Oh man I am gonna be insufferable once election fraud is proven, the vax boomerang happens and I am rich after GME, Gold, Silver and XRP takes off.
I am a millennial in the Seattle area me and my conservative friends have been cut off by our former liberal friends. The people I work with are woke as fuck. I am gonna be talking so much shit that the waste water treatment facility can’t handle it.
A girl broke up with me over my support of Trump. She went full woke after she moved to Seattle and got into UW. We dated for nearly a year.
She posts shit about how dumb Trump supporters are, how dumb anti maskers and anti vaxxers are etc.
She still follows my snap stories though cause I post beer stuff on it. When she realizes that her dumbass conspiratard ex BF pnwhomebrewer was right about everything and is rich now too oh man will I have a shit eating grin from sea to shining sea.
She was quite frankly a bitch to me when we broke up. I will have the last laugh my fren. I haven’t deleted her from social media just for this moment. Yes I know I am being super petty.
For me it will depend on the person and the situation. For normies I will help them through it, for the insufferable Karens Im going full asshole and putting the screws to em.
Dude I wouldn’t worry about seeming petty, the left has been trying to poison us, disarm us, and steal our country. They’ll be lucky if they only have to eat humble pie with two scoops of poop
What goes around comes around. My ex bf did something similar except rather than going woke, he went RINO: he lost faith in Trump and everything after the election was validated and no longer wanted to talk politics with me. I’ve tried warning him about what’s coming but he refuses to listen to me. Like you, I’ll have the last laugh because rather than heed my advice he buried his head in the sand and won’t be prepared for anything.
He also treated me like garbage but that’s another story lol
I’m sorry to hear that, fren. I will admit if I didn’t find this fantastic board I’d probably be right there with all of the quitters. And now I’m thinking of it, I wonder if Q’s reference to “normies” are these very people that lost faith in everything after the sham election, and the Great Awakening may bring them back on board. If AZ recalls their electors and shared all the nefarious activities that went on just in their state, then I can see people like your dad and my jerk of an ex boyfriend coming back around. At least that’s what I’m hoping will happen..
I still pray for them to wake up, but my 'friends' who talked endless shit behind my back ... I'm done with them.
The ones that talk shit to my face, I'm ok with them. They have the balls to be honest on what they think. And we talk, and disagree whatever that's life... and if they want information later (I hope sooner) I'll give them links and places to start digging.
To the backstabbers ... I hope you find what you're looking for... but please leave me alone.
Make sure to tell them how...explain to them that good always overcomes evil. That truth is always pursued more than lies. That Satan is a fool. And that God, always wins.
Nor did Biden win Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania or Wisconsin. I can already see liberal and rino heads exploding. Good times ahead...
The longer his occupation goes on, the more the average person can see how utterly destructive the democrats are not only to America but western civilisation.
When the Arizona storm hits more people will be open to the idea that the president isn’t actually legitimate.
When I say destructive to western civilisation - all of the people fleeing the Taliban will end up in Europe, doing what they do, just like they did when Hillary/ Obama killed Gadaffi.
Europe pays the price for democrat foreign policy.
its been interesting watching our checkered governor Ducey double down on his insistence on protecting against vaccine and mask mandates. He's not even running for office again, so its not just about political optics. Almost like he knows what's coming down the pike with disclosure and wants to be in the forefront. I dunno, he's the most mixed bag half-RINO half-MAGA governor out there, hard to figure out his true motives.
Well according to Dr. Zelenko all is not lost. They can do his prophylactic protocol and save themselves but they will probably need to be on it the rest of their lives.
Here is his suggestion to take daily to keep from getting sick:
Vitamin D (125 mcg daily), Vitamin C (1000 mg daily), Zinc (25-50mg daily) and
HCQ (200 mg for 5 days and then 200-400 mg weekly) OR. Quercitin 500 mg daily)
That may be good for treating/preventing covid, but the RNA alterations caused by the covid shots is what is the most worrisome aspect, for long-term side-effects.
and there's no known protocol since there are too many unknowns about long term effects. anything that monkeys with the epigenetic toolbox is new territory, anyone claiming they have a magic bullet on mitigating vaccine effects are bullshitters to be avoided.
I hope it never gets that far. It would be an absolute travesty if that is the case. I don't know how one can justify it, when the entire point was about ending the tyranny of the elite, not making excuses for it and letting it happen.
Like I said, I can only hope it never gets there. But the pattern is that everything that we hope would not happen, has been happening. Look at the steal on November 3rd. Look at Biden getting inaugurated. Look at the political prisoners of January 6. Look at the border crisis. Look at the woke military bullshit. Look at the medical tyranny. If there is ever a point where the pattern is suppose to break, now would be a good time.
The tricky part of this statement is “when the public realizes he didn’t win Arizona.”
Unlike the Afghanistan news, I wonder if the media will just ignore the Arizona results, not report it. The public at large will not hear this information unless it’s reported by the big media. All of us know the truth, many on other social media know it already. The public? Still listening to ABC half hour headlines on the radio for their news.
I wonder if Fox was in on it, in terms of knowing AZ was a setup to show the nation that if fraud could occur in a state that is considered solidly "red", and not known for corruption like Illinois and Pennsylvania, then the nation would really be awake and obviously accept that fraud occurred in the traditional "cheating" states. And the early call of AZ on election night was all part of this.
An election isn't valid until all 50 states have certified. If one state recalls their certification then we are in uncharted territory. At least this is how I understand it.
That's a great point. Having audit results showing that on top of recent disastrous decisions will really pile on. Hopefully they will drag Kamala down too. I know, I know. Nancy Pelosi on deck. We still gotta figure out how to handle that.
Love It! I have a $100 bet with a turn coat "republican" that voted Biden and said Trump wouldn't turn a single state after election day! I want my money back!
Oddly, I have always stated that I support policies, not politicians. I refuse to let people pin me to a politician. It happens that Trump supports many of those same policies, but not all. This allows me to objectively express disappointment at some laws, compromises, decisions are not aligned my views.
I would like to suggest therapy for everyone that are actually supporting the MSM as their political world view. Although, when the conversation happens it is easy to navigate around their arguments. Easy, because MSM taught people to have emotional attachments to politicians that serve the agenda that MSM is pushing. Simply navigating to policies and away from people changes the conversation to something productive and less emotional.
Sadly, there are not enough therapist in the world to reprogram the people that have a world view that was narrated to them by television.
They're not going to realize. Why do you guys think it will be different? They're going to disengage from the conversation and stick rigidly with 'blue no matter who', and at whatever cost.
The thing is most already have been brainwashed to believe the company doing the audit is illegitimate and are Trump supporters. So those will never believe its true. They would believe the audit is fraud. It would take all the MSM to be shouting it from the rooftops in support of the audit. But I don't care what they believe as long as they decertify and Devolution takes place. 🙏🙏🙏
I'm as cheerful as ever, just a realist. All you have to do is ask people, almost all of them know, almost all of them don't care.
Just as almost all of them know biden is pitiful, and that Comey admitted hillary did treasons, not enough of us care.
A very large number of the people in our Society simply do not love America or the American Ideal, truth and Justice simply do not matter, Honor does not matter.
All you have to do is ask them, let them tell you.
You don't even have a deport button Ma'am. OP asked, I answered, but 'some' folks don't like the whole notion of free speech, leftists for instance.... and you.
Actually no. Everyone doesn’t know. Or know fully. But actions speak louder than words right? Action will come. Despite what the media hides. Your upset, like many, that “nothing has happened”. And that statement couldn’t be more wrong. If your trying to win a war in a day, or a week, or a month...I’m sure your motivation alone would destroy you. Battles win wars. And if your not paying attention, battles are being fought, and what’s good and decent is winning. And winning a lot. So don’t despair. The war will be won, it already has. But it won’t be done to your schedule, or mine. But it will happen. Have hope in man, but keep your faith in Jesus Christ.
Well you aren't a mind-reader or analyst that's for sure, that would be malpractice if I had paid for that.
Dollar to a doughnut I can name more things that have habbened or are habbening than you can, and I'm not upset I expected to be just about where we are now. That's why I posted what I did, why my frens all mostly agree with it.
I DO rest easy, haven't despaired since Ayers' people bombed the Capital decades ago, well maybe when the daughter was kidnapped in the early 90s, perhaps again when islamics and deep state did 9/11.
I've never had much Hope in man, but absolute Faith in Jesus, like I said, a Realist.
Well then we are on the same page then. Only difference is I feel people do care. They just feel helpless. I’ve learned prayers are not helpless, they are about the only thing we the people can do on a daily basis. Sure there are times we get a chance to stand up, speak out. But many don’t. God is who we look to. Who we pray to. I think we’re all gonna be just fine. ESP those followers of Jesus Christ. We’ve already won.
Love it! I didn't even think about that part.
Man, it's gonna be fun talking to people that told me to shut up there was no election fraud.
Enjoy it frens. It's our right to call these people out. Just do it in a manner that makes them question everything else the MSM has said.
Oh man I am gonna be insufferable once election fraud is proven, the vax boomerang happens and I am rich after GME, Gold, Silver and XRP takes off.
I am a millennial in the Seattle area me and my conservative friends have been cut off by our former liberal friends. The people I work with are woke as fuck. I am gonna be talking so much shit that the waste water treatment facility can’t handle it.
Also I like your style!
This is the way!!!
Give them shit!
A girl broke up with me over my support of Trump. She went full woke after she moved to Seattle and got into UW. We dated for nearly a year.
She posts shit about how dumb Trump supporters are, how dumb anti maskers and anti vaxxers are etc.
She still follows my snap stories though cause I post beer stuff on it. When she realizes that her dumbass conspiratard ex BF pnwhomebrewer was right about everything and is rich now too oh man will I have a shit eating grin from sea to shining sea.
She was quite frankly a bitch to me when we broke up. I will have the last laugh my fren. I haven’t deleted her from social media just for this moment. Yes I know I am being super petty.
Sounds like you dodged a bullet, fren.
I did my current GF is much nicer. She’s a normie but whatever. She’ll wake up once it really starts hitting the fan.
Yes!! Never impregnate the wackos!
I think a lot of us are going to be ‘petty’. I know I’m probably going to be sarcastic as hell…
For me it will depend on the person and the situation. For normies I will help them through it, for the insufferable Karens Im going full asshole and putting the screws to em.
Dude I wouldn’t worry about seeming petty, the left has been trying to poison us, disarm us, and steal our country. They’ll be lucky if they only have to eat humble pie with two scoops of poop
Exactly. FUCK 'EM!
What goes around comes around. My ex bf did something similar except rather than going woke, he went RINO: he lost faith in Trump and everything after the election was validated and no longer wanted to talk politics with me. I’ve tried warning him about what’s coming but he refuses to listen to me. Like you, I’ll have the last laugh because rather than heed my advice he buried his head in the sand and won’t be prepared for anything.
He also treated me like garbage but that’s another story lol
I don't know any woke ppl but i know a lot of people exactly like you just described. My poor dad is one of them.
I’m sorry to hear that, fren. I will admit if I didn’t find this fantastic board I’d probably be right there with all of the quitters. And now I’m thinking of it, I wonder if Q’s reference to “normies” are these very people that lost faith in everything after the sham election, and the Great Awakening may bring them back on board. If AZ recalls their electors and shared all the nefarious activities that went on just in their state, then I can see people like your dad and my jerk of an ex boyfriend coming back around. At least that’s what I’m hoping will happen..
Sweet righteous revenge
A dish best served cold.
The best line I've heard yet is from this board: quit asking me how I knew when you should be asking WHY YOU DIDN'T!!
Revenge is best served.... constantly 😂
I still pray for them to wake up, but my 'friends' who talked endless shit behind my back ... I'm done with them.
The ones that talk shit to my face, I'm ok with them. They have the balls to be honest on what they think. And we talk, and disagree whatever that's life... and if they want information later (I hope sooner) I'll give them links and places to start digging.
To the backstabbers ... I hope you find what you're looking for... but please leave me alone.
Make sure to tell them how...explain to them that good always overcomes evil. That truth is always pursued more than lies. That Satan is a fool. And that God, always wins.
I will for some. Some though are complete assholes and they need the shit talk.
Good one.
Yeah buddy!
A reckoning.
This is so beautifully choreographed and timed - we are watching a movie with expert producers, directors and actors. Awesome!
Blame them for the f'd up situation our Country is in.
One of them is my wife. If she doesn't wake up then I don't know what to do.
God I cannot wait until the SHTF on the election results.
Nor did Biden win Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania or Wisconsin. I can already see liberal and rino heads exploding. Good times ahead...
Wait until they find out he didnt win Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Illionois, Georgia, California and several others...
...Arizona will just be the appetizer.
The longer his occupation goes on, the more the average person can see how utterly destructive the democrats are not only to America but western civilisation.
When the Arizona storm hits more people will be open to the idea that the president isn’t actually legitimate.
When I say destructive to western civilisation - all of the people fleeing the Taliban will end up in Europe, doing what they do, just like they did when Hillary/ Obama killed Gadaffi.
Europe pays the price for democrat foreign policy.
Almost as if a great awakening is going on....
its been interesting watching our checkered governor Ducey double down on his insistence on protecting against vaccine and mask mandates. He's not even running for office again, so its not just about political optics. Almost like he knows what's coming down the pike with disclosure and wants to be in the forefront. I dunno, he's the most mixed bag half-RINO half-MAGA governor out there, hard to figure out his true motives.
Wait until people start dyeing from the vaccines. We are going to have a defunct government with 65% of some neighborhoods dead.
I think it is time to start organizing in our communities for body disposal.
Well according to Dr. Zelenko all is not lost. They can do his prophylactic protocol and save themselves but they will probably need to be on it the rest of their lives.
Here is his suggestion to take daily to keep from getting sick: Vitamin D (125 mcg daily), Vitamin C (1000 mg daily), Zinc (25-50mg daily) and
HCQ (200 mg for 5 days and then 200-400 mg weekly) OR. Quercitin 500 mg daily)
That may be good for treating/preventing covid, but the RNA alterations caused by the covid shots is what is the most worrisome aspect, for long-term side-effects.
and there's no known protocol since there are too many unknowns about long term effects. anything that monkeys with the epigenetic toolbox is new territory, anyone claiming they have a magic bullet on mitigating vaccine effects are bullshitters to be avoided.
I hope it never gets that far. It would be an absolute travesty if that is the case. I don't know how one can justify it, when the entire point was about ending the tyranny of the elite, not making excuses for it and letting it happen.
If that really happens, anyone who pushed the vaxx needs to hang. Including Trump.
Like I said, I can only hope it never gets there. But the pattern is that everything that we hope would not happen, has been happening. Look at the steal on November 3rd. Look at Biden getting inaugurated. Look at the political prisoners of January 6. Look at the border crisis. Look at the woke military bullshit. Look at the medical tyranny. If there is ever a point where the pattern is suppose to break, now would be a good time.
It won't happen, you guys have really gone off the deep end with the vaxx propaganda. Sad to see.
Are you saying that ADE hasn't killed all the test animals?
I'm saying if you think the vaccines are killing tons of people or are going to kill tons of people, you're as gullible as a covidian.
Do you think it's relatively safe?
The tricky part of this statement is “when the public realizes he didn’t win Arizona.”
Unlike the Afghanistan news, I wonder if the media will just ignore the Arizona results, not report it. The public at large will not hear this information unless it’s reported by the big media. All of us know the truth, many on other social media know it already. The public? Still listening to ABC half hour headlines on the radio for their news.
I think once it's in the open and proven, they have no choice or they themselves may be accused of aiding our enemies.
AND only got about 40 million votes nationwide vs 81 mill.
... or the rest of the states
The military may be the entity showing us this movie.
*The election
...or Georgia...or Michigan...or Wisconsin...or Pennsylvania...or Minnesota
How will the public know ?
I wonder if Fox was in on it, in terms of knowing AZ was a setup to show the nation that if fraud could occur in a state that is considered solidly "red", and not known for corruption like Illinois and Pennsylvania, then the nation would really be awake and obviously accept that fraud occurred in the traditional "cheating" states. And the early call of AZ on election night was all part of this.
Of course it will start with, "Yeah, but that doesn't change the results of the election, so...!"
"AZ and PA aren't enough to change the election, so...!"
An election isn't valid until all 50 states have certified. If one state recalls their certification then we are in uncharted territory. At least this is how I understand it.
and so begins the prophecy of the 2 presidents
That's a great point. Having audit results showing that on top of recent disastrous decisions will really pile on. Hopefully they will drag Kamala down too. I know, I know. Nancy Pelosi on deck. We still gotta figure out how to handle that.
hahah Bring It On
Thats the least of it.
Love It! I have a $100 bet with a turn coat "republican" that voted Biden and said Trump wouldn't turn a single state after election day! I want my money back!
I just want my family to stop trashing Trump and saying I need therapy for supporting him.
Oddly, I have always stated that I support policies, not politicians. I refuse to let people pin me to a politician. It happens that Trump supports many of those same policies, but not all. This allows me to objectively express disappointment at some laws, compromises, decisions are not aligned my views.
I would like to suggest therapy for everyone that are actually supporting the MSM as their political world view. Although, when the conversation happens it is easy to navigate around their arguments. Easy, because MSM taught people to have emotional attachments to politicians that serve the agenda that MSM is pushing. Simply navigating to policies and away from people changes the conversation to something productive and less emotional.
Sadly, there are not enough therapist in the world to reprogram the people that have a world view that was narrated to them by television.
Shitshow incoming
I hope those results are released before Saturday’s Rally?! I’m thinking they will be 💥 🇺🇸 🎉
They're not going to realize. Why do you guys think it will be different? They're going to disengage from the conversation and stick rigidly with 'blue no matter who', and at whatever cost.
The thing is most already have been brainwashed to believe the company doing the audit is illegitimate and are Trump supporters. So those will never believe its true. They would believe the audit is fraud. It would take all the MSM to be shouting it from the rooftops in support of the audit. But I don't care what they believe as long as they decertify and Devolution takes place. 🙏🙏🙏
The reaction to the fact of election fraud has already come and gone. It's done, everyone knows, not enough of us care.
Oh cmon pede don't be like that. Cheer up
I'm as cheerful as ever, just a realist. All you have to do is ask people, almost all of them know, almost all of them don't care.
Just as almost all of them know biden is pitiful, and that Comey admitted hillary did treasons, not enough of us care.
A very large number of the people in our Society simply do not love America or the American Ideal, truth and Justice simply do not matter, Honor does not matter.
All you have to do is ask them, let them tell you.
And I ain't a pede.
No you aren’t. Obvious shill/doomer. Deport
You don't even have a deport button Ma'am. OP asked, I answered, but 'some' folks don't like the whole notion of free speech, leftists for instance.... and you.
Actually no. Everyone doesn’t know. Or know fully. But actions speak louder than words right? Action will come. Despite what the media hides. Your upset, like many, that “nothing has happened”. And that statement couldn’t be more wrong. If your trying to win a war in a day, or a week, or a month...I’m sure your motivation alone would destroy you. Battles win wars. And if your not paying attention, battles are being fought, and what’s good and decent is winning. And winning a lot. So don’t despair. The war will be won, it already has. But it won’t be done to your schedule, or mine. But it will happen. Have hope in man, but keep your faith in Jesus Christ.
Rest easy brother. 👍🙏❤️
Well you aren't a mind-reader or analyst that's for sure, that would be malpractice if I had paid for that.
Dollar to a doughnut I can name more things that have habbened or are habbening than you can, and I'm not upset I expected to be just about where we are now. That's why I posted what I did, why my frens all mostly agree with it.
I DO rest easy, haven't despaired since Ayers' people bombed the Capital decades ago, well maybe when the daughter was kidnapped in the early 90s, perhaps again when islamics and deep state did 9/11.
I've never had much Hope in man, but absolute Faith in Jesus, like I said, a Realist.
Well then we are on the same page then. Only difference is I feel people do care. They just feel helpless. I’ve learned prayers are not helpless, they are about the only thing we the people can do on a daily basis. Sure there are times we get a chance to stand up, speak out. But many don’t. God is who we look to. Who we pray to. I think we’re all gonna be just fine. ESP those followers of Jesus Christ. We’ve already won.