Almost 10 years working as a drafter gone down the fucking drain because I refuse to be a goddamned sheep like the rest of my libtard coworkers.
Asshole boss called me to his office, and told me that I was being terminated as an employee before I was escorted out. I know for fact that it’s due to the vaccine. The prick has Biden Harris stickers on his car and he’s been sending me fake news MSM bullshit about vaccines being safe.
In the final meeting with him, I asked him directly if it was over the vaccine thing, and he kind of danced around the subject but finally admitted that “it had a role in the decision”.
How the hell is this okay? We have rights in America. This is some commie bullshit.
Feels like I’ve been kicked in the balls now. How the hell can a Patriot lose his employment over something that’s a PERSONAL CHOICE?
I got a bottle of whiskey with me now and I’m getting fucking wasted tonight, frens.
America’s Frontline Doctors have lawyers and are looking for cases like yours.
Sue the fuck out of them bro!
This is an issue that will have to be argued in the courts. There are several lawsuits on this exact issue that have just started working their way through the system.
If you research this online, you will get people claiming they KNOW the answer is yes employers can do this or no they can't. Reality is this is what the courts call a "case of first impression," meaning it is an area of law that has never been decided by the courts, because it has never been attempted by businesses or government.
If you want to fight this, or even make the company pay for their stupidity, then you might look for a local attorney (assuming you don't think you can do this yourself) who is like-minded with you. Maybe they will work for free (pro bono) or reduced rates to make a name for themselves.
You might start by contacting attorneys in other states that are already working on these cases and ask them for referrals or recommendations on finding someone in your state.
Here are some cases that are already underway on this issue:
There is currently a window of opportunity. There is no such thing as a Covid "vaccine" because they are not LEGALLY defined as vaccines, but rather as "experimental drugs." The employer is demanding from you -- as a condition of employment -- to be a human guinea pig in an experimental drug trial for a drug that has ALREADY PROVEN HIGHLY DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH.
IMO, this goes well beyond "safety in the workplace," and is a form of coersion and fraud. There is NO WAY they can prove that these experimental drugs will help anyone in any way. The manufacturers themselves don't claim they do anything other than reduce symptoms, and even those claims have not been released for other researchers to verify.
It is fraud.
It is coersion.
It is a requirement to engage in a dangerous activity as a condition of employment, and the dangerous activity has NOTHING to do with the job itself.
If you were a cop and did not want to get shot at, that would be one thing. But if an employer required you to play russian roulette as a condition of employment, that danger would have nothing to do with the job itself, so it would not be a legally binding contract or legally valid requirement.
In your case, you have the added bonus that they unilaterally changed the terms of your employment contract after you were already working and had a good record. You have an even stronger case than someone who has not yet been hired.
"Excuse me, Mr. Jones. I know you have been a good employee for the past 7 years, but as of today, our new employee handbook includes a requirement to play a game of russian roulette once each year or your employment will be terminated. Here is a gun." No bueno.
This thing MUST be stopped. Since it is based on fraud, there will be some court somewhere that will attempt to stop it. This issue will ultimately have to be decided by the SCOTUS.
Fight. If nothing else, you might get a fat paycheck out of it, via the courtesy of the soy boy employer who damaged you.
Good luck.
This ^
"Mr. McCoy, do you think I have a case?"
"Yeah. He's fcked, Jim."
And when the whole company drops dead of the vax, come back in, set yourself up as the CEO and resume operations.
Gonna take people like this to get everything up and going again.
This is the way.
Raises hand: If they are all vaxxed, why does he need to be?
bingo. If you walk into a room with 50 people and they're all vaxxed, what's the issue? Oh that's right... just not doing what everyone else is doing because they were told.
Remember that old " if your friends jumped off a bridge would you?" Funny how that has ZERO meaning today.
Had this epiphany a month or so back when visiting relatives. Cornered by a couple asking me why I had not done so (when they had) and I shot that back at them. Confused npc looks and silence, no reply back at all. This on top of the giant LED signs over the highways here: "Protect Your Family and Friend, Get Vaccinated" which paint the non-vaxxed as dangerous & irresponsible for not doing so. Dangerous for non-compliance to your mandate you mean. You've not got me yet, you won't get me now fuckers.
It is ok. You don't want to work for liberals anyways. You probably have been getting underpaid for 10 years working for those assholes.
Also find an attorney and sue. Do you still have emails? Or access to them
Get all the evidence before it is too late.
Really, this is the perfect legal case. Getting fired for refusing an unapproved vaccine. If you can't sue the company, personally sue the boss; better yet sue BOTH. They ALL NEED TO PAY UP big time.
Sue him
America's Frontline Doctors can help:
No. Businesses are free to do whatever stupid shit they want to do. Employment at will is basically a contract between two parties that either one can terminate at any time, for any reason.
There is no grounds for a lawsuit. It has to be about race or age to be illegal (and even then is very difficult to prove).
The only recourse any of us have is to find different work at some other company.
If they can force a bakery to make gay wedding cakes against their will, we sure as hell better use the same tactics back against them. Sick and tired of republicans taking the "moral higher ground", see where it's gotten us?
The bakery won Masterpiece. He didn’t have to bake the cake.
they are suing him again, this time for not making a transgender cake.
Then the same ruling should apply, correct?
But you AREN'T ... unless you are a fucking socialists. THAT wants to force the bakery to bake the fucking cake.
Personal medical decisions regarding unapproved emergemcy act experimental treatment should NOT be a fireable offense. We damn well better start suing. Mu job hasn't forced it yet.
You'll be singing a different tune when your job is on the line fucc boii.
If I can no longer assume a gender based on reality, you can't assume employment either. Don't blame me. The mentality insane run the matrix now.
Woke liberal rats are as socialist as China.
In other words, puppets whose strings are pulled by rich and powerful pedophiles.
Agree and everyone that uses the same tactics is still socialist.
In an ideal world, no one would be forced to do anything for anyone. But we're no longer in that world are we? It's suicidal not to fight back with their own methodology.
I agree.
It's not about becoming the evil thing; it's about speaking the language they understand.
I don't care to sue people willy-nilly. However, there's an attorney I'm going to have to sue because that is the language she understands.
Righ Right. Fight socialism with socialism !? No thanks.
As a large employer, this is simply not true
Yep. Definitely not true.
While they may be in an "at will" state, he screwed himself if he admitted the vaccine had a role in their decision making process. There are legal grounds now.
All his boss has to do is say the reason was frequent, long poop breaks. That's it.
Perhaps there is email correspondence though! I would think that is his only hope. I promise you though, that if that's the environment his boss wants to cultivate then it means he has a harem of NPCs that will never ever take any sort of initiative. He has no leaders, only followers now. And we all know enough about your boss with this post alone to do the math on that one.
Hundred bucks says he calls you back in 3 months to offer back your job. By then you'll have thanked your lucky stars that he let you go because other companies will be fighting over you to work there.
Try firing someone for be gay or black.
::snaps fingers::
thats it! all OP has to do, is identify as a gay black woman
I keep saying i cant use more than one set of logic.
That's a load of bullshit and you know it.
Take heart, Patriot. By refusing the vax even though it cost you a lot to do so, you have passed a big part of the test.
I've seen a lot of people in society weaker of mind and spirit than you, who made a horrible choice for themselves and those close to them.
In time you will reap the just rewards of your courage and wisdom.
Yep, god is on your side, and you are still breathing.
Yeah, it would seriously mess with your mental health knowing you sacrificed your integrity and submitted to tyranny. You've got a good head on your shoulders, you'll come out ahead for this decision. I haven't worn a mask at work, but if I was something like a bus driver I'd probably have been fired by now.
Sue for medical discrimination. Otherwise it’ll keep happening or happen again.
Your case for wrongful termination is much stronger now. You can’t force a vaccine that’s under EUA on somebody. Unfortunately, it sounds like your boss verbally admitted to terminating you because of the vaccine issue but they will just say it was for some other reason. Unless your performance reviews were all good up to this point.
Then those other reasons better be well documented.
Exactly. If his prior performance evaluations were satisfactory or very good, then his employer will have a hard time justifying the termination.
Having been involved with a case similar to this, these assholes really figure nobody will ever fight back. When he starts getting served with lawsuits his asshole is gonna pucker up. As the person below states, drag them in, make them show you the documentation of the reasons you were supposedly fired.
More often than not they settle. These people never get pushback. If it does move forward they are going to rake you over the coals in depositions and it is not a fun experience, so be prepared for that.
Also, many times these idiots will fuck up and make a major blunder in a deposition like admitting "it was a part of the discussion" and that is where it gets spicy.
You all need to record this shit if you are in a single party consent state. I have recorded every HR conversation I have ever been involved in. You know when it is coming. Plan your questions and be careful what you say. Then record the shit out of these zombie fuckers.
Yep. Everything in email and in writing at this point as well. No verbal contact.
Termination notices should always be in writing anyway or it can't be proven that you even knew you were fired.
Send an email or text asking if you get the vax if he would reconsider. He might admit to something the lawyer can use.
Brilliant idea
Sidney Powell I believe is asking people who were terminated because of this to contact her to have her review your case.
Take a breather and bounce back - you obviously have skills so I am confident that you will land on your feet. The best news is that you will probably end up at a company that respects you more.
Lol, with the labor market as it is, you'll have your pick of great employers desperate to get their hands on you!
Bargin for a signing bonus next week when you are wading through the job offers!
Fucking right!
As an employer, perhaps I'll start firing people FOR getting the vaccination. Citing their inability to think critically and unnecessary risk-taking.
You'll likely need to replace them in the next 3 years (or less), so why not get ahead of the curve?
"Wait, what unnecessary risk? I even wear two masks, a face shield, and have a UV light plugged into the USB port at my work station."
LoL The look on their faces.
Haha I love this.
Yes ?? Two can play that game.
that sucks, did you like your job? maybe it was a blessing in disguise.
Yeah, doesn't sound like a place I would want to work at.
Sometimes you work where you can especially if they pay is good.
Get hammered today, sue the shit out them tomorrow. You’ll be just fine fren.
And find that amazing job at an employer who cares on Monday! :)
This is a great time to be looking for work!
Sorry to hear this fren. Some bs that’s Forsure. As a fellow Minnesotan, 45 did win.
Tune into some of the live streams downtown. I’m sure things will get spicy after the Chauvin sentencing as the left always looks for an excuse to burn shit.
Stay safe.
Sue the shit out of them. Get a lawyer through the front line people and raw dog this asshole.
Given how abrasive he comes across here, and how he describes them as "sheep" and "libtards", i'm gonna go on a limb here and say his boss won't exactly have a hard time getting his former colleagues to testify against him and affirm that the lay off wasn't made on medical grounds but on grounds of disruption.
It's worth a shot. Sounds like his ex-boss had shit-for-brains.
You miss all the shots that you don't take.
What he says on here and what he says at his workplace are two different things. I think of most of my coworkers as morons and libtards constantly and I've yet to use either term in my place of business. Unless OP was just going around being a giant, gaping asshole that might be very hard to prove.
Better have been documented ahead of time.
I'm sorry for your situation, but maybe he's done you a favor as now you're out of an operation that obviously has no concern for anyone's welfare. Perhaps once you get past being aggravated about the situation, you can use it as an opportunity to find something that is truly better for you.
Honestly many of these people DO think the vaccine will get life back to normal and prevent a pandemic.
If only they looked into the "pandemic" and how cases were counted..
"many of these people DO think the vaccine will get life back to normal"
Yes, but that's not really about anyone's welfare, only their fear.
Getting fired for standing up for your rights would be viewed as a positive with the type of company I’d want to work for for the rest of my life.
Learn more about the markets, sure putting all your money into meme stonks and crypto may make you rich it also may make you completely broke. Spending a couple hours a day doing market research will put you in the best spot to make informed decisions
Thanks, obama.
It's better than storming the beach at Normandy, or the great depression, or any of the hundreds of years of the dark ages. Heck, we're only really worse off than our parents' generation.
Learn to be content with less. Sever yourself from the 'machine' that is modern excess. Find peace in Christ through prayer and scripture. It's still an easy, easy life.
But yes, very sad to see the evil increasing in this world.
No point in whining about the good old days. You're sad that society can inconvenience you for speaking out but your grandfathers had to go off and fight and endure the depredations of actual war. EVERY GENERATION has to fight evil in its time. Its not the work of ONE generation. You have a battle to fight. If you think the problem is "everyone" being silent, then you better not be silent. War is hell, kid.
Stay strong. Enjopy your whiskey. Buy the business for pennies on the dollar when most of them are dead, and then do what you love.
Sick, but true. It's what the enemy is planning on doing to us.
Also, take heart. So many jobs out there as libs prefer collecting apparently.
I’d put that anger into starting your own business.
Meanwhile, try a Christian fund support site.
Perhaps Project Veritas would be interested in your story.
The lawsuits that come out of this shit will gross more than some countries GDP.....
When they all die from the vaccine later this year... visit and pee on their graves.
I would leave a special dog shit stain on that boss's gravestone.
Can you link me to or explain the thought that there will be mass vaccine deaths? I'm a bit behind on it.
Of course, me and my family won't take the experimental 'vaccine', or whatever it is. And I believe vaccine deaths will out pace the covid fraud. But the idea that a significant portion of people who took the vaccine will die is new to me.
Are they asking your vaccine status in interviews?! Why are you responding? Are you asking them when their last HIV test was??? Because you should be. Grow a spine.
Welcome to the Union of Soviet Socialist States of America. Sue 'em and pray that you get some real justice.
Please think of your liver.
Update your resume.
Document everything.
Maybe you just got kicked out of hell? Is that really so bad?
Call out to God and ask for his help. He is with us. He saw the whole thing. He has good things planned for you, anon.
Before getting into that bottle, write down everything you can remember regarding the conversation. Everything. You will be surprised at how much you can forget in just a short amount of time. And go take a picture of the bumper sticker on the car. And get a copy of your employment file. Ask HR, not your boss. And document, document, document. (If you have saved copies of those emails with the 'vax is safe that is good, but even if not, if it gets that far, they will have them. )
That said, so sorry sucks. Big time. But my guess is if you could work at home for the last year, they should have been able to accommodate you continuing to work from home if you did not get the jab for whatever reason. Boss may have opened a can of worms
Enjoy the bottle tonight. Then tomorrow, get back up and fight. Pedes got your back!
If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room. Only up from here Fren.
Sorry for your day. At least he fired you and now you can go get unemployment.
Sue THE FUCK OUTTA THEM. Make it a civil suit ON HIM. My friend does drafting and no vaxx’ required. Need to network. I know it sucks but reach out if interested. I’m DMing an opportunity...
Has he ever heard of the Nuremberg Code?? This smells like a big fat lawsuit!
Don't worry they will be begging you to come back when the others start dropping like flies... make sure you get a nice pay upgrade and a LARGE signing bonus.
Sidney Powell specifically requested folks in your situation to contact her on the War Room the other day.