll have a public that understands WHY things have to be done the way they are, such as dismantling the Clowns In Action, etc.
Then, there is also the idea that in fact maybe Hunter has been a confidential human source (CHS) for the Justice Department, for a number of years, the 'leaving the laptop at the repair shop' being a narrative cover for getting all that stuff out to the public. I find that line of thinking very dasting.
How do we uncover all this information and disclose it to the public? Why, retake the house in 2022 and begin the process of house investigations, etc, that becomes a coordinated aspect of the disclosure process.
Note that Hunter could be, at the same time, a corrupt bagman for his family, an FBI source, and a self-destructive and guilty guy who might have left the laptop because he (consciously or not) wanted to be caught.
Well, it is pretty clear that he played to role of bagman for his corrupt family, so that's not really in question. Btu whether he became a confidential source in a sting operation against is family or others connected to the whole corrupt network, that's speculation, although the circumstantial evidence appears to be mounting.
The self-destructive guilt-ridden guy dropping his laptop off ... that seems less likely to me at this point. But at this juncture, we don't really know enough to know for sure.
Self-fulfilling prophesy? It looks like nothing is happening because everything is happening? What's the proof of negative if evidence of monsoon also mean action?
I think that would mean believing that Q is a larp, that God does not exist, and that DJT really is both incompetent and a coward, and frankly, all of those things together strike me as being delusional but in the most negative and destructive way. In any case, I'm not willing to accept either of those three propositions.
Particularly about the Hunter thing, there are some very interesting factoids that the boys over at Defected and Dev Power Hour talk about and then apply reasoning to.
If you get dozens or hundreds of facts put them all together and sift through all the various possibilities, well, that's not usually how delusion works. Delusional is
"characterized by or holding false beliefs or judgements about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary"
Rather, there is a LOT of evidence that point directly to Q not being a larp, DJT not being an a very competent, courageous and righteous person, and God existing.
The only thing that makes the above ideas that I wrote in the original comment even possibly "delusional" is buying into the fabricated view of reality that we've been subjugated to for decades.
No, the problem is, that for many, grappling with these ideas is a difficult and uncomfortable position, so they prefer to ignore the evidence, and forgo the work of grappling with the facts writ large.
Q is a larp, that God does not exist, and that DJT really is both incompetent and a coward
Any one of these things could be true without the others having to be true at the same time. It's dangerous to believe that Q is as infallible as God and the two are inseparable.
But who said "Q" is infallible? Q is a psyop bro. And certainly is not God.
But all the evidence I have seen confirms to me, to a threshold of conviction, that Q is indeed a legit psyop, that God most certainly exists, and I do not believe that Trump is incompetent or a coward.
I am NOT saying that any of these is evidence of the other. They aren't. But if any of these was not true, then frankly, I think we'd be stuffed. If Q is or was a larp, then what the heck are the 'patriots' doing? If DJT is incompetent, then what was he doing and what is he doing now? If God doesn't exist, well, that's an entirely different question, but my convictions on each of these actually reinforces the other. Not proof, but enough evidence to entice me to invest my conviction in the others.
That's all I'm saying, and construing anything else is a misread of what I'm writing.
Thanks Ray. <vent> The other dumbdumbs missed the point completely. Sadly. But I don't care. If you got the point, that's what counts to me.
By the way, I recommend switching from hopium to hopermectin. Which is my way of saying, that true hope is found in understanding - understanding by reasoning through facts, evidence, applying critical thinking to gain a powerful and reinforcing vision of what is actually going on, as opposed to just latching on to something that simply relieves one of anxiety.
Well I thinks that's only partially true. They had to at least stay somewhat within the boundaries of the voter roles/county population in order to pull off the steal. i.e. if XYZ county has a population of two million total people with say one million registered voters and Trump got say 750,000 ballots and Biden only 250,000, they couldn't just print 600,000 new fake ballots and blow past the voter roles by over 50% (1.55 million total voters) without anybody noticing. They'd have to be destroying opposing legit ballots at the same rate they were introducing their fake ones to some degree...
We noticed the fuck out of the blatantly obvious stealing, and it did no good whatsoever. "There was no evidence of fraud, those are false debunked claims," sez the teevee. And guess who still believes them?
Makes one think the steal was definitely known about in advance and allowed to happen. Again.
In hindsight it's better that the shit show not be on Trump's watch.
What bothers me is that none of the evidence presented has been enough to convince even a large minority of the public that the steal happened. Where is the smoking gun, the incontrovertible proof that fraud happened on a massive scale, and evidence to implicate even one person?
As soon as the cardboard went up in the windows to block the poll watchers and they were locked out of the room, that was the end of the fair, unbiased election.
Nothing else after that matters at all. Nothing.
Because non-transparency was executed by force. Therefore any reasonable person would have to assume [they] were lying and cheating, and hiding to cover up the lying and cheating.
Yep, and that's my point. If it was obvious there was +100% voter turnout all over the place and Trump has never once mentioned it, that means team Trump wants things this way.
Agreed, I've heard about this type of thing dozens of times, including the 2020 election. I've just never seen Trump or anybody on his team openly declare it.
Don't forget, some votes were flat out swapped by machines. There was one precinct in NH that had 9 machines. Trump won 6 machines by roughly 54-46. However, on machines 3,6, and 9, Biden won 76-24. A full 30% swap. To make it more interesting, the congressional seat was a 20% swap. The Governor race was a 10% swap. My theory is that Sununu is in on it, but had to be cheated just a little so he could say, "See? They cheated me, too!!!" Not enough to cost him his job, though. Don't you ever wonder why NH always elects Republicans for local seats, but Democrats for national?
I agree that's a very common, and old-school way to flip votes. There's even a guy who testified to this way back in the early 2000s (Bush/Gore) that this was what they did with the old Diebold machines.
All I was saying was, they had to do MORE than just dump a couple hundred thousand new mail-in ballots into the pile. They almost certainly had to destroy Trump ballots somehow to make the numbers work.
The guy way back in the early 2000s was the same man who ran the machines in NH in 2020. I can't remember his name right off hand, but it's the same dude.
Destroy ballots, you say? Well, get this. Remember Arizona, 2020? Do you happen to recall when Maricopa County put "2.1 million ballots" on a truck to send to the Senate? They took a picture and asked where they wanted them sent, or something to that extent. The Senate didn't want them yet, and they were to be put back. Two days later there is a chicken barn fire at the farm of Clint Hickman. Here's the kicker. There were never 2.1 million ballots in the back of that truck. When they did the audit, there were like 30 pallets making up the 2.1 million ballots. There were SIX pallets on that truck. So, why were those 6 pallets, which they called 2.1 million, really put on that truck? Trump won Arizona BIG. Big enough that it would take 6 pallets of ballots to dispose of that evidence.
Throw in the fact there is a ballot printing company right down the street...
Oh, that SAME ballot printing company had pallets of ballots in Cobb County, Georgia. The same place they were shredding ballots right after the election.
There's definitive proof of +100% voter turnout or is that just speculation, one guys opinion or just "meme proof"?
If there was, why isn't Trump screaming it from the rafters? Seems like the media couldn't let that slide. Trump says "ABC county had 120% voter turnout, XYZ county had 110% voter turnout", etc.
I've never heard him say it. Which means it's either not "officially" true, or he and everybody else wanted it to be this way.
That's what I said a long time ago It was all about the election ballot fraud. Don't think the Trump team was helping them with that so I don't agree with the premise of the title of this post. Also, if we have the state legislatures require the mail in ballots, which should only be for people who "really" can't make it in to vote in person, get processed first then there's no figuring out how many illegal ballots they need after the polls close.
How did it show that exactly? It definitely showed some interesting patterns in cell phone location related to ballot drop boxes, but it never actually proved anything illegal happened. And even what it did show doesn't implicate anyone at a state or government level.
Until that happens I'm not willing to say that it proved anything. Unfortunately the only coverage it got was to debunk it and show that most of those cell phones were people who worked in the area or did deliveries near those locations on a regular basis.
Name checks out. It never got debunked, they just spouted an alternative to what was obviously going on. Thousands upon thousands of people in a small area having 2-5-10 visits to different ballot boxes isn't normal.
It wasn't a loss, it was a theft. They allowed the Deep State to steal the election in blatant fashion so they could start dismantling those evil plans in earnest.
If the theft was required for fulfillment of the plan, it begs the question what were Barr and Pences true roles in this? On the surface they seem to be traitors, but are they really? Or were they performing the role of allowing the theft to actualize in order to move the Great Awakening forward?
This is why I havent thrown the baby out with the bath water. I dont trust or even like either of them but in the end credits we will find out what the true role of some people we hate now, really was. And to be perfectly honest, what I think of any of them doesnt matter one bit in the greater scheme. The only person we need to be sure of is Trump. He is the guiding light.
If Trump is elected in 2024, it would be on the 10th anniversary of Interstellar and the 419th anniversary of the capture of the Catholic traitor Guy Fawkes. Biden is Catholic and Trump has said: “I now consider myself to be a non-denominational Christian.”
Trump has also said:
“I used to say, and in fact I think I said in my first book and maybe this was foolish but I really meant it, that someday I'd like to maybe lose everything for a period of time to see who's loyal and who's not loyal.”
“If given the opportunity, I will get even with some people that were disloyal to me. I had a group of people that were disloyal.”
“I would have wiped the floor with the guys that weren't loyal which I will now do which is great. I love getting even with people but I will --”
Trump is currently promising to unleash the Gates of hell against his foes.
If Trump is inaugurated in January of 2025, and military tribunals follow, the Cabal would be exterminated on the 419th anniversary of when Guy Fawkes was drawn and quartered in London.
The following year Trump would celebrate the 250th birthday of the United States and the 1st anniversary of the GITMO executions of the Deep State.
Interstellar has character arcs that are similar to what Trump has been experiencing and doing. Trump’s goal is identical to Cooper’s goal (if allegorized). The movie ends on a cliffhanger with Cooper headed towards the new earth to rescue his co-pilot. The 10th anniversary of the film corresponds with Trump's second term and the fulfillment of the mission.
Trump 2024 win = Cooper's Fulfillment of the Mission = I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND I’M COMING BACK = Second Coming
The theme of Interstellar is that mankind needs NASA to find a new solar system to guarantee the survival of mankind because the status quo is killing us.
Replace the Environmentalism and sci-fi gobbledygook of Interstellar with MAGA political statements and you get a sci-fi movie about the Declaration of Independence being done a second time in 2024.
The Blight destroying crops = election fraud
The Blight will be solved by scientists = the media lies
Murph = Trump supporters and anons
Cooper = Trump
John Lithgow = Prudence in the Declaration of Independence talking about governmental foundations.
‘They’ = Military
Anne Hathaway = Trump’s spokeswoman Kayleigh ‘Milktoast’ McEnany and the hope of a second Trump Administration and the hope of draining the swamp.
Find a new planet = we need to drain the swamp
We need to get off earth = we need to get the cabal to GITMO
Michael Caine = Klaus Schwab
Mann = Mike Pence betrayal leading to Biden Presidency
Black Hole Gargantua = Washington DC
3rd Law of Newton = Trump loss in 2020 was necessary for him to achieve his grand objective.
To help you visualize October 31, 2017 of Trump's Presidency:
500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.
Month 9 day 11 of Trump's administration. 9-11
The third anniversary of Interstellar.
First image to be posted by Q: Washington crossing the Delaware. Which was a promise to murder the Frankfurt banking Dynasty and Ashkenazi Jews who became rich financing Forever Wars. The Military are fighting the descendants of the Bankers who got rich supplying mercenaries to the British during the American and French Revolutions.
The movie also has massive disclosure elements: time 'travel' (not really, just non-linear perception of time in higher dimensions), higher dimensions themselves, and love being the highest force in the universe.
Boy the more this comes to Sheeple light, the more the left will explode when it becomes reality Trump should automatically get 4 more years without even having to run, then will be allowed to run again due to the 2 impeachments and all the damage that’s been done to him and We The People. Greats Keks of joy!
I have a feeling they're going to do a Bernie on Kennedy (or whoever is leading the leftist pack) in the primaries. The left can see their preferred candidate (RFK?) with big rallies while the Potatus eats pudding in his basement, all while the country is being ground down financially with inflation and a crap job market, failing businesses, etc. Then Potatus will magically 'win' (sic) the nomination and the FNM will run cover for the fraud.
IF this were to occur, the left will explode. I don't think, at this juncture in history, many leftist sheeple care that we had our elections stolen from Trump/us because they're largely still of the mindset of anything goes to keep the bad orange man with mean tweets from leading the country. If it happens to THEM, in the other hand...
I think RFK is only there to Awaken the Sheeple and shred any other DemoLib potato from making any strong run against Trump, or cleanly steal votes again. He’s just in play to make the rest of their party’s candidates look like pure criminal idiots.
My theory is if, if RFK gets the main DemoLib lead, he’ll purposely weaken going into the finals almost throwing the Black Sox to Trump.
That's an interesting scenario. But consider a 2016 version - had Sanders won the primary nomination and then tried to "throw" the election to DJT - I doubt the left would have cared if Bernie was weak going into the final days/weeks before elections. Many were voting in November for the candidate who was shoved down their throats, the Potatus, with an "anyone but Trump" mindset. I'm still seeing that mindset in liberals I know today.
One thing for certain is that the DS does not want anyone exposing the (many, many) evils of big pharma to the public. I agree with you that RFK is helping to awaken the sheeple. I'm actually surprised the DS hasn't tried to run Big Mike as a candidate yet.
Well I think they know their goose is cooked. As dumb as the DS is, going forward I’m sure they’re about 90% as aware to the chess game as we are and they know they can’t win period. They have their own “Anons” as well that are probably starting to advise them to run, get out of the US or any White Hat friendly country. So they’ll just attempt to hide and/or go down fighting for what they currently have, running denial of what they’ve done. But really unable to mount any further meaningful offense.
Correct. I had my first glimpse of the awakening watching Glen Beck talk about Soros on the chalkboard in 2008-09, but I have to say it wasn’t a Great Awakening until recently. I went down to rabbit hole and started researching a lot of things on my own after I was open to the ideas of a deep state before that term was coined. You have to admit though that the Great Awakening only happens when the people you didn’t expect to wake up finally do. I see that happening with some in my circle that I thought were lost forever
For me, however, the Great Awakening is what started with the Q operation taking off. Sure, there was momentum built, and things going on before that. My own red-pill process began in earnest in 2015, just in time to see Trump emerge and enhance that process.
But I'd say, the Great Awakening as a movement began with Q, but 2017-2020 - those 3 years were planting the seed and germinating it. The things really blossomed with the advent of Covid, and the election steal sent it into overdrive.
From that perspective, well, yeah, you could say that the 2020 steal trigger the 'start' of the Great Awakening going great, but actually, I think it was Covid. The impact of that was worldwide.
Ultimately, how you define the beginning is a matter of opinion. In any case, I think we can be sure: right now, we're awakening greatly.
I agree. It began with the assassination of Kennedy. My Dad always questioned the official narrative and derided the Warren Commission. Then with Nixon, Dad always said he was railroaded by the C_A. It moved forward with the assassination attempt on Reagan and the silly reasons given for Hinckleys actions and then when the Brady Bill passed my Dad would tell me they used the shooting to degrade the 2A. It is here as an 18 yo that my Awakening began and the Clinton wars in Serbia/Kosovo/Bosnia and his subsequent capitulation to China plus NAFTA sealed the fact the government didnt act for the good of the People. 9/11 simply confirmed the direction I was already headed was the correct direction.
MY AWAKENING started in 1972 - 1974...stationed in Europe and PLO/Black September/Bader Meinhoff came into being...After serving in Vietnam I had "somewhat" of an inclination that ALL was not what it seemed...These 3 groups just evolved overnight and we couldn't chase the bad guys...hands tied and we couldn't do ANYTHING...So, what you have expounded on does make sense and is on point for the crap that has been going on!!!!! since that time!!!!
Trump and team have lured opponents into setting precedent and exposing themselves.
If you zoom back to public mindset during Trump-era people were too entranced by the fake news to accept Trump going after the establishment for corruption. He would have played into the narrative that he was a dictator and lost public support.
Now he has forced them into showing their corruption so blatantly that even sheep have begun to wake up. Of course there will be plenty that are too lost to ever wake up, but that doesn't matter. We only need enough, and I think we are now reaching that point.
And now with sleepy joe having set the precedent of persecuting a president/political opponent he has set the stage for Trump to do the same without public backlash.
This is serious 4D chess and anyone who claims otherwise is blind.
Trump letting them steal the election is worse than them stealing the election. Trump was President and should have used his authority to protect the country from attack! He could have used the military!!!
Demented Leftist who would have accused Trump of being a tyrant had be done those very things.
I posted this before, but we were at Trump's last rally before the election (Grand Rapids). He literally said, "I may lose, you never know". Everyone's response was like noooo, there is no way you'd lose. In the state of Michigan, he lost. Cobo Hall had so many vans coming in the middle of the night. But that had nothing to do it, I'm sure /sarc.
This NY Post article isn't particularly strong, IMHO. It's trying to highlight this slow-walking of the HB laptop issue as being the crux of the steal while deliberately downplaying the myriad of other election fraud issues that were occurring at the time.
Well, President Trump does put a lot of energy into the laptop and how it affected the election. But I think, like some people commented to this story, that the fake ballots would have materialized to steal the election either way. Did the white hats have a hand in this? I don't know, but if they did it may explain some things, like why no court will hear the cases, and why we can't seem to convince some people the election was stolen; although Trump does keep bringing it up-maybe to agitate the Commies, who knows?
My guess is that losing the 2020 election was a contingency plan. Taking control of the Federal Reserve and raising interest rates was the original plan that got derailed by Covid.
Military Intelligence could see that the quickest way out of the Covid hoax (and its financial repercussions) was to let it play out under the Deep State's control, with the Deep State getting the blame and exposed.
If Trump had stayed in as President the last three years would have primarily been wasted dealing with Impeachments, Covid, and the Economy, with no political capital left to destroy the Deep State.
Now with the Deep State exposed and vulnerable, Trump and/or Kennedy can come in with a mandate to gut the Deep State, because the Khazarian Bankers have already been crippled.
There is a huge difference by allowing something to pass or passing it yourself.
Fake ballots printed in China and Chinese locations in the US is not done by White Hats. The same goes for the data centers in Germany, or where the data was going in China.
By the book, yes, although not everything will be clean.
Had to be, too many normies still had their heads up their asses! It moar of us would have shown up at the J-6 “Be Wild” event, might have made a difference but I doubt it. Had to be this way!
If Pence had not certified the election and sent it back to the states and Trump was then rightfully put into office, what would we have? We would have Trump back in office with the same deep state working against him and nothing to be done about it. This way, is the only way, to reveal the corruption and then drain the swamp. Trump promised us he would drain it and I believe him. He doesn't make promises lightly.
And here is where my post from yesterday comes in. Trump wont be reinstated until he wins in 2024 by a landslide and is inaugurated in January. A mandate to govern is required of the People for his efforts to be truly effective and complete. Otherwise we are spinning our wheels.
It moar of us would have shown up at the J-6 “Be Wild” event, might have made a difference
Cannot be serious - "Be there, will be wild!" was arguably Trump's single biggest gaffe since forever.
Literally NO patriots should have shown up at the fucking "Be Wild" was a trap set up by the deep state, the fedsurrection had started hours before he was done speaking, and patriots should have been warned to go NOWHERE NEAR THE CAPITOL.
It had to be this way. Sometimes you have to walk through the darkness to see the light. They had to lose to wake up those that are in denial of election fraud. We have selections instead of elections and have had them for 60 years or more. We still have millions that will NOT see it even though they know it it true. Military is the only way to topple this regime that has taken root in DC. If they don't step in, we are going the way of the Roman Empire.
The stopping of the vote count so they could figure out how many fake ballots were needed tells us that the laptop didn't really matter. They would have come up with any number of fake ballots to steal the election.
Indeed. But what is interesting about the article is that this dimension: the Hunter thing being slow-walked, for example, is now coming to light.
However, without the insight of devolution theory, the Great Awakening and Q, one might be inclined to interpret such 'slow walking' as something that undermined DJT.
We know that's not the case. Rather, 'we have it all'. DJT and crew knew the Deep State playbook and had ALL the data on them well before the Q operation began. But the ultimate sting operation required (one hypothesizes) that they do not tip their hand, that the hammer of justice not be dropped UNTIL everything is in place, including an American public awake enough to realize how and why DJT's cleaning operation needs to be done.
In other words, there is a reason that the White Hats let the DS bury stuff, do what they did, because all those actions do nothing except to bury the DS further and further.
So rather than DJT's admin undermining him by slow walking stuff, it makes more sense that deliberate steps were taken that ultimately allowed the Steal, in order to generate justice whiplash: when DJT comes back, he'll have a public that understands WHY things have to be done the way they are, such as dismantling the Clowns In Action, etc.
Then, there is also the idea that in fact maybe Hunter has been a confidential human source (CHS) for the Justice Department, for a number of years, the 'leaving the laptop at the repair shop' being a narrative cover for getting all that stuff out to the public. I find that line of thinking very dasting.
How do we uncover all this information and disclose it to the public? Why, retake the house in 2022 and begin the process of house investigations, etc, that becomes a coordinated aspect of the disclosure process.
Note that Hunter could be, at the same time, a corrupt bagman for his family, an FBI source, and a self-destructive and guilty guy who might have left the laptop because he (consciously or not) wanted to be caught.
Well, it is pretty clear that he played to role of bagman for his corrupt family, so that's not really in question. Btu whether he became a confidential source in a sting operation against is family or others connected to the whole corrupt network, that's speculation, although the circumstantial evidence appears to be mounting.
The self-destructive guilt-ridden guy dropping his laptop off ... that seems less likely to me at this point. But at this juncture, we don't really know enough to know for sure.
Very well articulated anon. I couldn’t agree more.
I hope you are not delusional.
If we didn’t have any hope of winning then there wouldn’t be a need for all the continued psyops, propaganda, and distractions.
Self-fulfilling prophesy? It looks like nothing is happening because everything is happening? What's the proof of negative if evidence of monsoon also mean action?
Well then thank you for keeping hope alive. Agreed
I think that would mean believing that Q is a larp, that God does not exist, and that DJT really is both incompetent and a coward, and frankly, all of those things together strike me as being delusional but in the most negative and destructive way. In any case, I'm not willing to accept either of those three propositions.
Particularly about the Hunter thing, there are some very interesting factoids that the boys over at Defected and Dev Power Hour talk about and then apply reasoning to.
If you get dozens or hundreds of facts put them all together and sift through all the various possibilities, well, that's not usually how delusion works. Delusional is
"characterized by or holding false beliefs or judgements about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary"
Rather, there is a LOT of evidence that point directly to Q not being a larp, DJT not being an a very competent, courageous and righteous person, and God existing.
The only thing that makes the above ideas that I wrote in the original comment even possibly "delusional" is buying into the fabricated view of reality that we've been subjugated to for decades.
No, the problem is, that for many, grappling with these ideas is a difficult and uncomfortable position, so they prefer to ignore the evidence, and forgo the work of grappling with the facts writ large.
That's how I see it, anyway.
Any one of these things could be true without the others having to be true at the same time. It's dangerous to believe that Q is as infallible as God and the two are inseparable.
Well, yes, certainly.
But who said "Q" is infallible? Q is a psyop bro. And certainly is not God.
But all the evidence I have seen confirms to me, to a threshold of conviction, that Q is indeed a legit psyop, that God most certainly exists, and I do not believe that Trump is incompetent or a coward.
I am NOT saying that any of these is evidence of the other. They aren't. But if any of these was not true, then frankly, I think we'd be stuffed. If Q is or was a larp, then what the heck are the 'patriots' doing? If DJT is incompetent, then what was he doing and what is he doing now? If God doesn't exist, well, that's an entirely different question, but my convictions on each of these actually reinforces the other. Not proof, but enough evidence to entice me to invest my conviction in the others.
That's all I'm saying, and construing anything else is a misread of what I'm writing.
Wha....? Oh, boy. You folks have completely misread my comment.
I have no idols. God is my creator, and he alone is the center and the source.
But I don't think that DJT is incompetent or a coward, and I don't think Q is a larp. How on earth is that idolatry? (It isn't.)
Thank you for your reply. My hopium level has risen today some. I trust you may know more than I. I hope is is biblical fulfilment of the prophets.
Thanks Ray. <vent> The other dumbdumbs missed the point completely. Sadly. But I don't care. If you got the point, that's what counts to me.
By the way, I recommend switching from hopium to hopermectin. Which is my way of saying, that true hope is found in understanding - understanding by reasoning through facts, evidence, applying critical thinking to gain a powerful and reinforcing vision of what is actually going on, as opposed to just latching on to something that simply relieves one of anxiety.
Very good. Hopermectin it is!!
I believe that for sure
Well I thinks that's only partially true. They had to at least stay somewhat within the boundaries of the voter roles/county population in order to pull off the steal. i.e. if XYZ county has a population of two million total people with say one million registered voters and Trump got say 750,000 ballots and Biden only 250,000, they couldn't just print 600,000 new fake ballots and blow past the voter roles by over 50% (1.55 million total voters) without anybody noticing. They'd have to be destroying opposing legit ballots at the same rate they were introducing their fake ones to some degree...
We noticed the fuck out of the blatantly obvious stealing, and it did no good whatsoever. "There was no evidence of fraud, those are false debunked claims," sez the teevee. And guess who still believes them?
Makes one think the steal was definitely known about in advance and allowed to happen. Again.
In hindsight it's better that the shit show not be on Trump's watch.
What bothers me is that none of the evidence presented has been enough to convince even a large minority of the public that the steal happened. Where is the smoking gun, the incontrovertible proof that fraud happened on a massive scale, and evidence to implicate even one person?
As soon as the cardboard went up in the windows to block the poll watchers and they were locked out of the room, that was the end of the fair, unbiased election.
Nothing else after that matters at all. Nothing.
Because non-transparency was executed by force. Therefore any reasonable person would have to assume [they] were lying and cheating, and hiding to cover up the lying and cheating.
And that's exactly what happened.
Still not proof of fraud, and no legal requirement for them to have windows. You can't prove anything from that.
Yep, and that's my point. If it was obvious there was +100% voter turnout all over the place and Trump has never once mentioned it, that means team Trump wants things this way.
They do this in Wayne County (Detroit) every election.
And we have definitive proof? If so, why hasn't Trump ever said this?
There were a number of counties that had more votes than registered voters and even population.
I've seen the speculation, but never heard Trump or anybody on his team say they've got the goods.
Note that this is from 2017, well before the 2020 election. This is just one report.
Here's another from 2015 saying similar:
Agreed, I've heard about this type of thing dozens of times, including the 2020 election. I've just never seen Trump or anybody on his team openly declare it.
Don't forget, some votes were flat out swapped by machines. There was one precinct in NH that had 9 machines. Trump won 6 machines by roughly 54-46. However, on machines 3,6, and 9, Biden won 76-24. A full 30% swap. To make it more interesting, the congressional seat was a 20% swap. The Governor race was a 10% swap. My theory is that Sununu is in on it, but had to be cheated just a little so he could say, "See? They cheated me, too!!!" Not enough to cost him his job, though. Don't you ever wonder why NH always elects Republicans for local seats, but Democrats for national?
I agree that's a very common, and old-school way to flip votes. There's even a guy who testified to this way back in the early 2000s (Bush/Gore) that this was what they did with the old Diebold machines.
All I was saying was, they had to do MORE than just dump a couple hundred thousand new mail-in ballots into the pile. They almost certainly had to destroy Trump ballots somehow to make the numbers work.
The guy way back in the early 2000s was the same man who ran the machines in NH in 2020. I can't remember his name right off hand, but it's the same dude.
Destroy ballots, you say? Well, get this. Remember Arizona, 2020? Do you happen to recall when Maricopa County put "2.1 million ballots" on a truck to send to the Senate? They took a picture and asked where they wanted them sent, or something to that extent. The Senate didn't want them yet, and they were to be put back. Two days later there is a chicken barn fire at the farm of Clint Hickman. Here's the kicker. There were never 2.1 million ballots in the back of that truck. When they did the audit, there were like 30 pallets making up the 2.1 million ballots. There were SIX pallets on that truck. So, why were those 6 pallets, which they called 2.1 million, really put on that truck? Trump won Arizona BIG. Big enough that it would take 6 pallets of ballots to dispose of that evidence.
Throw in the fact there is a ballot printing company right down the street...
Oh, that SAME ballot printing company had pallets of ballots in Cobb County, Georgia. The same place they were shredding ballots right after the election.
Lots of coincidences, if you ask me.
Yep, no doubt they were disposing of ballots en masse around the country, Maricopa was probably the most.
Some counties had over 100% voter turnout. Those restrictions clearly weren't in play.
There's definitive proof of +100% voter turnout or is that just speculation, one guys opinion or just "meme proof"?
If there was, why isn't Trump screaming it from the rafters? Seems like the media couldn't let that slide. Trump says "ABC county had 120% voter turnout, XYZ county had 110% voter turnout", etc.
I've never heard him say it. Which means it's either not "officially" true, or he and everybody else wanted it to be this way.
Correct fren
That's what I said a long time ago It was all about the election ballot fraud. Don't think the Trump team was helping them with that so I don't agree with the premise of the title of this post. Also, if we have the state legislatures require the mail in ballots, which should only be for people who "really" can't make it in to vote in person, get processed first then there's no figuring out how many illegal ballots they need after the polls close.
At some point there's just too many layers. Believing that DJT engineered his own loss goes too far for me.
This looks like a cover-up. The mules documentary showed the states cheating.
Why did they stop counting????
The mules video certainly got memory holed.
Smells like one too...
That beavers eating taco bell
How did it show that exactly? It definitely showed some interesting patterns in cell phone location related to ballot drop boxes, but it never actually proved anything illegal happened. And even what it did show doesn't implicate anyone at a state or government level.
You are correct.
That footage provided enough evidence to do a more detailed look into it.
That never happened.
Until that happens I'm not willing to say that it proved anything. Unfortunately the only coverage it got was to debunk it and show that most of those cell phones were people who worked in the area or did deliveries near those locations on a regular basis.
It showed people dropping off multiple ballots, which is not illegal within a family.
Name checks out. It never got debunked, they just spouted an alternative to what was obviously going on. Thousands upon thousands of people in a small area having 2-5-10 visits to different ballot boxes isn't normal.
Why does the article say there was no ballot stuffing or kicking out observers, or machine manipulation?
It wasn't a loss, it was a theft. They allowed the Deep State to steal the election in blatant fashion so they could start dismantling those evil plans in earnest.
If the theft was required for fulfillment of the plan, it begs the question what were Barr and Pences true roles in this? On the surface they seem to be traitors, but are they really? Or were they performing the role of allowing the theft to actualize in order to move the Great Awakening forward?
This is why I havent thrown the baby out with the bath water. I dont trust or even like either of them but in the end credits we will find out what the true role of some people we hate now, really was. And to be perfectly honest, what I think of any of them doesnt matter one bit in the greater scheme. The only person we need to be sure of is Trump. He is the guiding light.
Trump is just a man. Don't elevate him to the level of a god.
Dumb statement. No one is elevating Trump to the position of God, or even of a god. You're creating a strawman argument.
If Trump is elected in 2024, it would be on the 10th anniversary of Interstellar and the 419th anniversary of the capture of the Catholic traitor Guy Fawkes. Biden is Catholic and Trump has said: “I now consider myself to be a non-denominational Christian.”
The following year Trump would celebrate the 250th birthday of the United States and the 1st anniversary of the GITMO executions of the Deep State.
Trump 2024 win = Cooper's Fulfillment of the Mission = I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND I’M COMING BACK = Second Coming
The theme of Interstellar is that mankind needs NASA to find a new solar system to guarantee the survival of mankind because the status quo is killing us.
Replace the Environmentalism and sci-fi gobbledygook of Interstellar with MAGA political statements and you get a sci-fi movie about the Declaration of Independence being done a second time in 2024.
The Blight destroying crops = election fraud
The Blight will be solved by scientists = the media lies
Murph = Trump supporters and anons
Cooper = Trump
John Lithgow = Prudence in the Declaration of Independence talking about governmental foundations.
‘They’ = Military
Anne Hathaway = Trump’s spokeswoman Kayleigh ‘Milktoast’ McEnany and the hope of a second Trump Administration and the hope of draining the swamp.
Find a new planet = we need to drain the swamp
We need to get off earth = we need to get the cabal to GITMO
Michael Caine = Klaus Schwab
Mann = Mike Pence betrayal leading to Biden Presidency
Black Hole Gargantua = Washington DC
3rd Law of Newton = Trump loss in 2020 was necessary for him to achieve his grand objective.
Tesseract= Q and Twitter platform
Gravity Equation (1st half) = Declassification/ Durham Investigation
Gravity Equation (2nd half) = Getting Cabal to GITMO
Wormhole = Trump’s 2016 Crossroads Speech posted by the Potter County GOP.
To help you visualize October 31, 2017 of Trump's Presidency:
500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.
Month 9 day 11 of Trump's administration. 9-11
The third anniversary of Interstellar.
First image to be posted by Q: Washington crossing the Delaware. Which was a promise to murder the Frankfurt banking Dynasty and Ashkenazi Jews who became rich financing Forever Wars. The Military are fighting the descendants of the Bankers who got rich supplying mercenaries to the British during the American and French Revolutions.
Interesting take on Interstellar.
The movie also has massive disclosure elements: time 'travel' (not really, just non-linear perception of time in higher dimensions), higher dimensions themselves, and love being the highest force in the universe.
Boy the more this comes to Sheeple light, the more the left will explode when it becomes reality Trump should automatically get 4 more years without even having to run, then will be allowed to run again due to the 2 impeachments and all the damage that’s been done to him and We The People. Greats Keks of joy!
I have a feeling they're going to do a Bernie on Kennedy (or whoever is leading the leftist pack) in the primaries. The left can see their preferred candidate (RFK?) with big rallies while the Potatus eats pudding in his basement, all while the country is being ground down financially with inflation and a crap job market, failing businesses, etc. Then Potatus will magically 'win' (sic) the nomination and the FNM will run cover for the fraud.
IF this were to occur, the left will explode. I don't think, at this juncture in history, many leftist sheeple care that we had our elections stolen from Trump/us because they're largely still of the mindset of anything goes to keep the bad orange man with mean tweets from leading the country. If it happens to THEM, in the other hand...
I think RFK is only there to Awaken the Sheeple and shred any other DemoLib potato from making any strong run against Trump, or cleanly steal votes again. He’s just in play to make the rest of their party’s candidates look like pure criminal idiots.
My theory is if, if RFK gets the main DemoLib lead, he’ll purposely weaken going into the finals almost throwing the Black Sox to Trump.
That's an interesting scenario. But consider a 2016 version - had Sanders won the primary nomination and then tried to "throw" the election to DJT - I doubt the left would have cared if Bernie was weak going into the final days/weeks before elections. Many were voting in November for the candidate who was shoved down their throats, the Potatus, with an "anyone but Trump" mindset. I'm still seeing that mindset in liberals I know today.
One thing for certain is that the DS does not want anyone exposing the (many, many) evils of big pharma to the public. I agree with you that RFK is helping to awaken the sheeple. I'm actually surprised the DS hasn't tried to run Big Mike as a candidate yet.
Well I think they know their goose is cooked. As dumb as the DS is, going forward I’m sure they’re about 90% as aware to the chess game as we are and they know they can’t win period. They have their own “Anons” as well that are probably starting to advise them to run, get out of the US or any White Hat friendly country. So they’ll just attempt to hide and/or go down fighting for what they currently have, running denial of what they’ve done. But really unable to mount any further meaningful offense.
Point of order, OP:
The Great Awakening didn't start in 2020. That just kicked it into hyperdrive.
Everything else? Yes. Carry on.
Signed, old school anon.
Correct. I had my first glimpse of the awakening watching Glen Beck talk about Soros on the chalkboard in 2008-09, but I have to say it wasn’t a Great Awakening until recently. I went down to rabbit hole and started researching a lot of things on my own after I was open to the ideas of a deep state before that term was coined. You have to admit though that the Great Awakening only happens when the people you didn’t expect to wake up finally do. I see that happening with some in my circle that I thought were lost forever
That's so cool.
For me, however, the Great Awakening is what started with the Q operation taking off. Sure, there was momentum built, and things going on before that. My own red-pill process began in earnest in 2015, just in time to see Trump emerge and enhance that process.
But I'd say, the Great Awakening as a movement began with Q, but 2017-2020 - those 3 years were planting the seed and germinating it. The things really blossomed with the advent of Covid, and the election steal sent it into overdrive.
From that perspective, well, yeah, you could say that the 2020 steal trigger the 'start' of the Great Awakening going great, but actually, I think it was Covid. The impact of that was worldwide.
Ultimately, how you define the beginning is a matter of opinion. In any case, I think we can be sure: right now, we're awakening greatly.
I agree. It began with the assassination of Kennedy. My Dad always questioned the official narrative and derided the Warren Commission. Then with Nixon, Dad always said he was railroaded by the C_A. It moved forward with the assassination attempt on Reagan and the silly reasons given for Hinckleys actions and then when the Brady Bill passed my Dad would tell me they used the shooting to degrade the 2A. It is here as an 18 yo that my Awakening began and the Clinton wars in Serbia/Kosovo/Bosnia and his subsequent capitulation to China plus NAFTA sealed the fact the government didnt act for the good of the People. 9/11 simply confirmed the direction I was already headed was the correct direction.
Wow. You really ARE a long time listener.
MY AWAKENING started in 1972 - 1974...stationed in Europe and PLO/Black September/Bader Meinhoff came into being...After serving in Vietnam I had "somewhat" of an inclination that ALL was not what it seemed...These 3 groups just evolved overnight and we couldn't chase the bad guys...hands tied and we couldn't do ANYTHING...So, what you have expounded on does make sense and is on point for the crap that has been going on!!!!! since that time!!!!
I hope this is true. I want the WH to have enough power to stop a steal.
They do/did, the 2016 steal was stopped.
I have suspected this for a while.
Trump and team have lured opponents into setting precedent and exposing themselves.
If you zoom back to public mindset during Trump-era people were too entranced by the fake news to accept Trump going after the establishment for corruption. He would have played into the narrative that he was a dictator and lost public support.
Now he has forced them into showing their corruption so blatantly that even sheep have begun to wake up. Of course there will be plenty that are too lost to ever wake up, but that doesn't matter. We only need enough, and I think we are now reaching that point.
And now with sleepy joe having set the precedent of persecuting a president/political opponent he has set the stage for Trump to do the same without public backlash.
This is serious 4D chess and anyone who claims otherwise is blind.
Sometimes you got to show them
They have to show them. They have to gently ease them into understanding. Fisher price my first Great Awakening.
Trump letting them steal the election is worse than them stealing the election. Trump was President and should have used his authority to protect the country from attack! He could have used the military!!!
Signed, Demented Leftist who would have accused Trump of being a tyrant had be done those very things.
I posted this before, but we were at Trump's last rally before the election (Grand Rapids). He literally said, "I may lose, you never know". Everyone's response was like noooo, there is no way you'd lose. In the state of Michigan, he lost. Cobo Hall had so many vans coming in the middle of the night. But that had nothing to do it, I'm sure /sarc.
The local media even lied about the vans being theirs, unloading film equipment. They were ALL in it together.
So that means they could've stopped the fraud if they wanted to?
This NY Post article isn't particularly strong, IMHO. It's trying to highlight this slow-walking of the HB laptop issue as being the crux of the steal while deliberately downplaying the myriad of other election fraud issues that were occurring at the time.
Well, President Trump does put a lot of energy into the laptop and how it affected the election. But I think, like some people commented to this story, that the fake ballots would have materialized to steal the election either way. Did the white hats have a hand in this? I don't know, but if they did it may explain some things, like why no court will hear the cases, and why we can't seem to convince some people the election was stolen; although Trump does keep bringing it up-maybe to agitate the Commies, who knows?
My guess is that losing the 2020 election was a contingency plan. Taking control of the Federal Reserve and raising interest rates was the original plan that got derailed by Covid.
Military Intelligence could see that the quickest way out of the Covid hoax (and its financial repercussions) was to let it play out under the Deep State's control, with the Deep State getting the blame and exposed.
If Trump had stayed in as President the last three years would have primarily been wasted dealing with Impeachments, Covid, and the Economy, with no political capital left to destroy the Deep State.
Now with the Deep State exposed and vulnerable, Trump and/or Kennedy can come in with a mandate to gut the Deep State, because the Khazarian Bankers have already been crippled.
There is a huge difference by allowing something to pass or passing it yourself.
Fake ballots printed in China and Chinese locations in the US is not done by White Hats. The same goes for the data centers in Germany, or where the data was going in China.
By the book, yes, although not everything will be clean.
Who was doing the slow-walking? And how would an IRS whistleblower know what was going on inside the DOJ?
Had to be, too many normies still had their heads up their asses! It moar of us would have shown up at the J-6 “Be Wild” event, might have made a difference but I doubt it. Had to be this way!
If Pence had not certified the election and sent it back to the states and Trump was then rightfully put into office, what would we have? We would have Trump back in office with the same deep state working against him and nothing to be done about it. This way, is the only way, to reveal the corruption and then drain the swamp. Trump promised us he would drain it and I believe him. He doesn't make promises lightly.
And here is where my post from yesterday comes in. Trump wont be reinstated until he wins in 2024 by a landslide and is inaugurated in January. A mandate to govern is required of the People for his efforts to be truly effective and complete. Otherwise we are spinning our wheels.
Cannot be serious - "Be there, will be wild!" was arguably Trump's single biggest gaffe since forever.
Literally NO patriots should have shown up at the fucking "Be Wild" was a trap set up by the deep state, the fedsurrection had started hours before he was done speaking, and patriots should have been warned to go NOWHERE NEAR THE CAPITOL.
Sure…we’ll just vote our way out of this…good luck
That has nothing to do with "Will Be Wild", but OK
It had to be this way. Sometimes you have to walk through the darkness to see the light. They had to lose to wake up those that are in denial of election fraud. We have selections instead of elections and have had them for 60 years or more. We still have millions that will NOT see it even though they know it it true. Military is the only way to topple this regime that has taken root in DC. If they don't step in, we are going the way of the Roman Empire.
Why does this need translation?