Dave from X22 Report brought up a point tonight I had never considered.
Many people want to know why Trump pushes vaccines.
Why does he want them to be rushed?
Why not allow the normal time for clinical trials?
What's the hurry?
It doesn't make sense.
Remember when Trump argued with Congress for 2 years to get a wall built on the southern border?
All the while, he had secretly planned to build and fund the wall using the military.
By creating a public debate with Congress, he proved to the public the fact that they support drug trafficking, human trafficking and weapons trafficking.
What if Trump has an ulterior motive for rushing covid vaccines to market?
What risk do pharmaceutical companies bear if they market drugs that have not been adequately tested for safety?
How much money in damages do you think they might be liable for over the next 10 years?
What risk toes the FDA assume?
What about the CDC?
Is Trump allowing members of the medical technocracy to dig their own graves?
It has been my belief that one reason Trump backed the fast development and release of a covid vaccine was to end the lockdowns, which saved us from financial collapse. If it is also true that he did it to goad big pharma into assuming massive legal risk, leading to their financial ruin, it may be the most brilliant tactical move of his political career.
The flaw with the theory that Trump set up vaccine manufacturers to assume legal liability is that vaccine manufacturers have been given immunity against damages. If you take that at face value and look no further it throws cold water on the idea.
But there's more to the story.
Immunity is not a cut and dry issue.
There are limitations.
As Newsweek pointed out in this article, immunity is granted unless there is "willful misconduct" by the company.
Given what we know about pharmaceutical companies, and given the fact that they're offered immunity, what do you suppose the odds are that they might engage in willful misconduct, such as falsifying research data?
Immunity often acts as an enticement to commit fraud. All a plaintiff needs is evidence of willful misconduct.
Ok it probably won't be until Friday my schedule is really full but I will do that. There's a lot to unpack in what I've seen I spend hours and hours on the wordpress site.
It's why I try to get people to learn the coms because we need to so that once this operation is done, the ds won't be able to get away with it again, because we'll be on to those f ers.
I think there was a Q post saying the same thing for us to learn their coms so we know what they're doing.
1 causing /colluding with groups responsible for actually causing the disease in the first place
2 knowing full well that the vaccine actually helps promote the delta variant (or other strains)
3 promoting use of "boosters" every 3 months to reap in profits, and also possibly knowing of simple cheap cures, and colluding to spread disinformation about other cheap cures
If any 2 of these are provable (in a court) I would say they would certainly lose any immunity
Well, well, well.... love this board! Learn something, a lot of things, everyday here. Didn’t know provable willful misconduct can Trump immunity! Thank you for this. Adds another dimension to the story and what the ultimate strategy was.
Most likely plus when tens or hundreds of thousands are signing up it's going to take time to get through the list but everyone fancies themself to be an important influencer because they shitpost a lot.
I started to ask myself the same question when I saw interview of "former pfizer" employee. She's still working for pfizer, but as a marketing consultant. Would she talk against she's major client?
Thanks for the link. I got about a third through it w/out diving into the links, will go back to the beginning and look it over in detail. So far the part about comms inre flipping clowns and assassins is very interesting. Definitely worth diving into this.
1: POTUS created operation warp speed to end the lockdowns...
2: Trump voters voted with their brains and not their fee fees...
3: POTUS knew that his supporters (most if not all) would be smart enough to research before getting the kill shots...
4: When POTUS suggested the TRUE cures for the wuflu, the msm (manipulated state media) ridiculed and shut him down...
5: The fact he has been "pushing" the kill shot gives him plausible deniability in all this fiasco...
6: Now this comes out and proves all of the above...
POTUS is and has been 5 steps ahead of the ds/cabal/nwo this whole time. He has been playing with them like a prodigy plays a violin or piano. If you truly think POTUS doesn't have the best interests of America and the American people first and foremost in his mind, then you haven't been paying attention and it's time for you to wake the fuck up...
My opinion only but there it is... Shoot it down if you want but I have faith in my God first, my self second d and POTUS and the plan third...
God's blessings and protection to all Anons, their loved ones and the world...
WWG1WGA isn't a slogan, it's a way of life...
Don't be... I took no offense... We are all family here... And the best part is that we have the freedom to Express ourselves here... Stay safe and God's blessing to you and yours...
Everyone has their theories and the fear porn is rampant on this site and patriots.win, are the mods compromised? Is this site? Are they paid shills? Are we just fear porn fags and do it to ourselves? Literally nobody knows anything at this point. Nothing, we know very little about the jab, very little about what “Covid” is or if it exists, nobody knows the truth. I know it’s a cliche but at this point in time people need to focus on the small things they can control. Stock up on food ammo water, find a place you can bug out to/hide out in. Refuse the jab at all costs because it is such an unknown variable. Find and build a community of like minded individuals and be ok with the conclusion that you will die fighting this battle, either today, tomorrow, next year or in 50 years. You won’t win nobody will someone or something will always get you in the end. Prepare for that and be ok with the end. Whatever the outcome is I choose to be free today and nobody can take that from me.
I have said before I didn't get the shot. I don't think it is necessary. I don't get the annual flu shot, either.
I don't mind if you believe whatever you believe. This is a Q site however, and I happen to believe Q and Q+ (Trump). If you want to believe something else, I am all for it.
I mean, I did go get the jab. So did my family. It all went fine and we're still happy and healthy. I know others who have gotten it and have reported no issues as well. I know lots of people here will say very different, it's their right to believe whatever. But Trump has promoted the vaccines and he would do no such thing if they were dangerous to us, those who listen to him and follow his leadership as President. I personally think all the worry about vaccines and if they're safe or not is a big psyop by the ds in order to continue driving great fear and division among us all. Trump and operation Warp Speed created the vaccine for us, the deep state is trying to turn that win into a source of division and fear and anger within us all instead.
I think the easiest explanation is that he wanted to end the lockdowns as quickly as possible and not let the democrats lock down the economy for a long time.
Dig their own graves by exposing themselves to legal action. That is only valid as long as we have an honest one tier justice system in this country, which we have seen over the past years, that it’s not. Especially not after the evil shitheads he appointed to the SCOTUS like ACB, Kavannaugh and Gorsuch. All three have been a huge fucking disappointment, stabbing us in the back and shitting on the constitution every chance they have had. I think this explanation is wishful thinking and mental gymnastics. I hope I am wrong.
I took the J&J just because it's not an MRNA shot. I support everyone's freedom not to get it though. The only reason I got it was nagging from my family, and honestly I don't believe in the vaccine having widespread deadly side effects. I'm still anti-COVID vaccine in principle which I know is weird. I don't like the idea of people being extorted to get a vaccine.
You know the only vaccine I really saw trump get worked up about was when J&J got paused for the short time, saying something alone the lines of putting a lot of work into that one. Most of the information I can find out there is on the MRNA vaccines and for some reason the J&J one is the one they are specifying you get a MRNA booster if you got that one. I still don't trust it as it still can give you problems but I do notice how it definitely less pushed than the other two.
I got sick pretty bad on the first day but I feel better now. Since it's not an MRNA shot I trust my body to be able to fight off whatever poison it is they put in there. I work out often and I haven't experienced any symptoms of blood clotting. This is not an endorsement of the shot though and I know it can be dangerous.
Yeah it’s weird but I know people who are in the exact same position/mindset you are in
They weighed the options and decided getting it was a reasonable choice for them but they’re pissed the hell off with all the vaccine passport bullshit that’s being pushed and want people to be allowed to make their own decision, not be coerced.
Same logic for me too around if you gotta get one I’d rather stay away from the mRNA experimental stuff and lean towards ones with longer history of the technology being used.
Still not convinced I’d want any but these are my thoughts around it
I mean you have to admit a lot of people are dying of Covid as well and suffering long term side effects from it
Obese landwhales with multiple comorbidities and old people who would have died anyways are dying. Nothing has changed there. World death rate in 2020 isn't much different than 2019, and the flu magically disappeared.
I do know people in their 30s-40s from my hometown who did not have those issues and died soon after getting their shots.
The flu went away because the precautions people are taking like masks, social distancing, increased hand washing, fewer gatherings with lots of people, etc, also is how you reduce any airborne/pulmonary illness, ie influenza. It's no weird conspiracy that the flu numbers went way down when people are making up, social distancing, and being more vigilant with hand washing and stuff.
Well sadly…. the only reason Covid is killing a lot of people is because they’ve been denied initial treatment, which was done on purpose to roll out the vaccine. They needed a virus to roll out the vax, not the other way around.
Everyone taking the shot is participating in a mass experiment, and I totally understand why people would think they are getting it, but considering it spreads the disease and you can still get sick from it… not a very effective Vax. If your mom or grandmother gets Covid, look into finding them an Rx for HCQ along with zinc, and lots of vitamin D & C. Or the monoclonal antibody treatment. Budesonide inhalers or nebulizing treatments can help as well.
I don't admit that a lot of people are dying of COVID, where is any evidence of that? The tests don't work, the hospitals are given bonuses for labeling a death as a COVID death, and nearly every purported COVID death could just as easily have been due to a comorbidity - or even malpractice cashing in on these bonuses. George Floyd was counted among 'COVID deaths'. COVID is a harmless cold. We are using a machete to amputate a bruise.
Trump originally wanted RFK to head up some kind of vaxxx committee. But ole Mr. Eugenist himself stepped to nix that idea. Big cabal mafia pharma syndicate.
It's the most simple explanation. I think we are taking this vaccine thing like if it was more important than lizard people or flat earth, and I know those things are deserving of more talking.
We are asking the wrong questions. It shouldn't be why is President Trump pushing the vax. The question should be why is the fake Biden pushing the vax. Why does the plan require this vaccination be pushed?
Feb 07, 2018 9:59:30 PM EST
Q !UW.yye1fxo
Make sure the list of resignations remains updated.
When does big pharma make money?
Curing or containing?
Mind will be blown by CHAIN OF COMMAND.
If Trump appeared to be skeptical of the vaccine they would blame every death on him because he interfered with vaccination rates. It would be worse than the nursing home situation. They would let people die just so they could make trump look bad. It would be dangerous to us all!
By promoting it he is just the same as everyone else - so cannot be singled out as an antivaxer for one, secondly he can legit claim to also be a victim of the bad information being pedaled. Afterall he is "not a doctor", he only takes advice on that front. So the doctors pedaling it will be guilty of deceiving a President (when he reassumes that office openly). Then he can go on the attack because they "fooled" him.
Collatoral damage is unavoidable anyway, as people are taking it mainly on the advice of bad scientists rather than the advice of Trump, a non doctor.
This idea is interesting addition to possible outcomes and so might only be a logical secondary benefit of other strategies, but not the primary motive.
I still think he trolls the pharma enemy. They know they got rushed. Pharma is cabal. He out gamed their game.
When you think about it they had to move to inject the majority in less than a year. Some places in 6-8 months, this was guaranteed to meet with greater resistance globally because to achieve it they have had to go very hard.
Nor should you start believing their injection numbers. Especially in Europe.
When they started these campaigns they said only the vulnerable would need protection and as time marched on they kept moving goalposts until it was clear 100% was always the target.
To do this is in such short space of time and everyone is unprecedented, so in many respects it’s already all falling apart. People can see the gas lighting. The adverse reactions. The ADE. The true reality of big pharma and how it works - all in one very intense event at once.
It’s looking like the primary strategy is to liberate humanity from pharma because I don’t see how they can win this one. Nations have been locked down for pharmas benefit… so the world says who exactly is this big pharma anyway?
Before that they didn’t so much care. The Canal is been brought right out into the light on this one.
So of course Trump would take credit because it’s a quality troll. They can’t call him out - What will Pharma do when the world turns on them, turn round and blame Trump?
Well they would be right but not for the reason they might claim. Not that they will.
The vaccine was the last thing he did in sequence IIRC, before that so much time was spent on the HCQ and other therapeutics and treatments, educating the world using the platform of POTUS.
My impression is that Trump thought, like we all did, that Big Pharma was trying to produce an actual covid vaccine, like those for other viruses, and therefore would be relatively safe and effective. Unfortunately, when the information came out that it was the unproven mRNA technology, most of us said, "No way I'm getting the RNA of every cell in my body altered", but I think Trump's vanity prevented him from admitting that he was duped by Big Pharma, and went along with it because it did put a huge dent in the DS's plans to cripple the country. I wish now he would come out and say just that, that he was duped and knowing what he knows about the covid shots, can't recommend that any healthy adults under 65, and certainly nobody under 40 who is otherwise healthy, get the shots, and further, emphasize the known treatments available, and the known preventative measures (vitamin C, D, and Zinc, among other stuff).
Relying on the US legal system to invalidate liability immunity afforded vaccine manufacturers, regardless of the strength of the evidence presented, is like asking for war reparations using everyone’s dead bodies as evidence of war crimes.
Thinking you can be successful in obtaining a verdict based on evidentiary findings of “willful misconduct” against Big Pharma to invalidate the immunity protections afforded vaccine manufacturers via our corrupt court system, is, well, just about as likely as expecting SCOTUS to hear evidence and render a verdict on election fraud in a case brought by the President of the US himself.
Trump didn’t goad Big Pharma into taking any legal risk whatsoever because Big Pharma OWNS our legal and political systems.
Trump COULD HAVE JUST KEPT HIS MOUTH SHUT. But he didn't. He called it a BEAUTIFUL VACCINE. He kept tooting his horn about how he rushed Warp Speed.
His recent appearance on Maria Bartiromo's show is the FIRST TIME I've seen him say ANYTHING negative about the jabs. Rather, the pharmaceutical companies. Not the jabs themselves. He is now openly skeptical of the boosters. Not because of what might be in these jabs. But because of the recurring $$$ stream to Big Pharma for the endless boosters.
It wasn't Trump's idea to rush the vaccine. Fauci and the rest of the world were talking about it, Trump simply appointed an exbig pharmCo executive as drug Czar and gave them billions of dollars to facilitate it for them.
Cool idea. Although at some point the plan has consist of something other than, letting them dig their own. A plan with no action isn't really a plan, it's just simply observing. What is the actual action
plan going to consist of? I like to think of Trump as the chess master of the DS too, but when you set someone up to get caught, there has to be follow up. Who holds them responsible after they have been exposed? Someone murdered freedom, and I'm beginning to see the first 48 run out
There's that girl "probably Alexandra" you can find her on jewtube or bitchute. Once you watch her videos you will know everything, she's so smart, her knowledge is just outstanding. You guys are not going to like it but now EVERYTHING makes sense, even the vaxx push.
Let me know what you think, I really want to know, even if your think it's a bs. At this point I consider myself to be the stupidest entity on earth. I have no idea what's real anymore.
Hang on. A big question we need to ask is: "which vaccine did Trump take"? Because the answer to that question could speak volumes about which vaccine Trump indeed considers safe.
Probably the same reason he's done a lot of dumb things, the people around him recommended it. You would think Trump, or any politician who doesn't want to say anything bad about the vaccine would just say "I'm not a doctor. If you want to know whether or not you should get the vaccine talk to your doctor."
The ones they're pushing have a liability clause. They dont get any trouble.
Now the approved ones this week are NOT the shots being used. They have not even produced them yet. They will not have liability clause.
This was on Bannons war room this week. Yesterday I believe or day before.
So it doesnt fit.
If the Defense Production Act allows DJT to dictate what is in the vaccines as suggested earlier maybe there is a reason Pfizer was hurriedly approved by FDA. Wasn’t Pfizer the corp that President Trump gave 2 or 3 billion to for rapid vaccine development? I distinctly remember a news conference where he said, and I believe he was referring to Pfizer, that he hoped they would do the right and honor their agreement or something to that effect.
The Pfizer shot approved hasnt been produced yet.
That one no liability clause. But the ones being used do have a liability clause. Doctor was on Bannons war room this week. Explained it all.
so he will help kill millions with the death shot to take down big pharma? That seems evil to me. Him being for the vax could have easily gotten the more gullible and older Repubs to take it.
I am praying the vax isn't the death shot and is being used to show the public that the government wants full control of them.
true, this question about Trump and the vax has been brought up ad nauseum. On the surface it pisses me off that he is promoting it as I watch Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Hoffe and others tell me it is the death jab. But, I always get back to the fact that he has never turned on us and must have a reason. Hoping the reason is either it is not the death jab (I have many friends and family that have taken it) or like you say he is controlling what is in the jab.
I only responded b/c CanadianPatriot75 says he knows it is the death shot, if he knows this and promoted it, that would be evil whether he takes down the cabal or not.
I like the theory that a lot of the jabs are placebos, and those that aren't, we have a cure for. My guess is that HCQ, Ivermectin, and/or possibly this Regeneron thing can cure whatever it causes. I've also heard something about NAC neutralizing the graphene oxide that's been found in some of them (someone correct me if I'm wrong on that last part).
Forgive me but what's your point exactly? I'm sure it is pretty easy to tell, if you're looking. Is someone out there testing all the shots to make sure they have what they say they have, or testing those who receive it to see if they have those ingredients in their system? It seems like you're disagreeing with something but I'm not sure what.
I'm saying that if Trump released a placebo, then that placebo is somehow going undetected by the millions of healthcare providers who are using this daily. By the labs that are doing quality tests on these vaccines. By everyone who is doing VAERS verifications to see if any of those vaccines might have been the problem and is checking to see what is in those vials.
There is a 0% chance that they aren't spot-checking vaccines in multiple different laboratories from every single lot batch. I have a hard time accepting that hundreds of millions of vials of placebos produced by multiple different private, competing companies are going undetected.
This theory being correct means that literally every single vial that ends up in someone's arm has gone untested by any laboratory doing any sort of chemical analysis on it. Which I don't believe is possible.
Exactly. Remember when he said he we wouldn’t see him for a while. He said he had some very rich enemies. Everyone took it to mean it was because he was reducing drug costs, so Big Pharma was upset with him.
But the bigger incursion into their secret kingdom was Warp Speed. He used the Defense Production Act to break up the DS - Big Pharma racket and put the military in control. It ruffled A lot of feathers. Might make a few megalomaniac billionaires pretty hostile.
And if made it clear he was against them...that would kill people too. They would literally turn every death into a Covid death so they could blame Trump. They would literally allow people to die from car crashes and say it was Covid and blame trump.
read my context, I am replying to someone saying he knows it is the death shot. If it is truly the death shot optics don't matter, you come out swinging to stop it and alert as many as you can. This means one of 3 things
It isn't the death shot
It is the death shot, but white hats swapped product with saline or something
It is the death shot and Trump is knowingly pushing it
I think it is 1 or 2, if it is 3, Trump is not who we think he is.
Pure logic! I think the same, plus I think option 3 is mathematical impossible. If you want mass depopulation Hillary was the best choice. Why push Trump as controlled opposition and after try to fuck him at every turn. It doesn't make any sense.
I agree, 3 is extremely unlikely, but I list it to show I am considering all angles. Our minds are definitely logical, I have thought the same thing you just said, why would you prop Trump up if he was on the cabals side. There was no need to do it. If they had all power and hillary they could keep moving slowly taking freedoms without anyone fighting against them. Well stated.
Vaers IS for anyone to report anything, with no verification. I wonder why they are letting that happen? It doesn't seem like their MO. They like control. But, for theory let's assume it IS correct. 7000 deaths is still only .ooo19% of all who have had vaccine. My job made me get it in March. I'm fine. (Yes, we tried magnets, with mixed results) I do not think Trump would ever say "get it, it's good" if it wasn't. Period. I think Nuerotic Fisherman is right. Hillary would have been their go to for a deadly vax.
It's obvious that it's 1. One thing that baffles me is how much the antivaxx trend is within our movement. Trump would not mislead us like that, and forgive me if I missed it, but I don't remember any drops saying not to trust the vaccine specifically. Maybe I missed them? Trump would not be promoting the vaccines if they were bad. I think this has all been a big psyop of fear to push division when there should be none.
I myself took the vaccine. I haven't had any negative effects at all. I'm probably an oddity around here, to but I believe in a lot of modern western medicine. I have autoimmune issues and mental health issues where medications make a very real and measurable improvement in my life every day. Say wherever you want about how much big pharma is screwing us all, cuz they certainly are, us chronic patients the most, but I can't argue with the results in my life, and I continue to trust the Drs in my life until I see bad effects in my life or whatever. But I continue to have large benefits from them, so I'll continue to trust them and Trump and trust that vaccines are the normal, good science that they are. There's always been vaccines for all sorts of things. Never in my whole life have I seen such discord over vaccines, when they've been required for kids school, or college, the military, I had to take a vaccine to go on my church mission trip to Mississippi after hurricane Katrina because of all the standing water and debris and whatnot.
Bottom line is this is all disinformation and making us focus on the wrong things. It's like we're all getting completely sidetracked with vaccines anymore, rather than focusing on what Q spoke to us about the elite. Big pharma may n be part of it, but all this vaccine stuff seems like it's completely derailed where we anons were heading before. Anyway, just my two cents.
you may be right, but this is not a traditional vaccine. The virus has a low mortality rate. It doesnt make sense that it is being pushed so hard. But maybe that is oart of the psyop. Push something that is not necessary like it is biggest savior to mankind.
I wont take it, b/c I dont feel in danger from the virus. But it could very well be safe. Although that would mean VAERS reports are made up amd Zelenko is full of shit. They are definitely trying to confuse us.
A lot of good, well meaning, patriotic people who want America to be great again are also just plain naive and gullible. They will eat up and believe damn near any conspiracy theory you throw at them.
You even see it here. On these very boards you will find flat earthers and people who believe leeezards are wearing human masks and running the world.
The problem is that when Trump says to go get your shot, a lot of good people who aren't involved in any of the counterculture, who aren't doing any research, who just want the world to go back to normal and think Trump is the one who can do it... are gonna go down to their local drug pusher and get the shot because the guy they trust told them to.
THAT, in my opinion, makes this quite possibly the most damaging thing that Trump has ever said in his whole life.
I literally cannot believe that he uttered those words in Alabama. It actually blew my mind. It made me take a big step back and say "What in the unholy fuck is going on here?"
No amount of twisting and "Wellll, he really meant this..." or "Q says that he has to say these things..." NO. NO. You know what else he could do if he doesn't want to be labeled as an anti-vaxxer? Shut the fuck up and not mention it at all.
That one statement seriously made me take a step back and rethink the entire paradigm I've been living under since November.
I hear you. I feel the same way. It doesnt make sense. The only thing we cam do os wait amd see. Why did he get the jab after habing natural immunity? It makes no sense. It is hard for me to believe Trump has always been a black hat, that makes no sense either. Either he knows something we don't about the jab being switched or somehow not dangerous or they got to him and we are losing.
Don't worry too much about the older Repubs. We're older (not Repub but nonpartisan) but we're not stupid. And many of us have kids that help keep us abreast of what's going on. We've seen a lot, made a lot of mistakes, and learned a lot as a result. We still have lots to contribute to this movement.
I am not trying to paint all the older Repubs with the same brush. I am actually thinking of my Dad when I discuss, he wears his mask obediently and took the jab. I didn't mean for it to come across as me saying all older repubs. In fact there are many middle aged and younger Trump supporters that took the jab too.
My point was there are a lot of good people that took the jab, we cannot discount them as collateral damage.
I totally agree. I think it has more to do with how skeptical you are and how compliant of a personality you have. Those who hate conflict will be much more likely to go along with any 'mandate' just to avoid being called out by others.
our military isn't large enough to lock down people in their homes. If this was happening, we would stand up and take our 100+ million guns and use them.
These kind of decisions remind me of the movie The Imitation Game. Allowing collateral damage for the greater good. We have a once in a lifetime leader who has the cunning, the wisdom, the code, and the stomach to pull this off.
Remember, pieces are lost on both sides playing chess.
And hopefully take the retarded fee-fee kowtowing liberals with them. I'm just mad that my grandparents have been fooled. My parents are smart enough to know whats going on but Grandma and Grandpa bought the propaganda hook line and sinker.
I have young siblings who got it. Ages 28, 26, 19 and 18. Granted they were forced by my libtarded stepdad but, they don't deserve this. Also there goes my dreams of having dozens of nieces and nephews 💔
My 28 year old daughter took it. She’s smart and a conservative. Yet, my gut told me she was apt to take it. I was hopeful that since she’d had COVID that she might rely on her natural antibodies. She has an uncanny ability to debate matters very effectively and therefore we agreed long ago to steer away from discussions on politics and religion. Regardless, I was devastated to get confirmation that she took the jab. She is my only child. While I long for a grand baby, I’ll be perfectly content if she is safe from harm.
Trump supporters think for themselves. Very few have taken the vax because of Trump’s suggestion. Note that the crowd actually boo’ed him over this at the AL rally.
People take it because they are weak, afraid, and/or gullible.
Praying Medic:
Dave from X22 Report brought up a point tonight I had never considered.
Many people want to know why Trump pushes vaccines.
Why does he want them to be rushed? Why not allow the normal time for clinical trials? What's the hurry? It doesn't make sense.
Remember when Trump argued with Congress for 2 years to get a wall built on the southern border? All the while, he had secretly planned to build and fund the wall using the military.
By creating a public debate with Congress, he proved to the public the fact that they support drug trafficking, human trafficking and weapons trafficking.
What if Trump has an ulterior motive for rushing covid vaccines to market?
What risk do pharmaceutical companies bear if they market drugs that have not been adequately tested for safety?
How much money in damages do you think they might be liable for over the next 10 years? What risk toes the FDA assume? What about the CDC?
Is Trump allowing members of the medical technocracy to dig their own graves?
It has been my belief that one reason Trump backed the fast development and release of a covid vaccine was to end the lockdowns, which saved us from financial collapse. If it is also true that he did it to goad big pharma into assuming massive legal risk, leading to their financial ruin, it may be the most brilliant tactical move of his political career.
The flaw with the theory that Trump set up vaccine manufacturers to assume legal liability is that vaccine manufacturers have been given immunity against damages. If you take that at face value and look no further it throws cold water on the idea.
But there's more to the story. Immunity is not a cut and dry issue. There are limitations. As Newsweek pointed out in this article, immunity is granted unless there is "willful misconduct" by the company.
Given what we know about pharmaceutical companies, and given the fact that they're offered immunity, what do you suppose the odds are that they might engage in willful misconduct, such as falsifying research data?
Immunity often acts as an enticement to commit fraud. All a plaintiff needs is evidence of willful misconduct.
Remember that word press site Cat? Go read through the vaccine stuff.
I think there's a lot behind the scenes we aren't seeing they're trying to drive us all by fear.
But I leave it for you to decide for yourself.
Just remember Geotus has the bigger picture of everything.
If you bring together a solid, high-info post, I'd be happy to sticky it, pede. Best
Ok it probably won't be until Friday my schedule is really full but I will do that. There's a lot to unpack in what I've seen I spend hours and hours on the wordpress site.
It's why I try to get people to learn the coms because we need to so that once this operation is done, the ds won't be able to get away with it again, because we'll be on to those f ers.
I think there was a Q post saying the same thing for us to learn their coms so we know what they're doing.
willful misconduct would include such things as:
1 causing /colluding with groups responsible for actually causing the disease in the first place
2 knowing full well that the vaccine actually helps promote the delta variant (or other strains)
3 promoting use of "boosters" every 3 months to reap in profits, and also possibly knowing of simple cheap cures, and colluding to spread disinformation about other cheap cures
If any 2 of these are provable (in a court) I would say they would certainly lose any immunity
< willful misconduct, such as falsifying research data
Interesting point.
I agree with u/catsfive & Dave Hayes (Praying Medic)
Well, well, well.... love this board! Learn something, a lot of things, everyday here. Didn’t know provable willful misconduct can Trump immunity! Thank you for this. Adds another dimension to the story and what the ultimate strategy was.
Woo! We love our patriots.
I agree, I think the plan was always to have class action lawsuits take down not only Big Tech but Big Pharma as well.
I’m guessing they’re going by social media reach. How many followers, highest to lowest.
Most likely plus when tens or hundreds of thousands are signing up it's going to take time to get through the list but everyone fancies themself to be an important influencer because they shitpost a lot.
I've been banned so many times. I only use fb for shit posting. I hate that my friends don't use other platforms.
IPoT said they didn't contact him either so no idea what their criteria could be.
Same here, documented it all and joined the suit
file your own lawsuit.
Q literally says Class Actions Lawsuits are fun. Implying its part of the plan.
TIL- That German interviewer isn't just some European radio host, but a known controversial attorney too.
Another thing to add vaccines are available around the world and even if they weren't pushed out here they've been pushed out every where else.
I still wonder how much we are being manipulated on both sides pro vax anti vax by fear.
I'm not pro by any means but from the coms I've seen I think the DS shills are still trying to use fear to drive us.
I started to ask myself the same question when I saw interview of "former pfizer" employee. She's still working for pfizer, but as a marketing consultant. Would she talk against she's major client?
Here you go, there's a lot to read thank you for the info about the Pfizer lady, time to go down some more wabbit holes lol.
Thanks for the link. I got about a third through it w/out diving into the links, will go back to the beginning and look it over in detail. So far the part about comms inre flipping clowns and assassins is very interesting. Definitely worth diving into this.
You're welcome that site keeps me occupied lol.
1: POTUS created operation warp speed to end the lockdowns... 2: Trump voters voted with their brains and not their fee fees... 3: POTUS knew that his supporters (most if not all) would be smart enough to research before getting the kill shots... 4: When POTUS suggested the TRUE cures for the wuflu, the msm (manipulated state media) ridiculed and shut him down... 5: The fact he has been "pushing" the kill shot gives him plausible deniability in all this fiasco... 6: Now this comes out and proves all of the above...
POTUS is and has been 5 steps ahead of the ds/cabal/nwo this whole time. He has been playing with them like a prodigy plays a violin or piano. If you truly think POTUS doesn't have the best interests of America and the American people first and foremost in his mind, then you haven't been paying attention and it's time for you to wake the fuck up...
My opinion only but there it is... Shoot it down if you want but I have faith in my God first, my self second d and POTUS and the plan third... God's blessings and protection to all Anons, their loved ones and the world... WWG1WGA isn't a slogan, it's a way of life...
No, thank you... Peace and God's blessings fren...
🤣🤣🤣 I guess you missed the sarcasm in the "slogan" I typed in or would that be irony???
Exactly... 🤣🤣🤣 Peace fren...
All good...
Don't be... I took no offense... We are all family here... And the best part is that we have the freedom to Express ourselves here... Stay safe and God's blessing to you and yours...
Everyone has their theories and the fear porn is rampant on this site and patriots.win, are the mods compromised? Is this site? Are they paid shills? Are we just fear porn fags and do it to ourselves? Literally nobody knows anything at this point. Nothing, we know very little about the jab, very little about what “Covid” is or if it exists, nobody knows the truth. I know it’s a cliche but at this point in time people need to focus on the small things they can control. Stock up on food ammo water, find a place you can bug out to/hide out in. Refuse the jab at all costs because it is such an unknown variable. Find and build a community of like minded individuals and be ok with the conclusion that you will die fighting this battle, either today, tomorrow, next year or in 50 years. You won’t win nobody will someone or something will always get you in the end. Prepare for that and be ok with the end. Whatever the outcome is I choose to be free today and nobody can take that from me.
Has POTUS made a statement as PRESIDENT that hasn't ended up being TRUE AND CORRECT?
Has POTUS made a statement found not to be true?
Has POTUS ever made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?
okay, they I am guessing you went and got the jab. Trump said it is safe.
Even then, why get the jab? What is the survival rate without it?
I have said before I didn't get the shot. I don't think it is necessary. I don't get the annual flu shot, either.
I don't mind if you believe whatever you believe. This is a Q site however, and I happen to believe Q and Q+ (Trump). If you want to believe something else, I am all for it.
Enjoy the SHOW.
I mean, I did go get the jab. So did my family. It all went fine and we're still happy and healthy. I know others who have gotten it and have reported no issues as well. I know lots of people here will say very different, it's their right to believe whatever. But Trump has promoted the vaccines and he would do no such thing if they were dangerous to us, those who listen to him and follow his leadership as President. I personally think all the worry about vaccines and if they're safe or not is a big psyop by the ds in order to continue driving great fear and division among us all. Trump and operation Warp Speed created the vaccine for us, the deep state is trying to turn that win into a source of division and fear and anger within us all instead.
I think the easiest explanation is that he wanted to end the lockdowns as quickly as possible and not let the democrats lock down the economy for a long time.
but they are still locking down, it's never ending
With a lot more resistance from the public than last time if you haven't noticed.
You're right but that was likely the intention of Trump.
Dig their own graves by exposing themselves to legal action. That is only valid as long as we have an honest one tier justice system in this country, which we have seen over the past years, that it’s not. Especially not after the evil shitheads he appointed to the SCOTUS like ACB, Kavannaugh and Gorsuch. All three have been a huge fucking disappointment, stabbing us in the back and shitting on the constitution every chance they have had. I think this explanation is wishful thinking and mental gymnastics. I hope I am wrong.
What if Trump is pro vaccine and its not a death shot.
I took the J&J just because it's not an MRNA shot. I support everyone's freedom not to get it though. The only reason I got it was nagging from my family, and honestly I don't believe in the vaccine having widespread deadly side effects. I'm still anti-COVID vaccine in principle which I know is weird. I don't like the idea of people being extorted to get a vaccine.
You know the only vaccine I really saw trump get worked up about was when J&J got paused for the short time, saying something alone the lines of putting a lot of work into that one. Most of the information I can find out there is on the MRNA vaccines and for some reason the J&J one is the one they are specifying you get a MRNA booster if you got that one. I still don't trust it as it still can give you problems but I do notice how it definitely less pushed than the other two.
I like how it's a one and done shot. Two shots didn't make any sense to me. I just wanted one appointment to get it over with.
Still don't get it if you don't have to. haha
It also was one of the first to get pulled in Canada (we only have the mRNA death shots here)
Why do you feel your beliefs have anything to do with the truth.
There is a 50% chance you got a placebo.
Have your blood checked, it will show up as clotting.
There are metals, Graphene, showing up in the tests being done on the vaccine in Germany.
I got sick pretty bad on the first day but I feel better now. Since it's not an MRNA shot I trust my body to be able to fight off whatever poison it is they put in there. I work out often and I haven't experienced any symptoms of blood clotting. This is not an endorsement of the shot though and I know it can be dangerous.
Yeah it’s weird but I know people who are in the exact same position/mindset you are in
They weighed the options and decided getting it was a reasonable choice for them but they’re pissed the hell off with all the vaccine passport bullshit that’s being pushed and want people to be allowed to make their own decision, not be coerced.
Same logic for me too around if you gotta get one I’d rather stay away from the mRNA experimental stuff and lean towards ones with longer history of the technology being used.
Still not convinced I’d want any but these are my thoughts around it
It may not be a death shot for everyone but people are suffering bad side effects and illnesses all over the place.
Obese landwhales with multiple comorbidities and old people who would have died anyways are dying. Nothing has changed there. World death rate in 2020 isn't much different than 2019, and the flu magically disappeared.
I do know people in their 30s-40s from my hometown who did not have those issues and died soon after getting their shots.
The flu went away because the precautions people are taking like masks, social distancing, increased hand washing, fewer gatherings with lots of people, etc, also is how you reduce any airborne/pulmonary illness, ie influenza. It's no weird conspiracy that the flu numbers went way down when people are making up, social distancing, and being more vigilant with hand washing and stuff.
Well sadly…. the only reason Covid is killing a lot of people is because they’ve been denied initial treatment, which was done on purpose to roll out the vaccine. They needed a virus to roll out the vax, not the other way around.
Everyone taking the shot is participating in a mass experiment, and I totally understand why people would think they are getting it, but considering it spreads the disease and you can still get sick from it… not a very effective Vax. If your mom or grandmother gets Covid, look into finding them an Rx for HCQ along with zinc, and lots of vitamin D & C. Or the monoclonal antibody treatment. Budesonide inhalers or nebulizing treatments can help as well.
I don't admit that a lot of people are dying of COVID, where is any evidence of that? The tests don't work, the hospitals are given bonuses for labeling a death as a COVID death, and nearly every purported COVID death could just as easily have been due to a comorbidity - or even malpractice cashing in on these bonuses. George Floyd was counted among 'COVID deaths'. COVID is a harmless cold. We are using a machete to amputate a bruise.
I agree, 0,1% of population die every year for a common flu but now is 0,1% for covid. Time to wake up.
not to mention we still don't know the long term effects, and the epigenetic effects. this could be a huge blow to society.
Trump originally wanted RFK to head up some kind of vaxxx committee. But ole Mr. Eugenist himself stepped to nix that idea. Big cabal mafia pharma syndicate.
It's the most simple explanation. I think we are taking this vaccine thing like if it was more important than lizard people or flat earth, and I know those things are deserving of more talking.
We are asking the wrong questions. It shouldn't be why is President Trump pushing the vax. The question should be why is the fake Biden pushing the vax. Why does the plan require this vaccination be pushed?
Great point.
Can he do this before we lose our military?
Sounds a lot like what I've been saying for months.{I'm soooo smart!}
He's going to use this to bankrupt big pharma
693 Feb 07, 2018 9:59:30 PM EST Q !UW.yye1fxo Make sure the list of resignations remains updated. Important. When does big pharma make money? Curing or containing? Cancer/AIDS/etc. Mind will be blown by CHAIN OF COMMAND. Q
There was never an excuse to push vaccination.
If Trump appeared to be skeptical of the vaccine they would blame every death on him because he interfered with vaccination rates. It would be worse than the nursing home situation. They would let people die just so they could make trump look bad. It would be dangerous to us all!
By promoting it he is just the same as everyone else - so cannot be singled out as an antivaxer for one, secondly he can legit claim to also be a victim of the bad information being pedaled. Afterall he is "not a doctor", he only takes advice on that front. So the doctors pedaling it will be guilty of deceiving a President (when he reassumes that office openly). Then he can go on the attack because they "fooled" him.
Collatoral damage is unavoidable anyway, as people are taking it mainly on the advice of bad scientists rather than the advice of Trump, a non doctor.
This really is the most vexing issue I have found across the net when it comes to Trump.
So I’ll post this again and update like a FAQ
This idea is interesting addition to possible outcomes and so might only be a logical secondary benefit of other strategies, but not the primary motive.
I still think he trolls the pharma enemy. They know they got rushed. Pharma is cabal. He out gamed their game.
When you think about it they had to move to inject the majority in less than a year. Some places in 6-8 months, this was guaranteed to meet with greater resistance globally because to achieve it they have had to go very hard.
Nor should you start believing their injection numbers. Especially in Europe.
When they started these campaigns they said only the vulnerable would need protection and as time marched on they kept moving goalposts until it was clear 100% was always the target.
To do this is in such short space of time and everyone is unprecedented, so in many respects it’s already all falling apart. People can see the gas lighting. The adverse reactions. The ADE. The true reality of big pharma and how it works - all in one very intense event at once.
It’s looking like the primary strategy is to liberate humanity from pharma because I don’t see how they can win this one. Nations have been locked down for pharmas benefit… so the world says who exactly is this big pharma anyway?
Before that they didn’t so much care. The Canal is been brought right out into the light on this one.
So of course Trump would take credit because it’s a quality troll. They can’t call him out - What will Pharma do when the world turns on them, turn round and blame Trump?
Well they would be right but not for the reason they might claim. Not that they will.
The vaccine was the last thing he did in sequence IIRC, before that so much time was spent on the HCQ and other therapeutics and treatments, educating the world using the platform of POTUS.
My impression is that Trump thought, like we all did, that Big Pharma was trying to produce an actual covid vaccine, like those for other viruses, and therefore would be relatively safe and effective. Unfortunately, when the information came out that it was the unproven mRNA technology, most of us said, "No way I'm getting the RNA of every cell in my body altered", but I think Trump's vanity prevented him from admitting that he was duped by Big Pharma, and went along with it because it did put a huge dent in the DS's plans to cripple the country. I wish now he would come out and say just that, that he was duped and knowing what he knows about the covid shots, can't recommend that any healthy adults under 65, and certainly nobody under 40 who is otherwise healthy, get the shots, and further, emphasize the known treatments available, and the known preventative measures (vitamin C, D, and Zinc, among other stuff).
Maybe it's really just a flu shot and we are learning how dangerous they really are? People just never paid attention to side effects they had after.
I see the logic. Let's hope it plays out that way for the sake of the Republic and our freedom.
So great I might listen to it a second time
Relying on the US legal system to invalidate liability immunity afforded vaccine manufacturers, regardless of the strength of the evidence presented, is like asking for war reparations using everyone’s dead bodies as evidence of war crimes.
Thinking you can be successful in obtaining a verdict based on evidentiary findings of “willful misconduct” against Big Pharma to invalidate the immunity protections afforded vaccine manufacturers via our corrupt court system, is, well, just about as likely as expecting SCOTUS to hear evidence and render a verdict on election fraud in a case brought by the President of the US himself.
Trump didn’t goad Big Pharma into taking any legal risk whatsoever because Big Pharma OWNS our legal and political systems.
Isn’t that OBVIOUS by now? Wake up!!
I found a good insight into this question: https://greatawakening.win/p/12jwVnpuVv/trumps-function-for-the-deep-sta/
Trump COULD HAVE JUST KEPT HIS MOUTH SHUT. But he didn't. He called it a BEAUTIFUL VACCINE. He kept tooting his horn about how he rushed Warp Speed.
His recent appearance on Maria Bartiromo's show is the FIRST TIME I've seen him say ANYTHING negative about the jabs. Rather, the pharmaceutical companies. Not the jabs themselves. He is now openly skeptical of the boosters. Not because of what might be in these jabs. But because of the recurring $$$ stream to Big Pharma for the endless boosters.
It wasn't Trump's idea to rush the vaccine. Fauci and the rest of the world were talking about it, Trump simply appointed an exbig pharmCo executive as drug Czar and gave them billions of dollars to facilitate it for them.
Yes, but, no
What’s the run time of this movie?
Till the end.
Tell me—will the patriots buried in Arlington get to see it?
Honor their sacrifice by being patient.
Cool idea. Although at some point the plan has consist of something other than, letting them dig their own. A plan with no action isn't really a plan, it's just simply observing. What is the actual action plan going to consist of? I like to think of Trump as the chess master of the DS too, but when you set someone up to get caught, there has to be follow up. Who holds them responsible after they have been exposed? Someone murdered freedom, and I'm beginning to see the first 48 run out
There's that girl "probably Alexandra" you can find her on jewtube or bitchute. Once you watch her videos you will know everything, she's so smart, her knowledge is just outstanding. You guys are not going to like it but now EVERYTHING makes sense, even the vaxx push.
On it. Thank you.
Let me know what you think, I really want to know, even if your think it's a bs. At this point I consider myself to be the stupidest entity on earth. I have no idea what's real anymore.
Hang on. A big question we need to ask is: "which vaccine did Trump take"? Because the answer to that question could speak volumes about which vaccine Trump indeed considers safe.
Does anybody know?
Probably the same reason he's done a lot of dumb things, the people around him recommended it. You would think Trump, or any politician who doesn't want to say anything bad about the vaccine would just say "I'm not a doctor. If you want to know whether or not you should get the vaccine talk to your doctor."
The ones they're pushing have a liability clause. They dont get any trouble. Now the approved ones this week are NOT the shots being used. They have not even produced them yet. They will not have liability clause. This was on Bannons war room this week. Yesterday I believe or day before. So it doesnt fit.
Maybe they are lying about the new ones being new?
If the Defense Production Act allows DJT to dictate what is in the vaccines as suggested earlier maybe there is a reason Pfizer was hurriedly approved by FDA. Wasn’t Pfizer the corp that President Trump gave 2 or 3 billion to for rapid vaccine development? I distinctly remember a news conference where he said, and I believe he was referring to Pfizer, that he hoped they would do the right and honor their agreement or something to that effect.
The Pfizer shot approved hasnt been produced yet. That one no liability clause. But the ones being used do have a liability clause. Doctor was on Bannons war room this week. Explained it all.
so he will help kill millions with the death shot to take down big pharma? That seems evil to me. Him being for the vax could have easily gotten the more gullible and older Repubs to take it.
I am praying the vax isn't the death shot and is being used to show the public that the government wants full control of them.
Trump also activated the Defense Production Act, meaning that he can dictate what is in the vaccines (he forced GM to make ventilators).
true, this question about Trump and the vax has been brought up ad nauseum. On the surface it pisses me off that he is promoting it as I watch Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Hoffe and others tell me it is the death jab. But, I always get back to the fact that he has never turned on us and must have a reason. Hoping the reason is either it is not the death jab (I have many friends and family that have taken it) or like you say he is controlling what is in the jab.
I only responded b/c CanadianPatriot75 says he knows it is the death shot, if he knows this and promoted it, that would be evil whether he takes down the cabal or not.
I like the theory that a lot of the jabs are placebos, and those that aren't, we have a cure for. My guess is that HCQ, Ivermectin, and/or possibly this Regeneron thing can cure whatever it causes. I've also heard something about NAC neutralizing the graphene oxide that's been found in some of them (someone correct me if I'm wrong on that last part).
Is that why the vaccine inserts are blank?
Placebos that can be chemically tested in a laboratory and still appear have active ingredients?
Placebos are usually saline or sugar. Pretty easy to tell.
Forgive me but what's your point exactly? I'm sure it is pretty easy to tell, if you're looking. Is someone out there testing all the shots to make sure they have what they say they have, or testing those who receive it to see if they have those ingredients in their system? It seems like you're disagreeing with something but I'm not sure what.
I'm saying that if Trump released a placebo, then that placebo is somehow going undetected by the millions of healthcare providers who are using this daily. By the labs that are doing quality tests on these vaccines. By everyone who is doing VAERS verifications to see if any of those vaccines might have been the problem and is checking to see what is in those vials.
There is a 0% chance that they aren't spot-checking vaccines in multiple different laboratories from every single lot batch. I have a hard time accepting that hundreds of millions of vials of placebos produced by multiple different private, competing companies are going undetected.
This theory being correct means that literally every single vial that ends up in someone's arm has gone untested by any laboratory doing any sort of chemical analysis on it. Which I don't believe is possible.
Exactly. Remember when he said he we wouldn’t see him for a while. He said he had some very rich enemies. Everyone took it to mean it was because he was reducing drug costs, so Big Pharma was upset with him.
But the bigger incursion into their secret kingdom was Warp Speed. He used the Defense Production Act to break up the DS - Big Pharma racket and put the military in control. It ruffled A lot of feathers. Might make a few megalomaniac billionaires pretty hostile.
And if made it clear he was against them...that would kill people too. They would literally turn every death into a Covid death so they could blame Trump. They would literally allow people to die from car crashes and say it was Covid and blame trump.
read my context, I am replying to someone saying he knows it is the death shot. If it is truly the death shot optics don't matter, you come out swinging to stop it and alert as many as you can. This means one of 3 things
I think it is 1 or 2, if it is 3, Trump is not who we think he is.
Pure logic! I think the same, plus I think option 3 is mathematical impossible. If you want mass depopulation Hillary was the best choice. Why push Trump as controlled opposition and after try to fuck him at every turn. It doesn't make any sense.
I agree, 3 is extremely unlikely, but I list it to show I am considering all angles. Our minds are definitely logical, I have thought the same thing you just said, why would you prop Trump up if he was on the cabals side. There was no need to do it. If they had all power and hillary they could keep moving slowly taking freedoms without anyone fighting against them. Well stated.
Vaers IS for anyone to report anything, with no verification. I wonder why they are letting that happen? It doesn't seem like their MO. They like control. But, for theory let's assume it IS correct. 7000 deaths is still only .ooo19% of all who have had vaccine. My job made me get it in March. I'm fine. (Yes, we tried magnets, with mixed results) I do not think Trump would ever say "get it, it's good" if it wasn't. Period. I think Nuerotic Fisherman is right. Hillary would have been their go to for a deadly vax.
It's obvious that it's 1. One thing that baffles me is how much the antivaxx trend is within our movement. Trump would not mislead us like that, and forgive me if I missed it, but I don't remember any drops saying not to trust the vaccine specifically. Maybe I missed them? Trump would not be promoting the vaccines if they were bad. I think this has all been a big psyop of fear to push division when there should be none.
I myself took the vaccine. I haven't had any negative effects at all. I'm probably an oddity around here, to but I believe in a lot of modern western medicine. I have autoimmune issues and mental health issues where medications make a very real and measurable improvement in my life every day. Say wherever you want about how much big pharma is screwing us all, cuz they certainly are, us chronic patients the most, but I can't argue with the results in my life, and I continue to trust the Drs in my life until I see bad effects in my life or whatever. But I continue to have large benefits from them, so I'll continue to trust them and Trump and trust that vaccines are the normal, good science that they are. There's always been vaccines for all sorts of things. Never in my whole life have I seen such discord over vaccines, when they've been required for kids school, or college, the military, I had to take a vaccine to go on my church mission trip to Mississippi after hurricane Katrina because of all the standing water and debris and whatnot.
Bottom line is this is all disinformation and making us focus on the wrong things. It's like we're all getting completely sidetracked with vaccines anymore, rather than focusing on what Q spoke to us about the elite. Big pharma may n be part of it, but all this vaccine stuff seems like it's completely derailed where we anons were heading before. Anyway, just my two cents.
you may be right, but this is not a traditional vaccine. The virus has a low mortality rate. It doesnt make sense that it is being pushed so hard. But maybe that is oart of the psyop. Push something that is not necessary like it is biggest savior to mankind.
I wont take it, b/c I dont feel in danger from the virus. But it could very well be safe. Although that would mean VAERS reports are made up amd Zelenko is full of shit. They are definitely trying to confuse us.
A lot of good, well meaning, patriotic people who want America to be great again are also just plain naive and gullible. They will eat up and believe damn near any conspiracy theory you throw at them.
You even see it here. On these very boards you will find flat earthers and people who believe leeezards are wearing human masks and running the world.
The problem is that when Trump says to go get your shot, a lot of good people who aren't involved in any of the counterculture, who aren't doing any research, who just want the world to go back to normal and think Trump is the one who can do it... are gonna go down to their local drug pusher and get the shot because the guy they trust told them to.
THAT, in my opinion, makes this quite possibly the most damaging thing that Trump has ever said in his whole life.
I literally cannot believe that he uttered those words in Alabama. It actually blew my mind. It made me take a big step back and say "What in the unholy fuck is going on here?"
No amount of twisting and "Wellll, he really meant this..." or "Q says that he has to say these things..." NO. NO. You know what else he could do if he doesn't want to be labeled as an anti-vaxxer? Shut the fuck up and not mention it at all.
That one statement seriously made me take a step back and rethink the entire paradigm I've been living under since November.
I hear you. I feel the same way. It doesnt make sense. The only thing we cam do os wait amd see. Why did he get the jab after habing natural immunity? It makes no sense. It is hard for me to believe Trump has always been a black hat, that makes no sense either. Either he knows something we don't about the jab being switched or somehow not dangerous or they got to him and we are losing.
Don't worry too much about the older Repubs. We're older (not Repub but nonpartisan) but we're not stupid. And many of us have kids that help keep us abreast of what's going on. We've seen a lot, made a lot of mistakes, and learned a lot as a result. We still have lots to contribute to this movement.
I am not trying to paint all the older Repubs with the same brush. I am actually thinking of my Dad when I discuss, he wears his mask obediently and took the jab. I didn't mean for it to come across as me saying all older repubs. In fact there are many middle aged and younger Trump supporters that took the jab too.
My point was there are a lot of good people that took the jab, we cannot discount them as collateral damage.
I totally agree. I think it has more to do with how skeptical you are and how compliant of a personality you have. Those who hate conflict will be much more likely to go along with any 'mandate' just to avoid being called out by others.
our military isn't large enough to lock down people in their homes. If this was happening, we would stand up and take our 100+ million guns and use them.
It's just a shame that people have to die
These kind of decisions remind me of the movie The Imitation Game. Allowing collateral damage for the greater good. We have a once in a lifetime leader who has the cunning, the wisdom, the code, and the stomach to pull this off.
Remember, pieces are lost on both sides playing chess.
This is bigger than any one of us. This is about the future of humanity.
Updoot to counter the mangina who downdooted you.
Obviously our grand master is minimizing the amount of chess pieces lost. I hope that helps the fee fees of the offended.
And hopefully take the retarded fee-fee kowtowing liberals with them. I'm just mad that my grandparents have been fooled. My parents are smart enough to know whats going on but Grandma and Grandpa bought the propaganda hook line and sinker.
I have young siblings who got it. Ages 28, 26, 19 and 18. Granted they were forced by my libtarded stepdad but, they don't deserve this. Also there goes my dreams of having dozens of nieces and nephews 💔
There is always hope.
They were forced? Did the stepdad put a gun to their heads?
My 28 year old daughter took it. She’s smart and a conservative. Yet, my gut told me she was apt to take it. I was hopeful that since she’d had COVID that she might rely on her natural antibodies. She has an uncanny ability to debate matters very effectively and therefore we agreed long ago to steer away from discussions on politics and religion. Regardless, I was devastated to get confirmation that she took the jab. She is my only child. While I long for a grand baby, I’ll be perfectly content if she is safe from harm.
Yeah but you should brace for the possibility she'll have a retard baby that you need to love no matter what
Quantum locking strategy.
BS. Everytime he opens his mouth to push the vax, thousands who trust him get the vax. How is that advancing "The Plan"?
Trump supporters think for themselves. Very few have taken the vax because of Trump’s suggestion. Note that the crowd actually boo’ed him over this at the AL rally.
People take it because they are weak, afraid, and/or gullible.
Does anyone have Trumps speech announcing the vax? I think it was the rose garden right after the media announced biden won.