I believe Trump posted that to confirm to us what most of us already understand… This is The Red October.
[:22] = Sept 23 points to Q1294 "Boom week ahead."
7 days later on the clock...
Q864 March 6, 2018 = [:29] = Sept 30 "Wait & see.
Re_read drops - you have more than you know.
Eyes in the SKY.
Q520 Jan 13, 2018 = [:37] on the Clock (Oct 8) "What public disclosure occurred re: U1? DEFCON 1 [NON-NUKE FALSE]"
Obviously this had other connotations at the time, but double meetings…
False narrative of "it was non-nuclear" coming maybe?
Oct 5 to 12 ~ [:34] to [:41]are VERY significant days on the QClock.October 8 [:37] specifically.
I believe somewhere in here falls the "10 days of darkness."
(I made a post to teach GAW how to identify video of nuke vs non-nuke. Unfortunately Apple and android have modified their software to try to wash out this telltale sign from videos… Same technology they use for those clever "face filters")
We will see...
Trump pointing to Archangel Michael's prayer seems to be a 'prayer before tough days ahead' if you will.
Serious question - not looking to argue with anyone here.
When catholics pray to Michael or Mary, do they do so aloud or silently? Because they are not omniscient. They are not able to read your thoughts or your mind.
They are also not omnipresent. So unless they just happen to be hanging out with you, at work, at home, wherever you are, they are not going to hear your prayer, even if you pray aloud.
If God, Christ, and his Angels are dimensional beings, you inner mind is therefore a window for them. Aloud or silently, if you need them to hear it, they will. Some things they cannot act on though and other things they could/can. But they hear you my friend and along your timeline, in some mysterious way, they will help with what they can.
That's why I believe it's best to look to what the bible says about the subject. Jesus Himself taught the apostles how to pray. And He never said it's acceptable to pray to created beings (angels, Mary.)
I'm sure some people think I'm just trying to pick a fight, and with sincerity, I am not. I just want to understand why catholics believe it's okay to pray to them. I don't see any biblical support for this and it's a pretty huge deal in the catholic church. I know, because I was raised catholic, l had first holy communion, confirmation and went to catholic school, learned catechism (for more than being taught the bible) and so forth.
In fact, I can distinctly remember being taught by a nun that since Mary is Jesus' mother, He will obey her. So if we pray to her to ask for something, she will tell Him and He will answer our pray and give it to us because He has to be an obedient son.
But nobody has been able to answer this question with biblical proof. And to me, it's a very, very serious thing. Because I love Jesus with all my heart and I want all people to know and love Him the way that I do. And I honestly, sincerely wonder and doubt the salvation of some catholics based on this issue.
1 Kings 8:39 says, "then hear in heaven your dwelling place, and forgive, and do, and render unto every man according to all his ways, whose heart thou knowest; (for thou, even thou only, knowest the hearts of all the children of men;
Only God/Jesus can hear your thoughts and know your heart. Not angels. Not the devil. Only God. And God answering to Mary…lol. She was Jesus earthly mother. A servant. A sinner. Because she was human. Only Jesus was sinless. Only through Jesus can you be saved. The scriptures are clear, a sinner cannot save you. The only way to the Father is through Jesus. Mary focused on what is important. She is amazing. And she would put a switch to alot of folks praying to her instead of Jesus.
Take the WHOLE quote including the last phrase: "for thou, even thou only, knowest the hearts of all the children of men;" I interpret that as meaning that God is the only one who knows the hearts of ALL the children.... That means, to me that God is the one who can read everyone's mind & everyone's heart. Obviously the devil can read the hearts & mind of SOME people. That's unfortunate, of course, but if the devil had no power at all, then we wouldn't be in this mess in the 1st place!
Archangels can also read the hearts & minds of SOME people & it is certainly OK to request their help. I think Trump wrote this in a brilliant way.to not exclude people of other faiths. He said that we pray comma and do thou oh archangel. That means that we are praying (to God I presume) and that we request a mission of Michael. It is not a prayer to Michael but a request & yes, Michael can read our thoughts if God so allows it
I’ve had the same thoughts as you. This sure seems an awful lot like false god worship. Jesus taught us to pray to the Father and the disciples prayed to the Father and Jesus.
Mary was simply a faithful servant to God and acted as a vessel for God’s son, Jesus. She’s not his heavenly mother. Jesus is also known as the Word, and has been around since before creation (John 1:1). He was just made flesh through her.
Yes, Mary was a faithful servant to God Because she said YES to Him. But NO, she didn't simply act as a vessel for God's son. You're going to tell me that Mary was simply a vessel and after she gave birth and then she had no use? lol. Do you understand how holy someone would have to be to carry and then give birth to the Son of God!? You do understand that, through a process called Microchimerism, mothers carry their children's cells in their blood and other tissues even after birth. That would mean that Mary had Jesus' (God's) DNA in her. And to clear something up for you Prots. for the 5,000th time, lol, we do not worship Mary. Worship is reserved for God alone. We venerate her, hold her in high regard, respect the spiritual authority she has, and respect that she is Jesus' Mother. The same goes for the Saints in heaven. It's no different than when people ask one another, "Hey, I'm going through a time or I'm dealing with this thing, could you pray for me?" Seriously, if you actually want to learn about the Catholic faith, go to catholic.com and type in any question you have. You are pretty much guaranteed to find an article or discussion from actual Catholic apologists with an answer to your question.
Jesus is God incarnate, one Divine Person, two natures (NOT two persons!). It's called the Hypostatic Union in theology. To say that Mary was mother ONLY of the man Jesus is to divide His Divine Person in half which is impossible. She is indeed the Mother of God BECAUSE she is mother of the God-Man Jesus Christ. It's very logical.
God is a trinity, three persons in one God. The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Scripture is pretty clear about that. Jesus even prays to his Father, not himself. If Mary is so holy and divine, why not her mother as well? Why isn’t she mentioned more in the New Testament. Do the disciples even mention her? The Bible is the ultimate authority and there is nothing I’ve read to back up those claims.
Jesus is God's Son. God Himself was very clear in that. What a loss in the relationship with God and His Son people suffer when they don't understand that. John 14:12 the works that I do shall ue do also, amd greater works than these shallnye do because I go unto my Father.
If that verse is true then how would it work if Christ is God? Our works are energized by God, we could not therefore do more powerful works than God, but we can do greater works than Jesus according to his own words.
God is Spirit and no man hath seen Him at any time, Jesus was seen of many and he had to be baptized and recieve spirit.
Why if hi is supposed to be God. Study where those fables originated.
The nun told you that in reference to the wedding at Cana, a story found in only in John's Gospel. Jesus was not ready to begin his public ministry yet. His reply to Mary when she told Him "They have no more wine" was "Woman, my HOUR has not yet come." But she trusted Him so completely, she told the servants, "Do whatever He tells you." And Jesus did her bidding, hastening the HOUR that figures so largely in John's Gospel, the HOUR of the crucifixion and redemption of the world. Pretty big deal there. Jesus doesn't HAVE to do anything; but these things were recorded that we might believe, as St. John says.
You are correct and I don't counter these arguments to be divisive. I endeavor to follow the written promises in the bible because God says that is how it works and I desire that all men be able to accurately amd precisiely access God's power and promises. Guessing, assuming and following fables can not produce God's solution so I do what the word says amd reprove, rebuke amd exhort others to God's Way as best I am able. It is done with love.
As someone who was baptized Catholic, grew up and left the church for a while, and eventually returned, I can tell you that I didn’t really understand the depth of my Catholic faith. It wasn’t until I started listening to Catholic apologetics on the Catholic Answers radio program that I started to better understand everything. I really encourage you to listen in and learn your faith in a deeper way. You can even go to catholic.com , type in any question you have, and find articles, interviews, etc… on the topic. I hope you decide to look into it. I laugh so hard when I see all these non-Catholics here on GAW trying to explain Catholic teaching and theology. Go to catholic.com , listen to Catholic Answers on the radio, and learn from people who REALLY understand the Catholic faith.
Actualy sir what you claim I am unable to find in the bible. Please refer me to where you got that angels have long-standing orders?
Otherwise.ill assume it is you who is guessing. From what I see in God's Word there is no need to guess as God claim His Word pertains to life and Godliness and God states many times He would not have us ignorant.
Like I said, I was guessing. Because none of us know how things reeeeally work between God, the Angels, and spirits. It just does and we are ignorant of how it really works. We aren’t there to actually know.
Hmmm, I agree with you about self willed angels (aka demons), & yes, worship belongs only to God, however, I have no problem with what trump wrote here. Requests can be sent to anyone. We request things of other people so we can request things of angels as well. Trump asked Michael for assistance in defense, that's not a prayer anymore than when he asks his generals for for assistance in defense.
Demons can read minds. This has been documented multiple times. So why wouldn't angels also be able to do so? I think many here seem to think you need to be omnipotent to read a mind. There is no logical reason to believe this. Many higher beings other than God can read a person's thoughts.
Oh I agree. Some people can read minds too. Possibly even machines (Like the lie detector machine) Of course angles can often read our mind. By omnipotence, it is only God who can always read everyone's mind. I think that's what's confusing people here.
In this predicament on earth today, the demons & evil beings are clearly working with the people in the cabal. That means they can communicate with each other. God and the heavenly host are presumably working on the side of we the people, I do believe, & yes, with Trump. God knows all so he knows the thoughts of the good & the evil. Demons don't know all. If they did, they would know their plight is vain. They do know a lot though & yes, I think they communicate with the cabal. Since they don't know all, they still think there is a way for them to win. It is because of this ignorance that the battle even exists.
Angels need to receive authorization to intervene, through permission or request. Because of the universal law of Free Will. But whether they receive that through what you say in your mind or through what you say outloud, doesn't matter. The intention and desire of your heart is what they will know.
I think this is a great way to think on it. We are all a reflection of the original.
Equally, I would say that "Is not Micha-El" (Micha of God) a reflection of God?" A shard/sword/piece of God? Of course he is.
So if Micha was created by God, then Micha might know how to contact God and intercede on the behalf of those he decides are worthy. I am not saying this is correct. I am saying that some people will have concluded that this is possible. And who am I to say that they are wrong.
I totally understand your question. It’s also why I only pray to the Father/Son since they are omnipresent. I ask the Father to send His armies to encamp around my home and around those fighting to end this spiritual war (to what we can this side of heaven). I too want to understand a Catholics point of view.
Whether Catholics pray out loud or silently is a matter of personal choice, generally silent when alone and out loud in a group.
For non Catholics, it’s not well understood that what Catholics mean by prayer has many more levels and meanings than it does for non-Catholics, as the latter often equate prayer only with worship due to God alone.
The word prayer in many languages can be a synonym for ask, beg, please, do, etc. German bitte is a good example.
In Shakespeares time, it was common for one person to pray (ask) another to do a favor. This is roughly what Catholics are thinking when they speak of praying to angels or saints in heaven.
No one assumes creatures in heaven are omniscient, but it’s pretty obvious from scripture that folks in heaven are far more knowledgeable than we are. Just one example is Abrahams knowledge of Lazarus and the rich man, which included details of their lives on earth, despite their living long after Abraham had died.
I like the question, and I'd like to share my thoughts. (warning, wall of text follows!)
Firstly, how one answers this question will hinge of what one understands (or misunderstands) about the spiritual real, aka the spirit world, aka the aspect of the universe that complements the material world, as the cause to effect.
The human being (God's creation) is a microcosm of the cosmos. We have both spirit and flesh. The flesh is like the soil in which our spirit grows. In God's design, once the spirit reaches maturity, the earthy flesh is discarded, and the spirit lives on eternally in God's presence. Where? In the spiritual realm, the spirit world, aka often referred to as "Heaven", as in, Our Father, who are in heaven, .... thy kingdom come, on earth as in heaven." God's cosmos has both a material realm (the universe) and a spiritual realm ("spirit world", "spiritual realms", "heaven" (not to be confused with Heaven as the realm in spirit where God resides).
The spiritual realm is real, alive, but because of SIN, our human capacity to sense, understand and consciously interact with that realm and all who live in it (all past souls, angels, and God who resides at the very center and apex of the spiritual dimension) was severely crippled.
Prayer is nothing more than the spiritual reaching out, and when we dedicate that prayer to the Father, or to Christ, or anyone else, it establishes a connection that is primarily directed by our intention.
This is why black magic and such evil practices also work: the intention is to connect and communicate with evil and the forces of evil, etc, that also reside in the spirit world.
So, when you pray to God, God hears you, not simply because he is omniscient, although he is, but because you are reaching out and connecting in spirit with your intent. (We are taught to 'worship' in spirit and truth.)
God can sense our thoughts, feelings and everything inside us whether we intend it or not. But the effectiveness of prayer is connected to our intent. ("If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move". This teaching from Jesus shows us directly that our INTENT is a factor. Faith is belief + intent. Prayer is far more powerful when you believe that it will be answered.)
Angels are spiritual beings, and the higher level angels can certain interact with us spiritually, and often do even if we are not aware of them. So, they also can "hear" our thoughts, sense our feelings, and respond to, for example, a "prayer".
While his omniscience allows our Father to perceive and sense ALL that we are, and all that we experience, he created the spiritual realm as our eternal home, and if your spiritual senses are awake, you can sense many things. The main problem is that sin has crippled most people's ability to sense (via their spiritual senses) the spiritual dimension.
An active prayer life will stimulate and enhance your spiritual senses in most cases. This is why in deep profound prayer, one can receive revelation, inspiration, and sense deeper truths. Because our spirit self is designed and created by God's word, the Truth elicited a resonance from our spirit and we respond.
But many hear the truth and do not respond, or respond on all sorts of different levels. A saint hears the truth and is profoundly transformed into embodying God's love and living for the sake of all humanity. someone mired in sin can hear the truth and feel no connection at all. God's grace is a critical factor here, as it is through the power of God's grace that our spirits are 'pricked' and activated to feel and respond to the truth.
And when we live the truth, our spirit grows.
Two thousand years ago, Christ came to humanity and taught fundamental truths, and yet, Christ also stated very clearly, that he had many things to share (even 'heavenly things') but that his disciples and the people of the time were not able to receive aka 'understand' them. Paul also indicates that he (and 'we', the Christians of his time) saw (i.e. understood) only dimly as in a mirror but THEN (aka sometime in the future) he (we) would understand even as we are understood. Who understands us? God and Christ.
Two thousand years ago, humanity had almost no understanding of material laws of nature, how the material universe works, its structure and composition, etc. So also, their capacity to grasp the nature of the spiritual reality - its structure, how it works, what laws rule it, how the spirit exists and functions, etc - was unfortunately very small.
But Science has progressed to understand more and more about the material aspect of God's creation. (And this is why all the truly great scientists in history had a profound appreciation for the reality of God.)
This is another reason why Christ must return - to bring us in to that state where "we understand as we are understood". Ignorance of spiritual reality is a very big burden for humanity, and its a key reason why evil (including atheistic communism) tries every and all methods to get people to focus exclusively on the material ("God does not exist") or get so caught up in material life that their spiritual sense is always buried under a ton of distractions, preoccupations, and misunderstandings.
Another reason to pray, and pray more. Prayer helps to open our connection with God (it's actually a two-way street, God is always there and waiting, but we have to also make an effort), but it also activates and utilizes our spiritual capacity, thereby helping it to grow.
In conclusion, in my understanding, Archangels and even many other angels, not to mention those who reside in the spirit realm, can and do interact with us and yes, sense or feel our thoughts and feelings. Just like two people who are very close can sense what the other is feeling, often.
I think it is fine to be aware of angels etc, but prayer is something that should ideally be reserved for the Father. Prayer is actually nothing more than the impulses of the heart being expressed in communicative form with intent. Jesus hears our prayers because he is one with the Father, and feels all things just as the Father does.
Appendum: The scripture is replete with many hints and clues about spiritual reality. However, the logical and mental structure of our brains were undeveloped before and during last 200 years. In modern times, however, we now have a much greater capacity to connect directly with God AND understand God's reality logically and with the intellect he gave us.
Recall that Jesus had a consultation with the spirits of Moses and Elijah on the Mt Transfiguration. Recall that during the 40 day resurrection period following Jesus' rise from the dead, many of the people of Jerusalem witness the presence of the saints of the old testament (we see that in acts) (because their spiritual senses were momentarily opened and activated by the presence of Christ's own resurrection.)
"The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints (God's people) who had fallen asleep [in death] were raised [to life]; and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection, they entered the holy city (Jerusalem) and appeared to many people."
The 'tombs' is symbolic language expressing the darker realms of the spirit world where the saints of the old testament resided. Christ's resurrection opened up a whole new realm of the spirit world, which is what scripture calls "paradise". A realm in the spirit where Satan has no jurisdiction, where Christ is the center, and where we move spiritually when we embrace Jesus, and believe in him.
If you read this far, congratulations! Might be a lot to take in, but I recommend (or suggest) that if you are interested, pray about this, and ask Heavenly Father if what I've written here is true, or how much is true. Ultimately, God is the one who reveals truth. But also each of us has a spirit, and this is why 'understanding' is so subjective. The challenge is to refine our understanding, through scripture study and prayer, so that it aligns more and more with God's understanding. That's the challenge and the path of true faith, imo.
One last word I know that what I've written will conflict and contrast with different people's understanding of the topic, aka spiritual reality. But its hard to deny that one of the key reasons for the fracturing of Christianity through hundreds of different denominations is primarily grounded in different views about spiritual reality (leading all the way up to theological views about how, where in what manner God exists and indeed, who he is). How can we get beyond this?
The cause of conflict within the body of Christ has been our limited capacity to directly perceive and understand spiritual reality. So everyone has a different vie and different opinion and different belief. This situation will only be overcome when we start to understand spiritual reality in an OBJECTIVE way. Aka when we can come to grasp spiritual reality to the same level that we now grasp material reality. And this will only happen when we can begin to experience spiritual reality via our own spiritual senses.
At some point, the ignorance will be overcome (imo), and unity will reign as spiritual reality becomes clearer and clearer. I believe the Great Awakening is part of God's work for that end. What greater exposure to spiritual reality than realizing that satanic evil is real and has been dominating our world, concretely speaking, via all that is now being exposed?
Truly, 'it's going to be biblical'. Many already millions and hundreds of million, recognize that what we're now involved in is a spiritual war. That war has ALWAYS been there, but now we're seeing it in crystal clear hi-definition. Thus, the awakening proceeds.
This is incredible. I just finally read what you wrote and I will want to save this text. I have a friend who is so caught up in "end times" stuff that is based mostly on what mortal men have said, not necessarily what God's Word says. I grew up Baptist and my parents watched TBN all the time, so all that Hal Lindsay doomsday prophecies had scared me into thinking that I wouldn't even live until high school, much less a time when I'd be married with a family of my own. I think one stumbling block is to think of the "Antichrist" as a specific person, rather than something more abstract and spiritual. "Is Obama the Antichrist?" I've heard many people ask. He embodies the SPIRIT of the Antichrist, as does Bill Gates, George Soros, and so many others in the past. People get caught up looking out for a boogeyman to come when I think the spirit of the Antichrist is already upon us and threatening to overwhelm us. Cancel culture is the Antichrist, as Christ is about leaving one's past behind and becoming born again, while cancel cutlure is a spirit of accusation and condemnation, searching people's history for sins. That goes against Christ, as does Transhumananism and of course the whole LGBTQP-CIA feldercarb.
May Gods Protection be all around Trump. Shine with his light. No evil is welcome near him, and all must leave and the door sealed with the Blood of Jesus. May the Blood of Jesus protect Trump and his circle. AMEN
St. Michael prayer is so powerful. I wear my Crucifix and St. Michael pendant 24/7.
“Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.””
Revelation 12:7-12 NIV
In my study of Revelation:
The Beasts, globalists, and dragon, Satan, with all their demons battling the angels and saints that follow the commands of Jesus Christ.
No weapon formed against thee shall prosper. Pray to God, He will decide what to do to deliver us. If He sends Michael then Michael will.come. but Michael doesn't decide that for himself.
"Now have I spoken with wisdom.
List to my Voice and obey.
Tear open the Veils of the darkness.
Shine a LIGHT on the WAY.
Speak I of Ancient Atlantis, speak of the days of the Kingdom of Shadows,
speak of the coming of the children of shadows.
Out of the great deep were they called
by the wisdom of earth-men,
called for the purpose of gaining great power.
Far in the past before Atlantis existed,
men there were who delved into darkness,
using dark magic, calling up beings
from the great deep below us.
Forth came they into this cycle. Formless were they of another vibration,
existing unseen by the children of earth-men.
Only through blood could they have formed being.
Only through man could they live in the world.
In ages past were they conquered by Masters,
driven below to the place whence they came.
But some there were who remained,
hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man.
Lived they in Atlantis as shadows,
but at times they appeared among men. Aye, when the blood was offered,
for they came they to dwell among men.
In the form of man they amongst us,
but only to sight were they as are men.
Serpent-headed when the veil was lifted
but appearing to man as men among men.
Crept they into the Councils,
taking forms that were like unto men.
Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms,
taking their form and ruling o'er man."
YouTube puts a fact check on any 'Shapeshifter' videos.
Does YouTube fact check to spread truth, or to hide truth? Do you believe any YouTube fact checks?
It is difficult to communicate some things around this. I had a comment the other day that was (reasonably) taken that way, as I intentionally didn’t rule it out in the comment (though it’s not what I think).
Where I think this comes into play is in enactments and re-enactments of models, so the question then is which model is being re-enacted, and testing and discerning against different aspects of the model that were in play.
we are in a global conflict between good and evil. Literal satanists are burning down churches. this isn't a power-grab for a city, or a nation, or a continent... these satanists are trying to seize control of the entire world and its population.
and if you're keeping an eye out for them, you know we've seen many miracles during the process.
at what point will you consider it to be Biblical?
Everyone here so far has missed this Delta!
Look at the date of the Q post matching this quote...November 5th!
What's special about that date?
Hint: last time it got stolen
Wowwwww, and 7 years since...
u/#lord u/#q109 u/#q4465
Somebody pointed out the Truth Social timestamp… 12:31
I believe Trump posted that to confirm to us what most of us already understand… This is The Red October.
[:22] = Sept 23 points to Q1294 "Boom week ahead."
7 days later on the clock...
Q864 March 6, 2018 = [:29] = Sept 30
"Wait & see.
Re_read drops - you have more than you know.
Eyes in the SKY.
Q520 Jan 13, 2018 = [:37] on the Clock (Oct 8)
"What public disclosure occurred re: U1?
Obviously this had other connotations at the time, but double meetings…
False narrative of "it was non-nuclear" coming maybe?
Oct 5 to 12 ~ [:34] to [:41] are VERY significant days on the QClock. October 8 [:37] specifically.
I believe somewhere in here falls the "10 days of darkness."
(I made a post to teach GAW how to identify video of nuke vs non-nuke. Unfortunately Apple and android have modified their software to try to wash out this telltale sign from videos… Same technology they use for those clever "face filters")
We will see...
Trump pointing to Archangel Michael's prayer seems to be a 'prayer before tough days ahead' if you will.
-Eyes 👀 in the sky, sum of all fears-
This relates to the missile threats made on president trumps life. Will we see missiles flying this week? Tomorrow?
Sum of all fears was a movie about a (nuclear) missile and the lies surrounding where it truly came from.
It was was about a 35 year old Israeli gravity nuke lost in the desert, rebuilt and shipped to Baltimore via a container ship.
Agreed John. Pray without ceasing everyone! 🙏
Daaaaang I’m due to be induced on Oct 8 😩
Do not fear! God is with us!
Where are you getting the 12:31 timestamp from? Neither the Q drop nor the Trump tweet are from that time…..
He posted the same thing on Truth Social at 12:31pm
The Mickey clock says 10:08. I’ve always wondered if it was pointing to the date.
Oct 8... [:37] on the Clock Trump4evergirl
Serious question - not looking to argue with anyone here.
When catholics pray to Michael or Mary, do they do so aloud or silently? Because they are not omniscient. They are not able to read your thoughts or your mind.
They are also not omnipresent. So unless they just happen to be hanging out with you, at work, at home, wherever you are, they are not going to hear your prayer, even if you pray aloud.
If God, Christ, and his Angels are dimensional beings, you inner mind is therefore a window for them. Aloud or silently, if you need them to hear it, they will. Some things they cannot act on though and other things they could/can. But they hear you my friend and along your timeline, in some mysterious way, they will help with what they can.
God, absolutely. But I have not seen anything in the bible to suggest that angels hear or answer prayers.
Well God or Christ sends them. But I’m sure the Angles have loooooong standing mission orders they can act on with instant blessing or rebuke.
And you and I are just guessing anyway haha. Who knows how it all really works communication-wise between them. 😁
That's why I believe it's best to look to what the bible says about the subject. Jesus Himself taught the apostles how to pray. And He never said it's acceptable to pray to created beings (angels, Mary.)
I'm sure some people think I'm just trying to pick a fight, and with sincerity, I am not. I just want to understand why catholics believe it's okay to pray to them. I don't see any biblical support for this and it's a pretty huge deal in the catholic church. I know, because I was raised catholic, l had first holy communion, confirmation and went to catholic school, learned catechism (for more than being taught the bible) and so forth.
In fact, I can distinctly remember being taught by a nun that since Mary is Jesus' mother, He will obey her. So if we pray to her to ask for something, she will tell Him and He will answer our pray and give it to us because He has to be an obedient son.
But nobody has been able to answer this question with biblical proof. And to me, it's a very, very serious thing. Because I love Jesus with all my heart and I want all people to know and love Him the way that I do. And I honestly, sincerely wonder and doubt the salvation of some catholics based on this issue.
1 Kings 8:39 says, "then hear in heaven your dwelling place, and forgive, and do, and render unto every man according to all his ways, whose heart thou knowest; (for thou, even thou only, knowest the hearts of all the children of men;
Only God/Jesus can hear your thoughts and know your heart. Not angels. Not the devil. Only God. And God answering to Mary…lol. She was Jesus earthly mother. A servant. A sinner. Because she was human. Only Jesus was sinless. Only through Jesus can you be saved. The scriptures are clear, a sinner cannot save you. The only way to the Father is through Jesus. Mary focused on what is important. She is amazing. And she would put a switch to alot of folks praying to her instead of Jesus.
Take the WHOLE quote including the last phrase: "for thou, even thou only, knowest the hearts of all the children of men;" I interpret that as meaning that God is the only one who knows the hearts of ALL the children.... That means, to me that God is the one who can read everyone's mind & everyone's heart. Obviously the devil can read the hearts & mind of SOME people. That's unfortunate, of course, but if the devil had no power at all, then we wouldn't be in this mess in the 1st place!
Archangels can also read the hearts & minds of SOME people & it is certainly OK to request their help. I think Trump wrote this in a brilliant way.to not exclude people of other faiths. He said that we pray comma and do thou oh archangel. That means that we are praying (to God I presume) and that we request a mission of Michael. It is not a prayer to Michael but a request & yes, Michael can read our thoughts if God so allows it
I’ve had the same thoughts as you. This sure seems an awful lot like false god worship. Jesus taught us to pray to the Father and the disciples prayed to the Father and Jesus.
Mary was simply a faithful servant to God and acted as a vessel for God’s son, Jesus. She’s not his heavenly mother. Jesus is also known as the Word, and has been around since before creation (John 1:1). He was just made flesh through her.
Yes, Mary was a faithful servant to God Because she said YES to Him. But NO, she didn't simply act as a vessel for God's son. You're going to tell me that Mary was simply a vessel and after she gave birth and then she had no use? lol. Do you understand how holy someone would have to be to carry and then give birth to the Son of God!? You do understand that, through a process called Microchimerism, mothers carry their children's cells in their blood and other tissues even after birth. That would mean that Mary had Jesus' (God's) DNA in her. And to clear something up for you Prots. for the 5,000th time, lol, we do not worship Mary. Worship is reserved for God alone. We venerate her, hold her in high regard, respect the spiritual authority she has, and respect that she is Jesus' Mother. The same goes for the Saints in heaven. It's no different than when people ask one another, "Hey, I'm going through a time or I'm dealing with this thing, could you pray for me?" Seriously, if you actually want to learn about the Catholic faith, go to catholic.com and type in any question you have. You are pretty much guaranteed to find an article or discussion from actual Catholic apologists with an answer to your question.
What does the Bible say about speaking to the dead?
1 Timothy 2:5 ESV “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,”
Jesus is God incarnate, one Divine Person, two natures (NOT two persons!). It's called the Hypostatic Union in theology. To say that Mary was mother ONLY of the man Jesus is to divide His Divine Person in half which is impossible. She is indeed the Mother of God BECAUSE she is mother of the God-Man Jesus Christ. It's very logical.
God is a trinity, three persons in one God. The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Scripture is pretty clear about that. Jesus even prays to his Father, not himself. If Mary is so holy and divine, why not her mother as well? Why isn’t she mentioned more in the New Testament. Do the disciples even mention her? The Bible is the ultimate authority and there is nothing I’ve read to back up those claims.
Wow, that right there is some mental gymnastics. Sorry fren Mary is NOT the mother of God.
Please follow up (if you choose refute) where in the scripture the term “Hypostatc Union” is mentioned or better defined. Thanks.
Jesus is God's Son. God Himself was very clear in that. What a loss in the relationship with God and His Son people suffer when they don't understand that. John 14:12 the works that I do shall ue do also, amd greater works than these shallnye do because I go unto my Father.
If that verse is true then how would it work if Christ is God? Our works are energized by God, we could not therefore do more powerful works than God, but we can do greater works than Jesus according to his own words.
God is Spirit and no man hath seen Him at any time, Jesus was seen of many and he had to be baptized and recieve spirit.
Why if hi is supposed to be God. Study where those fables originated.
The nun told you that in reference to the wedding at Cana, a story found in only in John's Gospel. Jesus was not ready to begin his public ministry yet. His reply to Mary when she told Him "They have no more wine" was "Woman, my HOUR has not yet come." But she trusted Him so completely, she told the servants, "Do whatever He tells you." And Jesus did her bidding, hastening the HOUR that figures so largely in John's Gospel, the HOUR of the crucifixion and redemption of the world. Pretty big deal there. Jesus doesn't HAVE to do anything; but these things were recorded that we might believe, as St. John says.
You are correct and I don't counter these arguments to be divisive. I endeavor to follow the written promises in the bible because God says that is how it works and I desire that all men be able to accurately amd precisiely access God's power and promises. Guessing, assuming and following fables can not produce God's solution so I do what the word says amd reprove, rebuke amd exhort others to God's Way as best I am able. It is done with love.
As someone who was baptized Catholic, grew up and left the church for a while, and eventually returned, I can tell you that I didn’t really understand the depth of my Catholic faith. It wasn’t until I started listening to Catholic apologetics on the Catholic Answers radio program that I started to better understand everything. I really encourage you to listen in and learn your faith in a deeper way. You can even go to catholic.com , type in any question you have, and find articles, interviews, etc… on the topic. I hope you decide to look into it. I laugh so hard when I see all these non-Catholics here on GAW trying to explain Catholic teaching and theology. Go to catholic.com , listen to Catholic Answers on the radio, and learn from people who REALLY understand the Catholic faith.
Actualy sir what you claim I am unable to find in the bible. Please refer me to where you got that angels have long-standing orders?
Otherwise.ill assume it is you who is guessing. From what I see in God's Word there is no need to guess as God claim His Word pertains to life and Godliness and God states many times He would not have us ignorant.
Like I said, I was guessing. Because none of us know how things reeeeally work between God, the Angels, and spirits. It just does and we are ignorant of how it really works. We aren’t there to actually know.
Really? God sent angels in reply to prayers all over the bible.
Prayers to God, God decides it the angel is sent or some other solution. The angels that were self willed got tossed. We don't pray to them.
Hmmm, I agree with you about self willed angels (aka demons), & yes, worship belongs only to God, however, I have no problem with what trump wrote here. Requests can be sent to anyone. We request things of other people so we can request things of angels as well. Trump asked Michael for assistance in defense, that's not a prayer anymore than when he asks his generals for for assistance in defense.
Demons can read minds. This has been documented multiple times. So why wouldn't angels also be able to do so? I think many here seem to think you need to be omnipotent to read a mind. There is no logical reason to believe this. Many higher beings other than God can read a person's thoughts.
Oh I agree. Some people can read minds too. Possibly even machines (Like the lie detector machine) Of course angles can often read our mind. By omnipotence, it is only God who can always read everyone's mind. I think that's what's confusing people here.
In this predicament on earth today, the demons & evil beings are clearly working with the people in the cabal. That means they can communicate with each other. God and the heavenly host are presumably working on the side of we the people, I do believe, & yes, with Trump. God knows all so he knows the thoughts of the good & the evil. Demons don't know all. If they did, they would know their plight is vain. They do know a lot though & yes, I think they communicate with the cabal. Since they don't know all, they still think there is a way for them to win. It is because of this ignorance that the battle even exists.
I agree with everything you said.Thanks
Angels need to receive authorization to intervene, through permission or request. Because of the universal law of Free Will. But whether they receive that through what you say in your mind or through what you say outloud, doesn't matter. The intention and desire of your heart is what they will know.
And instantly or along a period of time. Yep, agreed.
I think this is a great way to think on it. We are all a reflection of the original.
Equally, I would say that "Is not Micha-El" (Micha of God) a reflection of God?" A shard/sword/piece of God? Of course he is.
So if Micha was created by God, then Micha might know how to contact God and intercede on the behalf of those he decides are worthy. I am not saying this is correct. I am saying that some people will have concluded that this is possible. And who am I to say that they are wrong.
And they are not God
You have chosen…..wisely…..
I totally understand your question. It’s also why I only pray to the Father/Son since they are omnipresent. I ask the Father to send His armies to encamp around my home and around those fighting to end this spiritual war (to what we can this side of heaven). I too want to understand a Catholics point of view.
Thank you. Maybe we'll get an answer here that helps us understand. I hope so.
Whether Catholics pray out loud or silently is a matter of personal choice, generally silent when alone and out loud in a group.
For non Catholics, it’s not well understood that what Catholics mean by prayer has many more levels and meanings than it does for non-Catholics, as the latter often equate prayer only with worship due to God alone.
The word prayer in many languages can be a synonym for ask, beg, please, do, etc. German bitte is a good example.
In Shakespeares time, it was common for one person to pray (ask) another to do a favor. This is roughly what Catholics are thinking when they speak of praying to angels or saints in heaven.
No one assumes creatures in heaven are omniscient, but it’s pretty obvious from scripture that folks in heaven are far more knowledgeable than we are. Just one example is Abrahams knowledge of Lazarus and the rich man, which included details of their lives on earth, despite their living long after Abraham had died.
I like the question, and I'd like to share my thoughts. (warning, wall of text follows!)
Firstly, how one answers this question will hinge of what one understands (or misunderstands) about the spiritual real, aka the spirit world, aka the aspect of the universe that complements the material world, as the cause to effect.
The human being (God's creation) is a microcosm of the cosmos. We have both spirit and flesh. The flesh is like the soil in which our spirit grows. In God's design, once the spirit reaches maturity, the earthy flesh is discarded, and the spirit lives on eternally in God's presence. Where? In the spiritual realm, the spirit world, aka often referred to as "Heaven", as in, Our Father, who are in heaven, .... thy kingdom come, on earth as in heaven." God's cosmos has both a material realm (the universe) and a spiritual realm ("spirit world", "spiritual realms", "heaven" (not to be confused with Heaven as the realm in spirit where God resides).
The spiritual realm is real, alive, but because of SIN, our human capacity to sense, understand and consciously interact with that realm and all who live in it (all past souls, angels, and God who resides at the very center and apex of the spiritual dimension) was severely crippled.
Prayer is nothing more than the spiritual reaching out, and when we dedicate that prayer to the Father, or to Christ, or anyone else, it establishes a connection that is primarily directed by our intention.
This is why black magic and such evil practices also work: the intention is to connect and communicate with evil and the forces of evil, etc, that also reside in the spirit world.
So, when you pray to God, God hears you, not simply because he is omniscient, although he is, but because you are reaching out and connecting in spirit with your intent. (We are taught to 'worship' in spirit and truth.)
God can sense our thoughts, feelings and everything inside us whether we intend it or not. But the effectiveness of prayer is connected to our intent. ("If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move". This teaching from Jesus shows us directly that our INTENT is a factor. Faith is belief + intent. Prayer is far more powerful when you believe that it will be answered.)
Angels are spiritual beings, and the higher level angels can certain interact with us spiritually, and often do even if we are not aware of them. So, they also can "hear" our thoughts, sense our feelings, and respond to, for example, a "prayer".
While his omniscience allows our Father to perceive and sense ALL that we are, and all that we experience, he created the spiritual realm as our eternal home, and if your spiritual senses are awake, you can sense many things. The main problem is that sin has crippled most people's ability to sense (via their spiritual senses) the spiritual dimension.
An active prayer life will stimulate and enhance your spiritual senses in most cases. This is why in deep profound prayer, one can receive revelation, inspiration, and sense deeper truths. Because our spirit self is designed and created by God's word, the Truth elicited a resonance from our spirit and we respond.
But many hear the truth and do not respond, or respond on all sorts of different levels. A saint hears the truth and is profoundly transformed into embodying God's love and living for the sake of all humanity. someone mired in sin can hear the truth and feel no connection at all. God's grace is a critical factor here, as it is through the power of God's grace that our spirits are 'pricked' and activated to feel and respond to the truth.
And when we live the truth, our spirit grows.
Two thousand years ago, Christ came to humanity and taught fundamental truths, and yet, Christ also stated very clearly, that he had many things to share (even 'heavenly things') but that his disciples and the people of the time were not able to receive aka 'understand' them. Paul also indicates that he (and 'we', the Christians of his time) saw (i.e. understood) only dimly as in a mirror but THEN (aka sometime in the future) he (we) would understand even as we are understood. Who understands us? God and Christ.
Two thousand years ago, humanity had almost no understanding of material laws of nature, how the material universe works, its structure and composition, etc. So also, their capacity to grasp the nature of the spiritual reality - its structure, how it works, what laws rule it, how the spirit exists and functions, etc - was unfortunately very small.
But Science has progressed to understand more and more about the material aspect of God's creation. (And this is why all the truly great scientists in history had a profound appreciation for the reality of God.)
This is another reason why Christ must return - to bring us in to that state where "we understand as we are understood". Ignorance of spiritual reality is a very big burden for humanity, and its a key reason why evil (including atheistic communism) tries every and all methods to get people to focus exclusively on the material ("God does not exist") or get so caught up in material life that their spiritual sense is always buried under a ton of distractions, preoccupations, and misunderstandings.
Another reason to pray, and pray more. Prayer helps to open our connection with God (it's actually a two-way street, God is always there and waiting, but we have to also make an effort), but it also activates and utilizes our spiritual capacity, thereby helping it to grow.
In conclusion, in my understanding, Archangels and even many other angels, not to mention those who reside in the spirit realm, can and do interact with us and yes, sense or feel our thoughts and feelings. Just like two people who are very close can sense what the other is feeling, often.
I think it is fine to be aware of angels etc, but prayer is something that should ideally be reserved for the Father. Prayer is actually nothing more than the impulses of the heart being expressed in communicative form with intent. Jesus hears our prayers because he is one with the Father, and feels all things just as the Father does.
Appendum: The scripture is replete with many hints and clues about spiritual reality. However, the logical and mental structure of our brains were undeveloped before and during last 200 years. In modern times, however, we now have a much greater capacity to connect directly with God AND understand God's reality logically and with the intellect he gave us.
Recall that Jesus had a consultation with the spirits of Moses and Elijah on the Mt Transfiguration. Recall that during the 40 day resurrection period following Jesus' rise from the dead, many of the people of Jerusalem witness the presence of the saints of the old testament (we see that in acts) (because their spiritual senses were momentarily opened and activated by the presence of Christ's own resurrection.)
"The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints (God's people) who had fallen asleep [in death] were raised [to life]; and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection, they entered the holy city (Jerusalem) and appeared to many people."
The 'tombs' is symbolic language expressing the darker realms of the spirit world where the saints of the old testament resided. Christ's resurrection opened up a whole new realm of the spirit world, which is what scripture calls "paradise". A realm in the spirit where Satan has no jurisdiction, where Christ is the center, and where we move spiritually when we embrace Jesus, and believe in him.
If you read this far, congratulations! Might be a lot to take in, but I recommend (or suggest) that if you are interested, pray about this, and ask Heavenly Father if what I've written here is true, or how much is true. Ultimately, God is the one who reveals truth. But also each of us has a spirit, and this is why 'understanding' is so subjective. The challenge is to refine our understanding, through scripture study and prayer, so that it aligns more and more with God's understanding. That's the challenge and the path of true faith, imo.
One last word I know that what I've written will conflict and contrast with different people's understanding of the topic, aka spiritual reality. But its hard to deny that one of the key reasons for the fracturing of Christianity through hundreds of different denominations is primarily grounded in different views about spiritual reality (leading all the way up to theological views about how, where in what manner God exists and indeed, who he is). How can we get beyond this?
The cause of conflict within the body of Christ has been our limited capacity to directly perceive and understand spiritual reality. So everyone has a different vie and different opinion and different belief. This situation will only be overcome when we start to understand spiritual reality in an OBJECTIVE way. Aka when we can come to grasp spiritual reality to the same level that we now grasp material reality. And this will only happen when we can begin to experience spiritual reality via our own spiritual senses.
At some point, the ignorance will be overcome (imo), and unity will reign as spiritual reality becomes clearer and clearer. I believe the Great Awakening is part of God's work for that end. What greater exposure to spiritual reality than realizing that satanic evil is real and has been dominating our world, concretely speaking, via all that is now being exposed?
Truly, 'it's going to be biblical'. Many already millions and hundreds of million, recognize that what we're now involved in is a spiritual war. That war has ALWAYS been there, but now we're seeing it in crystal clear hi-definition. Thus, the awakening proceeds.
May his Kingdom come on Earth as in Heaven.
This is incredible. I just finally read what you wrote and I will want to save this text. I have a friend who is so caught up in "end times" stuff that is based mostly on what mortal men have said, not necessarily what God's Word says. I grew up Baptist and my parents watched TBN all the time, so all that Hal Lindsay doomsday prophecies had scared me into thinking that I wouldn't even live until high school, much less a time when I'd be married with a family of my own. I think one stumbling block is to think of the "Antichrist" as a specific person, rather than something more abstract and spiritual. "Is Obama the Antichrist?" I've heard many people ask. He embodies the SPIRIT of the Antichrist, as does Bill Gates, George Soros, and so many others in the past. People get caught up looking out for a boogeyman to come when I think the spirit of the Antichrist is already upon us and threatening to overwhelm us. Cancel culture is the Antichrist, as Christ is about leaving one's past behind and becoming born again, while cancel cutlure is a spirit of accusation and condemnation, searching people's history for sins. That goes against Christ, as does Transhumananism and of course the whole LGBTQP-CIA feldercarb.
Ok. This is my favorite one yet!
May Gods Protection be all around Trump. Shine with his light. No evil is welcome near him, and all must leave and the door sealed with the Blood of Jesus. May the Blood of Jesus protect Trump and his circle. AMEN
St. Michael prayer is so powerful. I wear my Crucifix and St. Michael pendant 24/7.
Revelation 12
“Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.”” Revelation 12:7-12 NIV https://bible.com/bible/111/rev.12.7-12.NIV
In my study of Revelation:
The Beasts, globalists, and dragon, Satan, with all their demons battling the angels and saints that follow the commands of Jesus Christ.
For those with ears let them hear.
Perseverance and Prayer.
No weapon formed against thee shall prosper. Pray to God, He will decide what to do to deliver us. If He sends Michael then Michael will.come. but Michael doesn't decide that for himself.
Just slightly different. Wow.
is this a catholic thing? excuse my ignorance
Someone said earlier that it lines up with the Q clock:
"Michael, Michael, of the Morning..."
Everyone here needs to pray this everyday.
Madlad posted the "Anti-semitic" version
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood..."
"Now have I spoken with wisdom.
List to my Voice and obey.
Tear open the Veils of the darkness.
Shine a LIGHT on the WAY.
Speak I of Ancient Atlantis,
speak of the days of the Kingdom of Shadows,
speak of the coming of the children of shadows.
Out of the great deep were they called
by the wisdom of earth-men,
called for the purpose of gaining great power.
Far in the past before Atlantis existed,
men there were who delved into darkness,
using dark magic, calling up beings
from the great deep below us.
Forth came they into this cycle.
Formless were they of another vibration,
existing unseen by the children of earth-men.
Only through blood could they have formed being.
Only through man could they live in the world.
In ages past were they conquered by Masters,
driven below to the place whence they came.
But some there were who remained,
hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man.
Lived they in Atlantis as shadows,
but at times they appeared among men.
Aye, when the blood was offered,
for they came they to dwell among men.
In the form of man they amongst us,
but only to sight were they as are men.
Serpent-headed when the veil was lifted
but appearing to man as men among men.
Crept they into the Councils,
taking forms that were like unto men.
Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms,
taking their form and ruling o'er man."
YouTube puts a fact check on any 'Shapeshifter' videos.
Does YouTube fact check to spread truth, or to hide truth?
Do you believe any YouTube fact checks?
Now site back and think about what that means...
It's going to be biblical is from the Q posts. There is no suggestion that Trump is in any way our savior.
It is difficult to communicate some things around this. I had a comment the other day that was (reasonably) taken that way, as I intentionally didn’t rule it out in the comment (though it’s not what I think).
Where I think this comes into play is in enactments and re-enactments of models, so the question then is which model is being re-enacted, and testing and discerning against different aspects of the model that were in play.
It's going to be biblical is a reference to the movie Law Abiding Citizen.
I was hoping it was a reference to Ghostbusters.
"Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together - mass hysteria"
No one knows what Q truly means when he says it will be biblical. Maybe one day we will find out what it means. Maybe not.
But we can certainly guess what it might mean. Good vs evil. God vs satan. Ancient spiritual wars. All quite relevant.
what does Biblical mean to you?
we are in a global conflict between good and evil. Literal satanists are burning down churches. this isn't a power-grab for a city, or a nation, or a continent... these satanists are trying to seize control of the entire world and its population.
and if you're keeping an eye out for them, you know we've seen many miracles during the process.
at what point will you consider it to be Biblical?