NOTE: DOGE and other US GOV ENTITIES are NOW following the trail(s) of where the monies that have come into the Dems Coffers is flowing in/out of!!!!!!
Taking bets the Ol' Soros doesn't make it and this YOUNG Soros gets hung out to dry!!!!!! OHHHH MY!!!!!
He's a she. I didn't realize it until I saw a picture of someone who was bear hugging her from behind and there were the breasts outline clearly visible under the sweater.
Makes no sense (other than fraud). Lake is/was beloved. Gobblin has the appeal of a bedbug. No (legitimate) way Trump takes AZ but Gobblin & Gallego win. AZ needs serious help, so I hope you're right and it was done to expose the fraud we know exists.
Hopefully they and George Soros will be picked up charged and tried. Found guilty then given the fullest extent of the law for punishment. No weaseling out of it-EVER!
The cartels in Arizona are powerful and have run the state for a longtime. Gallego and Soros are about to learn what happens when you are a traitor to this country. Cartel Katie and the whole bunch of corrupt politicians are going to be exposed as Trump and company start rounding up the criminal terrorists in the state. That good day is coming! 🐸
Oh finally! This looks like the beginning of the swift end of the Soros leg of this crime syndicate. Crush them Pam. I do hope this is another one of those: "done in 30"
Hmm, interdasting. If Seruga has been withholding all his data proof this whole time for this.... well then I'll take a bite of crow. With the way this timeline has been going these past few weeks, many of us may be putting on bibs this year.
This may end the cashflow to the NGOs in South Africa and destroy much of the income for the racist and rapacious ANC government and the Democratic Alliance servants of Soros. This would do more to allow harmony in the country than the executive order welcoming some South Africans in USA.
NOTE: DOGE and other US GOV ENTITIES are NOW following the trail(s) of where the monies that have come into the Dems Coffers is flowing in/out of!!!!!!
Taking bets the Ol' Soros doesn't make it and this YOUNG Soros gets hung out to dry!!!!!! OHHHH MY!!!!!
I have now lost my appetite for the delicacy known as twatwaffle whit weaseles
It's much better with hard sauce.
Twitwaffle seems better. These people are stupid.
Updoot for TWATWAFFLE! It's such a satisfying description to say out loud.... :D
My thoughts exactly! Their essence was most exquisitely captured.
They probably were consulting on how to get more USAID funding.
Every time I see a photo of Alex Soros I think "What a Dweeb!"
Indeed. He’s what David Hogg’s final form would be if he too had a billion-dollar-daddy.
I picture him in a Mets hat throwing a baseball, gay-handed, to Anthony Weiners 13 year old son.
He's a she. I didn't realize it until I saw a picture of someone who was bear hugging her from behind and there were the breasts outline clearly visible under the sweater.
Not sure about that. He definitely has the nose.
Their women don't have that type of nose (or face shape).
I've seen women w very masculine least I think I have
Schumer's wife.
Please let Gallego go to prison with Cartel Katie. 🙏🏼
As an AZ resident myself, I'd upvote this 1000x if I could.
Trump wins but Kari?
I almost feel like they allowed her to lose that way they could expose the corruption in the Arizona politics game
Makes no sense (other than fraud). Lake is/was beloved. Gobblin has the appeal of a bedbug. No (legitimate) way Trump takes AZ but Gobblin & Gallego win. AZ needs serious help, so I hope you're right and it was done to expose the fraud we know exists.
Oh, please do Commie Shapiro.
He is Alex Soros butt buddy.
Please save PA.
I’m with you on that.
Hopefully they and George Soros will be picked up charged and tried. Found guilty then given the fullest extent of the law for punishment. No weaseling out of it-EVER!
we want to see his neck extended
The world deserves to witness the moment George Soros’ soul leaves his body
The cartels in Arizona are powerful and have run the state for a longtime. Gallego and Soros are about to learn what happens when you are a traitor to this country. Cartel Katie and the whole bunch of corrupt politicians are going to be exposed as Trump and company start rounding up the criminal terrorists in the state. That good day is coming! 🐸
Why am i not surprised Soros is not involved
Because you’re a sane reasonable person.
put them in gitmo
"put them in gitmo" for one hour while the firing squad gets prepped..!
And still to this day, the FBI has yet to locate or identify the J6 bomber who was carrying a cell phone? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
He was probably fired by DOGE by now.
Then lets really do something about it.
Who needs the stinking CI first letter? We got Space Force, (at least I think this is who has been tracking all these criminals) for the big finale.
Well, good. We all know what a POS Soros is...and most of us ALSO knew what dishonest POS Gallegos was and is. Bring the pain.
Git git git - GIT
Up On It!G-I-T-M-OBoth have punchable faces; just sayin’
Hmmmm. What do you call people that associate with known terrorists? Fucked is what I call them.
I think the special place will be for Alex Soros
Appreciate the nitter link that allows us without X accounts to see entire thread including comments.
Oh finally! This looks like the beginning of the swift end of the Soros leg of this crime syndicate. Crush them Pam. I do hope this is another one of those: "done in 30"
Nooooo don’t say you will be just do it
I wonder if A.Soros is controlled. all these photos with him and corrupt officials...
Conspiring with terrorists. AWESOME!!!
Gitmo reservations for two?
Soy boy better get a soap on a rope.
Hmm, interdasting. If Seruga has been withholding all his data proof this whole time for this.... well then I'll take a bite of crow. With the way this timeline has been going these past few weeks, many of us may be putting on bibs this year.
follow Huma.
Rueben Gallego is such a repressible POS.
This may end the cashflow to the NGOs in South Africa and destroy much of the income for the racist and rapacious ANC government and the Democratic Alliance servants of Soros. This would do more to allow harmony in the country than the executive order welcoming some South Africans in USA.
Saudi Arabia was the first side of the pyramid to fall. Soros will be the second.
By "A special place for Soros," did Q mean a Mexican prison?
I'll be fine with a nice ride on the Pinochet express 🚁
Why not give him to Saudi. They did pretty well going after their own people.