WHO vetted Tucker? ************
Why is he the chosen one for the everyday folks as a spokes person?
Vetted: requiring secrecy, loyalty, or trustworthiness.
"each applicant will be vetted by police"
Wonder if Tucker is doing a bait and switch redpill?
Tucker: “Did you like that interview with Spacey? Interesting conversation, yes? Well, it was fake. Computer generated. What’s called a “deep fake” (or AI whatever). It wasn’t real. This is the kind of technology the DS has AND are using on you…to control the narrative. Are you shocked? You should be. And angry. Now, not only can you NOT believe what MSM and Hollywood are telling you; you can’t believe your eyes either.”
**Is this a prelude to, soften up the public for doubles and mask disclosure? Hmmm….
That’s why when Q came on the scene and suggested they had it “all” and specified certain evidence about Obama was obtained…. He went into a complete panic about deep fakes and whatnot becoming such a huge threat.
At this point the “deepfakes” we were being shown were crude and easy as heck to spot, what did Obama know? Or better yet what is he hiding?
These deep state agents love to negate to tell people though….
…. Any computer STRONG enough to make a deep fake or otherwise realistically convincing image….
Can also DETECT said images… IE you can’t make a computer so “strong” it even out smarts it’s SELF….
Oops there goes your “deep fake” excuse…. There goes your digital id media watermarks and censorship….
No, he's playing his Frank Underwood role from his Netflix show. He did the same exaggerated character in a strange Christmas video a few years back.. my guess is this is a deep fake.
THIS. For everyone here who never watched House of Cards they arent going to get it and its going to come off bizzare. He’s doing his Frank Underwood southern democrat character.
I will appreciate old movies as I did, even though I always take the opportunity to trash on the actors.
I still like Arnie's old movies, for example, and they're still very fun experiences to be had. But I loathe Arnie ("screw your freedom" was nothing but another straw on that camel's back, though at least he stood by Chris Pratt).
De Niro actually comes off as very contrived now, possibly because he has played himself in every movie for just...so long now. I still will appreciate "dumb" comedy like Meet the Parents and his role in it, even though he's an absolute piece of shit.
For me, the old movies are still good regardless of what I think of the actors. What has changed isn't my appreciation for those old movies (perspective may have, however) but rather my appreciation for the actors moving forward.
I've never been much of a theater-goer. I made four recent exceptions; the Star Wars trilogy, because I felt I had to be there since it was my childhood, and the Super Mario Bros. movie because again, I felt I had to be there since it was my childhood. I almost made another exception for Suzume, but it was difficult to find the time.
Now, on the other hand, I won't ever see a movie that stars the likes of De Niro or Arnie, and certainly not in theaters.
So though I refuse to let old movies be tainted by the actors and actresses, I will never, ever be rushing to a theater to see these asses again.
As an extra aside: Fuck Seth Rogan, and also Patton Oswalt. These two make every character into themselves. I sincerely believe that Donkey Kong was the worst part of the Mario movie, and that's only because Seth Rogan can't act worth a shit and has to include his stupid pot-addled laugh in every character he plays!
Same! I was so pissed he was fired and stopped watching. Of course years later I understand why. Back then I thought it was crazy to fire someone over not proven accusations. I'm still on the fence about that because innocent people can be accused as well.
It's still an interesting series for a few reasons, one of the very few "separate the actor from the role" that I would agree with, in that it speaks to a certain kind of behind the scenes stuff that is definitely happening in the world -- and though it may have been made to create a situation in which people talking about it are mocked and therefore disregarded, if you look at it in a different lens, it becomes very interesting indeed.
Of course, I wouldn't ever pay a single penny to support Kevin Spacey ever again in my life so I suppose that's something I'll never get around to finishing all the way through.
It's exaggerated because in House of Cards he's from South Carolina. He doesn't do a good southern accent at all. It's more like a fake Deep South accent and that's even very bad.
Everything about this feels off. But if it isn't a genuine interview between Tucker Carlson and Kevin Spacey as some sort of real life ("real life") enactment of House of Cards, then what the hell is it supposed to be?
Why is Tucker interviewing this pedo? Huh?? I'm so confused. I don't even know what he's saying eventhough he's speaking English it all sounded like gibberish. If someone could explain to me like I'm a dummy that'd be great.
I get it... I GET IT, a lot of you hate this guy and with good reason.
The establishment did tried to take him out, he was one of the first that they put on the sacrificial alter for #MeToo.
He's still popular, he still gets views, the rest of the public loves him. If his fate is sealed in death regardless, why not let him help us expose the rest of the monsters.
A Weapon is still a weapon regardless of its source.
I await the understandable downvotes, but I love you all regardless
Even if it was fake, what difference would it make? Spacey is not someone to associate yourself with as a truth seeker, be that his AI or real version.
Exactly! I couldn’t agree with you more. It doesn’t matter what level, whether fake or real, why would Tucker choose to use a pedophile pervert in his video. If AI then make it really something like with Ronald Reagan or JFK etc….not the POS that Tucker used. This just makes me be more aware of Tucker and what he could and could not be up to.
Very strange, Kevin Spacey, really? What is this the twilight zone? Spacey has been accused of gay rape and most of his accusers woke up dead before trial. Spacey also is rumored to be high up in the Lucifarian hierarchy. So what are the possibilities. Spacey bad and Tucker bad, Spacey gone and Tucker good with fake Spacey? I never expected this combo, theories? Not on my bingo card for December.
2018 - Kevin Spacey resurfaced to post a bizarre Frank Underwood, 'House of Cards'-inspired video that addresses his 'fans,' while authorities announced he is facing a felony charge for allegedly sexually assaulting the teenage son of former WCVB news anchor Heather Unruh.
I hope there are payoffs I don't see yet. Tucker must know the score, so this must be "fakery" and the permission aspect implies no concern from the real legal entity Kevin Spacey. So, it points to Spacey is in submission, and working (in silico perhaps) to show, not us, but them, that submission is happening.
Deep comms. Either that or the enemy shows off his power at a new level, and Tucker is a rug-pull of epic proportions... So even though AI/covert death announcement is radical, all other options are too, so.
"I mean Tucker, what is true and what is false?
What's life?
What's art?
What's real?
What's performance?
I love it when these things intersect because then, it gets interesting."
Don't believe anything of what you hear and only half of what you see."
The whole time listening to that I couldn't help but think "Trump card". The whole speech seems set up for it, not just the obvious House of Cards reference, but from "Boom, boom" to "believe none of what you hear" and only 1 man that can come from outside and upset everything.
It sounds like we are being told that there is a completely unexpected plot twist coming in this movie.
This has the AI look and feel to it.
My first thought. It's obvious, isn't it?
Agreed. If NOT A.I. then it's super strange to say the least..
It's literally lines from the show he used to be in. Cut with Tucker's clips. Pretty solid meme
Compared to this weir clip he did in 2018/9 it doesn’t seem like him https://youtu.be/JZveA-NAIDI?si=nZed6MMpk28NGQh3
That 2019 clip was the cabal giving us a heads up. This time…. Tucker uses the same Gambit to give a heads up to WhiteHats.
Rot in hell faggot Pedo.
Talks like a fag.
And his shits fucked up
And he talks like a fag…
It says here on his chart he’s fucked up. He talks like a fag and his shits all retarded
LOL at your new flair! 🤣
So like .. scan here bruh ...
A southern fag.
WHO vetted Tucker? ************ Why is he the chosen one for the everyday folks as a spokes person? Vetted: requiring secrecy, loyalty, or trustworthiness. "each applicant will be vetted by police"
“Tucker” is this a subject that you add on your resume?
Wonder if Tucker is doing a bait and switch redpill?
Tucker: “Did you like that interview with Spacey? Interesting conversation, yes? Well, it was fake. Computer generated. What’s called a “deep fake” (or AI whatever). It wasn’t real. This is the kind of technology the DS has AND are using on you…to control the narrative. Are you shocked? You should be. And angry. Now, not only can you NOT believe what MSM and Hollywood are telling you; you can’t believe your eyes either.”
**Is this a prelude to, soften up the public for doubles and mask disclosure? Hmmm….
It's his character from house of cards. Voice and all. Frank Underwood
Here is what he usually sound like not in character
Came here to say that. House of Cards was a good show until he left. However now I understand why. Back then I didn't get it.
Thank you. I just made this comment but I couldn't remember the name of the damn show!
Destroys any hope for justice though, it negates the Epstein tapes for example.
No, that’s what they hope they can claim.
That’s why when Q came on the scene and suggested they had it “all” and specified certain evidence about Obama was obtained…. He went into a complete panic about deep fakes and whatnot becoming such a huge threat.
At this point the “deepfakes” we were being shown were crude and easy as heck to spot, what did Obama know? Or better yet what is he hiding?
These deep state agents love to negate to tell people though….
…. Any computer STRONG enough to make a deep fake or otherwise realistically convincing image….
Can also DETECT said images… IE you can’t make a computer so “strong” it even out smarts it’s SELF….
Oops there goes your “deep fake” excuse…. There goes your digital id media watermarks and censorship….
All legal ballots have watermarks. All fake AI-generated stuff has smudges.
It is impossible to cheat and lie if you use the most powerful AI to detect it.
Guess who owns the most powerful AI?
^Most plausible explanation.
Yup. My initial thoughts. Gotta "show" them...
In character Francis Underwood from House of Cards
This is AI, he even alludes to it in the end. Believe only HALF of what you see. Tucker is real, Spacey is NOT.
I'm tending to agree, which leads to the question: what's Tucker's angle with this oddity?
Garner views to pull the proverbial mask off later to show everyone how easy AI can dupe them?
How long has spacey been dead should be the question
Impersonator. Too exaggerated.
No, he's playing his Frank Underwood role from his Netflix show. He did the same exaggerated character in a strange Christmas video a few years back.. my guess is this is a deep fake.
THIS. For everyone here who never watched House of Cards they arent going to get it and its going to come off bizzare. He’s doing his Frank Underwood southern democrat character.
I used to love that show until I learnt about Spacey. What a waste.
I will appreciate old movies as I did, even though I always take the opportunity to trash on the actors.
I still like Arnie's old movies, for example, and they're still very fun experiences to be had. But I loathe Arnie ("screw your freedom" was nothing but another straw on that camel's back, though at least he stood by Chris Pratt).
De Niro actually comes off as very contrived now, possibly because he has played himself in every movie for just...so long now. I still will appreciate "dumb" comedy like Meet the Parents and his role in it, even though he's an absolute piece of shit.
For me, the old movies are still good regardless of what I think of the actors. What has changed isn't my appreciation for those old movies (perspective may have, however) but rather my appreciation for the actors moving forward.
I've never been much of a theater-goer. I made four recent exceptions; the Star Wars trilogy, because I felt I had to be there since it was my childhood, and the Super Mario Bros. movie because again, I felt I had to be there since it was my childhood. I almost made another exception for Suzume, but it was difficult to find the time.
Now, on the other hand, I won't ever see a movie that stars the likes of De Niro or Arnie, and certainly not in theaters.
So though I refuse to let old movies be tainted by the actors and actresses, I will never, ever be rushing to a theater to see these asses again.
As an extra aside: Fuck Seth Rogan, and also Patton Oswalt. These two make every character into themselves. I sincerely believe that Donkey Kong was the worst part of the Mario movie, and that's only because Seth Rogan can't act worth a shit and has to include his stupid pot-addled laugh in every character he plays!
Same! I was so pissed he was fired and stopped watching. Of course years later I understand why. Back then I thought it was crazy to fire someone over not proven accusations. I'm still on the fence about that because innocent people can be accused as well.
It's still an interesting series for a few reasons, one of the very few "separate the actor from the role" that I would agree with, in that it speaks to a certain kind of behind the scenes stuff that is definitely happening in the world -- and though it may have been made to create a situation in which people talking about it are mocked and therefore disregarded, if you look at it in a different lens, it becomes very interesting indeed.
Of course, I wouldn't ever pay a single penny to support Kevin Spacey ever again in my life so I suppose that's something I'll never get around to finishing all the way through.
i used to be a fan. there is something....different about this person with Tucker.
could be lack of adrenochrome, but i don't think that is the same person in the movies
His face is fat.
It's exaggerated because in House of Cards he's from South Carolina. He doesn't do a good southern accent at all. It's more like a fake Deep South accent and that's even very bad.
AI or not that’s besides the point. What is Tucker doing with this guy?
Everything about this feels off. But if it isn't a genuine interview between Tucker Carlson and Kevin Spacey as some sort of real life ("real life") enactment of House of Cards, then what the hell is it supposed to be?
It's just Kevin's character from House of Cards lol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLf4rnJYUGk
Here's the interview on Kevin's youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqPePWyduxQ
This is really interesting. thanks for the full sauce fren.
Felt to me he was in the character of Jim Williams
I think it could be AI
Use the slider two slide between 35 seconds and 38 seconds and watch the bottom left corner of the pillow that sits on the left (his right)
It looks like it gets bent inwards a little bit? Kinda like how someone pulling their leg up to cross their other leg.
Also at watch the video on the 30 second mark and the patterns in two spots shift a bit.
I can't tell if it's low quality artifacts or fake video causing issues with that pillow
Why is Tucker interviewing this pedo? Huh?? I'm so confused. I don't even know what he's saying eventhough he's speaking English it all sounded like gibberish. If someone could explain to me like I'm a dummy that'd be great.
This has so many levels of weird, but I think it's really him, but that's just my opinion. Spacey is one of the Dark Ones
Boom Boom
False Allegations
I get it... I GET IT, a lot of you hate this guy and with good reason. The establishment did tried to take him out, he was one of the first that they put on the sacrificial alter for #MeToo.
He's still popular, he still gets views, the rest of the public loves him. If his fate is sealed in death regardless, why not let him help us expose the rest of the monsters.
A Weapon is still a weapon regardless of its source.
I await the understandable downvotes, but I love you all regardless
This shit has gotten so fucked up 😳
I think it's a deep fake.
maybe a reveal incoming of realistic CIA masks or top shelf deepfake?
I despise the CGI Version of this scum too
Why is he playing the House of Cards character in this? What's his angle?
Impersonator, and a bad one at that.
1000% AI. This will be the red-pill to show people that almost every person we see online has been digitally altered/created (Biden, Killary, etc).
Even if it was fake, what difference would it make? Spacey is not someone to associate yourself with as a truth seeker, be that his AI or real version.
Exactly! I couldn’t agree with you more. It doesn’t matter what level, whether fake or real, why would Tucker choose to use a pedophile pervert in his video. If AI then make it really something like with Ronald Reagan or JFK etc….not the POS that Tucker used. This just makes me be more aware of Tucker and what he could and could not be up to.
Tucker hangs out with a pedo rapist murderer on Christmas eve. Think about that for a second
I've said all along that I don't trust Tucker. If this is not AI, then my decision is affirmed. Spacey is a piece of shit of the highest order.
That not him 🤔
I don't think it's him. I think it's an impersonator.
Very strange, Kevin Spacey, really? What is this the twilight zone? Spacey has been accused of gay rape and most of his accusers woke up dead before trial. Spacey also is rumored to be high up in the Lucifarian hierarchy. So what are the possibilities. Spacey bad and Tucker bad, Spacey gone and Tucker good with fake Spacey? I never expected this combo, theories? Not on my bingo card for December.
2018 - Kevin Spacey resurfaced to post a bizarre Frank Underwood, 'House of Cards'-inspired video that addresses his 'fans,' while authorities announced he is facing a felony charge for allegedly sexually assaulting the teenage son of former WCVB news anchor Heather Unruh.
VIDEO: LET ME BE FRANK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZveA-NAIDI
I hope there are payoffs I don't see yet. Tucker must know the score, so this must be "fakery" and the permission aspect implies no concern from the real legal entity Kevin Spacey. So, it points to Spacey is in submission, and working (in silico perhaps) to show, not us, but them, that submission is happening.
Deep comms. Either that or the enemy shows off his power at a new level, and Tucker is a rug-pull of epic proportions... So even though AI/covert death announcement is radical, all other options are too, so.
"I mean Tucker, what is true and what is false? What's life? What's art? What's real? What's performance? I love it when these things intersect because then, it gets interesting." Don't believe anything of what you hear and only half of what you see."
That is NOT Kevin Spacey.
The whole time listening to that I couldn't help but think "Trump card". The whole speech seems set up for it, not just the obvious House of Cards reference, but from "Boom, boom" to "believe none of what you hear" and only 1 man that can come from outside and upset everything.
It sounds like we are being told that there is a completely unexpected plot twist coming in this movie.
The real question for me is where are all the real doppelgängers? Are they on Epstein island with all the other “dead” celebrities?
It’s a joke.
Kevin's life?