I worked with a guy who was assigned the task of eulogzing Lyndon Johnson for the congressional record and thus a book published with the eulogies
He despised johnson, and when I say despise, I mean hate. The result could be taken as a respectful tribute unless you understood the author's motives. Then the parody was obvious.
Very interesting death date of Nov 30. Same as another high level cabal shitbag George HW Bush in 2018. I have been unable to figure out what exactly the significance of this date is. Maybe there was some Nov 30 event that both Kissinger and Bush Sr. were involved with?
Politically correct sucks. But in today’s society it’s a very unfortunate truth. So many fucking pussies get their panties twisted up tight when they hear something not perfectly aligned with their rainbow visions.
Hence my position at the fire department being eliminated for ‘24 fiscal year. I allegedly ‘mansplained’ and ‘talked down to’ members during trainings. 4 ‘females’ on the roster. Ones a guy they/them pretending to be the girl for the butchish girl they/them of that couple. A third works in Boulder for a dem house representative. I knew she was going to be an issue when we interviewed her. And the 4th cried when I didn’t sign her off immediately on chainsaw certification because she wanted to get it completed before she started going camping and climbing for the summer even though she could barely hold the saw.
Then I am sure you will not mind if everyone aired out your daughter's dirty laundry at her funeral. I bet everyone would love to hear how much of a whore she was, and how much of a bad parent you are, to everyone. They can even pee on her grave! Last disrespects to everyone!
There is a big reason why strong, based men came up and instilled this rule into each and every single one of us more than 1400 years before you were born; to maintain dignity and politeness.
Also, there is a word to describe people who insult people who can't physically talk back:
I am sure your logic applies to everyone's favorite evil guy, Hitler, right?
People still speak ill of him and he's been dead for a while.
So why, if people can speak ill of Hitler, or Stalin, or <pick favorite cabal-advertised evil guy here>, it's not ok to speak ill of other cabal figureheads?
OK, I'm picturing a scene at a funeral. Someone's daughter died and you have a crowd of people pissing on her grave and talking about how much of a whore she was, while you stand off to the side shouting "COWARD" at the parents of the deceased.
Tell me again about 'strong, based' men instilling dignity 1400+ years ago into each and everyone of us. It sounds like an interesting religion you have going on.
To be meek requires strength. To have strength means you can change the world around you. It is odd that we are told to be meek with the insinuation that we shut up and take it. IIRC Christ whipped the shit out of the money lenders in the temple. We forget we are called to have righteous indignation.
The insinuation of 'shut up and take it' is a typical khazarian/satanist corruption of the words of Jesus. The entire 'bible' is full of them. This is a big one.
When faced with injustice/evil the answer is NO: I DO NOT CONSENT. Not "shut up and take it". That's a khazarian trick to keep you enslaved.
On that Day, EVERY knee will bow before Jesus. He will say to Mary "Well done, my good and faithful servant" and those who do not obey His word, He will say "I never knew you; depart from me, you who practice lawlessness!" Matthew 6:15 "But if you will not forgive others (nurturing your hurt and anger with the result that it interefers with your relationship with God), then your Father will not forgive your trespasses."
Mary - does the Bible give instruction or guidance on speaking ill of the dead?
I don't believe so.
Therefore, there is no truth to that superstition and to mix that superstition in with words on what we're supposed to do as Christians is mixing authority of "the dead" with the authority of God.
Still, is it the right thing to do? I'm not so sure. But I'm not reflecting on the superstition that the dead have some sort of power here - but instead I'm reflecting on "What does God say about it?".
I'd argue that submitting to fear of what speaking ill of "the dead" will produce in our lives is a spiritual issue and would fall under:
“You shall have no other gods before Me.”
If we believe that God is all powerful - submit to His view and total sovereignty, including power over "the dead" - and have no fear of any thing except Him.
Yep, it’s okay for everyone to keep lying, not telling the truth, not calling the evil actors out.
Kissinger went straight to hell. It’s up to the people alive today to explain to the public why this man was evil and how we can prevent another Kissinger from ever happening again.
One of Schwab's mentors in a way. His Harvard scholar program which Schwab attended seemed to have been an inspiration for the WEF young leaders thing.
Good catch. Very much the neutral genius in Watchmen who made up Aliens or Dr Manhattan as the baddie in order to unite America and Russia. I'm their minds, people like this are willing to commit atrocities for the greater good, when in reality they just perpetuate the problem. Their actions create more problems down the road, like the Kmher Rouge or Mujahideen/Al Qaeda/UBL, or Pablo Escobar/Crack epidemic in America.
This was a nice job by Mike Johnson. Henry Kissinger deserved to be damned with praise, just like Hillary Clinton got damned by President Trump recently by calling her a beautiful lady.
November 30 also marks National Computer Security Day, Computer Security Day on November 30th reminds us to protect our computers. Every day, computers become faster and more advanced. Protecting the resources, tools, and information on them protects the people who use them, too
I think Speaker Johnson, is performing a balancing act. No matter what he may personally feel about this demon, he is required to perform his duties in a professional manner, in order to carry out his responsibilities in the proper decorum. Your mileage may vary. I'd be surprised if those were his own words.
Came here to talk about his incredibly neutral language. I didn't read praise; I read that HK had big effects.
"ensure global peace and freedom abroad" doesn't sound that neutral to me. Sounds like praise. And lies.
He left out the last part of that sentence.
"... remembered for his efforts to ensure global peace and freedom abroad can never be achieved. ..."
I worked with a guy who was assigned the task of eulogzing Lyndon Johnson for the congressional record and thus a book published with the eulogies He despised johnson, and when I say despise, I mean hate. The result could be taken as a respectful tribute unless you understood the author's motives. Then the parody was obvious.
This...he can't just come out and say fuck that khazarian deep stater
Very interesting death date of Nov 30. Same as another high level cabal shitbag George HW Bush in 2018. I have been unable to figure out what exactly the significance of this date is. Maybe there was some Nov 30 event that both Kissinger and Bush Sr. were involved with?
wondering 11.3, drop the zero??
Then he could also not say anything or keep it to one sentence. Like Trump does.
Ruth was, publicly at least, a prolific pioneer so it is accurate in that respect.
At least that prolific pioneer no longer haunts the bench.
Politically correct sucks. But in today’s society it’s a very unfortunate truth. So many fucking pussies get their panties twisted up tight when they hear something not perfectly aligned with their rainbow visions.
Hence my position at the fire department being eliminated for ‘24 fiscal year. I allegedly ‘mansplained’ and ‘talked down to’ members during trainings. 4 ‘females’ on the roster. Ones a guy they/them pretending to be the girl for the butchish girl they/them of that couple. A third works in Boulder for a dem house representative. I knew she was going to be an issue when we interviewed her. And the 4th cried when I didn’t sign her off immediately on chainsaw certification because she wanted to get it completed before she started going camping and climbing for the summer even though she could barely hold the saw.
Apologies for the rant.
The comments are gold.
Perhaps, if Johnson is part of the Plan, this is the purpose of his tweet. The sheep will not be swayed unless they see the herd going along.
They put John McCain to death and said nice things about him too
Lol...the comments. Priceless.
Sorry. I don’t agree. How about we all start telling the truth? You know, like calling people out and describing their evil acts in minute detail?
This kind of lip service is what got us here in the first place.
Then I am sure you will not mind if everyone aired out your daughter's dirty laundry at her funeral. I bet everyone would love to hear how much of a whore she was, and how much of a bad parent you are, to everyone. They can even pee on her grave! Last disrespects to everyone!
There is a big reason why strong, based men came up and instilled this rule into each and every single one of us more than 1400 years before you were born; to maintain dignity and politeness.
Also, there is a word to describe people who insult people who can't physically talk back:
I am sure your logic applies to everyone's favorite evil guy, Hitler, right?
People still speak ill of him and he's been dead for a while.
So why, if people can speak ill of Hitler, or Stalin, or <pick favorite cabal-advertised evil guy here>, it's not ok to speak ill of other cabal figureheads?
OK, I'm picturing a scene at a funeral. Someone's daughter died and you have a crowd of people pissing on her grave and talking about how much of a whore she was, while you stand off to the side shouting "COWARD" at the parents of the deceased.
Tell me again about 'strong, based' men instilling dignity 1400+ years ago into each and everyone of us. It sounds like an interesting religion you have going on.
My daughter didn’t cause 4 million people to be murdered by a corrupt government.
Exactly. And it is also a formality to say something positive when a public figure has died.
Hence why Potus says "beautiful hillary" now
Trump don't name doubles
I agree, too many Christians take meek as be a cuck
I have no patience for Christians who like to keep the sword of truth sheated.
To be meek requires strength. To have strength means you can change the world around you. It is odd that we are told to be meek with the insinuation that we shut up and take it. IIRC Christ whipped the shit out of the money lenders in the temple. We forget we are called to have righteous indignation.
The insinuation of 'shut up and take it' is a typical khazarian/satanist corruption of the words of Jesus. The entire 'bible' is full of them. This is a big one.
When faced with injustice/evil the answer is NO: I DO NOT CONSENT. Not "shut up and take it". That's a khazarian trick to keep you enslaved.
On that Day, EVERY knee will bow before Jesus. He will say to Mary "Well done, my good and faithful servant" and those who do not obey His word, He will say "I never knew you; depart from me, you who practice lawlessness!" Matthew 6:15 "But if you will not forgive others (nurturing your hurt and anger with the result that it interefers with your relationship with God), then your Father will not forgive your trespasses."
Mary - does the Bible give instruction or guidance on speaking ill of the dead?
I don't believe so.
Therefore, there is no truth to that superstition and to mix that superstition in with words on what we're supposed to do as Christians is mixing authority of "the dead" with the authority of God.
Still, is it the right thing to do? I'm not so sure. But I'm not reflecting on the superstition that the dead have some sort of power here - but instead I'm reflecting on "What does God say about it?".
I hope you can see my intent is not malicious.
I'd argue that submitting to fear of what speaking ill of "the dead" will produce in our lives is a spiritual issue and would fall under:
“You shall have no other gods before Me.”
If we believe that God is all powerful - submit to His view and total sovereignty, including power over "the dead" - and have no fear of any thing except Him.
Playing his role. He is still speaker
Agree. Trump said beautiful things when Queen Elizabeth died.
Yep, it’s okay for everyone to keep lying, not telling the truth, not calling the evil actors out.
Kissinger went straight to hell. It’s up to the people alive today to explain to the public why this man was evil and how we can prevent another Kissinger from ever happening again.
Shame on Mike Johnson.
Better to say nothing. He was a self serving globalist.
Who did nothing in life to deserve any post- death lip service from tard Johnson
When will these simple ass bitches understand we are fucking sick and tired of this self imposed misguided sense of propriety.? Fuck
One of Schwab's mentors in a way. His Harvard scholar program which Schwab attended seemed to have been an inspiration for the WEF young leaders thing.
Yes, and his polite comments give way to the readers truth bombs. His words are the start of a pathway of truth.
Q Post 3916– He was a one world globalist and supported UN troops in this country.
Good catch. Very much the neutral genius in Watchmen who made up Aliens or Dr Manhattan as the baddie in order to unite America and Russia. I'm their minds, people like this are willing to commit atrocities for the greater good, when in reality they just perpetuate the problem. Their actions create more problems down the road, like the Kmher Rouge or Mujahideen/Al Qaeda/UBL, or Pablo Escobar/Crack epidemic in America.
"Giant of a man." ?
Maybe the statement is more about slaying giants than honoring them? The bigger the opponent the bigger the win.
Nicely played... ;)
I had no problem with what he said in the beginning until he mentioned Kissinger “insured global peace and freedom abroad “
😂 are we allowed to say the air smells fresher today? I didn’t say what stunketh. [☠️DINGDONG☠️]
Wow this changes a lot of opinions on the “Speaker”
He must’ve gotten ChatGPT to write it. Lol
This is boilerplate politician crap, who cares.
Great comments below
This was a nice job by Mike Johnson. Henry Kissinger deserved to be damned with praise, just like Hillary Clinton got damned by President Trump recently by calling her a beautiful lady.
Sometimes I wonder if they are doing this to gauge the level of the great awakening.
Lol, & then there's Catturd, saying Kissinger died with a pic of Saurman🐸
😁If you can view Truth links... https://truthsocial.com/@catturd2/111497168906609529
I'd make it nice and rosie too
so then there's no debate from the main stream.
It's like, so long bitches ~~
Mike Johnson probably does not know what all of us know about him. If he reads this thread, he may get a clue and search around himself.
November 30 also marks National Computer Security Day, Computer Security Day on November 30th reminds us to protect our computers. Every day, computers become faster and more advanced. Protecting the resources, tools, and information on them protects the people who use them, too
Flowers on the casket, frens... Nothing more...
Gaging where the normies are at. Or just being polite. I don't expect anything different said.
Please stop with the litmus tests. not every statement is "coms" God has instructed us NOT to celebrate over the calamites of other people.
Saying something nice about a globalist is NOT treason
I wish we had time to bury them fellas.
To hell with them fellas. Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms. (Josey Wales)
Why are we arguing about any of this? We all have the same goal, lets get there.
I think Speaker Johnson, is performing a balancing act. No matter what he may personally feel about this demon, he is required to perform his duties in a professional manner, in order to carry out his responsibilities in the proper decorum. Your mileage may vary. I'd be surprised if those were his own words.