👍God Bless President Donald Trump, his wife, family, legal team, friends, Q followers, most of all his security team and their families too, God Bless America and you the reader Too. 🙏
The linked article says there's a stay on the ruling since the ruling will move on to an appellate court.
Judges, especially in Leftist controlled cities and states are elected political operatives. Issuing this ruling makes them heroes. its irrelevant that the ruling is totally unconstitutional since they won't be punished for it but instead will be rewarded.
Obviously the exposure of wide spread judicial corruption and getting people to WAKE UP then getting them to viscerally understand how this corruption is a fatal poison that will kill us all == necessary to our survival
Operation Drain the Swamp =/= just revealing a few corrupts or just DCs corruption.
As Q pointed out MANY times and in MANY different ways.
If the supreme court does as simply as say they will consider taking it up the court said they will permanently stay the order. This was for headlines and nothing else.
There should be some kind of court which judges JUDGES so that when they pull some shit like this they may have to defend their actions in court. I think you could give that power to the elected officials so that it becomes part of the balance of powers.
I'm not being the 'sauce please' guy, but I want to read about this from a legal perspective. Do you have a link?
Edit: Found it. The majority wrote in their brief:
"Therefore, the Secretary may not list President Trump's name on the 2024 presidential primary ballot, nor may she count any write-in votes cast for him."
Surely it would be. This is a matter of national concern on a topic that has no precedence. If they don't touch this case there might be some very angry people (i.e. FBI agents undercover as J6 grannies to murder judges).
My honest guess is they just kick it back down to the lower courts since it's such a lightning rod of a case. But the fact that no convictions have taken place that line up with with 14th Amendment, they could also easily dismiss it if they wanted to (I think. I am not a lawyer)
Suit yourself, anon but IF the CO SC ruling is upheld by appeals courts, anons write in won't be counted.
Personally, I prefer to let this lawfare battle play out without taking the temptation paint to poison myself with toxic emotions.
After all, this is another necessary part of President Trumps Operation Drain the Swamp to reveal the previously hidden Corruption.
These continuing Drain the Swamp Revealations helps spread The Great Awakening that leads to Precipice Awareness and the decision to change in order to live.
Remember Qs movie link, "its only when humans are on the precipice facing total destruction that they find the will to change"?
First for Primary (which is what this kicks him off off), and then for National. Someone better lead this shit in Colorado. That's a monumental task. Boebert? Can she pull all of those folks together twice?
Didn’t the civil war start because Lincoln was kept off the ballot in southern states? Is agitate a civil war the final refuge for the cabal? Serious question.
Divide and conquer is their way. Black v white, rich v poor, left v right, science v deniers, Israel v Hamas, Ukraine v Russia, man v woman, life v choice, etc.
Possibly. They know they can't legitimately win and can't cheat hard enough to achieve a Dem win that a requisite proportion of The People would accept, so it's possible they may try "something" very out-of-the-ordinary (like a civil war or a "The Second Coming" hoax or an "aliens" hoax or who-knows-what-else) to give them some bs excuse to not hold elections.
The peoples court has disqualified the Colorado Supreme Court. Another culling taking place. Next will be an U.S. appeals court, then maybe the u.s. Supreme Court. Another judicial district screwing up to expose another soros shill or two.
Well, that beats the crap out of the Dominion system of flipping votes from "R" to "d" without our knowledge. at least we have a strong Constitutional case to SCOTUS.
The 14th Amendment doesn't even apply to the President or Vice President.
States don't have the power to keep a candidate off the ballot in a federal election either, only Congress can. Congress would have had to declare the J6'ers as insurrectionists and disqualified them from public office. Trump was acquitted by the Senate in the 2nd impeachment.
Also, in order for Congress to declare Trump and any other J6’ers ‘insurrectionists’, Trump would have had to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807, which he did not.
A logical extension of the communist cancel culture ideology. The republican party has willingly allowed (and assisted in) the rightful president of the USA (DJT) to be de-platformed.
Do it! The real insurrection was 11.3 and getting all states to do this will ensure that most of congress and all of the current administration is ineligible to run.
Remove these fucks from town/city councils, remove them from school boards, make noise and get media attention, go after their public surety bonds, class action disenfranchisement
"Can we fast forward through this part of the movie, please?"
Great news anon,
Time flies when one keeps busy while for those who just sit and watch "the pot never boils".
Fortunately, there's plenty to keep anons VERY busy since in just 321 DAYS each anons chances to help re elect President Trump will be GONE FOREVER.
Personally, I do NOT want to " fast forward through" any of this all too fleeting, irrepeatable, adventure. Instead I want to savor every single moment. And I hope I look back on this time without regret.
The sooner they can get the Supreme Court to weigh in on this nonsense the better.
There must be pedophiles or grifters on that court.
👍God Bless President Donald Trump, his wife, family, legal team, friends, Q followers, most of all his security team and their families too, God Bless America and you the reader Too. 🙏
Using a crystal ball or time machine, dear doom guess poster?
Perhaps ponder the impact of sharing doom guesses on our chances to survive the Malevolent's humanity destroying, Storm?
The only way the ship and crew survive is if everyone does their part otherwise the ship sinks and everyone drowns or is eaten alive by sharks.
Morale Matters. Alot. Hence PsyOps.
Or just stating what we’ve seen happen already. We should wait to see if the SC picks up this case - we have less than 1 year left.
umm what? There have been no convictions. Only whimsies
The linked article says there's a stay on the ruling since the ruling will move on to an appellate court.
Judges, especially in Leftist controlled cities and states are elected political operatives. Issuing this ruling makes them heroes. its irrelevant that the ruling is totally unconstitutional since they won't be punished for it but instead will be rewarded.
Obviously the exposure of wide spread judicial corruption and getting people to WAKE UP then getting them to viscerally understand how this corruption is a fatal poison that will kill us all == necessary to our survival
Operation Drain the Swamp =/= just revealing a few corrupts or just DCs corruption.
As Q pointed out MANY times and in MANY different ways.
If the supreme court does as simply as say they will consider taking it up the court said they will permanently stay the order. This was for headlines and nothing else.
There should be some kind of court which judges JUDGES so that when they pull some shit like this they may have to defend their actions in court. I think you could give that power to the elected officials so that it becomes part of the balance of powers.
When have facts mattered at all to the deep state.?
It said that write in votes won't be counted. Totally corrupt!
I'm not being the 'sauce please' guy, but I want to read about this from a legal perspective. Do you have a link?
Edit: Found it. The majority wrote in their brief:
SCOTUS will be the only thing to stop this.
This is so bullshit, but I have little hope SCOTUS will intervene here.
I think SCOTUS' hand will be forced to intervene, but not sure what the outcome will be.
Surely it would be. This is a matter of national concern on a topic that has no precedence. If they don't touch this case there might be some very angry people (i.e. FBI agents undercover as J6 grannies to murder judges).
My honest guess is they just kick it back down to the lower courts since it's such a lightning rod of a case. But the fact that no convictions have taken place that line up with with 14th Amendment, they could also easily dismiss it if they wanted to (I think. I am not a lawyer)
So, they will have no Republican option on the ballot? Yeah that's full blown voters suppression, this won't stick
No, If this somehow goes through, whoever wins the Republican primary will be on the ballot.
"Write in candidate it is then".
Suit yourself, anon but IF the CO SC ruling is upheld by appeals courts, anons write in won't be counted.
Personally, I prefer to let this lawfare battle play out without taking the temptation paint to poison myself with toxic emotions.
After all, this is another necessary part of President Trumps Operation Drain the Swamp to reveal the previously hidden Corruption.
These continuing Drain the Swamp Revealations helps spread The Great Awakening that leads to Precipice Awareness and the decision to change in order to live.
Remember Qs movie link, "its only when humans are on the precipice facing total destruction that they find the will to change"?
First for Primary (which is what this kicks him off off), and then for National. Someone better lead this shit in Colorado. That's a monumental task. Boebert? Can she pull all of those folks together twice?
We need some kind of plan to write him in when they try to stop us.
If I have to just scrawl his name on any blank space on the ballot, that's exactly what I'll do.
The ruling specifically says that write in votes for him cannot be counted.
Don't care. Still writing him in. It ain't much but it's a start, as far as taking a stand.
Mods can we get this stickied? This is our next front.
Thanks! Did it! TIL.
Time to send ALL the illegals to Denver.
Didn’t the civil war start because Lincoln was kept off the ballot in southern states? Is agitate a civil war the final refuge for the cabal? Serious question.
No. It started because some southern states seceded after he won the election.
Divide and conquer is their way. Black v white, rich v poor, left v right, science v deniers, Israel v Hamas, Ukraine v Russia, man v woman, life v choice, etc.
Possibly. They know they can't legitimately win and can't cheat hard enough to achieve a Dem win that a requisite proportion of The People would accept, so it's possible they may try "something" very out-of-the-ordinary (like a civil war or a "The Second Coming" hoax or an "aliens" hoax or who-knows-what-else) to give them some bs excuse to not hold elections.
"Straight to SCOTUS".
The next step is typically to the appellate court, anon. However, perhaps Trumps lawyers will do a Jack Smith.
Those who are still alive will find out if they stay tuned in.
Good. This will VOID the entire state vote from the 2024 Fed. election.
How so?
This is not in any way correct.
Sadly that's not how that works and not how it will work.
The peoples court has disqualified the Colorado Supreme Court. Another culling taking place. Next will be an U.S. appeals court, then maybe the u.s. Supreme Court. Another judicial district screwing up to expose another soros shill or two.
We have seen this before.
Cancel the primary and do a caucus.
In the back of my mind: if Trump is not on the November ballot, then the state loses all its electoral votes.
Well, that beats the crap out of the Dominion system of flipping votes from "R" to "d" without our knowledge. at least we have a strong Constitutional case to SCOTUS.
Failing that???
Time for a circumvention of this BS. I like your thinking!
The 14th Amendment doesn't even apply to the President or Vice President.
States don't have the power to keep a candidate off the ballot in a federal election either, only Congress can. Congress would have had to declare the J6'ers as insurrectionists and disqualified them from public office. Trump was acquitted by the Senate in the 2nd impeachment.
Also, in order for Congress to declare Trump and any other J6’ers ‘insurrectionists’, Trump would have had to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807, which he did not.
A logical extension of the communist cancel culture ideology. The republican party has willingly allowed (and assisted in) the rightful president of the USA (DJT) to be de-platformed.
This is just gonna make me vote for him EVEN HARDER 😡
Do it! The real insurrection was 11.3 and getting all states to do this will ensure that most of congress and all of the current administration is ineligible to run.
CO is a s**thole. Wants to be like MN and NY. Unreal. Seems like everyday things get worse and worse.
Hey, I own land there in the mountains and it's gorgeous. You shut your mouth ;)
There are beautiful places in South American shit holes too.
It's not nature that makes places a shithole after all.
Agree. California, Hawaii, both dumpster fires interspersed with incredible beauty.
So this will go to the US Supreme Court, and what - they'll decide if Trump "engaged in insurrection" per the 14th?
There is a Plan B. Do these retards not realize that?
People in CO need to take back their local gov
Remove these fucks from town/city councils, remove them from school boards, make noise and get media attention, go after their public surety bonds, class action disenfranchisement
Trump will be absolved, allowed on ballot, but this will be precedence for others to be restricted from ever running again: Obama's, Bidens, etc
Its my bet that the Supreme Court won't act in Trumps favor... Military is the only way.
Can we fast forward through this part of the movie, please? 🙄😤😡
"Can we fast forward through this part of the movie, please?"
Great news anon,
Time flies when one keeps busy while for those who just sit and watch "the pot never boils".
Fortunately, there's plenty to keep anons VERY busy since in just 321 DAYS each anons chances to help re elect President Trump will be GONE FOREVER.
Personally, I do NOT want to " fast forward through" any of this all too fleeting, irrepeatable, adventure. Instead I want to savor every single moment. And I hope I look back on this time without regret.
This is the part of the movie where corruption is openly shown to the people.
figures, Colorado could be seen as a swing state providing 10 electoral votes.
Now what?
Write in. 👍
The ruling specifically says that write in votes for him cannot be counted.
Griswold is a Soros baby, protecting her ugly ass is her job now... 😒
Gee I wonder where this goes.
...whatever happened to 'INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty"?
😱😡😱 😱😡😱 😱😡😱 😱😡😱
Yellow bellied rat bastards - fixed it for ya 🥰
They are gonna rig Colorado again. He wouldn't have won here anyway.
Of course they'll try to rig elections again. Rigged elections are nothing new.
What IS new?
Peoples awareness and determination to defeat the cheaters.
Trying to "rig elections again =/= succeeding.
Whether they succeed or fail is up to YOU, and me, each one of us.
321 DAYS left.
Doesn't sound like they think so.
Colorado - the next Chicago
how, trump has not been convicted of anything.