So, as many of you may know, I'm on board the "there will be no election" boat. And I have have been for a long time, because that's what all the Q drops point to, imo.
I think I'm correct on that, but my overview has suddenly changed.
After President Trump implored us to vote early and make it too big to rig, the dovetailing of the Q drops and Trump's innuendos are too much to ignore.
The election will be shut down on election Day, but not by the bad actors. It'll be shutdown by the W hats to prevent the steal. There will be no midnight drops of mysterious ballots because it'll be offline.
All your vote are belong to us.
Following Trump's advice, he will be so far in the lead at shutdown, they won't be able to steal it with their theft mechanism inoperable.
Think about this: 10 days darkness. Shutdown. {Please save the darnkess argument>going off memory post 88 clearly says darkness}
And the tweet of all tweets as they try and steal it through delays, motions to vacate, motions to default to a run off election and all kinds of shenanigans that are clearly illegal.... It all makes sense viewed through that prism.
It shines a light on Trump's dominant win, the way they will scurry about trying to prevent his win. The riots that will ensue. And the military quashing it.
And the tweet.
It all, and I mean all, fits perfectly.
President Trump has been highlighting in every speech now that if you cheat in the election process you will go to jail. I believe the election will go as usual followed by mass arrests immediately to show the world how corrupt the election process has been for a long time.
I would hope it could happen that way
But that would mean he's depending on the established system to correct itself.
Unless he sends in the military which wouldn't have great optics-unless of course Biden does it.
I think we will see a landslide for Trump. MSM calls it for Trump. Then the Dems don't do a peaceful transfer of power. Bam, military steps in.
They have said in plain unequivocal English this time that they will just refuse to certify Trump, as per Jamie Raskin for just one. Last time they skirted around it, with comments like Piglosi's "He will not be President, no matter what the final count is". This suggests to me that last time, they knew they had the steal, whereas this time they know they don't.
Treason Treason it will be Hanging Season.
UHHHH GBA58...You NEED to copyright that because it is a DOOOOOZY!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Movie is almost over! Love it but I want to see what the best is that has yet to come!
It's always stuck in my mind the clips of Trump playing golf at MAL, post-fauxnauguration in 2021, casually and cooly replying to a citizen journo that "We haven't finished yet" and "Oh we'll do something, just not yet".
I wonder how long we all are going to have to sit though the credits to see the sequel trailer😂😂😂
THIS x1000
This is the most likely outcome
With how many times they said Trump wouldn't have a peaceful transfer of power And how they accuse people of doing what they do, it's the most logical outcome.
Plus if MSM is telling everyone that he won then they would believe it and be more ok with the military stepping in.
I believe it will be military and happen right away. We have been told the military is tracking everything and this would be the perfect timing for disclosure.
I think more and more that the mass arrests will happen with US Marshals, State Troopers, and Local Police with military assistance.
I still want to see Trump win the election like in 2016. The Left's meltdown will be biblical to say the least!
Yes, you may be correct. US Marshall's handle the movement of people who have been arrested, indicted, subpoenad or under criminal investigation. We have 400,000 sealed indictments, just sitting there for 4 years. Remember, Nancy Pelosi being escorted through the Capital by 4 female Marshalls 4 years ago?
I remember that like it happened yesterday.
I hear Eric Trump is a Sheriff now 🇺🇸💪🏻
Eric wanted to get into some of the FUN!!!! The Rascal that he is...IN a GOOD WAY!!!!!!!
Hang 'em High Eric...the country is counting down to the time we HAVE OUR COUNTRY BACK!!!!!!!!
I hope you're correct. And there's a small, mean part of me that wants a 2016-like see all of these smug, overconfident liberal assholes curl up into fetal balls when they see the thug arm of their ideology slapped down.
My sister falls into the fetal position group...she'll literally be reduced to mental/physical impairment when Trump reclaims office, as she's been on a VERY steady diet of MSDNC for decades. She sacrificed a relationship with my brother and I for her political ideology...and while I don't expect an apology, nor even an acknolwedgement that WE have been right all along...I do kinda want her to suffer and live in the bed that she's made/chosen, knowing that she chose politics over family.
They really are insane.
Yes. It has to come from biden
Could you imagine the ultimate fu@k you with Biden holding a press conference and halting the elections due to cheating? OMG I better get moar Popcorn
The one thing people tend to over look was the creation of our fifth branch of military, Space Force. Couple that with Musk entering the picture, I have a feeling they know exactly what happened in 2020.
Nah, the left will just say "hEs tHrEaTeNiNg oUr dEmOcRaCy." The stupid masses will believe it because they're, well, stupid.
Some people still don’t get it. I live around these people. Anything to stop Trump is justified to them. But I don’t care. We have to leave them behind. Can’t save em all.
If they want to riot and what not then round em up. Fuck em.
That's our wet dream.
However in terms of optics, it can't happen that way.
When I say immediately I mean in November before any change occurs.
I've flaired this "Q-analysis" but I can change it to "Plan-analysis" if you think it's a better fit.
I love this sort of post.
Either one is fine
I'm having a hard time justifying voting early. Why would I show the enemy my cards ahead of time? Trump keeps saying it, but I'm wondering if we're not the intended audience. I'll vote early if that's what he wants us to do, but I'm not so sure.
But imagine if he knows they're going to cheat in the same way as 2020. Hell, he told us they were going to do it in 2020 for months leading up to election night.
And they did it.
Now imagine he shuts it down on election Day where he is comfortably in the lead just like 2020. And it hangs there for all to see-for 10 full days
Day by day, people see it, and are awakened to the fact that there's no possible way the dem candidate can win.
I could see that; I may vote early, we'll see.
I usually vote on election day, but this year will be voting early, but in person. Not sending a ballot by mail.
I keep hearing POTUS Trump tell us to vote early this time around and he didn't do that in 2020.
I like this.
The enemy doesn't care about your cards.
They're inconsequential as long as they believe they can pull it out in the end
I'm thinking about them knowing how many ballots to print.
Personally I just don’t trust the USPS with my ballot and I don’t want it sitting around for weeks before it’s finally counted. Lots of time for it to be messed with
Absolutely agree.
Have you ever been in a mail processing facility?
When has President Trump ever led you astray?
Never, but he doesn't always speak to the anons....sometimes it's for normies.
I can see a few reasons for a push for early voting.
I had made a longer post about this, but the section of 4D chess we are at is called "Lets get ourselves a WW3".
The Zionists want a WW3, which can only happen if US attacks Iran directly. Much as they try, that wont happen with Biden/Harris since the Obama faction is so deeply embedded with the Islamists.
Trump has been pushing the "right" rhetoric regarding this. I had created a timeline of each Trump assassination attempt, his rhetoric against Iran and Israel escalating right after that.
But even the Zionists know that if they allow Trump to become president outright, he wont go along with the plan. So the game being played right now is kinda like a hostage situation. Like all good hostage situations, there is no perfect "swap" that works for both sides.
Make Trump president first? He wont bomb Iran.
Force Trump to bomb Iran first? How the heck is that even possible?
I think what happens is that the election will happen. Then its gonna be all kind of challenges to certification. While this is chugging along slowly, the 2020 voter fraud will start getting publicly exposed.
It gets to the point where the 2024 certification will be paused (ostensibly, to avoid the 2020 repeat - atleast thats the excuse they will use), BUT, the 2020 fraud will make people more and more angry, so that momentum will build to call Trump the legitimate president until 2024 election is sorted.
Now the hostage swap conundrum is solved.
Trump can start an Iran way before he is inaugurated as president, because "he is already the president"
How will this resolve? Dont forget the 3rd party stuck between these moves - the Obama/Harris/Biden puppet party. They will probably precipitate the stuff they have better control of - Financial Collapse.
Maybe the whole thing will end with Sum of All fears theme - Trump refusing to bomb Iran, so an "Iranian nuke" shows up on mainland. But only, its not "Iranian" at all, but more like NONAMEian - segwaying back to where it all started 8 years ago - Uranium One.
If Trump is already Commander in Chief, if we are already IN A MASSIVE MILITARY STING operation as has been suggested, if we are already in a"soft" martial law as has been suggested, then NOTHING WE DO CIVILY IS VALID. NOTHING PERTAINING TO THE CIVIL GOVERNMENT IS VALID. If we are already being in a state of martial law, no court trials are one HAS ANY AUTHORITY EXCEPT THE MILITARY. So the Military can step in with proof of fraud and stop the thing any time they see fit.
and he wouldn't be eligible to run for 2024 as it would be a 3rd term so how does that work??
The goal is not to do the evil. They will simply restart a new plan in a couple decades.
The goal is Great Awakening so that people would never ever allow the evil to enter our lives.
Let Israel solve the Iranian problem with a very big boom boom. Drop a few of those on the houses of the most radical Islamic clerics who foment hatred against the West and 80% of the Iranian problem is solved! Why should Trump get his hands dirty when Israel is champing at the bit to drop glow in the dark bombs? Leave the average Iranian alone, just take out the mullahs and the Republican Guard.
Or we can let iran do what they want and a lot of the world's problems get solved forever.
Because it's not enough to solve the Iranian problem, but we also need to solve the Israel problem
Why not solve the most pressing problem first, Iran. Then after that has gone away we come up with a clear vision on how to take care of Israel.
Then you don't understand how the Hegelian Dialectic works.
Hint: both side are the same and you can't take one side or without taking the other side out
This gels with so many things, this seems very likely to be on target. I am personally half expecting a (fake) Trump assassination, perhaps on December 19:
And November 5 Election Day + 10 days darkness + 34 days = December 19.
Help me out with the 34 days thing? What’s that?
Exploring my December 19 hypothesis and combining it with this post, I noticed a 34-day interval and post 34 seems very relevant. That was all.
Gotcha. I can’t help enjoying a little datefagging myself.
I will not be changing my plans for these days. 🙂
This was when Trump was impeached not that something psychical will happen to him......
👉 Trump impeached on charges of abuse of power, obstruction Dec 19, 2019 — WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives,
Of course I am invoking
double meanings exist
by using a delta like this. You are absolutely correct about the 2019 context.What do we know - we know the last election was stolen and we know how it was stolen and Trump has said numerous times he won with 410 (how does he know this? Could it be the ballots were primed with the Quantum Voting System?).
We also know that the cheating mechanisms have not been fixed, although they will have a more difficult time as the cheating software (via the floating point mechanism - Hamer and Scorecard) can only move at most a certain percent (about 5 from one column to another for a total of 10 percent swing) and so rest needs to be made up with fake drop box ballots, running votes through more than once etc. I don't think they have as opportunity this time with the mail in ballot angle of the fraud, pausing voting and delivering suitcase etc. That leads one to believe that the Black hats have something else in mind, so "stopping" the election is possible. Also this was communicated by Alex Soros with the bullet hole and money tweet which represented either assassination or stopping the election entirely. What is planned on the Trump side, though? I cannot believe that he is just "hoping for the best" - there is a plan - the steal needs to be stopped and demonstrated to all. If he really is still the CIC and Biden is an actor puppet, and we have the Quantum Voting System in place, then this can happen. Those are a lot of if's but Trump seems very confident of sending the cheaters to jail, so how would that be possible unless we can securely audit EVERY SINGLE ballot tally? This cannot be business as usual.
Trump knows it was 410 because he has it all
Every day that goes by I see more and more that this is all by design
Yes, I do believe it is by design and although outrageous, it is necessary. Imagine if the reveal shows how we can be deceived here - will it not make it easier to show all the other historical deceptions e.g. 9/11? This is silent psych war - 5th generation warfare as some call it, so very unconvential.
The flaw I see here is that we have not yet been "pushed to the brink/precipice".
Q told us in so many words that this must happen for the country to truly wake up and change. Things are very bad right now, but we are not at the brink.
And that push to the precipice must happen under the establishment. It cannot happen under DJT.
Worse, there's a possibility that in this scenario, slumbering Leftists not only don't wake up, their opposition to DJT becomes hardened.
That may be the precipice though.
It would certainly qualify if our entire country goes dark-no media, nothing.
Also..If you follow Majic Eyes Only - and go to the 50 MINUTE MARK - He talks about a Military take over before the Election. The Reason being is that the 2020 Steal - The Belligerent takeover - Did not announce that it was a Belligerent - Making the 2022 Steal - Illegal and creating a VOID government - Meaning that Congress does not have the Sovereignty to conduct an election in 2024.
It matches up with your thoughts! I never thought that we would have one, because they would have to cheat again...and I do not think the People will stand for that...
He is pointing to Chyna..BUT I think of Cabal..The main point is that it lines up with Law of War Manual.
Congress conducting an election? We have the electoral college.
Who signs off on it? CONGRESS..Who is the Tie Breaking vote - KABALA
I was simply stating that Congress doesn't run the election.
Sorry! Totally Understand, but IF something were to go down, like in 2020 - and having KABALA as VP to sign off , or break any tie, that would result in affecting election, along with an Illegitimate Congress - I think is what he, or the rules are relating to.
We are going to find out one way or the other.
Thank you fren
Interest perspective
Donny, you bring up good points, yet my over riding concern is when the darkness will begin. Will the left allow the elections to go off without a hitch until they realize the massive victory Trump will have or will the darkness begin a few days before the election, that way the current administration stays in power until they can figure out how to defeat Trump in the spring with a new election? Somehow there needs to be clarity from the Supreme Court on how an election can occur if there is a nationwide issue that would shut down all polling stations. The SC could make a ruling that even if there is no electricity to run tabulation machines the fallback will be paper ballots with hand counts. There needs to be national clarity on this issue now before the talking heads begin their diatribes on MSM shows.
It may be that when Q said this isn't just another 4 year election , he meant that elections would be changed forever.
That may mean the end won't be for everyone, but the new beginning will be.
Interesting point. Maybe the SC will provide clarity AFTER the election so there will be a new path for elections going forward. We might have to endure a wild election process to show everyone how truly corrupt the system is.
So it’s a 5 year election then.
I plan to vote early. And it will be a tough pill to swallow if voting is shut down question is...if it is a WH operation, who will shut it down? White Hat is so arbitrary. Military is woke...even Space who is left?
I think you may be only looking at the public-facing military that the enemy wants us to see. Trump has mentioned before that the real military is running the show, not these dong-chugging trannies.
This. I don’t believe for a second that our military is truly woke. Just the public facing military.
Similar to 2016-i believe we have the algorithm.
But the election will never be considered legitimate if election day votes are not or cannot be counted. Im debating on whether to vote early. I never have. Im a day of voter.
That may also be part of blowing up the entire fiasco.
I'm not a fan of this part of my theory-that maybe even Trump doesn't become president-it's certainly hinted at if you read through all the Q drops.
Maybe all of this was to enforce the change that is needed to get back on track, and that should be enough.
Only way to fix would be a military run election
His words will be taken as "engage in vote fraud." Remember, he was personally blamed for every single "covid" death, and was also blamed for the attempted "insurrection," which was suspiciously "accidentally" called an erection by multiple people on TV.
I'm in. Good perspective 👏
My state doesn't have early in person voting & I don't trust the mail-in voting. I'll be voting on the day of like I always do.
In your situation, I agree. I normally do in person voting too.
Since my shitty state does have early voting, I have to go with boss man. I presume he knows more than I.
They will try to prevent his win from taking effect, just like in 2016, but that will also fail. Ten days darkness/shutdown might pertain to a general strike by the media/liberals in order to protest President Trump and his second term.
Curious, what about that this vote is for the corporation vs the New Republic and how will that carry over? Another election or would the results carry over?
And if the Supreme Court on election day would vote unanimously to "approve" the Brunson case, they could arrest all those traitors too, as I'm sure Congress won't be in session on erection day..... I like it!!
October 11th and no MOAB yet. Wondering what is going on. Figure by now there would be an impossible to defend mind melter on Dems.
Another hypothesis & interesting as well:
Might line up with things getting delayed till a March inauguration.
We will have an election, yet they will steal, and the media will announce Kamala the winner. White hats in government or military will expose the steal, and we will see mass uprisings and chaos from the deep state. This will be quelled, Trump will be announced the winner, and we will see Trump inaugurated in January.
I just don't see that working for one reason-it doesn't bridge the gap between ideologies. We need EVERYONE to witness just how fucked up it is.
They'll never believe the steal occurred. In fact, they'll believe Trump, with help from the military, stole it.
Q heavily emphasizes optics. Yes.
we said that in 2020 though
Any ideas for Hairgel’s mail-in-ballots to vote early?
3 possible outcomes:
One, Trump wins, despite election interference, Trump’s support is enough to overcome any and all cheating that may occur, and he will be announced the winner on or around Election Day.
Two, Kamala Harris is declared the winner through a rigged election, and because her administration is already in power, the stolen election would be steamrolled through as it was in 2020, locking up anyone who opposes the fake election results.
Three, Harris wins a rigged election, is declared the winner, but a trap has been set and the election interference is exposed. Eventually, Trump is declared the winner, days, weeks or months after Election Day.
But if I mail in my ballot, won't the Dems who open the envelopes just throw it away or enter it as Kobamala?
Donny_Fiasco, HOW will the good guys shut down the election. After all this is a United States Presidential election. Please explain how this would work. How could the White Hats shut down the election. I am not saying I don't agree with you, just trying to understand HOW they would be able to do this.
Why, a glitch in the system of course!
Think about how 2020 was basically shut down until the "votes" came in.
I believe we have the resources to take the voting mechanisms offline, thusly taking the election down, and preventing the cheat.
It may go down as a rogue group of hackers, which if I'm really wishful drinking, will be attributed to Ukraine.
Most likely, foreign interference with mucho speculation of Russia Russia Russia, Ukraine, China or domestic terrorists.
I don't think it'll be clean and tidy. I don't think it needs to be either, if we know what's coming during that down time.
It need not be WH.
The WEF High Priest: Schwab said: a major Cyber Attack would occur [right] before November 5th .....
- send by Trump. = Check Mate.
Because that is the only way they can play ... the only play left to the left.... played like a violin.
So, it very well may be that the lights go out. As Q said: no worries: we are in control.