My first take was it sounded like "gamer talk" fresh off Discord. Musk has been playing Path Of Exile 2 recently after all lol. feel like I get what he meant, but this was definitely not a good way to talk to the public about important stuff.
I'm petty sure he was being sarcastic. Like that line is literally from tropic thunder les grossman. By getting us all mad we've literally forced the mainstream media to talk about this topic. We basically haven't heard from the trump team all holiday season which imo paved the way for then to finally bring this issue to the forefront
Elon wasn't being sarcastic when called us "racist," "subtarded," "retarded," and said we should be removed from the GOP. I don't believe for one second that quote was intended as sarcasm.
Source please. Need for reference because he had a ton of tweets. Honestly was hard to keep up with because of how rapid he was shooting out the tweets
Can't think of a more clever way to get the left negatively talking about any form of immigration than to make them Elon is for it in its current form.
So basically they are wrestling in their borders taking over america vs don't let people like Elon save money by hiring non Americans.
He put a PRICE on the H1B visas, he wants to make it more expensive to hire them. It's all about the $ with Musk, he has no idea about American culture being threatened. I say stop ALL immigration for 10 years so we can allow this mess to get fixed, we did it in the 50's.
Immigration, as it is, is destroying the USA. It needs to be merit-based. I live in Japan and immigrated here twice in my lifetime. Both times I had to prove my merit. You can't get a work visa here without a 4 year bachelor's degree, for example. When I immigrated my wife to the USA 22 years ago, I had to jump through all the hoops, secure a financial guarantor, and my wife had to get her tetanus booster shot which now all these years later I realize is the reason why her menstruation got messed up.
that shot is a scam too, it doesn't even do anything. if you happen to step on a rusty nail covered in cow shit (it's literally the shit not the nail that causes this) then they will still give you the emergency treatment at the hospital and THAT'S what saves you.
Too late. Nothing about immigration benefits American people.
They have to do things the legal way to become citizens and not immigrants.
We will celebrate this event.
A moratorium is in order until this mess is straightened out.
legacy Blacks aren't immigrants. Blacks were planted here by GOD. Blacks weren't leaving Africa to come to a colder place.
Once a candidate completes the requirements for citizenship he is An American no longer an immigrant.
America is a nation of Laws not immigrants . Do the work and stop stealing from our people.
Blacks were brought here through slavery, not God. All the whites in America were immigrants. And not all whites got along either. The Italians ran the Mafia for decades. The Irish ran the mob for decades and got into Protestant -small- conflicts. A bunch of Germans returned to Europe to fight for the Nazis. Elon Musk is Canadian / South African. So we're the founders of Google and YouTube.
America is a country of assimilation. Immigrants are welcome, but must fit in, or fuck off. Not all immigrants steal. Most of us contribute and pay our share and love this country just as much as birthright Americans because it gave us opportunities our homeland didn't have.
H1B requires serious reform. It's not an invitation to be racist.
getting real sick and tired of people throwing around the "racist" accusation. fucked up we have to put up with it in here. guess what, people can disagree with you, don't make them racist you twat.
Yeah and who said that? People like to throw the word racist around the moment someone doesn't agree with them and I don't see anyone saying non whites don't belong in America. Bullshit.
All whites in America were immigrants. Your ancestors were immigrants at some point. This continent didn't have white people until Europeans settled it.
immigrant: a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.
The first European pilgrims came over in the 1400's and could not have been immigrants because America was not a country until 1776. They did not come to join up with the Native tribes living here. They came over and created their own towns. Sure, they traded with the Natives and learned about the land and crops from them, but that did not mean they were immigrants to the Natives tribes.
And then they killed the natives and exterminated them?
Just because the natives have a different system of governance and recognition of land doesn't make Europeans, who don't live here natively, not immigrants.
You can't explain your way out of genocide and land grab. No one said it was wrong but you can't modify history to fit your anti-immigration narrative. That's what leftists do.
Race has nothing to do with it. America wants all illegals gone. Africans Asians European South American don't matter.
It's the Law..
it's rich folk benefitting from poor people troubles.
America is not responsible for other nations issues and people.
If these folk are so talented why aren't their original nations trying to bring them back?
Didn't you say you were legal? Keep your business straight is all you need to do.
When you complete your requirements you will understand what to vote for. Because then you will be Voting as an American citizen no longer as Asian.
You will understand that is unfair for thieves to devalue what you sacrificed for.
Many of best Patriots are of Asian heritage.
If I went to your home. I would have to undergo the same process especially since I am an American Black.
Why should a America put up with taxpayer funded nonsense?
You think that's right hoss?
We fighting against systems not people bro.
illegal immigrants stole when they entered illegally. Many stayed here years without fixing their situations.
Waving their foreign flags in our land.
Taxpayer resources were used to support these thieves.
Jobs and opportunities were taken from our young Americans.
Defending the truth is not racist
Letting killers and thieves into your home is downright stupid.
GOD caused it. OG BLACKS weren't trying to leave Africa. Blacks were in America way before Columbus. We partied and hung out with the Aboriginal AMERICANS and went back home. We failed to warn the A America ns. So GOD disciplined Africans by bringing us here in Chains the first slave ship was named JESUS..
GOD is Good all the time.
Planted not immigrated
my ancestors were brought here in chains to serve America. My family is filled with Men and women who served in the military.
All of my uncles fought in WW2 and Korea.
My Dad and older brother fought in Vietnam.
The list goes on..
Having these clowns mock AMERICA doesn't sit well with any American.
5 years minimum, using the expedited options if available. The default green card holding period is 10 years. The only quicker way that I know of is if you have X (according USCIS) amount of wealth and go that route.
I heard, if the immigrant joins the United States armed forces they can expedite the citizenship; I don't know the time frame, but it is quicker-I believe.
Yes, it seems like I recall reading about this many years ago when filing our own paperwork.
There's four main visas:
Of course there's a dozen more outliers and subcats E.g. Political Asylum.
While in limbo of the bulleted first three, one can sign up for the armed services unless things have changed in the past 15 yrs.
The normal expediting process while a green card holder is something like: if a resident alien card holder has completed all subsequent filings and appointments to date and not been arrested/clean criminal record then you can pay to apply for expediting process.
It can be denied for any reason without refund. If memory serves, it costs a couple hundred bucks to file the paperwork. If approved, then you jump to your next couple appointments with USCIS being repeat biometrics usually because the shit is heavily mismanaged and then your final citizenship test + allegiance ceremony.
People thought our immigration problems were just with Mexican border hoppers. Now they know differently. Worked like a charm. “Trump and Elon disagree??? About what??? Let’s learn all about it!!”
Not to mention it was a couple days after the “Elon is really president” narrative was starting to gain steam. And the fact that Elon is no dummy, is clearly a Patriot, and hasn’t even bothered to explain why he thinks what he claims to think yet (because it’s a ruse that he thinks that at all). It’s all theater and it’s going exactly as he and Trump planned it I’m sure.
Because it's not a psy-op. Elon and Vivek truly think Americans are beneath them. Nobody forced them to make those horrible insults against us that they still haven't apologized for.
You're as bad as the Liberals. Free speech for you but not for them. He seems like a reasonable man. Prove him wrong or show him the problem can be solved another way. You can't always just take your ball and go home thinking you don't have to prove your point of view.
If you're gonna claim something as true you should verify it. Otherwise you're the fool. Her official account still has a gray check (the govt equivalent of a blue check). Her personal account still has the blue check.
You're welcome. BTW, if I came across too strong it wasn't my intent.
There is so much fake stuff going around X it isn't funny. I don't think anyone even knows 100% what happened with fake screenshot posts on X attributed to Elon, multiple posts that show they were from him but were the same reply - like a bot would do, and everyone posting everything as gospel when they just got it from a post someone else posted. I tried navigating the mess on X and just gave up and let the 72 hour rule take effect.
No worries. I had a kneejerk reaction and, as I said, I should have known better. Thanks for calling me out. We all need to be reminded and guided from time to time.
"...and let the 72 hour rule take effect."
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Patience. How long will THAT take? </Ed Gruberman>
I doubt most people here have even read all the tweets in question. Just running around shreiking like panicking teen girls off second hand info that they havent even checked for themself.
My response is measured. I'm not saying that Elon is the villain here or anything else extreme, despite the fact that I detest H1B visas with every fiber of my being.
I'm saying that no one in power should be completely trusted, and to watch what they do rather than what they say.
Yes, the (almost certainly planned) secondary effect of Elon's and Vivek's posts is that many people are looking into H1B visas, raising awareness, and that's a good thing.
Interesting how 77 million Americans rule now, not Elon. He says something stupid and then feels the need to clarify himself. However, him calling anyone who disagrees with him "racist" won't undo.
Oh yeah? Then start with H1-B, Musk. I know you either come here yourself or someone in the Trump camp does and will see this thread, so act accordingly. The American People have spoken. Are you listening?
Or let his top Indian h1b's hire taunt and call White folks stupid. And Elon just agree with it with a 💯emoji He is done in my book.
Wish I would of screen shotted it. But got banned.
Will make a new account tomorrow.
Continue the trolling 😏
That certainly sounds better than him telling me to fuck myself in the face.
It's a Tropic Thunder quote he used. Not saying he should have, but his nerd was showing as well.
Even a socially retarded autist like Elon knows you don't direct that kind of energy at your team. If you do, you deserve what follows.
I agree, It was bad taste and not thought out. I was just pointing out that fact to those who may not know.
Even being a huge fan of the movie, that never came to my mind when he said it. Also a majority of the general population has never seen it.
I didn't remember it until it was pointed out. I legitly thought he was just being an asshole... Well, he was, but I mean even more so.
Quote or no quote, he said it in a very directive tone, he meant it, he can go shove his fist up his fucking asshole for all i care. Fuck that moron.
My first take was it sounded like "gamer talk" fresh off Discord. Musk has been playing Path Of Exile 2 recently after all lol. feel like I get what he meant, but this was definitely not a good way to talk to the public about important stuff.
Kek! it's not funny what was said, but the way you put it, i had to laugh.
I'm petty sure he was being sarcastic. Like that line is literally from tropic thunder les grossman. By getting us all mad we've literally forced the mainstream media to talk about this topic. We basically haven't heard from the trump team all holiday season which imo paved the way for then to finally bring this issue to the forefront
Many things do not come across the same on the keyboard as they do in speech. He should know better.
It's not unheard of for geniuses on the autistic scale to lose their composure from time to time.
Were your feelings hurt? Tell me where he touched you.
Elon wasn't being sarcastic when called us "racist," "subtarded," "retarded," and said we should be removed from the GOP. I don't believe for one second that quote was intended as sarcasm.
Source please. Need for reference because he had a ton of tweets. Honestly was hard to keep up with because of how rapid he was shooting out the tweets
Good point
I LOLd. Much better.
With as quickly as he reversed course, I'm wondering if this wasn't on purpose to get us to dig into the data.
Nobody even knew the H1B data was public and online before 3 days ago.
This is why I didn't go ballistic. POTUS always has a plan. I follow his lead. When he didn't come out with guns blazing, I figured he was in on it.
Can't think of a more clever way to get the left negatively talking about any form of immigration than to make them Elon is for it in its current form. So basically they are wrestling in their borders taking over america vs don't let people like Elon save money by hiring non Americans.
They gave the Left exactly what the Left wanted.
A wedge issue between Trump and Elon.
And then, oh noes, the Acme catapult malfunctioned again.
Meep Meep!
I don't think they were just goofing off and not planning things when they met at The Mar-a-Lago Club.
I came to this view the other day. This whole thing is too ridiculous. It was "Undertaker vs Rowdy Roddy Piper" level energy.
An attempt to move the Overton Window. That was a success.
Absolutely seems possible to me.
I don't think he reversed course. He has clarified some things, but there will be many who still won't accept those clarifications.
He put a PRICE on the H1B visas, he wants to make it more expensive to hire them. It's all about the $ with Musk, he has no idea about American culture being threatened. I say stop ALL immigration for 10 years so we can allow this mess to get fixed, we did it in the 50's.
Should stop immigration for at least 100 years.
Abolish H1B and use the O1 visa to bring in the actual talented immigrants.
Pretty sure we have all said stupid shit in person and on the internet.
Yeah I know I have.
Guilty 😔
Immigration can't benefit us, it can only benefit companies.
Fitting username.
Melania is an immigrant...
She's not trying to take away your job either
Immigration will be fixed to benefit America, you say? Whose America, the citizen's or the feudal CEO's?
Immigration, as it is, is destroying the USA. It needs to be merit-based. I live in Japan and immigrated here twice in my lifetime. Both times I had to prove my merit. You can't get a work visa here without a 4 year bachelor's degree, for example. When I immigrated my wife to the USA 22 years ago, I had to jump through all the hoops, secure a financial guarantor, and my wife had to get her tetanus booster shot which now all these years later I realize is the reason why her menstruation got messed up.
that shot is a scam too, it doesn't even do anything. if you happen to step on a rusty nail covered in cow shit (it's literally the shit not the nail that causes this) then they will still give you the emergency treatment at the hospital and THAT'S what saves you.
I know. Tell me about it. I was like 25 at the time and it was 10 years before I woke up. I used to get the stupid flu shot every year too.
Too late. Nothing about immigration benefits American people. They have to do things the legal way to become citizens and not immigrants. We will celebrate this event. A moratorium is in order until this mess is straightened out.
.... Immigration is the only way to become a citizen LoL. The entire US population comes from immigration dude. Your ancestors immigrated here
Yeah and the idea was that America would be a European centric country. Not little India.
And that's fine. No one wants it that way except the annoying ass Indians.
legacy Blacks aren't immigrants. Blacks were planted here by GOD. Blacks weren't leaving Africa to come to a colder place. Once a candidate completes the requirements for citizenship he is An American no longer an immigrant. America is a nation of Laws not immigrants . Do the work and stop stealing from our people.
Blacks were brought here through slavery, not God. All the whites in America were immigrants. And not all whites got along either. The Italians ran the Mafia for decades. The Irish ran the mob for decades and got into Protestant -small- conflicts. A bunch of Germans returned to Europe to fight for the Nazis. Elon Musk is Canadian / South African. So we're the founders of Google and YouTube.
America is a country of assimilation. Immigrants are welcome, but must fit in, or fuck off. Not all immigrants steal. Most of us contribute and pay our share and love this country just as much as birthright Americans because it gave us opportunities our homeland didn't have.
H1B requires serious reform. It's not an invitation to be racist.
getting real sick and tired of people throwing around the "racist" accusation. fucked up we have to put up with it in here. guess what, people can disagree with you, don't make them racist you twat.
I'm not pissed because people disagree with H1B (Which I don't support).
I'm pissed because people think anyone who's not white shouldn't be in America.
Yeah and who said that? People like to throw the word racist around the moment someone doesn't agree with them and I don't see anyone saying non whites don't belong in America. Bullshit.
Look at the parent comment of this conversation dude.
What about the whites who have been in this country from before its founding?
All whites in America were immigrants. Your ancestors were immigrants at some point. This continent didn't have white people until Europeans settled it.
immigrant: a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.
The first European pilgrims came over in the 1400's and could not have been immigrants because America was not a country until 1776. They did not come to join up with the Native tribes living here. They came over and created their own towns. Sure, they traded with the Natives and learned about the land and crops from them, but that did not mean they were immigrants to the Natives tribes.
And then they killed the natives and exterminated them?
Just because the natives have a different system of governance and recognition of land doesn't make Europeans, who don't live here natively, not immigrants.
You can't explain your way out of genocide and land grab. No one said it was wrong but you can't modify history to fit your anti-immigration narrative. That's what leftists do.
Race has nothing to do with it. America wants all illegals gone. Africans Asians European South American don't matter. It's the Law.. it's rich folk benefitting from poor people troubles. America is not responsible for other nations issues and people. If these folk are so talented why aren't their original nations trying to bring them back?
Dude I don't like illegals either. But I have legal immigration and I have a talent visa.
Should I be sent back too? Just because I'm Asian?
I'm on this forum just like you. Who do you think I'm gonna vote for when and if I get citizenship?
Didn't you say you were legal? Keep your business straight is all you need to do. When you complete your requirements you will understand what to vote for. Because then you will be Voting as an American citizen no longer as Asian. You will understand that is unfair for thieves to devalue what you sacrificed for. Many of best Patriots are of Asian heritage. If I went to your home. I would have to undergo the same process especially since I am an American Black. Why should a America put up with taxpayer funded nonsense? You think that's right hoss? We fighting against systems not people bro.
I feel like we just into misunderstanding and argued about absolutely nothing -_-
illegal immigrants stole when they entered illegally. Many stayed here years without fixing their situations. Waving their foreign flags in our land. Taxpayer resources were used to support these thieves. Jobs and opportunities were taken from our young Americans. Defending the truth is not racist Letting killers and thieves into your home is downright stupid.
No one supports illegal immigration dude. Legal immigration is fine.
GOD caused it. OG BLACKS weren't trying to leave Africa. Blacks were in America way before Columbus. We partied and hung out with the Aboriginal AMERICANS and went back home. We failed to warn the A America ns. So GOD disciplined Africans by bringing us here in Chains the first slave ship was named JESUS.. GOD is Good all the time. Planted not immigrated
You believe revisionist history created by jewish think tanks?
Don't think about what jews say. They are Yiddish not Hebrew. Jesus calls them liars. Why waste time on them?
They say men are women and women are men, and that 5 year olds can change their gender, and that pedophilia is okay.
my ancestors were brought here in chains to serve America. My family is filled with Men and women who served in the military. All of my uncles fought in WW2 and Korea. My Dad and older brother fought in Vietnam. The list goes on.. Having these clowns mock AMERICA doesn't sit well with any American.
How long do you think it takes for a person to become a naturalized citizen?
5 years minimum, using the expedited options if available. The default green card holding period is 10 years. The only quicker way that I know of is if you have X (according USCIS) amount of wealth and go that route.
I heard, if the immigrant joins the United States armed forces they can expedite the citizenship; I don't know the time frame, but it is quicker-I believe.
Yes, it seems like I recall reading about this many years ago when filing our own paperwork.
There's four main visas:
Of course there's a dozen more outliers and subcats E.g. Political Asylum.
While in limbo of the bulleted first three, one can sign up for the armed services unless things have changed in the past 15 yrs.
The normal expediting process while a green card holder is something like: if a resident alien card holder has completed all subsequent filings and appointments to date and not been arrested/clean criminal record then you can pay to apply for expediting process.
It can be denied for any reason without refund. If memory serves, it costs a couple hundred bucks to file the paperwork. If approved, then you jump to your next couple appointments with USCIS being repeat biometrics usually because the shit is heavily mismanaged and then your final citizenship test + allegiance ceremony.
Thank you, I didn't know the particulars, but if they haven't changed-then you filled me in.
That is the correct answer!
I have no idea. Nothing for me to be concerned about. You better "Just Do It" as Nike says. You'll be glad you did..
People thought our immigration problems were just with Mexican border hoppers. Now they know differently. Worked like a charm. “Trump and Elon disagree??? About what??? Let’s learn all about it!!”
Not to mention it was a couple days after the “Elon is really president” narrative was starting to gain steam. And the fact that Elon is no dummy, is clearly a Patriot, and hasn’t even bothered to explain why he thinks what he claims to think yet (because it’s a ruse that he thinks that at all). It’s all theater and it’s going exactly as he and Trump planned it I’m sure.
Because it's not a psy-op. Elon and Vivek truly think Americans are beneath them. Nobody forced them to make those horrible insults against us that they still haven't apologized for.
Cut off immigration for at least 100 years.
Yeah...I no longer trust Elon's definition of "benefit America".
With his latest series of gaffs and illuminating behavior I no longer believe he and I ascribe the same meaning to those words.
Too late Elon. You showed your true colors. There's no going back, and there's no way in hell you're going to bury your true thoughts under the rug.
If everything is a psyop, nothing is a psyop.
Maybe this is a better analogy:
Sometimes a bird is just a bird. Not a government drone.
You're as bad as the Liberals. Free speech for you but not for them. He seems like a reasonable man. Prove him wrong or show him the problem can be solved another way. You can't always just take your ball and go home thinking you don't have to prove your point of view.
Watch what he does, not what he says, before you make up your mind.
Unverifying MTG's account is not a good look for Elon.
If you're gonna claim something as true you should verify it. Otherwise you're the fool. Her official account still has a gray check (the govt equivalent of a blue check). Her personal account still has the blue check.
This misinformation BS has to stop.
Thanks for the correction.
I really outta know better by now.
You're welcome. BTW, if I came across too strong it wasn't my intent.
There is so much fake stuff going around X it isn't funny. I don't think anyone even knows 100% what happened with fake screenshot posts on X attributed to Elon, multiple posts that show they were from him but were the same reply - like a bot would do, and everyone posting everything as gospel when they just got it from a post someone else posted. I tried navigating the mess on X and just gave up and let the 72 hour rule take effect.
No worries. I had a kneejerk reaction and, as I said, I should have known better. Thanks for calling me out. We all need to be reminded and guided from time to time. "...and let the 72 hour rule take effect." Yeah, yeah, yeah. Patience. How long will THAT take? </Ed Gruberman>
I doubt most people here have even read all the tweets in question. Just running around shreiking like panicking teen girls off second hand info that they havent even checked for themself.
Complete emotional reactions... its fucking gay.
My response is measured. I'm not saying that Elon is the villain here or anything else extreme, despite the fact that I detest H1B visas with every fiber of my being.
I'm saying that no one in power should be completely trusted, and to watch what they do rather than what they say.
Yes, the (almost certainly planned) secondary effect of Elon's and Vivek's posts is that many people are looking into H1B visas, raising awareness, and that's a good thing.
Interesting how 77 million Americans rule now, not Elon. He says something stupid and then feels the need to clarify himself. However, him calling anyone who disagrees with him "racist" won't undo.
US Whites went from 85% in 1965 to 58% today.
Kalergi plan is real
Wonder if he got a call from the BMOC?! lol
Why did Elon’s “X” dump critics of his yesterday?
We went from FREE SPEECH
Oh yeah? Then start with H1-B, Musk. I know you either come here yourself or someone in the Trump camp does and will see this thread, so act accordingly. The American People have spoken. Are you listening?
so, the whole "manufactured controversy so people will actually pay attention"-thing is a little out of your wheelhouse, huh?
Immigration inherently harms us. no immigration ever.
If he woulda, no one would know what really happens..
Or let his top Indian h1b's hire taunt and call White folks stupid. And Elon just agree with it with a 💯emoji He is done in my book. Wish I would of screen shotted it. But got banned. 😂 Will make a new account tomorrow. Continue the trolling 😏
I'm getting overdone with Musk already. Basically he wants us all to get brain chips and then go to Mars. Those are not my ambitions!