When they impulsively tweet expletives like Keith Olbermann just did, you know how bad they panic.
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Can't formulate a rational response therefore !*!! language.
My mom always told me, when people do that they’re showing their stupidity.
My mamma always told me, be careful what you do. Don’t go around breaking young girls hearts.
HEEE heee!
Truly one of the best musicians. And one of the more abused; his own family started with the bullshit accusations because he didn't do what they wanted.
Your Mom was wise ??
Mama tried
Mom’s rule ?
My mama always told me life is like a box of chocklits.
My Mom only lets me spend $5 at a time. 10 dollar buku money!
Only way to one-up that would be to scream: "Audits are Racist"!!!!
or shouting "racist"... so predictable.
Exactly! When you reduce them to the level of 8-year-olds on the floor, kicking and screaming FUCK, then you've won.
Fear? Or Panic?
Keith who? Is he one of the many pedos with a blue checkmark?
Sports analyst who frequently goes political when no one asked.
It's hard to understand a word he says with his head buried so far up his own ass like that...
Best to just ignore him.
Too bad we can't have one of ours on espn and the like.
"...and he goes for the bunt and the Brewers were not expecting third base to make the play for home. That's a good old suicide squeeze, unlike Epstein who didn't kill himself. Moving on to the NBA and the whiners from LA are out..."
Or cared
He absolutely OOZES pedo.
This guy is mental. Hope he has no 'assault rifles'. Wouldn't want to be living in his town.
just some ties that hang on door handles
It seems like a small thing, media figures publicly uttering hostile profanity, but is a sign of the breakdown of the civil society. This is one of the evidences we are on the edge of collapse.
Crazy how accustomed we've become in such a short period of time. Remember when saying the "F" word, or full frontal nudity, were very big deals?
this reminds me of traveling to EU, they are accustomed to sex and not violence. Here in the US it's the opposite, like we are a culture of violence. The metro had warnings in Paris about getting hands caught in closing doors, however they had to show a bugs bunny like character hand in the door, and not a human's.
Off topic, but thought I'd share
we have a show in UK called Naked Attraction (might even be on youtube) a dating show where one guy/gal chooses their date via only seeing their naked bodies, starting from the bottom and revealing more each round.
Full frontal nudity of both sexes every episode.
10pm time slot.
Degeneracy on steroids.
Kind of related though. It's all about conditioning right?
Yea I guess so!
They have two emotions: smug and outrage.
And nothing in between.
He's such a vile creature. There might be some humanity buried deep down but I doubt it.
15 years ago when I was an impressionable teenager I would watch Olberman and thought he was a refreshing voice of reason. Now I can hardly believe how completely unhinged he is, regardless of his political slant. It used to be that if you knew how a journalist voted, then they were a bad journalist. Considering that, it actually shocks me that Olberman is still on television, even though I know it shouldn't, given what I've learned about the media... but damn, they aren't even trying to pretend anymore.
Not in him. He’s one of the worst.
About 6ft down, If my math is correct.
so much for their metoos and stuff
I used to like Olberman on Sportscenter 20+ years ago but now he's just another delusional liberal on TV.
I'd forgotten about him, but now that he's come up I remember him being one of my first red pills in my "maybe liberalism isn't all it's cracked up to be..." journey many years ago. When he got political he got repugnant to my Spidy Sense. He's a psuedo-intellectual, blowhard bully, cut from the same beta male cloth as Rachel Maddow.
That was their plan. Make him likeable then insert him into the narrative.
Or he used to be a good guy until they loaded him up with drugs and through a little kid in his bed. No he’s a kid fucking liberal singing the narrative of the day.
According to Lin Wood they make them fuck kids. I guess it's the only way you get one of those jobs. They are all the sort of people who would do literally anything for the spotlight
Well it backfired spectacularly lol. The second he went off the deep end I started laughing at him. :P
yup It means they see the tide rising way way above their sand castles
The replies are amazing. If ballots are missing, then its the audit's fault. I'll agree to that perfectly since we had 24/7 surveillance of the audit the whole. They can go review the videos and tell us where the 'ballots disappeared'.
The military precision of the AZ audit is hopium for me.
I'm going to start referring to tweets like Olberman posted here as " insult rifles" . I don't want to ban them. Just associate them in the libs' minds with bad things. Hilarious that his pea-sized brain simply can't come up with anything cogent, so, expletive.
Wow. ?
I propose that insult rifles should be semi-auto and limited to under 10 rounds with non-detachable magazines. Meaning, you get only ten idiotic tweets like this in your lifetime. Why would a sensible insult rifle owner need more than that? Olberman has been using 30 round mags on full auto for years. Let's stop the madness.
I thought he was just trying to be relevant...
This dude is beta
With a BIG mouth.
I've got to be honest. I dont even know who tf Keith Olbermann is.
Be thankful
I get him confused with “Tentacles “ Eichenwald.
MSNBC asshole.
All I know is that he looks like a pedo.
Jeff Toobin: Hi Keith, you are you doing? Keith Olbermann: Oh, I'm holding my own! Toobin: What a coincidence! So am I!
For the record, Christina Bobb is an awesome reporter and giving great coverage of the Audit!
Oh my Lord my sides. Bwahahahahahah?
Character attack: you have lost the argument.
I am convinced that most outspoken celebrity liberals are paid mouth pieces for China, or blackmailed. Keith? His stupidity is all natural.
Don't say "China" ... say "communists" or "cabal" ... keeps you based.
Keith Olbermann has always been a deranged wacko like this though. he hates Donald Trump with the fury of ten thousand neutron stars colliding with Rosie O'Donnell
Wow that’s coming out of nowhere… really vulgar and laced with personal vitriol.
Christina Bibb is a small fry compared to this asshole in the media empire.
OANN the best news outlet out there
Years ago Keith was the first one to block me on twitter. Of course that was my old 12-year old twitter that got nuked around the election. But a few years ago I started a sock puppet liberal account that I'm moving towards awakening and I couldn't resist answering this one: .We all may not agree with her politics but I am so disappointed to see all the #transphobic comments in this thread. Especially during #PrideMonth2021 #Pride #StopHate #loveislove
“Appear strong when you are weak” that’s all they know how to do
People like Olbermann make me wonder how many times aliens have seriously considered blowing up this planet.
And they got upset about Trump's tweets.
have not watched the "news" since early 90's.............. this is another reason
I smell blood in the water!!! Lol!
Keith Olbermann is the human embodiment of a hemorrhoid.
Notice the lacking “Biden legitimatly won and the Trumpers are making things up”
they have no retort. they are screwed.
I slammed him. Browsin through Twatter it’s friggin UNREAL how insane the tards are and the bile they swallow and belch out is also unreal. I can’t hardly lurk there, and ONLY go there if warranted from a Post here. They truly have a mental illness that only hemp rope or lead supplements can cure. Great reminder WHY I left New England decades ago and WHY I left another blue state to come to beautiful Tennessee?!! Goin fishin now...Edit: Part of my slam was a reminder-NCSWIC. Prolly bumped-up his BP a few notches?!!
And Keith says, "Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"
Keith Olbermann should be locked into a padded room with a straight jacket. Dude is BAT SHIT INSANE. Probably one the worst cases of TDS I've ever seen.