A few things I picked up on whilst watching a few times, might be nothing but who know's?
I noticed the main terminal computer screens had like loading bars (two thin blue bars) at almost 100%
Either a SpecOps soldier or perhaps a Space Force soldier standing to the right hand side.
The other big thing that jumped out at me was the start of the "cyber map" (for want of a better description) the center or start point was centralised on either Manhattan or perhaps Staten Island, but definitely NYC.
There's another interpretation that comes to mind. The CIA always projected themselves as the ghost in the machine because it sparks paranoia in their targets. Over the past seven years, military intelligence has often employed the deep state's own tactics against them. This is not an exception. Military psyops have turned the tables and they are the ghost in the machine now. The intel community is being driven to paranoia. "Drive your enemy to distemper." "Hunters become the hunted." etc.
Hmmmmm timing re SOF. Boomerang. Not everything is as it seems. Hidden in plain sight. Movie is lighting up. Sunlight being the best disinfectant of course. Create buy in to "child trafficking lite" using diversionary docudrama like SOF (possibly clown released), through negative publicity in MSM and crazy fanning in alternate media; then boom..............it's not what they show as "horrific", it is much worse than you could believe. Hence the truth is not for everyone. Question everything. That is our job.
Kek glad I'm not the only one holding it because I don't wanna miss out. It really starting to get good. We do play supporting roles in this movie so maybe the director will let us run an pee real quick before the climax haha
Oh and yes hello 4psy. Love you guys. God bless u. Praying for you
Here's a link to one of them, you can just type Tik and nazi into Google and a bunch come up. The programing runs deep with today's socialist it's nice to be armed if you talk to any.
Excellent. He destroys the Left in the 1st 4 minutes. It seems to me leftists read history books up until they read “Hitler” and “right wing” and then apply that template to every contemporary conservative, obligating every right-winger as a Nazi, when everything we stand for and say is against socialism and communism. Thanks for posting that video. It should be its own post and stickied.
Anyone can make posts! :) you proved it by posting the video inside of your comment on this thread. After all the potential mincing of words and splitting hairs we likely agree you “made a post” by making a response featuring the video. 🫶🏻
The thing is these labels mean nothing to the puppeteers. They are just tools to achieve their goals and they change from one to another as the situation dictates.
What they really wish to achieve is a neo-feudal fascist state where the lines are blurred between government and corporate to the point they are indistiguishable and the lords rule the serfs with an iron fist akin to Monarchy. They rule through the Divine Right of their gods and the people are merely chattel to exploit. To them were are really sheep and cattle as Q has told us.
My review, research brought forth the following from watching the video.
There are " numerous" different types of
🔹 Graphic(s)🔹 included within this latest vid
@ 8 seconds - initial 🔹graphic 🔹 of map with various water ways, rivers. Mountain ranges with snow
Within same screen shot "6" computer screens representing the same 🔹 graphic 🔹 2 sets of double blue horizontal lines
@13 Seconds beautiful MIL TECH looking at her screen 🔹 graphics 🔹"6" Blue Circles, '4' to her left, '2' to her right side. / '4' Blurred Lime Green Light Bars - Divideed equally on both sides of tech.
@ 17seconds - 🔹graphic 🔹of 2 buildings surroundrd with metal fence, barbed wire on top.
RIGHT building - garage or shed, possible roll up eight panel garage door.
LEFT building - similar size, not as tall in height, flatter, wider roof./ Stairs or ramp by door, above
' captured ' in yellow SECURITY CAMERA.
AC unit on opposite side of door (left)
Possible sign on Metal Fence next to locked gate.
No visible writing from computer rendering.
@22-23 seconds Black to White ' Spirit '
Q - DROPS 22 & 23
31-Oct-2017 10:57:15 PM MDT
Who controls the NG?
Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?
Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?
Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?
What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?
Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol.
Study and prepare.
The masses tend to panic in such situations.
No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.
31-Oct-2017 11:11:52 PM MDT
Note MI has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA etc as designated post 9-11.
Why is this relevant?
Who can be held hostage and controlled?
CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend against the US executive (not accounting for military use on domestic soil).
Why does the Constitution explicitly grant this authority to the President and what is it to prevent?
They knew our agencies would grow in power so much so they could/can hold the executive hostage or engage with bad actors.
Trump nominated someone new to direct every agency but one.
Neither Google nor Yandex image searches yielded any matches when I tried. Closest was some Iranian cartoons in a different style, but no match for the woman character.
All my pumpkins last year were carved as the ghost. I hadnt carved a pumpkin since my kids were small. They usually sit uncarved on the wifes hay bale display with the mums and the cornstalks and the mutant squashes on the front porch. We arent home for Halloween to pass out candy anymore, we go see the grandkids. Last year though I had em carved and lit up with a big bowl of candy for the little ones to grab for themselves.
So what the 4th Psyop Group is saying is that they know what the enemy is saying on Jupiter and Mars. So if Jupiter and Mars are significant to to satanic pedophiles trying to enslave humanity then [they] should be concerned to the point of panic and error. The desicion on how to freak out over being caught in a special kind of faux elite dystopia surveillance state is their to make now. What fun!
Edit to add:
Among the Stars- the "elite" as they think of themselves
Moon, Jupiter, and Mars- the places they meet and coordinate agenda or do dirty deeds.
Two buildings behind fence- a physical safe place that is compromised by 4th Psyop Group
Soldier creating cartoon- a "We see and saw what you did there."
Soldiers moving- we're coming for you.
NYC- 911 reference and its global network is known
"Life is like on J. and M."- we'll be watching you enjoy a living hell knowing your safe places will have no life soon.
Looking at old videos on that Youtube account, there are 2 videos that have thumbnails of the woman in the new "Among the Stars" video as well as some other scenes: soldiers rounding corner with guns, flashing light in war room, woman drawing cartoon on computer, blue lines around world, camera detected on house. These videos are from 3 and 4 years ago. Linked below.
I DO BELIEVE THAT WE, as a NATION, are INCHING ever so closely to the moment in history that EVERYONE is awake:
Gov Officials take 20 phones from President Trumps advisers
1:00p.m. - IRS has 2 people testifying
2 Jan 6 Ladies are NOW UNDER INDICTMENT---2 1/2 YEARS later
The "arrest" of a POLITICAL OPPONENT
Xiden running his '24 campaign from his Delaware home due to it's history...what poppy-cock!!!
As time goes by in the next few weeks there will be more to add...we are SLOWLY approaching the threshold of TYRANNY and that is something that I and MANY OTHER FOUGHT AGAINST!!!!!
Getting about that time to Lock, Cock and Get Ready to Rock!!!🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨
Based on the part where a soldier is making a digital illustration on a monitor, the message I interpreted was "We can play the cultural manipulation game too."
The last clip is impressive... showing that their surveillance reach is instantaneous and worldwide.
And the animation of the security camera on the building should speak volumes... if you have home surveillance cameras that connect to WiFi or Bluetooth and or has remote viewing on your cellphone it should come as no surprise but “they” can access the feed in real time, anytime.
A few things I picked up on whilst watching a few times, might be nothing but who know's?
I noticed the main terminal computer screens had like loading bars (two thin blue bars) at almost 100%
Either a SpecOps soldier or perhaps a Space Force soldier standing to the right hand side.
The other big thing that jumped out at me was the start of the "cyber map" (for want of a better description) the center or start point was centralised on either Manhattan or perhaps Staten Island, but definitely NYC.
Just thoughts, so don't down doot me too hard!
Twin Towers.
Yes could be.
Or the NSA building in Manhattan.
Looks like 40th West and 9th Ave in Manhattan NY, right out side the Port Authority bus terminal. Two pizza restaurants on opposite corners.
TY anon.
The ramp/freeway lit up that they zoom out from is the Port Authority Ramp 96 in New York. What's around it I do not know.
Just an FYI this isn't reddit we don't flex our ego based on votes. We're all cool anons 😎
The ramp/freeway lit up that they zoom out from is the Port Authority Ramp 96 in New York. What's around it I do not know.
Back on the point of the video notice how the ghost is changed from black to white.
Looks like a huge comm.
The message I get from that is military intelligence unmasking the clowns in entertainment and news media as CIA spooks.
Agreed. As fingers are pointed, the masks will also be taken off.
There's another interpretation that comes to mind. The CIA always projected themselves as the ghost in the machine because it sparks paranoia in their targets. Over the past seven years, military intelligence has often employed the deep state's own tactics against them. This is not an exception. Military psyops have turned the tables and they are the ghost in the machine now. The intel community is being driven to paranoia. "Drive your enemy to distemper." "Hunters become the hunted." etc.
Hmmmmm timing re SOF. Boomerang. Not everything is as it seems. Hidden in plain sight. Movie is lighting up. Sunlight being the best disinfectant of course. Create buy in to "child trafficking lite" using diversionary docudrama like SOF (possibly clown released), through negative publicity in MSM and crazy fanning in alternate media; then boom..............it's not what they show as "horrific", it is much worse than you could believe. Hence the truth is not for everyone. Question everything. That is our job.
Clown > ghost
Yeah that seems pretty meaningful
"Clown" == CIA?
"Ghost" == PsyWar allies?
We are everywhere...does that include here on .win 😉😜
Shh 🤫 not to loud, they will hear you. 👻
kek. Whats up 4psy? I know ya'll are on our side. Is the end of this movie getting close? I really have to pee but don't want to miss it....
Kek glad I'm not the only one holding it because I don't wanna miss out. It really starting to get good. We do play supporting roles in this movie so maybe the director will let us run an pee real quick before the climax haha
Oh and yes hello 4psy. Love you guys. God bless u. Praying for you
With very little doubt.
Of course.
So they're everywhere. Even on the moon, Jupiter and Mars.
Don't forget poor Pluto everyone always wants to leave out poor Pluto 😂 lol
Most importantly Uranus
Lol yes that as well. 🤣😁😁🤣
Pluto will always be a planet to me!
Yep that was the precipice for me 😁🤣 the attempt to take Pluto away as a planet.
Im still sad that Pluto is no longer a planet :(
There is a cream for that.
Love your username OP.
A you tuber named TIK has made several very good vidios on the details of the nazis being socialist.
National Socialist party
Yes it's very obvious,but today's socialists are tought that they are right wing, and TIK destroyed their arguments. Point by point...
Here's a link to one of them, you can just type Tik and nazi into Google and a bunch come up. The programing runs deep with today's socialist it's nice to be armed if you talk to any.
Excellent. He destroys the Left in the 1st 4 minutes. It seems to me leftists read history books up until they read “Hitler” and “right wing” and then apply that template to every contemporary conservative, obligating every right-winger as a Nazi, when everything we stand for and say is against socialism and communism. Thanks for posting that video. It should be its own post and stickied.
I don't make posts, so if you want to go ahead.
Anyone can make posts! :) you proved it by posting the video inside of your comment on this thread. After all the potential mincing of words and splitting hairs we likely agree you “made a post” by making a response featuring the video. 🫶🏻
Yes it's a huge red pill, if we use it right. They hate the nazis so much, if we show that they are in fact nazis, they will glitch out......
Didn't even catch it till you mentioned it excellently educational title!
The thing is these labels mean nothing to the puppeteers. They are just tools to achieve their goals and they change from one to another as the situation dictates.
What they really wish to achieve is a neo-feudal fascist state where the lines are blurred between government and corporate to the point they are indistiguishable and the lords rule the serfs with an iron fist akin to Monarchy. They rule through the Divine Right of their gods and the people are merely chattel to exploit. To them were are really sheep and cattle as Q has told us.
Well... Well.... Well
Time of above vid 1:01
05-Nov-2017 5:08:10 PM MST
🔹Graphic confirmed.🔹 Q
02:00 Z
My review, research brought forth the following from watching the video.
There are " numerous" different types of 🔹 Graphic(s)🔹 included within this latest vid
@ 8 seconds - initial 🔹graphic 🔹 of map with various water ways, rivers. Mountain ranges with snow
Within same screen shot "6" computer screens representing the same 🔹 graphic 🔹 2 sets of double blue horizontal lines
@13 Seconds beautiful MIL TECH looking at her screen 🔹 graphics 🔹"6" Blue Circles, '4' to her left, '2' to her right side. / '4' Blurred Lime Green Light Bars - Divideed equally on both sides of tech.
@ 17seconds - 🔹graphic 🔹of 2 buildings surroundrd with metal fence, barbed wire on top. RIGHT building - garage or shed, possible roll up eight panel garage door.
LEFT building - similar size, not as tall in height, flatter, wider roof./ Stairs or ramp by door, above ' captured ' in yellow SECURITY CAMERA. AC unit on opposite side of door (left)
Possible sign on Metal Fence next to locked gate. No visible writing from computer rendering.
@22-23 seconds Black to White ' Spirit '
Q - DROPS 22 & 23
22 31-Oct-2017 10:57:15 PM MDT 4ch/pol
Who controls the NG?
Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?
Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?
Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?
What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?
Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol.
Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.
31-Oct-2017 11:11:52 PM MDT 4ch/pol
Note MI has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA etc as designated post 9-11.
Why is this relevant?
Who can be held hostage and controlled?
CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend against the US executive (not accounting for military use on domestic soil).
Why does the Constitution explicitly grant this authority to the President and what is it to prevent?
They knew our agencies would grow in power so much so they could/can hold the executive hostage or engage with bad actors.
Trump nominated someone new to direct every agency but one.
🔹He controls the top🔹
Need to recharge my phone..
Sorry fellow patriots... That's it for now.
This needs to be its own post with the video linked Anon. Once your phone charges?
Hello Sir
Once I'm done at my Drs appointment will do...
Appreciate the Froggy nod from the mod 🐸
Nice! Thank you Anon.
Posted this about a week ago. Follow their IG as that is far more active than their YT
symbolsdecoded already showed us how to interpret this song.
fly me to the MOON = sending data to remote location (the moon represents the clandestine op that data is being sent to)
visualized perfectly in this video with all the network connections being made across the earth. there is no where left to hide.
Other things to note- when lyrics mention MARS you see visual cut to a soldier. MARS is a comm for war (Aries = god of war = mars)
Planet comms. Basic stuff. learn more here: https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/01/30/comms-list-short-placeholders/
Military Auxiliary Radio System
Moon = where secrets are kept
Stars = like we talk about all the time with celebrities
Jupiter = government
Mars = military
I found the soldier animating a cartoon interesting. We are watching a movie? Are they the ones creating it?
Stood out for me as well. Animation style slightly similar to Pet Goat II? Bad eyes and small phone here.
Yes, @:28 second mark.. Looks Middle East apparel..
I always thought White Hats had a hand in G.I. Joe. Ninja Turtles, Transformers.. in the 80’s.
Neither Google nor Yandex image searches yielded any matches when I tried. Closest was some Iranian cartoons in a different style, but no match for the woman character.
Layover in Vegas. I’m scrolling here. See this same time Sinatra starts fly me to the moon at the exact same time. Trippy
Starts in wall street, NYC
Im startin to get giddy 😍🍿🍿🍿🍿👍🏻
I have bought 2 Ghost Army Pins and lost both of them, jus sayin!
All my pumpkins last year were carved as the ghost. I hadnt carved a pumpkin since my kids were small. They usually sit uncarved on the wifes hay bale display with the mums and the cornstalks and the mutant squashes on the front porch. We arent home for Halloween to pass out candy anymore, we go see the grandkids. Last year though I had em carved and lit up with a big bowl of candy for the little ones to grab for themselves.
The ghost made an appearance in a chalk drawing at a playground the other day…
So what the 4th Psyop Group is saying is that they know what the enemy is saying on Jupiter and Mars. So if Jupiter and Mars are significant to to satanic pedophiles trying to enslave humanity then [they] should be concerned to the point of panic and error. The desicion on how to freak out over being caught in a special kind of faux elite dystopia surveillance state is their to make now. What fun!
Edit to add: Among the Stars- the "elite" as they think of themselves
Moon, Jupiter, and Mars- the places they meet and coordinate agenda or do dirty deeds.
Two buildings behind fence- a physical safe place that is compromised by 4th Psyop Group
Soldier creating cartoon- a "We see and saw what you did there."
Soldiers moving- we're coming for you.
NYC- 911 reference and its global network is known
"Life is like on J. and M."- we'll be watching you enjoy a living hell knowing your safe places will have no life soon.
Just some more thoughts.
I thought they worship Saturn?
"they thought you would follow the stars"
"Undiscovered stars learned"
Digging the Song. I prefer it by Sinatra though.
If anyone has a link to the first ghost drop video, please post it here so the noobs among us can see it? Thanks.
Looking at old videos on that Youtube account, there are 2 videos that have thumbnails of the woman in the new "Among the Stars" video as well as some other scenes: soldiers rounding corner with guns, flashing light in war room, woman drawing cartoon on computer, blue lines around world, camera detected on house. These videos are from 3 and 4 years ago. Linked below.
Video 1, 4 years ago: Welcome to Psychological Operations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvNcLCiG3r0
Video 2, 3 years ago: POQC Class 01-19 Graduation Speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVmZaQaSnLk
I DO BELIEVE THAT WE, as a NATION, are INCHING ever so closely to the moment in history that EVERYONE is awake:
As time goes by in the next few weeks there will be more to add...we are SLOWLY approaching the threshold of TYRANNY and that is something that I and MANY OTHER FOUGHT AGAINST!!!!!
Getting about that time to Lock, Cock and Get Ready to Rock!!!🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨
Based on the part where a soldier is making a digital illustration on a monitor, the message I interpreted was "We can play the cultural manipulation game too."
Great find, channel still looks legit.
Is it a psyop?
Right? Am I the only one here who is put off by this being associated with a squadron that performed psyops to deceive their enemies?
Thanks for asking.
Since this a community for Q trained anons. Hopefully, yes.
Jon from Badlands has an interesting take, see just before the 1 hour mark on Baseless Conspiracies from this week:
He also mentioned it on Alpha's show last night https://rumble.com/v30t1lw-devolution-and-trump-with-jon-patel-patriot.html
Video begins with the 'Dark Side of the Moon'?
Thanks for posting:
Love "Fly me to the moon"
What's the animation on the screens? Are they making cartoons? Looks like someone about to grab a Muslim kid?
What is the normie-excuse for the 4th Psy-op group making and sharing these videos in the first place?
Perhaps normies are unaware of the 4th Psy-op group and/or are unaware of these videos so there's no need for excuses?
Is that a prison in nyc where they were looking through the camera?....saw barb wire fence around the building
The last clip is impressive... showing that their surveillance reach is instantaneous and worldwide.
And the animation of the security camera on the building should speak volumes... if you have home surveillance cameras that connect to WiFi or Bluetooth and or has remote viewing on your cellphone it should come as no surprise but “they” can access the feed in real time, anytime.
“We Are Everywhere”
this is amazing. love how the moon is included. top kek.