It's pretty fun watching the things Q posted happening and even showing up in the media, who doesn't know that they are now confirming Q posts without meaning to.
My kids told me about this last year. Here is something to try…. Put your phone on the table next to you and mention the same topic at least 10 times in conversation. Something like “We need to go to Hawaii” or “I want to buy a new house” or “it’s time to have another baby”. Etc. make sure you say it at least 10 times or more as part of a conversation then watch what ads you are shown are about over the next few days on every platform with ads. It’s not just facebook. It’s scary as hell once you notice this. There are no secrets even in your own home! Big brother is here!
I’m pretty sure that’s the algorithm aggregating commonalities in behavior/speech/searches/etc. and then predicting what your next step is. These fuckers are trying to think for us now, and what’s even creepier is that they’re usually right.
Yes, it literally seems that they are able to read thoughts. The weird thing is it is often the most obscure thoughts that they target. Just the other day I thought about an actor I probably hadn’t thought of in ten years. Very obscure person. Opened YouTube probably an hour later and the third recommended video was for this actor. They’re not even trying to sell a product at this point. It’s more like the technology is looking for new bits of signal against the noise or something.
And yeah yeah I know, it’s all a coincidence. OK fine, that’s what we have to tell ourselves to stay sane for now and that’s cool. That’s how I write it off too. But it is definitely weird.
Alternatively, they could be influencing your subconscious thought without you realizing. Perhaps they showed you a brief image of the actor, or a role the actor had played in, or even something similar to that actor in some capacity in the days or hours leading up to your seemingly random thought. After they had planted the seed of this notion in your mind they recommend an answer to satiate your interest. Subliminal marketing. Create the desire in the customer and facilitate the end product.
I also consider a possibility like this, or even just tying it back to the collective unconscious. Perhaps there is something in the culture that is causing other people to think about this obscure actor, and others like me are the ones doing the searching, so when it gets pushed to me, it’s just the algorithm putting people into these groups. But I don’t think this is a marketing thing at this point. The actor had nothing to advertise. I think the algorithms were set up for advertising, but at this point they are just aggregating human thought. It’s definitely hard to believe they are actually reading our minds, although I do remember a podcast from probably ten years ago where they were bragging about a thermostat they invented that could read your thoughts and determine if you were too warm or too cold before you knew it and pre-adjust the settings to make you more comfortable. Although I would assume that was using some kind of heat signature and not actually reading thoughts.
I have had the idea that maybe they are injecting thoughts. Maybe some thoughts aren't your own.
I don't know how plausible that is, but I know they can read your mind with certain wave lengths that I don't really understand at its core. But somewhere I read about their trials with this. How everything is a wave length of sorts. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibilities that they have found the mechanics to some sort of telepathy.
Over the past few years I have noticed that randomly my left ear will start ringing for a few seconds. Sometimes it's barely noticeable and sometimes it's strong, almost feels like it's clogged. Then it goes away.
Only once was it so strong that it started in the left ear and transferred over to the right and all I could feel was the ringing.
I don't know if I am just paranoid thinking it may be a nefarious outside source. But I have been with another person and it happened to both of us at the same time. Plus it's only ever at my house. It has always made me wonder if it is some sort of test or something.
That definitely does make sense. I am sure there are many facets to it. They have been at this for years working many different angles.
The accelerometer thing is very interesting though. Never thought that would be too insightful, but I can see how it adds to unique character traits. Put that with the meta data and you have more of an understanding of a specific person.
I also don't doubt that they have a way to decipher the waves to articulate them.
I don't have proof and I am not very technical or sciency. But I don't put it out of the realm of possibilities. Especially since all this is about control.
They already try to control everything, thoughts would be the ultimate in my opinion.
That's why positivity is so powerful. It's hard to maintain, especially considering the state of clown world we are currently in. But positivity has a way of spreading. Adding to the collective conscience to bring about our end goal of freedom from their control.
Absolutely wild. I recall that whatever I was thinking of was obscure, as you said…That’s why it stood out as so odd/creepy to me when it popped up on my phone. Technology is totally outrageous!
Back when I had Facebook, I went to my brother-in-law's house. When speaking with his wife, she mentioned a specific place they like to vacation. She only mentioned it once. I never searched for it, and I would have completely forgotten its name, had an ad for it not come up in my feed thirty minutes later on my ride home. That was the definitive moment that I knew it was always listening.
Even lately, I'll mention something out loud to my wife and she'll get an ad for it.
Yeah it's totally just a coincidence that Facebook changed their name specifically to "meta" and with no real reason to even do so in the first place...
there is a reason, actually. it's funny this post is the first thing I saw loading up GA bc I just finished doing about 5 hours of crypto research and one of the things this one guy was talking about re: getting into NFTs was that FB creating a "metaverse" and changing their name to reflect this. it's creepy to think Ready Player One is inching closer to reality.
Is it easier/faster once you get CS setup? I have the purple ring account now (w/GME crayon-flavored shares, of course) and wanted to ask if you still transfer TO Computershare from your broker, or if you transfer FROM them to Computershare. Thank you. Still some shares lingering in my old broker now. Wanted to wait until CS was all setup. Finally got the letter in the mailbox and setup the CS profile online. Want to transfer all but a few tendies over to prevent any more hf fuckery.
I prefer to transfer from broker (Fidelity) to them. Mainly cause I am poor and can only purchase fractionals at a time. Once it is over a complete share, I transfer it.
Yeah but it takes a long time to clear so there is no guarantee at what price you are gonna get it. I can take advantage of dips on Fidelity and then DRS it
Will do—thanks. My broker is Charles Schwab, and they actually got everything setup for the GME DRS. I will speak with them again in the morning to move more shares out.
I'm less and less confident that they (gov't, banks, wall street, etc.) will let it get to that kind of thing. What prevents half the shares being sold, bought, resold, etc until the shorts are covered? I imagine at some point there would be a bailout before an infinity pool would be allowed. I'm not aware of any other precedent that would justify it. There's a long precedent of gov't bailing out stuff.. GM, etc.
Yeah I haven't thought about how many bots there would be at this point. Makes me wonder if there are any traders outside of algorithm programmers and tenders for the bots.
Yep there's definitely a large buffer of tendies that can be enjoyed before major stoppage happens. Just wish I had more tickets to the tendie club. If the Fed is imploded, I'm even happier.
The Oasis really needs to be open-source like HTTP, but right now if I had to bet, it would be Facebook that runs the Metaverse. I hate saying that, but they have the money, userbase and clear motivation to make it happen.
Meta data collection isn't anything new. No offense to poster meta data is the small pieces of data that make the bigger pieces. This is not Q predicting a facebook name change this is Q saying they are collecting meta data on you constantly via Darpa.
Thank you. Sometimes people act like Q is like the Bible. I wouldn't be surprised if there was positive angelic influence in the process, but this is a massive stretch. Meta data can be things like the date and size info attached to a jpeg
1337 means Leet (elite) in game speak. Meta is the current top end technique or gear in a game currently. I do find it odd that this is within post 1337.
Facebook bought out Oculus and required users to associate their facebook account to their VR gaming account.
Facebook has made a VR equivalent to Zoom calls for remote work which they're rolling out. This means all meetings within this app could be monitored.
There is a Sci-Fi history of "Cyberspace" which is a digital world/universe that is in essence a world you can go in VR and live your life. Work, play, hang out, etc.. all connected together in a "Metaverse". This is their clear goal. As a nerd, I love this idea, but as someone who cares about their privacy, having Facebook run the whole show means a huge risk to privacy for entire digital lives.
Not just social media posts.. but spending time with friends, online dates, digital Bible studies, work meetings, anything you can do in RL (real life) that you end up doing there.. can be spied upon.
Tie a monitoring and China-style credit system into VR and you have a place that punishes people's social lives as devastatingly prejudicial as an unpopular Tweet or bot-demolished Reddit post.
Remember this is not just about Baby Boomer lives not caring about VR.. but all the younger generations who grew up on the internet and are VERY READY to spend their Social Media time in VR when the technology is right.. and I'd say that's within 5 years. And we're easily 1+ years into deep adoption.
VR IS NOT JUST FOR GAMING NERDS.. the social element attract WOMEN (who typically don't game, awesome exceptions notwithstanding) and non-gamers in general. Want to watch the Big Game with your buds? You can do that in VR. This is Iphone level technology changes, once it's rolled out.. and FB has triple-downed on it by doing this.
Trump social media developers.. you need a VR gameplan... NOW. I recommend SteamVR.
Guys this doesn’t mean anything. Metadata is a very common technical term and is not predicting anything. Ask anyone who is familiar with even a little tech and they will know the word metadata.
Hacker "Sp33k" for leet, or elite. Originating from 31337 "eleet", the UDP port used by Dead Cow Cult, a hacker group, to access Windows 95 using Back Orifice, a notorious hacking program.
I am not a fakebooker... but if you are... educate the normies.
and by educate... I mean stand up on their table and piss in their punchbowl with as much liquid as your bladder can squeeeeeeeeze out until you get banned....
Then when they un ban you... do it a fucking... gin.
Q fuckin does it again.
It's pretty fun watching the things Q posted happening and even showing up in the media, who doesn't know that they are now confirming Q posts without meaning to.
Future Prove Past
Mind blown... Too coincidental.
My kids told me about this last year. Here is something to try…. Put your phone on the table next to you and mention the same topic at least 10 times in conversation. Something like “We need to go to Hawaii” or “I want to buy a new house” or “it’s time to have another baby”. Etc. make sure you say it at least 10 times or more as part of a conversation then watch what ads you are shown are about over the next few days on every platform with ads. It’s not just facebook. It’s scary as hell once you notice this. There are no secrets even in your own home! Big brother is here!
I swear I’ve been just thinking about something without saying it out loud and I’ve had it pop up on my phone in the form of an ad….
I’m pretty sure that’s the algorithm aggregating commonalities in behavior/speech/searches/etc. and then predicting what your next step is. These fuckers are trying to think for us now, and what’s even creepier is that they’re usually right.
Yes! You don't even have to verbalize a thought. They freakin "read our minds".
This handshake wrote something specifically for Rachel Maddow to screenshot tomorrow. Sus.
But this way my tinfoil hat won’t work…..
Yes, it literally seems that they are able to read thoughts. The weird thing is it is often the most obscure thoughts that they target. Just the other day I thought about an actor I probably hadn’t thought of in ten years. Very obscure person. Opened YouTube probably an hour later and the third recommended video was for this actor. They’re not even trying to sell a product at this point. It’s more like the technology is looking for new bits of signal against the noise or something.
And yeah yeah I know, it’s all a coincidence. OK fine, that’s what we have to tell ourselves to stay sane for now and that’s cool. That’s how I write it off too. But it is definitely weird.
Alternatively, they could be influencing your subconscious thought without you realizing. Perhaps they showed you a brief image of the actor, or a role the actor had played in, or even something similar to that actor in some capacity in the days or hours leading up to your seemingly random thought. After they had planted the seed of this notion in your mind they recommend an answer to satiate your interest. Subliminal marketing. Create the desire in the customer and facilitate the end product.
I also consider a possibility like this, or even just tying it back to the collective unconscious. Perhaps there is something in the culture that is causing other people to think about this obscure actor, and others like me are the ones doing the searching, so when it gets pushed to me, it’s just the algorithm putting people into these groups. But I don’t think this is a marketing thing at this point. The actor had nothing to advertise. I think the algorithms were set up for advertising, but at this point they are just aggregating human thought. It’s definitely hard to believe they are actually reading our minds, although I do remember a podcast from probably ten years ago where they were bragging about a thermostat they invented that could read your thoughts and determine if you were too warm or too cold before you knew it and pre-adjust the settings to make you more comfortable. Although I would assume that was using some kind of heat signature and not actually reading thoughts.
I have had the idea that maybe they are injecting thoughts. Maybe some thoughts aren't your own.
I don't know how plausible that is, but I know they can read your mind with certain wave lengths that I don't really understand at its core. But somewhere I read about their trials with this. How everything is a wave length of sorts. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibilities that they have found the mechanics to some sort of telepathy.
Over the past few years I have noticed that randomly my left ear will start ringing for a few seconds. Sometimes it's barely noticeable and sometimes it's strong, almost feels like it's clogged. Then it goes away. Only once was it so strong that it started in the left ear and transferred over to the right and all I could feel was the ringing.
I don't know if I am just paranoid thinking it may be a nefarious outside source. But I have been with another person and it happened to both of us at the same time. Plus it's only ever at my house. It has always made me wonder if it is some sort of test or something.
That definitely does make sense. I am sure there are many facets to it. They have been at this for years working many different angles.
The accelerometer thing is very interesting though. Never thought that would be too insightful, but I can see how it adds to unique character traits. Put that with the meta data and you have more of an understanding of a specific person.
I also don't doubt that they have a way to decipher the waves to articulate them. I don't have proof and I am not very technical or sciency. But I don't put it out of the realm of possibilities. Especially since all this is about control.
They already try to control everything, thoughts would be the ultimate in my opinion.
That's why positivity is so powerful. It's hard to maintain, especially considering the state of clown world we are currently in. But positivity has a way of spreading. Adding to the collective conscience to bring about our end goal of freedom from their control.
Absolutely wild. I recall that whatever I was thinking of was obscure, as you said…That’s why it stood out as so odd/creepy to me when it popped up on my phone. Technology is totally outrageous!
same, i got an ad for a jeep wrangler cup holder after thinking about owning a jeep
jeeps (old jeeps) are awesome, highly recommend lol
That’s why I say into my phone “joe biden is a faggot” multiple times a day. Also “joe biden stole the election” and so on
This is the kind of joke I come here for.
HAHAHAH! This made me giggle. Thanks!
This is the way.
😂😂😂 My husband likes to yell, “Fu** Tim Cuck!” 😂😂
haha! here here 🍻
100% I was talking to my brother on the phone about proposing to my girlfriend and alas I have been bombarded with engagement ring ads.
About ten or so times my phone was on my nightstand and when I'd ask my wife what time it was, the phone replied telling me the time.
Is your wife’s name Siri?
Phones have very very good mics.
Back when I had Facebook, I went to my brother-in-law's house. When speaking with his wife, she mentioned a specific place they like to vacation. She only mentioned it once. I never searched for it, and I would have completely forgotten its name, had an ad for it not come up in my feed thirty minutes later on my ride home. That was the definitive moment that I knew it was always listening.
Even lately, I'll mention something out loud to my wife and she'll get an ad for it.
That's a bit of a stretch, Metadata is an actual thing.
This is what I was saying. Huge stretch. A leap.
Stretching so hard limbs are popping off...
Yeah it's totally just a coincidence that Facebook changed their name specifically to "meta" and with no real reason to even do so in the first place...
You are REALLY out of the loop brosef.
They own a virtual reality platform called Oculus.
"Metaverse" is a term coined in 1992 VR book Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson to describe the VR internet.
It's a nerd inside reference. Zucc explains their reasoning for using "meta" at the end of this year's Oculus Connect conference:
Who randomly changes their entire brand after 15 years? Not buying it.
Google became Alphabet.
Facebook, now Meta, owns:
They are much more than Facebook now.
there is a reason, actually. it's funny this post is the first thing I saw loading up GA bc I just finished doing about 5 hours of crypto research and one of the things this one guy was talking about re: getting into NFTs was that FB creating a "metaverse" and changing their name to reflect this. it's creepy to think Ready Player One is inching closer to reality.
It is but also kinda weird how facebook is now
Massive stretch. Good observation by the OP, but this is kinda ridiculous.
Ready Player One.
Gamestop is going to win this fight.
I've often dreamed of designing the MMO that becomes the OASIS.
Just transferred 7 more shares to Computershare. Apes and Patriots are in control.
Is it easier/faster once you get CS setup? I have the purple ring account now (w/GME crayon-flavored shares, of course) and wanted to ask if you still transfer TO Computershare from your broker, or if you transfer FROM them to Computershare. Thank you. Still some shares lingering in my old broker now. Wanted to wait until CS was all setup. Finally got the letter in the mailbox and setup the CS profile online. Want to transfer all but a few tendies over to prevent any more hf fuckery.
I prefer to transfer from broker (Fidelity) to them. Mainly cause I am poor and can only purchase fractionals at a time. Once it is over a complete share, I transfer it.
Not financial advice.
Pretty sure you can do fractional on CS.
Yeah but it takes a long time to clear so there is no guarantee at what price you are gonna get it. I can take advantage of dips on Fidelity and then DRS it
Thanks everyone!
Call your broker to initiate the transfer. Fidelity is easy AF.
Will do—thanks. My broker is Charles Schwab, and they actually got everything setup for the GME DRS. I will speak with them again in the morning to move more shares out.
What's your sell strategy from Computershare? I assume it will be tiered. I'm not sure what the best plan would be from there when things go lunar.
I have my paper hand shares in WeBull and Fidelity. ComputerShare isn’t for selling.
ComputerShare is for generational wealth and the infinity pool.
I'm less and less confident that they (gov't, banks, wall street, etc.) will let it get to that kind of thing. What prevents half the shares being sold, bought, resold, etc until the shorts are covered? I imagine at some point there would be a bailout before an infinity pool would be allowed. I'm not aware of any other precedent that would justify it. There's a long precedent of gov't bailing out stuff.. GM, etc.
Yeah I haven't thought about how many bots there would be at this point. Makes me wonder if there are any traders outside of algorithm programmers and tenders for the bots.
Even if infinity pool doesn’t happen we’ll have lots of tendies. My theory is that the FED can’t bail them out without destroying themselves.
Yep there's definitely a large buffer of tendies that can be enjoyed before major stoppage happens. Just wish I had more tickets to the tendie club. If the Fed is imploded, I'm even happier.
Crazy how everyone is expecting anouncement from Gamestop and FB went out with this meta name shit..
The Oasis really needs to be open-source like HTTP, but right now if I had to bet, it would be Facebook that runs the Metaverse. I hate saying that, but they have the money, userbase and clear motivation to make it happen.
Meta data collection isn't anything new. No offense to poster meta data is the small pieces of data that make the bigger pieces. This is not Q predicting a facebook name change this is Q saying they are collecting meta data on you constantly via Darpa.
Thank you. Sometimes people act like Q is like the Bible. I wouldn't be surprised if there was positive angelic influence in the process, but this is a massive stretch. Meta data can be things like the date and size info attached to a jpeg
Yep. Just another coincidence.
I use their Marketplace otherwise I would've deleted that spyware crapppppp a long time ago.
Ditto. Found my used bass boat (DEAL) on there. Had been off FB for 2 years but alas the Marketplace lured me back like a little phishy. 🐠 🐟
Excuse me but wtf!! 👍 💥
Metadata is information about data. He didn’t say “Meta”, he said “Metadata”.
1337 means Leet (elite) in game speak. Meta is the current top end technique or gear in a game currently. I do find it odd that this is within post 1337.
VR Nerd here -
Facebook bought out Oculus and required users to associate their facebook account to their VR gaming account.
Facebook has made a VR equivalent to Zoom calls for remote work which they're rolling out. This means all meetings within this app could be monitored.
There is a Sci-Fi history of "Cyberspace" which is a digital world/universe that is in essence a world you can go in VR and live your life. Work, play, hang out, etc.. all connected together in a "Metaverse". This is their clear goal. As a nerd, I love this idea, but as someone who cares about their privacy, having Facebook run the whole show means a huge risk to privacy for entire digital lives.
Not just social media posts.. but spending time with friends, online dates, digital Bible studies, work meetings, anything you can do in RL (real life) that you end up doing there.. can be spied upon.
Tie a monitoring and China-style credit system into VR and you have a place that punishes people's social lives as devastatingly prejudicial as an unpopular Tweet or bot-demolished Reddit post.
Remember this is not just about Baby Boomer lives not caring about VR.. but all the younger generations who grew up on the internet and are VERY READY to spend their Social Media time in VR when the technology is right.. and I'd say that's within 5 years. And we're easily 1+ years into deep adoption.
VR IS NOT JUST FOR GAMING NERDS.. the social element attract WOMEN (who typically don't game, awesome exceptions notwithstanding) and non-gamers in general. Want to watch the Big Game with your buds? You can do that in VR. This is Iphone level technology changes, once it's rolled out.. and FB has triple-downed on it by doing this.
Trump social media developers.. you need a VR gameplan... NOW. I recommend SteamVR.
Name Federal Office Building 8 Alternative name FDA Building, Food & Drug Administration Building
It was in chyna
Any gamers here? 1337 spells LEET. Coincidence? Doubtful.
All your base belongs to meta!
Hmm, so I work for a company currently building data centers for FB. We are on building 6 and 8 are planned.
Exactly!! Meta as in Meta Data being collected of you!!
No meta as in metaverse
Great book....snow crash by Neil Stephenson
Riiiiiggggghhhhhttt……meta verse… absolutely no meta data…..
I mean their stock ticker symbol is becoming MVRS; it's pretty clear that's their brand play, haha
And is still creepy.
You know, there are days when I just open up a thread here and say OMG OMG out is one of them.
Building 8... the number turned sideways is the new infinity logo and their investment is building the metaverse for augmented reality
Just a friendly reminder: social media is the worst thing we ever created.
Interesting DuckDuckGo search results:
[F9] Algorithm...
Building 8...
I think OP fucked with the screenshot and added the green highlights
Guys this doesn’t mean anything. Metadata is a very common technical term and is not predicting anything. Ask anyone who is familiar with even a little tech and they will know the word metadata.
Make Everything Trump Again.
A bit off topic , but just wondering if you guys ever saw Stew Peters discuss the data banks that were supposedly purchased by the French billionaire.
What is you’ll’s take on it?
Im so lost, someone please explain!
Changes name to meta?
Hacker "Sp33k" for leet, or elite. Originating from 31337 "eleet", the UDP port used by Dead Cow Cult, a hacker group, to access Windows 95 using Back Orifice, a notorious hacking program.
I have a vpn. Should I just delete my account or try to continue to educate the normies.
I am not a fakebooker... but if you are... educate the normies.
and by educate... I mean stand up on their table and piss in their punchbowl with as much liquid as your bladder can squeeeeeeeeze out until you get banned....
Then when they un ban you... do it a fucking... gin.
I proudly identify as a female because I was born as a female. What you are telling me to do is a little hard, lol.
One word: She-wee! 😂
Reminds me of an old Ole and Lena joke.
Turn any images upside down. Works great!
What do you mean FB changed its name?