I Hope This Makes The Idaho Water Shutoff To Farmers Real For People
🚨 Idaho is fining Farmers $300 PER ACRE for using water
Farmers are already declaring bankruptcy
Here are 2 farmers from eastern Idaho who have just received their water shutoff orders
“We just got our curtailment letter from the Idaho Department of Water Resources and they're telling us we have to shut our eight wells off.”
“Shut our water off?”
— “They want us to shut our water off. — They want us to turn our wells off.”
“The reservoirs are full, yet we're being told we cannot water 500,000 acres of crops”
“Thing. If you decide that you're just gonna keep watering, they're going to fine you $300 per acre. Well, if you're just growing a crop like hay, it doesn't make $300 an acre. You're just gonna lose money on that.”
“you look on the curtailment paper it's not just farmers it's commercial businesses.”
They give lots of details about the water shutoff order (see video)
They talk about more locations being effected and what the result of that will be:
— “They want to shut off just in Bingham County. So Bingham County grows more potatoes than any other county in the state and just in Bingham County there's $1.3 ish billion dollars spent in the county. And if that water was curtailed, it would reduce the amount of money spent in the county by three to $400 million.
So you wouldn't just be putting out, you wouldn't just be putting farmers out of business, you'd be putting people who deliver gas out of business, people who sell groceries, you'd be putting all the equipment people out of business, the repair, the repair men, the service men.
We just had people coming out, working on our pivots and stuff. You'd be putting all those guys out of business, which would hurt everyone”
“Trucking companies would go out of business. Yep. You have a lot of guys who have storages for potatoes. All those guys, they would no longer be getting rent for their potatoes. It would just devastate the entire Idaho economy.”
“There's already guys, there's already local farmers who've shut their wells off and their fields have already dried up because of this curtailment order and they're going to be out millions of dollars they're going to end up declaring bankruptcy and if the farmers declare bankruptcy the banks that finance the farmers are going to declare bankruptcy and then the whole economy is just shot. It's literally going to destroy the Idaho economy.”
“We gotta get this thing spreading like wildfire to make sure everybody knows about this. Because like it or not, it's gonna affect everybody.”
They won’t use force, they’ll use economic means. Stealing bank accounts, putting liens on properties, denying them credit…
From that perspective, this works better than a gun, because the people are still alive, still dependent, completely demoralized-along with their families. THAT spreads amongst people quickly. Others will hear the tale of caution, and they will comply. Simply shooting someone gives a martyr, and sometimes a legend, to rally around.
The end result of starving people has begun, and in force. There’s no accountability, no explanation (rational or no), just “because fuck you, that’s why”.
You want to know an act of war—this is one. We, collectively, recognize this or we become fodder. The depopulation plan has begun on several fronts. Most everyone else hasn’t felt it yet, and the past two years of shortages/increased prices/“inflation” have given cover to what will be happening.
Slowly, food will become scarce and costly, and with the other events that will be forthcoming, people may wake up. I pray it won’t be too late.
Where do the biggest victims(mega farmers) stand with filing their lawsuits? Swaying public opinion via media doesn't do a whole lot when your crops are dying. They need to blow some money on lawyers, asap. (I can't believe I just said that.)
Those are all the reason the farmers should say no. The water doesn't belong to the state. The farmers need to defend their rights or lose them. Take a stand, protect your wells, tell the state to fuck off with their fines. People really need to stop listening to these so called authorities.
What if they just say no? "We will not shut off our water."
Then there are fines. "No, we refuse to pay fines."
How do they enforce?
Can the State physically shut off the water?
Do they control the valves etc?
Do they drag the farmers through long and expensive court battles? "No, will not participate in your proceedings."
Then what?
Do they arrest the farmers?
Do they confiscate the farms?
Evil and dirty tricks aside, what will they actually do?
If they resort to force they are admitting that their argument cannot stand up to proper debate. If the argument is sound then force is never necessary.
Corruption formula, shut off the water, bankrupt the farmers, steal the land on the cheap, turn the water back on, control the food supply even more than they already do.
They will put leins on their land and there are time statutes on them. Eventually they will be forced either into foreclosure or bankruptcy. Economic warfare.
Or the courts will reverse the shit just like they've done with COVID fines. I get it's easy for me to say this because it isn't my home at risk but if your going to lose your livelihood no matter what choice you make, why would you make it easier on these evil ass people. Stop complying with Satan.
This appears to correlate with the reopening of Cobalt mining activities for the "Greenman" energy push. Suffice to say, What politicians are invested in this operation?
That’s kind of the point of reaching the precipice in my opinion. After my experiences in the Corps and experiencing the things that I did see overseas, we haven’t even begun to feel anything close to a precipice yet. What we are dealing with right now, yeah it sucks, yeah it’s tough, but this is nothing. My family is voting for Trump but they could care less about anything other than the economy and the border. They don’t care about justice for the crimes against humanity by the cabal at all. They just care about a return to “normalcy”. Until people move on from that and lose that care for themselves and move on to caring for the innocent, then I believe we are nowhere near the precipice.
HOW aren't they noticing? I see so many people just ignoring All of this. they still plan trips, parties, paying for college in 15 years, interest rates going down, etc.
They are real people or atleast have a body out where I livein S Diego .. waiting for the next jab , going on vacations, walking around as if all is great and of course they believe all is great because their belief is Bidumb is the best ever ! I literally heard a blue collar white dude say the other day , ( blue collar white dude makes it worse for me ) if America doesn’t get their heads out of their asses we only have about 6 months left of the good life. I stood their in utter shock , he was outside his garage yelling that to his neighbor , I was across the street and just froze trying to understand how anyone could be so stupid and still function ! I purposely walk on his side of the street now so if he’s out and it’s possible to converse, I’m going to question him , I have to, I just can’t understand the insanity!
yes, it's frightening to think about. and seems like more & more mentions of it on the internet. have seen this quote several times, definitely a lot to ponder😳
"If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.”
― George Gurdjieff
“what a number of these dead people govern our lives”
I have long thought that many people are “spiritually dead” meaning essentially they are already dead and gone but just waiting on their time to be up unless they by miracle and through the Holy Spirit is raised back into the living through salvation. Most definitely we are governed by spiritually dead people who are only still standing because God has allowed it for a short period to show his people the truth.
I've felt that way too, almost like an observer.
because some people seem so detached, not worth dealing with...
I think that's one of the messages from our forefathers'
quotes like George Washington's below, some have a 'spark', others don't (children of darkness that Vigano mentioned in his letter to President Trump)...
RULE NO. 110
Labour to keep alive in your Breast that Little Spark of Ce[les]tial fire Called Conscience.
It's not that simple. People collectively realize the same conundrum, whether consciously or unconsciously: should I spend the rest of my days in hell fighting to the death for a cause that may never be realized, for a country that may never be restored, or do I try to enjoy what's left with my family? You make any motions to protest or gather or speak out on forums like this, you get on a list (because you bet THEY are watching), or put in jail, or demonitized, or censored, or cancelled... with AI as powerful as it is now, it has calculated and game planned out every move and countermove, so the answer to the conundrum becomes pretty darn clear. Am I wrong?
The unawakened will fight for themselves only. The awakened fight for all. The normies just don’t see how we’re one big family (gods family - not including demons) and that we should collectively work together for the good and fight the evil. But they live like atheists with no faith and no heart. A rude awakening is what they need and I’m willing to bet its on the way. Those of us who know the truth can stay cozy and keep faith while the rest will have to fight their way out of the Death Valley. Not all will make it. Everyone will need a savior as no one makes it out on their own for what’s to come. Pray for the normies - they are going to need it for what we are up against. Pray that they awaken in time to see the light and make it out. 🙏
All these farmers should just continue using water and growing their crops. Don’t pay a single dime and when the gov shows up to collect, stand side by side fully strapped just like when the gov has come in to takeover land in the past. They only win if you let them.
In Dr Malone's Friday Funnies he has a meme about the cycle of communism which includes "run out of food, starve to death". This is what they are doing, and why they are buying up farm land.
Yeah, I get ya. I'm skeptical also. It seems very convenient he is who he is, if that makes sense. Plus, he was a player in the vax scene for decades but remained pure? We'll see. But the communism meme about cutting off the food supply and starving people hit me like a ton of bricks in the gut this morning.
I trust him. He worked on mRNA in the beginning but said Merck bought the technology and couldn't get it to work after years and (was it a billion?) dollars. He knows the government has ulterior motives and I have only heard him fight the good fight. He has been smeared by the other side as "controlled opposition" because he is a formidable opponent to them.
Stealing Americans votes have grave consequences . What an absolute nightmare , how people can not understand how evil this communist take over is will forever baffle me !
The problem is most of the elections were and are dirty. Those in power were placed there for a reason, this being one of them. Then the Deep State blackmails those they placed in power.
The state government bastards sold out for3 pieces of silver to the mining bastards. I wish one attorney would step forward and represent these farmers pro-bono. Not only are they destroying farmers who may have had this land in the family for decades,they are destroying a food supply. Then in willswoopBill Gates or a foreigner to buy the land dirt cheap and destroy it with GMO farming or strip mining. What does the government know about the farm lands that the owners don’t? Are there valuable minerals on the land? This should be ruled an illegal land grab by preventing farmers using water on their own land via wells they drilled. I am incensed on behalf of them.
Idaho farmers need to study the Dutch farmer revolt that just occurred and take notes, and for the rest of us, we’ll spread it around like wildfire…. This is a blatant attack on American farmers and food supply.
I declare peace and prosperity over these farmers and a huge crop supernaturally because God owns the water not this Cabal. We will have good and not starve. These farmers shall have water and crops for this coming harvest amen.
All wells are at risk of the same thing. Last year it was register gardens. Now it’s ID livestock and barn yard animals. The buying up of all the farm lands buy guys like Gates only proves they could care less about the above ground. It’s all about water rights.
I used to live in Blackfoot and worked at Bingham Memorial Hospital for a bit even 30+ years ago... lived way out amongst the potato fields too... can't imagine what that area will go through with the water shut off. Quite a bit of dairy there as well... at least back in the early 90's... and canola. Fook this is crap to hear about. 4B
Creating a food shortage
I think they want the land so they can start digging their cobalt mines.
All of the above...
Pitch forks and torches time?
That and they want it so honest good farmers can’t grow nutritious foods so we are forced to survive on bugs and labgrown.
[Bill Gates has entered the chat]
Yep, that’s what I heard
The state needs to step in and tell the feds to take a hike.
The local Sheriff of that particular county needs to step up !
Or the farmers themselves.
The state is the one at fault, their governor.
That and their state Senators
Idaho needs a Greg Abbott.
I Hope This Makes The Idaho Water Shutoff To Farmers Real For People
🚨 Idaho is fining Farmers $300 PER ACRE for using water
Farmers are already declaring bankruptcy
Here are 2 farmers from eastern Idaho who have just received their water shutoff orders
“We just got our curtailment letter from the Idaho Department of Water Resources and they're telling us we have to shut our eight wells off.”
“Shut our water off?”
— “They want us to shut our water off. — They want us to turn our wells off.”
“The reservoirs are full, yet we're being told we cannot water 500,000 acres of crops”
“Thing. If you decide that you're just gonna keep watering, they're going to fine you $300 per acre. Well, if you're just growing a crop like hay, it doesn't make $300 an acre. You're just gonna lose money on that.”
“you look on the curtailment paper it's not just farmers it's commercial businesses.”
They give lots of details about the water shutoff order (see video)
They talk about more locations being effected and what the result of that will be:
— “They want to shut off just in Bingham County. So Bingham County grows more potatoes than any other county in the state and just in Bingham County there's $1.3 ish billion dollars spent in the county. And if that water was curtailed, it would reduce the amount of money spent in the county by three to $400 million.
So you wouldn't just be putting out, you wouldn't just be putting farmers out of business, you'd be putting people who deliver gas out of business, people who sell groceries, you'd be putting all the equipment people out of business, the repair, the repair men, the service men.
We just had people coming out, working on our pivots and stuff. You'd be putting all those guys out of business, which would hurt everyone”
“Trucking companies would go out of business. Yep. You have a lot of guys who have storages for potatoes. All those guys, they would no longer be getting rent for their potatoes. It would just devastate the entire Idaho economy.”
“There's already guys, there's already local farmers who've shut their wells off and their fields have already dried up because of this curtailment order and they're going to be out millions of dollars they're going to end up declaring bankruptcy and if the farmers declare bankruptcy the banks that finance the farmers are going to declare bankruptcy and then the whole economy is just shot. It's literally going to destroy the Idaho economy.”
“We gotta get this thing spreading like wildfire to make sure everybody knows about this. Because like it or not, it's gonna affect everybody.”
And the farmers hold the land and the wells and in the end they either comply and perish, or do something else.
Then the bureaucrats can either accept that they’ll still have citizens and tax revenue, or do something else.
And in the end someone may be ordered to go out with a gun and use force, and they also can comply or do something else.
It takes a lot of people cooperating to destroy a people.
They won’t use force, they’ll use economic means. Stealing bank accounts, putting liens on properties, denying them credit…
From that perspective, this works better than a gun, because the people are still alive, still dependent, completely demoralized-along with their families. THAT spreads amongst people quickly. Others will hear the tale of caution, and they will comply. Simply shooting someone gives a martyr, and sometimes a legend, to rally around.
The end result of starving people has begun, and in force. There’s no accountability, no explanation (rational or no), just “because fuck you, that’s why”.
You want to know an act of war—this is one. We, collectively, recognize this or we become fodder. The depopulation plan has begun on several fronts. Most everyone else hasn’t felt it yet, and the past two years of shortages/increased prices/“inflation” have given cover to what will be happening.
Slowly, food will become scarce and costly, and with the other events that will be forthcoming, people may wake up. I pray it won’t be too late.
Where do the biggest victims(mega farmers) stand with filing their lawsuits? Swaying public opinion via media doesn't do a whole lot when your crops are dying. They need to blow some money on lawyers, asap. (I can't believe I just said that.)
Those are all the reason the farmers should say no. The water doesn't belong to the state. The farmers need to defend their rights or lose them. Take a stand, protect your wells, tell the state to fuck off with their fines. People really need to stop listening to these so called authorities.
I hate that I’m upvoting this.
What if they just say no? "We will not shut off our water."
Then there are fines. "No, we refuse to pay fines."
How do they enforce?
Can the State physically shut off the water?
Do they control the valves etc?
Do they drag the farmers through long and expensive court battles? "No, will not participate in your proceedings."
Then what?
Do they arrest the farmers?
Do they confiscate the farms?
Evil and dirty tricks aside, what will they actually do?
If they resort to force they are admitting that their argument cannot stand up to proper debate. If the argument is sound then force is never necessary.
Corruption formula, shut off the water, bankrupt the farmers, steal the land on the cheap, turn the water back on, control the food supply even more than they already do.
They will put leins on their land and there are time statutes on them. Eventually they will be forced either into foreclosure or bankruptcy. Economic warfare.
Or the courts will reverse the shit just like they've done with COVID fines. I get it's easy for me to say this because it isn't my home at risk but if your going to lose your livelihood no matter what choice you make, why would you make it easier on these evil ass people. Stop complying with Satan.
^^^ THIS ^^^
Pure EVIL. Any excuse will do to bankrupt the middle class. Excuses: water, covid, etc. Reasons: valuable minerals nearby?
Remember the Bundy ranchers in 2016?
https://youtu.be/H6GAoqvK5s0?feature=shared American Standoff full movie 🍿
Lavoy Finicum was shot in cold blood.
It's really a much watch for everyone on this platform... Water verses the people for cattle...
Someone was shot by FBI agent or a sniper.. Planned ambush = MURDER....
This appears to correlate with the reopening of Cobalt mining activities for the "Greenman" energy push. Suffice to say, What politicians are invested in this operation?
Over 200 of them
How do we find out who they are?
Ok, Q. The shit is getting real here. We need some of that space force shit.
I fear someone is gonna go off.
That’s kind of the point of reaching the precipice in my opinion. After my experiences in the Corps and experiencing the things that I did see overseas, we haven’t even begun to feel anything close to a precipice yet. What we are dealing with right now, yeah it sucks, yeah it’s tough, but this is nothing. My family is voting for Trump but they could care less about anything other than the economy and the border. They don’t care about justice for the crimes against humanity by the cabal at all. They just care about a return to “normalcy”. Until people move on from that and lose that care for themselves and move on to caring for the innocent, then I believe we are nowhere near the precipice.
People need to be taken out for this
Yes ,, how can people not see this ? Dear God , undeluted EVIL!!
Still down voting my 'street justice" posts
Did you mean ..I’m downvoting your post?? I never have downvoted , so I’m a bit confused?
Wasn't referring to you sorry...but on here that has been my experience
No worries ,, I thought u meant others, but just checking lol
No I am not
this^ is what I wonder about Most of the day!
HOW aren't they noticing? I see so many people just ignoring All of this. they still plan trips, parties, paying for college in 15 years, interest rates going down, etc.
they have to be Bots...
strangest experience Ever🐸
They are real people or atleast have a body out where I livein S Diego .. waiting for the next jab , going on vacations, walking around as if all is great and of course they believe all is great because their belief is Bidumb is the best ever ! I literally heard a blue collar white dude say the other day , ( blue collar white dude makes it worse for me ) if America doesn’t get their heads out of their asses we only have about 6 months left of the good life. I stood their in utter shock , he was outside his garage yelling that to his neighbor , I was across the street and just froze trying to understand how anyone could be so stupid and still function ! I purposely walk on his side of the street now so if he’s out and it’s possible to converse, I’m going to question him , I have to, I just can’t understand the insanity!
Some days I do wonder if bots are around us and only very few of us are real. Scary thought indeed…
yes, it's frightening to think about. and seems like more & more mentions of it on the internet. have seen this quote several times, definitely a lot to ponder😳
"If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.” ― George Gurdjieff
This one is interesting;
“what a number of these dead people govern our lives”
I have long thought that many people are “spiritually dead” meaning essentially they are already dead and gone but just waiting on their time to be up unless they by miracle and through the Holy Spirit is raised back into the living through salvation. Most definitely we are governed by spiritually dead people who are only still standing because God has allowed it for a short period to show his people the truth.
I've felt that way too, almost like an observer. because some people seem so detached, not worth dealing with...
I think that's one of the messages from our forefathers'
quotes like George Washington's below, some have a 'spark', others don't (children of darkness that Vigano mentioned in his letter to President Trump)...
RULE NO. 110 Labour to keep alive in your Breast that Little Spark of Ce[les]tial fire Called Conscience.
No shit county fair going on here and it's Packed.....
It's not that simple. People collectively realize the same conundrum, whether consciously or unconsciously: should I spend the rest of my days in hell fighting to the death for a cause that may never be realized, for a country that may never be restored, or do I try to enjoy what's left with my family? You make any motions to protest or gather or speak out on forums like this, you get on a list (because you bet THEY are watching), or put in jail, or demonitized, or censored, or cancelled... with AI as powerful as it is now, it has calculated and game planned out every move and countermove, so the answer to the conundrum becomes pretty darn clear. Am I wrong?
The unawakened will fight for themselves only. The awakened fight for all. The normies just don’t see how we’re one big family (gods family - not including demons) and that we should collectively work together for the good and fight the evil. But they live like atheists with no faith and no heart. A rude awakening is what they need and I’m willing to bet its on the way. Those of us who know the truth can stay cozy and keep faith while the rest will have to fight their way out of the Death Valley. Not all will make it. Everyone will need a savior as no one makes it out on their own for what’s to come. Pray for the normies - they are going to need it for what we are up against. Pray that they awaken in time to see the light and make it out. 🙏
Why would I care about a 'list' when I know/Q told us that God wins?
To top it off Governor Brad Little is a RINO.
All these farmers should just continue using water and growing their crops. Don’t pay a single dime and when the gov shows up to collect, stand side by side fully strapped just like when the gov has come in to takeover land in the past. They only win if you let them.
We are supposed to be the rude “fuck you” culture … its time we lived up to that monicker.
I seem to recall Q saying "Watch the water" on numerous occasions.
Seems prety relevant given the situation faced by these farmers.
I wonder if theres a boomerang lurking in the shadows.
In Dr Malone's Friday Funnies he has a meme about the cycle of communism which includes "run out of food, starve to death". This is what they are doing, and why they are buying up farm land.
I just can’t trust Malone. Never have. Something just doesn’t sit right with him.
Yeah, I get ya. I'm skeptical also. It seems very convenient he is who he is, if that makes sense. Plus, he was a player in the vax scene for decades but remained pure? We'll see. But the communism meme about cutting off the food supply and starving people hit me like a ton of bricks in the gut this morning.
I trust him. He worked on mRNA in the beginning but said Merck bought the technology and couldn't get it to work after years and (was it a billion?) dollars. He knows the government has ulterior motives and I have only heard him fight the good fight. He has been smeared by the other side as "controlled opposition" because he is a formidable opponent to them.
I have gotten a lot of info from him that I believe is good and I'm saving it. I just really don't trust anyone any more.
They're farmers. They have big tractors. Time for a protest.
Or, you could just choose to go bankrupt and meekly follow the DS's ridiculous rules.
Your choice, farmers.
How come this isn't a State's Rights issue?
Biden is that bad guy in road warrior
Elections have consequences
Stealing Americans votes have grave consequences . What an absolute nightmare , how people can not understand how evil this communist take over is will forever baffle me !
The problem is most of the elections were and are dirty. Those in power were placed there for a reason, this being one of them. Then the Deep State blackmails those they placed in power.
The state government bastards sold out for3 pieces of silver to the mining bastards. I wish one attorney would step forward and represent these farmers pro-bono. Not only are they destroying farmers who may have had this land in the family for decades,they are destroying a food supply. Then in willswoopBill Gates or a foreigner to buy the land dirt cheap and destroy it with GMO farming or strip mining. What does the government know about the farm lands that the owners don’t? Are there valuable minerals on the land? This should be ruled an illegal land grab by preventing farmers using water on their own land via wells they drilled. I am incensed on behalf of them.
So when all these farmers go bankrupt, who comes in and buys their farm land for a song? Bill Gates? The Communist Chinese? Blackrock?
All of the above.
They fined businesses for staying open and now courts are erasing those fines.
Idaho farmers need to study the Dutch farmer revolt that just occurred and take notes, and for the rest of us, we’ll spread it around like wildfire…. This is a blatant attack on American farmers and food supply.
According to the video posted in the OP, the Idaho farmers are well aware of what the European farmers have been through.
How is this legal??? Too bad farmers can't divert water from rivers, lakes and streams.
I declare peace and prosperity over these farmers and a huge crop supernaturally because God owns the water not this Cabal. We will have good and not starve. These farmers shall have water and crops for this coming harvest amen.
How much "collateral damage" must occur before The Plan happens? I don't see how we can wait until November.
All wells are at risk of the same thing. Last year it was register gardens. Now it’s ID livestock and barn yard animals. The buying up of all the farm lands buy guys like Gates only proves they could care less about the above ground. It’s all about water rights.
Now ask if there are 200 Politicians who already invested in this ?
Why would they comply by shutting off their own wells on their own property? What grounds does the federal government have to mandate this action?
Of course he did.
This is their last chance to bankrupt productive farmland, so their 'friends' can buy it on the cheap.
You will eat zee bugs, and you will be happy.
We are lucky here in IA we are above the aquifer so everyone has their own well.
Where is Clive bundy?
I used to live in Blackfoot and worked at Bingham Memorial Hospital for a bit even 30+ years ago... lived way out amongst the potato fields too... can't imagine what that area will go through with the water shut off. Quite a bit of dairy there as well... at least back in the early 90's... and canola. Fook this is crap to hear about. 4B
You can bet that Biden is getting a kick a kickback for this.
Then this. https://www.idahoconservation.org/blog/the-blowback-against-the-proposed-lava-ridge-wind-project-and-the-forecast-for-renewable-energy-projects-in-idaho/
This is a textbook example of a time when people need to come together for mass non-compliance.
Is it time for a general strike yet?