I honestly haven’t studied enough to be sure either way but I am aware of the possibility of alternate WWII history in which these very same arguments could be used to make Hitler sound like he wasn’t such a bad guy. Not saying he wasn’t. Just entertaining the thought. With all the propaganda and lies over the years from our own government and then throw in Operation Paperclip, who knows?
Enemy playbook seems similar with the sexual degeneration of the Weimar Republic compared to what they are doing here. I’m sure there are many other parallels. That alone is a known leftist tool to unburden people by what has been, so to speak. Was Hitler more of loyal nationalist, like Trump, than the demon he has been portrayed to be? Again, I don’t know, but I do know the history I learned was written by the winners and not by Hitler.
Not a Hitler sympathizer by any means. Just curious of the history of the liars who control the information of this world. I only have a public school education and know more about biblical history than later societies so perhaps I’m speaking ignorantly. As time goes by biblical history just gets more supported and stronger while secular history written by people with agendas seems to increasingly fall apart under scrutiny. Is it any wonder I question it?
Boring Tuesday afternoon inspired thoughts it seems, lol.
I'm seeking, clarity, not conflict here -
So the death factories of Auschwitz, Treblinka, Maidanek, Chelmno, Sobibor and Belzec are lies? I have seen that the Soviet estimates on killed numbers were much higher than many current day estimates.
The death squads of Einstazgruppe(n) A, B, C, D never happened? The allies allegedly caught wind of Auschwitz and were going to bomb it - no truth to that? What about the trials? What about the convicted?
Think of the death camps as Adrenochrome distribution centers...
AGAIN - not looking for an argument, not calling anyone wrong - just looking for clarity and facts. I believe that something happened in Poland during WWII and it was horrible, but there were also serbian camps and I think some in ukraine as well. What is the truth?
This is one of those topics that just requires a boat load of dedication to researching...im certainly not close to being done yet and while I feel confident of stating what many of the lies were, I am NOT as confident in what ALL the truths are...
Here is one of the places that I started and perhaps it will serve as a great kicking off point for you as well.
Zyklon B - delouser. Gas chambers were not air tight. Not enough ash in area to account for the bodies. Not enough time to gas and cremate that amount of bodies. There were swimming pools in the camps. They had bands. They had dances. They were quite well cared for actually.
The camps were there, yes. Eisenhower cut off food supplies to Germany and the people in the camps starved.
Was there atrocities? Of that I am sure, but there is not enough evidence to support millions being methodically and systematically killed.
Were the Jews rounded up? Yes. Were there innocents caught up in it all? Yes. Did the Zionists know Jews were being starved? Yes, it was the plan all along. They needed someone to play the role they were going to assume for the next 100 years of their plan.
Cant disagree with any of this. Its a tough subject for sure because there is ALMOST no way to speak truth to the general public without getting hit with the AntiSemitic tag.
You cant deny a peoples suffering, real or imagined....it is part of their identity.
There’s a video that I’ve seen posted here where concentration camp survivors detailed all the stuff you mentioned, bands, games, plays, being treated well by guards etc.
I thought I saved it but now I can’t find it anywhere. Just wondering if anyone else has it saved. Thanks.
The only 'camp' that used to come close to your description was Theresienstadt and that was sometimes referred to as a camp and other times a ghetto. Theresienstadt's big claim was that it apparently had a large library, but no pool... There are pictures of the guards torturing prisoners in Buchenwald and tons of pictures of the selection lines at Auschwitz. Almost all camps had some sort of musical 'entertainment' The commandants liked hearing Wagner and the boys quite a bit... They were always billed as ultra-horrible places. The serbian camps were supposedly more brutal, but that is for another time.
One more thing - there was a widely publicized event where himmler took in an execution in Minsk and got brains or something on his spiffy uniform and apparently made hm real sick and he turned green, well himmler made some sort of procedural changes b/c of that... So there were executions and whatever did or did not happen kept Simon Wiesenthal very busy after the war. I think there definitely was a final solution and I'd like to know the truth about what happened. I do think that a far worse version of the final solution will happen again...
Been thinking about this recently. So basically, I think I understand that he put his potential enemies. (Bolshevics, Marxists, who happened to be Jewish for the most part) In labor camps. The war went badly, food shortages, disease, etc. many died. To me this is no different than the US putting Germans and Japanese in internment camps all over the US during the war. We didn't have the disease and food shortages since we were not located in the actual war zone, but really same idea. The Japanese also commented horrible war crimes and most people don't even know. Communists across the globe have genocide more people than any other ideology.
I am aware of the possibility of alternate WWII history in which these very same arguments could be used to make Hitler sound like he wasn’t such a bad guy. Not saying he wasn’t. Just entertaining the thought. With all the propaganda and lies over the years from our own government and then throw in Operation Paperclip, who knows?
I think these are pretty safe positions that aren’t debatable, though they certainly aren’t going to win you any points with normies, either. (Not asserting that Hitler was worse than Satan with Normies instantly makes you a Nazi)
The Germans got destroyed in WWI and WWII by a foreign occupying force (not the Allies, but Prussia).
Hitler was not as evil as Satan, and likely had some redeeming traits and actions. This is why some portion of Germans seem to have been very loyal to him. This also does not mean he was good, or that he was headed in the right direction overall.
One reason for the demonization might be because he almost outed some of the higher level masters to the public, which can’t be allowed to happen. This also does not mean he was good.
It is possible that one or more of these German movements was infiltrated and had its direction shifted.
When you put the enemy’s top men in charge of your government after a war, as America did, you didn’t win. There may have been strategic reasons for this, but I’m not aware of any that make sense.
So why argue these points when they don’t win any affection from anybody? Because the truth matters. We are seeing what adopting the lie has done to us, whether it was actually better than the opposition or not.
The point here is that there seem to be great costs to turning off critical thinking and looking at issues in pure black and white. Given our current position, we have to be able to look back and see how we got here, and it doesn’t seem like all-out demonization and ignoring things helps with that task. Hopefully, there will be a mostly full declass on WWII.
The Rothschilds used and funded Hitler (a member of their bloodline) to create the German war machine. They sacrificed the Jews in the Holocaust to generate worldwide sympathy and create the Zionist state of Israel.
The evidence that Hitler worked with the Zionists was that he made a deal with them (Haavara Agreement) to transfer some 60k Jewish Zionists to Palestine. The Jews that remained were sacrificed.
I've studied some of the same theories over the years too and while yours are similar to mine and many others, the major difference I believe is that while the Rothschilds did finance Hitler/NSDAP to get their nation up and going again for war purposes, the nsdap basically got out of their control and 'went rogue' so to speak. Meaning that they accepted everything they could get from them in terms of money and support but then turned on the Rothschilds.
I think people are forgetting that the German government captured and held Louis de Rothschild for a ransom of around $21 million. The Rothschilds paid up. The German government also produced a film entitled "die Rothschilds" which of course many western nations today call propaganda but nothing in the film itself is untrue regarding how the family came to be. I've seen the film and if you search around you can find a place to watch it.
The speaker is David Sorensen of Stop World Control. If you poke around his website and see what else he's been up to, you'll see that the man works hard to bring truth out to the people. I've not seen much of his that I disagree with.
There is another bigger picture to look at. Before 2016, pretty much all of America (and the world) was divided into people who had fallen for one brand of psyop or another. We could divide the population into
Woke lefties who believed the equity psyop
Moderate lefties who fell for Obama psyop
Libertarian lefties who fell for Bernie psyop
Extreme christians who fell for the "hand maiden's tale" psyop
Evangelical christians who fell for the Zionist psyop
Moderate republicans who fell for the RINO psyop
Trump had to pick the order in which he would target these psyops, but if he exposed all of them, he would have NO ONE voting for him.
He decided to expose the 1 & 2 straight off the bat.
After winning 2016, he decided to expose the 6 and not lose any voter base, because they had already started trusting him.
As for 4, he had to navigate very carefully. He took the path of "I might lose some of those votes, but I will give them a compromise they can live with". Hence RoevWade overturned, but veto of ban on national abortion.
The people who haven't fully woken up are the (5). Don't get me wrong, a good chunk of them are waking up with the X becoming free etc. Candace Owens is a good example. She was part of the zionist controlled opposition and she woke up.
However, this group is the last group. "Saving Israel for last" is literally true for many reasons, one of them being, demographic-wise, they were the last to be targeted for redpilling, by strategy.
I am sure this Strategy was created after evaluating the pros and cons of doing this in different orders. There was an article saying how Trump also considered joining Dems, and exposing RINOs first saving the liberals for last. But that was discarded early on.
Thats why I said those who fell for Bernie psyop. The category I didnt mention in this list were all the people who didnt fall for the psyops. The real libertarians, the real christians, the real conservatives. I would theorize that these are the people who became part of the Q.
Damn bro, I don’t really get into all these posts about Q and how trump has had some grand plan from the beginning and whatnot, but this actually does seem to fit into what has happened thus far really well
This guy is unfathomably based this is exactly how I've felt about this.
Before I was Q pilled in 2017-18 I didnt support Trump because I thought he was another Israeli puppet with the people around him but now I agree with everything this man said.
This guy figures it out (and so do many of us here) by correlating his actions and results and also realising Trump is not a dummy. A lot of people honestly believe that everything Trump did was random and chaotic and the results were fluke. This is the beauty if Trump portraying himself as a joker in the media.
When Trump says/does things that are positive for Israel but which is negative for Zionists (like killing Solemani, or moving embassy to jerusulum), he gives an air of unsophisticated naivity and makes him popular amongst non-zionists Jews, making Zionists have a hard time navigating their own landscape
By allowing the Zionists to think they are leveraging Trump, he allows them to think they are in control. Assassination attempts? Zionists. Lawfare? Might look like its coming from the left, but remeber that Left was a creation of Rockefellers who were representatives of Rothschilds in America. Zionists are also possibly behind the suppression of election fraud and Trump lets them think that they control it.
Why do you think Ivanka is married Kushner? And Trump has so many "friends of Israel" in his cabinet?
Trump has managed to create fracture lines within the Jewish community. We had Jews burning Israeli flag in US recently. The orthodox Jews hate the liberal Jews. Q/Redpill movements wake up even Jews, not just us. Bibi himself is in a precarious position within his own cabinet, having been forced to over extend himself, and much as they hate to trust Trump, they are forced to count on Trump (at least what he claims he will do for them publicly)
Zionism is a blight on humanity. You cannot be a Christian and a Zionist, and you most certainly cannot be a Christian Zionist. You do not need to be Jewish to be a Zionist, either. Zionism is simply yet another form of radical Socialism.
Didn't Trump make one of his very odd statements about aipac? Something like "well, they contributed. Don't I have to do as they say?" The one thing about this whole movie that I am fairly sure of is that his mind works a lot like a steel trap.
This forum can't handle the truth .
It all begins with the Pharaoh's which become the royal bloodlines , then the Roman empire , then the Vatican/nazi movement . The UN, NATO, CFR , CIA ,MOSSAD , TRILATERALS are all nazis. I said it ,now talk amongst yourselves if you can keep the flat earthers at bay
"Those who deny the Holocaust are an accomplist to this horrible evil..." "Israel is a very, very important ally..." "We will stand side by side with Israel..." https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZVxJTvDR00bI/
The guy in this OP video clip provides no evidence of "shutting down the cabal" other than internet claims. I will reserve my own opinions until I see something concrete.
How many times do I need to call you propagandized jew haters " flat earthers".
The people of Isreal are good people being used as pawns in a deepstate war for money.
Just like the deepstate uses the good people of every country. Especially the USA as pawns in their evil acts of sacrifice. GET IT !!!!!!!!
You misunderstood my comment. You linked Bible passages about forgiveness. Forgiveness can be misconstrued or otherwise connected with guilt, which is how it has been manipulated in the past.
For the record, I do not follow the Pope. I do not play any victim cards. You need to reconsider your post.
As I understand it, their religious leaders condemn Christians for their "idolatry." However, they are silent on their own "idolatry," like worshipping the wall in Jerusalem...which is a wall of an old Roman fort and not the temple of David...
That makes perfect sense. The same applies to his apparent support for the experimental shot.
I honestly haven’t studied enough to be sure either way but I am aware of the possibility of alternate WWII history in which these very same arguments could be used to make Hitler sound like he wasn’t such a bad guy. Not saying he wasn’t. Just entertaining the thought. With all the propaganda and lies over the years from our own government and then throw in Operation Paperclip, who knows?
Enemy playbook seems similar with the sexual degeneration of the Weimar Republic compared to what they are doing here. I’m sure there are many other parallels. That alone is a known leftist tool to unburden people by what has been, so to speak. Was Hitler more of loyal nationalist, like Trump, than the demon he has been portrayed to be? Again, I don’t know, but I do know the history I learned was written by the winners and not by Hitler.
Not a Hitler sympathizer by any means. Just curious of the history of the liars who control the information of this world. I only have a public school education and know more about biblical history than later societies so perhaps I’m speaking ignorantly. As time goes by biblical history just gets more supported and stronger while secular history written by people with agendas seems to increasingly fall apart under scrutiny. Is it any wonder I question it?
Boring Tuesday afternoon inspired thoughts it seems, lol.
Once one realizes how much of the Holocaust history is pure lies, especially the Gas Chamber BS ...the entire view of Hitler changes.
At one time I was led to believe he was the most evil man in history...now I think differently.
Right? And there are countless movies about how awful the German were. Hollywood isn’t controlled by the Germans sooo….
IPOT has a bunch of research about this subject. Interesting stuff.
I'm seeking, clarity, not conflict here - So the death factories of Auschwitz, Treblinka, Maidanek, Chelmno, Sobibor and Belzec are lies? I have seen that the Soviet estimates on killed numbers were much higher than many current day estimates. The death squads of Einstazgruppe(n) A, B, C, D never happened? The allies allegedly caught wind of Auschwitz and were going to bomb it - no truth to that? What about the trials? What about the convicted?
Think of the death camps as Adrenochrome distribution centers...
AGAIN - not looking for an argument, not calling anyone wrong - just looking for clarity and facts. I believe that something happened in Poland during WWII and it was horrible, but there were also serbian camps and I think some in ukraine as well. What is the truth?
Thank you in advance frens - God† bless.
This is one of those topics that just requires a boat load of dedication to researching...im certainly not close to being done yet and while I feel confident of stating what many of the lies were, I am NOT as confident in what ALL the truths are...
Here is one of the places that I started and perhaps it will serve as a great kicking off point for you as well.
Zyklon B - delouser. Gas chambers were not air tight. Not enough ash in area to account for the bodies. Not enough time to gas and cremate that amount of bodies. There were swimming pools in the camps. They had bands. They had dances. They were quite well cared for actually.
The camps were there, yes. Eisenhower cut off food supplies to Germany and the people in the camps starved.
Was there atrocities? Of that I am sure, but there is not enough evidence to support millions being methodically and systematically killed.
Were the Jews rounded up? Yes. Were there innocents caught up in it all? Yes. Did the Zionists know Jews were being starved? Yes, it was the plan all along. They needed someone to play the role they were going to assume for the next 100 years of their plan.
Cant disagree with any of this. Its a tough subject for sure because there is ALMOST no way to speak truth to the general public without getting hit with the AntiSemitic tag.
You cant deny a peoples suffering, real or imagined....it is part of their identity.
There is another story I came across via Eric "winkle" Brown yt videos, the UKs no1 test pilot.
In a documentary about the German planes he tested during the end of the war, he recounts how typhoid broke out at a camp.
And how the Germans were so petrified they suspended activities...giving safe passage to and from,for the allies to treat the outbreak.
A rather different narrative.
There’s a video that I’ve seen posted here where concentration camp survivors detailed all the stuff you mentioned, bands, games, plays, being treated well by guards etc.
I thought I saved it but now I can’t find it anywhere. Just wondering if anyone else has it saved. Thanks.
The only 'camp' that used to come close to your description was Theresienstadt and that was sometimes referred to as a camp and other times a ghetto. Theresienstadt's big claim was that it apparently had a large library, but no pool... There are pictures of the guards torturing prisoners in Buchenwald and tons of pictures of the selection lines at Auschwitz. Almost all camps had some sort of musical 'entertainment' The commandants liked hearing Wagner and the boys quite a bit... They were always billed as ultra-horrible places. The serbian camps were supposedly more brutal, but that is for another time.
One more thing - there was a widely publicized event where himmler took in an execution in Minsk and got brains or something on his spiffy uniform and apparently made hm real sick and he turned green, well himmler made some sort of procedural changes b/c of that... So there were executions and whatever did or did not happen kept Simon Wiesenthal very busy after the war. I think there definitely was a final solution and I'd like to know the truth about what happened. I do think that a far worse version of the final solution will happen again...
Henry turns green - https://www.holocausthistoricalsociety.org.uk/contents/einsatzgruppen/himmlervisitsminsk.html
Does this resemble the story of Auschwitz of history books?
A very different version of mengele, 24X7 crematoriums, Arbeit Macht Frei and Zyklon B...
Here is another interesting video that paints an entirely different view of these camps than history books.
Here is one more you may find interesting
Been thinking about this recently. So basically, I think I understand that he put his potential enemies. (Bolshevics, Marxists, who happened to be Jewish for the most part) In labor camps. The war went badly, food shortages, disease, etc. many died. To me this is no different than the US putting Germans and Japanese in internment camps all over the US during the war. We didn't have the disease and food shortages since we were not located in the actual war zone, but really same idea. The Japanese also commented horrible war crimes and most people don't even know. Communists across the globe have genocide more people than any other ideology.
Typhus and starvation were a MOFO but it would be a shame for propagandists to let all these deaths go to waste.
I’m with you. We know nothing. I’m going to put it out there. Maybe Hitler wasn’t the monster they made him out to be. My mind is open to everything.
try watching "Europa the last battle"
Agree. Very eye opening.
I will. Thank you for the recommendation.
I think these are pretty safe positions that aren’t debatable, though they certainly aren’t going to win you any points with normies, either. (Not asserting that Hitler was worse than Satan with Normies instantly makes you a Nazi)
So why argue these points when they don’t win any affection from anybody? Because the truth matters. We are seeing what adopting the lie has done to us, whether it was actually better than the opposition or not.
The point here is that there seem to be great costs to turning off critical thinking and looking at issues in pure black and white. Given our current position, we have to be able to look back and see how we got here, and it doesn’t seem like all-out demonization and ignoring things helps with that task. Hopefully, there will be a mostly full declass on WWII.
More food for thought:
I've studied some of the same theories over the years too and while yours are similar to mine and many others, the major difference I believe is that while the Rothschilds did finance Hitler/NSDAP to get their nation up and going again for war purposes, the nsdap basically got out of their control and 'went rogue' so to speak. Meaning that they accepted everything they could get from them in terms of money and support but then turned on the Rothschilds.
I think people are forgetting that the German government captured and held Louis de Rothschild for a ransom of around $21 million. The Rothschilds paid up. The German government also produced a film entitled "die Rothschilds" which of course many western nations today call propaganda but nothing in the film itself is untrue regarding how the family came to be. I've seen the film and if you search around you can find a place to watch it.
What’s in "die Rothschilds" ?
The speaker is David Sorensen of Stop World Control. If you poke around his website and see what else he's been up to, you'll see that the man works hard to bring truth out to the people. I've not seen much of his that I disagree with.
Right. He appears to support the shots. But he just appointed RFK Jr who is very much vocally against them
And JD Vance talked about being vax-injured on Joe Rogan.
This is why they are saving Israel for last.
You're also supposed to save your cake until after you've had your salad and your main course meal.
There is another bigger picture to look at. Before 2016, pretty much all of America (and the world) was divided into people who had fallen for one brand of psyop or another. We could divide the population into
Woke lefties who believed the equity psyop
Moderate lefties who fell for Obama psyop
Libertarian lefties who fell for Bernie psyop
Extreme christians who fell for the "hand maiden's tale" psyop
Evangelical christians who fell for the Zionist psyop
Moderate republicans who fell for the RINO psyop
Trump had to pick the order in which he would target these psyops, but if he exposed all of them, he would have NO ONE voting for him.
He decided to expose the 1 & 2 straight off the bat.
After winning 2016, he decided to expose the 6 and not lose any voter base, because they had already started trusting him.
As for 4, he had to navigate very carefully. He took the path of "I might lose some of those votes, but I will give them a compromise they can live with". Hence RoevWade overturned, but veto of ban on national abortion.
The people who haven't fully woken up are the (5). Don't get me wrong, a good chunk of them are waking up with the X becoming free etc. Candace Owens is a good example. She was part of the zionist controlled opposition and she woke up.
However, this group is the last group. "Saving Israel for last" is literally true for many reasons, one of them being, demographic-wise, they were the last to be targeted for redpilling, by strategy.
I am sure this Strategy was created after evaluating the pros and cons of doing this in different orders. There was an article saying how Trump also considered joining Dems, and exposing RINOs first saving the liberals for last. But that was discarded early on.
No, libertarians didn't go for Bernie....
We were for Ron Paul. Bernie was nothing but an independent socialist/leftist.
He had nothing to do with libertarianism. only the Paul family is actually libertarian
Thats why I said those who fell for Bernie psyop. The category I didnt mention in this list were all the people who didnt fall for the psyops. The real libertarians, the real christians, the real conservatives. I would theorize that these are the people who became part of the Q.
I'd love to read that
Damn bro, I don’t really get into all these posts about Q and how trump has had some grand plan from the beginning and whatnot, but this actually does seem to fit into what has happened thus far really well
This guy is unfathomably based this is exactly how I've felt about this.
Before I was Q pilled in 2017-18 I didnt support Trump because I thought he was another Israeli puppet with the people around him but now I agree with everything this man said.
But, I have to ask.
If this guy can figure out Trump isn't a friend of Israel, then why hasn't Israel figured that out?
This guy figures it out (and so do many of us here) by correlating his actions and results and also realising Trump is not a dummy. A lot of people honestly believe that everything Trump did was random and chaotic and the results were fluke. This is the beauty if Trump portraying himself as a joker in the media.
When Trump says/does things that are positive for Israel but which is negative for Zionists (like killing Solemani, or moving embassy to jerusulum), he gives an air of unsophisticated naivity and makes him popular amongst non-zionists Jews, making Zionists have a hard time navigating their own landscape
By allowing the Zionists to think they are leveraging Trump, he allows them to think they are in control. Assassination attempts? Zionists. Lawfare? Might look like its coming from the left, but remeber that Left was a creation of Rockefellers who were representatives of Rothschilds in America. Zionists are also possibly behind the suppression of election fraud and Trump lets them think that they control it. Why do you think Ivanka is married Kushner? And Trump has so many "friends of Israel" in his cabinet?
Trump has managed to create fracture lines within the Jewish community. We had Jews burning Israeli flag in US recently. The orthodox Jews hate the liberal Jews. Q/Redpill movements wake up even Jews, not just us. Bibi himself is in a precarious position within his own cabinet, having been forced to over extend himself, and much as they hate to trust Trump, they are forced to count on Trump (at least what he claims he will do for them publicly)
And they will happily collaborate to destroy the goyim.
An orthodox Jew is currently taking down Zionist controlled wall street => Ryan Cohen
I want to believe.
If he is a talmudist, which most are, then he absolutely believes in Jewish supremacy and, ultimately, goyim enslavement.
There's evidence so it shouldn't be too hard to believe my fren.
GME to the moon when?
If i had a looking glass I could predict the future
They might, but not if Trump gets them to destroy each other first.
Infact, thats the crux of the Q operation and its also classic Sun Tzu.
what are they going to say? They'd look like pompous, paranoid nuts to spout off on their assessment of his loyalty.
Then wouldn't Israel also be invested in taking out Trump in secret?
UH.....willing to lay money that has ALREADY happenned.
Who says they aren’t?
Mossad is Israel.
Explain how you think Mossad is trying to support Trump in any way.
Alex Jones, Jack Posobiec, two known Mossad agents ... 100% anti-Q and against Trump whenever their position of controlled opposition allows for it.
They shot his ear...
What makes you think Israel hasn't figured it out?
Zionism is a blight on humanity. You cannot be a Christian and a Zionist, and you most certainly cannot be a Christian Zionist. You do not need to be Jewish to be a Zionist, either. Zionism is simply yet another form of radical Socialism.
Zionism is Jewish supremacy and, ultimately, goyim enslavement.
Imagine being a waiter, and trying to serve each tables main course whilst navigating the hidden land mines strewn about.
Now imagine one table knows where all the land mines are placed {because they placed them}, and the rest of the tables full of patrons are oblivious.
This is top shelf shit. Very simple and well articulated. No need for 4chan autism lol
Thank you.
100% correct ***
This guy makes a lot of sense.
Came to post this.
Literally all the blackpilled retards over at Consume Product that hate Trump.
Because Israel has both a deep state and a normal body of citizens who the deep state dupes just like the good old U.S.A.
Simple explanation: Trump doesn’t think Israel or Zionists are evil.
Didn't Trump make one of his very odd statements about aipac? Something like "well, they contributed. Don't I have to do as they say?" The one thing about this whole movie that I am fairly sure of is that his mind works a lot like a steel trap.
Well put
Well yeah.
This forum can't handle the truth . It all begins with the Pharaoh's which become the royal bloodlines , then the Roman empire , then the Vatican/nazi movement . The UN, NATO, CFR , CIA ,MOSSAD , TRILATERALS are all nazis. I said it ,now talk amongst yourselves if you can keep the flat earthers at bay
"Those who deny the Holocaust are an accomplist to this horrible evil..." "Israel is a very, very important ally..." "We will stand side by side with Israel..." https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZVxJTvDR00bI/
CIA agent Philip Giraldi "Israel is no friend" https://old.bitchute.com/video/YIYVnbGeOLMk/
The guy in this OP video clip provides no evidence of "shutting down the cabal" other than internet claims. I will reserve my own opinions until I see something concrete.
How many times do I need to call you propagandized jew haters " flat earthers". The people of Isreal are good people being used as pawns in a deepstate war for money. Just like the deepstate uses the good people of every country. Especially the USA as pawns in their evil acts of sacrifice. GET IT !!!!!!!!
Hmmm. What about the Israeli citizens who spit on Christians in Jerusalem?
Mark 11:25
Luke 23:34
There are those who would argue that jews have used the concept of Christian guilt against us, manipulating the world to their benefit.
Historical facts would seem to support that conclusion...
So your guilt is the Jews fault now?
I'd say its the Pope using your guilt against you.
Are you really going to play the victim card?
You misunderstood my comment. You linked Bible passages about forgiveness. Forgiveness can be misconstrued or otherwise connected with guilt, which is how it has been manipulated in the past.
For the record, I do not follow the Pope. I do not play any victim cards. You need to reconsider your post.
Remains to be seen WHETHER these people also "do not know what they are doing".........
What about Mark 11:25. WWJD, you seem like a faux Christian bent on hate.
What's the elephant in the room here...
Does it seem to you like everybody does what Jesus would?
They are propagandized to hate too. Get it. Just like skinheads and ANTIFA
As I understand it, their religious leaders condemn Christians for their "idolatry." However, they are silent on their own "idolatry," like worshipping the wall in Jerusalem...which is a wall of an old Roman fort and not the temple of David...
Okay fair enough....Part of being "good" IMO is speaking out against evil, regardless of who perpetrates it.
This applies to ANY race or religion that refuses to speak about evil just because the perpetrator is "one of their own"