- Trump University
- “He’s a Russian patsy”, or something to that effect.
- He said nazis were very fine people. (This one I already have a quality rebuttal for.)
- His Atlantic City casino and unpaid contractors.
- Sexual battery (if they’re being kind) or just rape (if the TDS is severe).
I just want to be able to say, “Well, actually…” when someone says one of these things to me. Anyone got suggestions?
It doesn't matter how perfect the explanation is, they do not think for themselves and will not change their belief
it would have to get bad enough that Antifa endorses Trump for President.
White hats in control of Antifa?
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is also why they’re all jabbed.
Honestly, this is basically the answer.
"They do not think for themselves".
That's why those who start by trying to engage their minds to correct what they think typically fail. Bigly.
Perhaps the KEY is to start with their heart instead of the mind?
Perhaps try creating curiosity and inspiring questions like Q did. Isnt it obvious that trying to force people to accept answers to questions they don't give a fukk about, like a typical school teacher, does not work?
Bottom line, blaming others for ones persuasion failures guarantees more failures and more unreachable hard hearts.
Since these persuasion failures have already caused the lives of loved ones who wouldn't listen to facts about the job, hopefully those deaths will inspire people to become better persuaders since doing so is now, quite literally, a matter of life or death.
#5 - The lady frogs are gonna roast me over this, but it's still true. Billionaires are like rock stars. They can have just about any woman they want. Why would Trump have settled for anything less than a 10 in both looks and character? Have you noticed the ladies that are accusing him? Would you say that any of them are 10's in any way? They're just trying to cash in because some lawyer told them they might at least get a settlement to make them go away like stormy. I'm an old frog and I've never seen him lower his standards.
Thanks Mary911! This argument offends a lot of women.
Why? It’s the truth and has been the way of the world since time began.
Not women of character and faith but still true, nonetheless.
I think you are thinking of left leaning women--most women i know are on board with this- even kick in a comment about a got guy vs a fugly one
Men are visually attracted, women seek protection and security. Nothing wrong with that. Liberal women view the government as the stand in for those things.
I'm a lady giving you an updoot! I think we are all pointing out the glaring facts in this case- why rent a jetta when you have a Maybach at home? Donald doesn't dine at the Golden Corral
Doot for the Maybach doot...
Compare Trump's standards to those of the current resident. It's almost as if his consort gave up from the start. She could never compare to Melania, so she chose to be the worst instead. Did you see her latest nightmare?
The woman is as fashion challenged as I am, and you should see what I wore back in the 80's.
Did it more resemble a sofa or a shower curtain? Just curious.
Worse. Cut off jeans that were so short the pockets were longer than what was left of my Levis and it was the 80's so they were way too tight. We also wore tall socks with stripes around the top. Oh yea, and concert t-shirts with the sleeves cut off. I wasn't alone, the early 80's were just a horrible time for fashion. :)
Except for Member's Only jackets - don't be talking smack about Member's Only...
tell me her bank accounts frozen , The way she dresses
Why would anyone disagree with this? Being a great provider is the male equivalent of having childbearing hips and a small waist.
You’ve said nothing that isn’t completely true.
You can't reason with someone who holds their belief emotionally....
I notice when someone starts talking its...
"I feel like... "insert topic"".
Logic doesn't work with people like this.
Sadly you need a stronger emotional argument.
What a great quote!
I think I stole that from Ann Coulter.
Amygdala highjack!
All of those points are character attacks, and have absolutely nothing to do with his job qualifications for being president of the USA. He has already been president, and his job record reflects well to support his superb qualifications for being president again. The point being- "How does any of that affect his performance as a president?"
The Russian asset accusation is a non-point, because it has been thoroughly proven that the "secret Russian agent" propaganda was all fabricated lies created by the Clinton campaign, and promoted by political enemies.
There is no "sexual battery, or rape" as that would be a criminal offense, which he has not been criminally charged for. So, again a non-point regarding a civil lawsuit, with a Trump hater judge overseeing the case for a money grubbing, gold-digger bitch, both out to "get Trump."
Ad hominem - the most overused of the logical fallacies
On #3, he said “I am sue some are very fine people”. Do they realize that after WW II many of the Nazi leaders were brought to the U.S. and placed in our government? Do the realize that GHW Bush’s father colluded with the Nazis via business? What about the Dems and their love of Socialism, censorship, support of violent BLM and Antifa?
#4-where is the proof contractors were not paid? You can say anything about anybody, but you need proof to back it up. #5-Where is the sexual battery and rape? Do they honestly believe he raped that stupid woman in a department store? He could do better than that lunatic.
What about all the good Trump did for the U.S.: getting persons released being held in foreign countries, lower taxes, higher stock markets, lower interest rates, opportunity zones in inner cities, decreased illegal immigration, building the wall, no wars, 2nd chance for prisoners convicted and spending years in prison for minor felonies/misdemeanors, higher wages, decreased unemployment, etc.
Do they even look at what Biden has done: complicit in child trafficking-85,000 children missing, sniffing children and women, showering with his daughter, rejecting his grandchild, stealing documents as VP and denying the FBI access, shaking down the Ukraine and China, biolabs in Ukraine, breaking up a marriage and marrying a Jill after Joe’s wife was “killed” in a traffic accident, etc.
I did not vote for a saint, i voted for the greatest leader/POTUS in history that just three years ago, HAD the US. record economy and record Low unemployment.
When they say "Pootin" just point out that the massive campaign to frame Trump for Russian collusion turned out to be 100% bullshit made up by their goddess Hillary.
You are arguing with a plant
Trying to argue with a Liberal is like trying to teach a pig to sing. It is a waste of your time and it annoys the pig.
#4 - Large non-governmental construction projects operate under contracts that are termed as "Paid when paid". This means that sub-contractors don't get paid if the main contractor doesn't get paid. The sub-contractors know this when they sign on and know the risks. Sometimes they sign the contracts because it's so profitable to work on these projects. Other times it's because it's the only contract available that can keep their guys working. This is one reason why the big companies prefer government contracts because the government always over pays and the contractors get paid no matter what.
The govt uses shitty plans, and the contractors use change orders to make bank. They bid low to get the job, and make bank on the change orders.
Nothing will ever be valid to them. They are totally incapable of reason.
I'm really surprised that him being a racist is not on the list.
That's always the dims go-to card...
Too much ammo against it
Most common thing that I have heard, "I just never really liked that guy."
Yep. “I’ve always hated him”.
The craziest part is when you actually start researching and listen to him it’s insane. The most strait and narrow brilliant businessman. Literally almost as righteous as you can get.
I’m in awe of the guy and just pray he can see this country correct itself. He’s old. And they’re after him.
Omg….I heard from a severe TDS case, “…because Trump cheated in college.”
Oh, yeah! I forgot about the plagiarism. It was his first year in law school. Wait! That wasn't Trump. Who was it...?
Thot that was Biden.
Exactly. 😉
General: Trump is so clean he squeaks. That is why the DS has to make shit up.
I have a left leaning democrat girlfriend. She would give you her last dime if you needed it however politically she just doesn't get it....She hates Trump. I have tried to red pill her for the last 3 years but to no avail. She thinks Trump is a bully and said the Office of the Presidency should have a respectable man or woman that people can look up to and be proud of. I about choked on my coffee because she voted for Biden. I asked her to give me an example when She saw Trump being a bully besides hearing it on MSM and she quickly changed the subject. I decided to start sending her daily clips of Biden sniffing and fondling children because I know she has not seen these videos on MSM. The latest one I sent was the one of Biden chomping on this little girls back and him sniffing her and the baby girl trying to get away from him. I sent a message with it asking if these actions are appropriate for a President of the United States? She now admits Biden shouldn't be President but neither should Trump. I don't think I will be able to convince her to get on the Trump train as long as she continues to watch MSM.
I was that girlfriend once...it took years of my now husband schooling me and running circles around me in debates before I woke up, but he did not wake me up, my wake up was catching the media lying on multiple occasions. Discrediting the news is important.. he was there with an "I know" to every realization I had. I look back and think I would never have been able to put up with the stupidity if roles were reversed.
i know it is so difficult to try to reason with someone that is so closed minded and brainwashed by MSM. She is an intelligent woman but is clueless as to what is going on in the world around her....she is in her own little bubble. It is getting where we just can't talk politics because I am mentally exhausted trying to convince her to open her eyes and ears. Covid was another subject we beat to death.
How many business ventures has he started? Over 100. How many have failed? Like 5? That would make a 95% success rate for the man.
I heard the numbers as 515 ventures with 9 failures. 98% success rate.
I probably wouldn't bother with most of these people. They have decided they want to dislike the man, and then choose the reason that feels best to give. People like this simply aren't thinking on our level yet. Are they Trump voters? You can dislike a person but still think he would make a good president just as much as you can really like a person but NOT think he'd make a good one.
For some of the people who dislike him for business reasons, you can point out some statistics about how few start up businesses actually are successful and how many "misses" even the most successful people make. How come he actually lost money as president, yet average no name senators become millionaires off a 150,000 a year job?
I dunno, good luck with this. I choose to not really engage with people anymore about this really base-level shit.
I think its better we make a list of the GREAT things he did as President.
I don't think there's any effective counter to such nonsense. It all boils down to "I hate Trump because that's what the TV told me to do!" It's a kind of secular religion to them, and no amount of reasoning will penetrate their knee-jerk defenses.
Trump stopped foreign wars, reshored American manufacturing, secured our borders, made us energy independent, gave you a tax cut, and you're worried he overcharged a few wannabe CEOs?
That was a lie. We've spent the last 4 years hearing it debunked. Hillary Clinton made that up, paid off a washed up British spy to feed it to the FBI, got a corrupt FBI to use the fake report as an excuse to spy on his campaign and then to spy on him in the WH and trash him in the media. Trump has never had anything to do with Vladimir Putin. He did more to weaken Russia economically and geopolitically than anything Obama or Biden did.
Listen to the rest of the quote, literally the rest of the sentence.
Of all the things to worry about in this world, you're still holding a grudge about some contractor a casino hired? Biden's taking multi-million dollar bribes from literally anyone with a checkbook from Ukrainian oligarchs to the chief of the Chinese intelligence agency. He just wasted $200 billion of your tax dollars getting 300K+ Ukrainian put into cemeteries trying to cover it up and you're worried about underpaid janitors?
E Jean Carroll smiles a lot for a woman who was raped and never reported it. I know women who were really raped. They never describe rape as a "fantasy." You should be embarrassed to have believed that lie.
this is some serious reddit energy dude
help i don't know how to debate for myself tell me what to say
I have a friend who relies on name calling; specifically, "fascist." Honestly, an argument with her would be fruitless. I did just suggest that she watch the Sound of Freedom the other day. If she does, the game changes, and conversations become more interesting..
Stay out of the weeds. Avoid details. Listen to Dave X-22 Report.
Here is your best all - purpose argument, "When the guy in the trench next to you is shooting in the right direction, let him keep shooting."
As soon as someone starts about Trump being a Very Bad Man then whatever their reason (and most times they don't even give a reason) I just say "Oh I'm the opposite I really like him."
Awkward silence, but they are desperately inquisitive to find out how it is even possible for anyone to like a guy who to them is irredeemably unlikeable so they always ask me "why?"
I reply "First American president in 40 years not to start a new war." (I am in England.)
They never say anything. What could you say after that because obviously not starting wars outranks anything they could say about grabbing them by the pussy and so on.
I encounter more issues with people on the right who are moving away from him because:
Maybe these people don’t need to be woken up as much as the lefties, but a lot of times I don’t have good responses for them
How do these people think he could have pardoned them? Most (perhaps none?) were charged until weeks later. And his term ended 13 days later. Aside from that, I'm sure he knew the field day the leftists' lawfare goons would have had with anything close to pardons. Vaccine support is ridiculous. He never forced anyone to take a vaccine, unlike Biden.
But I have to add these people are, like the doomers who argue any political efforts including voting or getting active are useless, are certain they know everything they need to know. They aren't interested in hearing or considering anyone else's opinion.
A person convinced against their will is of the same opinion still. You can force feed these idiots but they will never believe. 6% may be a too small of a number!
I would ask them to show your work, since everything you said is patently false. When they say NO!! You prove it! I would say you're the one who is stating reasons why orange man bad, you need to back up your statements, not me.
Successfully persuading someone =/= winning a debate ie beating them with better facts.
Creating an adversarial set up ie "I win. I'm right: You lose. You're wrong" guarantees people will NOT hear what's said much less take what's said to heart.
Debates put everyone in competitive attack and protect mode. He who listens loses.
Scott Adams offers a good intro to persuasion that uses what Trump does to illustrate basic persuasion techniques, "How to Win, Bigly".
Successfully persuading someone involves the same patience and self discipline that's needed to gentle any wild and fearful animal.
Trump University....had to look that one up. Never heard of it. Seems like a really lame excuse not to like Trump because a bunch of losers have sour grapes or just suck in general.
Either way, nobody who disses Trump at this point is going to convert... that is unless we start going over the cliff and they see for themselves, it's the only logical move...then again, stupidity is rampant so who knows.
Don't argue with idiots; it is a waste of time.