RESIGNATION: Chris Wallace leaves Fox News
He just announced that today was his last day at Fox.
Wow. The sudden resignations and retirements are certainly piling up.
We should get a mega thread going with of them since Q mentioned to watch for them. (:
Ah 😀🍻
He’s about to outed as a pedo-satanist I imagine.
Drop #746:
"Chris Wallace looks clean..."
You are not looking close enough. - Q
Fren with the sauce!
Thanks for the link fren!
Everyone was saying this same thing last december. A lot of people quit at the end of the year and seek out new jobs, especially executives, they have to give like six months notice. If you've never been an executive at a publicly traded company, it's hard to explain.
Do a search for Major Resignations (enter any year here) and see how similar it is.
of course he is going to CNN, not disappearing.
That sinking ship?!
Not even real CNN, he's going to have a show on CNN+
true, I don't know what cnn+ is
It's basically a YouTube channel
He's going to CNN, where he belongs. Not that Fox is any better, but at least the pretend ideology lines up now.
The Wallace Clown Car is going to start parking in a more suitable garage.
Bye Felicia! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!
Gotta start calling him Walla Wallace.
He’s already “in talks” about joining CNN+
CNN+ is gonna have tens of subscribers!
He is working without a contract?
Note to Fox: You can flush multiple times but the stench still lingers.
Ha lol
Not sure they're going to get that message. It's f'n CNN light over there these days
Replacing Fredo at CNN?
In clown world that is entirely possible.
That is a good possibility, it would be an excellent move on CNN's part, a liberal with some credibility.
I don't agree. He has no credibility at all. CNN ratings are crap. He won't bring any thing to the table for them.
Hell a simple example would be the montage of how many times he asked Trump to denounce white supremacy in the 2020 debate and back in 2015. Even a goldfish would be able to remember that the question was already asked and answered a few years ago already.
Or look at his performance as a presidential debate moderator. He stunk and was a total hypocrite
Maybe not to you, but to the liberal crowd he is likable. You have to take away the fact you and I don't like him, we don't matter, we are not watching CNN anyway.
Wallace is disliked by many liberals also. They don't trust the guy because he came from Fox. You need to think like a liberal and you and I are not liberal so that's difficult but I understand that left-wing mentality very very well young man
terrible, terrible and inaccurate statement.
I agree. The average boomerlib is going to see him as the trusted, moderate newsman they grew up listening to and believing. Outside of the bubble, that's how the majority of the country (rightly or wrongly) views him; hence his employment at Fox. CNN is probably going to use him as a way of distancing themselves from the far left propaganda while trying to appeal to the moderate democrats that tuned out after the TDS wore off and they realized CNN gaslit them into voting for a senile sock puppet for radical socialism.
Haven't watched that America hating channel since the fraud! I hate that fucking channel more than any other.
I haven't watched it since the Charlottesville thing. Shortly before that one of the big wigs died and within 24 hours the coverage became markedly more left leaning; then they started calling libertarians "alt right" extremists. About that time is when Krauthammer left, so there was literally no reason to watch it. It was blatant controlled opposition propaganda from that point on.
OAN used to be pretty spot on, but I unplugged the TV in 2018 and haven't watched it since. Ditching cable was the best decision I ever made honestly.
Their investigative stuff has always been awesome. I remember one about a Syrian NGO that was receiving US funding. They were supposed to be helping refugees but OAN had discovered that they were actually running chemical weapons labs for isis. Good stuff
Have a great week as well!
Buy dwac. It is the TRUTH that will move us forward and will create a real news network we can tune into again. Chris Wallace you’re a bitch.
I been buying and buying. I’m playing the long game on this one. This is gonna be the next stock like Apple that people wish they could have bought at IPO.
It’s going to be a global success story, not just a US one. This is gonna be a great investment.
Same here. I am giving each of my kids and grandkids shares for Christmas. Every time I get a check from a builder some of that goes to buy precious metals, gamestop and/or DWAC. If we are able to rebuild a functional economy and get back to a fair and equitable financial, monetary and business environment, my family and I should do ok. If not and it all collapses who cares everyone is fucked.
What a beautiful end to that statement, I’d like to drink a beer or 17 with you one day! That goes for all you frens, name tags, convention in Vegas LETS GoOoOoOooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got crypto and gold and 5.56 rounds out the ass I’m hedged in every direction.
I've hated this prick ever since his "credibility, do you have any?" question to Ron Paul during the presidential primaries.
One more traitor put in submission for the "nothing is happening" crowd to ignore.
That was just demeaning and showed total disrespect and ignorance. Ignorance is tolerable, to a point. But when you combine it with disrespect for someone who knows light - years more information than you do about good government, economics, and liberty, you just prove you have a mind like concrete. Thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.
A truer communist in conservative clothing has never existed.
A Pedo, or possibly taking a CNN job?
Maybe both?
CNN only hires pedophiles, so...
Mika is a milf
Awe, how about the photo of him getting off a seaplane with Epstein. How bout that... looks like the photo was fake see below...
That was fake.
He was pictured with George Clooney in Italy.
I missed that one, but I believe it.
Nice, bet me! He’s heading to CNN they need another left leaning Dem rat anchor that should take it down a few more points on the audience scale.
Please tell me the tribunals are forcing these resignations.
Given that Q says over and over again think resignations I'm guessing they are.
All I did was type in resignations
Also Q says over and over again We have it all.
Scumbag. Good riddance.
Hooray! If he ends up at CNN, then they will go down sooner too.
Horaldo should go next.
I'm not a fan of FOX since election night crap that FOX participated in. But to see Chris go is epic...I just could never stomach this weasel from hell! Add to this the fact that that other sodomite (Juan Williams) is gone makes me almost want to start watching again...almost, but not quite. First they must get rid of Hannity and Laura and replace them with Bongino and Owens!
No, they suck too
"He is set to join CNN’s soon-to-launch streaming platform CNN+"
Wow so he'll have what, a whopping 10 viewers then?
Good riddance!
FN is controlled opposition
I still watch Gutfeld
Was he the zoom masterbater or that other wanker?
You're thinking of Toobin. Wallace is simply a gigantic faggot.
Not good enough. I want a beatdown.
Another One Bites the Dust!
Wonder if he is going to the CNN awards party????
Off to cnn he goes, someone’s got to be on that cuomo “prime time” spot.
GTFO!!! few more and maybe MAYBE i will watch faux news again
Will there be a faux news in 3 years
Hopefully they're all gone. Start fresh
Traitor to the Republic
May he receive the justice he deserves
Good f*king riddance.
Gee another Epsteiner
Dirty as fuck absolute piece of garbage
About time
GADZOOKS, I always hated this vile, mealy-mouth character. Good riddance. Albeit, it should have happened years ago. He never came close to being the journalist his father was, but there he was in that position only because of the legacy of his father. I didn't like his father either, but respected his journalism when it shared pro-American values.