Best advice here! And remember, she already knows the answer to questions she is going to ask but will still try to trip you up. Never think you can outsmart them cause all they have to do is make shit up and it's your word v theirs. Heck, even with an attorney probably a good idea to record it all
Not even that. No witnesses. They can probably add in whatever then want.
Next FBI HQ interview, the fact your on second interview is bad. Ever watch Richard Jewell. FBI railroaded his ass. All you need a new FBI blood thirsty agent that wants first arrest. Stop talking.
Edit:- Yacy is returning hits on defunct blogs from 2012 as opposed to 50 pages of CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, FactCheck, VerifyThis, VanityFair, Time, Vox, ScienceToday, RollingStone Magazine, Dickipedia (-hat tip Elon).
Donβt say anything. They donβt just want to talkβ¦they want to find something on you. They (there will be two), will tell you that they agree with your position and they were made to investigate. Lies. Maybe if you know one, have Council presentβ¦
You aren't wrong, but I would definitely agree to tone it down on the digital battlefield if it meant they didnt lol.. maybe I'm getting too loud... I have a pretty large reach on some platforms so that worries me, and I influence influencers to be more engaged in the redpilling of others.
I don't envy the position of having influence. That's likely what made you a target in the first place.
They seem to be more or less content if the bulk of our stuff is within our little bubble, but if we expand to influencers and start making those major waves, you get on their shit list.
In the end, I'm glad I don't have influence. I can get pretty upset with the state of things and say things that I wouldn't normally.
Plus, if you get out there and talk to people that probably also makes you a person of interest whereas many of us keep more to ourselves nowadays.
Regardless, good luck. Be nice and be courteous. Also yes, lawyer.
I bet she's has short hair with a kool-aid coloring, a badge, more than a few extra pounds, and a messed up childhood that sent her into a spiteful career wear she can have power over people who are of a much higher quality than herself.
Dear FBI butch lady, did I hit the nail on the head?
If you go in for your 2nd "interview" without an attorney make sure you have your affairs in order. The average time in prison people that didn't attack the police are getting is between 6 months and 2 years. Some are getting less, some are getting more. Going in without an attorney puts you at unbelievably serious risk of a perjury charge (felony) for lying to the FBI. If you get a date or time wrong, or even some minute detail they will use it.
I think that if this is your 2nd they either didn't get everything they wanted and are fishing, or they have something they think you will omit or change. You are in danger and I would completely change your attitude - this is absolutely serious. If you don't think you can afford an attorney just think what being incarcerated for even 3 months will do to you, and then sell something or borrow money to get an attorney. If you mess up a detail and get charged for perjury you won't need guns anymore - you will be a felon.
Get an attorney and they will tell you whether to meet with them or hold out for a subpoena. DO NOT invite them to your house. DO NOT let them come into your house if they show up unless they produce a warrant. Anything they see while in your house can be used for any crimes no matter what they are there for. Oh - and by all means DO NOT record them if you are in a state with 2-party notifications required unless you tell them you want to record and they agree to it ON TAPE.
This isn't just advice on J6 stuff - this is for EVERY interaction where the police are asking you any type of questions.
My rule (as told to me by federal agents I worked with during my time at the Pentagon) is - I want to remain silent, I want to speak with an attorney, I do not consent to a polygraph, I want to see the warrant or subpoena. There are a few others like "am I being detained" or "am I free to go" but they will probably not come into play here.
Good luck - you get one chance to do this right. FBI is no joke and they are worse now with the weaponization of govt.
There's a great video you can find online of a prestigious ivy league law professor giving a lecture about why you should NEVER talk to any law enforcement official ever under any circumstances because no matter how truthful and honest you try to be, they can ALWAYS twist your words around and convict you of something if they want to.
I don't remember the details, but it should be easy to find.
Can attest- Hubs is retired fed agent- they purposely try to fluster the interviewee withv18 versions of the SAME question to trick you into making a mistake...
Unfortunately....I know this to be a true as a 10 year Detention Deputy. I was interviewed yesterday for 3 hours because I utilized "sick leave" for calling out a day before a hurricane/tropical storm arrived. The day before the storm arrived was classified as a normal day from the sheriff via email complete with the normal scheduling (not the schedule we switch to whenever we have been activated for an emergency/natural disaster). Because I informed them the day prior (which was also considered a "normal" working day that I would not be in on the Tuesday to make the final preparations to my house before potentially being mandated on the Wednesday, they started an investigation where the alleged violation is that of a Level 5 violation and carries a minimum of 40 hours off up to termination. It should be noted again that this was a normal day where you are allowed to utilize sick leave/FMLA. While interviewing with the two sergeants, you would've thought that I murdered a sitting president. So much for us being on the same team and treating each other as family. If this is how you treat other deputies, then maybe civilians have been right all along as to how rude law enforcement can behave. They tried their best to twist my words as well and treated me like a murder suspect. So much for objectivity.
This is one of the many reasons why I started a business. The more I am awakened, I realize that I don't want to be a part of the clown show any longer. I also don't want to have my name attached to a corrupt business. Obviously, I'm aware that the majority of officers simply perform their duties, but like everything else, satanism takes root in the positions of authority and destroys everything.
Do you mind my asking why the FBI is contacting you? I mean, you don't have to be specific. I'm just curious to know if they're checking out GAW users, and if I need to start saving to pay for an attorney, ha!
Nah i was at the capitol on the 6th, had an initial phone call with an agent from dc and this seems to be the Michigan unit conducting their own investigation.
"To live a truly happy life, you have to ignore the opinions of society and walk the path that you want to. In doing that, people will call you crazy. Because in a world that discourages individuality, living a life true to yourself is an act of rebellion."
Literally was at Jan 6th bro wtf u mean "certified mail"? They called me from D.C. a week after that for my first interview and he was super cool and told me I was well within my rights to be where I was.
I hate the rank and vile, but it's not good for you and it's not good for them if you're a dick to them. They may not agree even though statistically it seems likely they do.
In the end, no matter how emotional some patriots get and the colorful ways we express our intentions of freedom, we are ultimately peaceful and it's important to remember that.
Don't talk to one without a lawyer present.
Refuse to meet until they produce a warrant.
Best advice here! And remember, she already knows the answer to questions she is going to ask but will still try to trip you up. Never think you can outsmart them cause all they have to do is make shit up and it's your word v theirs. Heck, even with an attorney probably a good idea to record it all
Do not talk to them at all. Make memes instead :
I use to think about that stuff; it is a truly thrilling way to look at life, the universe and everything. #42
And ask for the warrant first.
Does she dance?
And it is perfectly legal for them to lie to you.
This may be the best advice I've read on the interwebs
This is absolutely critical. It also puts (them) on notice that you're not a pushover.
Even in a public setting?
You can incriminate yourself in a gotcha question without counsel present.
Not even that. No witnesses. They can probably add in whatever then want.
Next FBI HQ interview, the fact your on second interview is bad. Ever watch Richard Jewell. FBI railroaded his ass. All you need a new FBI blood thirsty agent that wants first arrest. Stop talking.
Don't talk at all.
Remember, she already knows what types of porn you watch, so lean into that for your opener.
Offer her a rare pepe as a bribe if things get dicey.
hahaha hell yeah ill show her my set of meme war badges & accolades from u/Dreadnought61 (βα΄₯βΚ)
where can one hunt for rare pepes ?
Here frien, its dangerous to go alone. Take these!!
High five for being a yandexer fren
Freestyle, break it down !,,,,,
Also, run your own search engine :-
Edit:- Yacy is returning hits on defunct blogs from 2012 as opposed to 50 pages of CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, FactCheck, VerifyThis, VanityFair, Time, Vox, ScienceToday, RollingStone Magazine, Dickipedia (-hat tip Elon).
So you've had one interview. The second's purpose is to poke holes in the first one.
The top comment is the best advice. Lawyer. Once you say that word, the interview is OVER. Record and document everything.
Yes- all comms are to go through my lawyer. PERIOD.
Donβt say anything. They donβt just want to talkβ¦they want to find something on you. They (there will be two), will tell you that they agree with your position and they were made to investigate. Lies. Maybe if you know one, have Council presentβ¦
β¦good luck!
But they really wont find anything unless it has to do with some sort of "mIsInForMatIoN" or something that I'm spreading online.
That won't stop them from PLANTING something on you...
You aren't wrong, but I would definitely agree to tone it down on the digital battlefield if it meant they didnt lol.. maybe I'm getting too loud... I have a pretty large reach on some platforms so that worries me, and I influence influencers to be more engaged in the redpilling of others.
I'm torn between messages of "stay safe!" and "give 'em hell!"
I don't envy the position of having influence. That's likely what made you a target in the first place.
They seem to be more or less content if the bulk of our stuff is within our little bubble, but if we expand to influencers and start making those major waves, you get on their shit list.
In the end, I'm glad I don't have influence. I can get pretty upset with the state of things and say things that I wouldn't normally.
Plus, if you get out there and talk to people that probably also makes you a person of interest whereas many of us keep more to ourselves nowadays.
Regardless, good luck. Be nice and be courteous. Also yes, lawyer.
I was about to say, I got way more karma than you and no ones reached out to me π
Donβt show her your weaponβ¦..
.....without consent......
/\ /\ / / ...Without my consent XD
She's definitely already seen every weapon I got lolol
Definetly show her your penis though, she might of thought that you stole it, just to be safe whip it out.
boat accident, lost all the weapons.
I bet she's has short hair with a kool-aid coloring, a badge, more than a few extra pounds, and a messed up childhood that sent her into a spiteful career wear she can have power over people who are of a much higher quality than herself.
Dear FBI butch lady, did I hit the nail on the head?
Here's hoping. π
Hahhaha yesss.. Fits the Ann Arbor type description oh so well LOL
Ask her how she feels about working for an agency the seem hellbent on the destruction of its own host?
Just fuckin fire away right off the bat with redpills haha... Seems dangerous but I like it.
If you go in for your 2nd "interview" without an attorney make sure you have your affairs in order. The average time in prison people that didn't attack the police are getting is between 6 months and 2 years. Some are getting less, some are getting more. Going in without an attorney puts you at unbelievably serious risk of a perjury charge (felony) for lying to the FBI. If you get a date or time wrong, or even some minute detail they will use it.
I think that if this is your 2nd they either didn't get everything they wanted and are fishing, or they have something they think you will omit or change. You are in danger and I would completely change your attitude - this is absolutely serious. If you don't think you can afford an attorney just think what being incarcerated for even 3 months will do to you, and then sell something or borrow money to get an attorney. If you mess up a detail and get charged for perjury you won't need guns anymore - you will be a felon.
Get an attorney and they will tell you whether to meet with them or hold out for a subpoena. DO NOT invite them to your house. DO NOT let them come into your house if they show up unless they produce a warrant. Anything they see while in your house can be used for any crimes no matter what they are there for. Oh - and by all means DO NOT record them if you are in a state with 2-party notifications required unless you tell them you want to record and they agree to it ON TAPE.
This isn't just advice on J6 stuff - this is for EVERY interaction where the police are asking you any type of questions.
My rule (as told to me by federal agents I worked with during my time at the Pentagon) is - I want to remain silent, I want to speak with an attorney, I do not consent to a polygraph, I want to see the warrant or subpoena. There are a few others like "am I being detained" or "am I free to go" but they will probably not come into play here.
Good luck - you get one chance to do this right. FBI is no joke and they are worse now with the weaponization of govt.
Some people say don't talk without a lawyer. I say don't talk PERIOD. Lawyers aren't there to protect you and ANYTHING you say can make you look bad.
Don't try to absolve yourself. Just shut up.
I was thinking of telling them there's no diff then talking on the phone lol
There's a great video you can find online of a prestigious ivy league law professor giving a lecture about why you should NEVER talk to any law enforcement official ever under any circumstances because no matter how truthful and honest you try to be, they can ALWAYS twist your words around and convict you of something if they want to.
I don't remember the details, but it should be easy to find.
Can attest- Hubs is retired fed agent- they purposely try to fluster the interviewee withv18 versions of the SAME question to trick you into making a mistake... Gov ALWAYS ASSUMES GUILT!!!! ALWAYS presumably you mean this one.
Yes, thank you.
Unfortunately....I know this to be a true as a 10 year Detention Deputy. I was interviewed yesterday for 3 hours because I utilized "sick leave" for calling out a day before a hurricane/tropical storm arrived. The day before the storm arrived was classified as a normal day from the sheriff via email complete with the normal scheduling (not the schedule we switch to whenever we have been activated for an emergency/natural disaster). Because I informed them the day prior (which was also considered a "normal" working day that I would not be in on the Tuesday to make the final preparations to my house before potentially being mandated on the Wednesday, they started an investigation where the alleged violation is that of a Level 5 violation and carries a minimum of 40 hours off up to termination. It should be noted again that this was a normal day where you are allowed to utilize sick leave/FMLA. While interviewing with the two sergeants, you would've thought that I murdered a sitting president. So much for us being on the same team and treating each other as family. If this is how you treat other deputies, then maybe civilians have been right all along as to how rude law enforcement can behave. They tried their best to twist my words as well and treated me like a murder suspect. So much for objectivity.
This is one of the many reasons why I started a business. The more I am awakened, I realize that I don't want to be a part of the clown show any longer. I also don't want to have my name attached to a corrupt business. Obviously, I'm aware that the majority of officers simply perform their duties, but like everything else, satanism takes root in the positions of authority and destroys everything.
Good luck with your interview. Like all good scouts, be prepared.
Never open the door. If you talk to them at all, do it through a window.
OOh thats smart.. Bring em to the porch... they already know where I live anyways, and it would save me gas money lol
Keeping you in my prayers fren! π
I do think an attorney is wise. Please give us a follow-up.
Wait, for real?
Do you mind my asking why the FBI is contacting you? I mean, you don't have to be specific. I'm just curious to know if they're checking out GAW users, and if I need to start saving to pay for an attorney, ha!
Nah i was at the capitol on the 6th, had an initial phone call with an agent from dc and this seems to be the Michigan unit conducting their own investigation.
You rebel!!!
"To live a truly happy life, you have to ignore the opinions of society and walk the path that you want to. In doing that, people will call you crazy. Because in a world that discourages individuality, living a life true to yourself is an act of rebellion." Nietzsche
Holy fuck, the jailing of dissent is totally in full swing now.
So hot right now
When is enough, ENOUGH? I have heard the "if they try this, or they try that" and redline after redline has been broken, nothing ever gets done.
Ah, yeah being at the capitol will definitely make them ask questions. Still a fucked up situation in regards to that.
Ask how agent Timothy McVeigh AKA Paul Wysopaly is doing and how the bureau's new terror plots they are cooking up are going.
Only Homosexuals work for the FBI. So, getting laid is out of the question.
It could be Lisa Page, she might be looking for someone new, by now!
I ended up finding her. She's an air force veteran with a family full of vets. Hoping she remembers the oath
A family of brainwashed military types, horrible luck.
Best advice... act like you never saw the email.. if it's important they will come to your door.. otherwise it's a fishing expedition...
Starting off strong with a power flex. I like it. Exert dominance. Become the alpha.
That is not going to fly, as they are likely already monitoring him here in order to poke holes like that. He'll just end up incriminating himself.
How? By NOT talking NOT acknowledging an email? If it's important they don't send an email..
Would you answer an email saying they were feds?
He has already acknowledged the email here. It's not hard to understand.
Already cordially emailed her back
Prove he got the email- This is why certified mail exists-ask any Court
He already acknowledged it here. Just like all of the communications on Hunter's laptop, that is in fact enough to incriminate.
Literally was at Jan 6th bro wtf u mean "certified mail"? They called me from D.C. a week after that for my first interview and he was super cool and told me I was well within my rights to be where I was.
Donβt let her honeypot you!
"Listen, she's not honey-potting you, and I'm not honey-dickin' him" lol
Your post here raises a thought. How did they track you down?
If they're using facial recognition to track people for persecution, we need to know.
Facial has been used for years- they just arent using it in COURT-
Possibly cell phone tracking data mixed with complaints online of me helping blow the lid off what actually happened.
Your first mistake was participating in a first interview. Hopefully that does not ruin your life.
"I don't answer questions."
Tell her that her double chin is cute. Girls love that.
Please answer, we wish to install child pron on your laptop.
Scariest outcome.
Tell her to send nudes.
Conversation may be recorded for training purposes.
I had an interview once and she was smokin.
At least your FBI date is female. Mine was male.
Plead the Fifth!
Don't try this....
Aside from other advice, don't be a dick.
I hate the rank and vile, but it's not good for you and it's not good for them if you're a dick to them. They may not agree even though statistically it seems likely they do.
In the end, no matter how emotional some patriots get and the colorful ways we express our intentions of freedom, we are ultimately peaceful and it's important to remember that.
If that meant anything, it would have come certified mail- IGNORE and BLOCK
Since you covered over the name of the agent, itβs hard to believe this is real, as some here seem to think. Good joke though.
Who else thinks its fake? /u/ call em out, I dont see 1 but you.
Why would I doxx a fucking SA before I meet with her when she probably has full access to anything I do or say? Id rather be kind and karmic.
Worst comment in the thread award, congrats.