Start working out immediately. Every day. It will help you stay strong spiritually, physically and most importantly right now, mentally. You need to understand you are not alone and there are billions with you. Stay strong, patriot. You snap now and you won't be able to see the outcome of all patience.
This. Exercise and sunlight and water. Working out helps TREMENDOUSLY. I started working out every day, and the change in my body, my mental health, my mood, and my sleep patterns is undeniable.
We are with you. I know it must be hell there, and my words may offer little comfort. But I’m with you, buddeh. We will endure.
Don’t forget to add the Bible to this list. Spend time with the Word of God. It will serve as your real Armor. Start here:
Ephesians 6:10-18
The Armor of God
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Do the exercise, and take some Vit D, zinc, Vit C and quercetin. An antidepressant will help you, and is recommended by I-Mask - fluvoxamine or other similar. God helps those who help themselves. There are 80 million Americans and a few from elsewhere pulling for you.
No, that would be preposterous! What he needs to do is go down to McDonald's for his 3rd Big Mac of the day, swing by the gas station for some smokes, then head on over to his local clinic to get his 4th booster shot with complimentary donut.
While working out is important- praying everyday is a spiritual work out. We need more prayer- the more we fill up Gods cup with prayer the more he can use against our enemies. This is really our only weapon we have to fight this. It’s a spiritual battle for the souls of the earth. Literally - that is what “put on the armor of God” is. And tbh being overweight by a bit might be a good thing to survive food shortages coming. I’m not saying not to exercise -just trying to emphasize the importance of keeping God as our focus. Trump can only light a path - we are gonna have to walk it.
Also maybe try boxing or kickboxing. It may help get rid of all the pent up anger.
We are with you in spirit, and here on this forum. When you get frustrated, take a deep breathe and try to remember we need to stick together to come through this on the other side. We need you fren, remember that!
Last week my gf and the mother of my children cut off phone calls so now I’m alone too. I wouldn’t Take it back for the world! the work I Have done has hepled to free humanity! Gods work never said in the con tract you’d be rewarded hehe no good deed goes unpunished imo. Take heed in knowing we won God won (after all he created everything) all we have to do to defeat evil(satan) is have love in your heart and be fearless. God loves you everyday. SINCERELY P
When Q said WWG1WGA I think they may have also been referring to the US.
It seems to me that the only place where solutions are going to come from to unravel this mess is from the USA.
There just isn't enough resistance in the other 5 eyes nations. Not saying there isn'y any at all, it's just not as pronounced as in the states.
Australia is balls out tyranny, Canada not far behind. It's hard to say where the UK is in all this but I can tell you for nothing that I don't know a single person, other than my wife, who has not been jabbed. There isn't much fight left here that I can see.
To the OP: You do what you gotta do to survive this train wreck, and if all else fails, stand up and be a symbol of strength and courage so bright that you won't even have to wait in line to see St.Peter.
I have my own plans should I find myself in your situation, so it's definitely something I've given thought to. I really hope it doesn't come to that though.
Well it’s probably regional because at my work at that branch 1 person of 30 is jabbed and everyone else said fire me but I will not be experimented on. I’m in NC outside of a major city.
I know of plenty unjabbed. Sadly I know of more that are jabbed, but it's not that big of a majority. I'm in Yorkshire, which part of the UK are you from?
What I was saying was if I could use a time machine to go back to the 80's I would. There's no way under Heaven I would be stupid enough to get any of the COVID 19 shots.
We’ve been sending prayers out to all of you down under. Please keep your hope alive because we all need each other now more than ever. It’s a very long process because it’s been ongoing for for many, many years/decades. Our endurance will be stretched almost to the breaking point. Hang in there....WWG1WGA
You have knowledge that your friends and family don't have. Like leadership, that can be a very lonely spot. But you are a critical resource for your friends and family when they are faced with the indisputable evidence that their beliefs were wrong - dead wrong, as it turns out.
How you react to them when that happens is important. You need to keep yourself in a position to be able to forgive them, accept them, teach them, and help them grow. You can't do that if you're furious. Like a new divorcee, you must work through that in order to be ready to help others.
I'll pray that God sends you someone you can trust to be a companion. Two are stronger together, and together with God you are unbreakable.
And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart. Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NASB)
Starting with Ecclesiastes 4:9, God tells us that it is better to not be a loner. Some people are hermits and want to live alone. Some move into the country and keep to themselves. Others want to do everything without anyone’s help. Some people do not want to be with people. They have no friends or avoid their neighbors. But God warns us in this passage that that is not wisdom. Therefore starting in Ecclesiastes 4:9, God says that two people are more productive than one person. Most people understand that is true. In verse 10, we are told that if one of the two falls down, the other one can help them. In verse 11 we discover that two people sleeping together will be warmer. That makes sense when there is no heat. Then in verse 12 we are told that two people can withstand someone who is very powerful better than one person can; better yet are three people together.
The actual Hebrew does not say “three strands” but simply “three.” The Hebrew word that is translated as “three stands” is msullas and it means “three.” In this verse the meaning is that three smaller cords are twisted together for greater strength. Three smaller cords twisted together are better than one or two smaller cords by themselves. The picture is of a very powerful individual who overpowers another individual – one on one. When we are told that two can resist, the Hebrew word that is translated as “resist” actually means “to stand against.” That is, two people can resist one but may succumb eventually. But three people are better than two, and two are better than one in withstanding a powerful individual.
Maybe your politicians would wake up if you put DJT on a few ballots?
Seriously your predicament is painful to watch. I hope you can toss the criminals out of power..
You actually do have a LOT to live for. We will WIN!! And when this is over, your family will need you in ways none of us can imagine right now. Be strong and remember we are with you, God is with you. You are never alone!! WWG1WGA
And pray that those against you may be won over
Luke 8:16
“No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.
Matthew 5:14
You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.
I try to watch some of the video clips coming out of Oz, but I'm struggling because when I do I am engulfed in an almighty rage that I have no physical outlet for. I never really knew what 'seething' meant until I saw what's going on down under.
Yes. Seething is the correct term. Like I know there's a corner to turn that I'd be able to express it all, but it'd be 100% wrong to do so, but the human side craves an outlet for the righteous anger towards the evil people who have been hurting humanity. I want to gather up everyone who's been hurt and who's let themselves be hurt, and just shake them into knowing what I know and then make them whole and unhurt and free.
But it's not my place and it's not time to be the shepherd yet. I have to wait until they wake up on their own. Then, praise God, I can help them along. Until then, I'm praying for patience and for God to make me better and to keep teaching me, and that He'd send me where I need to go and slap me if I miss the signal.
It’s called the Great Awakening to wake people up and it is happening all over the world. People see the injustice, the double standards, the totalitarianism. We will not go quietly into that dark night. Protest are worldwide. They are pushing and forcing so hard in 🇦🇺 and the world because it is their last battle. Police there are tired of enforcing the lockdowns. I know people are fearful all over the earth, but I see the cabal/DS fear instead. Stand your ground, warrior. You are not alone. We are a worldwide family now.
Re-read what Q Says is their greatest fear. Q said these people are stupid. Their own arrogance has blinded them. They put out the Georgia Stones stating their depopulation goal like idiots. Their own actions and words testify against them.
I feel your emotions through your words. I am so sorry this is happening to you, your country, us. We are in this together. I wish I could help you. Is there anything we can do from the US besides what you've asked for? All I've been thinking about is how much worse is this going to get before the military steps in?😢
the only thing i can think of is you guys protesting at Australian embassies. our country is a mess. 95% of our country would throw people like me into a concentration camp in a heartbeat. we are completely done. as gay as it sounds there is nothing we can do. its up to others to save us now.
Everyone gets tired and worn down sometimes - and when we do we take a little break and think of/do nice things until we're back on our feet, so to speak. What you described about losing friends and family has happened to so many of us and that's just probably the worst part of all of this.
Wasn't there an old saying that was meant to be a curse? "May you live in interesting times". Yeah, they're interesting all right. Praying for you, friend :)
I've been starting to pay more attention to what's going on in Australia and it's absolutely insane. I'm originally from the state of California, although I've been spending time in more sane areas lately, but I see a lot of parallels between what's going on in Australia and places like California as the governor there is an absolute psychopath who is completely destroying the state and it has many problems now like crime and massive amounts of homelessness beyond just the covid nonsense. Honestly I feel like people from places like Australia, California and other places with draconian covid policies need to start putting their heads together about what can be done because people that are living in more sane areas do not fully understand just how evil everything going on is if they haven't experienced it firsthand.
The only thing keeping California from being exactly like Australia is the fact that it's technically still part of the United States and people are sort of allowed to own guns there. There really are no good answers yet for what can be done I'm also not planning to talk to a good chunk of my family ever again after all of this.
Seven times seven... if they come and ask forgiveness.
California is a big state. Central Valley, Northern California, Central Coast, Orange County and Ventura County different from LA. Even LA County sheriff publicly declared he won't enforce masks or vaxxes. Hang in there!
San Diego here ! I see that the problem is more it’s people than the idiots in charge!
Oftentimes while out I have to wonder - did the mask mandate come back, I’m usually the only one without a mask in places like grocery stores , Home Depot etc , I’d say 95 percent are masked and it’s not mandated ! I feel like it’s only a matter of time where they come in and turn us into Australia and from the looks of it majority is ok with that ..very disappointing and scary to say the least that the people are helping the murderers do their job !
Your emotions about this are valid, and powerful... Channel that power in to prayer, and ask for what is needed where you are. Trust. You are respecting your Temple, where others have been falling. Accolades. God wins.
The thing is, you have to make up your picture of what is actually happening by using all the little pieces that DON'T get a lot of media attention(1 Oz PM 1 vice PM and 1 police chief, GONE!) the real picture can't really be found in what they want you to see the most, it has to be built from what they want you to see the least.
Once you start looking like this you will notice the things they are doing that are falling appart, the steps in the right direction.
Unfortunately Australia and Canada are the countries with what is probably the worst level of DS rot so the best way to deal with being in that shit is to stay away from as much 'news' media as much as possible and only deal with it when you absolutely have to and as minimally as possible when that is the case.
Giving up is under the surface for everyone and unlike any other emotion getting it above the surface isn't caused by what happens as much as it is let out by whatever reasons you have to not resist it anymore.
Unlike any other emotion it is something that you can bring forth at will by simply not resisting it so what happens when you give up?
If you give up you will still want what you want, you will still like what you like and value what you value, chances are you will still work at making all those things happen so giving up won't change any of that, you will still do the best you can to the best of your ability....
However choosing to give up and being in control of when it happens and how it happens rather than it being in charge comes with some distinct advantages, accepting that you will still do the best you can to the best of your ability and simply giving up on everything else because all you can do is all you can do makes it possible to give up on all the shitty emotions you are feeling, I mean what is the point of them anyway...
They won't change anything, they won't improve your ability to deal with things, they don't make you care more about all the the things that matter and if anything they make you less capable of dealing with things, they get in the way and make things worse, all because you refuse to 'give up'...
Giving up won't change anything, it won't make things worse, doing it deliberately and taking charge of it and deliberately stopping yourself and reminding yourself to give up on all the shit because the best you can do is all you can do and what you will do anyway does however come with one huge advantage, it will remove anything distracting you from the good things and what you would do anyway.....
Just a bit of ****** philosophy to clear your head...
Judges were one of the most legit accounts on twatter, they have an in with a lot of high-ranking people(look at military presence on their followers list, also some other 'notables'...) and are consistently ahead of the game in regard to what is happening........
I believe Codemonkey have outright tanked them on at least one occasion...
Their original twitter account was taken down after numerous failed attempts by twitter to remove it(judges claiming they had India on speed dial, with outsourcing of servers and what not the people physically running the servers...).
Twitter is now having some 'issues' with Indian legislation created after this happened.......
They were back on with a new account within literally a couple of days but that account got nuked a while ago..
They are on GAB as Which is the name of the original donated account that was taken down so there should be stuff there that predates the THEREALTRDJ twitter account.
Judges original account on twitter was a donated account and they have indicated that it was accepted and used because of the name and it's relevance towards taking down the royals.
The Gab alternate was confirmed through the original royalmrbadnews twitter account that twitter tried and failed to remove repeatedly, once they finally succeeded the judges were back on twitter within 24-36 hours and managed to stave of it's nuking for a while.
The thing about the judges is their track record, back when Q was still posting they repeatedly mentioned things that Q made a drop about shortly after, they have also repeatedly mentioned relevant things shortly before serious political movements/events and among other things they said from DAY 1 that covid was 'just the flu' and were also ahead of the curve in regard to the reality of the WH and DC being closed down and empty. (do believe they have even been ahead of the game in regard to mentioning things shortly before a few Trump tweets were made about the same thing)
There is rather a lot more but given their consistent tendency to be ahead of the game and posting about things shortly before they happen(they mentioned the audit and the state order in which it would go down before it was even a thing).
Their GAB account was created in November 2016, and I also keept noticing callsigns(virtually all of them are executive jets or similar aircraft used for intelligence gathering and high level personnel transportation, always tech/radio and similar specialized aircraft) with Judge and a number(there have also been the occasional cargo plane..), don't know if they still use those due to the attention...
Hang in there mate. We are winning. The arseholes are going full potato because their empire is about to fall and they know it. They’re like cornered rats, or more apt maybe, cornered snakes. As a fellow Aussie I get it, but hold the line brother!
Start working out immediately. Every day. It will help you stay strong spiritually, physically and most importantly right now, mentally. You need to understand you are not alone and there are billions with you. Stay strong, patriot. You snap now and you won't be able to see the outcome of all patience.
God bless. Keep your chest up and stay strong.
This. Exercise and sunlight and water. Working out helps TREMENDOUSLY. I started working out every day, and the change in my body, my mental health, my mood, and my sleep patterns is undeniable.
We are with you. I know it must be hell there, and my words may offer little comfort. But I’m with you, buddeh. We will endure.
Don’t forget to add the Bible to this list. Spend time with the Word of God. It will serve as your real Armor. Start here:
Ephesians 6:10-18 The Armor of God
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
^ very much this as well.
I was an atheist until January 2021. Now, I’m getting into the 8 pm EST prayer request every night. It’s great.
This is, ultimately, the biggest win imaginable.
Really grateful for this site and the progress it helped me make. I still have a lot to work to do, but I feel I have a stronger foundation now.
Do the exercise, and take some Vit D, zinc, Vit C and quercetin. An antidepressant will help you, and is recommended by I-Mask - fluvoxamine or other similar. God helps those who help themselves. There are 80 million Americans and a few from elsewhere pulling for you.
Former militant atheist here;
I thank God everyday he pulled me from that black abyss and showed me that Jesus is the way.
Hey, fren. Glad you’re here. :)
Ditto fren.
God sent His Word and healed them....
I like that, thanks for sharing.
My hens prefer to lay in the dark. (I think you mean "lies".)
You don't mean to say that e-e-exercise might.. actually help you?!?!
No, that would be preposterous! What he needs to do is go down to McDonald's for his 3rd Big Mac of the day, swing by the gas station for some smokes, then head on over to his local clinic to get his 4th booster shot with complimentary donut.
Grounding also. Walk barefoot in the grass 10-15 mins every day to absorb the energy from our good Earth.
Link here (on Telegram) about the benefits of grounding:
I’ve also heard that if you have a headache, stand barefoot in the grass for 10 mins and your headache will go away. (I haven’t tried this yet.)
I can’t upvote this enough. Working out has been my saving grace in keeping my mind sane and body healthy and in shape.
You can do this! We all should.
While working out is important- praying everyday is a spiritual work out. We need more prayer- the more we fill up Gods cup with prayer the more he can use against our enemies. This is really our only weapon we have to fight this. It’s a spiritual battle for the souls of the earth. Literally - that is what “put on the armor of God” is. And tbh being overweight by a bit might be a good thing to survive food shortages coming. I’m not saying not to exercise -just trying to emphasize the importance of keeping God as our focus. Trump can only light a path - we are gonna have to walk it.
Add prayer/meditation. We are with you.
Also maybe try boxing or kickboxing. It may help get rid of all the pent up anger.
We are with you in spirit, and here on this forum. When you get frustrated, take a deep breathe and try to remember we need to stick together to come through this on the other side. We need you fren, remember that!
You are not alone.
Last week my gf and the mother of my children cut off phone calls so now I’m alone too. I wouldn’t Take it back for the world! the work I Have done has hepled to free humanity! Gods work never said in the con tract you’d be rewarded hehe no good deed goes unpunished imo. Take heed in knowing we won God won (after all he created everything) all we have to do to defeat evil(satan) is have love in your heart and be fearless. God loves you everyday. SINCERELY P
We are with you, pede. STAY STRONG.
When Q said WWG1WGA I think they may have also been referring to the US.
It seems to me that the only place where solutions are going to come from to unravel this mess is from the USA.
There just isn't enough resistance in the other 5 eyes nations. Not saying there isn'y any at all, it's just not as pronounced as in the states.
Australia is balls out tyranny, Canada not far behind. It's hard to say where the UK is in all this but I can tell you for nothing that I don't know a single person, other than my wife, who has not been jabbed. There isn't much fight left here that I can see.
To the OP: You do what you gotta do to survive this train wreck, and if all else fails, stand up and be a symbol of strength and courage so bright that you won't even have to wait in line to see St.Peter.
I have my own plans should I find myself in your situation, so it's definitely something I've given thought to. I really hope it doesn't come to that though.
Well it’s probably regional because at my work at that branch 1 person of 30 is jabbed and everyone else said fire me but I will not be experimented on. I’m in NC outside of a major city.
I know of plenty unjabbed. Sadly I know of more that are jabbed, but it's not that big of a majority. I'm in Yorkshire, which part of the UK are you from?
Is that anywhere near Suffolk?
It's not far :p
Don't snap, it's what the cabal wants.
You are the strong one from your family and friends. You are the one with integrity and honesty. You are the good guy.
Do what it takes to win, which, right now is:
Hold the line!
You know it!
I'm hoping a day will arrive soon where I feel like that too, but right now I'd jump back to the 80's in a fucking heartbeat.
You and me both! (Every thing was better then!)
What I was saying was if I could use a time machine to go back to the 80's I would. There's no way under Heaven I would be stupid enough to get any of the COVID 19 shots.
Just get Fauci and Gates and all those pushing these untested damn vaccines. That should be sufficient.
80s we’re so good
Agreed-we are awake now
Yes sir....hold the line. Nothing good is free or easy. Pray and have faith.
You’re not alone. Stay strong 💪 🙏❤️
We’ve been sending prayers out to all of you down under. Please keep your hope alive because we all need each other now more than ever. It’s a very long process because it’s been ongoing for for many, many years/decades. Our endurance will be stretched almost to the breaking point. Hang in there....WWG1WGA
You have knowledge that your friends and family don't have. Like leadership, that can be a very lonely spot. But you are a critical resource for your friends and family when they are faced with the indisputable evidence that their beliefs were wrong - dead wrong, as it turns out.
How you react to them when that happens is important. You need to keep yourself in a position to be able to forgive them, accept them, teach them, and help them grow. You can't do that if you're furious. Like a new divorcee, you must work through that in order to be ready to help others.
I'll pray that God sends you someone you can trust to be a companion. Two are stronger together, and together with God you are unbreakable.
And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart. Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NASB)
Starting with Ecclesiastes 4:9, God tells us that it is better to not be a loner. Some people are hermits and want to live alone. Some move into the country and keep to themselves. Others want to do everything without anyone’s help. Some people do not want to be with people. They have no friends or avoid their neighbors. But God warns us in this passage that that is not wisdom. Therefore starting in Ecclesiastes 4:9, God says that two people are more productive than one person. Most people understand that is true. In verse 10, we are told that if one of the two falls down, the other one can help them. In verse 11 we discover that two people sleeping together will be warmer. That makes sense when there is no heat. Then in verse 12 we are told that two people can withstand someone who is very powerful better than one person can; better yet are three people together.
The actual Hebrew does not say “three strands” but simply “three.” The Hebrew word that is translated as “three stands” is msullas and it means “three.” In this verse the meaning is that three smaller cords are twisted together for greater strength. Three smaller cords twisted together are better than one or two smaller cords by themselves. The picture is of a very powerful individual who overpowers another individual – one on one. When we are told that two can resist, the Hebrew word that is translated as “resist” actually means “to stand against.” That is, two people can resist one but may succumb eventually. But three people are better than two, and two are better than one in withstanding a powerful individual.
Stay strong and have Faith! We are with you!
Maybe your politicians would wake up if you put DJT on a few ballots? Seriously your predicament is painful to watch. I hope you can toss the criminals out of power..
You actually do have a LOT to live for. We will WIN!! And when this is over, your family will need you in ways none of us can imagine right now. Be strong and remember we are with you, God is with you. You are never alone!! WWG1WGA
And pray that those against you may be won over Luke 8:16 “No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.
Matthew 5:14 You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.
Wolverine time
Matt 24:12-13 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.
I know how you feel. Don't let your love leave you. Stay strong fren. We know the ending.
This is so true.
I try to watch some of the video clips coming out of Oz, but I'm struggling because when I do I am engulfed in an almighty rage that I have no physical outlet for. I never really knew what 'seething' meant until I saw what's going on down under.
Yes. Seething is the correct term. Like I know there's a corner to turn that I'd be able to express it all, but it'd be 100% wrong to do so, but the human side craves an outlet for the righteous anger towards the evil people who have been hurting humanity. I want to gather up everyone who's been hurt and who's let themselves be hurt, and just shake them into knowing what I know and then make them whole and unhurt and free.
But it's not my place and it's not time to be the shepherd yet. I have to wait until they wake up on their own. Then, praise God, I can help them along. Until then, I'm praying for patience and for God to make me better and to keep teaching me, and that He'd send me where I need to go and slap me if I miss the signal.
I have that same fear, but I trust in 'the slap' too :)
Same here. Just my cats and God at this point. You aren't alone.
God bless both your cats and yourself. WWG1WGAWW!
So you didn't take their jab and now you want to commit suicide? HOLD THE LINE We ARE here for you.
We know things are bad there in Australia and I wouldn't want to be in your shoes right now. But hold the line
The precipice is near. I truly think things are speeding up. Maybe not fast enough for you Aussies but it is happening.
Instead of getting angry.... PRAY
It’s called the Great Awakening to wake people up and it is happening all over the world. People see the injustice, the double standards, the totalitarianism. We will not go quietly into that dark night. Protest are worldwide. They are pushing and forcing so hard in 🇦🇺 and the world because it is their last battle. Police there are tired of enforcing the lockdowns. I know people are fearful all over the earth, but I see the cabal/DS fear instead. Stand your ground, warrior. You are not alone. We are a worldwide family now.
Re-read what Q Says is their greatest fear. Q said these people are stupid. Their own arrogance has blinded them. They put out the Georgia Stones stating their depopulation goal like idiots. Their own actions and words testify against them.
It is a psychological war. Do not give in.
WWG1WGA ❤️ We are here any time you need us!
I feel your emotions through your words. I am so sorry this is happening to you, your country, us. We are in this together. I wish I could help you. Is there anything we can do from the US besides what you've asked for? All I've been thinking about is how much worse is this going to get before the military steps in?😢
the only thing i can think of is you guys protesting at Australian embassies. our country is a mess. 95% of our country would throw people like me into a concentration camp in a heartbeat. we are completely done. as gay as it sounds there is nothing we can do. its up to others to save us now.
you're right i appreciate the comment. but fuck me shit is getting weird
Buckle up, it only gets weirder from here on out.
You don't want to miss official first contact when this shit show is over do you? :)
First contact. Right around the corner. I AM READY!
Everyone gets tired and worn down sometimes - and when we do we take a little break and think of/do nice things until we're back on our feet, so to speak. What you described about losing friends and family has happened to so many of us and that's just probably the worst part of all of this.
Wasn't there an old saying that was meant to be a curse? "May you live in interesting times". Yeah, they're interesting all right. Praying for you, friend :)
It only takes 3% to beat the crown!
Oh and that I am living on a prayer right now. I'd like to leave planet earth.
Request denied! We need you!
You mean those that pushed the clot shot! Here! Here! The sooner the better!
God, protect this patriot. Amen.
I've been starting to pay more attention to what's going on in Australia and it's absolutely insane. I'm originally from the state of California, although I've been spending time in more sane areas lately, but I see a lot of parallels between what's going on in Australia and places like California as the governor there is an absolute psychopath who is completely destroying the state and it has many problems now like crime and massive amounts of homelessness beyond just the covid nonsense. Honestly I feel like people from places like Australia, California and other places with draconian covid policies need to start putting their heads together about what can be done because people that are living in more sane areas do not fully understand just how evil everything going on is if they haven't experienced it firsthand.
The only thing keeping California from being exactly like Australia is the fact that it's technically still part of the United States and people are sort of allowed to own guns there. There really are no good answers yet for what can be done I'm also not planning to talk to a good chunk of my family ever again after all of this.
Seven times seven... if they come and ask forgiveness.
California is a big state. Central Valley, Northern California, Central Coast, Orange County and Ventura County different from LA. Even LA County sheriff publicly declared he won't enforce masks or vaxxes. Hang in there!
Nay, 70 x 7 , but the qualification still holds, they do need to ask.
Matt. 18:21 Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?
Mat 18:22 ¶ Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.
Thanks for correcting me!
San Diego here ! I see that the problem is more it’s people than the idiots in charge! Oftentimes while out I have to wonder - did the mask mandate come back, I’m usually the only one without a mask in places like grocery stores , Home Depot etc , I’d say 95 percent are masked and it’s not mandated ! I feel like it’s only a matter of time where they come in and turn us into Australia and from the looks of it majority is ok with that ..very disappointing and scary to say the least that the people are helping the murderers do their job !
Austria’s Sebastian Kurz steps down as chancellor amid new corruption scandal
See another one.
Stay with us. Don’t give in to the despair. You have friends - dm me if you want to talk. Just know you are NOT ALONE.
Your emotions about this are valid, and powerful... Channel that power in to prayer, and ask for what is needed where you are. Trust. You are respecting your Temple, where others have been falling. Accolades. God wins.
WWG1WGA You must not allow them to beat you down. We shall overcome. You are important to the cause. Put on the full armor of God...
A little bit of hopium for you.
The thing is, you have to make up your picture of what is actually happening by using all the little pieces that DON'T get a lot of media attention(1 Oz PM 1 vice PM and 1 police chief, GONE!) the real picture can't really be found in what they want you to see the most, it has to be built from what they want you to see the least.
Once you start looking like this you will notice the things they are doing that are falling appart, the steps in the right direction.
Unfortunately Australia and Canada are the countries with what is probably the worst level of DS rot so the best way to deal with being in that shit is to stay away from as much 'news' media as much as possible and only deal with it when you absolutely have to and as minimally as possible when that is the case.
Giving up is under the surface for everyone and unlike any other emotion getting it above the surface isn't caused by what happens as much as it is let out by whatever reasons you have to not resist it anymore.
Unlike any other emotion it is something that you can bring forth at will by simply not resisting it so what happens when you give up?
If you give up you will still want what you want, you will still like what you like and value what you value, chances are you will still work at making all those things happen so giving up won't change any of that, you will still do the best you can to the best of your ability....
However choosing to give up and being in control of when it happens and how it happens rather than it being in charge comes with some distinct advantages, accepting that you will still do the best you can to the best of your ability and simply giving up on everything else because all you can do is all you can do makes it possible to give up on all the shitty emotions you are feeling, I mean what is the point of them anyway...
They won't change anything, they won't improve your ability to deal with things, they don't make you care more about all the the things that matter and if anything they make you less capable of dealing with things, they get in the way and make things worse, all because you refuse to 'give up'...
Giving up won't change anything, it won't make things worse, doing it deliberately and taking charge of it and deliberately stopping yourself and reminding yourself to give up on all the shit because the best you can do is all you can do and what you will do anyway does however come with one huge advantage, it will remove anything distracting you from the good things and what you would do anyway.....
Just a bit of ****** philosophy to clear your head...
For those not familiar with the Judges:
Judges were one of the most legit accounts on twatter, they have an in with a lot of high-ranking people(look at military presence on their followers list, also some other 'notables'...) and are consistently ahead of the game in regard to what is happening........
I believe Codemonkey have outright tanked them on at least one occasion...
Their original twitter account was taken down after numerous failed attempts by twitter to remove it(judges claiming they had India on speed dial, with outsourcing of servers and what not the people physically running the servers...).
Twitter is now having some 'issues' with Indian legislation created after this happened.......
They were back on with a new account within literally a couple of days but that account got nuked a while ago..
They are on GAB as Which is the name of the original donated account that was taken down so there should be stuff there that predates the THEREALTRDJ twitter account.
Judges original account on twitter was a donated account and they have indicated that it was accepted and used because of the name and it's relevance towards taking down the royals.
The Gab alternate was confirmed through the original royalmrbadnews twitter account that twitter tried and failed to remove repeatedly, once they finally succeeded the judges were back on twitter within 24-36 hours and managed to stave of it's nuking for a while.
The thing about the judges is their track record, back when Q was still posting they repeatedly mentioned things that Q made a drop about shortly after, they have also repeatedly mentioned relevant things shortly before serious political movements/events and among other things they said from DAY 1 that covid was 'just the flu' and were also ahead of the curve in regard to the reality of the WH and DC being closed down and empty. (do believe they have even been ahead of the game in regard to mentioning things shortly before a few Trump tweets were made about the same thing)
There is rather a lot more but given their consistent tendency to be ahead of the game and posting about things shortly before they happen(they mentioned the audit and the state order in which it would go down before it was even a thing).
Their GAB account was created in November 2016, and I also keept noticing callsigns(virtually all of them are executive jets or similar aircraft used for intelligence gathering and high level personnel transportation, always tech/radio and similar specialized aircraft) with Judge and a number(there have also been the occasional cargo plane..), don't know if they still use those due to the attention...
Share this forum with everyone you interact with. In the meantime, our system will prevail. It's just so slow to work it sucks, especially now.
Hang in there mate. We are winning. The arseholes are going full potato because their empire is about to fall and they know it. They’re like cornered rats, or more apt maybe, cornered snakes. As a fellow Aussie I get it, but hold the line brother!
Only fight and kill in defense of your life. Random violence will only help the cabal. You are not alone. Allof us here are truly alone together.
If they ever come for me or my wife, I will take the whole fucking country down.
Until that day arrives (and I pray it doesn't) I'm keeping my powder dry.
good man
Take a deep breath. Pray. Workout. Stay strong. We are with you.