Mics are out of focus if they were as close to Biden as they would need to be for the shot to make even the most charitable amount of sense for your explanation. Particularly that supposedly two foot tall gray one oh my god.
Seriously, how is Biden in focus but not the mics unless yes, they are as close as your eye says they are.
I like how they can't even explain it. "It's an optical illusion or technical glitch." Ok, lol. Those are two very different things and your "more considered analysis" has no clue which it is?
Because the original video is likely from several weeks ago while the media was standing around waiting for Trump to come out and it didn’t matter if they caught a shot of the mics.
Got a buddy who sent me a snopes fact check this week. When I laughed at it and asked if next he was gonna send me an article by the man on the moon, he replied with "wait, I thought everyone agreed snopes is a reputable fact checking group respected by left and right."
Nearly fell out of my chair laughing.
Yep, Snopes has had credibility issues going back decades. SmokingGun was always the better site back in the day but Snopes must have paid for better publicity.
No. It’s a husband & wife complete leftards never reputable. Only thing reputable is obvious non-bias stuff everyone can agree on is where they “fomented their rep” as “fact-checkers”.
Run by a couple who look like they have soy injected straight into their veins. They're going through a bitter divorce cause the guy spent 90+ thousand $ on hookers. He's shacked up with a former porn star now.
I see nothing right now that lends any credence whatsoever to anyone in the cabal committing suicide, having been arrested, videotaped confessing to crimes, tried, executed,...or even being the slightest, tiniest bit worried.
I can't WAIT for them to get what they have coming to them. DOITQ!
Could it be the mics have been added, then Biden relayered over? I mean still a terrible job, but possible? I don't know enough to be sure it's green screen.
That would mean they manually made a cutout around his hand in order to clip the microphones under it. That makes no sense unless they wanted it look fake on purpose.
You only mask things being PLACED ON TOP of something else. You don't mask the helicopter in the background because the mics aren't going behind that, for example, and you don't mask Biden either for the same reason. In order for anything, Biden included, to be layered on top of anything, he has to be masked. If he was at that location, why mask him out of the background? The only reason to do that is because you want something to go behind him, ie you want him to be on top of some other element.
What element was he intended to go on top of? The mics? Clearly not, that's the problem here right?
If it was just about getting mics in, you mask the mics, layer THEM on top, and you're done. In order for them to go under, and for Biden to be on top, BIDEN had to be masked. There's no reason to mask him in the innocent explanation. Zero reason. You don't mask him if mics are added, yet he IS masked!
If he is green screened and ADDED to the scene, he is by definition a masked layer. Green screening is the only production throughput explanation where Biden is ever masked in this scenario.
And if he was green screened that means he was never there, and the media know he was never there. Because either they never interviewed him and those are fake news media in that shot that was delivered already edited to the media for distribution -- or they interviewed the air knowing that Biden would be composited in after.
The video was probably from several weeks ago while they were standing around waiting for Trump to come out, and the mics were in original footage, but they screwed up when inserting Biden.
bidan figure did walk across geass to heli, and gaggle with psaki did seem to walk across grass to heli. citi journal did catch em but you have to zooom in.
And it's the only explanation. If all they wanted to do was add the mics, you'd add them on top of the video and Biden couldn't possibly pass over them. In order for Biden to pass on top, BIDEN had to be masked. That's a purposeful act. You record a scene and the bushes don't come masked, the helicopter isn't masked, Biden isn't masked -- you have to do that purposefully and at cost if you want it.
Yet Biden is masked. Why is he masked? If all you wanted to do was add the mics on top, you'd never mask Biden, there's no point, he's always supposed to be behind the mics.
Yet Biden IS masked. Which means HE is the added element here. Which not only means a green screen, but camera tracking to seamlessly insert Biden in for the pan to Marine 1. Welcome to Hollywood. The moonlanding may not have been faked, but our president is, using semi-professional open source tools that even indie filmakers have access to. This shit has been around forever.
Even anti-Q TDW people are saying they're rethinking Q, lol
So public and mainstream that MSM had to quickly start with the lame technical glitch, optical illusion, anything just stop looking!!! Reeee!
Now let TDW start hypothesizing that someone suffering that level of dementia could not cover the speeches, why is he always so well-lit, do his gestures make sense with the audio (because masks hide the mouth), still no SOTU address required by law, could they have pre-recorded his appearances, how far ahead...?
You don't have to give a SOTU 8 days into your presidency, even the annual thing isn't required. All that is 'law' is that the president is to periodically address congress.
Plenty is suspect, and that is suspect because why wouldn't you UNLESS ... but it isn't a requirement.
Noted, will look back into that. EDIT: true, "from time to time" although the January one is a tradition since George Washington and skipping it is truly unprecedented.
Exactly. If all you wanted to do is add the mics, you'd never have masked Biden. And a masked Biden is required to get the mics to go behind.
A greenscreen Biden is by definition going to be masked and amenable to this oopsie, but someone would have to purposefully and meaningfully go out of their way to create this fuckup if this was a legitimate shot with some mics added.
But also, why the fuck would anyone add mics in the first place??
Are they even still trying at this point? How can anyone call that a "deep" fake??? I'm not even spamming this crock of shit to normies, because they will think I made that.
Everyone already knows Biden is a fake president. Even the left. The question is, who is the real president? The left thinks it is Obama. And they are thrilled with that. They love Obama and want the Biden fiction to continue. In their minds, the green screen subterfuge is necessary because Biden has late stage dementia and the SS can't trust him not to put himself in danger if they let him out of his basement.
Everyone is talking about the nature of the video but I want to point out the audio transcript. Biden's statements are brief and 100% unspecific, leaving plenty of room to insert a wide range of content from the Reporters.
Q: 'Do you have any plans to travel to the Southern border sites?' Answer:
Not at the moment
Q: 'Have you decided when you're able to share shots with other countries, is it allies or neighbors first? Who will be the first countries to get the US's vaccine? Answer:
'I've been talking with other countries already. I'll let you know the answer to that very shortly.
Both replies have zero context. Any subject could have been inserted with the reporters audio portion, which already seems disconnected to Xiden's audio and the helicopter noise in the background.
I was thinking how easy it would be to get a clip like that.
Green screen room in front of craft service table. Hey Buydem you want a child sniff cookie?
Don't ask for details, I don't know anything more than What I'm saying here
There is a lady I used to work with who has over a decade of green screen experience and video production. She was hired by the white house a few months ago.
She isn't allowed to say anything about her work.
Seems connected to me. Only other detail is that she has a license to conceal carry around the President, which is insanely difficult to acquire.
I don't have to believe you, the proof is in the video.
And the truth is that green screen and basic vfx trickery is extremely accessible these days. Idiot twitch streamers manage to all greenscreen themselves no problem, and software assisted 3d tracking and compositing into panned or shaky shots has been accessible to indie filmakers and rando you tubers for over five years.
A professional with over ten years experience, be it your hypothetical acquaintance or not, is neither a rare commodity or in any way incapable of what we saw.
Based enough to fuck up a layering composition on TWO videos simultaneously released to two separate news agencies?
People ask about how this made it passed review, but if someone based wanted to throw a monkey wrench into the lie they'd have showed one correct version for review but accidentally sent out an earlier 'draft' version for the media to report.
I don't understand how ABC could be that sloppy though. It's like a single dude is producing the whole clip and nobody checked his work. This is the rare clip of Biden outside talking to the press and nobody is checking the clip? Very strange.
So there are a couple posts on the board on how this could be just plain communism where the lies don't have to be good people just have to believe them or that it is meant to demoralize people on the resistance "hey look we are lying nothing you can do". Both sound plausible. I thought it may be a test to see how many shills will come out and defend them to see how much of the population are still going to bat for them.
How did a fly get digitally inserted onto Pence head? How did someone copping to a plea deal get inserted into a Biden press video? How did a BBC meme find it’s way into official FBI documents? Fuckery.
The illusion that many people are behind our enslavement is just that, an illusion. In truth, they are few, over worked when we are paying attention, and the moment you bring in outside help some either squeal (Bad ass temporary Dominion IT lady) or they 'accidentally' mess something up so the truth leaks out.
No, you got the basics of it. They also did a pre planned pan towards Marine one and tracked Biden's layer into it using software that's been around since at least 2015 and is accessible to indie filmakers and then rando vfx youtubers.
I find it telling that they decided to add in a bunch of reporter heads for the pan to obscure Biden's feet walking on the grass except for two steps and less than a second at the very end. I bet they worked from the end back, ran out of time and said fuck it, let's just add some damn reporter heads in the way this is taking too long.
Going even further out on the limb - there was the massage parlor shootings in Atlanta last night - think that is a planned distraction? Should take a look at the suspect - he definitely has the Dylan Roof stare -
It is a terrible composited overlay. Look at the edges of the microphones. It doesn’t even make sense why they would fuck up this bad unless it was an intentional FUCK YOU to the ‘administration.’
My thinking is that if the WHs aren't in ultimate control and forced the flipped [DS] to publish this and other obvious mistakes, then there could be some WHs within the [DS] that let this slip on purpose and will continue to drip out reality like this more and more over time.
I just left one of those threads. They're really trying hard to have a reasonable conversation about how "fake" the green screen theory is when anybody with 2 brain cells can look at it and tell that it looks like a bad photoshop
Audio doesn't seem to match up either, further going in the direction of a green screen or being done on a "stage".
Everytime President Trump was doing an outside impromptu presser (on his way to board marine one) he had to yell and have the press yell back at him, as the nearby marine one was already spooled up and quite loud.
At the end of the video of the "2nd" angle you can hear marine one really loud when the camera pans towards it. Other than the two "fake mics" the others look to be using a cell phone to record the audio and not a directional mic, every ones audio would be poor and clipping if that is all they used.
Also it seemed everytime President Trump did one of these things there would be dozens of mics on poles (he called the sticks). Doesn't look like the media is even interested in biden and they had to photoshop in two haha.
It is really weird they would let something like these recent videos slip through the cracks, unless some one maybe is trying to send a message.
Yes. She has two engines up top that are running but sitting in an "idle" state. When they are ready to take off they engage the whirly blades.
What doesn't make sense is why no one is yelling. It would be really loud right there. Theres no way any one would be able to hear old mumbling biden through his five masks.
You know, I can understand people having issues wrapping their mind around deep fakes, in 2021. Though, more I think of it, even that is a stretch... people play with that shit in their bedrooms, so...
But please, something as obvious as green screen...? C'mon man... Why is this even a matter of debate?!
I agree... the whole video was faked. Even the top of his head seemed to disappear along with hands floating through the mics. And if you look close enough the edge of Biden looks superimposed into the entire scene. Anyone who disagrees with this is a shill, blind and/or a denier of fact.
Really? The one I saw recently of a supposed Marine one helicopter landing on the White House lawn showed that he couldn't access a good enough angle to produce enough visibility to even see the lawn once the helicopter landed.
They got busted and DS is freaking out. I can picture President Trump laughing while sipping his shamrock shake!
A McMerkel.
Where's the pic?
There is something seriously wrong with you. Good-bye.
Mics are out of focus if they were as close to Biden as they would need to be for the shot to make even the most charitable amount of sense for your explanation. Particularly that supposedly two foot tall gray one oh my god.
Seriously, how is Biden in focus but not the mics unless yes, they are as close as your eye says they are.
Media suggests it is an optical illusion, conditioning people to reject the possibility of manipulation: https://patriots.win/p/12hkvukV7M/media-green-screen-joe-is-optica/
Yeah, I'm starting to think this is an intentional psyop to dismiss future greenscreen shenanigans.
Also, it will make it very hard to suggest that REAL blackmail videos are deep fakes.
Just wait until they get here: (jump to 1:56 on the video, 20-year-old cgi layering goof) https://t.me/TRUTHREVEALEDCHANNEL/528
I like how they can't even explain it. "It's an optical illusion or technical glitch." Ok, lol. Those are two very different things and your "more considered analysis" has no clue which it is?
Because the original video is likely from several weeks ago while the media was standing around waiting for Trump to come out and it didn’t matter if they caught a shot of the mics.
The brain of any sentient human: "That mike in the foreground can't possibly be behind his hand; so this is obviously fake."
Media: "Nothing to see here! The mike is fine. Move along."
“There may have been a person or persons named Mike, but they are okay. We asked if they are okay and they said they were okay.”
Good point. It can't be both....but they KNOW it wasn't a green screen. Ok.
"haha lol, see, you're used to seeing small mics so when you saw a big one you thought it was close when it was actually far"
So it was actually right next to and behind Biden rather than being a comped shot then?
Then why are the mics out of focus if they are right next to Biden, who is in perfect focus?
"...uh...because it's an optical illusion! geez!"
That’s great, so when all of their confession tapes come out, people will accept them as real lol. These people are stupid.
Got a buddy who sent me a snopes fact check this week. When I laughed at it and asked if next he was gonna send me an article by the man on the moon, he replied with "wait, I thought everyone agreed snopes is a reputable fact checking group respected by left and right." Nearly fell out of my chair laughing.
Snopes is so far up the liberal agenda's ass! LOL
Wow, hes only years behind
It's sad because there was a day when Snopes was a reputable source, then one day it changed.
Yep, Snopes has had credibility issues going back decades. SmokingGun was always the better site back in the day but Snopes must have paid for better publicity.
Never even heard about SmokingGun! So you are probably right!
No. It’s a husband & wife complete leftards never reputable. Only thing reputable is obvious non-bias stuff everyone can agree on is where they “fomented their rep” as “fact-checkers”.
Snopes was never a reliable source
When I used it it was to check about chain emails, so this was a long long time ago.
Hahahahaha That’s hilarious
you should've seen his face when I showed him who actually runs snopes.
I wish I could have seen that, yes.
Isn’t it some random liberal lady on her couch?
It’s worse, it was a random liberal couple who got divorced because the husband was stealing money and had a gf on the side or something.
Run by a couple who look like they have soy injected straight into their veins. They're going through a bitter divorce cause the guy spent 90+ thousand $ on hookers. He's shacked up with a former porn star now.
Will believe this when I see it
I see nothing right now that lends any credence whatsoever to anyone in the cabal committing suicide, having been arrested, videotaped confessing to crimes, tried, executed,...or even being the slightest, tiniest bit worried.
I can't WAIT for them to get what they have coming to them. DOITQ!
Where is Gina Haspel
I would like to know the person that wrote that gaslight piece and punch him in the dick.
punch zir in zee front hole. KEK
So your idea is that EVERYTHING from start to finish was green screen?
Yes, the whole video is faked. Biden wasn't outside the WH walking to Marine 1 and there were no reporters.
Could it be the mics have been added, then Biden relayered over? I mean still a terrible job, but possible? I don't know enough to be sure it's green screen.
That would mean they manually made a cutout around his hand in order to clip the microphones under it. That makes no sense unless they wanted it look fake on purpose.
I’m wondering if they did. Why do one hand and miss the other?
Think about it. "Biden relayered over."
You only mask things being PLACED ON TOP of something else. You don't mask the helicopter in the background because the mics aren't going behind that, for example, and you don't mask Biden either for the same reason. In order for anything, Biden included, to be layered on top of anything, he has to be masked. If he was at that location, why mask him out of the background? The only reason to do that is because you want something to go behind him, ie you want him to be on top of some other element.
What element was he intended to go on top of? The mics? Clearly not, that's the problem here right?
If it was just about getting mics in, you mask the mics, layer THEM on top, and you're done. In order for them to go under, and for Biden to be on top, BIDEN had to be masked. There's no reason to mask him in the innocent explanation. Zero reason. You don't mask him if mics are added, yet he IS masked!
If he is green screened and ADDED to the scene, he is by definition a masked layer. Green screening is the only production throughput explanation where Biden is ever masked in this scenario.
And if he was green screened that means he was never there, and the media know he was never there. Because either they never interviewed him and those are fake news media in that shot that was delivered already edited to the media for distribution -- or they interviewed the air knowing that Biden would be composited in after.
I think the lighting is off on Biden looks like studio light not sunlight. I would say greenscreen.
The video was probably from several weeks ago while they were standing around waiting for Trump to come out, and the mics were in original footage, but they screwed up when inserting Biden.
bidan figure did walk across geass to heli, and gaggle with psaki did seem to walk across grass to heli. citi journal did catch em but you have to zooom in.
Was that not right after a giant dark jacket crossed completely in front of the camera?
I was zoomed in too far, a white truck passed by around time mark.
time stamp of 11:40-15:03 for bidan figure, and he comments on the gaggel.
Seems like a lot of effort for little reward and high risk.
Just sayin
Okay but is it normal to make 2 different green screen angles...I never heard of that
It's done all the time in modern filmography.
It's really not hard to do. All you have to do is make sure the cameras are in the related positions.
Movies do multiple angles of green screen edits do they not?
In Pravda media, yes.
And it's the only explanation. If all they wanted to do was add the mics, you'd add them on top of the video and Biden couldn't possibly pass over them. In order for Biden to pass on top, BIDEN had to be masked. That's a purposeful act. You record a scene and the bushes don't come masked, the helicopter isn't masked, Biden isn't masked -- you have to do that purposefully and at cost if you want it.
Yet Biden is masked. Why is he masked? If all you wanted to do was add the mics on top, you'd never mask Biden, there's no point, he's always supposed to be behind the mics.
Yet Biden IS masked. Which means HE is the added element here. Which not only means a green screen, but camera tracking to seamlessly insert Biden in for the pan to Marine 1. Welcome to Hollywood. The moonlanding may not have been faked, but our president is, using semi-professional open source tools that even indie filmakers have access to. This shit has been around forever.
Even anti-Q TDW people are saying they're rethinking Q, lol
So public and mainstream that MSM had to quickly start with the lame technical glitch, optical illusion, anything just stop looking!!! Reeee!
Now let TDW start hypothesizing that someone suffering that level of dementia could not cover the speeches, why is he always so well-lit, do his gestures make sense with the audio (because masks hide the mouth), still no SOTU address required by law, could they have pre-recorded his appearances, how far ahead...?
BRB, gotta reload the popcorn maker.
Aside from this you're 100% on.
You don't have to give a SOTU 8 days into your presidency, even the annual thing isn't required. All that is 'law' is that the president is to periodically address congress.
Plenty is suspect, and that is suspect because why wouldn't you UNLESS ... but it isn't a requirement.
Noted, will look back into that. EDIT: true, "from time to time" although the January one is a tradition since George Washington and skipping it is truly unprecedented.
Un-presidented? Un-residented?
If they were added in post, they would have had to go out of their way to put them behind his hand. It would have been easier to overlay them.
100% green screen.
Very good point. I was on the boat that the mics were added later, but not after understanding this comment.
Exactly. If all you wanted to do is add the mics, you'd never have masked Biden. And a masked Biden is required to get the mics to go behind.
A greenscreen Biden is by definition going to be masked and amenable to this oopsie, but someone would have to purposefully and meaningfully go out of their way to create this fuckup if this was a legitimate shot with some mics added.
But also, why the fuck would anyone add mics in the first place??
I already considered the optical illusion debunk myself and debunked it.
They call that "rebunking". Or "reboonked!"
It was pre re bunked
Or 10 in binary. Lol
I guess it all depends on what 'base' you use eh?
Are they even still trying at this point? How can anyone call that a "deep" fake??? I'm not even spamming this crock of shit to normies, because they will think I made that.
People are now realizing that Biden is a fake president.
Everyone already knows Biden is a fake president. Even the left. The question is, who is the real president? The left thinks it is Obama. And they are thrilled with that. They love Obama and want the Biden fiction to continue. In their minds, the green screen subterfuge is necessary because Biden has late stage dementia and the SS can't trust him not to put himself in danger if they let him out of his basement.
Everyone is talking about the nature of the video but I want to point out the audio transcript. Biden's statements are brief and 100% unspecific, leaving plenty of room to insert a wide range of content from the Reporters.
Q: 'Do you have any plans to travel to the Southern border sites?' Answer:
Q: 'Have you decided when you're able to share shots with other countries, is it allies or neighbors first? Who will be the first countries to get the US's vaccine? Answer:
Both replies have zero context. Any subject could have been inserted with the reporters audio portion, which already seems disconnected to Xiden's audio and the helicopter noise in the background.
Excellent point. And with a mask, you can't tell. A few prerecorded non answers could be used to field any number of future questions.
I was thinking how easy it would be to get a clip like that. Green screen room in front of craft service table. Hey Buydem you want a child sniff cookie?
Do you want a nappy?
Do you know where you are?
Sooooo many possibilities.
“My mask!” - Joe Biden pursues his lost mask like a toddler pursuing candy.
You're right, those could have been answers clipped from previous interviews.
Seriously, of all the crazy stuff that’s been discussed lately, THIS is the one that has shills coming in and deboonking?
I went to bed last night thinking “maybe it is, maybe it isn’t”, but all the sudden shills are pushing me to “right over the target” real quick.
Obvious shills are obvious. You cannot fool us. NCSWIC!!!!!!!!
Don't ask for details, I don't know anything more than What I'm saying here
There is a lady I used to work with who has over a decade of green screen experience and video production. She was hired by the white house a few months ago.
She isn't allowed to say anything about her work.
Seems connected to me. Only other detail is that she has a license to conceal carry around the President, which is insanely difficult to acquire.
I don't have to believe you, the proof is in the video.
And the truth is that green screen and basic vfx trickery is extremely accessible these days. Idiot twitch streamers manage to all greenscreen themselves no problem, and software assisted 3d tracking and compositing into panned or shaky shots has been accessible to indie filmakers and rando you tubers for over five years.
A professional with over ten years experience, be it your hypothetical acquaintance or not, is neither a rare commodity or in any way incapable of what we saw.
I highly doubt she is involved, but who knows.
She hasn't been at the job very long.
She is based, not a lib.
Based enough to fuck up a layering composition on TWO videos simultaneously released to two separate news agencies?
People ask about how this made it passed review, but if someone based wanted to throw a monkey wrench into the lie they'd have showed one correct version for review but accidentally sent out an earlier 'draft' version for the media to report.
So, it wasn't offshored? LOL
true KEKW
I don't understand how ABC could be that sloppy though. It's like a single dude is producing the whole clip and nobody checked his work. This is the rare clip of Biden outside talking to the press and nobody is checking the clip? Very strange.
Do you see the Whitehouse YT view numbers? Those boys are struggling. Production value goes down with no revenue from ads.
So there are a couple posts on the board on how this could be just plain communism where the lies don't have to be good people just have to believe them or that it is meant to demoralize people on the resistance "hey look we are lying nothing you can do". Both sound plausible. I thought it may be a test to see how many shills will come out and defend them to see how much of the population are still going to bat for them.
How did a fly get digitally inserted onto Pence head? How did someone copping to a plea deal get inserted into a Biden press video? How did a BBC meme find it’s way into official FBI documents? Fuckery.
The illusion that many people are behind our enslavement is just that, an illusion. In truth, they are few, over worked when we are paying attention, and the moment you bring in outside help some either squeal (Bad ass temporary Dominion IT lady) or they 'accidentally' mess something up so the truth leaks out.
Yeah it feels deliberately sloppy, that's been a trend with these like they're dissolving the illusion bit by bit.
Hoe many new agencies used this clip?! I was it on Bloomberg Q. Figured it was a troll but they used it everywhere. sly grinch grin goooooood
No, you got the basics of it. They also did a pre planned pan towards Marine one and tracked Biden's layer into it using software that's been around since at least 2015 and is accessible to indie filmakers and then rando vfx youtubers.
I find it telling that they decided to add in a bunch of reporter heads for the pan to obscure Biden's feet walking on the grass except for two steps and less than a second at the very end. I bet they worked from the end back, ran out of time and said fuck it, let's just add some damn reporter heads in the way this is taking too long.
A green screen for St. Patty's Day!
Going even further out on the limb - there was the massage parlor shootings in Atlanta last night - think that is a planned distraction? Should take a look at the suspect - he definitely has the Dylan Roof stare -
It is a terrible composited overlay. Look at the edges of the microphones. It doesn’t even make sense why they would fuck up this bad unless it was an intentional FUCK YOU to the ‘administration.’
Theres an army of shills here alright....
More like a few shills and an army of their sock-puppets.
You'll get no argument from me on that!
It's obvious that old, creepy Joe can't handle the job of "POTUS", so when he's lucid and awake, they have to take advantage of it.
He's probably out of it the majority of the afternoon hours and is probably napping.
Yes very horrifying what is happening to our country.
I, also think that he's not lucid and coherent for much of the day, so they use the green screen to keep the fraud going.
am i the only one that thinks... why would they have to add the picture of a boom or microphone to a video ?
My thinking is that if the WHs aren't in ultimate control and forced the flipped [DS] to publish this and other obvious mistakes, then there could be some WHs within the [DS] that let this slip on purpose and will continue to drip out reality like this more and more over time.
I just left one of those threads. They're really trying hard to have a reasonable conversation about how "fake" the green screen theory is when anybody with 2 brain cells can look at it and tell that it looks like a bad photoshop
3109 17-Mar-2019 10:59:56 PM EDT Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 8ch/qresearch Thanks for playing, @Jack.
Showing your hand was the intended target.
The 'SRIKE' will be FAST.
Shall We Play A Game?
No T in strike. Strike happens without Trump, like after the phony inauguration?
what blows my mind is i searched it on a whim...
and there it was... 2 year delta and all... talking about hands on the day everyone starts talking about bidens hands looking odd in a video.
Q clarified strike was a typo
Audio doesn't seem to match up either, further going in the direction of a green screen or being done on a "stage".
Everytime President Trump was doing an outside impromptu presser (on his way to board marine one) he had to yell and have the press yell back at him, as the nearby marine one was already spooled up and quite loud.
At the end of the video of the "2nd" angle you can hear marine one really loud when the camera pans towards it. Other than the two "fake mics" the others look to be using a cell phone to record the audio and not a directional mic, every ones audio would be poor and clipping if that is all they used.
Also it seemed everytime President Trump did one of these things there would be dozens of mics on poles (he called the sticks). Doesn't look like the media is even interested in biden and they had to photoshop in two haha.
It is really weird they would let something like these recent videos slip through the cracks, unless some one maybe is trying to send a message.
It seems to me that someone is maybe trying to send a message...this is very sloppy.
The helicopter is sitting there. Rotors are stationary. Does a helicopter generate that much noise without the rotors spinning?
Yes. She has two engines up top that are running but sitting in an "idle" state. When they are ready to take off they engage the whirly blades.
What doesn't make sense is why no one is yelling. It would be really loud right there. Theres no way any one would be able to hear old mumbling biden through his five masks.
Yep, a good answer but like often it just opens up a new question.
and it was visible from more than one angle
Thanks for clarifying, I fell for them.
Funny to have a GREEN screen issue on St. Patrick's Day...?
If probably wasn't a green screen at all. Surely, leprechauns are just fucking with us ?
You know, I can understand people having issues wrapping their mind around deep fakes, in 2021. Though, more I think of it, even that is a stretch... people play with that shit in their bedrooms, so... But please, something as obvious as green screen...? C'mon man... Why is this even a matter of debate?!
castle rock crew prolly feeling pretty good right now lol
yeah they fucked up, damage control time.
I showed this to a couple of normies and it kinda broke their brain so I used the,
"its probably the microphones edited in to make it appear like there is more than 1 allowed reporter for poor demented Joe." Excuse.
I dont think they could handle the other option...
Thank you OP
I agree... the whole video was faked. Even the top of his head seemed to disappear along with hands floating through the mics. And if you look close enough the edge of Biden looks superimposed into the entire scene. Anyone who disagrees with this is a shill, blind and/or a denier of fact.
citizen journalist got angle of people walking to heli. one looked like bidan,
Really? The one I saw recently of a supposed Marine one helicopter landing on the White House lawn showed that he couldn't access a good enough angle to produce enough visibility to even see the lawn once the helicopter landed.
14:45 bidan figure walks out from trees, 15:03 steps onto chop 15:30 gaggel came out of bushes.
zooooom in on it.