So which the fork is it? 2 or 2:20? why do we have to reboot unless they are pushing a patch that requires a restart to install fully. I don't know about y'all but I'm unplugging my important shit at 1:45, hell I might flip the circuit breakers and unplug everything. wrapping my backup drives in tin foil. Hell I'm wrapping my head in foil, this is it boys, it's foil time!
The craft of chainmail does not require a hammer. The tools I employ are wire cutters and pliers. I am not quixotic enough to name my tools (though some of my family members probably would).
I forget what movie we were watching but after some scene where someone mentions their weapon by name my mom suddenly asks what the names of my guns are and I'm just like "who the hell actually names them in real life?"
No, if possible even unplug it to prevent any possible issues if there are power spikes.
Honestly, one of the best pre built faraday cages you can get. Just buy an old broke or beat up one. Stick in the garage and just keep sensitive electronics in it all the time. Pull out if needed and put them back in when done.
actually yes it does, it needs to be grounded or it won't redirect the energy to ground. You could connect the ground on the plug to ground itself, such as a water pipe(unless you have pex) or a copper coated rod used to ground the electrical system in the house, NOT THE GROUND BUS in the electrical panel!!!!!
Same. I have my server rack grounded in case of an EMP or something, it'll be shielded at least. Before I leave for work I'll be turning everything off and hitting my breaker main.
I keep telling my husband I want a car from the 60's or 70's. Think I finally have him onboard. Mine won't be a muscle car though because I bring our grandchildren all over the place. Found an old Vista Cruiser. My daughter keeps calling me "Red" because the Forman family on "That 70's Show" had one.
No, if it is old school cap and rotor with coil, it will be fine. If electronic ignition, then possibly no bueno. Cars are generally fine anyway, the metal of the body does get a large voltage induced, but theoretically it needs to have a difference in potential to allow current to flow. The only way current will flow is if your car is grounded. Everything can be raised to a high voltage potential without damage. We really don't have any hard data for EMP of any significant level to really know what to expect over land. Most nuclear explosions are underground or over the ocean. The testing in the early days in the Western US didn't result in catastrophic EMP that destroyed everything electrical/electronic. If a jet can be struck by lightning, which happens fairly often without destroying the sensitve elctronics, I think cars will be fine.
I think we are switching over from the deep state's satellites, and over to the the Elon Musk satellite network.
I expect in those 5 minutes, our killer satellites will knock out the Deep State Sats, and Space Force will go live with the new network.
At least that is how it works in my over active imagination. 😎 it sounds good to me, anyway!
Beginning at 2:20 p.m. ET, cell towers will broadcast the test for approximately 30 minutes. During this time, WEA-compatible wireless phones where the subscriber has opted-in to receive test messages, that are switched on, within range of an active cell tower and whose wireless provider participates in WEA, should be capable of receiving the test message. Wireless phones should receive the message only once.
Good catch. I'm still expecting one message, but it could be possible it takes 30m to do a nation-wide (alaska + hawaii) test, so in short "expect our message between 2:20pm-2:50pm".
however not to burst your bubble, i hope it's 30 minutes of something serious like "Biden Arrested, Martial law enacted. Return home, find shelter, we're hunting commies"
Because if it's that, you can bet all your money i'm laughing up and fist pumping while it's going on.
I'm in CDT in Alabama, so for me it will be 1:20 - 1:50 pm.
Yeah, I'm hoping for good news to come of it, but cautious all the same so as not to get too let down if nothing good happens. Main thing is I'm hoping for no bad news, no bad news would be good news, lol.
Thought about that earlier, don't think it's normal at all, usually you reboot devices when you wanna hide a temporary payload or something you did ex overflowing the buffer or whatever they could find commonly across devices (heard they may be fucking around with an exploit that uses headphones and specific frequencies to trigger zombies and damage people, quite crazy, but dunno, seeing cell and Kingsman 2 can't be excluded), there would be no reason if they would be doing a simple test....
Unplug everything before the shutdown. Disconnect from the Internet for the entire day beforehand.
Don't let them force install anything.
Buy some metal pipe - a connector with two male ends and a couple end-caps. Put a flash drive with the most important info and red-pills you have in it and bury it 4 feet under. Don't seal with anything but metal, the thicker the better. (Faraday Cage).
All you really need to do is connect it to your house's grounding wire (or some houses will use the water line) or you can simply drive a 2' steel rod into the ground and attach a wire to it. Boom, grounded.
A "true" faraday cage, I believe, is charged constantly to prevent any signals from going in/out of it, but I figure the biggest real risk is an EMP burst, which grounding the metal casing should protect against
How long should we leave everything unplugged though? I mean I understand turning off internet etc, but at some point we will need to turn stuff back on?
Yeah, not how that works anyways. If anything an update would happen on reboot anyways. TV receivers download updates and install them on reboot, for the most part.
As for phones, turn off automatic updates. Turning off your stuff doesn’t do anything
The unplug is to avoid a power surge. They may try to burn out all devices. Even an ethernet cable caries a charge, and can fry some components if they prime it.
Anything can happen, like in a thunderstorm. Better safe than sorry.
Maybe do a few naked summersaults under the moon. But only if you own a white vehicle, or your gas tank is currently below full. I'm sure this will also help.
I didn't see where it says to reboot equipment (as is in the image above) on the fema announcement. If that needs to happen then wouldn't that mean something was downloaded onto all tech devices? And if we were to turn off or unplug everything and turn it back on after, wouldn't that be the same thing? Couldn't they still download whatever it is, as soon as we turn equipment back on? Sorry I'm not very tech savvy so if someone please explain it to me.
So, sorta. If they make devices download the update ahead of time, then you will be unable to escape it.
But even if you escape an update, ISPs and cell phone providers have the ability to force an update or disallow phone usage until you do by making an update entirely unskippable.
I assume optimum is a cable company. When the EAS signal is sent out to cable boxes, it makes it switch to a different channel and the EAS message is inserted on that channel. Sometimes when the message is over, it may not switch back to the previous channel, and maybe this is why they are asking you to power cycle?
Another problem with 5g conspiracies is they don't actually have a universal standard. It's why carriers are able to just claim 3G / 4G / 4G LTE etc. They don't actually mean anything other than marketing pissing off engineering.
Is this for the set-top box or for any and all equipment we have at home, i.e. cable modem, router, computer, smart T.V., phone, laptop, Internet of Things (IoT) stuff (NEST, GE smart washing machine/dryer, smart refrigerator) and many more?
". . . reboot our appliances . . ."? I don't have any "appliances" that would ever need rebooting. I don't have TV or cell phone, so that doesn't apply either.
Unless bombs go off or something similar, I won't know about this test, unless I just happen to look at my old-fashioned wristwatch at the right time.
You need to be selective in your choices of technology.
"say"? I really don't have one. I also don't have a TV any more. I just have this desktop computer that I built over 10 years ago.
In my world, an appliance means a stove, refrigerator, mixer, etc. In 40+ years of past experience with cable boxes, I've never before heard anyone refer to one as an appliance.
Release Date:
August 9, 2021
WASHINGTON -- FEMA and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will test the nation’s public alert and warning systems at 2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday. FEMA regularly tests the public alert and warning systems to assess the operational readiness of the supporting infrastructure. The tests also help identify any needed technological and administrative improvements to the systems.
OK, I think there's a bug in what runs the set top boxes. Most cable systems across the US use the same 2 or 3 variants of STB software.
The last two times I've gotten an EAS message (weather-related), I've needed to reboot the box to get the chyron to go away (Spectrum). Can confirm the same on a newer box on Comcast, too.
lol Keep trying to explain it to them. Some people are just technically challenged (and cant resist a hype train)...bless em.
This is one small cable company saying devices "MAY" need to be restarted if they freeze/crash. Restarting your device is always the first step of any tech support call. It doesnt mean they just pushed an update onto your device.
So its a small cable company trying to mitigate 1million tech support calls in 1 hour from people with certain hardware that "MAY" freeze for any number of 9000 possible reasons.
Yeah I’m technically challenged, except I have 25 years of IT and experience with a focus on security and in all my years I’ve never been told that an emergency broadcast should require a reboot to return to functionality (except when a patch of some sort has been pushed that required a reboot to finish) optimum serves a densely packed area and has exclusivity in some areas due to corrupt towns cutting shady deals.
Nothing wrong with you speculating. It's a bit odd, but it says "may require" as in not definitely. Most people wont reset at all. Apparently the FEMA warning doesn't say anything about restarting devices. So 99% of people won't restart.
To me it sounds like they are just prepping for the onslaught of tech support calls all at the same time. If you called them they will probably have the usual recorded message to try rebooting before you join the 4 hour queue for tech support. That doesn't mean they just did anything to your device, it's just a standard tech support thing.
Millions of devices out there, and the number of combinations of cheap chinese hardware and possibly buggy software are almost infinite. Some of these "may" have issues. Comcast is just hoping their tech support department doesn't get overloaded.
But you do you. A day without internet isn't a bad thing.
I've worked with television equipment for over 20 years, this is absolutely abnormal. A standard video signal should not (cannot) effect the operation of your equipment. Newer smart tvs receiving digital transmissions, sure, but that means this is not a normal "test of the emergency broadcast system" its absolutely more than that.
Bought long distance walkie-talkies for that reason. One for my parents, one for my in-laws, one for our house. Dropped them off to everyone in a faraday bag with a solar charger. Better to look crazy then be proven right as opposed to not doing anything and being up shit’s creek without a paddle.
Definitely not a normal test. I’m living in a tornado-prone city and we get these about once a week. Never once had to reset anything. Crazy dose of hopium right here. Just please God, let it be Trump saying “My fellow Americans”, and not Biden sending us into a nationwide lockdown.
No, microwaves use a different material. Aluminum foil won’t hurt, and putting your phone somewhere low, the lowest point in your house, won’t hurt either
So which the fork is it? 2 or 2:20? why do we have to reboot unless they are pushing a patch that requires a restart to install fully. I don't know about y'all but I'm unplugging my important shit at 1:45, hell I might flip the circuit breakers and unplug everything. wrapping my backup drives in tin foil. Hell I'm wrapping my head in foil, this is it boys, it's foil time!
(obviously don't turn it on lol)
If you happen to have chainmail it makes an effective Faraday cage (I make chainmail for a hobby).
New use for my old set.
Does mithril work?
Any conductive metal, gold alloys included, can.
I know a guy who makes chain mail out of pop tops. Calls hims of "The Poptop Knight." His armor is impressive.
Do you call your hammer Big Mike?
The craft of chainmail does not require a hammer. The tools I employ are wire cutters and pliers. I am not quixotic enough to name my tools (though some of my family members probably would).
I forget what movie we were watching but after some scene where someone mentions their weapon by name my mom suddenly asks what the names of my guns are and I'm just like "who the hell actually names them in real life?"
That is not my name, I'm afraid. I take it you have a friend who does chainmail?
Naw, youtuber cody aka Cody's Lab, he made his own set of copper chainmail for fun. I love watching his backyard science experiments and other wacky things he does.
Does it need to be plugged in?
No, if possible even unplug it to prevent any possible issues if there are power spikes.
Honestly, one of the best pre built faraday cages you can get. Just buy an old broke or beat up one. Stick in the garage and just keep sensitive electronics in it all the time. Pull out if needed and put them back in when done.
actually yes it does, it needs to be grounded or it won't redirect the energy to ground. You could connect the ground on the plug to ground itself, such as a water pipe(unless you have pex) or a copper coated rod used to ground the electrical system in the house, NOT THE GROUND BUS in the electrical panel!!!!!
Not sure an EMP is the worry but more or less signal transmission to your device for purposes of a forced update or firmware load.
Or remove the 2 positive/neutral tabs and leave the ground and stick it in the outlet?
I’ve got one in the garage and it now has a new use. Thanks fren!
If it is plugged in, the cage is grounded out. If not the cage is floating, but it remains a cage nonetheless.
Explain please
Thanks. Didn’t know
I literally just did. If your concerned about your electronics, do this.
you're concerned your electronics, no?
You are
Thanks for the reminder!
Probably best to unplug modems, routers, tvs, computers, etc. Think we'll stick our ipads and laptops in the microwave as well.
then how are we supposed to communicate to each other
Could not resist the possibility of popcorn from all those kernels of truth on my Hard Drive...
Same. I have my server rack grounded in case of an EMP or something, it'll be shielded at least. Before I leave for work I'll be turning everything off and hitting my breaker main.
Just in case...
I keep telling my husband I want a car from the 60's or 70's. Think I finally have him onboard. Mine won't be a muscle car though because I bring our grandchildren all over the place. Found an old Vista Cruiser. My daughter keeps calling me "Red" because the Forman family on "That 70's Show" had one.
This may be my favorite comment ever. 👍
Same. I am in awe daily of the collective knowledge of the pedes. You people seriously rock.
Would it effect the ignition system,.spark plugs and such?
No, if it is old school cap and rotor with coil, it will be fine. If electronic ignition, then possibly no bueno. Cars are generally fine anyway, the metal of the body does get a large voltage induced, but theoretically it needs to have a difference in potential to allow current to flow. The only way current will flow is if your car is grounded. Everything can be raised to a high voltage potential without damage. We really don't have any hard data for EMP of any significant level to really know what to expect over land. Most nuclear explosions are underground or over the ocean. The testing in the early days in the Western US didn't result in catastrophic EMP that destroyed everything electrical/electronic. If a jet can be struck by lightning, which happens fairly often without destroying the sensitve elctronics, I think cars will be fine.
Good luck getting gas pumps to fill it in the event of EMP.
Don't need it. Mine are all diesel. Biodiesel is the only thing I can actually make myself, so I got rid of gasoline and switched to diesel
Only if you have a device with a wireless transceiver that you don’t have driver level control over.
Is that Ed's time?
Eastern daylight savings...the phone turned eds into what you see.
Lololololol that went from zero to 100 quick
I think we are switching over from the deep state's satellites, and over to the the Elon Musk satellite network. I expect in those 5 minutes, our killer satellites will knock out the Deep State Sats, and Space Force will go live with the new network.
At least that is how it works in my over active imagination. 😎 it sounds good to me, anyway!
Yea he's good, really good!
And when we're back online, something like the V for Vendetta emergency broadcast comes on:
From your mouth to Gods ears!
reality is stranger than fiction ...this is more plausible than one knows
Yes I definitely think you are on to something!
Honestly, i'm expecting 1 message:
“THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”
But for 30 minutes long?
Good catch. I'm still expecting one message, but it could be possible it takes 30m to do a nation-wide (alaska + hawaii) test, so in short "expect our message between 2:20pm-2:50pm".
however not to burst your bubble, i hope it's 30 minutes of something serious like "Biden Arrested, Martial law enacted. Return home, find shelter, we're hunting commies"
Because if it's that, you can bet all your money i'm laughing up and fist pumping while it's going on.
Ask and you shall receive, fren. Get ready to laugh:
Downloaded. Spicy.
If only someone could get that up on the airwaves like that old fake-Max-Headroom hack years ago!
:D that would be something :D
Oh damn! He'll yeah!!
I'm in CDT in Alabama, so for me it will be 1:20 - 1:50 pm.
Yeah, I'm hoping for good news to come of it, but cautious all the same so as not to get too let down if nothing good happens. Main thing is I'm hoping for no bad news, no bad news would be good news, lol.
Yeah, I think they should be able to get it done somewhat faster that 30 minutes.
17 minutes would be my guess.
Unless it's the X22's latest a-block ...
The whole nation suddenly being told that it's time to talk about their health.
Thought about that earlier, don't think it's normal at all, usually you reboot devices when you wanna hide a temporary payload or something you did ex overflowing the buffer or whatever they could find commonly across devices (heard they may be fucking around with an exploit that uses headphones and specific frequencies to trigger zombies and damage people, quite crazy, but dunno, seeing cell and Kingsman 2 can't be excluded), there would be no reason if they would be doing a simple test....
Didn't fema do a zombie themed practice run a few years back? Yikes.
I'm glad you haven't forgotten that.
Unplug everything before the shutdown. Disconnect from the Internet for the entire day beforehand.
Don't let them force install anything.
Buy some metal pipe - a connector with two male ends and a couple end-caps. Put a flash drive with the most important info and red-pills you have in it and bury it 4 feet under. Don't seal with anything but metal, the thicker the better. (Faraday Cage).
You don't even need to bury it if you ground the pipe.
How does one go about grounding something like that?
Yell at it really loudly.
Works on my kids.
All you really need to do is connect it to your house's grounding wire (or some houses will use the water line) or you can simply drive a 2' steel rod into the ground and attach a wire to it. Boom, grounded.
A "true" faraday cage, I believe, is charged constantly to prevent any signals from going in/out of it, but I figure the biggest real risk is an EMP burst, which grounding the metal casing should protect against
How long should we leave everything unplugged though? I mean I understand turning off internet etc, but at some point we will need to turn stuff back on?
Yeah, not how that works anyways. If anything an update would happen on reboot anyways. TV receivers download updates and install them on reboot, for the most part.
As for phones, turn off automatic updates. Turning off your stuff doesn’t do anything
Yea after reading this thread I'm gonna unplug my TV and computer. Is it time to put on my tin foil hat yet?
The unplug is to avoid a power surge. They may try to burn out all devices. Even an ethernet cable caries a charge, and can fry some components if they prime it.
Anything can happen, like in a thunderstorm. Better safe than sorry.
Incredibly unlikely for a surge through an Ethernet cable to be capable of killing anything.
More likely if your gateway or router is POE (power over Ethernet) capable, I guess.
i have had my on board ethernet adapter burn out from a lighning strike more than once , for some reason it never happens to the plug in cards.
Thank you.
This thread is truly interesting, but also completely unwarrantedly paranoid. 😐
I wasn't a conservative when I became invested in technology. Too late :(
You can believe something is true but also take precaution in case it isn't true
Maybe charge your crystals tonight under the moon. Especially if it’s full, I’m not sure but it may help offset any weird energy.
This has to be the most hilarious comment in this whole thread.
Maybe do a few naked summersaults under the moon. But only if you own a white vehicle, or your gas tank is currently below full. I'm sure this will also help.
I didn't see where it says to reboot equipment (as is in the image above) on the fema announcement. If that needs to happen then wouldn't that mean something was downloaded onto all tech devices? And if we were to turn off or unplug everything and turn it back on after, wouldn't that be the same thing? Couldn't they still download whatever it is, as soon as we turn equipment back on? Sorry I'm not very tech savvy so if someone please explain it to me.
So, sorta. If they make devices download the update ahead of time, then you will be unable to escape it.
But even if you escape an update, ISPs and cell phone providers have the ability to force an update or disallow phone usage until you do by making an update entirely unskippable.
ya no reason for a reboot....
Sounds like a firmware update to me.
See, I read this earlier, but the fema website doesn't say anything about rebooting.
I assume optimum is a cable company. When the EAS signal is sent out to cable boxes, it makes it switch to a different channel and the EAS message is inserted on that channel. Sometimes when the message is over, it may not switch back to the previous channel, and maybe this is why they are asking you to power cycle?
EE background, I agree 100%.
I remember seeing some fairly...uh... vintage cable boxes there (boxes from the early 2000s still in use by long time subscribers who never moved)
The 5G is supposed to make the vaxxed bat shit crazy. Or something. Some conspiracy theory. But who knows what will happen.
Gotcha lol.
But 5g is already on.... so?
Well, i guess they are already crazy though XD
Another problem with 5g conspiracies is they don't actually have a universal standard. It's why carriers are able to just claim 3G / 4G / 4G LTE etc. They don't actually mean anything other than marketing pissing off engineering.
OP Fear mongering.. “appliances” bro. Just turn off and turn on your tv again. Ain’t nothing being installed lol
Where does the FEMA website state that we need to reboot?
Disconnect the internet from all non-computers anons.
Tv hooked up to wifi/ethernet? disconnect ethernet, point it to a dummy wi-fi with no internet.
Is this for the set-top box or for any and all equipment we have at home, i.e. cable modem, router, computer, smart T.V., phone, laptop, Internet of Things (IoT) stuff (NEST, GE smart washing machine/dryer, smart refrigerator) and many more?
Yikes. So should phones, etc be turned off?!
this sounds like firmware update to me. Who is optimum?
Don't use smart appliances ever, no need.
Optimum is an isp in the northeast. I haven’t heard from Comcast yet.
My sister got one for centurylink today too...
My centurylink email addy is, so I'm good.... 😁
". . . reboot our appliances . . ."? I don't have any "appliances" that would ever need rebooting. I don't have TV or cell phone, so that doesn't apply either.
Unless bombs go off or something similar, I won't know about this test, unless I just happen to look at my old-fashioned wristwatch at the right time.
You need to be selective in your choices of technology.
"say"? I really don't have one. I also don't have a TV any more. I just have this desktop computer that I built over 10 years ago.
In my world, an appliance means a stove, refrigerator, mixer, etc. In 40+ years of past experience with cable boxes, I've never before heard anyone refer to one as an appliance.
I'm gonna go off on a limb and assure you if bombs go off it will no longer be a test.
Is it 2:00 EST?
2:20pm EST
More at link:
We're on daylight savings
I thought it was going to be at 2:20pm ?
2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Aug. 11.
Says on website... Aug 11, 2021 2:20 PM EST - Aug 11, 2021 2:50 PM EST...
In Alabama (region 4) it is suppose to start at 1:20 - 1:50 pm....
Does that mean at 1:20 on our clocks?
If you are in Central Daylight Time zone, like I am in Alabama. 1:20 PM CDT - 1:50 PM CDT
OK, I think there's a bug in what runs the set top boxes. Most cable systems across the US use the same 2 or 3 variants of STB software.
The last two times I've gotten an EAS message (weather-related), I've needed to reboot the box to get the chyron to go away (Spectrum). Can confirm the same on a newer box on Comcast, too.
Can the Emergency system be used to download software onto our devices?
IF yes, maybe everybody should unplug and/or turn off their devices for this time period?
lol Keep trying to explain it to them. Some people are just technically challenged (and cant resist a hype train)...bless em.
This is one small cable company saying devices "MAY" need to be restarted if they freeze/crash. Restarting your device is always the first step of any tech support call. It doesnt mean they just pushed an update onto your device.
So its a small cable company trying to mitigate 1million tech support calls in 1 hour from people with certain hardware that "MAY" freeze for any number of 9000 possible reasons.
Yeah I’m technically challenged, except I have 25 years of IT and experience with a focus on security and in all my years I’ve never been told that an emergency broadcast should require a reboot to return to functionality (except when a patch of some sort has been pushed that required a reboot to finish) optimum serves a densely packed area and has exclusivity in some areas due to corrupt towns cutting shady deals.
Nothing wrong with you speculating. It's a bit odd, but it says "may require" as in not definitely. Most people wont reset at all. Apparently the FEMA warning doesn't say anything about restarting devices. So 99% of people won't restart.
To me it sounds like they are just prepping for the onslaught of tech support calls all at the same time. If you called them they will probably have the usual recorded message to try rebooting before you join the 4 hour queue for tech support. That doesn't mean they just did anything to your device, it's just a standard tech support thing.
Millions of devices out there, and the number of combinations of cheap chinese hardware and possibly buggy software are almost infinite. Some of these "may" have issues. Comcast is just hoping their tech support department doesn't get overloaded.
But you do you. A day without internet isn't a bad thing.
FEMA website says nothing about a reboot.
Why should we believe what Optimum is posting above? The FEMA FCC message says 2:20 and Optimum says 2:00. Is this more misinformation, this time being pushed by Optimum?
thank you, fren, and where does FEMA state we need to reboot?
I've worked with television equipment for over 20 years, this is absolutely abnormal. A standard video signal should not (cannot) effect the operation of your equipment. Newer smart tvs receiving digital transmissions, sure, but that means this is not a normal "test of the emergency broadcast system" its absolutely more than that.
I wonder if this is going to affect Eastern Canada?
Bought long distance walkie-talkies for that reason. One for my parents, one for my in-laws, one for our house. Dropped them off to everyone in a faraday bag with a solar charger. Better to look crazy then be proven right as opposed to not doing anything and being up shit’s creek without a paddle.
Which time zone
This isn't the comms blackout we're anticipating. However, why would we need to reboot those devices if this is just a harmless test?
I'm betting some of the "right leaning" channels like OANN, Newsmax, etc may not be functional after this. That's what I'm anticipating, anyway.
Definitely not a normal test. I’m living in a tornado-prone city and we get these about once a week. Never once had to reset anything. Crazy dose of hopium right here. Just please God, let it be Trump saying “My fellow Americans”, and not Biden sending us into a nationwide lockdown.
Remember, 2:20 eastern standard time.
Sounds like an involuntary download/install of something, hence the reboot.
if someone can record the fema message
Question: Will a conventional oven on a gas stove work as a Faraday cage as well???
No, microwaves use a different material. Aluminum foil won’t hurt, and putting your phone somewhere low, the lowest point in your house, won’t hurt either
Thank you. The reason I asked was that according to ddg even a microwave won't work.