Mel Gibson Did Not Kill Himself
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“The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world”—Mel Gibson. Based af.
Absolutely the most based and redpilled.
Did he end up back pedaling on that one? I assume he did, but can’t recall
I remember hearing that and believing he was a racist and anti semite.
Now I hear it and think of the Rothschilds funding both sides of Napoleon, and both sides of Germany x2.
I'd be certain they funded every other conflict, especially with Kissinger helming "international relations" since the 1960s.
Problem is that, that's their response word for everything.
"Can George Soros stop trying to pack our country with the third world?"
AnTi semIte!!!!!
"Can Israel stop commit war crimes like arresting kids and using white phosphorus?"
"Why do we need to give 300 billion dollars to Israel every year?"
"What Israel did to the USS Liberty was a super dick move"
Sadly, many people fail to understand that claims can be both antisemitic and true in the same way that claims can be both Islamophobic and true or against communism and true.
The word phobic has a connotation of being an irrational fear without merit. What you are describing is a very rational fear.
Here is a Rabbi saying its mostly orthodox Jews behind the money scams in the USA - - 11-ish minute mark but I recommend just watching the whole thing.
Can't call him an anti-semite because he's a Jew, FFS!
They need to look after their ilk in Melbourne Australia where they’re all poor at and live in a dilapidated ghetto and all their children look deeply inbred.
really? genuinely sad to hear that
This is utterly false. Presumably an attempt at sarcasm....?
They own the majority of the most premium real estate in the city and surrounds. Toorak, Elsternwick, Armadale, Caulfield. Wall-to-wall big nosed bagel munchers.
The only correct assertion was about them looking inbred. This I can agree with, because they are. Cousin fuckers a plenty...
May God protect him.
He spoke out about Hollyweird Satanic child abuse on a UK chat show years ago. Said children were common currency. When Asked who was involved he answered "Look at who is working". Respect.
He's a pretty cool guy, I loved The Passion. It's one of the few movies that made me cry as a grown man, kek. I was dismayed and confused as to why/how he went off the rails some years ago. Now I understand ((([why])))
And why the media would paint him crazy then makes more sense now.
Passion is so good. I don't like watching it. Hits too hard.
Oh definitely. I've only seen the entire movie once, barring some clips online. It's intense, but something I think everyone should see.
James Caviezel is another hero. Mel actually told him: "I can't ask you to make The Passion. You will not have a career in Hollywood". He just made a movie about child trafficking I want to see.
Yes and James’ reputation is SOLID too. I love both these MEN.
Not really, it covers the 12 hours leading up to and including the crucifixion. Jesus' time spent in the Garden of Gethsemane, his betrayal, arrest are some scenes depicted from the start of the movie. The suffering Jesus underwent is graphically depicted yes, but in a respectful, accurate way and not gratuitously. There's spiritual aspects throughout that make sense if you've read the Bible as well. So yes, there are essentially torture scenes, but the overall theme is not just torture. That would be oversimplifying it.
I watched it as a Christian. Didn’t make me cry. Made me cringe and feel embarrassed.
I was thinking the same thing. When I first learned about what little I know of what is being done to children, I walked around in a daze for at least a couple of weeks. Just the thought of it still makes me nauseous.
"Now I understand ((([why])))" Me too, as at first I believed the whole Gibson lost his mind narrative.
So do you know what these means? The Great Awakening is real and we are proof of it.
The movie, The Sound of Freedom, is going to explain a LOT of what's been happening. Do to be released during the 4th quarter of this year.
Sound of Freedom is a Jim Caviezel movie. Said to be released in Q4 of 2021
“Claims”. They may have taken the production underground(?)
I wouldn’t be surprised. It’ll be a great movie to see when Trump is reinstated and we start seeing the central bankers being arrested and convicted of treason by military tribunals.
It's a different movie, not associated with Mel Gibson at all.
he's definitely a brave guy. saw him salute DJT in public, thought that was awesome. and I love his movies, might let my grandson watch one today.
I'd recommend "Braveheart"! FREEEEEEDOM!
good idea I might try that first, he loves history & BH would be more educational than Lethal Weapon;)
Don't forget about The Patriot, great film!
Lets simplify and just say Mel don't make shit movies common to hollywood. Him, Eastwood and a couple others are the exceptions to the trash you have to wade through to find a decent movie. I love the movies from yesteryear.
He voiced Rocky the Rooster in Chicken Run, made by the same people who did Wallace and Gromit. Very funny and excellent stop-motion animation.
2021 remake featuring a half Indian half black (descendant of slave owners)vice president toddler yelling "FWEEDOM"
I believe Mel Gibson received a calling from God. The Vanguard group might take his life. But it will be on God's time. Not theirs.
Why "The Vanguard group"? Is it because BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street own everything, and Vanguard owns Gibson's work?
Yes. The Vanguard group is just another name for the global elite, the new world order, etc. They own everything.
I speculating that was said by who is in the vanguard group. Rothies?
God Bless Mel Gibson and keep him safe.
If he survives the release of this film, it will be proof that the DS has been neutralized.
Big prayers for this man and his family. Braveheart in real life!
I want to work for free on this movie production
Mel is the new King of Hollywood. By a long shot.
We'll need a new term for the film industry
Growing up with the dream of becoming a movie Star is a magical dream to see, recognize and want to become. It makes life a little bit more precious. Let's bring it back to a simpler time.
He'll endure, if those parasites couldn't kill the first time he spoke out against them. Mel has own ways to deal with them that will ensure he gets out unscathed.
While youre waiting, theres this one:
He is a very devout man, i believe he is still alive because the powers given to him by God, powers that let him call down Angels and Archangels.
But you don't have to agree.
I don't think people have the power to call down angels; they are God's servants. We can ask God to deploy them.
I read a book once that changed my view completely of what we have the power to do. Basically, the Church has been deceived into believing that God is up there looking down on us in disapproval, and we have to beg Him to intervene on our behalf. The reality is that He will intervene when we use the power He’s given us through the Holy Spirit to discern His will (always for our good) and we partner with Him to stand against the powers and principalities that stand against what He wants to do through us. Too often we sit back and say it’s all up to God, and we blame Him when bad things happen. He wants us to be involved, to stand up and intercede through the blood of Jesus to take down strongholds. So we can definitely pray for the safety of those who stand in the gap to defend our freedom and our faith, and God will stand with us.
“For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-4
He did look at me very disapprovingly when I was an idiot druggie, but now? I believe he could be starting to look favourably on me. you never know. Thank you my Lord.
I doubt even then that He was looking at you disapprovingly. His love is merciful and everlasting. Have you ever considered that it was that love that brought you out of addiction in the first place? My friend is a faithful prayer warrior, and her son was addicted to heroin. She never stopped praying for him, and she believed for God’s mercy over her son. He’s been clean now for several years, and yesterday he married his best friend. He has a life again because God honored the prayers of a mother and gave her back her son. He never looked disapprovingly at his plight - He loved him through it and made him whole again.
Oh he was. A good father gets angry with his wayward children and chastises them to bring them back onto the narrow road, this is what he did with me, I wouldn't have listened otherwise
That makes sense. Jesus is the role model for us. If we walk in obedience and keep a close relationship with God, there's greater confidence our prayers are heard and answered since we'd be asking in agreement with His will. Then there's the fact that we have authority under Christ. What's the book called, fren?
You’re absolutely right.
The book is called “I Give You Authority” by Charles H Kraft. I don’t have my own copy - it was lent to me at the time - but I think I want to order a copy for myself because it was at least 10 years ago I read it, and it was a life changer for me in terms of my prayer life. I could use a refresher.
Wow! Hope he lives through that.
Mel Gibson is a living legend.
Cahones of solid steel.
Pray for him.
Just knocked out Chuck Norris, for biggest balls in america.
William Wallace will always be a legend in our hearts!
Love Mel.
Remember, BEFORE the Jacuzzi.
One of my favorite patriots!!!! God protect all of our warriors, those on the keyboards to those on the battleground!!!
It seems there are some movies coming out soon that'll expose things.
This film, the trafficking one and mels second coming one.
Go for it, Mel.
Expose these blood-sucking vampires for what they are.
May The Passion of Christ watch over him. WWG1WGA my frens. God be with everyone.
They don't know we are already watching it. ;)
Praying for Mel.
Mel has paid a big price.
My condolences for his future suicide.
Jesus please protect and surround Mr Mel Gibson and the crew working on this film including the bankers, producers, technical, catering that no harm will be done to them.
Mel has the Lord's full protection, he's good.
for a hot second there i was worried he died.
Somehow, I think if he unironically says "NWO," he'll be fine. ;)
Use the system of evil to point directly to the source
If I were a studious fellow, I'd really like to see who is producing and how it's being released.
And then follow from there.
Mel has got some giant brass balls down there.
Think this is old news, saw some links about it from 2019.
Shia leboug was supposed to be part of ot alledgedly
Maybe. Id like to see it