If this is posted in the wrong place, I am sorry. I just needed to reach as many people as I can with what I am seeing going on.
I am over 60 years old and in my 60 some years I can count on my one hand how many people I know who have had pneumonia.
Right now, there are seven people I know with pneumonia.
My 12-year-old grandson, his mother and father (not vaxxed). Two of my friends (not vaxxed) and the 45-year-old owner of our company and his 12-year-old son (both vaxxed).
Doctors have told them all it is not contagious so they could not spread it.
My son-in-law told me that all his family members who attended the Christmas Eve party all went home sick with Covid/pneumonia (most of them vaxxed.) My husband I and I were there and fine so far.
It seems the ones not vaxxed are sick for a day or so and the vaxxed are unable to recover.
My office has other people who are sick with Covid/flu. I have NEVER seen this degree of sickness even during normal flu season.
Just wondering if others were experiencing this weird amount of sickness.
I agree. I have diagnosed way more children with pneumonia in the ED especially bilateral pneumonia this year and so have my colleagues. We are in northern Virginia. It’s very bizarre.
Lung attack is the signature of the weapon right?
I believe, yes. It has something to do withe Ace-2 inhibitiors, or lack of, in each person. From other posts Ive gleaned here, both CV and the Vax affect their functionality
Thank you.
This is what my husband and I have been saying. This is not normal.
I never remember young kids with pneumonia. It was rare.
Ahhh...Northern Virginiastan. I escaped to NC 3 years ago after 45 years there. Haven't been back since.
Same here, but I'm just here for the BBQ! KEK jk
I lived just across the "creek" from you, a former Baltimoron. I only go back for funerals.
We are not alone.
A friend of mine was just elected the next Congressman from NC-10. Yeah, next time I go back it will be for a parents' funeral. My friends can come down and visit me.
It wouldn't be bizarre if they were all vaxxed!
Take NAC and bromelain to help break up the phlegm
I can't tell them anything they think I am nuts.
I personally took NAC a year ago and I started getting hives daily.
After some research I found NAC increases histamine. I quit taking it and the hives went away.
There are reports of birds flying North instead of South. Dogs & other animals acting strangely, drones UAPs, chem trails & other strange things. PRAY
I pray daily.
There were black chemtrails in are area the other day on my way to work. I never saw this and took a picture.
Can you post this picture??
How can I post it without making it a post?
I don't want to make it a post because they will block me for a short time. I try to not break any rules.
Upload it and post the link.
I am confused. If I upload it don't you have to make a post? I don't want to do this.
Remember I am older and not a computer person.
Post it to an image posting site…search google. Then put the link in your reply. Should work.
This is new to me but I tried it.
This is Tuesday December 17th on my way to work. It was all over.
I never saw this before.
Yes, you upload it and then post the link to it here.
I did upload it on one of the comments.
I've seen geese flying north in the last week or so, but it's around January when I start seeing robins returning to this area. I'm in eastern washington state. The geese started flying south around the end of July, beginning of August.
We're isolated in the woods with no kiddos. So we basically don't get anything unless we interact with others.
Went to a party out of town a couple weeks ago with a lot of people. Sort of felt off a few days later, took some Ivermectin (I take zinc and C dailly this time of year) and got over it. Last week I went into town to Walmart a few times and felt like I picked something up. Nothing major, just congestion, cough and feeling slightly run down. Have hit it with a few bouts of horse paste over the holiday and am feeling mostly better, but I think it's still with me. Usually doesn't take me this long to shake something with the paste so that's sort of unusual.
Thank you for sharing.
I take Quercitin and Zinc every day.
I use Ivermectin when I feel something coming on and by the next day it is gone.
I learned the hard way that taking quercetin everyday is unbelievably effective when it comes to colds and flus, but not very good for gut flora.
I wrecked my gut biome by taking quercetin with bromelain every day for two years. I read afterwards that it's not good to go more than 8 months at a time and then it's advisable waiting three or four months before taking it again.
Running to the bathroom six times a day for four months was so miserable I'm reluctant to take it again.
My husband and I have taken it two years straight and never had any of those issues.
You guys are lucky. I was so disappointed to find out that it was the Quercetin causing my issues. It made me feel invincible to germs.
Just keep in mind though that if you do start getting nauseous for no reason and start needing the bathroom more than usual that it could be the reason. I tried cutting out just about everything else I could think of - spicy food, greasy food, coffee, beer - before I had to accept that it was the Quercetin.
At least I can drink beer again. Cheers! To your health!
Thank you.
Hell my bathroom problem is the opposite.
Maybe it is the brand you are using.
I use NOW brand.
Many others have fillers.
I have found NOW seems to be pretty great with almost everything I have used from them.
Yes I buy them a lot.
Early on, Quercetin was combined in an all-in-one pill with zinc, D3 & vitamin C, but came off the shelves after about a year. Later I heard that unlike Ivermectin and HCQ, I believe you want to take Quercetin 12 hours AFTER you take zinc. Otherwise I believe this creates the gut issue. I only take this maybe once a month, but also sporadically with D3 & vitamin C as needed (I'm not vaxxed, by all means consult your doctor).
Thanks for the info.
Oh... I feel your pain. School of hard knocks is a great teacher LoL
Hoping that milk with Keifer seeds heals mine in time.
NAC couldn’t hurt.
I took NAC and got hives daily.
I researched and found it causes histamine and hives.
I stopped taking and hives went away.
Thanks for letting me know. I have never had histamine issues or hives from NAC, though it is good to know it may cause issues for some people.
You are welcome.
We do also GG and Ivermectin once per week.
Hey thanks Fren.
We take Ivermectin once a month.
We have a Naturopathic Dr and he prescribed it for us years ago and we live in a small town, can't believe how lucky we are...he's a Christian, too!
You are lucky.
My doctor prescribed it first me too and she said you don't need it because Covid isn't as bad.
I went to TN and they will give it to without a prescription.
Glad you were able to buy it OTC GG! Praying they RFK jr will get it and fenben OTC soon!
What is GG?
GG is her name...I think it means Gorgeous Grandmother ✨
LoL I read that completely wrong. I missed "also"
So I read "We do GG and Ivermectin once per week"
LoL context made much more sense.
You are awesome J1D!
C is pretty worthless. I switched to D(3) daily when I'm not getting lots of sunshine on my skin. It makes a difference. I felt like I was the first to get sick in my family. Now I'm the last, or the never, or at least the quickest recovery. Zinc lozenges (must be lozenges) also help a lot.
C is not worthless. The trick is to take it on an empty stomach or with protein. NOT with carbs. So those Vitamin C gummies ARE worthless. I learned that C is food sensitive on a post here on GA.win. Has made a huge difference for me. I've been taking 2,000 mg of Vitamin C in the morning on an empty stomach and FINALLY an issue I have with a low-grade infection around a dental implant is healing. Nothing else has worked as well for me. Even ivermectin or HCQ.
Thank you for this! I had no idea C couldn't be used with carbs.
Any chance you know where you found that, or did the post give more details?
Thank you! I had seen the other post months ago & the comments in this one were very helpful. I had forgotten about the Vit C & Lysine information & the fasting/no protie. & no carbs thing with them.
Thank you again!
You are most welcome. I am grateful for all of the great information so many anons here post. We are fortunate to have this forum. (Speaking as a r/CBTS and Voat refugee.) :)
I lurked on VOAT, but didn't post there. r/The_Donald refugee that found posts to the chans & info on things that kept happening. Been following ever since.
We have an amazing community that is focused on Truth & specifically changes for the better in removing evil from governments (which helps with many day to day life choices for everyone).
It has been a wild ride & keeps me excited for what comes next.
I was doing D3 for quite a while. I found out I needed to be taken with K2 for me. It hardened my arteries for some reason, but taking K2 consistently has helped reverse it & Krill Oil has really helped too.
So when I Take D3 I have to take K2 also to prevent hardening of some of my soft tissues. IIRC the post I found on it (here on GAW) discussed how the most absorbant form of D3 was forced to be prescribed by the FFA & this less absorbable form is allowed on the market, but can cause issues with the heart if not watched correctly.
That said, D3 or Sunshine helps incredibly with preventing cold symptoms.
My wife & I both had some nasty bug hit us (congestion & ridiculous amounts of mucus).
My ex is vaxed (their whole house is & luckily I am able to decide what my children take medically) & by the sounds of it, their whole house is often sick. My oldest children's grandpa (ex's dad) came down with the turbo cancer & so the whole house rarely gets to go see him since they are so sick so often.
That said, my oldest two came back with a nasty cold of some sort & it put my wife out for two weeks (doctor's notes for bed rest). Usually Quinine (natural form of Hydroxycloroquine that is harder on the stomach/nausea) & Zinc almost alwaslys knock colds out in 24-36 hours for me, with mucus for another week coming out. This is the first time it stuck for about 5 days taking the Zinc & Quinine daily, the mucus is still an issue about 3 weeks later. This isn't normal & not sure what it really is.
u/GGRockz I hope this helps you with data/information.
We are in the high & dry desert of Utah. Often wearing shorts year round due to a dry cold that doesn't effect me much (played tackle football in 12-24" of snow every year growing up with many other guys doing the same). The east coast winter taught me a lesson on wet cold vs our dry cold pretty quick. That said, I find myself having a harder time regulating internal temprature, specifically getting colder more easily than I have before this specific round of harsh cold symptoms.
Thank you for sharing.
You are very welcome.
"Walking Pneumonia"?
Dated December 23, 2024
"It is dramatically increased compared with past years,” said Amael A. Shalash, M.D., a pediatrician with Norton Children’s Medical Group. “Last year I may have seen one a month. Earlier this month, I saw 10 cases in one week.”
Thank you.
My grandson's entire hockey team has walking pneumonia.
Interesting article.
cough and cold-like symptoms is their method to fool us into the next scamdemic.
If we don’t notice enough “cases” around us - the media will push “asymptomatic pneumonia” narrative.
I start recognising more and more cases of “walking stupidity” ;)
There’s been a lot of pneumonia in my neck of the woods in Florida too. All of them vaxed too. A dear friends hubby died last night from pancreatic cancer. Also vaxed.
So sad.
My brother started with blood clots in his lungs and died of pancreatic cancer that spread to liver. It was turbo cancer. Vaxxed.
I'm so sorry to hear about your brother
Thank you.
Middle Tennessee. Very nasty not flu, per MD swab test, diagnosed with acute bronchitis and sinus infection. Have had it for close to 4 weeks, took ivermectin and nicotine via lozenge. Given Antibiotics and prednisone, still coughing, and with continuing sinusitis. What has helped is raw garlic twice daily, elderberry syrup (home brewed), lots of fluids, Neti pot, salt water gargle, ginger with thyme home brewed "tea", cool mister at night and for the severe night coughing prescription Tessalon Pearls. I am a retired RN and have never in my life had such a prolonged "cold" similar to whooping cough symptoms. I believe I would have gotten pneumonia without medical intervention. Still weak, and shaky but on the mend. Not supposed to have chem trails here in TN but have been seeing them and noticed them a few days prior to getting ill.
I thought Tennessee banned chem trails recently
Yes, they were. And for a good while they disappeared. Now appearing again. From what I have gathered they don't have any way to enforce the ban at this time. Guess I will have to start bugging my congressman again.
Maybe track flight data of the plane dropping stuff (ie blackbox data or call signs on aviation trackers?)
Then have the owner of said plane be fined & ultimately have their plane seized for violating state law. Assuming it is a felony offense in TN.
edit These would be suggestions I would make to the congressman. We also have some planefags on this forum that could teach you about tracking planes online. I can't recall who the prominent accounts doing it were though.
Sorry to hear but I pray you are on the mend.
I am looking to moving to Eastern TN and get the hell of this corrupt state.
I know we’re not supposed to talk about it here, but do you have a lot of chemtrails? It’s nonstop here every day Phoenix area. All kinds of people are getting sick. I’m so sick of it. I wish the people that are flying. Those airplanes would die.
I have seen black chemtrails on my way to work the other day. I never saw them before and I took a picture. There are tons of chemtrails here.
I know they don't like to talk about it here but sometimes you can't deny what you see.
That’s the whole point people try and gaslight you and tell you what you’re seeing is not real.
Yes here is the picture.
They were all over the skies.
I’ve actually considered starting a Instagram channel called chemtrails Phoenix. Just a post what I see each day. Without comment. I just see what other people think. It’s been nonstop. I have not seen a real cloud here in months. And I’m not talking about those hazy things that hang around that look like fog or smog, I need a real honest to goodness fluffy white cloud. They don’t exist. Then after they spray, the skies are hazy for 24 hours and then not one cloud and the sun is just bursting on you, for days. Then they start again. It’s been abnormally hot here in Phoenix. And I know it’s not climate change. 😂😂😂
I see the same weird stuff here.
People need to use their eyes.
I do some pet sitting as a side gig. I go out in the morning and walk the dog, I see the chemtrails. Halfway through the day I take the dog out to go poop in the yard, and I see the haze. I take the dog out for a walk around 5 PM. I see the chemtrails. Rinse and repeat. It doesn’t take the daughter of a rocket scientist to know that whatever they’re spraying in the skies is not for our benefit. I don’t know what it is, but I guarantee you it’s not for our benefit. They aren’t spending millions of dollars to the skies of America because they care about us.
I agree with what you said about the chemtrails yet some will argue that it isn't true.
I never saw this growing up. I always would look at the sky as little girl trying to figure out what the fluffy clouds looked like.
Also, thanks for the picture. 👍
You are welcome.
We are seeing it in Southern Oregon.
A young man, very fit, eats right, not vaxed came down with pneumonia and was in intensive care for several hours and then hospitalized with oxygen for a few days. The nurses kept asking him if he smoked (heck no) because he was so super fit yet super sick.
Now his super fit brother and mother have it. Mother says she never felt anything like that: "Like an anvil on my chest".
They both worked at a farmers market on weekends, which is probably where they caught it.
10 kids in 3 families who are neighbors all came down with "flu" a few days before Christmas.
Spouse and I just had felt a little off with a little cough for a couple days. So far anyway...
The doctors here are telling them they have no restrictions, and they are not contagious.
This is just off.
Ty for the heads-up. Hearing about bronchitis where I am.
Thank you.
I am trying to get a understanding of what is going on elsewhere.
similar here in NY. we are about 60 miles north of NYC. 3 family members have pneumonia-like symptoms.... none are vaxxed....many people in our small town have been sick with similar symptoms as well over the past 2 weeks....seems a bit odd
Wow they definitely are up to no good.
The military sprayed an experimental “harmless bacteria” over San Francisco in the 1950s and it attacked people’s lungs and caused pneumonia that made many sick and some died. I read about that a week before Christmas, before 4 of my fam members (all pure bloods except one) got pneumonia symptoms and are still coughing. The vaxxed fam member is struggling the most with lethargy, but fevers went mostly away by Christmas Eve, so we still got together to celebrate our Lord and savior.
Also, our church small group has 3 sick kids, 1 in the hospital, and 3-4 adults sick.
I believe it was sprayed on us like they did in the 1950s. Prove me wrong.
I agree with you because this is definitely not normal.
Operation Sea Spray
The vaxxed are in trouble, as we all know. Their bodies keep producing the spike protein courtesy of the gene therapy (Trust Science). The spikes are inflammatory in nature and due to the immune system being altered in the way it responds to the covid spikes, the body doesnt have the same reaction as the purebloods. Their immune system degrades, as we see each and every vaxxed person seems to always get covid every time it comes around, so multiple covid infections. Purebloods, developed a natural antibody when omicron was released. Now, with the vaxxed immune system repressed, it's easier for other infections and serious illnesses that were held at bay with a health immune system. Ask yourself how many vaxxed friends have that long term cough and respiratory issues.
I have buried too many friends. I have friends now with cancers and the lot, with no prior history.
I am with you on this. I have lost many family members on both sides, neighbors and friends. Many have odd diseases and weird cancers. I couldn't begin to list the problems it is well over fifty if not more.
I tried to tell my daughter about the spike protein replicating constantly and her answer was there is no way from just one shot.
She thinks I am crazy.
There are multiple reports now (slow drip of truth) on vaxxies still having spikes in their blood. Remember when they orginally said, it would not leave the site of the injection in their arm? Then the Japanese study that confirmed what we have said, that the spikes were accumulating in the sex organs, brains and internal organs of the vaxxies.
They have been saying "two years" for years now. They need to do an updated one that will no doubt show spikes continue.
I can't believe how God works. God is amazing.
I just said something to my daughter today about shedding and people vaxxed are continuing the spike protein. They are shedding continuously.
She laughed and said oh yeah all that from one shot.
Then you drop this nugget in my lap.
Thank you.
There is another one out there for similar, if you search for the Japanese doctors and their finding on covid. There was a recent post where a high level official apologized to the Japanese people for pushing it. It's sad, I have the same struggle with half my family and trying to convince the kids was a huge effort too.
Thank you.
Do they wear masks? Those can be great incubators of bacteria if they are not discarded after a couple hours.
Are you sure those people are un-vaxxed? Or are they just saying that because your are the nutty one?
Also, vaxxed people shed the toxins, so just frequent proximity to them can make someone weak or ill.
None of them wear masks.
No the ones I said are unvaxxed and they are get better quickly.
My grandson had no down time.
The vaxxed have been sick for weeks.
My boss can't get better and he is vaxxed.
Several studies show the more you are vaxxed the sicker you get. These ghouls have ruined people's immune systems.
So sad.
My wife came down with a pretty bad cold about two weeks ago. She mostly recovered, and then I came down with it beginning on Monday. It has been a very weird version of a "cold". Normally, I would start a cold with a sore throat, leading to head congestion, runny nose, etc. leading to a cough. This time, it started with a cough, and when I thought whatever it was was going away, it went into full-blown "cold" mode. Yesterday I sneezed more than I ever have in my life, and went through a couple boxes of cleanex! I feel like I may have turned the corner, and just hope it doesn't move back to the cough stage! If I did get it from my wife, it means the incubation period is VERY long (perhaps a week?), which would seem to make this optimized to spread far and wide, since people, myself included, would believe they WON'T get it when around someone who has it if they don't come down with any symptoms within a few days.
Thank you I am trying to see what is going on in other places.
Coincidence? My normally heathy, very active, 60 something neighbor just got out of the hospital with pneumonia. Just moved here 6 months ago so I don't know if he is vaxed or not. I live in southern Utah.
This is strange.
not yet but will watch for it
It is the weirdest thing I have ever seen.
My husband and I believe they are spreading stuff in the air contrary to what others believe. There were black trails in the sky the other day.
This is so concerning.
that is what i thought about when i read your post. are you where a bunch of these drones were hanging out?someone said they were spraying stuff in the air?
No that was eastern PA I believe.
I've encountered a couple folks w/ walking pneumonia as well. I was going to visit a friend today but he, wife and 2 kids are all down w/ flu. As best as I can tell, they are not vaxxed and don't seem like the types to do so.
Thank you.
Western PA native here. I have not seen pneumonia, but lots of folks out with long term colds.
Here in Wild, Wonderful Westmoreland county we are watching for the next shoe to drop.
Could you give us an approximate location for you?
Suburb of the glorious Shitzburgh.
You are not all that far away,
I bet those who have the long-term colds are pneumonia and they didn't go to a doctor.
My one friend was told by MedExpress that she had Covid. She texted this morning and said MedExpress called her, and they made a mistake. She has pneumonia per her test results.
So, I guess they used the fake PCR test and told her she had Covid. See how wrong that test is?
Pneumonia is a condition that doesn't involve a test; it is diagnosed by listening with a stethoscope. Perhaps the medical place determined that there was a bacterial infection in the lungs, and had heard signs of it when going there, but wanted to get results of a test for bacteria? Seems a little strange.
I don't know but that is what happened.
There has been stuff going around my work and church and family, and it’s all been prolonged and fairly nasty, and it all developed at the same time without interaction, across a wide area.
It’s happened in previous years, and may have happened before coof, but a few years after coof was definitely when I started noticing it.
I have never seen this happen before.
Thanks you.
I don’t recall seeing it before 2022, myself. Welcome!
Thank you.
Then you haven’t worked in the medical field 😉. It is nothing for entire schools to be shut down and hospitals to be overwhelmed with sick folks especially the elderly. Notice no one ever mentions illness like strep throat, which can run rampant. Things like snow storms and ice storms can halt the flu in its tracks! No one leaves homes and the virus contaminants die out. It is the normal cycle and depending what Mother Nature unleashes and who succumbs to the disease. People who eat a large amount of junk food, carbs and seed oils get hit the hardest. My grandson is carnivore, his big sister was not. She got all of the vaccines, he did not. He is 14 months old. Rarely gets sick and is sick for a day or two. She is doing better because she is eating more meat and less carbs.
My sister taught school over 40 years nothing like that happened.
I have not witnessed anything like this.
We were sick but nothing compared to what I am seeing.
NJ here.. I was just telling my husband could this be drone related because everyone at work called out sick this week, said they came down with a bad cold, lost their voices, slept all week.. They're all jabbed of course.
I'm the only one at work, just like last year. Pure blood holding the fort. Similar incident last year last week and 1st week of the year.
Do you think they have a remote control that can just push a button and make all the jabbed people catch a cold?
I was just wondering about all of that before.
I am unvaxxed and have been very ill with this "bug" that is going around. Also lost my voice and serious fatigue. I have had Covid more than once but after the first time learning about Ivermectin have been able to nip it in the bud. Ivermectin did not seem to help with this "cold" which makes me wonder if it is bacterial and not viral.
It means your immune system is not very strong. Eat lots of eggs, beef, fish, get more strength and also lots of vitamin C. Your body should be able to fight it more efficiently.
I don’t know this seems different. I am usually the one who never gets sick ( I credit being a feral child) and this “bug” hit even me.
They say sometimes flu is like a way for your body to detox all the oxalates through sneezing, if you sneeze alot that is..
It coulde be the drones spread stuff knowing it would hurt the vax right before Trump takes office.
Same as they did before.
That Horetz guy said there will be disease after disease on January 21, 2025.
How specific.
Keep us updated, if recovery doesn't happen. If ivermectin or nicotine kick it to the curb quickly, it would be good to known and spread the word. I know a whole family of 4 that just came down with a bad flu. By itself could be normal, but if it lingers we need to be on our toes.
None of them will take Ivermectin. They think I am crazy.
The night of that party when we came home my sinus were bothering me (they always do because I have year round allergies) but the top of my throat felt funny.
I take Quercetin and Zinc daily for years.
That night I took Ivermectin and Zinc and the next day it was gone.
So, there is that.
It's disrespectful that they think you're nuts. Thankfully, my mom broke that ground for me, and our kids have grown up around her nutritional healing. Anyway, I know it must be so hard to want to help but they don't listen.
I send article after article.
I don't think she looks at them.
I try.
I even told her the story that my husband's nephew in his 40's was going paralyzed below his waist. He couldn't walk. They tested him for months and couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. Every test was negative.
The doctor finally said he believes what happened is that his wife is vaxxed and he wasn't vaxxed and she shed on him.
I am stunned that the doctor admitted it.
I believe he has recovered to an extent.
Thank God for that! I admit I'm disturbed about the shedding. And I fear for pregnant women.
Good to know. Thanks.
Dont try to convince them anymore. I hate to say it, I gave up on trying to convince folks. They have made up their own mind. This included family members. The more I try, the harder they push back, so now, I just plant a seed here and there in our conversations with facts to back it and let that seed grow, if it can. I felt like I had to evangelize all of the knowledge I have built on this subject from the past 8 plus years. It's not our role, we are here when they have an open mind to discuss it. Plant your seeds and move forward.
Trust me I don't preach I just mention things.
I gave up trying to convince people.
Smart Woman. It took me a while to get over trying to help those who dont want to be helped.
Updated CGRockz (sorry to assume!)*
I am a dudette 😁.
I could tell you were! :)
Cheers 🍸.
Updated ;-) Thanks and Sorry Dudette!
I'm in the deep south and no, not so much cold/flu/pneumonia but in the last 3 years i have known 3 people die of renal cancer and cant count the gall bladder removals
I wonder if they are vaxxed.
Thanks for the update.
We are experiencing tragedy after tragedy up in New England. Clots, diabetes, and of course, the tried and true…long COVID. Yup. Three people with that…
None of them relate the jab with the illnesses, except to say covid really did mess them up.
There are others. Many with ailments they just can’t tie down. It is sad
Thank you.
I know they will never connect this to the vax.
I friend of mine told me she was talking to someone in the know and they told her the tipping point of the vax will be 2024/2025. It will be bad.
So far I think she may be correct.
I know two fit young men in our area (Southern Oregon) who are dealing with this. One was hospitalized with pneumonia and has recovered. The other is still battling it outside the hospital. Both are fit, healthy young men. Odd.
This is really getting weirder.
It's winter, it's cold, people tend to get pneumonia.
My uncle gets it every single winter being outside feeding livestock from dusk til dawn. Some lifestyles are more susceptible. Some people who have a history of respiratory issues, even if seemingly mild issues, are more susceptible.
Now figure in the whole lung effected plandemic. A large portion of the population is now more susceptible to develop pneumonia.
There is more to this.
I have never seen this in over sixty years, especially in children.
Jabbed or not jabbed, we're all more susceptible now. That's how this bioweapon works. If you got jabberd, then you're in the worst spot. If you didn't, but still caught the Chyna virus then you're in a less worse spot regardless of age.
And I'd also point out you mentioned an entire kids hockey team has it no? So, kids skating and getting all heated up in hockey gear on ice during the winter and heavily breathing in cold and/or moist air?
Fren, I'm no stranger to outdoor winter sports. Before you go beliving they must be spraying chemicals look at the facts.
Occams Razor suggests chemtrails have zero to do with the pneumonia plight. More likely, we're forever going to see a seasonal rise in all types of respiratory illness. Be that pneumonia, bronchitis, pluracy, or whatever. All common things plus factor in the entire US population is now more susceptible due to the Chyna virus.
Sorry I respectfully disagree with you.
I have been around too many years and never saw anything near this.
This is not normatl.
You're right, it's not normal. It's because of the Chyna virus not chemtrails. Kiddos don't get a free pass because they haven't taken the jab. Everyone's lungs are compromised now and forever more.
I hope this isn't true but my eyes are saying different.
Hear it straight from the experts on TCN. Timestamp 39:00
I'll take we're all forever effected by the bioweapon over chemtrails speculation any day. All the pieces that make the theory fit are right there in front of us to put the picture together.
Thank you.
I will certainly watch this.
I trust it is a combination of both.
Keep us posted when people say stuff like that my antenna starts tuning in. Please and Thank you
I will Fren.
Agree that I'm hearing of way more folks with pneumonias. But not surprised. The jabbed have compromised immune systems and they e shed all over the rest of us for years now. Add in those shedding their flu jabs, RSV and pertussis jabs and you have a torm brewing.
I take all the supplements since CV and now also highly recommend Elecampane and Mullein tinctures for upper respiratory stuff.
Thank you.
I take my Quercetin, Zinc, D3 and Vitamin C daily.
In south eastern Ohio here. My 6 year old son was coughing for 3 months this past summer and finally stopped for 2 months, only to start again. He has been at it for 2 months now, coughing all day. He has tested negative for whooping cough and everything else. Now they say they think it's "walking pneumonia." Either way his cough just seems to go on. One kid at his bus stop has the same. He is unvaxxed as well.
I was coughing for 3 months.. finally diagnosed with Asthma.
This is unbelievable how many young children have walking pneumonia.
Strangely my husband and I were talking about this just this morning. We had to redirect our Christmas vacation because our vaxed family ALL have covid. My son and I had an ER visit last week ( for him related to his pain and his veins changing ) The triage method they use puts everyone in groups then you all go back together and sit in a second waiting room where they also do procedures which is bizarre btw and there were over half hacking and coughing. I developed a deep hacks cough and that is VERY unusual for me. I typically don’t get sick with the exception of food poisoning and even that is minimal and only in the last few years. I am watching my son like a hawk. I think I must have gotten it in the hospital
Hope you and your son stay healthy.
Thank you for sharing.
My husband and I couldn't believe one after the other getting pneumonia. I have neve seen this.
I forgot to add we are in Texas.Thanknyou for the well wishes btw. Ironically his cancer injection will likely help protect him. I am already on the mend but something is definitely up either with my super immune system or with some new kind of contagion.
Stay safe.
Ty you too. Praying for you
COVID or 'flu? "Covid/flu" isn't the name of a disease.
And yes, being specific about this is important.
Some had Covid some had flu most of them have pneumonia.
Covid and flu to me are the same. People had the flu and they were told they have Covid. How do they know the test is fake?
You most definitely can spread pneumonia. 80% is not contagious but 20% is.
Tell that to the doctors that told the people around me they have no restrictions.
Having bad Sinus or ear issues in my neck of the woods. Very unusual for everyone to get from the same cold. It was just like a sinus infection that was communicable
Thank you for sharing.
Hmmm... what has changed that could be causing this? How about a few million disease ridden criminals from third world $hit-holes dumped into our civilized society? Since no-one knows exactly where they are it is awfully hard to know their negative impact on our country's health. In the past when LEGAL immigrants entered our country, they were vetted for health issues.
You could be on to something.