I'll never understand the need to make such a monstrous product.
In the real world, people enjoy chicken burgers, fish burgers, beef burgers, so why can't vegetarians just enjoy traditional vegeburger made from potato, onion, garlic, seasoning and some grated carrot, peas and corn? Or just use a hash brown or bubble and squeak as a burger filling?
I make these for the family occasionally and everyone enjoys them.
Because the whole point of this is part of their bigger plan. This isn't for the vageterians. This is for the rest of us. Get the people to stop eating real meat, with real protein and testosterone, make something that tastes like meat but is..."better for you", fill it with estrogen and give it a generation, you have estrogen filled males...females. It's all part of the shoving of the trans indoctrination on us. It becomes normalized, and when our sons and grandsons grow up looking like women, it won't seem so strange. Taking off my tin foil hat now.
I think you're correct. When I was younger, the vegans would just turn white flour into seitan, add some vegetarian stock powder and seasoning to produce something with the taste and texture of meat. Extremely cheap and easy with no hormones.
These Frankenburgers do seem like the equivalent of four clot-shots to cure the sniffles.
The banking goblins are attacking us from all sides, spiritually and culturally through our social and mainstream media, culturally through their color revolution Open Society Foundation domestic terrorists and all of their refugee relocation foundations that are only focused on dumping jihadists and Africans in white countries, politically through their ZOG Bolshevik coups, medically through their Covid holocaust hoax and their deadly "cures", economically through their usury central bank and global warming hoax...
...so it seems like a conspiracy theory to assume they also haven't poisoned our food too.
Perhaps it's just me, but I've been an vegetarian for 30 years and never crave anything that looks or tastes like meat. The entire industry of making almost exact replicas of meat meals for vegans seems totally unnecessary. Those people are probably craving meat because their vegan diets are lacking in protein and iron (or because they're hungry for carbs because they eat too much trash) rather than an expensive clot of chemical waste.
It's as silly as a chef trying to perfect making chicken taste like beef. First world problems that are problems that don't really exist in the first place.
It seems like most plant proteins are chock full of phytoestrogens. I think it's pea protein that's causing the burger in question to have that much estrogen.
I've been a vegetarian for over 30 years and I can promise you that after some of us do not want meat. I don't like touching animal blood with my hands and I sure as fuck won't put it in my mouth. I admit that BBQs do still smell nice, but no, I physically couldn't chew up any meat and swallow it. Adverts showing sliced chicken with fluids running down the muscle fibers or sliced meat showing fat deposits or anything "on the bone" remind me of props in a zombie film.
I don't eat eggs either because I know they've all usually got a clot of unfertilized chicken cells in them that looks like a clot of blood wrapped in white stuff.
No worries. I'm happy to be attacked too because free speech is a two way street.
My wife rehabilitate veterans and it's common for them to become vegetarian when the sight and smell of burned meat triggers anxiety attacks because of battlefield trauma.
Same for me. For decades there have been vegetable burgers but the ones I tried were never that great. People say to me OK so you don't want to eat animals, so why do you eat something which emulates a meat-burger? The answer is it's a convenient round shape to get some protein. It's not like I am secretly desperate for animal flesh and consoling myself with the next best thing.
The "plant meat" products that you see everywhere are not aimed at people like me; they know I am not going to buy them. The products are aimed at providing a choice for traditional animal-eaters who have (mostly imaginary) reasons like "being more healthy" or "saving the environment."
I agree, but I don't much care for heavy carb meals anyway.
Also I'm a minimalist. When my family want pasta (although making pasta with 80g of dry pasta and 80g of sliced broccolini is very nice and healthy) or pizza, hamburgers or occasionally fish and chips for dinner, I'll give them what they want and make myself a simple cheese sandwich with European cucumber, corn relish and mayo with some carrot sticks on the side. I much prefer that to feeling sick after eating oily carbs. I enjoy the simple things.
Good luck with your mental illness I'm not even trying to make fun of you you sound like a neurotic person who is absolutely freaking out at normal everyday life.
Becauze they've done research and know there's cucks living among us. Those cucks feel guilty of everything in this world. So even their soul want to eat meat, eating a fake beef burger with fake blood oozing out of it is the next best thing.
No, but choosing to eat some concoction made to look and feel like meat, just so you can feel a little better about yourself, is.
Also there's plenty of evidence that suggests the whole vegan BS is yet another "elite" device to weaken western men.
I'm all for treating the animals, even those which are meant for slaughtering, with all the respect and care they deserve, with good living conditions and healthy feeding, which by extension will only increase the final product's quality.
But simply banning animal protein altogether(for us peasants), which is what these people want, is not the way.
Also yeah, I have nothing against engineering better quality vegetables and such, but as long as said "elites" are in control, I can guarantee you, they won't be better quality.
Y’all think you are so alpha waving your dicks around belittling others but you’re just pathetic and embarrassing.
I find this statement mildly amusing, given vegans are the ones that do the most belittling themselves, from their perceived high morality towers.
They want the rest of the post jab survivors to be like the Eloi in The Time Machine. 😬
Quote from the movie:
“Seeing the ease and security in which these people were living, I felt this close resemblance between the sexes was after all what one would expect; for the strength of a man and the softness of a woman, the institution of the family, and the differentiation of occupations are mere militant necessities of an age of physical force…”
this is why the fresh & 'healthy' stuff at convenience stores is SO expensive. people don't buy most of it, so it gets thrown out, and the price is rolled into the ones who do sell. most of it is fake healthy and unappetizing anyways, and many people are still programmed to think that anything healthy = yucky. (my niece sure didn't mind eating fruits, vegies, or soup, before cartoons convinced her it was all gross)
I tried one when it first came out and became INSANELY I’ll. Puked my guts out and was in bed for days. Could’ve been a coincidence but it was enough for me to never want to try this impossible meat ever again
And people wonder what is happening to our society with the limp wristed, Skinny Jean wearing Emo boys with their makeup and nail polish barely distinguishable in their biology. I have been telling anyone who will listen that between what is unknown in vaccinations and food sources, the medical industrialized complex have colluded with our government to weaken men in turn weakening our whole society. CCP plan? Humans do not need their food filled with estrogen.
I feel sorry for young women these days! There is zero attractiveness in a guy wearing a skirt with full makeup and nail polish.
I'll never understand the need to make such a monstrous product.
In the real world, people enjoy chicken burgers, fish burgers, beef burgers, so why can't vegetarians just enjoy traditional vegeburger made from potato, onion, garlic, seasoning and some grated carrot, peas and corn? Or just use a hash brown or bubble and squeak as a burger filling?
I make these for the family occasionally and everyone enjoys them.
Because the whole point of this is part of their bigger plan. This isn't for the vageterians. This is for the rest of us. Get the people to stop eating real meat, with real protein and testosterone, make something that tastes like meat but is..."better for you", fill it with estrogen and give it a generation, you have estrogen filled males...females. It's all part of the shoving of the trans indoctrination on us. It becomes normalized, and when our sons and grandsons grow up looking like women, it won't seem so strange. Taking off my tin foil hat now.
I think you're correct. When I was younger, the vegans would just turn white flour into seitan, add some vegetarian stock powder and seasoning to produce something with the taste and texture of meat. Extremely cheap and easy with no hormones.
These Frankenburgers do seem like the equivalent of four clot-shots to cure the sniffles.
The banking goblins are attacking us from all sides, spiritually and culturally through our social and mainstream media, culturally through their color revolution Open Society Foundation domestic terrorists and all of their refugee relocation foundations that are only focused on dumping jihadists and Africans in white countries, politically through their ZOG Bolshevik coups, medically through their Covid holocaust hoax and their deadly "cures", economically through their usury central bank and global warming hoax...
...so it seems like a conspiracy theory to assume they also haven't poisoned our food too.
You forgot (((banking goblins))) 😁
Easy there, goyim!
Don’t forget these Frankenburgers are also expensive as well so they’re stealing our money while doing the aforementioned.
It’s also to tame testosterone alpha males who are willing to FIGHT
And reproduce!
This is truth.
And here was me, who thought that this is just absurd idiocy fueled by soy boy libtards. Never occurred to me to think about it this way...
Keep your tin hat on, please. Signal is strong.
What's that?
Fried potato cake made with mashed potato and a mixture of vegetables, usually onion, peas and corn. Most common in the UK and Australia.
They want to be catered to, eh?
Perhaps it's just me, but I've been an vegetarian for 30 years and never crave anything that looks or tastes like meat. The entire industry of making almost exact replicas of meat meals for vegans seems totally unnecessary. Those people are probably craving meat because their vegan diets are lacking in protein and iron (or because they're hungry for carbs because they eat too much trash) rather than an expensive clot of chemical waste.
It's as silly as a chef trying to perfect making chicken taste like beef. First world problems that are problems that don't really exist in the first place.
Hint: They're not really vegans -- they're virtue signalers.
I agree with that.
It seems like most plant proteins are chock full of phytoestrogens. I think it's pea protein that's causing the burger in question to have that much estrogen.
I've been a vegetarian for over 30 years and I can promise you that after some of us do not want meat. I don't like touching animal blood with my hands and I sure as fuck won't put it in my mouth. I admit that BBQs do still smell nice, but no, I physically couldn't chew up any meat and swallow it. Adverts showing sliced chicken with fluids running down the muscle fibers or sliced meat showing fat deposits or anything "on the bone" remind me of props in a zombie film.
I don't eat eggs either because I know they've all usually got a clot of unfertilized chicken cells in them that looks like a clot of blood wrapped in white stuff.
It's just the way some people are.
No worries. I'm happy to be attacked too because free speech is a two way street.
My wife rehabilitate veterans and it's common for them to become vegetarian when the sight and smell of burned meat triggers anxiety attacks because of battlefield trauma.
Same for me. For decades there have been vegetable burgers but the ones I tried were never that great. People say to me OK so you don't want to eat animals, so why do you eat something which emulates a meat-burger? The answer is it's a convenient round shape to get some protein. It's not like I am secretly desperate for animal flesh and consoling myself with the next best thing.
The "plant meat" products that you see everywhere are not aimed at people like me; they know I am not going to buy them. The products are aimed at providing a choice for traditional animal-eaters who have (mostly imaginary) reasons like "being more healthy" or "saving the environment."
I agree, but I don't much care for heavy carb meals anyway.
Also I'm a minimalist. When my family want pasta (although making pasta with 80g of dry pasta and 80g of sliced broccolini is very nice and healthy) or pizza, hamburgers or occasionally fish and chips for dinner, I'll give them what they want and make myself a simple cheese sandwich with European cucumber, corn relish and mayo with some carrot sticks on the side. I much prefer that to feeling sick after eating oily carbs. I enjoy the simple things.
Good luck with your mental illness I'm not even trying to make fun of you you sound like a neurotic person who is absolutely freaking out at normal everyday life.
Yes: that's just how brainwashed and mentally ill, some people are.
Becauze they've done research and know there's cucks living among us. Those cucks feel guilty of everything in this world. So even their soul want to eat meat, eating a fake beef burger with fake blood oozing out of it is the next best thing.
That made me laugh out loud!
…so gay.
Only if you imagined it in your mouth.
That jizzum drip tho
Sperm burger
Don’t knock it until you tr....IM TOTALLY KIDDING.
DOUBLE EW! Stop it.
Lol sorry
Know the worst thing Willie Nelson can say to you after you finish blowing him? "I'm not Willie Nelson"
R.I.P. Norm
Eat ze sperm pleb!
I’ll jest get in zee oven
You're telling me I'm not the one giving the tip?!
Pretty moot endeavor to load it with estrogen, since you already gotta be a faggot to even consider getting one of those things to begin with
Even when BK offered it for $1 early on and I craved fast food I passed on that shit.
I hit the gym every day and eat healthy daily, but thanks..
I seldom eat fast food, fren.
They don't "load it with estrogen", soybeans naturally contain huge amounts of estrogen so every food item or drink made from soy will be just as bad.
Phytoestrogens to be exact, it's the plant version of estrogen. Slightly different but affects the body a similar way.
Yeah but aren't these particular "burgers" made with a bunch of vegetables and not much soy? I remember reading something about it.
No. All fake meat products are made from some form of soy.
Eating a variety of foods is gay? If it weren’t being molested by malicious people more quality food choices should always be welcome.
I’m all for super GMO tomatoes that have ten times the nutrients.
Imagine AI developed sweetener that has quecertin, zinc, and vit D in it instead of the poison that is sugar / aspartame, et cetera.
Y’all think you are so alpha waving your dicks around belittling others but you’re just pathetic and embarrassing.
Eating estrogen laced fake beef is gay
No, but choosing to eat some concoction made to look and feel like meat, just so you can feel a little better about yourself, is.
Also there's plenty of evidence that suggests the whole vegan BS is yet another "elite" device to weaken western men.
I'm all for treating the animals, even those which are meant for slaughtering, with all the respect and care they deserve, with good living conditions and healthy feeding, which by extension will only increase the final product's quality.
But simply banning animal protein altogether(for us peasants), which is what these people want, is not the way.
Also yeah, I have nothing against engineering better quality vegetables and such, but as long as said "elites" are in control, I can guarantee you, they won't be better quality.
I find this statement mildly amusing, given vegans are the ones that do the most belittling themselves, from their perceived high morality towers.
Burger King will be transitioning into Burger Queen.
Make that Burger Queer.
They want the rest of the post jab survivors to be like the Eloi in The Time Machine. 😬 Quote from the movie: “Seeing the ease and security in which these people were living, I felt this close resemblance between the sexes was after all what one would expect; for the strength of a man and the softness of a woman, the institution of the family, and the differentiation of occupations are mere militant necessities of an age of physical force…”
this is why the fresh & 'healthy' stuff at convenience stores is SO expensive. people don't buy most of it, so it gets thrown out, and the price is rolled into the ones who do sell. most of it is fake healthy and unappetizing anyways, and many people are still programmed to think that anything healthy = yucky. (my niece sure didn't mind eating fruits, vegies, or soup, before cartoons convinced her it was all gross)
undermine masculinity by giving them garbage food.
Meat. it's whats for dinner.
God didn’t give us canine teeth for nothing’.
Bukkake burger with extra sauce
grow some tits with your meal sir
Don't give to to your children. Either sex.
Not by mistake I am sure
Soy is NOT your friend.
You'd have to be a real faggot to eat that garbage.
Looks like that burger is leaking Jizzum to me.
Dont ask what is in the secret sauce
Hi 2019
Sure do miss ya.
Burger King wants to turn you into a burger queen....
I tried one when it first came out and became INSANELY I’ll. Puked my guts out and was in bed for days. Could’ve been a coincidence but it was enough for me to never want to try this impossible meat ever again
The guy that wrote this article retracted his claims last year I believe. Instead of 44mg, he changed it to 2mg. So was he lying or just threatened?
LOL!! Whoda thunk it?
It's what's for dinner
Looks like Butatthegig and his squeeze were trying for another baby, and ended up on the couch. sorry first thing that came to mind
Why are we posting news that's two years old?
I really hope that is cheese....
is that a cumburger?
Fag berger later converts to a stool to be used as a puck for turd hockey. It never ends. Circle of life, I suppose.
So it's impossibly harmful which is one way to live up to its name.
No surprise.
Phake and Ghey
Fagnificent, I say!
It's just a meme template, not an article. Not one person could possibly have investigated th claim from an article.
But we got a guy linking about bullshit to fabricate connections.
Lot of retard and dupe mining lately.
And people wonder what is happening to our society with the limp wristed, Skinny Jean wearing Emo boys with their makeup and nail polish barely distinguishable in their biology. I have been telling anyone who will listen that between what is unknown in vaccinations and food sources, the medical industrialized complex have colluded with our government to weaken men in turn weakening our whole society. CCP plan? Humans do not need their food filled with estrogen. I feel sorry for young women these days! There is zero attractiveness in a guy wearing a skirt with full makeup and nail polish.