We are undeniably in the kinetic phase, where the plan is executing, not just being set up... Think of how many you know who are still asleep. This can't drag on—but, to wake people up, it WILL increase in intensity. Hold the line! Things are going to get even more bumpy!

Arrest MSM. Use their network to drop truth bombs 24/7 for as long as it takes.
If u can brainwash a planet by repeating lies until they become truth, then surely we can do it to force the truth onto the sheep.
The ONLY job our Military is supposed to have is to protect the Constitution right ? They are forced to risk their lives for 100's of other bullshit tasks. It's long overdue to let'm off their chains and allow them do they do best and were intended to do - Kill evil.
Kill the fucking mockingbird and the Eagle soars.
Completely agree! I have thought for a few years now that killing the mockingbird so truth can be told and heard by the masses is the lynch pin
Our first responders will come down with worse COVID strains soon.
Immediate side effects are 15 - 48 days.
After that the immune systems of those vaccinated w the mRNA will be hard-wired to the old strains. The new strains will never be fought by their T-Cells and the limited antibodies they got from the mRNA will do nothing at all other than further their immune systems by cytokine production immobilizing natural immunoresponse.
Those that got the jabs are going to first become tired. Many will begin having shortness of breath and issues concentrating. They will go to doctors that will prescribe blood thinners that will only exacerbate their symptoms.
Eventually and inevitably they will run into one of the hundreds of new COVID mutations that a healthy child would fight to the point of being Asymptomatic - but their compromised immune system will face like it has AIDS.
What is a better bioweapon than a pathogen? Removing the immune system itself. There is no threat of a runaway pathogen.
They’re going to wipe %50 of the public over the next 4 years.
if one motherfucker down votes this ima flip out
I've been saying this forever. It's so simple so when does it begin? If it doesn't happen, many will continue their slumber no matter how bad things continue to get.
They are not going to arrest the MSM. Now what?
Need to file a suit against one or more of the MSM companies. Start deposing the main anchors about their directives from top management on what to say, what to avoid. Once the normies start seeing these 'news experts' under oath and admitting to the deception, minds will change, guaranteed.
Sounds like idolatry to me.
O. M. G.
Like so many with Trump and Q!
Better tell them to watch out after what happened to that George Floyd mural
LOL I have an older sister who is a Nun. She just celebrated her 60 yr of being a Nun. She and most I know in her order are as liberal as can be. She/they think Rachael Maddow is wonderful!!!
Economic implosion incoming.
Only way to speed it up because at this pace we'd be sitting here in the same spot this time next year with a thumb up our ass. The economy will be pulled imo at any moment because it must go under biden. That'll speed things up 100 fold.
Good idea to liquidate our portfolios? Mine has been on a bull run again last week or 2 after a huge drop for a while.
$GME Lambos or ramen once a day for life.
I would get out while gettin is good. Historically speaking fall is a bad time of year for crashes
Like others have said, GME will be the only true hedge (stock-wise, anyways) against the rest of the market. You should look into it and make an informed decision based on what you see; plebbit subs like r/ddintogme have good info about the situation.
I have a couple of shares, more heavy into AMC, how long can a short squeeze go before it becomes going long?
Not too sure, but it's likely the squeeze will go on for a long time. I suppose the squeezes going on for weeks or months would be considered ones going long. Theoretically, the upcoming squeezes could go on indefinitely since we own the float (I think for AMC as well?) and there are many retailers who will never sell.
I feel that crypto drop was hedges selling off to cover shorts/margin calls.
For AMC I believe we own most of the float as well but shorts should have expired unless they're paying off to extend them, idk the terminology for that, but rather than buy back shares I believe they can pay to extend the shorts.
That's true; they haven't really closed short positions, they just covered them with illegal nonsense. The upcoming crash will probably be what kicks things off. No crypto selloffs can save them then, which I also agree is a probable source of liquidity that they've been using.
I've now cashed out of almost everything except of course GME and AMC, and bought January 2022 options on FAZ, so if it happens, then I hope it's before then. Most big market crashes in history are in September.
$GME Lambos or ramen once a day for life.
I closed a 30 yr investment account in June don't trust the fed been buying gold silver gme and amc to the moon
Get rich or die buyin
Trump said "we have a very, very rough road ahead" and Flynn has alluded to the same. Hold the line. Things will get better in the end.
Trump also just recently said something good is going to happen to our country soon, I'm confused.
Exact quote is in the title. https://greatawakening.win/p/12kFGIZl2p/but-i-believe-our-country-someth/
It is and it will. Won't come free tho is my guess.
I believe that even these people who voted for this or are okay with medical tyranny won't even wake up as they're being dragged from their homes and shoved in "covid concentration camps" and slowly starved to death. They'll just think, "Ugh, I'M vaccinated so why do I have to share the same bunk with an unvaccinated pleb?? They're going to KILL me with their breathing! GUARDS! Put a mask on this conspiracy theorist! They're not complying!" And then this idiot gets the butt of a rifle smacked in their eye and they'll STILL believe this is "all for a good reason" and "the government would NEVER do anything bad against its people!"
Legit. There will be more than 4-6% of people who will think and act like this, even if they're put into covid concentration camps. It will be 30% of people. They are really that hopelessly lost.
Our only consolation is that these idiots will likely be the first to perish because they know nothing of survival and they're so obese that their bodies will starve if they get less than 4000 calories a day.
Neighbor lady on the third floor of an apartment burned to death. Wouldn't jump down.
I could have climbed down easily.
She was obese.
Other people jumped and threw their pets down and were fine, but this woman chose to burn alive...
I'm having a tough time fathoming it.
I can't help thinking of the intro scene of Zombieland. Cardio and fitness are important if you want to survive the apocalypse.
They'll have lots of fat stores to burn though.
Yes, but their bodies are so used to having 4000 cals a day, that if they go down to a normal 2000 their bodies will act like they're starving and they'll literally die of starvation just from eating less than that. Their fat stores will not help them live longer if they're not eating anything.
I agree. 30% or so. I live in L.A. and still see solo drivers with masks, etc. They just don't know what freedom is, or don't care, or are convinced there are too many people on earth polluting and killing Gaia. They WANT the Great Reset and one world govt.
It seems like each week it keeps ratcheting up, things just keep getting more and more ridiculous. The last few weeks with the Afghanistan withdrawal played a big part in this, but I think there's still a ways to go. I think things are building towards AZ audit results and possibly Durham results kicking things off. It's the only thing that makes sense to me.
This is what must be to expose the worlds darkest, longest held secrets to all of mankind.
This can not happen with just an audit report from AZ, 25th'ing the president, exposing the plandemic/vaccine racket. This is a world wide expose on central banks, stock markets, world organizations, the Cabal & DS.
This can not happen in one fell swoop, this can not happen until the timing is exact for maximum impact for all of mankind to see. The whole of mankind has to be ready and able to see it. If it is not fully exposed to all mankind, the mark will be missed and rise again. Of course, all of mankind, meaning a good majority, some will never be able or ready to see.
Stand strong and trust in God frens.
The people I know are still in the "the government is just trying to keep us safe" stage waiting for their booster.
OMG! yes. Just talked to my sister in law last night. She and her husband have had two vaxxes each and they are eagerly awaiting the booster. She kept asking when we will be getting ours. She can't believe we won't be getting any. Here's the scary part. She and I are both nurses, and have entirely different views on all of this. Hers BTW is probably the majority opinion among medical professionals.
Texas RN here. I find that to be true here too.
My sister, sister in law, plus daughter in law all nurses all vaxxed, all think we are nuts to not be, in my head I hope they all got saline because it’s tough to think otherwise.
Honestly, I hate these kinds of posts. They're such vague platitudes of how 'things will get worse before they get better' that they really don't do much good other than create more fear and anxiety. And it minimizes the difficulties we've already faced or currently experiencing. You're never wrong saying something like this because any bad news will support your generalized statements.
How about this: Instead of giving a vague doom statement like this, why not give some specifics. Like how do you think it'll get worse? Is it worse for the whole world's population or certain segments of the population of some specific nations? What would you suggest people do to prepare? At one point, in your opinion, do you think will be the worst that things will get and then start getting better?
At least counterbalance this doom bullshit with some statements of hope.
I agree. I don’t know if I believe things will get worse. Look at Q post 34. “However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast.”
To me, this means more people don’t need to be woke up BEFORE the operation goes public. This means a lot of people will still be asleep and will be forced to wake up.
That said, things are worse than what they were a year ago. So I have to mentally prepare for it to possibly get worse. But I know plenty of people who have had enough. And if nothing happens soon, there’s going to be a slew of people actively participating in “the show.”
Sure balances out the 5,250 "nothing is happening" posts over the past few days, Mr. 34 post karma. But, you know something? You're right, talk is cheap! The mod team should clear the runway for posters that know exactly what this board needs. Take the next two days off, mate. Write this exact post you describe, and I'll sticky it. Let's see some specifics. Like how do you think it'll get worse? Is it worse for the whole world's population or certain segments of the population of some specific nations? What would you suggest people do to prepare? At one point, in your opinion, do you think will be the worst that things will get and then start getting better?
Can't wait to see what you come up with. I'm sure it'll inspire us all! LET'S GOOOOO
EDIT: Pede's vacation has been removed, but, the point stands. The mod team is criticised HUNDREDS of times a day, that's not at issue, here. If you have a criticism, STEP UP, address it yourself. Be brave. We need courage, here. DO IT yourself, and the mod team will back the F out of your efforts.
I dont see this as doom. Nor do I feel like too many specifics are in order as a member of this forum. I appreciate your sentiment fren, but most here know what is implied by the post and a word of hope and encouragement does my soul a bit of good. It helps to know I am not alone in these dark times and I dont need long-winded explanations and links to receive that hope:)
On another note, we should be vigilant in the spreading of verified info, but I believe this post is different in nature.
Peace to you, anon!
Yes we need to be patient and most importantly do not partake in ANY non-peaceful protest
I agree. It's best to keep in mind it can always get darker, and the enemy is so determined to destroy that he will take things down with him (if he can't have it, no-one can).
What will the death throes of the Cabal look like? The MSM? The synagogue of Satan? China? How will these organizations, entities, and people BEHAVE when they finally KNOW they have been defeated? I shudder to imagine it...
No, most of them are NOT okay with the totalitarianism. The media just wants us to believe that.
I'm not so certain of that. My father-in-law constantly tells my husband how stupid we are for not taking the jab and, when my mother's brother died two days ago, he salivated over the possibility that it was due to COVID and not being vaxxed. He won't say any of this crap to me because he knows I'd tell him off, but he feels free to do it to my husband and then refuse to listen to anything that disagrees with his POV. I swear the man would probably feel smug if we were carted off to concentration camps and murdered, and tell everyone that he "told" us so.
My husband's sister is equally as bad, as are my brother's wife and his daughter. Another uncle died earlier this month (this is NOT a good month) and the two of them shot death glares at me for going to the funeral and not putting a diaper on my face, despite me staying away from everyone, for the most part. My mom noticed it as well and said there was pure hatred in their eyes.
The more I talk to family who got the jab, the more I wonder if there really was something in it that turned them into evil zombies. They're foaming at the mouth every time you speak to them, and I have no desire to be around them.
Only my brother remains somewhat sane after taking his two jabs--and he swears he won't get a third. My guess is that, as soon as his daughter rants at him about it, he'll get in line and obey, just like he did the first time. It's frigging sad.
Haha yeah send an emergency broadcast to all 350 million, "Trump Won"
Totally agree.
I think most of us are going to be unemployed before we see any real Q habbenings ala arrests, mil justice, etc. come to fruition.
And that's just one facet of the shitstorm. Medical, military, geopolitical, civil unrest, et al will all come into play as well.
Yep. The “mark of the beast” scenario needs to fully play out beforehand. These people need to see what a communist utopia truly looks like.
I'm just fucking tired.
Pour some COVFEFE and get back out there!
I believe that Biden's Afghanistan's debacle has opened a lot of eyes recently.
And started separating the wheat from the chaff in the military. The military is being exposed and for the first time since this all started I’m a little nervous. Good Times
Yes, bigger than many of us thought. Agree about holding the line. Standing our ground.
Yeah, I think it's going to get real spicy around here soon. Top up everything you can.
The patriot side seems to lack creativity. Very alarming to me. We have Az election data. We have other facts and points on many deep state evil topics. MSM blocks the truth. Big tech censors and blocks the truth. Normies r clueless and uninformed. How do we creatively solve this info war? May i suggest getting key evidence n presentable format (Powerpoint or whatever)and duplicating on thumb driver and hand delivering. No US post office as they r controlled. Rather that complain or disagree on these sites lets act and if we have to fund the thumb drives so be it. We can inform the normies before total totalitarian rule.
That is not a bad idea.
Yup. Incoming, for sure. We've been preparing for this moment. Hold the line, frens!! When things go dark we will see each other on the other side.🇺🇲
I've come to this realization awhile back. It's going to get VERY DARK in America. Imagine how much power the Cabal had in the peak of it's power to create fake news. Now imagine WE have taken that power from them and are using it to wake people up. Buckle up. We haven't seen anything yet.
Doesn't matter. All the ones still asleep already got vaxxed.
I agree with the poster and I've had this perspective for a very long time. The Q team wants to leave a psychic scar on this country to make sure it never allows itself to descend into totalitarianism.
I cannot help resenting them for this. I have fought for two decades with my time and my money, just like many of you. And we will all suffer for God knows how long because of the millions of idiots in this country that I no longer care about saving.
It is harder and harder to care about people who seem to have no common sense or curiosity about why things happen as they do. And yet it seems to be our mission. I just hope it will be worth it because, like you, I am tired of worrying about saving hopelessly naive idiots (who happen to be my family and friends).
It really is getting more difficult. I was not a very religious man when I was younger, but I pray a lot these days and one of the things I pray for is to not allow my heart to harden against the imbeciles that seem to populate a good portion of the country.
Some days I succeed, other days I fail.
Sadly, I think the very best thing that could happen is if the vaccine predictions are true, and a major percentage of the population were to perish. That would wake everyone up fast, and might save our country.
Can confirm my idiot brother is one of the asleep. To quote him “I fully trust the government on this. They have no real reason to lie to us about the Covid numbers.”
imo we could be 3/4 of the way through it all and we wouldn't know.
Funny you should say that. Just this morning I was thinking about the end of The African Queen where they're in the boat and they've been stuck in a weedy marsh that seems to go on forever and think they'll never get out of it. Then the camera lifts up to an aerial view and we can see that open water is just a hundred yards ahead of them, only they can't see it yet.
As long as we MOASS I’ll be happy.
This is what I fear. The stress of watching this is overwhelming to all of us who have been awake for years now. It is agonizing, and I think this might be the permanent state of things for the rest of our lives. It might take 10 years or more to reach the "precipice".
Unfortunately, the end isn't for everyone.
Some people are gonna go along with whatever they tell them. They are cowards.
These people are sociopaths. They have no empathy, no morals, no conscience. They just want what they want, and they'll do anything to get it. Anything.
The return of the epstein meme?
When they loose their 401ks it will be game over.