I’m in Cedar City and if the wind is out of the north they don’t spray, as soon as it turned to the west and south they started spraying Friday mid-day. Saturday the sky was covered and you could still see them flying above it. The spray gently settled to the ground as a white haze without the humidity going up. My Rep Celeste Malloy will not return emails about this so they must be under a gag order
There should be NO DELAY for any reason in Trump putting an end to chem trailing. And satellites starting fires with lasers. There is plenty of evidence of this. Documented in videos taken from planes and orbital photography. In AZ or rep Eli Crane is actively notifying the public of his push on forest policy that can prevent fires from spreading and communicating by phone recordings with us. I really cannot believe Trump would allow yet another region to be devastated by a contrived fire when it is clear he knows Los Angeles was ATTACKED
On 12/30/24 my flight to Ft Myers diverted to Ft Laurdeale for "fog," Gross looking from the plane: brownish with yellow/orangish tinge. Left off in FLL at about 1am, with our luggage and entire plane told we were "on your own, everything in airport closed." Shared $400 cab ride with others on a scary ride w. near zero visibility across Alligater Alley and had a severe sore throat for 2 days after. Insane.
Coming from the Sierras, I understand your sentiments. It must be awful living where the insurance is being canceled, after what occurred in Pacific Palisades. We lost our neighborhood to fire in So. Cal, under suspicious circumstances, and Sonoma County was burning while we moved from there. I've had more than my fill of being fire bombed by the "authorities".
As an AZ resident, this post literally hits close to home. Thanks for sharing Doc.
And yes, AZ is "the desert" but it has been abnormally dry. I haven't seen a raindrop in 5 months or more. That's not normal for an AZ winter. Usually there's some rain. Not much, but some.
And yes, chemtrails over AZ have been vast and frequent.
And yes, AZ has several designated "smart cities" and Waymos all over the place.
Hope we're not hit with the next disaster but wouldn't surprise me if we were. And our current (fraudulently installed) leadership is about as bad as Newscum, if not worse. Hobb Goblin is in bed with the DS and the cartel.
I just came across this. Wasn't even looking at this topic.
There’s been no rain for 154 consecutive days in Phoenix - the second longest dry spell on record (160 days in 1972) - as drought conditions persist across Arizona.
So it seems to me that insurance companies are trying to get ahead of what's going on in California.
Not that there's anything planned.
If you have conditions like this, the longer they persist, the more likely you have a big fire.
Probably surrounded by snakes who don't tell him. The pilots flying the jets don't know whats in their fuel. The chemtrails were off the charts in AZ the day before LA fires broke out and we had like 80 mile and hour winds here in AZ. Supposed to be windy again here shortly. Who the fuck knows whats going on. I bet its China using satellites starting fires though and US military probably trying to create clouds to prevent it / make rain. We will never know though until we round up all the Israeli agents working in our gov and defense dept.
also, how could it be a phenomenon at least known by name at a pop culture level and still not be known by trump? He lives in this world too, and is exposed to the air we breath.
Chemtrails have been analyzed by Dane Wigington. They have aluminum, barium and strontium in them. Aluminum gives us Alzheimers disease, barium sequesters water molecules (keeps them aloft, maybe depending on the wind) and strontium, I'm not sure about. They say it's solar radiation management. They need to tell us how and why that's supposed to work, how much of it they are spraying and what else it might do. But they aren't being honest (surprise).
100% high-octane speculation on my part, but chemtrails are an extremely clandestine operation and there's evidence that the program has substantial ties to the private sector where it's even easier to keep secrets.
It may be more complex than an EO to stop it. However, I'm going to go out on a limb with another explanation:
DJT has long funded and maintained a private intelligence "agency". Arguably the best non-State funded intel agency in the world. If he's inclined, I suspect he has a lot of data on the chemtrails situation.
The problem is that the program is not widely known to the public. Heck, there are several pedes on GAW that are skeptical of its existence. I think for that EO to happen, the public has to be enlightened first for maximum impact. Though it always seemed odd to me that given the wide-ranging list of topics Q addressed in drops, chemtrails were never directly addressed as best as I can recall.
I can confidently say that at least in the twin cities, chemtrails have declined in frequency over the past 6-7 years but are not gone. I hear similar stories from other major cities but I can confidently say that it is still happening as evidenced by our GAW frens in the southwest.
We had a couple of months straight if non stop spraying them when it cooled off a few weeks ago it stopped. Now they are back at it even though it's still cold.
It's an interesting theory. Short story... A little over 2 years ago we made a move from South FL back up to North Central FL. In the 7 years we lived there (S FL) our homeowners ins. quadrupled. Entering that home in 2015 our annual ins. rate was around $1300 per year. When we left and moved in 2022 it had jumped to $5000 per year! A few months before we moved, we received a notice stating our policy would be cancelled by the end of the year! Fast forward to the 2024 Hurricane season. The area and neighborhood we lived in to include the neighborhood next to ours was hit by an unusual and unprecedented Tornado outbreak. Kansas style, massive wedge tornados popped up and caused severe damage in those 2 neighborhoods. We could not believe it! Local weather men were astonished over it as well. Hurricane Milton was well North of those neighborhoods when they were hit. The rain bands brought the tornados which is typical of most hurricanes. We're used to that down here. But rarely with this kind of intensity. I've lived in FL my whole life (56yrs) and have never seen anything like it. FWIW
Dont doubt the guy. He isnt biden. He pays attention to everything. I suppose you wouldnt know that yet mr. Handshake but its ok we will show u the way😆
Glancing at the real estate in Tucson, there seem to be an abundance of simple one story structures, lots of brick/stucco/block construction vs. wood. More vegetation than I would have guessed. Significantly fewer solar panels than I would have guessed--even on upper class homes.
I do see some banks of solar panels that could serve as starting points for fires, e.g.:
32.192223636768645, -110.86541009501595
If I were a cabal entity tasked with razing a city like Tucson, I'd initially think to use their power infrastructure. But after glancing at it a bit, I'm inclined to think their style of construction is resistant to it. There's dry vegetation, but not much of it, and it's very low to the ground.
If you did an attack through the power infrastructure, it'd destroy homes, sure, but then people would be aware of that attack vector and they would likely be able to rebuild w/out issues. i.e. I don't think it would create enough damage. It's more useful to be able to light a given house on fire through that attack method than to destroy a city with it and lose the method due to public awareness.
I'm wondering if a chemical or earthquake attack would be more effective in terms of convincing people not to rebuild. You want the victim to perceive it as a 100% loss.
Dec 4, 2023 Operation Blue Roof is a program offered by FEMA through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to eligible homeowners and landlords. It provides a temporary covering of blue plastic sheeting to help reduce further damage to property until permanent repairs can be made.
From his first link:
"After the blue roof is installed, the structure is declared habitable. Not all roof types qualify for the program. Roofs that are flat or made of metal or clay, slate, or asbestos tile do not qualify.
I wonder if it's because those materials don't ignite easily/at all.
Maybe that’s also related to why we HAD asbestos to begin with, and why it was so critical to scare it all out of the market.
“It’s dangerous to have asbestos around, though. Once it gets in your lungs, it’ll never get out.
Now, please inject yourself with this mercury and modify your DNA.”
“Wait, so if you have asbestos insulation, it’s much more difficult to tear the structure down safely, so you need to construct it to be more resilient and ornate, so that there’s not as much need or want to ever tear it down to begin with? But muh broken windows! Economic activity! Here’s some IKEA furniture for you to inherit to your grandchildren, pleb.”
Not saying asbestos isn’t actually dangerous, just naming off ulterior motives. Same with lead paint.
I haven't looked into this but keep in mind that flame retardants are loaded with forever chemicals like phthalates I believe. That's why they put them in baby clothes.
If you're in Prescott or Phoenix, now is the time to paint the roof on everything you own a nice shade of blue. For some reasons, fire has changed in modern times and doesn't seem to like burning blue things.
There's a brush fire on the north side of South Mountain in Phoenix. Arson is the first thing I thought of as there hasn't been any storms or rain there for 5 months.
Companies arent stupid. If government mismanages and creates a higher risk, insures will pull out of the state.
Folks are mad at state farm for pulling out of CA, but the risk management folks at the company saw what CA officials were doing.... Were all seeing it now. Diverting water into the ocean to protect a fish, empty reservoirs, no water in hydrants. Fire is the first basic peril of all property policies. They increased the risk, they got out. Cant really blame them.
Thinking about it, Insurance companies are kinda stupid dropping you. Its Money in there pocket.. Un-check the box for fire coverage, like they did for us on Sink Holes.. Keep raking in the money! Its total scam anyway, they pay out 1k for jewelry, 1k for electronics and another 1k for firearms... You have to get other insurance to cover that stuff IDK..
I talked to my very based friend in Prescott this morning. She said policies are being cancelled, and people with new builds are having difficulties getting any insurance at all.
The "Conspiracy" is to raise insurance rates to cover the replacement costs of the home, which has risen dramatically and is an open ended loss to the Insurance company. States passed laws and regulations requiring Insurance to cover replacement losses instead of simply the mortgage.
As a consequence Insurers are leaving these markets with unlimited loss potential.
Housing costs will become unaffordable except to corporations which can self insure, like Blackrock. You will own nothing and be happy renting.
It's very important to actually read what the insurance companies are saying about the root of the problem. Which is the drastic increase in construction costs. They're saying the rebuild for any reason is too expensive. Fire risk is just one example given. They're also using other excuses to drop policies.
They’ve been trying to raise rates here in NC higher in the coastal areas due to hurricanes.
I live in the Coastal Plains and only had the river flood me out of my home. We had no wind damage from the three hurricanes we’ve seen since moving here.
But my insurance company didn’t have to pay me anything for my flood damage (except $500 for losing my freezer and fridge food from the power outage). We had FEMA insurance to cover that. And maxed it out and then some.
True. My insurance company tried to cancel me because my hot water heater was over ten years old. It is in the garage, was certified by a plumber to be in good working order and is powered by gas. Wth risk did it pose? Nonetheless I had to replace it to maintain coverage.
I had a new roof, new electric panel and wiring , no trees on my property and live ten miles from the ocean where we historically don't experience weather extremes or disasters. I've also had no claims against my homeowners policy ever. Nonetheless it was almost impossible to get another company to cover me without a 50% increase in premiums. So I sucked it up and replaced the hwh
Chemtrails in the southwest were off the charts yesterday.
I’m in Cedar City and if the wind is out of the north they don’t spray, as soon as it turned to the west and south they started spraying Friday mid-day. Saturday the sky was covered and you could still see them flying above it. The spray gently settled to the ground as a white haze without the humidity going up. My Rep Celeste Malloy will not return emails about this so they must be under a gag order
so it isnt in solution. that is surprising and interesting. must be dust instead of mist. but then it wouldnt leave a trail. the mystery deepens.
Yeah, they did this in LA areas for weeks before fires. High aluminum oxide content that dried everything out.
Nettle tea is useful to chelate (by way of urination) aluminium and other metals......
Yes! And it tastes so yummy. The earthy taste is hmmm.....
There should be NO DELAY for any reason in Trump putting an end to chem trailing. And satellites starting fires with lasers. There is plenty of evidence of this. Documented in videos taken from planes and orbital photography. In AZ or rep Eli Crane is actively notifying the public of his push on forest policy that can prevent fires from spreading and communicating by phone recordings with us. I really cannot believe Trump would allow yet another region to be devastated by a contrived fire when it is clear he knows Los Angeles was ATTACKED
On 12/30/24 my flight to Ft Myers diverted to Ft Laurdeale for "fog," Gross looking from the plane: brownish with yellow/orangish tinge. Left off in FLL at about 1am, with our luggage and entire plane told we were "on your own, everything in airport closed." Shared $400 cab ride with others on a scary ride w. near zero visibility across Alligater Alley and had a severe sore throat for 2 days after. Insane.
Coming from the Sierras, I understand your sentiments. It must be awful living where the insurance is being canceled, after what occurred in Pacific Palisades. We lost our neighborhood to fire in So. Cal, under suspicious circumstances, and Sonoma County was burning while we moved from there. I've had more than my fill of being fire bombed by the "authorities".
Yep, knew all that too
Sprayed us bad the last few days in AZ.
As an AZ resident, this post literally hits close to home. Thanks for sharing Doc.
And yes, AZ is "the desert" but it has been abnormally dry. I haven't seen a raindrop in 5 months or more. That's not normal for an AZ winter. Usually there's some rain. Not much, but some.
And yes, chemtrails over AZ have been vast and frequent.
And yes, AZ has several designated "smart cities" and Waymos all over the place.
Hope we're not hit with the next disaster but wouldn't surprise me if we were. And our current (fraudulently installed) leadership is about as bad as Newscum, if not worse. Hobb Goblin is in bed with the DS and the cartel.
I just came across this. Wasn't even looking at this topic.
There’s been no rain for 154 consecutive days in Phoenix - the second longest dry spell on record (160 days in 1972) - as drought conditions persist across Arizona.
So it seems to me that insurance companies are trying to get ahead of what's going on in California.
Not that there's anything planned.
If you have conditions like this, the longer they persist, the more likely you have a big fire.
So the bet is what comes first, rain or big fire.
Yep. It looked like notebook paper I n the sky and I could see 5 or 6 jets still spraying
With the swipe of a pen, Trump could end that.
Why isn't he?
Probably surrounded by snakes who don't tell him. The pilots flying the jets don't know whats in their fuel. The chemtrails were off the charts in AZ the day before LA fires broke out and we had like 80 mile and hour winds here in AZ. Supposed to be windy again here shortly. Who the fuck knows whats going on. I bet its China using satellites starting fires though and US military probably trying to create clouds to prevent it / make rain. We will never know though until we round up all the Israeli agents working in our gov and defense dept.
How could you believe this? He has the NSA and MIL Intel telling him everything.
And he knows calif fire was an attack. Read between the lines in his comments in the last 2 days
also, how could it be a phenomenon at least known by name at a pop culture level and still not be known by trump? He lives in this world too, and is exposed to the air we breath.
Wouldn't it be easy for someone to get a jet fuel sample and test it?
Chemtrails have been analyzed by Dane Wigington. They have aluminum, barium and strontium in them. Aluminum gives us Alzheimers disease, barium sequesters water molecules (keeps them aloft, maybe depending on the wind) and strontium, I'm not sure about. They say it's solar radiation management. They need to tell us how and why that's supposed to work, how much of it they are spraying and what else it might do. But they aren't being honest (surprise).
Hopefully RFKjr will get to the bottom of it, but since he is a big "Climate Crisis" promoter, it might actually ramp up!
Aaaaa. If they put the chemicals in the fuel tanks, plane wouldn't fly. Pilots know they are poisoning us.
100% high-octane speculation on my part, but chemtrails are an extremely clandestine operation and there's evidence that the program has substantial ties to the private sector where it's even easier to keep secrets.
It may be more complex than an EO to stop it. However, I'm going to go out on a limb with another explanation:
DJT has long funded and maintained a private intelligence "agency". Arguably the best non-State funded intel agency in the world. If he's inclined, I suspect he has a lot of data on the chemtrails situation.
The problem is that the program is not widely known to the public. Heck, there are several pedes on GAW that are skeptical of its existence. I think for that EO to happen, the public has to be enlightened first for maximum impact. Though it always seemed odd to me that given the wide-ranging list of topics Q addressed in drops, chemtrails were never directly addressed as best as I can recall.
I can confidently say that at least in the twin cities, chemtrails have declined in frequency over the past 6-7 years but are not gone. I hear similar stories from other major cities but I can confidently say that it is still happening as evidenced by our GAW frens in the southwest.
They were here in Missouri as well
We had a couple of months straight if non stop spraying them when it cooled off a few weeks ago it stopped. Now they are back at it even though it's still cold.
Yep. All day every day. But some people here tell us that we don’t know what we’re talking about.
It's an interesting theory. Short story... A little over 2 years ago we made a move from South FL back up to North Central FL. In the 7 years we lived there (S FL) our homeowners ins. quadrupled. Entering that home in 2015 our annual ins. rate was around $1300 per year. When we left and moved in 2022 it had jumped to $5000 per year! A few months before we moved, we received a notice stating our policy would be cancelled by the end of the year! Fast forward to the 2024 Hurricane season. The area and neighborhood we lived in to include the neighborhood next to ours was hit by an unusual and unprecedented Tornado outbreak. Kansas style, massive wedge tornados popped up and caused severe damage in those 2 neighborhoods. We could not believe it! Local weather men were astonished over it as well. Hurricane Milton was well North of those neighborhoods when they were hit. The rain bands brought the tornados which is typical of most hurricanes. We're used to that down here. But rarely with this kind of intensity. I've lived in FL my whole life (56yrs) and have never seen anything like it. FWIW
YES. Now when will our protection step in?
What a question. Sad we do not have an answer.
You bet your home it’s getting ready to burn to the ground
We'll find out. I just FB messaged Trump and posted the links on his FB page.
Dont doubt the guy. He isnt biden. He pays attention to everything. I suppose you wouldnt know that yet mr. Handshake but its ok we will show u the way😆
"Sometimes 'public awareness' of certain events prevents occurrence."
They have about 2-3 weeks to paint their roofs blue.
Glancing at the real estate in Tucson, there seem to be an abundance of simple one story structures, lots of brick/stucco/block construction vs. wood. More vegetation than I would have guessed. Significantly fewer solar panels than I would have guessed--even on upper class homes.
I do see some banks of solar panels that could serve as starting points for fires, e.g.:
32.192223636768645, -110.86541009501595
If I were a cabal entity tasked with razing a city like Tucson, I'd initially think to use their power infrastructure. But after glancing at it a bit, I'm inclined to think their style of construction is resistant to it. There's dry vegetation, but not much of it, and it's very low to the ground.
If you did an attack through the power infrastructure, it'd destroy homes, sure, but then people would be aware of that attack vector and they would likely be able to rebuild w/out issues. i.e. I don't think it would create enough damage. It's more useful to be able to light a given house on fire through that attack method than to destroy a city with it and lose the method due to public awareness.
I'm wondering if a chemical or earthquake attack would be more effective in terms of convincing people not to rebuild. You want the victim to perceive it as a 100% loss.
Can’t be good! Forewarned is forearmed aka clear brush, move things that are precious, have an evacuation plan.
...Install a blue roof...
Have seen these before, but there’s an actual Military Program for it??
Bloody hell...
DEW you think that they're just DEWing this to wave the proverbial finger in our faces?
I DEW...
Robo Space Faggit gonna toddle in now? DEW you think?
I know...DEWshbags 😆😆😆
Apparently F3MA has a BR operation managed by Army Corp of Engineers “after the fact” of your city being burnt to the ground: https://www.fema.gov/fact-sheet/frequently-asked-questions-about-operation-blue-roof
Dec 4, 2023 Operation Blue Roof is a program offered by FEMA through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to eligible homeowners and landlords. It provides a temporary covering of blue plastic sheeting to help reduce further damage to property until permanent repairs can be made.
Doesn't this just confirm the conspiracy theories?!?!
Great find u/AmateurExpert
From his first link:
"After the blue roof is installed, the structure is declared habitable. Not all roof types qualify for the program. Roofs that are
flator made of metal or clay, slate, or asbestos tile do not qualify.I wonder if it's because those materials don't ignite easily/at all.
Maybe that’s also related to why we HAD asbestos to begin with, and why it was so critical to scare it all out of the market.
“It’s dangerous to have asbestos around, though. Once it gets in your lungs, it’ll never get out.
Now, please inject yourself with this mercury and modify your DNA.”
“Wait, so if you have asbestos insulation, it’s much more difficult to tear the structure down safely, so you need to construct it to be more resilient and ornate, so that there’s not as much need or want to ever tear it down to begin with? But muh broken windows! Economic activity! Here’s some IKEA furniture for you to inherit to your grandchildren, pleb.”
Not saying asbestos isn’t actually dangerous, just naming off ulterior motives. Same with lead paint.
hell, fire for that matter. i was raised with a lot of fear based fire "facts". Shits obvs dope af.
The first thing you should do!!!!
And pull your smart meter perhaps if it starts happening around you
Get neighbors together & patrol for arsonists
Leave your sprinklers on if you have to evacuate.
I haven't looked into this but keep in mind that flame retardants are loaded with forever chemicals like phthalates I believe. That's why they put them in baby clothes.
If you're in Prescott or Phoenix, now is the time to paint the roof on everything you own a nice shade of blue. For some reasons, fire has changed in modern times and doesn't seem to like burning blue things.
Satellites from China and Israel can shoot down missiles with lasers. You bet your ass they can start a forest fire easily.
insurance like everything else is a criminal enterprise
There's a brush fire on the north side of South Mountain in Phoenix. Arson is the first thing I thought of as there hasn't been any storms or rain there for 5 months.
The prescott article is from 2023. I live in the area and my policy has not changed.
" Your policy does not cover Cartel War Damage."
KH has ties to the cartels..
How did we get to Kamabla?
I was talking about Katie Hobbs.
One was a former Vice President while the other is likely to be Galvin Newsome's Secretary of State.
Heels-up Harris pounded something on Bush street?
Doubt it is, but almost sounds like comms.
I didn't have "fires in future Smart Cities" on my 2025 bingo card, but I will have to amend that now.
SMART: "Self Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology".
Better start painting everything blue
Companies arent stupid. If government mismanages and creates a higher risk, insures will pull out of the state.
Folks are mad at state farm for pulling out of CA, but the risk management folks at the company saw what CA officials were doing.... Were all seeing it now. Diverting water into the ocean to protect a fish, empty reservoirs, no water in hydrants. Fire is the first basic peril of all property policies. They increased the risk, they got out. Cant really blame them.
There isn't a whole lot of ground cover for burning in those areas, right? If there ends up being a massive fire there, it would be HIGHLY suspicious.
More than you think - Prescott is grasslands and looks almost like prairie
Phoenix is in the Sonoran Desert and is not bare dirt like Vegas - there is a lot of scattered brush and trees all over the desert out there.
The picture at the top of this is very typical of the whole Phoenix/Maricopa County area: https://www.phoenix.gov/parks/trails/locations/south-mountain
The fires may have been man-made, but the wind clearly spread them!
was looking thru my insurance coverage.. We have Volcano insurance, kinda made me chuckle as there isnt one around...
Maybe you can get a discount for dropping your volcano coverage.
There are several sites that track/predict fire risk. There does seem to be a red flag warning for AZ now
AZ Dept. Forestry and Fire Management @azstateforestry · Jan 25 High fire danger 🔥
The NWS has issued a Red Flag Warning for most of S/SE AZ along w/parts of Northern AZ.
Under RFWs, high winds & low RH can lead to quick ignitions & rapid fire spread.
***Do not burn or use tools that may spark.
Thinking about it, Insurance companies are kinda stupid dropping you. Its Money in there pocket.. Un-check the box for fire coverage, like they did for us on Sink Holes.. Keep raking in the money! Its total scam anyway, they pay out 1k for jewelry, 1k for electronics and another 1k for firearms... You have to get other insurance to cover that stuff IDK..
I talked to my very based friend in Prescott this morning. She said policies are being cancelled, and people with new builds are having difficulties getting any insurance at all.
Lots of chemtrails in SW Florida.......lots of days. Why isn't RFK, JR, or DeSantis or Trump addressing this?
Dropping in FL too
Guess we need to put a plan together just in case.
Is there a smart city slated for Arizona?
The area I'm in doesn't even have enough brush to catch fire
Yea I'll definitely be keeping an eye out
The "Conspiracy" is to raise insurance rates to cover the replacement costs of the home, which has risen dramatically and is an open ended loss to the Insurance company. States passed laws and regulations requiring Insurance to cover replacement losses instead of simply the mortgage.
As a consequence Insurers are leaving these markets with unlimited loss potential.
Housing costs will become unaffordable except to corporations which can self insure, like Blackrock. You will own nothing and be happy renting.
Hoping Trump will stop this before it happens.
It's very important to actually read what the insurance companies are saying about the root of the problem. Which is the drastic increase in construction costs. They're saying the rebuild for any reason is too expensive. Fire risk is just one example given. They're also using other excuses to drop policies.
They’ve been trying to raise rates here in NC higher in the coastal areas due to hurricanes.
I live in the Coastal Plains and only had the river flood me out of my home. We had no wind damage from the three hurricanes we’ve seen since moving here.
But my insurance company didn’t have to pay me anything for my flood damage (except $500 for losing my freezer and fridge food from the power outage). We had FEMA insurance to cover that. And maxed it out and then some.
True. My insurance company tried to cancel me because my hot water heater was over ten years old. It is in the garage, was certified by a plumber to be in good working order and is powered by gas. Wth risk did it pose? Nonetheless I had to replace it to maintain coverage.
I had a new roof, new electric panel and wiring , no trees on my property and live ten miles from the ocean where we historically don't experience weather extremes or disasters. I've also had no claims against my homeowners policy ever. Nonetheless it was almost impossible to get another company to cover me without a 50% increase in premiums. So I sucked it up and replaced the hwh
So does that mean they'll lower policy prices when the cost of goods decreases? Oh.... Uh..... I won't hold my breath.
Also, I don't think the desert cities get sustained winds of 40-80 mph like in coastal CA.
Oh they get dust storms. So yeah it happens.
Sounds like the people there should keep track of the weather forecasts!