Wrong question...even you don't get it. A dinner plate is round. The question should have been is the earth spherical, or better yet, what is the shape of the earth?
Flat Earther's are everybody's favorite 'dog to kick'. We need to open our eyes to the fact we have been lied to about everything. Questioning the shape of the earth is a natural progression for any seeker of truths. It is time for an era of truths...that would be a true Golden Age.
The problem is that you don't need to trust anyone else. With only a little thinking and study, you can prove to yourself that the Earth is spherical. On a clear day, the ocean or large lake has a solid horizon. If the Earth were flat, these would just fade into the atmosphere. You can use your own telescope to see the spherical shapes of the Moon and other planets. On the Moon and interior planets, you can see phases. This cannot happen if they were flat. The Earth would not be the only flat body in the Solar System.
And if all of that isn't good enough you can use the simple math trick the Greeks used (two sticks, same time, measure shadow and direction of shadow, bam!, basically)
Well, in the mid 60s, I was aboard a US Navy cruiser sailing from Japan to Australia then to San Diego-I can tell you that I perceived the trip as a never ending series of flats merging into the next flat space and so on... /s LOLZ
The whole modern "flat earth theory" was started as a joke! I can't believe how many people are falling for it! Do you think the views of the Earth from the moon were faked? Do you think satellite images of the Earth are faked? Seriously, I wonder if there are just people promoting the joke, pretending to believe it just to mix things up online.
Toroid, definitely, that would explain also poles, things like auroras, would make sense with the hollow earth stuffs and area 51 / pyramids connections to the inner, and specially, magnetism, i started to think so once studying Tesla and his view on magnetic / force fields
I understand, but that disclosure came years before Q and I just remember how an article on underground aliens was published based on reports by Snowden - and about a week later I couldn't find anything about it anymore - the first time I noticed censorship.
Not speaking to anything about Snowden or hollow earth, but there's some fair evidence for underground bases. In fact, underground bases absolutely exist, the only question is how many and how big/extensive/connected.
Finally, thank you. Flat earthers on here make our whole movement look like a bunch of idiots. Our focus is the Elite and Cabal, the DS, the MSM, and the pedos ruling the world. Leave your stupid flat earth ideas to the side until we deal with these threats first.
If people come here are start talking about flat earthers, chemtrails, reptile people, and other conspiracy theories, it makes this entire movement look loony.
Take it to other sites. This about Q discussions, and Q was quite open and shut about it this nonsense.
Ok but chemtrails are actually a thing though. So are condensation trails. But there are literally patents, which have been used on a large scale, for injecting aerosolized particles into the atmosphere as a form of geo-engineering.
I get that it’s not the crux of what this forum is all about, but please don’t be so quick to dismiss something just because of some bad PR, and some less than eloquent messengers.
Q literally tells us that the full truth can’t be revealed because it would sound too preposterous to people.
I am not telling anyone what to believe but consider what that might be.
And when Q says people would refuse to believe, he might not just mean the normies. He might mean the conspiracy theorists too.
I am fine if certain conspiracies are soft banned (discouraged) from here because some topics just railroad the discussion, whether you believe or not.
But I think being too dismissive of anything at this point is a mistake. If you have any belief in Q, then you have to consider this “too preposterous” idea.
I agree with you. I understand this isn’t the place to be discussing things like chemtrails. I can understand how the perception of such a theory can detract from the main purpose of this forum, and scare away some people from considering other theories related to Q.
BUT, if someone is being close minded and mocking or belittling people for entertaining ideas like this, I’m going to pipe up and remind that person where they are. This is no place for being closed minded and dismissive.
I'm not dismissing it. But these things are what folks go to with conspiracy theories and the crazies out of there.
This forum is not the place for it. Everybody here knows it.
Bringing this stuff into discussion makes the movement look foolish. Q doesn't delve into these things. Q delves into the tangible and the links that are connected to the tangible. That is why he said with a definitive no in regards to flat earth. Inviting these discussions to this forum will invalidate the movement. People need to go elsewhere to discuss it, or read a friggen' physics book or astronomy book and educate themselves on the subject.
And when folks refer to chemtrails, they aren't referring to Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, or controlling the ozone layer to manage solar radiation.
They refer to the "conspiracy theory" that they are using chemtrails to depopulate, intentionally poison, or control people. That is why they say chemtrails, and NOT Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering.
One is science, the other tin-foil-hat-time basement discussion. The latter has no place in a Q discussion.
Give us ONE satellite (of thousands) with a LIVE feed of our plane-t? ONE. Surely corporations would sponsor it as their site would have millions of hits daily. Why NASA hasn't done this already is curious.... No? Then again they admit to artists renditions... of everything"
Flat-Earthers would sooner believe deep fakes, edits, people brought into the conspiracy, camera lense crap, etc. which is all possible but misses the most obvious points, that you don't need that stuff to prove round earth. Round earth is probably one of the easiest things to prove.
These are live, and have been running in some cases for YEARS non-stop.
SpaceX also did their launch live. There were camera feeds physically attached to their rocket, and cameras following the rocket into space. President Trump was at the launch and watched it live, and we could watch him live watching the rocket launch. You gonna tell me Trump is in on the lie too? If that is the case, you might as well call Q a liar.
What I find amazing sometimes is that folks will do incredible amounts of research and track the most minuet threads together in regards to Q, but with little to no evidence will believe insane ideas like reptiles and a flat earth, without cracking open a physics book and understand why its not possible that the earth is flat. We can split the atom, but are completely inept at finding out the shape of earth.
Before you go to its fake, or whatever, no flat-earther has ever been able to answer this question: to what end? What is the necessity to hide the Earth is flat and perpetuate the lie that Earth is round?
'Flat earthers' have been around since the first paid Scientism shill fabricated the spherical earth theory. You can not fault the 'flat earthers' for seeking a place at the table of discourse. It's a hungry world out there, starved of substantive truths since mankind's expulsion from Eden. They will pound the clarion bell until allowed a voice.
We are all called, but not to the same cause. There are many who have a calling to expose/explore some particular line of inquiry. If you have supported DJT you have also gone where not wanted and dropped your truths.
Someone made a reply in this thread that ships on the horizon prove a spherical earth. That person hasn't even gotten through the kindergarten door of study on this fascinating topic.
Flat Earthers have been around for awhile yes, and in all there time they have produced exactly zero mathematical models or any evidence whatsoever other gross misunderstandings of actual math and science that show definitely that it is an oblate spheroid as all other celestial bodies are due to gravity. Cope.
Let's be real here. The use of "Cope." as an argument means they're most likely a leftist shill that has popped in here to sew stupidity and make us look bad.
Their vocabulary and writing style tends to make them stand out.
Also, when you look closer at the posts you see the thinly veiled attempt to associate flat earth with Q and/or Trump supporters by utilizing the same perceived arguments in support, and a lot of the kind of, well, jargon, for lack of a better term, that a lot of people that support Trump or Q use.
The point missed, of course, is that flat earth is somehthing that can easily and accessibly be disproven by anyone with the ability to take a few mile trip, get the time, measure consistently, and observe shadows.
A complex belief such as in Q or support of Trump is effectively closely knit with whole world view; world view, of course, being comprised of millions of data points and questions/truths. Proving a world view to someone else is astronomically if not impossibly complex. "Proving Q" is challenging because of it's ties into world view; regardless, there is strong, compelling evidence, as well as extensive areas and sources for research.
Ultimately, then, comparing Q belief to flat earth is comparing apples to oranges.
ANTARTICA for one, a literal PLEB free playzone for the ELITE where you are not ALLOWED TO GO. TELL ME YOU CAN GO TO ANTARTICA AND I WILL THEROUGHLY EXPLAIN THE LOOPHOLES YOU WOULD NEED TO MEET AND THE LIMITID ACCESS YOU GAIN AFTER(hint 2 million dollars is scratching the surface, with granted access on one SMALL portion of the coast)...
Lol it has nothing to do with belief, literally every flat earth "proof" is born from basic misunderstandings and ignorance of the actual math and science that shows definitively that it is a spheroid shape. I don't believe the earth is a spheroid, I know it is a spheroid, and when at Earthers actually learn how to do math and create mathematical models that prove it is flat maybe they might change some minds. They won't though.
Hyperbole theorizing can be fun for sure. Linear thinking limits these theories however, pun intended, get it Linear Flat. But one pesky question that I have been unable to find resolution to or even seen any theory proposed to provide explanation. How does a or ANY flat earther describe the clear existence of Precession. Now we cant stop there because this isnt Linear. Before anyone has an extraordinary answer of profound nonsensical wisdom. How does a or ANY flat earther prescribe the relationship of verifiable and quantitative realized proof of Precession and celestial bodies, objects, constellations as they track mathematically calculable in position geometrically and astronomically through time and space and placement along horizons and arc minutes of sky from horizon and quantified to specific celestial time events in relation to time space on earth.
Hey look, no answers! Almost like these guys just come here enough to say “the earth is flat herp derp” for the sole purpose of making us look stupid. Look at all their comments- “you haven’t looked into it”, “you’re ignorant”, “you supported Trump which is going against the grain”, etc.. Not once in this thread have I seen anyone say “here’s the evidence” because there is none. They’re just here to make us look bad.
Oh look it's a ship going over the horizon. Let me get my binoculars, oh look, the ship is going over the horizon, let me get my telescope, where the hell is the horizon?
When they took that long range camera shot across a great lake to capture Chicago??
Precession, as in Axial precession the tilt of the earth?
constellations as they track mathematically calculable in position geometrically and astronomically through time and space and placement along horizons and arc minutes of sky from horizon and quantified to specific celestial time events in relation to time space on earth.>
Trying to sound smart it seems with big words, but this runoff sentence needs punctuation. Rephrase or inbox me to clarify.
Precession, as in Axial precession the tilt of the earth?
Critiquing grammar on a forum. Subvert and off topic, mean while providing the same need for said grammar critiquing. There is your clarity.
Back to the question. Explain Precession (not defined intentionally) from a flat earther perspective. I am all ears. Since you missed the rest of it, explain Precession in relation to solar, celestial and sky calculated and predictable movements. There I simplified it for you. Expecting no answer as all, 1st prediction, grammatical analysis by you, 2nd prediction, whimsical Wiki reference with crayon sketch showing how Precession could exist in the TRUE Flat Earth, 3rd prediction. Or you over achieve and do all 3 with some additional nonsense to circumvent the question and talking point.
I'll just keep it simple.. there's no photographs of earth from space. There's no photographs of earth from space. There's no PHOTOGRAPHS of earth from space. Synge that into your head until you understand why it is 100% reasonable to believe the earth is indeed flat. 4x4=16 but also 1,160-1,144=16 also. All the calculable math and predictions in lieu to precession or any other event could indeed be reimagined for the flat earth, being those formulas and equations were built off of each other's assumptions. You must understand how a university full of students acting as a think tank works right? Assume X, find Y for your assignment, show your work! They are all just theories stacked upon each other, mathematically agreeing with each other so they all seem true. It is now a labyrinth of work to be undone, and slowly it will be. Your continued mascot of science is the god forsaken NASA unfortunately, and they will continue feeding globers information that "adds up", however their credibility is laughable and anyone who believes anything they say are fools. Perhaps you'll see the sea on a calm sunny day, when the water appears like glass and it's easy to tell there's no curve.
You kept that very simple alright. Simply incoherent as expected. Photographs, photographs, photographs. Your thought process is so tied to modern wiki education it is laughable. Space and photographs have nothing to do with precession, its existence or anything relative to the matter. If you kept it simple you should simply say, shucks I dont know what precession really is. Nevermind. Kick a can back to the popsicle stand get a popsicle. It is not a re-imaginable event, this flimsy try hard double down explanation is the precipice of why the entire idea and proposed theories behind the absurd flat earth idea falls on its ass at every single level, angle and corner. BTW precession was utilized 1000s of years prior to photographs photographs photographs, um google earth, um NASA um whatever nonsense you have to explain as modern era applications applied to space, earth and sky relationships. Not even going to describe anymore. Like teaching a toddler why they need to wear a diaper.
There's also the geometric experiments you can run to calculate approximate circumference from shadow length; it disproves flat and anything but some spheroid or derived from a spheroid.
Last person I told this to I believe came back and then believed it was a pear.
Absolutely. I used Precession as a singular topic and talking point. They are probably trying to Wiki/Google edumacate right now on it. There are a zillion other ways to ask a question for explanation based on their vast knowledgeable understanding of alternate universe theory and punch a hole in that wet bag. But wasnt necessary since one single topic derailed the truman show train
The aggressive and reflexive nature that people on GAW attack "flat earthers" is concerning. We are either over the target, and GAW has many enemies lurking. OR, its like you say, and many of these people who claim to be awake are still deeply entrenched in propaganda and havnt even taken 1 step towards questioning the truth.
There is no need to mock flat earthers. We are all on a journey to find truth, and it makes sense to me that this is a conspiracy theory that needs to be assessed individually, and it's a great opportunity to develop discernment. Thanks for posting :)
No idea. Just don't understand why images of Earth have existed as a dome for a long time, that maps exists with Antarctica on them before it was discovered, that NASA has lots of strange videos and pictures during their whole history, etc. Just... strange.
But ultimately not important as I believe in spherical earth and believing that does nothing to help with what is happening on Earth right now. If we had absolute proof that Earth was flat, in a dome or anything else, I would still want peace on Earth, freedom for everyone, monetary and medical system fixed and anything else that happens where we are to be analyzed and done in a proper manner for ultimate good.
Another thing that bothers me is why this question was even answered by Q? Where are all the other conspiracy like questions being answered? Are aliens real? Is there already a one world government? Did Earthlings land on the moon? If it's misinformation, why would this misinformation be important to even bother with?
If Q told us the earth was flat, that would immediately kill the global warming/catastrophe fake threats and the cabal might try more immediate harmful tactics.... or Q would lose all credibility as this entire thread proves how many close minded people follow Q.... there's 2 speculative reasons for you
Its probably because the comminity acts TD retarded when you bring up the topic, so throwaways are used.
Talk about flat earth and theres like these gorilla gnosis gatekeepers go go HOO HOO HA HA NO TALK
Its not just this community, its also the conspiracy community im general. Argument is basically NUT UH MUH SCIENCE U RETARD vs Yo those ppl are lying to you to hide god.
When you are debating something which literally anyone can go out and prove for themselves in at least ten ways, yes you'll shut them down fast, not because you're forcing them to not speak, but because their ideas are so ridiculous that they hold ZERO water.
We shut them down because we're trying to spread truth, not lies. Letting them go spout their bullshit all the time is allowing them to spread lies, which reflects doubly badly on this group because we profess to fight for the truth.
You got me. Im a redditor. Totally. Just comment away instead of looking at my history. I could very well be just making a joke as I disagree. But no thats too difficult for you to handle so you call me something im not and attack the strawman.
Give us ONE satellite (of thousands) with a LIVE feed of our plane-t? ONE. Surely corporations would sponsor it as their site would have millions of hits daily. Why NASA hasn't done this already is curious.... No? Then again they admit to artists renditions... of everything
Not sure. Here's one for you though, if the moon were a sphere why is it lit evenly during a full moon, should be brighter in the center. Basic physics right there. Moonlight is also cold, kinda weird since it's allegedly reflecting sunlight.
I will open my mind to flat earth when the CIA & Jesuits stop psy-oping people with it.. It is a classic discredit by association ploy to hurt the credibility of any group it is used on to it, even tangentially.
I've debated these guys on and off constantly. They always deny the existence of gravity as a core component of the theory. Every single one i have ever encountered denies it is even a thing. They also cannot explain the following with flat earth however they try.
Day/night cycles year on year
the existence of seasons
the angle of the sun experiment done by the greeks and repeated several times since with even greater accuracy
Ballistics charts
seeing the sodding curvature of the eaeth from a glider (which i have done)
the existence of satellites
the existence of the space station
the moon and its cycles
the movement of planets
how planets in telescopes are round
water pressure increasing when you dive deeper and deeper.
the need for decompression chambers for all those kids in DUMBs
weather patterns
gallileo's experiments off the leaning tower of piza
varying heat levels between equator and poles
planetary precession (thx judicatorr, forgot that one)
mercury retrogrades
all of this is explained very easily by an oblate spherical earth, the existence of gravity, and gravitational orbits. No flat earther has ever given me a response that explains any of them without immediately showing ignorance and a lack of critical thinking, or without presenting a theory that is immediately debunked by one of the others in the list. They just say "its all just lights" or "its all to do with densities and pressures" (which btw relies on gravity being a thing)
Most flat earthers i debated over the years also claim global warming is real because the earth is flat, so climate change gate isn't a thing to them. Do you also believe in global warming?
Flat earth (as far as i am concerned) is a CIA psyop, and it being promoted here on GAW to me looks like an attack to discredit this forum. Change my mind with logic and reason, not demands to keep my mind open to concepts that deny observable reality in ways that are not news controlled or even news controllable.. You can do the same experiments done by the ancient greeks, or were they freemasons as well?
If you can't do this, and still refuse to accept its a crap theory, I'll be happy to push that deport button. Cia Shill or "non q supporter", your choice.
Operation Paperclip: Werner Von Braun. Look at his tombstone. Psalms 19:1 (King James). Surely you know who he was.
Nasa has a budget of 71 mil per day. I don't have the time to do your research for you and explain it all.
But, you yourself could look into every one of your bullet points and find some explanations. Satalloons, never a single non CGI picture of Earth, bubbles in space, fake moon landing, curvature model not working, ellipse around the sun not being able to measure the speed change, etc.
The UN flag is a close representation of what "flat earthers" believe. Not "flat earth society"...that is a Psyop.
Better yet, just go and grab a P900 or P1000 yourself and do a curvature test. I did. I tried to prove the ball theory. I spent a year. It proved almost everything I have learned was a lie.
Do I know what it is? Nope. I know it's not what the government/nasa/school taught me.
I'm a globe sceptic. Not a flat earther. I just know what I've been taught was a lie. To say you know it's flat is wrong. That could only be a theory. For all I know its much larger than I know or there is land beyond what some think are boundaries.
Get one yourself and do it. It's the only way. I'm telling you. I'm not trying to be rude. Find someone that has one. P900 is fine. Find something 20+ miles away. Do the calculation. It doesn't work.
The calculation is easy 8" per mile squared.
Find a lake. Get a buddy and have him stand across it. Or in my first case. I found an exact same altitude spot and zoomed in on a tower building I couldn't see over 20 miles away. Guess what, I could zoom in and see it.
Repeat as necessary. Don't believe anything you see or hear. Do it yourself.
This was my first step. It blew my mind. I then went on for a year learning about the lie. Like I said, I don't know what it is, but it's not a ball.
Your allowed to think what you want on the bible, sure. If you think that proves the earth is flat, however, it doesnt explain any of my list of points to address.
Secret space programs could just as easily be a "cia psyop" - everything on the Q map could be. Btw space can still theoretically exist under a flat earth model. You have not personally seen half the things on your list, and there are potentially a million explanations for the other half that don't involve a 'ball earth spinning a million mph around a sun'
Your raw anger is clearly affecting your ability to be open minded.
It is a fact that modern astronomy is heavily influenced by satanic freemasons. I have not seen you address this simple topic yet. Please acknowledge the possibly pervasive influence of SATAN in the field of astronomy... until you do that, there is no sense in debating the mostly theoretical space science that was pumped out by godless cabal shills like Stephen hawking, who hung out with epstein and paid to watch people get murdered online.
The science behind flat-earth is weak, however, most "experts" who say it is round, worship SATAN... please discuss
If FET was truth, it would get yeeted off youtube like adrenochrome and the pedo cabal vids. But it persists on the cabal controlled social media without a problem. It even seems to have survived the "conspiracy culls" on those platforms.
Why let that one survive, but not the others? It fitss a pattern that's well established - get too close to an inconvenient truth and the big tech nukes it from orbit, but they let cia agitprop go unmolested (unlike kids).
Q says to use logic. "scientists are all satanists/freemasons, ergo round earth is false" is literally ad hominem. Not logic.
I didnt say all scientists, but literally every single one who was involved in "space science" is seen in historical paintings flashing masonic symbols. Literally. Every. Single. One.
Like I said before, educate us on freemasonry or fuck off and let us ask our questions.
I'm not angry mate im ? at this. So many people are convinced by this pseudo science because of the freemasonry point but cant align the dates.
Lets take gallieo. Died at least 50 yrs before freemasonry was founded, and imprisoned by the catholic church in the height of its power over man. Please reconcile this.
Watch this and stop embarrassing yourselves. Insufferable atheist British guy but the info and presentation is spot on. Watch it 5 times until it sinks in.
Your first argument against my first three doesnt explain seasons or differences in heat. It fails outright on that and equatorial vs non equatorial heat differences in different locations. It also fails on eclipse patterns (theyd happrn daily if you are right). A clock implies a fixed movement, not a shifting movement which is what literally happens. There is also such a thing as a geosychronous orbit, which you just ignore because it doesnt suit your beliefs.
2.denial of the existence of the planets when you can bloody see them in a telescope isnt proof, its just denial of something that you cannot explain.
My dad is a pilot. Also there was an actual pilot who did a video shared here offering to take you to the antarctic and how you can be shown yo be wrong.
Your argument against ballistics assumes inertia and relative motion isnt a thing. Next time you are driving, try breaking hard at speed and tell me inertia or relative motion is fake. Better yet, add some spice to it and do so without a seat belt.
To deny precession exists is to deny both observations you can make of the night sky yourself and a few hundred years of people trying to explain it from a geocentric perspective. They made loads of maps of this that didnt work.
Decompression chambers are needed because of the bends, which is caused by gas bubbles forming in the blood. Not because oxygen levels are low. You get the bends as well from diving with oxygen and surfacing too fast.
Id respond to the rest but i honestly have better things to do. Everything you said ignores so many fundamental principles that have been tried and tested and can be experienced without leaving this planet it beggars belief.
I did counter them. You just dont like the refutation because it doesnt conform to your beliefs, and that is the generous interpretation (the alternative is you didnt understand them).
Using pseudoscience with no logical consistency, cherrypicking, and denying what anyone can literally observe (and have done for millennia) isnt truth. Its you clinging to a false tale because you were lied to about something else (like the idea that the election was legit, or kids are safe at disneyworld) and thinking that everything must be a lie.
Im sorry if that hurts you, but its best you abandon theories that are logically unsound and mathematically proven to be false (and proven so over 1700 years before freemasons were a thing). I really dont intend to be an arse about this but its so laughable to me because ive done the experiments and the work that show the things you deny are real.
Listen, ill happily accept an n-dimensional reality, hollow earth, extra-dimensionial beings, atlantis being real, the indian nuke theory, the multiverse, or even the hologram theory of the universe as all plausible, or even probable. But FET? Done the reading and it aint consistent, done the maths and it doesnt work.
At this point its best to agree to disagree and leave FET for conspiracy.win mate.
Edit: you claiming you know pilots who disagree with both my experiences of flying and my fathers doesnt wash either. There are plenty of pilots who agree, and one of them even offered to fly any flat earthers to Antarctica to see it isnt a wall of ice at the edge. Can you say the same?
Seems like your hero is also a liar, with 2 years of his work history missing and a period of time spent living in dc that he doesnt want to have come out.
But no flat earth cant be a cia agitprop used to discredit people, can it? Wake up already.
I couldnt watch much more than a few minutes of it before i started laughing.
Your video says "google said the earth is flat". Yet we've also been told not to trust big tech on basically everything by Q. I think you even poked fun at me for using a LMGTFY link. Please, Reconcile why you believe google here.
The eratosthenes debunk is nonsense. The sun's distance being so far away is sufficient to allow the experiment to work.
This showcases someone else who repeated the work eratosthenes did, and explains why flat earth doesnt work as well. The last paragraph in the link explains why, and he provides his data in full, unlike you or your vid. It presents reality as if there is no other explanation
You see, funnily enough, i can actually think for myself, and did repeated experiments myself which showed an accelerating effect due to gravity is real, and how the sun doesn't change size. All you seem to be doing is parroting others who cant do basic math or understand relative motion is a thing. That's on you.
Why should i believe you are right, when i still have my notes on this from when i did the work? Why should i consider your theory valid when there is no way to reconcile actual distances on your map?
I trust my father more than an unverified claim about unnamed pilots that i personally doubt even exist. Given you haven't provided names or any proofs such pilots agree with you, i see no reason to consider this a valid principle.
Finally if it is such a deep conspiracy by nasa and the un, why does big tech let y'all continue to promulgate it everywhere? Perhaps it isn't something they consider the truth so its fine to keep alive, unlike those about the election or adrenochrome.
Now please, i beg of you, stop wasting my time and yours following this nonsense.
See it would be one thing if it were just ignorant idiots, but I know it's shills from Reddit trying to make false equivalencies between flat earth and Q. That makes it 100x worse.
I'm also a biologist and researcher in bio-nanotechnology. With the covid thing, I get it a lot more on the biology/vaccine/covid side than the occasional flat earth nut. I actually find their "proofs" very entertaining.
Looks like you and I are almost lock step in that, and I'm not even a biologist!
I know the frustration. A lot of people think it's gonna kill everyone that takes it, but even just from a strategic perspective that's just ridiculous. Why should they kill their own sheep and leave the rest of us fine?
I’m not reading through all that garbage. I have friends who have actually explored Antarctica though. I can assure you there is not a giant ice wall there
I've read through most of these, many of which just throw out more pseudoscience to justify their argument. Apparently when I use binoculars to see objects beyond the curvature of the globe, it is because of "atmospheric refraction" rather than the Earth just a motionless plane...
I’m remotely aware of this retarded “flat earth” theory - question, how do they explain magma/lava and a side question to that, what causes earthquakes? Do they think earth is more like a cube with the same sort of rotation or is the earth stagnant and doesn’t rotate on an axis? So many questions, it makes my mind hurt even trying to go along with how stupid this theory sounds.
Lol it's literally all the kids that failed consistently in science and math class. It all stems from some paranoid delusion that we have been lied about EVERYTHING literally everything, which is absurd. Yes we have all found out we have been lied to about alot of things in the past 4 years but the shape of the fucking earth is not one of them, nor do any of them have a solid reason as to why lying about the freaking shape of the earth is important enough for anyone to spend what is almost certainly an absurd amount of resources to keep it secret lmao
That's the other part of their proofs they come up with. Completely unsubstantiated claims that the "moon is a light in the sky" and what have you, because... it just is or something...no math, nothing to back it up, that's just the way it is folks you've been lied too. Absolutely maddening.
Ever since the media started focusing so much time on "QAnon" there's been a massive uptick in people trying to tie Q with the flat earth movement and its to the point where it feels organized.
Definitive proof that celestial bodies are spherical is the moon. Lunar libration allows us to see 59% of the moons surface. The nights we can see features not normally visible are highly anticipated by amateur astronomers.
Libration occurs as the moons orbit takes it closer and farther from the earth causing it to speed up and slow down slightly throwing its spin rate slightly out of whack with its orbital speed. We can then see craters and mountains that are truly breathtaking in the contrast created.
Flat earthers really have not thought things through.
When my kids were little we would take a trip up north to the cabin with the telescope, make popcorn and marshmallows over the fire and moon watch all night just to catch a glimpse of some as yet unseen feature. I still have our logs almost 40 years later. Even with some margin notes in crayon by my little one ;) I keep them locked in the floor safe with all my important papers.
Rereading that last paragraph almost brings a tear of joy. Each succeeding generation is more important that the ones it follows. It is the simple things that make life worth living and gives us joy and worth. It is to ensure that my kids and grandkids can enjoy the simple things as I have that I would gladly give my life.
This is what is lost on the "elite" These evil demons only care for money and power. Narcissism rules their existence. And what a sad existence it is.
Long story short, basically every proponent of the current space model, including every NASA astronaut, was a freemason. Assuming that freemasons worship Satan; their scientific findings all deserve an asterisk.
Q says it isn't flat, but that doesn't rule out our entire mainstream library of astronomy as being absurd satanic BS, perpetuated by endless Hollywood productions. There's lots of options in between flat and our current model.
Q implied the UN was supposed to be the Satanic NWO after Hillary destroyed America. The UN flag is the classic flat earth map, divided into 33 sections and surrounded by leaves to represent satanic freemasony.
TLDR; the people do not know the truth. Stop pretending you do.
If you would like to dispute that freemasonry = luciferianism, then please make that argument. You have responded to me making this argument several times, and every time you avoid the issue.
You are the one making blanket insults about anyone who questions "space" science and then you refuse to even acknowledge perfectly legitimate arguments.
You claim to care about this community..if you do care, then set us straight about freemasonry...
pretty sure satanism existed before freemasonry... but at least you are entertaining my argument instead of getting lost in your emotions... feel free to continue down the rabbit hole that you've started
Satanism probably did. However you have provided zero evidence either of the men i mentioned are satanists, and your claim all of them were freemasons is laughably false and so easy to show as false it is barely worth the time ive spent checking it.
Your ad hominem argument isnt logical, and it doesnt prove you are correct either. If anything, it weakens your argument instead of strengthening it for me.
Q demanded anons use critical thinking on the reality we face. Kids in DUMBs, the cabal, and the families controlling society are logically consistent with observations today. The idea that the earth is flat doesn't fit in logically in any way, and your inability to show how it does only proves you need to work on your own capabilities to reason logically, and how bunkum FET actually is.
k bro - if you were intelligent you would have realized many posts ago that I am not specifically advocating that the earth is flat, im just saying question everything and that many scientists involved in astronomy have questionable beliefs; which is true, despite the results of your 2 seconds google search lmao.
A Flat Earther dies and goes to heaven.
When he gets there God is standing there to greet him and says,
"My son its not your time. I will be sending you back to Earth, but before I do I will allow you to ask me one question.
The Flat Earther ask God, "Is the Earth Flat or Spherical?"
God answers, "It is Spherical."
The Flat Earth replies, "Damn, this conspiracy goes higher than I thought."
Wrong question...even you don't get it. A dinner plate is round. The question should have been is the earth spherical, or better yet, what is the shape of the earth?
Flat Earther's are everybody's favorite 'dog to kick'. We need to open our eyes to the fact we have been lied to about everything. Questioning the shape of the earth is a natural progression for any seeker of truths. It is time for an era of truths...that would be a true Golden Age.
The problem is that you don't need to trust anyone else. With only a little thinking and study, you can prove to yourself that the Earth is spherical. On a clear day, the ocean or large lake has a solid horizon. If the Earth were flat, these would just fade into the atmosphere. You can use your own telescope to see the spherical shapes of the Moon and other planets. On the Moon and interior planets, you can see phases. This cannot happen if they were flat. The Earth would not be the only flat body in the Solar System.
And if all of that isn't good enough you can use the simple math trick the Greeks used (two sticks, same time, measure shadow and direction of shadow, bam!, basically)
Well, in the mid 60s, I was aboard a US Navy cruiser sailing from Japan to Australia then to San Diego-I can tell you that I perceived the trip as a never ending series of flats merging into the next flat space and so on... /s LOLZ
Also long distance marksmen have to compensate for both the curvature and rotation of the earth.
Im more skeptical of nukes being real than the earth being round...
Globe Earth Sniper:
i think you're on the right track about the nukes.
Can Confirm, the coriolis effect is real
If the earth was flat then youd be able to see every corner of the earth from the peak of everest
Damn it, I had that then changed it...I will edit, thanks.
Jesus Lincoln Tecumseh Roosevelt Fucking Christ.
Why is a soap-bubble spherical?
The whole modern "flat earth theory" was started as a joke! I can't believe how many people are falling for it! Do you think the views of the Earth from the moon were faked? Do you think satellite images of the Earth are faked? Seriously, I wonder if there are just people promoting the joke, pretending to believe it just to mix things up online.
Lol. Love it.
Love this!
Of course it's not flat.....it's hollow, full of reptilians.
This guy gets it
I'm partial to the donut shaped theory .. *slips into Homer voice "hhhmmmm donuts"
Toroid, definitely, that would explain also poles, things like auroras, would make sense with the hollow earth stuffs and area 51 / pyramids connections to the inner, and specially, magnetism, i started to think so once studying Tesla and his view on magnetic / force fields
i'd suspect that they can swim in lava then??
Interestingly, there is more water inside the Earth than on it, oceans of water.
Hell is inside the Earth also!
Ephesians 4:9
Have you never seen pictures of hell? All sorts of lava swimming humanoid reptiles mislabeled as "demons".
Like...Aunty Queefa?
Snowden claimed it was hollow, too. With underground bases etc.
Ask Q what he thinks of Snowden.
I understand, but that disclosure came years before Q and I just remember how an article on underground aliens was published based on reports by Snowden - and about a week later I couldn't find anything about it anymore - the first time I noticed censorship.
Not speaking to anything about Snowden or hollow earth, but there's some fair evidence for underground bases. In fact, underground bases absolutely exist, the only question is how many and how big/extensive/connected.
All tunneled out like swiss cheese.
Sshhh...that’s next week!
Finally, thank you. Flat earthers on here make our whole movement look like a bunch of idiots. Our focus is the Elite and Cabal, the DS, the MSM, and the pedos ruling the world. Leave your stupid flat earth ideas to the side until we deal with these threats first.
This x 100.
If people come here are start talking about flat earthers, chemtrails, reptile people, and other conspiracy theories, it makes this entire movement look loony.
Take it to other sites. This about Q discussions, and Q was quite open and shut about it this nonsense.
EDIT: by this nonsense I mean flat earthers.
Ok but chemtrails are actually a thing though. So are condensation trails. But there are literally patents, which have been used on a large scale, for injecting aerosolized particles into the atmosphere as a form of geo-engineering.
I get that it’s not the crux of what this forum is all about, but please don’t be so quick to dismiss something just because of some bad PR, and some less than eloquent messengers.
Edit: a word
Q literally tells us that the full truth can’t be revealed because it would sound too preposterous to people.
I am not telling anyone what to believe but consider what that might be.
And when Q says people would refuse to believe, he might not just mean the normies. He might mean the conspiracy theorists too.
I am fine if certain conspiracies are soft banned (discouraged) from here because some topics just railroad the discussion, whether you believe or not.
But I think being too dismissive of anything at this point is a mistake. If you have any belief in Q, then you have to consider this “too preposterous” idea.
I agree with you. I understand this isn’t the place to be discussing things like chemtrails. I can understand how the perception of such a theory can detract from the main purpose of this forum, and scare away some people from considering other theories related to Q.
BUT, if someone is being close minded and mocking or belittling people for entertaining ideas like this, I’m going to pipe up and remind that person where they are. This is no place for being closed minded and dismissive.
I see you’re all about constructive input. Classy.
I'm not dismissing it. But these things are what folks go to with conspiracy theories and the crazies out of there.
This forum is not the place for it. Everybody here knows it.
Bringing this stuff into discussion makes the movement look foolish. Q doesn't delve into these things. Q delves into the tangible and the links that are connected to the tangible. That is why he said with a definitive no in regards to flat earth. Inviting these discussions to this forum will invalidate the movement. People need to go elsewhere to discuss it, or read a friggen' physics book or astronomy book and educate themselves on the subject.
Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering is not the same thing as flat earth.
And when folks refer to chemtrails, they aren't referring to Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, or controlling the ozone layer to manage solar radiation.
They refer to the "conspiracy theory" that they are using chemtrails to depopulate, intentionally poison, or control people. That is why they say chemtrails, and NOT Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering.
One is science, the other tin-foil-hat-time basement discussion. The latter has no place in a Q discussion.
Q talked about chemtrails and reptilians? Sauce?
Not that I know of. I was referring to flat earthers.
The point being as these are wacky conspiracy theories that when attached to Q, they make the movement look insane.
Cool... But as I posted below...
"Simple verdict.
Give us ONE satellite (of thousands) with a LIVE feed of our plane-t? ONE. Surely corporations would sponsor it as their site would have millions of hits daily. Why NASA hasn't done this already is curious.... No? Then again they admit to artists renditions... of everything"
Flat-Earthers would sooner believe deep fakes, edits, people brought into the conspiracy, camera lense crap, etc. which is all possible but misses the most obvious points, that you don't need that stuff to prove round earth. Round earth is probably one of the easiest things to prove.
Want some live camera feeds? Here are several. There you go. What I found with a quick duckduck.go search.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEIk7gwjgIM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBPjVzSoepo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg7FweYjasE https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/ESRS/HDEV/ https://earthnow.usgs.gov/observer/
These are live, and have been running in some cases for YEARS non-stop.
SpaceX also did their launch live. There were camera feeds physically attached to their rocket, and cameras following the rocket into space. President Trump was at the launch and watched it live, and we could watch him live watching the rocket launch. You gonna tell me Trump is in on the lie too? If that is the case, you might as well call Q a liar.
What I find amazing sometimes is that folks will do incredible amounts of research and track the most minuet threads together in regards to Q, but with little to no evidence will believe insane ideas like reptiles and a flat earth, without cracking open a physics book and understand why its not possible that the earth is flat. We can split the atom, but are completely inept at finding out the shape of earth.
Before you go to its fake, or whatever, no flat-earther has ever been able to answer this question: to what end? What is the necessity to hide the Earth is flat and perpetuate the lie that Earth is round?
How about you explain the list i gave in comments below with your theory?
'Flat earthers' have been around since the first paid Scientism shill fabricated the spherical earth theory. You can not fault the 'flat earthers' for seeking a place at the table of discourse. It's a hungry world out there, starved of substantive truths since mankind's expulsion from Eden. They will pound the clarion bell until allowed a voice.
We are all called, but not to the same cause. There are many who have a calling to expose/explore some particular line of inquiry. If you have supported DJT you have also gone where not wanted and dropped your truths.
Someone made a reply in this thread that ships on the horizon prove a spherical earth. That person hasn't even gotten through the kindergarten door of study on this fascinating topic.
Flat Earthers have been around for awhile yes, and in all there time they have produced exactly zero mathematical models or any evidence whatsoever other gross misunderstandings of actual math and science that show definitely that it is an oblate spheroid as all other celestial bodies are due to gravity. Cope.
Just words. You have not researched this subject at all if you stand by such a blanket statement. Cope.
I haven't researched huh? Lmao why haven't any of you flown to the edge and taken pictures for us yet?
Don't even give her the time of day, she's a looney. Do what I do, just feel bad for her and her 17 cats.
Only 17? kek
Let's be real here. The use of "Cope." as an argument means they're most likely a leftist shill that has popped in here to sew stupidity and make us look bad.
Their vocabulary and writing style tends to make them stand out.
Also, when you look closer at the posts you see the thinly veiled attempt to associate flat earth with Q and/or Trump supporters by utilizing the same perceived arguments in support, and a lot of the kind of, well, jargon, for lack of a better term, that a lot of people that support Trump or Q use.
The point missed, of course, is that flat earth is somehthing that can easily and accessibly be disproven by anyone with the ability to take a few mile trip, get the time, measure consistently, and observe shadows.
A complex belief such as in Q or support of Trump is effectively closely knit with whole world view; world view, of course, being comprised of millions of data points and questions/truths. Proving a world view to someone else is astronomically if not impossibly complex. "Proving Q" is challenging because of it's ties into world view; regardless, there is strong, compelling evidence, as well as extensive areas and sources for research.
Ultimately, then, comparing Q belief to flat earth is comparing apples to oranges.
ANTARTICA for one, a literal PLEB free playzone for the ELITE where you are not ALLOWED TO GO. TELL ME YOU CAN GO TO ANTARTICA AND I WILL THEROUGHLY EXPLAIN THE LOOPHOLES YOU WOULD NEED TO MEET AND THE LIMITID ACCESS YOU GAIN AFTER(hint 2 million dollars is scratching the surface, with granted access on one SMALL portion of the coast)...
I mean have you actually taken a telescope to the beach though?
Go during the day and have reference points and do some math.
Lol sorry bud Earth is an oblate spheroid, always has been. God didn't make a flying pizza.
Lol it has nothing to do with belief, literally every flat earth "proof" is born from basic misunderstandings and ignorance of the actual math and science that shows definitively that it is a spheroid shape. I don't believe the earth is a spheroid, I know it is a spheroid, and when at Earthers actually learn how to do math and create mathematical models that prove it is flat maybe they might change some minds. They won't though.
Hyperbole theorizing can be fun for sure. Linear thinking limits these theories however, pun intended, get it Linear Flat. But one pesky question that I have been unable to find resolution to or even seen any theory proposed to provide explanation. How does a or ANY flat earther describe the clear existence of Precession. Now we cant stop there because this isnt Linear. Before anyone has an extraordinary answer of profound nonsensical wisdom. How does a or ANY flat earther prescribe the relationship of verifiable and quantitative realized proof of Precession and celestial bodies, objects, constellations as they track mathematically calculable in position geometrically and astronomically through time and space and placement along horizons and arc minutes of sky from horizon and quantified to specific celestial time events in relation to time space on earth.
Explain this I will be a TRUE believer.
Hey look, no answers! Almost like these guys just come here enough to say “the earth is flat herp derp” for the sole purpose of making us look stupid. Look at all their comments- “you haven’t looked into it”, “you’re ignorant”, “you supported Trump which is going against the grain”, etc.. Not once in this thread have I seen anyone say “here’s the evidence” because there is none. They’re just here to make us look bad.
Oh look it's a ship going over the horizon. Let me get my binoculars, oh look, the ship is going over the horizon, let me get my telescope, where the hell is the horizon?
When they took that long range camera shot across a great lake to capture Chicago??
Something is odd.
Go when the temperature of the air and water is the same.
"They" made someone look stupid. But it wasnt "us" "They" made someone look bad; This also wasnt "us"
Precession, as in Axial precession the tilt of the earth?
Trying to sound smart it seems with big words, but this runoff sentence needs punctuation. Rephrase or inbox me to clarify.
Precession, as in Axial precession the tilt of the earth?
Critiquing grammar on a forum. Subvert and off topic, mean while providing the same need for said grammar critiquing. There is your clarity.
Back to the question. Explain Precession (not defined intentionally) from a flat earther perspective. I am all ears. Since you missed the rest of it, explain Precession in relation to solar, celestial and sky calculated and predictable movements. There I simplified it for you. Expecting no answer as all, 1st prediction, grammatical analysis by you, 2nd prediction, whimsical Wiki reference with crayon sketch showing how Precession could exist in the TRUE Flat Earth, 3rd prediction. Or you over achieve and do all 3 with some additional nonsense to circumvent the question and talking point.
I'll just keep it simple.. there's no photographs of earth from space. There's no photographs of earth from space. There's no PHOTOGRAPHS of earth from space. Synge that into your head until you understand why it is 100% reasonable to believe the earth is indeed flat. 4x4=16 but also 1,160-1,144=16 also. All the calculable math and predictions in lieu to precession or any other event could indeed be reimagined for the flat earth, being those formulas and equations were built off of each other's assumptions. You must understand how a university full of students acting as a think tank works right? Assume X, find Y for your assignment, show your work! They are all just theories stacked upon each other, mathematically agreeing with each other so they all seem true. It is now a labyrinth of work to be undone, and slowly it will be. Your continued mascot of science is the god forsaken NASA unfortunately, and they will continue feeding globers information that "adds up", however their credibility is laughable and anyone who believes anything they say are fools. Perhaps you'll see the sea on a calm sunny day, when the water appears like glass and it's easy to tell there's no curve.
You kept that very simple alright. Simply incoherent as expected. Photographs, photographs, photographs. Your thought process is so tied to modern wiki education it is laughable. Space and photographs have nothing to do with precession, its existence or anything relative to the matter. If you kept it simple you should simply say, shucks I dont know what precession really is. Nevermind. Kick a can back to the popsicle stand get a popsicle. It is not a re-imaginable event, this flimsy try hard double down explanation is the precipice of why the entire idea and proposed theories behind the absurd flat earth idea falls on its ass at every single level, angle and corner. BTW precession was utilized 1000s of years prior to photographs photographs photographs, um google earth, um NASA um whatever nonsense you have to explain as modern era applications applied to space, earth and sky relationships. Not even going to describe anymore. Like teaching a toddler why they need to wear a diaper.
Hubble telescope can take perfect picture of Mars but none of our Mars probes can turn around and take a picture of earth?
There's also the geometric experiments you can run to calculate approximate circumference from shadow length; it disproves flat and anything but some spheroid or derived from a spheroid.
Last person I told this to I believe came back and then believed it was a pear.
Bloody hell!
Absolutely. I used Precession as a singular topic and talking point. They are probably trying to Wiki/Google edumacate right now on it. There are a zillion other ways to ask a question for explanation based on their vast knowledgeable understanding of alternate universe theory and punch a hole in that wet bag. But wasnt necessary since one single topic derailed the truman show train
They belong on Conspiracy.win. NOT here.
The aggressive and reflexive nature that people on GAW attack "flat earthers" is concerning. We are either over the target, and GAW has many enemies lurking. OR, its like you say, and many of these people who claim to be awake are still deeply entrenched in propaganda and havnt even taken 1 step towards questioning the truth.
There is no need to mock flat earthers. We are all on a journey to find truth, and it makes sense to me that this is a conspiracy theory that needs to be assessed individually, and it's a great opportunity to develop discernment. Thanks for posting :)
Its not mockery to call out an obvious shill tactic being used on this forum.
Flat is level. Earth has mountains and depth of oceans. Not really flat unless you're viewing from far away. Not a flat earther, just saying.
Only idiots think you're going to fall off of the edge of a flat earth. Research.
No idea. Just don't understand why images of Earth have existed as a dome for a long time, that maps exists with Antarctica on them before it was discovered, that NASA has lots of strange videos and pictures during their whole history, etc. Just... strange.
But ultimately not important as I believe in spherical earth and believing that does nothing to help with what is happening on Earth right now. If we had absolute proof that Earth was flat, in a dome or anything else, I would still want peace on Earth, freedom for everyone, monetary and medical system fixed and anything else that happens where we are to be analyzed and done in a proper manner for ultimate good.
Another thing that bothers me is why this question was even answered by Q? Where are all the other conspiracy like questions being answered? Are aliens real? Is there already a one world government? Did Earthlings land on the moon? If it's misinformation, why would this misinformation be important to even bother with?
But this would conflict with all of it.
Also, where's the incentive in this misinfo? Nobody is talking about it outside of us.
If Q told us the earth was flat, that would immediately kill the global warming/catastrophe fake threats and the cabal might try more immediate harmful tactics.... or Q would lose all credibility as this entire thread proves how many close minded people follow Q.... there's 2 speculative reasons for you
Im not sure why anyone would expect Q to straight up say "yes" if the earth was indeed flat
Thank you handshake, very cool.
Love our reddit visitors, repeating valid responses to specific questions in nonsensical context that makes them super easy to pick out.
Its probably because the comminity acts TD retarded when you bring up the topic, so throwaways are used.
Talk about flat earth and theres like these gorilla gnosis gatekeepers go go HOO HOO HA HA NO TALK
Its not just this community, its also the conspiracy community im general. Argument is basically NUT UH MUH SCIENCE U RETARD vs Yo those ppl are lying to you to hide god.
Either way to each their own.
How the fuck does round earth defy God?
When you are debating something which literally anyone can go out and prove for themselves in at least ten ways, yes you'll shut them down fast, not because you're forcing them to not speak, but because their ideas are so ridiculous that they hold ZERO water.
We shut them down because we're trying to spread truth, not lies. Letting them go spout their bullshit all the time is allowing them to spread lies, which reflects doubly badly on this group because we profess to fight for the truth.
Your hubris is showing
My hubris? Because I'm not retarded? Because I believe my eyes? Alright.
You got me. Im a redditor. Totally. Just comment away instead of looking at my history. I could very well be just making a joke as I disagree. But no thats too difficult for you to handle so you call me something im not and attack the strawman.
Wasn't calling you a Redditor xD
Was calling the handshake one, and agreeing with you!
Oh whoops. Sorry I guess I am a retard then ?
Nah I shoulda been clearer. We're all on edge these days, don't worry about it!
747 Pilot agrees to fly "flat-earthers" over Antarctica.
The more this conspiracy spreads in GAW, the dumber the movement looks. This is a deliberate attack to my mind, a discredit by association ploy.
You dont need to go to space. Hire a glider.
Or a friend and some rulers!
Simple verdict.
Give us ONE satellite (of thousands) with a LIVE feed of our plane-t? ONE. Surely corporations would sponsor it as their site would have millions of hits daily. Why NASA hasn't done this already is curious.... No? Then again they admit to artists renditions... of everything
Um, there is a livestream of the earth from the ISS
"live feed" must be real lol.
Not sure. Here's one for you though, if the moon were a sphere why is it lit evenly during a full moon, should be brighter in the center. Basic physics right there. Moonlight is also cold, kinda weird since it's allegedly reflecting sunlight.
How about instead you explain my list below?
Flat Earthism is to discredit genuine conspiracy theories
This is one of the most direct answers that Q gave us.
I think i might be over another target here....
I will open my mind to flat earth when the CIA & Jesuits stop psy-oping people with it.. It is a classic discredit by association ploy to hurt the credibility of any group it is used on to it, even tangentially.
I've debated these guys on and off constantly. They always deny the existence of gravity as a core component of the theory. Every single one i have ever encountered denies it is even a thing. They also cannot explain the following with flat earth however they try.
all of this is explained very easily by an oblate spherical earth, the existence of gravity, and gravitational orbits. No flat earther has ever given me a response that explains any of them without immediately showing ignorance and a lack of critical thinking, or without presenting a theory that is immediately debunked by one of the others in the list. They just say "its all just lights" or "its all to do with densities and pressures" (which btw relies on gravity being a thing)
Most flat earthers i debated over the years also claim global warming is real because the earth is flat, so climate change gate isn't a thing to them. Do you also believe in global warming?
Flat earth (as far as i am concerned) is a CIA psyop, and it being promoted here on GAW to me looks like an attack to discredit this forum. Change my mind with logic and reason, not demands to keep my mind open to concepts that deny observable reality in ways that are not news controlled or even news controllable.. You can do the same experiments done by the ancient greeks, or were they freemasons as well?
If you can't do this, and still refuse to accept its a crap theory, I'll be happy to push that deport button. Cia Shill or "non q supporter", your choice.
Firmament is space to me, not sky.
Operation Paperclip: Werner Von Braun. Look at his tombstone. Psalms 19:1 (King James). Surely you know who he was.
Nasa has a budget of 71 mil per day. I don't have the time to do your research for you and explain it all.
But, you yourself could look into every one of your bullet points and find some explanations. Satalloons, never a single non CGI picture of Earth, bubbles in space, fake moon landing, curvature model not working, ellipse around the sun not being able to measure the speed change, etc.
The UN flag is a close representation of what "flat earthers" believe. Not "flat earth society"...that is a Psyop.
Better yet, just go and grab a P900 or P1000 yourself and do a curvature test. I did. I tried to prove the ball theory. I spent a year. It proved almost everything I have learned was a lie.
Do I know what it is? Nope. I know it's not what the government/nasa/school taught me.
I'm a globe sceptic. Not a flat earther. I just know what I've been taught was a lie. To say you know it's flat is wrong. That could only be a theory. For all I know its much larger than I know or there is land beyond what some think are boundaries.
What you mean this test? https://flatearth.ws/t/nikon-p1000
Might want to take a refresher course in optics. Both political and visual.
Ive been in a glider, ive been at sea. My dad is a sodding pilot (ret.) Flat earth simply doesnt work
I've also flown planes and been at see. Get a P1000 and do a curvature test. It simply doesn't work.
What you mean the test these guys debunk with basic optics?
Get one yourself and do it. It's the only way. I'm telling you. I'm not trying to be rude. Find someone that has one. P900 is fine. Find something 20+ miles away. Do the calculation. It doesn't work.
The calculation is easy 8" per mile squared.
Find a lake. Get a buddy and have him stand across it. Or in my first case. I found an exact same altitude spot and zoomed in on a tower building I couldn't see over 20 miles away. Guess what, I could zoom in and see it.
Repeat as necessary. Don't believe anything you see or hear. Do it yourself.
This was my first step. It blew my mind. I then went on for a year learning about the lie. Like I said, I don't know what it is, but it's not a ball.
Are people here allowed to disagree with your interpretation of the word “firmament” in The Bible?
I am looking for clarification on what the exact rules are here. Thanks!
Your allowed to think what you want on the bible, sure. If you think that proves the earth is flat, however, it doesnt explain any of my list of points to address.
So if someone believes in the Creation story from Genesis, that is a bannable offense?
You know, the firmament, separating the waters from the waters.
Is that not allowed here?
Just curious.
Again, you can believe what you want on the bible. God created the universe to me, not just our little ball in it.
If you start saying the firmament proves flat earth, however , ill be slamming that deport button
Secret space programs could just as easily be a "cia psyop" - everything on the Q map could be. Btw space can still theoretically exist under a flat earth model. You have not personally seen half the things on your list, and there are potentially a million explanations for the other half that don't involve a 'ball earth spinning a million mph around a sun'
Your raw anger is clearly affecting your ability to be open minded.
It is a fact that modern astronomy is heavily influenced by satanic freemasons. I have not seen you address this simple topic yet. Please acknowledge the possibly pervasive influence of SATAN in the field of astronomy... until you do that, there is no sense in debating the mostly theoretical space science that was pumped out by godless cabal shills like Stephen hawking, who hung out with epstein and paid to watch people get murdered online.
The science behind flat-earth is weak, however, most "experts" who say it is round, worship SATAN... please discuss
If FET was truth, it would get yeeted off youtube like adrenochrome and the pedo cabal vids. But it persists on the cabal controlled social media without a problem. It even seems to have survived the "conspiracy culls" on those platforms.
Why let that one survive, but not the others? It fitss a pattern that's well established - get too close to an inconvenient truth and the big tech nukes it from orbit, but they let cia agitprop go unmolested (unlike kids).
Q says to use logic. "scientists are all satanists/freemasons, ergo round earth is false" is literally ad hominem. Not logic.
I didnt say all scientists, but literally every single one who was involved in "space science" is seen in historical paintings flashing masonic symbols. Literally. Every. Single. One.
Like I said before, educate us on freemasonry or fuck off and let us ask our questions.
I'm not angry mate im ? at this. So many people are convinced by this pseudo science because of the freemasonry point but cant align the dates.
Lets take gallieo. Died at least 50 yrs before freemasonry was founded, and imprisoned by the catholic church in the height of its power over man. Please reconcile this.
There's so much wrong here it's hard to know where to even begin.
Watch this and stop embarrassing yourselves. Insufferable atheist British guy but the info and presentation is spot on. Watch it 5 times until it sinks in.
Also gallieo and copernicus died well before freemasonry even existed as a group so.... Yeah....
So much of your understanding here is wrong.
2.denial of the existence of the planets when you can bloody see them in a telescope isnt proof, its just denial of something that you cannot explain.
My dad is a pilot. Also there was an actual pilot who did a video shared here offering to take you to the antarctic and how you can be shown yo be wrong.
Your argument against ballistics assumes inertia and relative motion isnt a thing. Next time you are driving, try breaking hard at speed and tell me inertia or relative motion is fake. Better yet, add some spice to it and do so without a seat belt.
To deny precession exists is to deny both observations you can make of the night sky yourself and a few hundred years of people trying to explain it from a geocentric perspective. They made loads of maps of this that didnt work.
Decompression chambers are needed because of the bends, which is caused by gas bubbles forming in the blood. Not because oxygen levels are low. You get the bends as well from diving with oxygen and surfacing too fast.
Id respond to the rest but i honestly have better things to do. Everything you said ignores so many fundamental principles that have been tried and tested and can be experienced without leaving this planet it beggars belief.
I did counter them. You just dont like the refutation because it doesnt conform to your beliefs, and that is the generous interpretation (the alternative is you didnt understand them).
Using pseudoscience with no logical consistency, cherrypicking, and denying what anyone can literally observe (and have done for millennia) isnt truth. Its you clinging to a false tale because you were lied to about something else (like the idea that the election was legit, or kids are safe at disneyworld) and thinking that everything must be a lie.
Im sorry if that hurts you, but its best you abandon theories that are logically unsound and mathematically proven to be false (and proven so over 1700 years before freemasons were a thing). I really dont intend to be an arse about this but its so laughable to me because ive done the experiments and the work that show the things you deny are real.
Listen, ill happily accept an n-dimensional reality, hollow earth, extra-dimensionial beings, atlantis being real, the indian nuke theory, the multiverse, or even the hologram theory of the universe as all plausible, or even probable. But FET? Done the reading and it aint consistent, done the maths and it doesnt work.
At this point its best to agree to disagree and leave FET for conspiracy.win mate.
Edit: you claiming you know pilots who disagree with both my experiences of flying and my fathers doesnt wash either. There are plenty of pilots who agree, and one of them even offered to fly any flat earthers to Antarctica to see it isnt a wall of ice at the edge. Can you say the same?
Seems like your hero is also a liar, with 2 years of his work history missing and a period of time spent living in dc that he doesnt want to have come out.
But no flat earth cant be a cia agitprop used to discredit people, can it? Wake up already.
I couldnt watch much more than a few minutes of it before i started laughing.
Your video says "google said the earth is flat". Yet we've also been told not to trust big tech on basically everything by Q. I think you even poked fun at me for using a LMGTFY link. Please, Reconcile why you believe google here.
The eratosthenes debunk is nonsense. The sun's distance being so far away is sufficient to allow the experiment to work.
This showcases someone else who repeated the work eratosthenes did, and explains why flat earth doesnt work as well. The last paragraph in the link explains why, and he provides his data in full, unlike you or your vid. It presents reality as if there is no other explanation
You see, funnily enough, i can actually think for myself, and did repeated experiments myself which showed an accelerating effect due to gravity is real, and how the sun doesn't change size. All you seem to be doing is parroting others who cant do basic math or understand relative motion is a thing. That's on you.
Why should i believe you are right, when i still have my notes on this from when i did the work? Why should i consider your theory valid when there is no way to reconcile actual distances on your map?
I trust my father more than an unverified claim about unnamed pilots that i personally doubt even exist. Given you haven't provided names or any proofs such pilots agree with you, i see no reason to consider this a valid principle.
Finally if it is such a deep conspiracy by nasa and the un, why does big tech let y'all continue to promulgate it everywhere? Perhaps it isn't something they consider the truth so its fine to keep alive, unlike those about the election or adrenochrome.
Now please, i beg of you, stop wasting my time and yours following this nonsense.
I get orgasmic when morons self-identity. Nothing gets me off faster than a flat Earther.
Ha haaaahhh!!! ?? Bonus.
I so wanted the Earth to be flat too, so I could throw my physics degree out the window.
xD must drive you nuts to see people speaking out of their asses
Just a bit...
See it would be one thing if it were just ignorant idiots, but I know it's shills from Reddit trying to make false equivalencies between flat earth and Q. That makes it 100x worse.
I'm also a biologist and researcher in bio-nanotechnology. With the covid thing, I get it a lot more on the biology/vaccine/covid side than the occasional flat earth nut. I actually find their "proofs" very entertaining.
What's your stance on it all? (covid et all)
If you want an overall assessment I posted one earlier here. Just scroll down til you hit my comment.
I didn't include masks in that, but in short they do more harm than good (which is zero).
I have many comments that are more specific on almost all topics related to it, if you have more specific questions.
Looks like you and I are almost lock step in that, and I'm not even a biologist!
I know the frustration. A lot of people think it's gonna kill everyone that takes it, but even just from a strategic perspective that's just ridiculous. Why should they kill their own sheep and leave the rest of us fine?
If anyone here can disprove every single one of of Eric Dubay's 200 proofs the Earth is flat, I'll buy you a coffee.
If he can explain with consistency my list ill listen. If its. A bunch of nonsense about un flags, you're following a cia/jesuit shill.
However my day rate for analysis is 950 gbp, so coffee isnt gonna cut it.
There it is: the mudslinging and name calling to shift the conversation away from the point I made. You cannot refute Eric Dubay's 200 proofs.
*200 misunderstandings about basic math and science. Fixed it for ya.
I’m not reading through all that garbage. I have friends who have actually explored Antarctica though. I can assure you there is not a giant ice wall there
its already be done. Use your brain.
I've read through most of these, many of which just throw out more pseudoscience to justify their argument. Apparently when I use binoculars to see objects beyond the curvature of the globe, it is because of "atmospheric refraction" rather than the Earth just a motionless plane...
That's the real black pill right there...
This is what I think about a flat earth: who gives a shit? What difference does it make? We got more important issues at hand lol.
Its existence in this forum discredits the movement with its blatant stupidity.
Wait! I have one question : If the Earth is flat, are there people living on both sides?
You know like, printing on both sides of the copy paper. . . .
I’m remotely aware of this retarded “flat earth” theory - question, how do they explain magma/lava and a side question to that, what causes earthquakes? Do they think earth is more like a cube with the same sort of rotation or is the earth stagnant and doesn’t rotate on an axis? So many questions, it makes my mind hurt even trying to go along with how stupid this theory sounds.
Lol it's literally all the kids that failed consistently in science and math class. It all stems from some paranoid delusion that we have been lied about EVERYTHING literally everything, which is absurd. Yes we have all found out we have been lied to about alot of things in the past 4 years but the shape of the fucking earth is not one of them, nor do any of them have a solid reason as to why lying about the freaking shape of the earth is important enough for anyone to spend what is almost certainly an absurd amount of resources to keep it secret lmao
That's the other part of their proofs they come up with. Completely unsubstantiated claims that the "moon is a light in the sky" and what have you, because... it just is or something...no math, nothing to back it up, that's just the way it is folks you've been lied too. Absolutely maddening.
I've seen many (I'm sure not all) say gravity isn't real, and that stuff "just falls".
Usually they go to a dome because they can't explain natural curvature otherwise. Problem there is that shadows still aren't right.
Yep, only the oblate spheroid shape explains the lot.
If you have a camera with a long enough zoom lens you are able to zoom in and pull the ships back into view. They did not go over a curve.
The earth is Phat....
Ever since the media started focusing so much time on "QAnon" there's been a massive uptick in people trying to tie Q with the flat earth movement and its to the point where it feels organized.
Definitive proof that celestial bodies are spherical is the moon. Lunar libration allows us to see 59% of the moons surface. The nights we can see features not normally visible are highly anticipated by amateur astronomers.
Libration occurs as the moons orbit takes it closer and farther from the earth causing it to speed up and slow down slightly throwing its spin rate slightly out of whack with its orbital speed. We can then see craters and mountains that are truly breathtaking in the contrast created.
Flat earthers really have not thought things through.
When my kids were little we would take a trip up north to the cabin with the telescope, make popcorn and marshmallows over the fire and moon watch all night just to catch a glimpse of some as yet unseen feature. I still have our logs almost 40 years later. Even with some margin notes in crayon by my little one ;) I keep them locked in the floor safe with all my important papers.
Rereading that last paragraph almost brings a tear of joy. Each succeeding generation is more important that the ones it follows. It is the simple things that make life worth living and gives us joy and worth. It is to ensure that my kids and grandkids can enjoy the simple things as I have that I would gladly give my life.
This is what is lost on the "elite" These evil demons only care for money and power. Narcissism rules their existence. And what a sad existence it is.
Lol that was good!
Long story short, basically every proponent of the current space model, including every NASA astronaut, was a freemason. Assuming that freemasons worship Satan; their scientific findings all deserve an asterisk.
Q says it isn't flat, but that doesn't rule out our entire mainstream library of astronomy as being absurd satanic BS, perpetuated by endless Hollywood productions. There's lots of options in between flat and our current model.
Q implied the UN was supposed to be the Satanic NWO after Hillary destroyed America. The UN flag is the classic flat earth map, divided into 33 sections and surrounded by leaves to represent satanic freemasony.
TLDR; the people do not know the truth. Stop pretending you do.
"they are all satanists ergo dismiss the sphere" is not an argument from logic. It is an adhom argument at the end of the day.
If you would like to dispute that freemasonry = luciferianism, then please make that argument. You have responded to me making this argument several times, and every time you avoid the issue.
You are the one making blanket insults about anyone who questions "space" science and then you refuse to even acknowledge perfectly legitimate arguments.
You claim to care about this community..if you do care, then set us straight about freemasonry...
Copernicus - died 1573
Galileo - died 1642
Freemasonry - start 1717 as an organisation.
pretty sure satanism existed before freemasonry... but at least you are entertaining my argument instead of getting lost in your emotions... feel free to continue down the rabbit hole that you've started
Satanism probably did. However you have provided zero evidence either of the men i mentioned are satanists, and your claim all of them were freemasons is laughably false and so easy to show as false it is barely worth the time ive spent checking it.
Your ad hominem argument isnt logical, and it doesnt prove you are correct either. If anything, it weakens your argument instead of strengthening it for me.
Q demanded anons use critical thinking on the reality we face. Kids in DUMBs, the cabal, and the families controlling society are logically consistent with observations today. The idea that the earth is flat doesn't fit in logically in any way, and your inability to show how it does only proves you need to work on your own capabilities to reason logically, and how bunkum FET actually is.
k bro - if you were intelligent you would have realized many posts ago that I am not specifically advocating that the earth is flat, im just saying question everything and that many scientists involved in astronomy have questionable beliefs; which is true, despite the results of your 2 seconds google search lmao.
im done talking to close minded trolls, bye
And if you were intelligent, you wouldnt be even willing to consider FET as valid either. But hey, details!
Which never says what the shape is. Now either explain my list of observable data below, or prepare for deportation.
AND literalism is retarded and self-contradictory.