I recommend you read my comment on it that I put in my previous post.
Nesara is a flawed idea as a law. It is a pathway to totalitarianism as a law.
Its like FEMA. FEMA can do whatever needs to be done to take care of an emergency. That sounds great right? You really need to take care of emergencies. Emergencies are such dynamic situations that if we don't have a system that has reactive authority to take care of the problem we would all be screwed.
But FEMA has the legal power to take over the entire United States.
They have the legal authority to install a totalitarian government. They have the legal authority to declare for themselves when the "emergency" is over, wherein they give back control...
FEMA is the path to the end of the world. Yet it makes so much sense to have a system in place to reactively take care of shit if the SHTF.
Nesara makes a lot of sense. It takes care of a lot of the problems that need to be taken care of. It gives us all free money, which is just so great for everyone. It's our due right?
Personally, I'll take a system that teaches us how to fish and gives us all access to the ocean (opportunity and empowerment), rather than one that gives us a few fish (government dependency), but maybe that's me.
But when you codify (make into law) all the things it makes into law, all you have done is exchange one totalitarian regime for another.
We need to take care of a lot of the things in Nesara. And we need to do it by removing laws, not by creating more of them.
Do you consider the existence of the Quantum Financial System in your assessment?
Its been a while since I dug into the QFS, but I don't remember seeing anything of merit in there outside of some obvious things that have to be part of any solution.
HOW we arrive at a solution is just as important as the solution itself. That is really what these statements here are about. I suggest that we should not be making laws when removing laws and exposing fraud will do the same trick, in a far more permanent way. One path is business as usual, where in this particular case it also makes a clear and legal path to a different totalitarian regime. The other path teaches everyone why we would want to go in a certain direction, while also returning previous restrictions on government, and giving back the power and sovereignty to We The People.
When we started our government, all our federal laws fit on one piece of paper.
Now, almost 250 years later, we have so many laws, no one knows how many there are. It could be trillions. That was all done to con the American people out of their sovereign and inalienable rights.
It worked.
The path back is not more laws, but fewer. Even the Constitution and DoI were inherently flawed. They have loopholes put in, I think by Banker influences (Hamilton e.g.), that allowed for future fuckery.
We need a new country, or perhaps I should say, a new Government (which means a new Constitution). There is no other way.
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Can you link to the portion on what would affect Reverse Mortgage?
I see this:
Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.
Would be awesome to see the literal section & the legalese.
I have heard the rumor that it happened, but I do not believe it. It sounds like a made up story, and when I looked, I could find no corroborating evidence.
That's a fantastic breakdown. You know how I know that NESARA is bunk? Because it reads like a fevered utopian fantasy that's half-hippie and half-Ron Paul. It mixes clear and legitimate fixes, like abolishing the Federal Reserve, with extremely vague and frankly far-Left ideas like "increase benefits to senior citizens". Don't even get me started on the promised Sci-Fi tech that smacks of New Age like
"sonic healing".
It makes even more sense to go back to the Silver standard, since that's what was written into the first money laws of our country by the founding fathers. The U.S. Dollar is STILL legally defined as 371.25 grains of silver (0.77 oz). Also the act that changed it to the gold standard from silver (Coin Act of 1873) was of HUGE benefit to the Bankers and detrimental to We The People. It was this act that led to all the fuckery that followed, including eventually the Fed.
But in truth, either one could work, except We The People don't actually have any gold, nor can anyone afford to buy any. We can all afford to buy silver though, and many people have a lot already. It is in our hands already. Sure, they have a ton of it, but we already have more than enough to make an economy out of it.
I did not know this and thank you I'm sure those around Geotus knows this and maybe we will go all the way back interesting times to be alive thank the Lord I'm not a sleeper
Perhaps, but there is ten times more silver than gold, and We The People have a whole lot more silver than gold. We could make a whole economy just on what we already have in silver, but not in gold.
Though you do have a point, and one I have thought of. I don't know what the best solution is.
Right after 9/11 was when I first heard of NESARA. One of my neighbors was convinced it was going to be implemented "any day now!" and that everyone would have all their debts cleared.
He ran up all his credit cards and took out a second mortgage on his house, thinking that all of it was going to be paid off for him "any day now!" Things didn't work out too well for him.
NESARA has popped up here and there over the past 20 years, but it wasn't until this past year that I've seen people buying into it like they did back then.
I wonder how many people are going to ruin their credit thinking that NESARA will be implemented "any day now!".
Reverse repo has been over a trillion every day for a few weeks now. While it is at an all time high, I'm not sure its a good indicator of market crash.
Now if you want to look at inflation rates, other traditional markers of market crash, they're all just as fucked.
Also Chinese banks are in the process of defaulting this week, and their stock market is completely halted until Wednesday.
My understanding of reverse repro is that the feds sells you securities (like bonds) with an agreement they'll buy it back from you at a higher (agreed upon) price.
So, cash that is floating around is sold to the fed over the open market.
The part that's confusing is that the immediate effect is to combat inflation. But when the fed buys back the shares, they are essentially printing more money. Also, the people participating get guaranteed profits (otherwise they would have no reason to participate).
I'm assuming that once the parties reap the profits when the treasuries come due, they'll park their cash with the Fed again for more profits. It's just one big shell game.
I sent half, but that's because I want to play both sides of the NFT and maintain pressure through the MOASS. Of course, all new shares are being bought through CS, so it hasn't been half for a while now.
The pros of sending all is that it really hammers the pressure faster
The pros of sending a portion is that it's currently a long process, and retaining some is security against MOASS tomorrow. It also allows you to sell through your broker, which is both more convenient, as well as necessary if you don't want to sell through CS and thereby relieve pressure by doing so - if CS holds the float but no CS share is ever sold (only those still held in brokerages) then MOASS won't end until every share outside CS finds a buyer. If CS holds the float and then half are sold from there, then the scenario returns to DTCC having the room to lie and play their tricks again.
CS shares are for igniting the rocket, brokerages are for selling -- so you might thing fuck it, why transfer then. Let everyone else carry the burden, I'll just mooch. But then there's the NFT thing.
CS shares are guaranteed the NFT. All other shares are entitled to it, and your broker has to go out and get it (at whatever the cost) but it'll be the CS shares dictating the price they sell their NFTs for. As I said, I want to play both sides of the NFT dividend.
So that's my reply to your innocent offhand 3 word question.
Physical certificates aren't the requirement. The float is administered by computershare. All share not directly held, are held by the DTCC, which are then via the DTCC associated with this broker or that on the DTCC's books, and this investor or that, on the brokerage's books.
By direct registering, and simply transfering from your broker, those shares stop being associated with the broker, with the DTCC, and CS moves them to you directly.
You don't need the physical certificate.
(And the physical printing was stopped because GS asked them to as they work out a new physical system, but that's just an aside)
Call your brokerage and state verbatum that that you want to execute a DNS transfer OUT of some or all of your shares to their designated registrar. That's it. You don't even need an existing CS account setup.
CS will mail you info to login and set up your acocunt with them. Of course, if you already have a CS account via direct purchases, you can let your broker know and they'll mark that on their form.
You could also fill out and mail in the form yourself, but you really are better off just calling in. At this point, all the reps know the procedure. THERE ARE NO ONLINE WAYS TO DO THIS and that really ought to be all you need to know about the utility of this process, and why it's worthy the agony of a phone call.
Yes but if you look at the top column, it says, ($Billions) so 1,224 Billion dollars is correct, which then can be converted to 1.224 Trillion. You can just round it down and say 1.2 Trillion dollars or use ~$1.2 Trillion, where "~" means "about", but the chart was showing it in Billions, not Trillions.
Yes OP did say in the title, "$1,224 Trillion" and that's incorrect. It should be read as "$1,224 Billion".
It’s just the opposite of a repo, and it is happening a lot now because it was recently incentivized.
Banks loan out money to FED for a day in exchange for the FED loaning them assets (a repo is functionally the opposite), but they banks now make something like 8-15% interest on the deal since a new official change.
It’s a way to bail out the banks and make it look inconspicuous.
Explanation: there's too much money in circulation. Instead of raising interest rates (which will slow down the economy), the Fed is using reverse repo to temporarily soak up the excess money to prevent explosive inflation. With the Democrats planning to spend trillions more, the Fed knows they'll have to print even more money to finance the spending, triggering even worse inflation. In sum, this is their last-ditch effort to prevent future hyperinflation.
They will try to keep the band aid on until Trump takes over again. Then they will rip it off and blame him. Little do the know, this is what Trump wants. This way he can get rid of the petrodollar, go back to sound money and pump the economy back up with real money. American Made money. Just my opinion. in reality, they cant go on much longer. The damage is already done and it this just makes it worse. The system would have crashed already and we would be on the way to building it back up. They are just slow rolling the inevitable.
Woooow, well established. Should we reiterate that one more time or actually answer my question? So did you just
Create this in Microsoft office or do you have a fucking source already??
Have heard that too. Am sure I have many details wrong here but believe it relates directly back to the Treasury being able to mint/print currency, a chanfge made under Trump. I think it is along the lines of USA owes $800 bazillion to the Fed so...
"Here's 800 new USA bazillion dollar platinum coins, our debt is paid in full."
Does the Fed then declare the coins valueless and get nothing or go along with it? In parallel a new Treasury dollar is launched alongside Fed fiatbucks so the whole system does not crash. This would allow 401Ks to migrate and fiatbucks onhand to be exchanged at some ratio. It seems fantastic but so does the last year.
I hope they do. I can't wait for them to realize that money printing is still fiat if the coin is denominated a bajillion times greater than it's market value in materials.
Smooth brain translation: It means the feds have way too much liquidity. Banks have cash to lend, but nobody’s borrowing, so they’re parking it and selling it at a . 05 percent loss to try and sell more loans. This is unheard of and 2-3 percent mortgage rates.
Is this saying the Fed is giving out cash at a 0.5% interest rate? (and then the banks charge X% rate when they loan it back out or issue credit cards?)
Only 77 counterparties? So each party has an average of 15 billion dollars in cash to give to the fed as part of the reverse repo exchange!!?? Really curious who these 77 are.
r/Superstonk is where it's at. We've been following the RRO for a while. This shit is truly bonkers, especially when you look at a graph of the RRO since it started. The institutions have no faith in the current market.
clarification on meaning of reverse repo: an agreement between two parties where one party sells a financial asset (a security) to a counterparty, and agrees to buy it back from them at a specified price on a specified date in the future. (eg. If you buy this apple for 5 bucks now, in return i'll agree to buy it back from you tomorrow for 6 bucks.)
seller/buyback party; unknown, more info needed.
Information available suggests one party has sold 1.224 trillion US dollars worth of securities, today(09/20/2021) to combined 77 different counterparties, and agreed to buy it back tomorrow (09/21/2021). for a .05% increase over original price sold for. (math may be wrong, not an accountant)
original seller will buy back securities for original price plus 61.2 billion US.
This is good… once all the billshit gets exposed… fed will get audited… then their bullshit will come to light… good bye fed… hello gold / silver. Treasury will issue notes again and everyones money currently saved should get honored… note to note…. those who have been hoarding gold/silver or other precious metals are sitting pretty…
I'm smooth brain what's it mean
But if that nesara things real this is good right?
There is nothing good about making into law all the things in nesara. See my post in the comment section here.
Maybe not all the things, but it's still better then current diseased ridden corrupt system currently in place.
I recommend you read my comment on it that I put in my previous post.
Nesara is a flawed idea as a law. It is a pathway to totalitarianism as a law.
Its like FEMA. FEMA can do whatever needs to be done to take care of an emergency. That sounds great right? You really need to take care of emergencies. Emergencies are such dynamic situations that if we don't have a system that has reactive authority to take care of the problem we would all be screwed.
But FEMA has the legal power to take over the entire United States.
They have the legal authority to install a totalitarian government. They have the legal authority to declare for themselves when the "emergency" is over, wherein they give back control...
FEMA is the path to the end of the world. Yet it makes so much sense to have a system in place to reactively take care of shit if the SHTF.
Nesara makes a lot of sense. It takes care of a lot of the problems that need to be taken care of. It gives us all free money, which is just so great for everyone. It's our due right?
Personally, I'll take a system that teaches us how to fish and gives us all access to the ocean (opportunity and empowerment), rather than one that gives us a few fish (government dependency), but maybe that's me.
But when you codify (make into law) all the things it makes into law, all you have done is exchange one totalitarian regime for another.
We need to take care of a lot of the things in Nesara. And we need to do it by removing laws, not by creating more of them.
There's a great deal of information out there about NESARA, and I suspect there are a number of versions...kinda like the bible.
So who has the actual and authentic version? Do you consider the existence of the Quantum Financial System in your assessment?
If this isn't it, then I doubt there is one.
Its been a while since I dug into the QFS, but I don't remember seeing anything of merit in there outside of some obvious things that have to be part of any solution.
HOW we arrive at a solution is just as important as the solution itself. That is really what these statements here are about. I suggest that we should not be making laws when removing laws and exposing fraud will do the same trick, in a far more permanent way. One path is business as usual, where in this particular case it also makes a clear and legal path to a different totalitarian regime. The other path teaches everyone why we would want to go in a certain direction, while also returning previous restrictions on government, and giving back the power and sovereignty to We The People.
When we started our government, all our federal laws fit on one piece of paper.
Now, almost 250 years later, we have so many laws, no one knows how many there are. It could be trillions. That was all done to con the American people out of their sovereign and inalienable rights.
It worked.
The path back is not more laws, but fewer. Even the Constitution and DoI were inherently flawed. They have loopholes put in, I think by Banker influences (Hamilton e.g.), that allowed for future fuckery.
We need a new country, or perhaps I should say, a new Government (which means a new Constitution). There is no other way.
You are here. ^
^^^^THIS. I've been telling people Nesara is bullshit, "The Great Reset" dressed in different clothes.
Thanks for your insight and explanation.
If that is true and in a simplified sentence, why was it stopped from occurring on 911?
And you believe that because...
Do we actually KNOW what the specific verbage within NESARA is? If so please pass along the doc so I can read.
If not this just be disclosed as speculative.
Can you link to the portion on what would affect Reverse Mortgage?
I see this:
Would be awesome to see the literal section & the legalese.
Thank you for the link. Lots of good history to study. Doesn’t mean it is 100% factual but it looks good. Thanks again patriot
Where is the congressional record on this, please.
I've looked and looked and came up empty.
Wish to see how my representative voted on it.
Was it the 106 Congress or 108?
Have you seen what else is on that site? Credibility is an issue there plus as far as i remember theres no official documents on there. Just articles.
I think this is likely the "real" version (if such a thing exists).
This looks like it would be a fantastic start to fixing things.
I have heard the rumor that it happened, but I do not believe it. It sounds like a made up story, and when I looked, I could find no corroborating evidence.
That's a fantastic breakdown. You know how I know that NESARA is bunk? Because it reads like a fevered utopian fantasy that's half-hippie and half-Ron Paul. It mixes clear and legitimate fixes, like abolishing the Federal Reserve, with extremely vague and frankly far-Left ideas like "increase benefits to senior citizens". Don't even get me started on the promised Sci-Fi tech that smacks of New Age like "sonic healing".
I never looked into it I know Geotus believes in Gold so that makes more sense to go back to the gold standard
It makes even more sense to go back to the Silver standard, since that's what was written into the first money laws of our country by the founding fathers. The U.S. Dollar is STILL legally defined as 371.25 grains of silver (0.77 oz). Also the act that changed it to the gold standard from silver (Coin Act of 1873) was of HUGE benefit to the Bankers and detrimental to We The People. It was this act that led to all the fuckery that followed, including eventually the Fed.
But in truth, either one could work, except We The People don't actually have any gold, nor can anyone afford to buy any. We can all afford to buy silver though, and many people have a lot already. It is in our hands already. Sure, they have a ton of it, but we already have more than enough to make an economy out of it.
See JFK’s Executive Order 11110 on silver certificates.
Yup, and he was killed a couple months later, and that EO went the way of the Dodo five years after that, without a whisper.
I did not know this and thank you I'm sure those around Geotus knows this and maybe we will go all the way back interesting times to be alive thank the Lord I'm not a sleeper
Elements of NESARA would fulfill Trumps "The best is yet to come" quite grandly!! Only those things which truly benefit The People..
I don't think that is a possibility, silver has too much industrial use, which is why gold makes a better global reserve currency.
Perhaps, but there is ten times more silver than gold, and We The People have a whole lot more silver than gold. We could make a whole economy just on what we already have in silver, but not in gold.
Though you do have a point, and one I have thought of. I don't know what the best solution is.
I thought that when Q said Gold will end the Fed that was because the person he then appointed to the Fed last name was Gold.
Reddit sucks! Don't waste time with that...
Give the big 3 financial subreddits a chance. They do pro-level due diligence threads on what's going on.
Right after 9/11 was when I first heard of NESARA. One of my neighbors was convinced it was going to be implemented "any day now!" and that everyone would have all their debts cleared.
He ran up all his credit cards and took out a second mortgage on his house, thinking that all of it was going to be paid off for him "any day now!" Things didn't work out too well for him.
NESARA has popped up here and there over the past 20 years, but it wasn't until this past year that I've seen people buying into it like they did back then.
I wonder how many people are going to ruin their credit thinking that NESARA will be implemented "any day now!".
Reverse repo has been over a trillion every day for a few weeks now. While it is at an all time high, I'm not sure its a good indicator of market crash.
Now if you want to look at inflation rates, other traditional markers of market crash, they're all just as fucked.
Also Chinese banks are in the process of defaulting this week, and their stock market is completely halted until Wednesday.
Should be a spicy meatball
My understanding of reverse repro is that the feds sells you securities (like bonds) with an agreement they'll buy it back from you at a higher (agreed upon) price. So, cash that is floating around is sold to the fed over the open market.
The part that's confusing is that the immediate effect is to combat inflation. But when the fed buys back the shares, they are essentially printing more money. Also, the people participating get guaranteed profits (otherwise they would have no reason to participate).
I'm assuming that once the parties reap the profits when the treasuries come due, they'll park their cash with the Fed again for more profits. It's just one big shell game.
It means if you don't own GME, you're not gonna make it.
And if you haven't direct registered with CS, you're going to miss out on the NFT fun.
Is there a good GME group on win or otherwise outside of reddit? GME is the only reason I haven't closed my reddit acct yet.
Good? No
https://communities.win/c/WSBets exists, but it's not frequented so you and I are in the same boat
Computershare, the direct registrar for Gamestop (among other stocks)
If you know, you know, if you don't you're months behind on the rabbit hole
Transfer over for direct registration and you get the shares out of the DTCC
All of them?
Some, all, whatever.
I sent half, but that's because I want to play both sides of the NFT and maintain pressure through the MOASS. Of course, all new shares are being bought through CS, so it hasn't been half for a while now.
The pros of sending all is that it really hammers the pressure faster
The pros of sending a portion is that it's currently a long process, and retaining some is security against MOASS tomorrow. It also allows you to sell through your broker, which is both more convenient, as well as necessary if you don't want to sell through CS and thereby relieve pressure by doing so - if CS holds the float but no CS share is ever sold (only those still held in brokerages) then MOASS won't end until every share outside CS finds a buyer. If CS holds the float and then half are sold from there, then the scenario returns to DTCC having the room to lie and play their tricks again.
CS shares are for igniting the rocket, brokerages are for selling -- so you might thing fuck it, why transfer then. Let everyone else carry the burden, I'll just mooch. But then there's the NFT thing.
CS shares are guaranteed the NFT. All other shares are entitled to it, and your broker has to go out and get it (at whatever the cost) but it'll be the CS shares dictating the price they sell their NFTs for. As I said, I want to play both sides of the NFT dividend.
So that's my reply to your innocent offhand 3 word question.
Did some research. CS has stopped issuing physical certificates. No longer possible.
Physical certificates aren't the requirement. The float is administered by computershare. All share not directly held, are held by the DTCC, which are then via the DTCC associated with this broker or that on the DTCC's books, and this investor or that, on the brokerage's books.
By direct registering, and simply transfering from your broker, those shares stop being associated with the broker, with the DTCC, and CS moves them to you directly.
You don't need the physical certificate.
(And the physical printing was stopped because GS asked them to as they work out a new physical system, but that's just an aside)
They ran out of fancy paper to print them,and they are too busy. You can still directly register your shares.
It looks like this kind if spike happened before the 2008 crash but 2021 is twice as big
George gammon - reverse repos explode deep explanation
repo market explained by gammon
Where's my GME gang at?
Diamond hands!
DRS for the moass!
It’s as close to a sure thing as I’ve seen in my life 😁
And I am so bummed that my favorite “Sure Thing” movie was forever ruined by me learning about Hollyweird 😢
Through CS
Was reading on this, do you have any links to the process on transferring to CS?
There is a sticky on superstonk about it
Nice thanks! I’ll check it out. Got 35 shares I need to move 😁
Call your brokerage and state verbatum that that you want to execute a DNS transfer OUT of some or all of your shares to their designated registrar. That's it. You don't even need an existing CS account setup.
CS will mail you info to login and set up your acocunt with them. Of course, if you already have a CS account via direct purchases, you can let your broker know and they'll mark that on their form.
You could also fill out and mail in the form yourself, but you really are better off just calling in. At this point, all the reps know the procedure. THERE ARE NO ONLINE WAYS TO DO THIS and that really ought to be all you need to know about the utility of this process, and why it's worthy the agony of a phone call.
I have 1 share. Is that enough to do this with?
Eating crayons w/ diamond hands fellow Ape!
Soon may the tendieman come.
That's 1.224 Trillion not 1,224 Trillion. Basic Math!
It says in billions. So 1,224=1.224 trillion.
What i said exactly. Not 1,224 trillion, but one trillion 224 billion
why make trillions when we can make....billions??
I read that in my head with Dr. Evil's voice.
As long as the Big Guy gets his 10%
Yes but if you look at the top column, it says, ($Billions) so 1,224 Billion dollars is correct, which then can be converted to 1.224 Trillion. You can just round it down and say 1.2 Trillion dollars or use ~$1.2 Trillion, where "~" means "about", but the chart was showing it in Billions, not Trillions.
Yes OP did say in the title, "$1,224 Trillion" and that's incorrect. It should be read as "$1,224 Billion".
1,224 billions =1.224 trillion.
Hes correcting OP. Title says 1,224 trillion
It's also cause op is from the EU, which means different number conventions. So yeah this comment section is a shit show lol
Exactly! the title says 1,224 Trillion when it is actually one trillion 224 billion
Ugh tray tables up seat backs in upright position …
... put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye...
Because we got the jab in Trinidad.
That’s not what a reverse repo is.
It’s just the opposite of a repo, and it is happening a lot now because it was recently incentivized.
Banks loan out money to FED for a day in exchange for the FED loaning them assets (a repo is functionally the opposite), but they banks now make something like 8-15% interest on the deal since a new official change.
It’s a way to bail out the banks and make it look inconspicuous.
Cash is a liability to the bank. Hodling makes them look bad.
I think it used to be that way until this recent change that incentivized doing it, since they make interest greater than inflation for doing it.
I’m just relaying what I read from SuperStonk.
Money is toxic, no one wants to hold it
Explanation: there's too much money in circulation. Instead of raising interest rates (which will slow down the economy), the Fed is using reverse repo to temporarily soak up the excess money to prevent explosive inflation. With the Democrats planning to spend trillions more, the Fed knows they'll have to print even more money to finance the spending, triggering even worse inflation. In sum, this is their last-ditch effort to prevent future hyperinflation.
You have any idea how long this bandaid will hold?
They will try to keep the band aid on until Trump takes over again. Then they will rip it off and blame him. Little do the know, this is what Trump wants. This way he can get rid of the petrodollar, go back to sound money and pump the economy back up with real money. American Made money. Just my opinion. in reality, they cant go on much longer. The damage is already done and it this just makes it worse. The system would have crashed already and we would be on the way to building it back up. They are just slow rolling the inevitable.
Smells like a wet dream for Klaus Schwab and his WEF friends
@Quelle This is super bad isn’t it? What should we Anons prep for on this to help others please?
Thank you Quelle. And God bless you always Anon. I hope all heed your warning.
Buy a few shares of $GME and hold.
Where’s the sauce? First of all it claims 1.2 trillion not 1,224 trillion. That would be over a quadrillion. 🤦♂️ Why do people post this shit
Indeed. Context matters. Lol so where are you getting this information from?
“Content matters. Lol He referenced the American Fed. What I said is 100% correct. Maybe he should learn how Americans designate numerals.” Lol
No u
Woooow, well established. Should we reiterate that one more time or actually answer my question? So did you just Create this in Microsoft office or do you have a fucking source already??
Content matters. Lol He referenced the American Fed. What I said is 100% correct. Maybe he should learn how Americans designate numerals.
No u
No, lazy OP.
This sounds like a Costco run for toilet paper and ramen is necessary.
We have been above 1T for over 20 days
Red October
I hear they're talking about issuing a platinum coin with face value of a trillion...
Have heard that too. Am sure I have many details wrong here but believe it relates directly back to the Treasury being able to mint/print currency, a chanfge made under Trump. I think it is along the lines of USA owes $800 bazillion to the Fed so...
"Here's 800 new USA bazillion dollar platinum coins, our debt is paid in full."
Does the Fed then declare the coins valueless and get nothing or go along with it? In parallel a new Treasury dollar is launched alongside Fed fiatbucks so the whole system does not crash. This would allow 401Ks to migrate and fiatbucks onhand to be exchanged at some ratio. It seems fantastic but so does the last year.
With Trump’s face on it. Not a profile, just him staring right at you every time you spend a trillion on something. Like your gas bill in winter.
I hope they do. I can't wait for them to realize that money printing is still fiat if the coin is denominated a bajillion times greater than it's market value in materials.
Smooth brain translation: It means the feds have way too much liquidity. Banks have cash to lend, but nobody’s borrowing, so they’re parking it and selling it at a . 05 percent loss to try and sell more loans. This is unheard of and 2-3 percent mortgage rates.
What exactly is reverse repo, why am I confused. They are not talking about reposessing cats?
Is this saying the Fed is giving out cash at a 0.5% interest rate? (and then the banks charge X% rate when they loan it back out or issue credit cards?)
Only 77 counterparties? So each party has an average of 15 billion dollars in cash to give to the fed as part of the reverse repo exchange!!?? Really curious who these 77 are.
r/Superstonk is where it's at. We've been following the RRO for a while. This shit is truly bonkers, especially when you look at a graph of the RRO since it started. The institutions have no faith in the current market.
clarification on meaning of reverse repo: an agreement between two parties where one party sells a financial asset (a security) to a counterparty, and agrees to buy it back from them at a specified price on a specified date in the future. (eg. If you buy this apple for 5 bucks now, in return i'll agree to buy it back from you tomorrow for 6 bucks.)
seller/buyback party; unknown, more info needed.
Information available suggests one party has sold 1.224 trillion US dollars worth of securities, today(09/20/2021) to combined 77 different counterparties, and agreed to buy it back tomorrow (09/21/2021). for a .05% increase over original price sold for. (math may be wrong, not an accountant)
original seller will buy back securities for original price plus 61.2 billion US.
‘Worth’ is the weasel word
Slowly getting towards $1.3 trillion.
Give me my tendies.
It's embarrassing that so many people can't comprehend the concept of 1224 billions.. 😔
This is good… once all the billshit gets exposed… fed will get audited… then their bullshit will come to light… good bye fed… hello gold / silver. Treasury will issue notes again and everyones money currently saved should get honored… note to note…. those who have been hoarding gold/silver or other precious metals are sitting pretty…
Wait a second... $1224 TRILLION?? I don't think that's right. That's like, 12 zeroes. Maybe update title for clarity?