Fun fact - my ex-wife's grandfather owned the factory in Finland which invented and manufactured the white snow camo. They fled the country when the Nazis took over the factory.
I'm just a dude on the boat drinking White Claws and sunning himself with a lot of pretty girls by my side. Nothing interesting outwardly. All my friends are normies-based, but most don't have the first hand experiences that I've had and they can't relate. We're all sitting out having fun and I'll drift into these areas (mentally) and they are asking me what I'm thinking about. I'm like "nevermind" because they will never fully understand. It's like that meme with the guy from the commercial with the strings connecting everything. I just see it.
You could drop this guy off at the Arctic Circle wearing a pair of bikini underwear, without his toothbrush, and tomorrow afternoon he's going to show up at your pool side with a million dollar smile and fist full of pesos.
Exactly. No naps for us. They used to get so mad at me because I wouldn't use their fat pencils or crayons, wouldn't nap, and didn't do any of the writing or reading stuff they tried with the other kids. I was taught to read/write/count and think for myself from a very young age and was reading at between a 5th and 6th grade level in kindergarten. I was bored out of my mind.
Hubby was dosed so high on dexadrine starting in the 80s that all his psychiatrist cared about was wether he was showing signs of Parkinson. If not they kept upping the dose. He didn't get off that junk until 2008. He never needed it. He was just depressed due to a learning disability and was misdiagnosed as ADD
His parents always kinda thought there was something wrong with him but it really was just a learning disability (he has processing problems and didn't read well, but is very intelligent) guessing the processing problems are from being jabbed as a kid-neurologivsl damage. But probably a genetic component as well. His dad was a veterinarian bit seemed similar to me and our kids have similar issues but never medicated (and never will be). He did vision therapy and all kinds of things. Then the drugs.
Good ole CIA shrinks. The shrink my parents saddled me with was literally the brother of Gudio Sarducci (SNL). MK Ultra....
From Wiki: "Benediction
He delivered the benediction at the Stewart/Colbert Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear from the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on October 30, 2010. He was wearing his classic white clerical collar, a long red-trimmed black coat with cape, zebra vest/jacket and black beret."
I can personally attest to most of the comments. I grew out of it sometime in my 40s. But I still retain the ability to remain highly focused in the most intense of environments/situations - gun fights, IEDs, first on deadly car accidents, major injuries of friends. The EMT comment is spot on - I'm not an EMT but have enough training to qualify - and I've been in a few crisis situations and things slow down, blinders come up, and I start running through checklists.
One of the best gigs I had was running a restaurant. The owner ended up hospitalized for two months & he gave me control of everything so he didn't lose his shirt. Those were the best two months of my life up until that point careerwise. He came back & was amazed that profits were up 20% & just couldn't accept that free internet with an hour time limit was the reason it happened.
Granted all the employees though I was so impulsive that they would all be fired before their brother/cousin/mission buddy came back. I am so glad he and I were friends before he hired me. I also told him when I was hired to give me an offer because he didn't think he could afford me. I had just sold another small company & it was going to take care of me for at least a year or more. He told me minimum wage & I laughed telling him he had a deal as long as my bills didn't go up. I just wanted to see the place I have been eating 1-3 times per week for the past 10+ years stick around. I am probably the lowest paid manager ever in history. He was just a young guy who wanted to try his hand at business. The crazy of being in the deep end of that company unexpectedly was amazing. After he came back, we planned out marketing & some upgrades that gave him more than a 50% revenue increase from the previous year & he sold it quickly after.
The times where I have succeeded have always been riddled with chaos. I wish I would have seen his suggestions earlier in my life. I have done well enough for myself, though I don't think I would have failed so much on my trip had i considered some of the stable income careers they suggested while I worked on finding where I would really thrive.
For any younger ADHD frogs here, this post gave some fantastic advice.
Same experience here. My first job working a hotel restaurant in London, my boss went on holiday for a five weeks and I took over with no extra pay!
The number of guests more than doubled and when my boss returned he wasn’t to happy about it since it made him looked bad. He accused me of stealing a 5kg (10 pounds) can of Ovaltine, which was so ridiculous I didn’t even get mad. I just sympathised with him. I really liked him.
I don't have ADHD. I have Asperger's. I can focus on one thing as long as it takes. I have a couple of subjects that I know way more about than the average person. I can remember anything I want to. I can ingest tons of information, and my brain can sort through it all and come to correct conclusions.
On the other hand, I can't read people and I can't see from their point of view. I absolutely cannot "feel your pain" like Clinton claimed. I can't tell if they're bored, and I should stop talking.
On the chans, the anons similar to me are what is termed "weaponized autism." We're the ones who can take a random photograph and figure out the GPS coordinates based on what can be seen in the photo. We can go through tens of thousands of pages of material and find what's immediately relevant.
I always thought ADHD was just a way to get drugs into kids who hate to stay in their chairs at school. Because of drug use and perhaps stuff in our food, these things, as well as allergies, are very common today. When I was in 1st grade, there was one boy that had trouble staying seated. He was the only in the entire school. Also, I never knew a single kid in school that had any food allergies. We all ate in the cafeteria, and everyone ate the same food.
I get overloaded by sensory inputs. It took me a while to get used to the noise and talking at family reunions. I became the expert that people wanted to talk to, so I could talk to someone and shut out everything else.
I believe I could function in an emergency, as blood doesn't bother me as long as it isn't mine. :)
I have a low "give a shit" factor, so a lot of things don't bother me.
I wish people in the 50s and 60s in education had known about Asperger's so I could have gotten help.
I am 70, got tired of micromanaging idiots 20 years ago, and "retired." I never got a super job, as I can't do office politics. So I became almost "indispensable" at my various jobs.
Even at 70, I can still learn and remember anything I want to. The latest thing I'm looking into is AI and how to have a private standalone AI model running on my own server not connected to the internet, so no one knows what I'm doing with it. I have terabytes of data to work with, so there may be a turnkey program available online for free before I get all the data ready for software parsing.
Certainly. It may be a while, because I have so many things going on. I'm working on a book for someone else who pays me a lot. I'm also working on my own book. The rough draft is almost 1,300 pages. And then I need to get some part of my data prepared for input. That will vary depending on the model. Also, most of this stuff runs on Linux, and I haven't done much with that yet. I have a small version dual booted on an ancient laptop to play with, but I haven't done anything with it on my main Windows 10 computer.
I just started reading it. One poster mentions training an AI on his personal diary.
That's one of the data sources I have. I have a big ass notebook with entries for every single day since I was born 70 years ago. In the earlier days, most entries only list the weather data (high, low, precipitation, unusual winds, and storms). Some list historical events and other events I found interesting. After around 1970, it gets very detailed. I have work days, trips, meals, even gas logs. I have all computer activity logged since my first PC in 1989, including emails, file downloads, and all documents and other files I have created.
On a private system, I could ask the price of gas on a certain day, and the AI could look in my data and tell me what I was paying then. Or what I was doing on a certain day. It would be a big help, as I have no wish to stick everything in my own head. Some have said that your brain is for processing, not storage.
In addition, I have tens of thousands of reference books on my computer that I would eventually want my personal AI to search for me. I'm a genealogist, so AI could help me do research faster. Right now I'm limited by how fast I can type information from various online databases and my collection of books.
Yeah me too. It's actually scary how much you said that pertains to me. By the way - never, NEVER go to a Rainforest Cafe. If you haven't been before, here is a small taste.
It is absolutely not nice if you are anywhere on the autism spectrum. Complete sensory overload - especially if there are a ton of kids, and birthday parades/celebrations going on. I made it 5 minutes and had to go sit in the car the one time I went.
Ah gotcha. I wasn’t sure whether to read “in general” or “with autism”.
There are places like this where a lot of occult/hypnosis/spellcasting symbolism and mechanisms are installed. Don’t know if that’s one of them, but it’s good to know their symbols. At least some people are susceptible to it.
On a related note to that, but an unrelated note to this thread, there is a group of women in Salem who remembrance the Salem Witch Trials and the “clear false mockery of a sham” that they were by … holding seances, dressing up as witches, and generally worshipping Satan.
We really should remember how fake and paranoid those witch trials were, and how nutty those Christians can be, so that totally innocent people never have something like that happen to them again.
“Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.” may not only be referring to the Y or pedos, but as I’m sure we are all familiar with by now, the Satanists, and witches and witchcraft appear to be quite real as well.
Seriously... we're all so connected...6 degrees if separation (or less!) I was instrumental in designing those BIG RFC building facades with the gorilla, cheetah etc (EPS foam, BTW - hardcoated) - 3 of them were containerized and sent over to sand land (UAE).... Sorry if that overloaded your senses...
Thanks for that description. I worked one on one with a few kids with this condition. They all told me I was way too concerned about how they & others felt (though I could tell they did appreciate it). Trying to help them understand the emotional cues that I just picked up on naturally was like digging granite with a plastic spoon. My suggestion of them asking the listeners if they wanted to hear more after they spoke each minute really helped a lot & when they started asking, does that make sense or am I off somewhere, that really helped even more because normies would feel more engaged in the conversation & could direct the information that was coming their way from a human supercomputer.
Thanks for helping me understand those kids better.
edit - Should have mentioned that the kids I worked with did want to read those emotions & generally seemed frustrated with the process. One didn't care if they learned or not.
Kids today are luckier in that people know more. When I was growing up, there was zero help. I was bullied, even by some of the teachers. Today when I talk, sometimes my wife will punch me. I still don't know how I managed to find someone 40 years ago. On the other hand, she was good with special students. She even managed to get a non-verbal student to talk once.
I have ADHD and I can not speak or write very well. I have all the information in my head, but I can not recall it fast enough. It is a pain in the rear end.
My friends make fun of me because they say I am so blunt. I just have no other way to be.
I also get hyper hyper focused on things. Like RESEARCH!
You know that filter in your brain that tells you when not to say anything?
I don't have one. But I have memorized many thousands of rules, so I can act normal most of the time. It's very tiring, so I spend most of my time alone in my home office, and most of that is here on the computer.
WOW!! I just typed this and then went back and read the first part! EXACTLY what I said. That makes me feel so much better. Sometimes, I think I am going crazy!!! I have all this information in my head and can NOT for the life of me explain it.
I used to take medicine until there was a shortage. The medicine just makes me be able to think and speak a little better.
I hear you. Try being married to someone who I now believe falls on the Asperger's spectrum who feels very little emotion and simply doesn't react or notice when something happens, while I feel everything for everyone, read body language like an expert and see everything and react in microseconds.
It's so hard to explain my feelings and observations to those in my sphere who just can't understand nor fathom any of it.
One example of my marital mismatch:
Years ago, we we went to see a movie together and then to dinner afterwards near the theater. The movie was a new blockbuster that was full of fantastic dialogue, incredible special effects, great soundtrack, and clever comedic moments. It ran almost 3 hrs. I thought it was absolutely terrific and couldn't say enough good things about it as we walked out. I liked it very much.
After being seated at our table, our waitress asked us if we'd just come from the theater and what did we see and did we like it?
My spouse said, "We saw ___. It was fine." And that was the entirety of the response. Sigh...
It's tough living in this world with the kind of disparate thinking patterns we each possess!
My wife will talk through an entire movie. Asking questions every second. Saw a dude on tick tock that had the same problem- his solution…he goes I’ll ask her what movie she wants to see whether in a theater or on Netflix and I go ahead and watch the movie by myself, then I take her to see the movie 😂🤣😂
Wow … I got one of those too. When Tucker was on Fox he would be giving a dialogue and 100% of the time she would start asking questions while he was still talking. I am a ‘listener’. If someone is speaking on something I am focused on, I zero in, listen and analyze. I had to establish a hard and fast rule … she can ask question either AFTER, or if it on TV, pause the shit. I am not fucking rainman, I cant listen and answer questions At the same time. 😂😂
You're describing my marriage. My husband is the same. We could be eating a most delicious meal out at a lovely restaurant. He will completely clean his plate and I'll ask him if he enjoyed it. He'll say it was alright. He's Spock, I'm Kirk. It's tough at times but somehow we make a good team.
It drove me crazy in my last corporate gig. Almost all of us managers were clearly ADHD, along with the CEO. Their CFO (sibling) was so firmly fixed in the normie realm that he hated meetings with their Brother (CEO) and all of us managers. He did keep most of the teams from running with poorly through out ideas. Though our teams were always excited because almost all of the the managers were filled with high energy & accepted new ideas as real potentials for growth & productivity. Many of the ideas were reasoned out withing two to three days, though I haven't worked anywhere that employees felt so valued for their opinions. Unfortunately there were some issues with upper level managers feeling like the rest of us threatened their position & almost all of us left within 6 year of the first taking off. Sadly the company went under after that. My former team told me they all left because it wasn't fun after I left & that the new boss only cared about numbers.
It amazed me how much more the younger millenials (toward the end of that generation) were in some form of a chicken little mindset, or worried about what others thought vs the guys my age & older who didn't care about potential problems so much as long as the work got done.
My place used a blue envelope for your check. They didn’t want Excellence they wanted mediocrity- so I started working for the blue envelope. Todays corporate is so sad
When I finally left, they were offering managers double to triple their salary to stay on because everyone was bouncing to work as leadership for competitors that were popping up and paying way more.
It sucks when you work for a company that doesn't look for excellence. Granted when economies are down, it is hard to take risks on growth. Knowing the economy will eventually rebound, many owners just ride out the bad times & do their best to keep afloat until they can give better incentives for chance.
That said, too many get afraid & don't find ways to appreciate their best employees for little to no added monetary cost during those hard time. If they would, it helps with the morale & loyalty.
If the people claiming drinking too much coffee is a mental illness yet chopping ya dick off and claiming you're now a chick is *normal, we should question everything they claim *is an issue.
Kids ain't mean to sit at a desk for 6+ hours and then claim they're hypo.
Heck some of people I know would be diagnosed with adhd get 💩 done 💪
Is it really a "disorder" just because someone claims it is?
I question it all.
Especially after my stomach removed due to cancer.
"They" call it an issue to sell you their products
Fair enough.
If it's impacting on your life in a bad way.
But I still won't acknowledge those who are in this profitable business are in it for the right reason. Some have admitted the pleasure out of being in the dsm creation.
Making more "issues" to make more business.
Yeah like if someone is just a Neanderthal psychopath, Probably means They have never been put in their place physically and probably never expanded their mind with anything like boooze, herb, or other substances. It’s like the kid that would eat the entire family breakfast platter before all the other kids sat down - Neanderthal psychopath. No disorder imho.
Ps- watching Dexter helped me understand the psychopath part very well.
I am a teacher and I wanted to get my certificate in another area. I studied for a week and I took the test and passed. Talk about hyper focus. It was a 4 year college certificate.
The problem is, however, when I try to put all that information to use, I try to do it all at one time, forget what I was originally doing, and it becomes a big mess.
ADHD pops up in times and places of crisis. People with ADHD handle crises well and are mentally built to survive them. They can hyperfocus on one thing and have an easier time seeing the big picture of a situation. They tend to have trouble in peacetime. They experience stronger emotions and tend to act on impulse. Stimulant meds allow them to better use the executive portions of their brains. They should try to find jobs that play to their strengths, either hyperfocus or responding to crises.
Right click and open image in new tab and you'll be able to zoom in... and as I just realized I somehow transitioned to mobile... if you're on mobile you can hold on the image and it'll give a pop up dialogue box and you can pick the same option.
I recently read something about people in Iceland living longer than many other places due to it being an inhospitable shithole (the only people who survive are tough). Reading this made me think of that, and so I thought to look up the rate of ADHD in Iceland. Lo and behold, an article comes up claiming Iceland holds the world record for prescription stimulant medications being taken.
The theory fucking works.
Edit: by the way, do you have a link to any of these posts u/StormzAComing?
Or in the words of Homer Simpson about Iceland: “You've managed to survive on a craphole island that looks like the moon and smells like rotten eggs. And to do that, you have to be stubborn.”
Wow this hit home. While I have never been diagnosed, I am quite sure I have it. Always wondered what the heck is wrong with me, and why I can’t be focused in boredom, but hyper focused and calm when shit hits the fan. Thanks OP
Can relate, useful framing and strategies, glad to have read this. I don't like the clinical term ADHD though, it's normie wording, part of the psyop in a way.
This is fair. The takeaway are that people with real ADHD and ADD have reduced executive function and an unrelatable frame of reference due to perceiving everything unfiltered. They handle crisis situations well due to being in crisis by default because of their unfiltered perception. They hyperfocus. They have an inverted response to stimulants.
Something he misses is that psychotherapy will not work without medication. The default executive function is below the requisite amount to start learning filtering skills. There is also non-stimulant treatments he dismisses.
Modafinil can help someone who's already developed some executive skills by reducing the time it takes to refocus after distractions. Spirulina addresses most of the nutritional deficits that exacerbate ADD and ADHD. Microdosing mushrooms or LSD can also help with that neuroplasticity in adult ADD and ADHD.
I alternate between Modafinil and Armodafinil every couple years. They are both great. (not for ADHD but for my central and obstructive sleep apnea). I've been on it for over 20 years now. One of the coolest things for me at least, is I can take it in the morning, and stay up 40 hours, or go to sleep in an hour and wake right up when I need to. When I traveled all the time for business I would have a stop on every flight - 1st was about an hour and the 2nd was about 3 hours. I'd take my pill, drive to the airport, get on the plane and sleep, land, go to the next plane and do the same. Then I'd work a 12 hour shift once I got there. It is a wonder drug.
I don’t have either of these, maybe, but apologies if I’ve (politely) gone off on anyone excessively through a combination of fixation and being oblivious.
This is a very good summation with some generalization. I recommend taking the briggs personality test. I’m not suggesting it’s gospel but it is fairly accurate and can help play your strengths.
Being a parent has certainly helped! Crisis- check, outside-check, danger-check, peace time, bed time, planning, executing plans…..😂
I wouldn’t agree to craving turmoil but it’s interesting how sticking to the truth brings out turmoil in others and they associate it with the ADHD person.
If I have it- which is plausible, it’s undiagnosed.
"ADHD adults are spastic or running around bouncing off the walls. They are just taking in every possible detail at any given time. The issue comes when it's time to speak. They notice all of these things and then suddenly have to dumb down their sensory sensations to a single topic and speak to us about one thing and it's very hard for them."
Seeing the overarching connections to seemingly unrelated data points. Often the "connections" are nebulous and seem far-fetched if you don't automatically "see it" for yourself.
"Sometimes you can't tell the people… You must show them." >>This is because normies are at the opposite end of the spectrum… they won't see the connections until it's played out right in front of their face like a movie.
Perfectly summed up by the phrase "I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."
This sounds like my son! He is always bored!!!! He is a really happy kid, never tired, but even more joyful when there is chaos. He is terribly funny and enjoys watching Gutfeld. He loves finding the humor in situations. I have always thought he is unique and will help save the world. Thanks for sharing!!!
thank you for posting this, i am very severe SDHD and this describes me to a T, i always felt i could save the planet if you give men half an hour but give me an easy task and i am lost
This hit hard. I’m more likely a just retarded vs ADHD. I’ve never been diagnosed or even accused of being hyper, but my brain travels a thousand miles before the sun even comes up. I can’t journal to combat my PTSD. The VA tries to throw medications at me every single visit so I get defensive hearing about ADHD medications. But I’d like to try something.
I was an air traffic controller in the navy, airspace manager of a naval air station after I separated. I loved that job but obviously hate the government war machine so I left once Covid hit. That’s actually when I had my mental breakdown and “woke up”. Now I’m at least happily married and have my first kid, but literally zero clue as to what my purpose in life professionally is. I get hired for jobs but only last 4-6 months because of the absolute loonery in the workplace. I’ve finally realized I need to own my own company but I’m retarded let’s see what happens.
Is there any honest guide/information to self-diagnose ADHD?
I believe I might have it on some level, I don't think it's absolutely obvious on the outside but I suffer from serious bouts of procrastination but also can hyperfocus on stuff that I'm interested in to the point where I don't need any social contact and do nothing but the thing all day aside from eating and the toilet for weeks on end (happened when I was jobless).
If I do have ADHD, I also got good at masking it after college. People would describe me as "outgoing and extroverted" when I'm really just talkative and left unchecked I could talk for hours about something I'm passionate about (I've done this a few times and the normies get fed up after about 15 minutes).
Best quote I can resonate with is when Louis Rossmann said "I could talk for hours about PP Bus G3 hot but that wouldn't go well on a date"
Another possible giveaway is I'm blunt as a hammer and speak without filter, which is how people get upset or uncomfortable when I "notice" something. Which I guess is why I'm bad at office politics because I'm allergic to lying and saying things I don't actually mean.
Advanced example would be covid and how the "Restrictions" didn't make sense/contradicted one another/double standards by celebs and politicians.
Basic bitch example would be how people rarely work more than a few hours a day in the office and spend the rest of the time gossiping and acting, and getting promoted based on who kisses ass or sucks cock the best. I've brought this up before and normies get defensive as fuck like "noooooo it's not like that, smart people get promoted or maybe they were harder working than you!!"
I don't want to be diagnosed by a doctor who will probably tell me "it's nothing" or put me on meds. And after being told to trust the science, I'm not sure what's bullshit or legit anymore.
If you think you have it, you probably have it. That's the best I can say. I think once the universe ascends into a higher frequency we'll feel "normal" (whatever that means")
It makes it sound like ADHDers are like mutants in X men but at the same time I also feel retarded because I can't really "Summon" my hyperfocus. I know I have it in me but it just seems to strike whenever it feels like coming.
I've been jobless for months and burning through my savings. Because this is literally the 5th time I've been "laid off" in <10 years, I've been procrastinating applying for jobs and trying to git good at day trading because I really don't want another fucking office job again. Blue collar labor is looked down upon, poorly appreciated and mostly poorly paid where I live (they import cheap immigrants to do all the dirty work).
If there's a way to activate hyperfocus, I'd be interested in learning. I find an appeal in daytrading but haven't been able to focus on learning and getting good (60% win rate but my losses are bigger than my wins). Sadly I've reluctantly started to apply for more jobs because I don't think waiting more, it's already been months, for hyperfocus to kick in by itself is practical.
Sadly all the way across the world from most pedes in Singapore, deep in WEF territory. Thanks for your offer but I'm afraid I can't really move because I just moved here a few years ago and now have family commitments =(
I have often thought that "ADHD" and the "required" pharmaceuticals were bullshit. Apparently, some kids can't sit for hours at a time, especially boys. I call it is..."normal."
This is an amazing post. Thank you. The more I read, the more I agreed and felt someone understood how I feel on the daily. For YEARS they tried to shove depression pills at me. I didn’t feel normal/functional until they put me on Vyvanse. I didn’t think it was doing anything until I realized I was finally able to sleep more than three hours a night and not have my mind going in 12 different directions when trying to focus. I always figured it was due to all the trauma in my life. Funny you meantion special forces….I am a veteran and always chose the difficult jobs to do.
And here we are again. See my comment below. I was put on Dexedrine (Pervatin) in 1982. Who had heard of ADHD then?
Fun fact - my ex-wife's grandfather owned the factory in Finland which invented and manufactured the white snow camo. They fled the country when the Nazis took over the factory.
I'm just a dude on the boat drinking White Claws and sunning himself with a lot of pretty girls by my side. Nothing interesting outwardly. All my friends are normies-based, but most don't have the first hand experiences that I've had and they can't relate. We're all sitting out having fun and I'll drift into these areas (mentally) and they are asking me what I'm thinking about. I'm like "nevermind" because they will never fully understand. It's like that meme with the guy from the commercial with the strings connecting everything. I just see it.
Casey? Casey Phukkin Rybak is that you???
LOL. Hardly. My shit won't fit in a Speedo. I wear Rhodies and rock like a Selous Scout ; )
Just a lonely lonely cook's Claws or bourbon for me. Occasional vodka. When I'm not working, boating, or running, I'm drinking ; )
I was on ritalin in the mid 70's. My ADHD was so bad they put me in the special ed room in kindergarten until they realized their mistake.
They used to do that with me too! When all the other kids were taking their nap, they would put me in a room by myself.
Exactly. No naps for us. They used to get so mad at me because I wouldn't use their fat pencils or crayons, wouldn't nap, and didn't do any of the writing or reading stuff they tried with the other kids. I was taught to read/write/count and think for myself from a very young age and was reading at between a 5th and 6th grade level in kindergarten. I was bored out of my mind.
I was bored and I didn't want anyone else to sleep. I wanted to laugh and play! LOL. I would keep all the other kids up.
Hubby was dosed so high on dexadrine starting in the 80s that all his psychiatrist cared about was wether he was showing signs of Parkinson. If not they kept upping the dose. He didn't get off that junk until 2008. He never needed it. He was just depressed due to a learning disability and was misdiagnosed as ADD
Almost same exact scenario and timeline for me. Who were his docs? ANy chance he was exposed to MKU?
Dr Kreisman. Sadly he's dead or we would be sueing him for malpractice.
Had to look that up and I don't think so
INteressting. I wonder when the APA push began. The shrinks had to get the word out somehow.
His parents always kinda thought there was something wrong with him but it really was just a learning disability (he has processing problems and didn't read well, but is very intelligent) guessing the processing problems are from being jabbed as a kid-neurologivsl damage. But probably a genetic component as well. His dad was a veterinarian bit seemed similar to me and our kids have similar issues but never medicated (and never will be). He did vision therapy and all kinds of things. Then the drugs.
Veterinarians were involved as well. ASPCA connection. I know it sounds crazy. But if you can experiment on an animal, you can experiment on a human.
He was on dex long enough and at such high doses that there's a real concern about lewy body dementia.
Yeah, he needs to dig on the docs and heir backgrounds.
Good ole CIA shrinks. The shrink my parents saddled me with was literally the brother of Gudio Sarducci (SNL). MK Ultra....
From Wiki: "Benediction He delivered the benediction at the Stewart/Colbert Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear from the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on October 30, 2010. He was wearing his classic white clerical collar, a long red-trimmed black coat with cape, zebra vest/jacket and black beret."
I can personally attest to most of the comments. I grew out of it sometime in my 40s. But I still retain the ability to remain highly focused in the most intense of environments/situations - gun fights, IEDs, first on deadly car accidents, major injuries of friends. The EMT comment is spot on - I'm not an EMT but have enough training to qualify - and I've been in a few crisis situations and things slow down, blinders come up, and I start running through checklists.
I managed restaurants and did construction and was on my feet the entire work day.
Loved that compared to IT.
One of the best gigs I had was running a restaurant. The owner ended up hospitalized for two months & he gave me control of everything so he didn't lose his shirt. Those were the best two months of my life up until that point careerwise. He came back & was amazed that profits were up 20% & just couldn't accept that free internet with an hour time limit was the reason it happened.
Granted all the employees though I was so impulsive that they would all be fired before their brother/cousin/mission buddy came back. I am so glad he and I were friends before he hired me. I also told him when I was hired to give me an offer because he didn't think he could afford me. I had just sold another small company & it was going to take care of me for at least a year or more. He told me minimum wage & I laughed telling him he had a deal as long as my bills didn't go up. I just wanted to see the place I have been eating 1-3 times per week for the past 10+ years stick around. I am probably the lowest paid manager ever in history. He was just a young guy who wanted to try his hand at business. The crazy of being in the deep end of that company unexpectedly was amazing. After he came back, we planned out marketing & some upgrades that gave him more than a 50% revenue increase from the previous year & he sold it quickly after.
The times where I have succeeded have always been riddled with chaos. I wish I would have seen his suggestions earlier in my life. I have done well enough for myself, though I don't think I would have failed so much on my trip had i considered some of the stable income careers they suggested while I worked on finding where I would really thrive.
For any younger ADHD frogs here, this post gave some fantastic advice.
Same experience here. My first job working a hotel restaurant in London, my boss went on holiday for a five weeks and I took over with no extra pay!
The number of guests more than doubled and when my boss returned he wasn’t to happy about it since it made him looked bad. He accused me of stealing a 5kg (10 pounds) can of Ovaltine, which was so ridiculous I didn’t even get mad. I just sympathised with him. I really liked him.
I stayed in the business for 25 years.
Jealousy is a terrible master. Sounds like you handled their's well.
I don't have ADHD. I have Asperger's. I can focus on one thing as long as it takes. I have a couple of subjects that I know way more about than the average person. I can remember anything I want to. I can ingest tons of information, and my brain can sort through it all and come to correct conclusions.
On the other hand, I can't read people and I can't see from their point of view. I absolutely cannot "feel your pain" like Clinton claimed. I can't tell if they're bored, and I should stop talking.
On the chans, the anons similar to me are what is termed "weaponized autism." We're the ones who can take a random photograph and figure out the GPS coordinates based on what can be seen in the photo. We can go through tens of thousands of pages of material and find what's immediately relevant.
I always thought ADHD was just a way to get drugs into kids who hate to stay in their chairs at school. Because of drug use and perhaps stuff in our food, these things, as well as allergies, are very common today. When I was in 1st grade, there was one boy that had trouble staying seated. He was the only in the entire school. Also, I never knew a single kid in school that had any food allergies. We all ate in the cafeteria, and everyone ate the same food.
I get overloaded by sensory inputs. It took me a while to get used to the noise and talking at family reunions. I became the expert that people wanted to talk to, so I could talk to someone and shut out everything else.
I believe I could function in an emergency, as blood doesn't bother me as long as it isn't mine. :)
I have a low "give a shit" factor, so a lot of things don't bother me.
I wish people in the 50s and 60s in education had known about Asperger's so I could have gotten help.
Are we long lost twins? This perfectly describes me lmao
I am 70, got tired of micromanaging idiots 20 years ago, and "retired." I never got a super job, as I can't do office politics. So I became almost "indispensable" at my various jobs.
Even at 70, I can still learn and remember anything I want to. The latest thing I'm looking into is AI and how to have a private standalone AI model running on my own server not connected to the internet, so no one knows what I'm doing with it. I have terabytes of data to work with, so there may be a turnkey program available online for free before I get all the data ready for software parsing.
Oooooo nice
Let us know if you find one
Certainly. It may be a while, because I have so many things going on. I'm working on a book for someone else who pays me a lot. I'm also working on my own book. The rough draft is almost 1,300 pages. And then I need to get some part of my data prepared for input. That will vary depending on the model. Also, most of this stuff runs on Linux, and I haven't done much with that yet. I have a small version dual booted on an ancient laptop to play with, but I haven't done anything with it on my main Windows 10 computer.
Check out:
I just started reading it. One poster mentions training an AI on his personal diary.
That's one of the data sources I have. I have a big ass notebook with entries for every single day since I was born 70 years ago. In the earlier days, most entries only list the weather data (high, low, precipitation, unusual winds, and storms). Some list historical events and other events I found interesting. After around 1970, it gets very detailed. I have work days, trips, meals, even gas logs. I have all computer activity logged since my first PC in 1989, including emails, file downloads, and all documents and other files I have created.
On a private system, I could ask the price of gas on a certain day, and the AI could look in my data and tell me what I was paying then. Or what I was doing on a certain day. It would be a big help, as I have no wish to stick everything in my own head. Some have said that your brain is for processing, not storage.
In addition, I have tens of thousands of reference books on my computer that I would eventually want my personal AI to search for me. I'm a genealogist, so AI could help me do research faster. Right now I'm limited by how fast I can type information from various online databases and my collection of books.
Thanks for the link.
Yeah me too. It's actually scary how much you said that pertains to me. By the way - never, NEVER go to a Rainforest Cafe. If you haven't been before, here is a small taste.
What’s wrong with that? Other than being super fake and gimmicky, it’s still nice in its own way.
Though I do get occult vibes off places like that.
It is absolutely not nice if you are anywhere on the autism spectrum. Complete sensory overload - especially if there are a ton of kids, and birthday parades/celebrations going on. I made it 5 minutes and had to go sit in the car the one time I went.
Ah gotcha. I wasn’t sure whether to read “in general” or “with autism”.
There are places like this where a lot of occult/hypnosis/spellcasting symbolism and mechanisms are installed. Don’t know if that’s one of them, but it’s good to know their symbols. At least some people are susceptible to it.
On a related note to that, but an unrelated note to this thread, there is a group of women in Salem who remembrance the Salem Witch Trials and the “clear false mockery of a sham” that they were by … holding seances, dressing up as witches, and generally worshipping Satan.
We really should remember how fake and paranoid those witch trials were, and how nutty those Christians can be, so that totally innocent people never have something like that happen to them again.
“Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.” may not only be referring to the Y or pedos, but as I’m sure we are all familiar with by now, the Satanists, and witches and witchcraft appear to be quite real as well.
Seriously... we're all so connected...6 degrees if separation (or less!) I was instrumental in designing those BIG RFC building facades with the gorilla, cheetah etc (EPS foam, BTW - hardcoated) - 3 of them were containerized and sent over to sand land (UAE).... Sorry if that overloaded your senses...
Thanks for that description. I worked one on one with a few kids with this condition. They all told me I was way too concerned about how they & others felt (though I could tell they did appreciate it). Trying to help them understand the emotional cues that I just picked up on naturally was like digging granite with a plastic spoon. My suggestion of them asking the listeners if they wanted to hear more after they spoke each minute really helped a lot & when they started asking, does that make sense or am I off somewhere, that really helped even more because normies would feel more engaged in the conversation & could direct the information that was coming their way from a human supercomputer.
Thanks for helping me understand those kids better.
edit - Should have mentioned that the kids I worked with did want to read those emotions & generally seemed frustrated with the process. One didn't care if they learned or not.
Kids today are luckier in that people know more. When I was growing up, there was zero help. I was bullied, even by some of the teachers. Today when I talk, sometimes my wife will punch me. I still don't know how I managed to find someone 40 years ago. On the other hand, she was good with special students. She even managed to get a non-verbal student to talk once.
Sounds like an amazing wife & I am glad you are blessed to have her in your life.
My wife's family certainly has some love nudges thrown out from time to time.
I have ADHD and I can not speak or write very well. I have all the information in my head, but I can not recall it fast enough. It is a pain in the rear end.
My friends make fun of me because they say I am so blunt. I just have no other way to be.
I also get hyper hyper focused on things. Like RESEARCH!
You know that filter in your brain that tells you when not to say anything?
I don't have one. But I have memorized many thousands of rules, so I can act normal most of the time. It's very tiring, so I spend most of my time alone in my home office, and most of that is here on the computer.
WOW!! I just typed this and then went back and read the first part! EXACTLY what I said. That makes me feel so much better. Sometimes, I think I am going crazy!!! I have all this information in my head and can NOT for the life of me explain it.
I used to take medicine until there was a shortage. The medicine just makes me be able to think and speak a little better.
Try being Nuerodivergent (ADHD) in your 50’s and in corporate America surrounded by moron millennials.
I hear you. Try being married to someone who I now believe falls on the Asperger's spectrum who feels very little emotion and simply doesn't react or notice when something happens, while I feel everything for everyone, read body language like an expert and see everything and react in microseconds.
It's so hard to explain my feelings and observations to those in my sphere who just can't understand nor fathom any of it.
One example of my marital mismatch:
Years ago, we we went to see a movie together and then to dinner afterwards near the theater. The movie was a new blockbuster that was full of fantastic dialogue, incredible special effects, great soundtrack, and clever comedic moments. It ran almost 3 hrs. I thought it was absolutely terrific and couldn't say enough good things about it as we walked out. I liked it very much.
After being seated at our table, our waitress asked us if we'd just come from the theater and what did we see and did we like it?
My spouse said, "We saw ___. It was fine." And that was the entirety of the response. Sigh...
It's tough living in this world with the kind of disparate thinking patterns we each possess!
My wife will talk through an entire movie. Asking questions every second. Saw a dude on tick tock that had the same problem- his solution…he goes I’ll ask her what movie she wants to see whether in a theater or on Netflix and I go ahead and watch the movie by myself, then I take her to see the movie 😂🤣😂
This is my wife as well. I'm going to start pre-watching so I can answer all her questions kek !
LOL! And watch it in peace. I love my frens on GAW
Wow … I got one of those too. When Tucker was on Fox he would be giving a dialogue and 100% of the time she would start asking questions while he was still talking. I am a ‘listener’. If someone is speaking on something I am focused on, I zero in, listen and analyze. I had to establish a hard and fast rule … she can ask question either AFTER, or if it on TV, pause the shit. I am not fucking rainman, I cant listen and answer questions At the same time. 😂😂
You're describing my marriage. My husband is the same. We could be eating a most delicious meal out at a lovely restaurant. He will completely clean his plate and I'll ask him if he enjoyed it. He'll say it was alright. He's Spock, I'm Kirk. It's tough at times but somehow we make a good team.
What was the movie? I need a good one.
It drove me crazy in my last corporate gig. Almost all of us managers were clearly ADHD, along with the CEO. Their CFO (sibling) was so firmly fixed in the normie realm that he hated meetings with their Brother (CEO) and all of us managers. He did keep most of the teams from running with poorly through out ideas. Though our teams were always excited because almost all of the the managers were filled with high energy & accepted new ideas as real potentials for growth & productivity. Many of the ideas were reasoned out withing two to three days, though I haven't worked anywhere that employees felt so valued for their opinions. Unfortunately there were some issues with upper level managers feeling like the rest of us threatened their position & almost all of us left within 6 year of the first taking off. Sadly the company went under after that. My former team told me they all left because it wasn't fun after I left & that the new boss only cared about numbers.
It amazed me how much more the younger millenials (toward the end of that generation) were in some form of a chicken little mindset, or worried about what others thought vs the guys my age & older who didn't care about potential problems so much as long as the work got done.
My place used a blue envelope for your check. They didn’t want Excellence they wanted mediocrity- so I started working for the blue envelope. Todays corporate is so sad
When I finally left, they were offering managers double to triple their salary to stay on because everyone was bouncing to work as leadership for competitors that were popping up and paying way more.
It sucks when you work for a company that doesn't look for excellence. Granted when economies are down, it is hard to take risks on growth. Knowing the economy will eventually rebound, many owners just ride out the bad times & do their best to keep afloat until they can give better incentives for chance.
That said, too many get afraid & don't find ways to appreciate their best employees for little to no added monetary cost during those hard time. If they would, it helps with the morale & loyalty.
I always take *disorders with a grain of salt.
If the people claiming drinking too much coffee is a mental illness yet chopping ya dick off and claiming you're now a chick is *normal, we should question everything they claim *is an issue.
Kids ain't mean to sit at a desk for 6+ hours and then claim they're hypo.
Heck some of people I know would be diagnosed with adhd get 💩 done 💪
What's with the asterisks?
Is it really a "disorder" just because someone claims it is? I question it all. Especially after my stomach removed due to cancer. "They" call it an issue to sell you their products
Diagnosed 30 years ago.
Hard to focus on shit without getting distracted.
Fair enough. If it's impacting on your life in a bad way.
But I still won't acknowledge those who are in this profitable business are in it for the right reason. Some have admitted the pleasure out of being in the dsm creation. Making more "issues" to make more business.
Hence skeptical of the industry
Yeah like if someone is just a Neanderthal psychopath, Probably means They have never been put in their place physically and probably never expanded their mind with anything like boooze, herb, or other substances. It’s like the kid that would eat the entire family breakfast platter before all the other kids sat down - Neanderthal psychopath. No disorder imho.
Ps- watching Dexter helped me understand the psychopath part very well.
I am a teacher and I wanted to get my certificate in another area. I studied for a week and I took the test and passed. Talk about hyper focus. It was a 4 year college certificate. The problem is, however, when I try to put all that information to use, I try to do it all at one time, forget what I was originally doing, and it becomes a big mess.
I have to work hard at staying on task.
What's the TLDR? I don't have the attention span to read this
ADHD pops up in times and places of crisis. People with ADHD handle crises well and are mentally built to survive them. They can hyperfocus on one thing and have an easier time seeing the big picture of a situation. They tend to have trouble in peacetime. They experience stronger emotions and tend to act on impulse. Stimulant meds allow them to better use the executive portions of their brains. They should try to find jobs that play to their strengths, either hyperfocus or responding to crises.
Is there a way to be able to read or copy this? My husband has ADHD and it looks to be a good read.
right click the image open image in new tab save the address of save the photo your pick
Right click and open image in new tab and you'll be able to zoom in... and as I just realized I somehow transitioned to mobile... if you're on mobile you can hold on the image and it'll give a pop up dialogue box and you can pick the same option.
I recently read something about people in Iceland living longer than many other places due to it being an inhospitable shithole (the only people who survive are tough). Reading this made me think of that, and so I thought to look up the rate of ADHD in Iceland. Lo and behold, an article comes up claiming Iceland holds the world record for prescription stimulant medications being taken.
The theory fucking works.
Edit: by the way, do you have a link to any of these posts u/StormzAComing?
Or in the words of Homer Simpson about Iceland: “You've managed to survive on a craphole island that looks like the moon and smells like rotten eggs. And to do that, you have to be stubborn.”
Wow this hit home. While I have never been diagnosed, I am quite sure I have it. Always wondered what the heck is wrong with me, and why I can’t be focused in boredom, but hyper focused and calm when shit hits the fan. Thanks OP
Can relate, useful framing and strategies, glad to have read this. I don't like the clinical term ADHD though, it's normie wording, part of the psyop in a way.
Can't read the above document, but so appreciate the conversation. Thank you all for sharing. Learned a lot.
Check out L-tyrosine. An OTC amino acid. It made my executive functions start working again.
i believe every word that man just said because it's exactly what i wanted to hear
This is fair. The takeaway are that people with real ADHD and ADD have reduced executive function and an unrelatable frame of reference due to perceiving everything unfiltered. They handle crisis situations well due to being in crisis by default because of their unfiltered perception. They hyperfocus. They have an inverted response to stimulants.
Something he misses is that psychotherapy will not work without medication. The default executive function is below the requisite amount to start learning filtering skills. There is also non-stimulant treatments he dismisses.
Modafinil can help someone who's already developed some executive skills by reducing the time it takes to refocus after distractions. Spirulina addresses most of the nutritional deficits that exacerbate ADD and ADHD. Microdosing mushrooms or LSD can also help with that neuroplasticity in adult ADD and ADHD.
I alternate between Modafinil and Armodafinil every couple years. They are both great. (not for ADHD but for my central and obstructive sleep apnea). I've been on it for over 20 years now. One of the coolest things for me at least, is I can take it in the morning, and stay up 40 hours, or go to sleep in an hour and wake right up when I need to. When I traveled all the time for business I would have a stop on every flight - 1st was about an hour and the 2nd was about 3 hours. I'd take my pill, drive to the airport, get on the plane and sleep, land, go to the next plane and do the same. Then I'd work a 12 hour shift once I got there. It is a wonder drug.
Can someone summarize what it says? I couldn't get through it
I don’t have either of these, maybe, but apologies if I’ve (politely) gone off on anyone excessively through a combination of fixation and being oblivious.
Marked for research. Good stuff!
This spoke to me so hard that I am tearing up.
This is a very good summation with some generalization. I recommend taking the briggs personality test. I’m not suggesting it’s gospel but it is fairly accurate and can help play your strengths. Being a parent has certainly helped! Crisis- check, outside-check, danger-check, peace time, bed time, planning, executing plans…..😂 I wouldn’t agree to craving turmoil but it’s interesting how sticking to the truth brings out turmoil in others and they associate it with the ADHD person. If I have it- which is plausible, it’s undiagnosed.
Excellent post u/StormzAComing
Seeing the overarching connections to seemingly unrelated data points. Often the "connections" are nebulous and seem far-fetched if you don't automatically "see it" for yourself.
"Sometimes you can't tell the people… You must show them." >>This is because normies are at the opposite end of the spectrum… they won't see the connections until it's played out right in front of their face like a movie.
Perfectly summed up by the phrase "I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."
This sounds like my son! He is always bored!!!! He is a really happy kid, never tired, but even more joyful when there is chaos. He is terribly funny and enjoys watching Gutfeld. He loves finding the humor in situations. I have always thought he is unique and will help save the world. Thanks for sharing!!!
thank you for posting this, i am very severe SDHD and this describes me to a T, i always felt i could save the planet if you give men half an hour but give me an easy task and i am lost
Interesting, I’m ADHD
This hit hard. I’m more likely a just retarded vs ADHD. I’ve never been diagnosed or even accused of being hyper, but my brain travels a thousand miles before the sun even comes up. I can’t journal to combat my PTSD. The VA tries to throw medications at me every single visit so I get defensive hearing about ADHD medications. But I’d like to try something. I was an air traffic controller in the navy, airspace manager of a naval air station after I separated. I loved that job but obviously hate the government war machine so I left once Covid hit. That’s actually when I had my mental breakdown and “woke up”. Now I’m at least happily married and have my first kid, but literally zero clue as to what my purpose in life professionally is. I get hired for jobs but only last 4-6 months because of the absolute loonery in the workplace. I’ve finally realized I need to own my own company but I’m retarded let’s see what happens.
Is there any honest guide/information to self-diagnose ADHD?
I believe I might have it on some level, I don't think it's absolutely obvious on the outside but I suffer from serious bouts of procrastination but also can hyperfocus on stuff that I'm interested in to the point where I don't need any social contact and do nothing but the thing all day aside from eating and the toilet for weeks on end (happened when I was jobless).
If I do have ADHD, I also got good at masking it after college. People would describe me as "outgoing and extroverted" when I'm really just talkative and left unchecked I could talk for hours about something I'm passionate about (I've done this a few times and the normies get fed up after about 15 minutes).
Best quote I can resonate with is when Louis Rossmann said "I could talk for hours about PP Bus G3 hot but that wouldn't go well on a date"
Another possible giveaway is I'm blunt as a hammer and speak without filter, which is how people get upset or uncomfortable when I "notice" something. Which I guess is why I'm bad at office politics because I'm allergic to lying and saying things I don't actually mean.
I don't want to be diagnosed by a doctor who will probably tell me "it's nothing" or put me on meds. And after being told to trust the science, I'm not sure what's bullshit or legit anymore.
If you think you have it, you probably have it. That's the best I can say. I think once the universe ascends into a higher frequency we'll feel "normal" (whatever that means")
I don't know man, I read the green text and even went to locate the thread so I could read more
It makes it sound like ADHDers are like mutants in X men but at the same time I also feel retarded because I can't really "Summon" my hyperfocus. I know I have it in me but it just seems to strike whenever it feels like coming.
I've been jobless for months and burning through my savings. Because this is literally the 5th time I've been "laid off" in <10 years, I've been procrastinating applying for jobs and trying to git good at day trading because I really don't want another fucking office job again. Blue collar labor is looked down upon, poorly appreciated and mostly poorly paid where I live (they import cheap immigrants to do all the dirty work).
If there's a way to activate hyperfocus, I'd be interested in learning. I find an appeal in daytrading but haven't been able to focus on learning and getting good (60% win rate but my losses are bigger than my wins). Sadly I've reluctantly started to apply for more jobs because I don't think waiting more, it's already been months, for hyperfocus to kick in by itself is practical.
Where you live? If you are looking to relocate the company i work at pays well for the area and its a rapidly growing company.
Sadly all the way across the world from most pedes in Singapore, deep in WEF territory. Thanks for your offer but I'm afraid I can't really move because I just moved here a few years ago and now have family commitments =(
My company has a location in Singapore. Have no clue how to put a bug in their ear about you but the Lord will guide you!
Well, that explains a lot.
I have often thought that "ADHD" and the "required" pharmaceuticals were bullshit. Apparently, some kids can't sit for hours at a time, especially boys. I call it is..."normal."
Great stuff. Can confirm :) 😉
This was so cool. Thank you.
So I think I might also be an ADHD anon... Does anyone have any input in regard to our relationships with marijuana?
Very true! I am all of the above.
This is an amazing post. Thank you. The more I read, the more I agreed and felt someone understood how I feel on the daily. For YEARS they tried to shove depression pills at me. I didn’t feel normal/functional until they put me on Vyvanse. I didn’t think it was doing anything until I realized I was finally able to sleep more than three hours a night and not have my mind going in 12 different directions when trying to focus. I always figured it was due to all the trauma in my life. Funny you meantion special forces….I am a veteran and always chose the difficult jobs to do.