I went to a cookout right when COVID was ending .. an older lady in her 90s was talking to a lady about getting their vaccines and how many they’ve gotten- they looked at me and I was like - nope- didn’t get any & wont. The 90 year old said in my day we never questioned authority. Yep. And that’s how holocausts happen!
About a year and 1/2 ago I went to Walgreens to pick up my blood pressure medicine and an hysterical woman was in line in front of me, begging for her next booster. The pharmacist was telling her it was too soon to get her next one. She was saying that she sings in a couple choirs and that their choir members were getting covid so she needed her booster asap! I asked her if her choir buddies had been vaccinated. We all know the answer was yes. So I asked her how the vaccines were helping any of them if they're all getting covid, and told her I wasn't vaccinated. She went nuts. I remember walking out and saying something over my shoulder but I can't remember what it was.
Yep. Covidiots are all in, even still today. It is mind numbing. I have a very good friend who has had all kinds of serious medical issues since getting his first vax. Still doesn't miss a booster. Sad.
Would be curious to know if those two ladies are still with us. I was sitting enjoying a coffee on a bench outside of a coffee shop a couple months after "THE LOCKDOWN" and some old hag shuffled up (masked, of course) plopped herself down on other end of my bench and said, "I hope you're current on the shots." Told her I was not only NOT current but that I'd never gotten a one, and she made a dramatic performance of eye-rolling and heaving herself BACK up to shuffle to the next bench down the block. Buh-bye, bitch. Wouldn't be a bit shocked to learn that she's long gone from this mortal coil...and probably one of those candidates from which they yanked a 3-ft long gelatinous blood clot.
What I do is remind her - she is still here and so are you - vax or no vax. But she’s miserable wearing a mask after getting her shot and I am and never have worn one and don’t intended to. What exactly has her actions brought that was different from mine?
Government indoctrination daycare centers were designed from the start to produce compliant, obedient workers for the factories, by the Humanists Mann and Greeley. They received funding and instruction from Rockefeller, so factory bells were school bells, mindless work would intrude into private time, and students would be ready for the "inevitable" consolidation with capitalism. Working perfectly as designed!
Yup, shuffle off your kids at 6 weeks old to a daycare, and then onto school where they learn to stand in line, be regarded as a number, so the government can rob you blind and steal your parenting job
Don't forget bow to authority, get bullied (by teachers!), perform endless repetitions of meaningless tasks, never permitted to be creative or have fun, no feelings of fulfillment nor accomplishment, mere survival in a fruitless existence.
My similar observation is that if you were raised in poverty, had a working class blue collar family or just came from the wrong side of the tracks, you grew up with an inherent mistrust of authority. Turns out, it’s also pretty darn useful life experience to acquire when authority decides to enslave, poison, gaslight or democide you.
Normally this is true. But I think a huge factor is how much tel-lie-vision a person watches. Myself, my wife & my 4 adult children all have college degrees. BUT we raised our children without a tel-lie-vision. For the last 40 plus years there has NOT been a TV in our home. Our children were raised without TV. It's my understanding that TV & the MSM were pushing the clot shots 24/7. Of course I wouldn't know because I don't watch the idiot box. All my news comes from alternative sources.
I have a theory that has not been close to even being challenged: the toilet paper hoarding obsession was a subliminal command through the television. No one that we knew who had cut the cord suffered from the mindless drive to buy toilet paper, and the people who were doing it could not tell you why they were doing it. They were compelled and confused at the same time, yet they did it.
It was a proof of concept for the deep state, it was successful, and they have the go-ahead to use it for the jab and boosters command, as well as the "purebloods are enemies of the people" instruction.
Interesting. And would hold true from what I saw. Large family mom here and we had basically normal amounts of tp. My widowed MIL on the other hand had stock piled as much as possible. She's jabbed, no O'Dea on boosters, and feels good about herself for constantly donating her jabbed blood. If she was my mom I'd tell her she's killing people. But she isn't and hubby would be irate if I ever told her the truth. (He has no idea even though I told him repeatedly over covid, I had to major cancer surgeries over covid, I would never take blood due to the vaxed blood being in the supply which could kill me)
I remember going to Costco to do a normal run because I knew it was all a scam, but when I went to get TP, there was NONE. I started looking around and some people had only TP in their carts. It was insane.
i remember seeing a video during the great TP shortage where was some Arabic lady dancing around her house that only had stacks of TP with a small path between them..lol she couldn't go through that much in 400 years lol...
Ah yes the toilet paper shortage. I actually did some digging into that "crisis". The toilet paper manufacturers know how much toilet paper to produce in a typical year. Evidently they have just enough manufacturing capacity to meet the countries needs. Then what happens if all of the fake stream media starts announcing that "there is a toilet paper shortage". That's the signal for everyone to stock up on toilet paper. Everyone was buying more rolls than they usually did. Now theirs a "run" on toilet paper. The shelves are suddenly empty of toilet paper. This also helped to push the narrative that there's a killer virus floating around in the air. Wasn't the toilet paper shortage followed by the baby diaper shortage? Shortages can be easily created.
So you are correct "proof of concept for the deep state". They were laughing at us.
I agree except for noting that no shortage was announced, at least that I ever knew. We'd ask the people in line buying cartfuls of it, and no one ever said there was any news about scarcity. Normally, if a storm is coming, the people would go nuts buying bread and milk here in NC. In South Florida, it would be water first, then other goods depending on background (rice and beans or bread and eggs etc).
Never ever TP, in any region I've observed or heard about. Suddenly, nationwide, TP hoarding. Also, they might have been laughing at us too, but I think a major sale went down that was dependent on the proof that this tech worked. They picked something that would have nothing to do with a flu, that has never been hoarded before, but easily observable. Don't know why it irked me so much, but now I believe there's a big thing before the surface.
Lol, I prep so i always have plenty of TP. But admittedly when i was deployed oif/oef we ran out all the time and I'll tell you, it's one of life's true conveniences to have a good supply of TP. Though you are correct as that was a self fulfilling shortage due to how people behaved.
All it would take is some newscaster saying, “well, being at home for two weeks is pretty long! Better stock up on toilet paper!” And the peons went ape.
I remember seeing footage from the Hawaii Costco when the lockdown was either on the brink or just announced, and the people there were panicked and buying up toilet paper, since their supply chain (imports) would clearly be messed up after a lockdown. I saw that clip often and it even effected me. I saw that video everywhere online (don't have a tv).
Later, I saw a guy on youtube saying the tp hoarders were crazy, as he calculated the amount of tp needed, calculating how many poops a case of tp would last. I thought, if there's any women in his household (and there was a wife and daughters in the video) that he seriously under-calculated a familiy's tp usage. Wanted to tell him, that um, females tend to use a lot more than men.
I used to think Fox News was news. When they committed treason and swung the election to Biden by calling AZ early and supporting endless days of counting manufactured ballots they became dead to me. There was no longer a "news" source on TV in my mind. I temporarily tried Newsmax and OANN (which is good for those that need news on TV) but basically, it was over. No more news on TV.
Ironically, this made it much easier for me to avoid clot shot propaganda brought to me by fizer because I no longer watched TV for news. I came here for my daily updates and then pursued my own investigations into what was Real or not. If something or someone was banned, I spent extra time investigating because my instincts said it was likely a good thing if it was against "the narrative."
Anyways, it worked out well for me and my family.
Thank you to all the frens here that provided the support when needed.
That's essentially it - the "news" is actually the most dangerous part of tel-lie-vision. That's the part that can actually do you physical and mental harm. The day time soap operas just rot your brain.
Sounds like me waking up to a tee. Fox calling Arizona the way they did seemed to wake up a lot of folks. I question why they did it at all. Why not just let Arizona go into the night like the other stolen battleground states?
Fox calling AZ was the signal flair for all battleground states to stop counting.
Trump crushed FL, OH, and IA. Winning these three states was a bellweather for many years on who would win the overall election. As soon as Trump won those three, Fox called AZ while people were still voting.
Boom, water main break in GA. Cardboard went up on windows in Detroit, and observers kicked out. Pennsylvania started manufacturing over a million ballots.
It all started with the Fox signal flair that night.
I had literally not watched TV for over a decade, but decided to watch FoxNews on election night 2020. I was shocked to watch what they did, and i havent watched TV since. They had one chance to win me back over, and they blew it big time.
Television robs people of their potential and free time. I feel like each day is full when I am able to do something different every hour. Hobby, house work, watering plants, mowing the lawn. My day feels purposeful and not wasted IMO.
I raised mine similar but theynlearned God's Word at the dinner table most days. Usually by asking them about their days and then addressing any thing that needed by opening God's Word and showing them God's point of view. None jabbed and one is a nurse who lost her employment over it.
I did not get any of that poison injected into me. Neither did my mom nor either of my kids or their SO. My RN sister and both her kids did - her husband refused. My brother and his entire family, to best of my knowledge, got them. Thankfully, I hope, only a couple of those who got the original two jabs continued to get boosters. I pray. It's all I can do.
NONE of my family got any of the jabs - not one injection. And we rarely wore masks. I believe I wore a mask all of 5 minutes during the entire scamdemic. I was refused service on a number of occasions. One of my sons had completed his MBA during that time period. He's about 6'4" - only my son & one other student refused to put on a mask during the entire graduation ceremony. I have never been prouder of my son.
I'm 71! I have fond memories of Saturday morning cartoons from our black & white TV! But 40 years ago I got rid of the TVs. Raised 4 children w/o TV. No regrets.
most people you know are either christian, or have been raised in a christian culture. or white culture. whatever you want to call it. and in that culture, lying is frowned upon, and most people just aren't very good at it, especially over the long run.
so lying isn't really a skill that we develop,
but the downside of that is that we expect everyone else to be honest with us too, and so we tend to believe whatever we are told, because we just aren't expecting to be bullshitted...
and then we have the jews...
what did Jesus say about them?
John 8:44 Ye are of your father, the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not by the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaks of his native language. for he is a liar, and the father of it.
so basically, you can't bullshit a jew, but a jew has no problem bullshitting you.
I guess I'm in a crossover group... a good citizen who DOES question authority and did not get jabbed. It's not exactly a either-or choice. I'm sure there were a lot of criminal low-life types who did get jabbed, thinking their worthless lives were worth saving.
Yep, street smart over here after getting A’s in school, quit college bc it was a waste of time & money & started a biz. Stopped getting vaxed in 2018. Now I’m healthy as a horse & have built more wealth than most of my “vaxxed & educated” friends.
Of course, in a system of indoctrination, when you pat a child on the back for regurgitating the propaganda properly, when you give them rewards of good grades, scholarships and you stroke their weakness to be ego driven into believing they are intellectually superior to their peers, that they are special, then you have them classically conditioned just like a dog. They'll genuflect at the alter of those who are like them and believe it is the wisdom of the ages. The only people I've ever seen avoid it are those who believe God's Word. Seems God's Word is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of mens hearts after all. Go figure.
But most of my conservative Christian friends took the jabs to "help others" or " " not rock the boat" (mainstream evangelicals) while 90%+ of my reformed Christian friends knew the truth and never took it.
When I was arguing that very few of us were “forced” to take the jab, this is exactly what I meant.
We had people quit and risk their jobs rather than take it, and they’re going to try it again. We have to have a mindset of “No.” rather than endulging in a lack of faith.
The Methodist and Baptist churches I know all just walked mindlessly into the pharmacy and rolled their sleeves up and happily covered the very face of God.
There may be costs, and we will pay them gladly for evil must not stand.
A Christian is a born again one with Christ in them. Most are just going through the religion game. Still under the law of works. No spirituality at all. My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. If they still think and walk like natural man then they get the same results. I said the only way out is for those who " believe" God's Word. They obviously did not.
I sadly learned this week that the local hospital that I was told "wasn't mandating the jab" evidently did require it. Most of my old coworkers will likely be dead soon. I was considering a job, part time, so called HR and was told they are no longer requiring it. I asked about other jabs. Yes, flu is required too, but you can get both medical and religious exemptions. I asked about "what if a covid scenario happens again?" And was told same thing--you can always get medical and religious exemptions. I told her, "good, because I will never take another jab. On both medical and religious grounds!" So basically they required it and likely did NOT inform staff of exemptions so basically everyone caved and eventually took at least the first 2 jabs.
If people want to go a little deeper into the plandemic, Pastor JD Farag put out an interesting sermon called, Peoples Strange Sudden Change. He quotes some credible sources. Just something to consider.
I would put a link, but what I found about this site in the last year or so, the free speech thing has gone by the wayside. If it doesn’t suit their narrative they give lame excuse for removing it. That’s just my observation.
We pray for healing of all the people who have been deceived and damaged by the evil conspirators.
I'm in the UK and network with former military and intelligence personnel.
In our monthly network meetup it was noticeable that former soldiers around 50 years old were adamantly against the jab as many suffered from "Gulf War Syndrome" after being jabbed with mystery juice in Iraq in the 1990's.
Intelligence workers remained mostly quiet, but when pressed they were all unjabbed but never justified their reasoning.
But the academics in our group were psychotic cheerleaders. They were the worst of the worst for insisting everybody gets jabbed and that the unvaccinated were a menace. These people are the ones teaching in universities and they are the dumbest people I know. I find it astonishing at how excited they got about getting boosted despite the Gulf War veterans around them begging them not to do it.
I was a good student but quietly I was always rebellious. Wouldnt do certain stupid homework n I missed school all the time but got good grades. My brother who was in and out of jail didnt get it either even though he isnt a fan of trump.
All my friends used it as a virtue signal of how kind they were. I was told I didnt get questioned not wearing a mask bc I had resting B face haha not that I was brave and everyone else were cowards.
Yup. I was pretty much a "free-range kid" and later, "street smart", and Nino's observations hold mostly true with my circle as well.
If you went to work and picked up education along the way, you faired better against indoctrination. But those who got accedemic education right out of H.S. seemed to believe "authorities".
If any them weren't just labeled as criminals, but actually ARE and were in prison at the time, they probably didn't have a choice and were forced to get the jab.
Let me say that there was another group that pushed back against the poison jabs like those with street smarts.
It goes to show you that they have fined tune the education system to make people smart enough to process information necessary 9-5 job. But not inquisitive enough to ask questions about those in "authority".
PhDs are often in position of authority and thus they do not march in lock step with what is told by them from other 'authority" figures.
It's probably times like these that encourage the resurgance of logic and philosophy. Think Dune mentats as part of the post Butlerian Juhad Duniverse (when humans overthrew sentient machines). Are we being manipulated by a sophisticated AI that has seeded the cultural thoughtscape with mental flak so thick we can scarcely determine truth from fiction? I don't know, but the result is the same. Whether alien, demonic, or technological, an intelligent agency has been set loose on the world at large, infecting the collective societal mind. So many red herrings. Is the the earth round or flat for example? Does it actually matter? All such thought constructs are simply models we use to make sense of our world. No model is exactly as the world actually is, nor can it possibly be. God knows what the world actually is. A better question that is perhaps more useful is: which model gets me closest to what I need, with the desired results, with the least amount of complication? In other words, the best model is the one that is most useful and passes Occam's Razer. This is the kind of thinking we need now. Efficient, flexible, cunning even, like mental martial arts masters...
I sent this to my neighbour today and there highly educated and VAXXED OUT THE ASS.
i've sent them stuff since this BS started and he always sends back Fact Checkers that debunk the anti vaxxers and they know my wife was fired, a nurse of 40 yrs for not gettin the jab. aint heard nothing back yet today.
I went to a cookout right when COVID was ending .. an older lady in her 90s was talking to a lady about getting their vaccines and how many they’ve gotten- they looked at me and I was like - nope- didn’t get any & wont. The 90 year old said in my day we never questioned authority. Yep. And that’s how holocausts happen!
Hitler, Stalin, and Mao could not have killed hundreds of millions without that kind of blind obedience.
Funny thing is, humans display the stereotypical behavior of lemmings, while actual lemmings dont do the crazy shit humans say they do!
About a year and 1/2 ago I went to Walgreens to pick up my blood pressure medicine and an hysterical woman was in line in front of me, begging for her next booster. The pharmacist was telling her it was too soon to get her next one. She was saying that she sings in a couple choirs and that their choir members were getting covid so she needed her booster asap! I asked her if her choir buddies had been vaccinated. We all know the answer was yes. So I asked her how the vaccines were helping any of them if they're all getting covid, and told her I wasn't vaccinated. She went nuts. I remember walking out and saying something over my shoulder but I can't remember what it was.
Yep. Covidiots are all in, even still today. It is mind numbing. I have a very good friend who has had all kinds of serious medical issues since getting his first vax. Still doesn't miss a booster. Sad.
Idiot ?
That sounds about right.
Before Disney became Groomer Inc
They also had young intimidation mobs. All of them.
BLM. Antifa. KKK.
Would be curious to know if those two ladies are still with us. I was sitting enjoying a coffee on a bench outside of a coffee shop a couple months after "THE LOCKDOWN" and some old hag shuffled up (masked, of course) plopped herself down on other end of my bench and said, "I hope you're current on the shots." Told her I was not only NOT current but that I'd never gotten a one, and she made a dramatic performance of eye-rolling and heaving herself BACK up to shuffle to the next bench down the block. Buh-bye, bitch. Wouldn't be a bit shocked to learn that she's long gone from this mortal coil...and probably one of those candidates from which they yanked a 3-ft long gelatinous blood clot.
What I do is remind her - she is still here and so are you - vax or no vax. But she’s miserable wearing a mask after getting her shot and I am and never have worn one and don’t intended to. What exactly has her actions brought that was different from mine?
A low-effort warm and fuzzy
Also, she did get a free donut.
Like a good obedient puppy dog.
Government indoctrination daycare centers were designed from the start to produce compliant, obedient workers for the factories, by the Humanists Mann and Greeley. They received funding and instruction from Rockefeller, so factory bells were school bells, mindless work would intrude into private time, and students would be ready for the "inevitable" consolidation with capitalism. Working perfectly as designed!
"Government indoctrination daycare centers"
You mean public schools! Include higher education with that. State universities etc.
You piss when they tell you to piss
Oh doggone, I didn't think of that, but YES you're right! Union people's lives are indeed regulated down to pee breaks. Disgusting.
Yup, shuffle off your kids at 6 weeks old to a daycare, and then onto school where they learn to stand in line, be regarded as a number, so the government can rob you blind and steal your parenting job
Don't forget bow to authority, get bullied (by teachers!), perform endless repetitions of meaningless tasks, never permitted to be creative or have fun, no feelings of fulfillment nor accomplishment, mere survival in a fruitless existence.
My similar observation is that if you were raised in poverty, had a working class blue collar family or just came from the wrong side of the tracks, you grew up with an inherent mistrust of authority. Turns out, it’s also pretty darn useful life experience to acquire when authority decides to enslave, poison, gaslight or democide you.
That is a fair point.
I think from an early age I learned that the world isn't fair. And that we are truly on our own.
I think a lot of people learned that lesson with the plandemic but I had that gnawing at the back of my mind many years before.
Once you realize the Government is supposed to work for US and is not our "Authority" everything changes.
Pureblood is the new punk rock.
Fuck the offspring
Green Day, Rage With The Machine, Twisted Sister, Kiss as well.
they should change their name to
"Rage on behalf of the Machine"
Naw, punk rock spread syphilis. Pure blood is better.
Normally this is true. But I think a huge factor is how much tel-lie-vision a person watches. Myself, my wife & my 4 adult children all have college degrees. BUT we raised our children without a tel-lie-vision. For the last 40 plus years there has NOT been a TV in our home. Our children were raised without TV. It's my understanding that TV & the MSM were pushing the clot shots 24/7. Of course I wouldn't know because I don't watch the idiot box. All my news comes from alternative sources.
I have a theory that has not been close to even being challenged: the toilet paper hoarding obsession was a subliminal command through the television. No one that we knew who had cut the cord suffered from the mindless drive to buy toilet paper, and the people who were doing it could not tell you why they were doing it. They were compelled and confused at the same time, yet they did it.
It was a proof of concept for the deep state, it was successful, and they have the go-ahead to use it for the jab and boosters command, as well as the "purebloods are enemies of the people" instruction.
Interesting. And would hold true from what I saw. Large family mom here and we had basically normal amounts of tp. My widowed MIL on the other hand had stock piled as much as possible. She's jabbed, no O'Dea on boosters, and feels good about herself for constantly donating her jabbed blood. If she was my mom I'd tell her she's killing people. But she isn't and hubby would be irate if I ever told her the truth. (He has no idea even though I told him repeatedly over covid, I had to major cancer surgeries over covid, I would never take blood due to the vaxed blood being in the supply which could kill me)
I remember going to Costco to do a normal run because I knew it was all a scam, but when I went to get TP, there was NONE. I started looking around and some people had only TP in their carts. It was insane.
Probably freemasons
i remember seeing a video during the great TP shortage where was some Arabic lady dancing around her house that only had stacks of TP with a small path between them..lol she couldn't go through that much in 400 years lol...
Ah yes the toilet paper shortage. I actually did some digging into that "crisis". The toilet paper manufacturers know how much toilet paper to produce in a typical year. Evidently they have just enough manufacturing capacity to meet the countries needs. Then what happens if all of the fake stream media starts announcing that "there is a toilet paper shortage". That's the signal for everyone to stock up on toilet paper. Everyone was buying more rolls than they usually did. Now theirs a "run" on toilet paper. The shelves are suddenly empty of toilet paper. This also helped to push the narrative that there's a killer virus floating around in the air. Wasn't the toilet paper shortage followed by the baby diaper shortage? Shortages can be easily created.
So you are correct "proof of concept for the deep state". They were laughing at us.
I agree except for noting that no shortage was announced, at least that I ever knew. We'd ask the people in line buying cartfuls of it, and no one ever said there was any news about scarcity. Normally, if a storm is coming, the people would go nuts buying bread and milk here in NC. In South Florida, it would be water first, then other goods depending on background (rice and beans or bread and eggs etc).
Never ever TP, in any region I've observed or heard about. Suddenly, nationwide, TP hoarding. Also, they might have been laughing at us too, but I think a major sale went down that was dependent on the proof that this tech worked. They picked something that would have nothing to do with a flu, that has never been hoarded before, but easily observable. Don't know why it irked me so much, but now I believe there's a big thing before the surface.
Lol, I prep so i always have plenty of TP. But admittedly when i was deployed oif/oef we ran out all the time and I'll tell you, it's one of life's true conveniences to have a good supply of TP. Though you are correct as that was a self fulfilling shortage due to how people behaved.
Or it was a wake up warning for those able to see. Proof of BS for the semi-conscious to help them avoid the bigger push to follow.
All it would take is some newscaster saying, “well, being at home for two weeks is pretty long! Better stock up on toilet paper!” And the peons went ape.
I remember seeing footage from the Hawaii Costco when the lockdown was either on the brink or just announced, and the people there were panicked and buying up toilet paper, since their supply chain (imports) would clearly be messed up after a lockdown. I saw that clip often and it even effected me. I saw that video everywhere online (don't have a tv).
Later, I saw a guy on youtube saying the tp hoarders were crazy, as he calculated the amount of tp needed, calculating how many poops a case of tp would last. I thought, if there's any women in his household (and there was a wife and daughters in the video) that he seriously under-calculated a familiy's tp usage. Wanted to tell him, that um, females tend to use a lot more than men.
I used to think Fox News was news. When they committed treason and swung the election to Biden by calling AZ early and supporting endless days of counting manufactured ballots they became dead to me. There was no longer a "news" source on TV in my mind. I temporarily tried Newsmax and OANN (which is good for those that need news on TV) but basically, it was over. No more news on TV.
Ironically, this made it much easier for me to avoid clot shot propaganda brought to me by fizer because I no longer watched TV for news. I came here for my daily updates and then pursued my own investigations into what was Real or not. If something or someone was banned, I spent extra time investigating because my instincts said it was likely a good thing if it was against "the narrative."
Anyways, it worked out well for me and my family.
Thank you to all the frens here that provided the support when needed.
That's essentially it - the "news" is actually the most dangerous part of tel-lie-vision. That's the part that can actually do you physical and mental harm. The day time soap operas just rot your brain.
Sounds like me waking up to a tee. Fox calling Arizona the way they did seemed to wake up a lot of folks. I question why they did it at all. Why not just let Arizona go into the night like the other stolen battleground states?
Fox calling AZ was the signal flair for all battleground states to stop counting.
Trump crushed FL, OH, and IA. Winning these three states was a bellweather for many years on who would win the overall election. As soon as Trump won those three, Fox called AZ while people were still voting.
Boom, water main break in GA. Cardboard went up on windows in Detroit, and observers kicked out. Pennsylvania started manufacturing over a million ballots.
It all started with the Fox signal flair that night.
Ahh the signal flair. That makes sense.
In hindsight, it all looks too obvious doesn't it?
I had literally not watched TV for over a decade, but decided to watch FoxNews on election night 2020. I was shocked to watch what they did, and i havent watched TV since. They had one chance to win me back over, and they blew it big time.
I'm happy with Real America's Voice.
Yes they are good too. I watch bannons podcast on Rumble and have gotten more into podcasts instead of TV news.
RAV is great.
RSBN is great.
that day I turned them off and haven’t watched fox since
Television robs people of their potential and free time. I feel like each day is full when I am able to do something different every hour. Hobby, house work, watering plants, mowing the lawn. My day feels purposeful and not wasted IMO.
I raised mine similar but theynlearned God's Word at the dinner table most days. Usually by asking them about their days and then addressing any thing that needed by opening God's Word and showing them God's point of view. None jabbed and one is a nurse who lost her employment over it.
OK, but did any of you get the jab? It was pushed everywhere not only on TV.
Not me!
I did not get any of that poison injected into me. Neither did my mom nor either of my kids or their SO. My RN sister and both her kids did - her husband refused. My brother and his entire family, to best of my knowledge, got them. Thankfully, I hope, only a couple of those who got the original two jabs continued to get boosters. I pray. It's all I can do.
NONE of my family got any of the jabs - not one injection. And we rarely wore masks. I believe I wore a mask all of 5 minutes during the entire scamdemic. I was refused service on a number of occasions. One of my sons had completed his MBA during that time period. He's about 6'4" - only my son & one other student refused to put on a mask during the entire graduation ceremony. I have never been prouder of my son.
Pure blood.
As an "essential worker" I declined the poison jabs swiftly and with confidence.
I watched a lot of television as a child and it formulated in mind that most people are slaves to ideas that come top down.
It never made sense to me as a child and it still doesn't make sense to me as an adult.
I'm 71! I have fond memories of Saturday morning cartoons from our black & white TV! But 40 years ago I got rid of the TVs. Raised 4 children w/o TV. No regrets.
Goes back to the age old belief of “You can’t bullshit a bullshitter”.
That observation is much deeper than it first appears.
let me expand on that a little bit...
most people you know are either christian, or have been raised in a christian culture. or white culture. whatever you want to call it. and in that culture, lying is frowned upon, and most people just aren't very good at it, especially over the long run.
so lying isn't really a skill that we develop,
but the downside of that is that we expect everyone else to be honest with us too, and so we tend to believe whatever we are told, because we just aren't expecting to be bullshitted...
and then we have the jews...
what did Jesus say about them?
John 8:44 Ye are of your father, the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not by the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaks of his native language. for he is a liar, and the father of it.
so basically, you can't bullshit a jew, but a jew has no problem bullshitting you.
I guess I'm in a crossover group... a good citizen who DOES question authority and did not get jabbed. It's not exactly a either-or choice. I'm sure there were a lot of criminal low-life types who did get jabbed, thinking their worthless lives were worth saving.
Yep, street smart over here after getting A’s in school, quit college bc it was a waste of time & money & started a biz. Stopped getting vaxed in 2018. Now I’m healthy as a horse & have built more wealth than most of my “vaxxed & educated” friends.
Of course, in a system of indoctrination, when you pat a child on the back for regurgitating the propaganda properly, when you give them rewards of good grades, scholarships and you stroke their weakness to be ego driven into believing they are intellectually superior to their peers, that they are special, then you have them classically conditioned just like a dog. They'll genuflect at the alter of those who are like them and believe it is the wisdom of the ages. The only people I've ever seen avoid it are those who believe God's Word. Seems God's Word is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of mens hearts after all. Go figure.
But most of my conservative Christian friends took the jabs to "help others" or " " not rock the boat" (mainstream evangelicals) while 90%+ of my reformed Christian friends knew the truth and never took it.
When I was arguing that very few of us were “forced” to take the jab, this is exactly what I meant.
We had people quit and risk their jobs rather than take it, and they’re going to try it again. We have to have a mindset of “No.” rather than endulging in a lack of faith.
The Methodist and Baptist churches I know all just walked mindlessly into the pharmacy and rolled their sleeves up and happily covered the very face of God.
There may be costs, and we will pay them gladly for evil must not stand.
A Christian is a born again one with Christ in them. Most are just going through the religion game. Still under the law of works. No spirituality at all. My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. If they still think and walk like natural man then they get the same results. I said the only way out is for those who " believe" God's Word. They obviously did not.
I sadly learned this week that the local hospital that I was told "wasn't mandating the jab" evidently did require it. Most of my old coworkers will likely be dead soon. I was considering a job, part time, so called HR and was told they are no longer requiring it. I asked about other jabs. Yes, flu is required too, but you can get both medical and religious exemptions. I asked about "what if a covid scenario happens again?" And was told same thing--you can always get medical and religious exemptions. I told her, "good, because I will never take another jab. On both medical and religious grounds!" So basically they required it and likely did NOT inform staff of exemptions so basically everyone caved and eventually took at least the first 2 jabs.
If you want to remain in the cult, you have to drink the flavorade on command
“You’re not being fired for not getting the jab, you’re being fired for insubordination for not doing what we told you”
If people want to go a little deeper into the plandemic, Pastor JD Farag put out an interesting sermon called, Peoples Strange Sudden Change. He quotes some credible sources. Just something to consider. I would put a link, but what I found about this site in the last year or so, the free speech thing has gone by the wayside. If it doesn’t suit their narrative they give lame excuse for removing it. That’s just my observation. We pray for healing of all the people who have been deceived and damaged by the evil conspirators.
Free College is a Human Rights..... and sheeeeiitt
A lot of what makes people “street smart” is trust management. Recognizing who you’re trusting and how much, and whether they deserve it.
Indoctrination is real!
I'm in the UK and network with former military and intelligence personnel.
In our monthly network meetup it was noticeable that former soldiers around 50 years old were adamantly against the jab as many suffered from "Gulf War Syndrome" after being jabbed with mystery juice in Iraq in the 1990's.
Intelligence workers remained mostly quiet, but when pressed they were all unjabbed but never justified their reasoning.
But the academics in our group were psychotic cheerleaders. They were the worst of the worst for insisting everybody gets jabbed and that the unvaccinated were a menace. These people are the ones teaching in universities and they are the dumbest people I know. I find it astonishing at how excited they got about getting boosted despite the Gulf War veterans around them begging them not to do it.
I was a good student but quietly I was always rebellious. Wouldnt do certain stupid homework n I missed school all the time but got good grades. My brother who was in and out of jail didnt get it either even though he isnt a fan of trump.
All my friends used it as a virtue signal of how kind they were. I was told I didnt get questioned not wearing a mask bc I had resting B face haha not that I was brave and everyone else were cowards.
Yup. I was pretty much a "free-range kid" and later, "street smart", and Nino's observations hold mostly true with my circle as well.
If you went to work and picked up education along the way, you faired better against indoctrination. But those who got accedemic education right out of H.S. seemed to believe "authorities".
If any them weren't just labeled as criminals, but actually ARE and were in prison at the time, they probably didn't have a choice and were forced to get the jab.
Indoctrination camps are counting on your ability to follow instructions from authority.
Let me say that there was another group that pushed back against the poison jabs like those with street smarts.
It goes to show you that they have fined tune the education system to make people smart enough to process information necessary 9-5 job. But not inquisitive enough to ask questions about those in "authority".
PhDs are often in position of authority and thus they do not march in lock step with what is told by them from other 'authority" figures.
It's probably times like these that encourage the resurgance of logic and philosophy. Think Dune mentats as part of the post Butlerian Juhad Duniverse (when humans overthrew sentient machines). Are we being manipulated by a sophisticated AI that has seeded the cultural thoughtscape with mental flak so thick we can scarcely determine truth from fiction? I don't know, but the result is the same. Whether alien, demonic, or technological, an intelligent agency has been set loose on the world at large, infecting the collective societal mind. So many red herrings. Is the the earth round or flat for example? Does it actually matter? All such thought constructs are simply models we use to make sense of our world. No model is exactly as the world actually is, nor can it possibly be. God knows what the world actually is. A better question that is perhaps more useful is: which model gets me closest to what I need, with the desired results, with the least amount of complication? In other words, the best model is the one that is most useful and passes Occam's Razer. This is the kind of thinking we need now. Efficient, flexible, cunning even, like mental martial arts masters...
This reminds me of the books by Vaghn Heppner... He had the same ideas on how to defend Humanity
Pure blood reporting for duty.
The difference between the two groups you mentioned is simple, the former has common sense, the later doesn't!
I sent this to my neighbour today and there highly educated and VAXXED OUT THE ASS. i've sent them stuff since this BS started and he always sends back Fact Checkers that debunk the anti vaxxers and they know my wife was fired, a nurse of 40 yrs for not gettin the jab. aint heard nothing back yet today. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ST3ORBsklWpg/
And the first shall become last, and the last will become first ..... or is that only in heaven? But maybe it's also, on earth as it is in heaven.
I am college educated, and grew up in the California education system...but I showed that I could escape the programming aka brainwashing.
It is a test of ones spirit more than anything else and how much your trust your own critical thinking skills.
Im the same but also my father was big on questioning everything. So important our parent's guidance, too.
Yes, but are they OUR criminals? One man's criminal is another man's freedom fighter...
(I'm only half kidding)
We call those people sell outs.