HOLY SHIT, your mods are so tired, does any GAW user have a sensible reply to this? We receive whatever random versions of this dog$#!+ almost on a daily basis... What would you say? Your reply? Because, we mods try, but, honestly, how do you eve begin to understand these accusations??
🧠 Please Don’t Be This Stupid!

He seems nice...
This. Yesterday I deleted 3 posts where I had responded to an idiot because life's too short to spend any energy on a moron.
It's moran, idiot. /s
Hahaha! Yep very! 😉
He has a good username though - "vermin and hater"
"You sound vaccinated, and fully boosted."
Well... He does. That would just be honest. Which I suppose is the best thing to be.
We literally don't get it
Oh good, I thought I was supposed to understand something there. You want me to hit on them and start PM-ing them nudes?
If it is a true infiltrator then you're not supposed to get it. Stop trying to make sense out of something that is intended to confuse you. Understand what game they are playing and stop being played.
Look at the 4 States of Ideological Subversion from our good friend Yuri Bezmenov.
https://valuetainment.com/americas-downfall-explained-the-4-stages-of-subversion-according-to-kgb-defector-yuri-bezmenov/ (scroll down a bit)
Demoralization and Destabilization are right up front.
Here is the full lecture from Mr. Bezmenov. I highly recommend watching it in its entirety.
Don't play their game at all. Ban them as you see fit and when they complain simply state, "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. Nothing."
Great advice. Another good tip is to remember that this board is just a small reflection of real life, as is antisocial media (although there are many addicts to both who would argue with you). Separate the wheat from the chaff and realize that while the content of the numerous posts and comments made on this board are usually informative and high quality, when you look at the bottom line of things, this shit is NOT that important compared to the battles we face in the communities of our country.
On a lesser note, likes, dislikes, and all that peer rating bullshit is absolutely useless, bottom fucking line. I personally hold antisocial media and message boards on the same level as my septic system when it comes to living in the really real world.
Ban Hammer works for us...FAFO💥⚒️
What a about a Donkey Kick to the NETHER REGIONS...would that count as a RUDE AWAKENING? Just askin'!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
The braindead constantly out themselves, ModCat. Blanket labeling is an idiotic libtard tactic, which in the light of day reveals a mindset in which anyone opposing them on any topic can and will be labeled "anti-THAT." In so doing, they imagine a world of subdivisions in which, in concert with other morons doing tge same thing, none of THEM are even fully welcome in Libworld.
This particular turd feigns to be one of us, but blows its cover by using the libtard separatist labeling tactic AND using the lefto-glowie tactic of calling for violence and invoking President Trump's name -- a clear attempt to link ultra rightwing nutcase-ism to PDJT.
Ban away, esteemed Mods! This turd was a prime candidate for flushing.
The only thing to understand, is that evil does not care for the Truth. Not only that, but they run from it. They also can't stand those of us that love the Truth. Best way to deal with evil is to share the Truth. The Word of God is the sword, all of the Armor of God is defensive, the sword (Word) is offensive. I use the Word of God to fight my battles, I don't have to say anything, just share the Word and evil will flee 🙏
Wow. The retardation is strong with this one. 😂
Yep -- a shining example of utter stupidity.
Especially the "if you use social media you're a pedo" bit
Not realizing that message boards like this are sorta kinda....social media
Yeah that's peak retardism. Corky level shit.
Don’t feed the troll.
I like to--as long as it remains fun for me.
Once it's no longer fun, I'm out.
When I was in high school this girl tried to Rick Roll me on AOL instant messenger.
She said, "Check out this cool video of these fireworks!"
When I was watching the Rick Roll, I replied to her saying,
"Woah! This is so cool! I've never seen fireworks like this before!"
She got confused, she was like "huh?"
Purkiss said that to me long ago. Still resonates.
It takes 1 to know 1 (me on CoD4 on PS3 lol).
How about simply, "Your crude generalizations spoken as absolutes will absolutely always get you banned."
Doesn't look like he had anything useful or intelligent to say in the 2 days he was here. Good riddance.
To C5:
The biggest waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who doesn’t care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions.
Never waste time on discussions that make no sense. There are people who, for all the evidence presented to them, do not have the ability to understand.
Others who are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and the only thing that they want is to be right even if they aren’t.
When IGNORANCE SCREAMS, intelligence moves on.
Thank you for your kind words and please keep us in your prayers. Keke
I will say what I have been saying on X and Telegram for months. WE NEED MANY MENTAL INSTITUTIONS! There is definitely something wrong with the minds of far too many people in this world!
Not sure if it's the jab or not, but much of it is from the lack of REAL EDUCATION in our schools, lack of GOD in our schools, lack of Country in our schools, lack of the two parent family, and inherent evil prolificating world wide.
I am actually glad that I am pushing 80 because I think I would go mental if I had to live through the world this generation will be ruling in the coming years.
I will enjoy my little cottage and my gardens (without bugs) and my wonderful husband in the Heaven we have created for ourselves! 🥰
That's why the block button is essential. Keeps the peace. Why are you entertaining that obvious foolishness?
Send it some lighter fluid and a blow torch. Maybe it would like to protest in public. Too soon?
Of all things to mock, I think the people who "protest" by hurting themselves deserve it perhaps the most. Never too soon for that.
At the very least, at least mocking those types will prevent others from thinking it's a cool thing. Mocking them may literally save lives long enough for them to get some help.
KEK - probably a Hamas Boy out of class protesting
... or (yawn... bye...). Short and sweet. They want attention. Don't give them any.
The shill prob reading the thread right now.
"Your recent report on u/verminlandhater's content in c/GreatAwakening has been addressed."
Thank you for your service qa! 💥🫡👏
"Your village is missing it's idiot".
"... and to think that YOUR sperm was the fastest swimmer. I'd hate to see last place."
Just respond with “k.” That will really piss them off. Then ban tf out of them.
I've been banned for absolutely nothing by these mods.
Welcome to the badge of honor club :)
They’re making the bots with Tourette’s now?
Make memes that make them cry. Then make memes of them crying.
Ahh... Scrolling through this one's comment history and I remember him/her from months ago. S/he started calling everyone and everything a pedo. As I recall (and it's been a very long time) this one was/is a foreign-born shill as it's language was awkward in places. Scrolling through now - and it's just been cursory - it looks to have cleaned up it's English grammar a bit. I'm voting for bot or paid foreign shill. Expect it to keep up with the juvenile tactic until you permanently ban it. It's just a marxist being juvenile as is their propensity.
Edit: And as I recall it was cranking out tens of these by the hour back then. I'm voting for marxist-programmed bot. So my guess is they're trying to chew up resources (mod time and effort), likely with an ulterior motive. I'd noticed within the past couple weeks they (various new anons, sleepers) were dumping loads of sales ads as posts - again, chewing up resources and causing a distraction.
Shilly handshake account
I just sent OP a DM as, after scanning through it's comment history, I recognized it, perhaps what I termed the Whack-a-Mole shill, from about four months ago. It reincarnated three times over a few days and every time it was multiple comments, various posts, within a short time (ergo likely a bot), and most of them calling everyone and their cousin a pedo. Tiresome, childish. I won't be surprised if it will come back tomorrow under a new name.
Unfortunately, you are correct fren!
Vietnamese comment farms are a real thing. Dystopian workers with 40 phones in front of them sitting there all day.
Sounds like an odysee user that i find keeps getting kicked out of streams.
He probably has kiddy porn on his computer and the CIA didn't do it.
I’m sure most of us can’t possibly imagine what the mods here put up with, and thank you mods for your service. You must sift through piles of bizarre stuff. I appreciate how excellent this forum is, and if stuff slips through the cracks, I think most of us are adult enough to scroll past it and move on. Sorry you are dealing with such stuff. I honor and appreciate what you are doing here, so much!
Mods - you have a thankless job, holding down the fort and keeping these boards as a source of sound truth, healthy debate and productive conversations.
Your service is incredible, and we all owe you very much for this difficult role you fill.
And as we said in the Navy,"F--- 'em if they can't take a joke" ;)
"Damn the torpedoes, Mods - Full speed ahead!" -- Admiral Farragut
Oh boy. Someone is having a bad day. Let them cool down and see if they apologize.
Sorry you guys have to go through this. We appreciate all the work you do.
so that was you...
Can you put that on your resume?
Mental illness can be a real b!tch…
Did you watch Peewee Herman's movie as a child? The best reply is basically "I know you are, but what am I". In other words, accuse THEM of being pedo Communists.
Ironically, they sound like AI to me....Its most likely just a lame AI set on low processing power just to try and troll you guys on the cheap.
I understand what hes saying when people finally really wake up then you can fully understand what is going on in the world it’s way worse then most people even wanna believe just saying
I've seen posts conflating AI to Satan, so I'm not sure if this connects those posts to this person or not.
But this is clearly someone who thinks referring to Trump as GEOTUS (God-Emperor) means we literally worship him as a deity..or at a minimum wants to portray to others that we do.
We saw that on Reddit a few times, and Redditors gobbled that right up.
Pat them on head and smile warmly
Then offer them a dollar to go play in the freeway?
Just a thought.
Such a nice individual.
I noticed it the last 6months people are very much on edge. And a breakdown is in progress. So I hope our Angels and Reapers know what they are doing because social engineering is a dangerous tool.