This was a huge redpill for the masses regardless of political affiliation. Right wingers could no longer defend an obviously corrupt and rigged system, which they now saw and Lefites un-verified claims that Wall Street is rigged were now vindicated. Suddenly the truth was out and these slime balls were exposed.
As a fellow ape I'd love for all this to be true. However I don't think it correlates. Buy, hodl, and don't forget to fuck a hedge or 2 along the way. Just waiting for my tendies to come in
GME is the main play but most of the DD points out that alot of these other stocks are being shorted as well through ETF's and the like which is why they seem to mirror each other. So technically most of these stocks could be good squeeze plays but you better own at least one GME share lol. Dual Ape here with mostly GME and just a little bit of AMC.
It's clearly not a distraction. I recognize that GME is the bigger/main play, but I'm up $54k on AMC and down a bit ($230 avg) on GME. My fault because I got in AMC earlier than GME, but if making $ is a distraction, then I'm a happy customer of distractions.
I applaud what RC is doing with GameStop, and of course I'm holding like a stubborn ape, but there's nothing wrong with making $ at the expense of hedgies in other areas as well. I couldn't imagine sitting on the sidelines and watching $BBIG currently rocket because you had some type of loyalty to one single stock.
How? If you follow the “movement” they certainly are not fighting a political battle. They are fighting against a corrupt financial system and stock market that is designed for the retail investor to fail. They have recognized the media is fake, our government agencies aren’t here to protect us, but the elites, and by banding together they might actually have a way to fight back. How is that any different than what people on this website are experiencing.
It’s not about free money to the people who actually know what’s going on. It’s been a revelation of truth about our country, and you won’t find anyone picking a political aisle that they believe supports them.
No.. no they don’t. You clearly don’t follow it and why you do follow likely isn’t an accurate depiction of what’s happening.
Also, awakening people doesn’t mean they all will throw on a MAGA hat once they realize the system they’re in is controlled by elitists and phony media, and the government organizations that are meant to protect them, actually harm them.
This about people waking up. Everyone is going to wake up differently. It’s about returning power to the people.
Again, you likely don’t follow it or you’re seeing snipets of BS. It’s also very naive to assume the people investing in these stocks are leftists to begin with.
To be quite honest with you, we all should be blaming republican leaders a lot of our problems. If they were doing their jobs, and fighting for what we elected them to do, we wouldn’t be in this situation.
But we must see different aspects of movement. Because I don’t see it as a leftist cause by any means.
What about what may have happened re devolution and something that GEOTUS did that we may find out in the future — related to the market, or related to it all coming down, but the last full day of 45’s “official” term?
GameStop is incredible, it has the potential to bankrupt much of the entire financial system. GameStop taking off could be a meltdown scenario for the USA and possibly a catalyst for ‘The Storm’ ⛈ 🍿
Also, please don't sell your AMC shares - it hurts the Ape movement for AMC, as it allows the hedge funds to cover their short positions. GME/AMC are tied together, and I fully believe it's part of the plan to restore power to the people. The market has to crash, so the Federal Reserve can be abolished, and the people return to sound money backed by precious metals (instead of fiat currency, of which we all use today - worthless toilet paper).
"Shall we play a game?" (among other "game" mentions) - GME
"Enjoy the show" - AMC
I'm definitely not arguing in favor of pedowood. That doesn't mean arts and creativity will be dead in the future. There's always going to be film.....we just don't know what that looks like after the Great Awakening.
Also, the fact that you carry over the Ape in-fighting is extremely suspect. Apes don't fight each other. Crypto, GME/AMC, precious metals - all in this fight together.
Yes it is, dead, dead, dead. There will never be another organic billion dollar box office for any movies going forward. Hollywood doesn’t even realize just how fcked they are by going along with the covid narrative and “orange man bad.” They deserve it, fck em! Burn baby, burn!
basically none, that was just when the OP took the screenshot.. cause muh all 3 price iz kool.
Now the, remember this day, and the anonomoly on jan 19 is interesting. That was the day the hedges were caught with their hand in the cookie jar really (spike 1). Just afterwards, WSB caught it (spike 2) and got the word out, then the apes started reporting to the launchpad (spikes 3 through current), and the drop on spike 3 was when the Fed did a software update and had to turn off the short ladders for a moment.
Of interesting note - The Frank Lloyd Wright Trail leads to the meeting place of the true global elite - Wingspread at Exit 333 33 E. 4 Mile Road in Racine, Wisconsin.
Expose the Root. Reveal the Agenda. Deny the Mark.
This one is easy. If you guy this stock. there is literally no other option or choice other than buy it and sit. Wait and sell when it pokes uranus, or lose everything you had in it and thats that. No sell this at this point, do this and options and blah de fucking blah. Buy it and sit. Turn of stop loss dont set Puts. Buy the ask or higher, you get the stock and sit until stupid numbers like 5 figures or more show up then consider selling. NOTHING less or you hurt the entire process. Simple stupid
crescendo plateau and finale freefall whatever those end up being which the moon or pluto in light years could be just about anywhere. But day trading here, on this, with fixed figures and times simply hurts the cause. So Yeah. 8675309 works for me
I've come to find out this year that it's better to take medical advise (Ivermectin) from online strangers, than from our corrupt medical community. So there's that, lol.
Sell some to cover on the way up, the rest after the peak volumn sold - that;s when the real money will start popping - no idea what that amount will be but I'm hoping to buy my own rocket ship with a launchpad on my private island in Fiji when it does happen.
No dont sell on the way up. That is what to HFs want us to do as it will take momentum out of the MOASS (limiting the peak by giving the HFs shares to buy and cover their position).
You will see every price twice. Once on the way up, and then again on the way down.
Absolutely no reason to sell for a smaller price on the way up, when you could just wait a day or two and sell for that same low price on the way down. Of course by that time you will actually know what the peak is and will slap yourself for almost selling for peanuts on the way up.
100% to the fuckin moon. I invested to save the jobs of people at the only retail store I've ever enjoyed going into, I was willing to lose it all. Selling on the way down from infinity.
I put money in and went from 1200 to almost 2k, and as I was doing tree work my dad unplugged my phone. i had planned to pull out at 1pm that day and wasnt able to access my account til almost 1:30... i'd lost about $300 at that point. I attempted to double down and put the $500 for the job into GME.... ended up losing a total of about $700 as I was slowly forced by life to chip away at my GME money..... and now it's back up. Fuckmylife
Seriously, this is just dumb. Q never predicted this. Those are two separate posts that have little to do with one another. It's an organic movement that sprung up of the overall great awakening. You can also see GME rose significantly during late 2020. A retail stock more than tripling is very unusual. Posts like this are just embarrassing and make us look fucking stupid.
Still holding...
to the moon and beyond apes!
Don’t fall for the divide and conquer technique! Buying and holding both fucks hedgies harder.
Holding both, and going to buy even more with some of my $BBIG profit.
Selling is a sure way to lock in losses
I love seeing GME posts here! Diamond hands.
Still hodling strong.
Hope you bought the dip!
Sounds like you're at least an XX holder. 💎
This was a huge redpill for the masses regardless of political affiliation. Right wingers could no longer defend an obviously corrupt and rigged system, which they now saw and Lefites un-verified claims that Wall Street is rigged were now vindicated. Suddenly the truth was out and these slime balls were exposed.
As a fellow ape I'd love for all this to be true. However I don't think it correlates. Buy, hodl, and don't forget to fuck a hedge or 2 along the way. Just waiting for my tendies to come in
I plan on eating my tendies on my roof. Ape together strong.
You might want to read what the Art of War says about supplying your army when in enemy territory.
AMC ape here.. you’re watching a movie…
Also, if you follow the meme stock at all you’ll see the amount of red polling they’ve received about the stock market..
Apes now know the media is fake, politics is fake, and finance is fake. The entire fucking system is corrupt, and we're going to take it all back.
GME is the main play but most of the DD points out that alot of these other stocks are being shorted as well through ETF's and the like which is why they seem to mirror each other. So technically most of these stocks could be good squeeze plays but you better own at least one GME share lol. Dual Ape here with mostly GME and just a little bit of AMC.
No it’s not. But thanks. I hold both.
It's clearly not a distraction. I recognize that GME is the bigger/main play, but I'm up $54k on AMC and down a bit ($230 avg) on GME. My fault because I got in AMC earlier than GME, but if making $ is a distraction, then I'm a happy customer of distractions.
I applaud what RC is doing with GameStop, and of course I'm holding like a stubborn ape, but there's nothing wrong with making $ at the expense of hedgies in other areas as well. I couldn't imagine sitting on the sidelines and watching $BBIG currently rocket because you had some type of loyalty to one single stock.
How? If you follow the “movement” they certainly are not fighting a political battle. They are fighting against a corrupt financial system and stock market that is designed for the retail investor to fail. They have recognized the media is fake, our government agencies aren’t here to protect us, but the elites, and by banding together they might actually have a way to fight back. How is that any different than what people on this website are experiencing.
It’s not about free money to the people who actually know what’s going on. It’s been a revelation of truth about our country, and you won’t find anyone picking a political aisle that they believe supports them.
No.. no they don’t. You clearly don’t follow it and why you do follow likely isn’t an accurate depiction of what’s happening.
Also, awakening people doesn’t mean they all will throw on a MAGA hat once they realize the system they’re in is controlled by elitists and phony media, and the government organizations that are meant to protect them, actually harm them.
This about people waking up. Everyone is going to wake up differently. It’s about returning power to the people.
Again, you likely don’t follow it or you’re seeing snipets of BS. It’s also very naive to assume the people investing in these stocks are leftists to begin with.
To be quite honest with you, we all should be blaming republican leaders a lot of our problems. If they were doing their jobs, and fighting for what we elected them to do, we wouldn’t be in this situation.
But we must see different aspects of movement. Because I don’t see it as a leftist cause by any means.
Not hardly. Have millennials who lean left. (Kind of hard, in fact)
They are ALL in on this- it has been one thing we could all agree on, and I’ve been thankful for it, for just that reason
Still. Holding. Strong. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
What happened on the 19th? I bought in Jan at $307…
They turned off the buy button and showed the world the whole thing is rigged. Idk if it was exactly the 19th but that’s my take on it.
I remember that part vividly. Especially the time afterwards where the SEC did nothing.
maybe its 1/19/2022? Idk
What about what may have happened re devolution and something that GEOTUS did that we may find out in the future — related to the market, or related to it all coming down, but the last full day of 45’s “official” term?
Still holding and eating crayons!
Apes together STRONG!
[Eats crayons with feet]
GameStop is incredible, it has the potential to bankrupt much of the entire financial system. GameStop taking off could be a meltdown scenario for the USA and possibly a catalyst for ‘The Storm’ ⛈ 🍿
Love me some GME and Q
Still holding! I agree, the 2 are indeed connected.
Still holding my one share.
I got 2 shares gme and 90 shares amc
I'm considering selling my AMC and dumping it all into GME since I found out china owns AMC.
I kinda want to downvote you, but will refrain. Wanda Group, who is Chinese owned, sold their stake in AMC earlier this year.
Also, please don't sell your AMC shares - it hurts the Ape movement for AMC, as it allows the hedge funds to cover their short positions. GME/AMC are tied together, and I fully believe it's part of the plan to restore power to the people. The market has to crash, so the Federal Reserve can be abolished, and the people return to sound money backed by precious metals (instead of fiat currency, of which we all use today - worthless toilet paper).
"Shall we play a game?" (among other "game" mentions) - GME "Enjoy the show" - AMC
Much appreciated for refraining. I'll be sure to read that article tonight. Thanks
I'm definitely not arguing in favor of pedowood. That doesn't mean arts and creativity will be dead in the future. There's always going to be film.....we just don't know what that looks like after the Great Awakening.
Also, the fact that you carry over the Ape in-fighting is extremely suspect. Apes don't fight each other. Crypto, GME/AMC, precious metals - all in this fight together.
Yes it is, dead, dead, dead. There will never be another organic billion dollar box office for any movies going forward. Hollywood doesn’t even realize just how fcked they are by going along with the covid narrative and “orange man bad.” They deserve it, fck em! Burn baby, burn!
Diamond hand it apes own laps around the free float
Ehh, it’s in China’s interest to destabilise the US financial system. They’ll want AMC to rocket too.
Fuck off with your spam.
You're spamming the thread AND projecting..
What's the significance of 333.33?
basically none, that was just when the OP took the screenshot.. cause muh all 3 price iz kool.
Now the, remember this day, and the anonomoly on jan 19 is interesting. That was the day the hedges were caught with their hand in the cookie jar really (spike 1). Just afterwards, WSB caught it (spike 2) and got the word out, then the apes started reporting to the launchpad (spikes 3 through current), and the drop on spike 3 was when the Fed did a software update and had to turn off the short ladders for a moment.
Of interesting note - The Frank Lloyd Wright Trail leads to the meeting place of the true global elite - Wingspread at Exit 333 33 E. 4 Mile Road in Racine, Wisconsin.
Expose the Root. Reveal the Agenda. Deny the Mark.
Jesus Christ and The Truth are the Only Way.
The johnson foundation
Read about their history with China.
Was COVID in Racine months before January 2020?
Fred Gates met his new wife in Racine before starting the China Medical Board to eliminate Christianity in China?
What happened to Curt? What is the real definition of Pizzagate?
The Fellowship cult was a model for NXIVM and other “clubs”. What happened at Taliesin?
Frank Lloyd Wright and the residents of Wingspread have deep connections with Maricopa County, Arizona. So do the Johnsons and Rothschilds.
Why is Frank Lloyd Wright really celebrated?
Article of interest about the foundation and China -
Got any goods about Barrett suddenly taking ambassador in Luxembourg, and how he connects to all of this? Expose the root. I am part of the movement.
This. I don't see what's important about this number, or the 58:00 time stamp of Margin Call.
Post 562, 5(6+2=)8, 58 time stamp both include Remember this day
33 is Masonic symbolism. Any time you see something like this, it's probable that Masons are behind it.
There was a drop or two that said "dead cat bounce" too, I need to check what dates those were
Related to tech stocks, tech stocks are held by all the worlds big banks. When the banks dump, tech will dump harder. Dotcom 2.0
This one is easy. If you guy this stock. there is literally no other option or choice other than buy it and sit. Wait and sell when it pokes uranus, or lose everything you had in it and thats that. No sell this at this point, do this and options and blah de fucking blah. Buy it and sit. Turn of stop loss dont set Puts. Buy the ask or higher, you get the stock and sit until stupid numbers like 5 figures or more show up then consider selling. NOTHING less or you hurt the entire process. Simple stupid
crescendo plateau and finale freefall whatever those end up being which the moon or pluto in light years could be just about anywhere. But day trading here, on this, with fixed figures and times simply hurts the cause. So Yeah. 8675309 works for me
I’d love to get in on this, but the stock market makes my head hurt. I don’t understand it at all
At least you're not taking financial advice from strangers online, so there's that
I've come to find out this year that it's better to take medical advise (Ivermectin) from online strangers, than from our corrupt medical community. So there's that, lol.
Actually I’d take all the advice I can get lol. Not sure I really trust financial advisors
Appreciate the tips! I’ll look into it for sure
Wen mayo?
Not following this, but I too thought the “want to play a game?” (S)top was a message
Hodling strong! See you Apetards on the moon!!!
I posted earlier today some articles that should make you t least say 🧐
Gold destroy the fed? Dead cat bounce? Very interesting.
Sell price = $69,420
Lemme finish that for you: $69,420,420.69
Sell some to cover on the way up, the rest after the peak volumn sold - that;s when the real money will start popping - no idea what that amount will be but I'm hoping to buy my own rocket ship with a launchpad on my private island in Fiji when it does happen.
No dont sell on the way up. That is what to HFs want us to do as it will take momentum out of the MOASS (limiting the peak by giving the HFs shares to buy and cover their position).
You will see every price twice. Once on the way up, and then again on the way down.
Absolutely no reason to sell for a smaller price on the way up, when you could just wait a day or two and sell for that same low price on the way down. Of course by that time you will actually know what the peak is and will slap yourself for almost selling for peanuts on the way up.
If you absolutely must, otherwise, look at it as Vegas gambling money - 'let it all ride.
100% to the fuckin moon. I invested to save the jobs of people at the only retail store I've ever enjoyed going into, I was willing to lose it all. Selling on the way down from infinity.
“Carmelo, get me Eric Dale by 6:30 (am).”
Always admire the spunk.
Love it!
I put money in and went from 1200 to almost 2k, and as I was doing tree work my dad unplugged my phone. i had planned to pull out at 1pm that day and wasnt able to access my account til almost 1:30... i'd lost about $300 at that point. I attempted to double down and put the $500 for the job into GME.... ended up losing a total of about $700 as I was slowly forced by life to chip away at my GME money..... and now it's back up. Fuckmylife
Seriously, this is just dumb. Q never predicted this. Those are two separate posts that have little to do with one another. It's an organic movement that sprung up of the overall great awakening. You can also see GME rose significantly during late 2020. A retail stock more than tripling is very unusual. Posts like this are just embarrassing and make us look fucking stupid.
Someone has their tinfoil hat on too tight Grasping at straws!
GME apes will continue to slowly migrate over to Uranium...
Nope. Not when the true GME float is 300%
It’s higher than that. After the crash GME will be running the ‘NEW Wall Street’.
Hodling brother ape 🦍 diamond 💎 🖐 🤚 all the way. AMC is for paper handling, GME shares will own the world when it’s all over.
How long will the fuckery continue?
300%? I's say more like 1000%+
What was to stop them shorting it 2million percent?
Are you high? This is silver squeeze 2.0. GME is the only play. Buy. Hodl. Rinse. Repeat.
Gme and Amc. The numbers are there
Buy both - nothing to lose except your life savings.
Who would bet their life savings? You can buy GME for $200. If you only want to buy a couple shares then that's fine.
It was meant as a joke, lighten up Francis.
Only spend what you can lose. GME can not lose at this point based on fundamentals alone.
Most GME apes didn't take the bait on SLV either. The physical silver crowd is mostly separate but has some people who are in both camps like I.
I’m in both camps.
My eggs are in many baskets.
Hodling both myself.
Kerry from Stonks Big Play's youtube channel?
Yeah, no
Both mother fucker
Eh, this needs sauce.