Ex aussie army veteran here. This time frame is totally out of the ordinary. Normally these type of activities would be run for a few weeks to a month max. To have it run for 11 months is like WTF? SASR is based in Perth, Swanbourne, so the exercises over there make some sense as they are the chicken stranglers we would normally use for this sort of thing. The Commando regt is based in Sydney so that could be the reason for the Sydney exercises, that and it is a nice big fat target with lots of high profile sites.
Sorry about that folks,the SAS is the Special Air Service,the elite Special forces of the British,Australian and New Zealand Armies. Like the US Navy SEALS and US
Army Delta Force.
The SAS Regt's of the British, Australian and New Zealand Armies are very similarly
trained. They will have very slight differences in tactical standard operation procedures (SOP)
A good example is Patrol size, the British prefer 4 man patrols,2 pairs, very
psychologically stable.
The Australian Army Training Team, Vietnam (AATTVN) advised the Australian
SAS that 5 man patrols would be better. It can take 2 men to move a battle casualty
and with a 4 man patrol, that would leave only 1 man to cover the patrol's withdrawal.
I was drinking some Fosters with an Aussie there and he showed me his prize car he had in his garage. He showed me his guns he had and then pulled a pogo stick out. He said to me -- Now, I'll show you Yanks how we go 'roo hunting.
Have you heard Ricardo Bossi? He claimed he was working with military and that they already have turned many of the politicians and elites. He was former military and said that things were going to get dicey for a bit over there as they make arrests and his predicted time-frame overlaps with these dates pretty accurately.
Yeah, I have heard of him and watched a number of his videos and interviews. I want to like him, but there is something about him that I am not sure of. I can't put my finger on it, but something just doesn't feel right about him.
I have class mates from Duntroon who live and work in Canberra in and amongst the government depts. They don't seem to think that anything like this is going on and they are on our side. I wish it was true, but I just get this feeling that Bossi is a bit full of him self.
I would like to see him come out and give some support to the United Aust Party, but Bossi is too busy pushing his own Australia One Party. I don't see his party being able to have any impact other than to dilute votes, whereas the UAP could actually make some real impact and is running candidates in all seats.
However, if the whole system is fucking rigged, as we seem to think it is, then what difference does any of this make?
From a NSW Police Sargent and former head NSW police air wing and friend of mine since deceased, served (AATTVN) South Vietnam informed me prior to him passing that when Whitlam was booted by direct order from the cabal that the then Governor General ordered SASR to route to Canberra by way of RAAF c130’s in case of National up rising and were en route that afternoon when Whitlam was booted
"This essential training is vital to maintain Australia’s world-class military capability. It is not a part of the Australian Government’s COVID-19 response. The training is being conducted in a manner that accounts for COVID-19 restrictions and good health management processes.
Defence is unable to provide media access or further information, including specific timings, regarding this training in order to protect operational tactics, techniques and procedures."
I think both and that is the problem I don't want this sterilized cleanup of the elites and the corrupt. The plan involves too much pacification of the populace for my taste. It's the one thing about Q that always rubbed me wrong I feel like a child when they say things like that. I am here because I believe in the conspiracy but I have been far from sold on the "plan" to solve it but I'm here waiting patiently.
That's my number one gripe as well that I have trouble reconciling. All the catch phrases like "patriots are in control" , "trust the plan" , "we have it all" come off as pacification and implausible oversimplification.
If you substitute "government" for any of those, it becomes clear how dangerous this line of thinking can be, and how the DS uses this same psychology in their favor.
"government is in control" ... "trust the government" .. "government has it all"
Yep, it does give credence to the people who worry that Q is there to pacify us into not making change for ourselves.
But then it also makes me wonder, if maybe it's for the best if big demonstrations don't happen all the time.
We saw what happened to Jan 6th, and it makes me think about Occupy Wallstreet.
People who were "awake" back then, used to talk about how any resistance or protest back then, never got any news coverage, until they were sure it was infiltrated and they could spin the narrative their way.
One of my ex's was in Chicago during their Occupy Wallstreet, and he remembers sitting there for days, with no media coverage, until one day a large bus came in and a bunch of people got out.
Suddenly these people were causing trouble, starting fights, and also, the media started swooping in and finally "interviewing" the wallstreet protestors.
I don't think organization is bad, no. I was at Jan 6th and I would love more protests like that.
But I also know the DS is looking for every tiny opportunity to smear us, and take us down.
All you can do is pray that whatever we need to do at the time, we have a sign to do it. Like Jan 6th.
You could create a fear campaign using the symptoms of a common cold mixed with murderous treatment protocols that hype the death rate and then use that fear to sell the population a lethal vaccination as the cure. That might exterminate enough people in order for you to swoop in and handle the few remaining holdouts. Just a thought. That sounds like a movie though.
Genuine questions as you’ll obviously have more of an insight than non military: Do you trust the current military hierarchy? That Operation Shield TV General is clearly a twisted MF. Could the chicken strangler units conceivably be used against the Australian people? Would these units disobey such orders if they were issued?
I think if the Australian Military turned against the Australian people,that would be the start of a disaster leading to a full scale Pacific Ocean wide war that could escalate further.
Australia is strategically important to security of the Indo-Pacific region.
If the Cabal decided to take Australia,they would definitely need the aid and
participation of Communist Chinese Forces. Some "sleeper" forces are possibly
here already among Australia's large Chinese community.
If that happened,then the US, Japan, South Korea, Britian and other Nations
would be drawn into a major conflict. I can not see the "White Hats" thinking that
would be a great idea!
The Australian Military is highly trained and extremely professional. It is also very
small compared to the size of the Australian population.
There is quite a fair sized proportion of the Australian population that are former
members of the Military and have the skill sets to wage a very sustained and
vicious insurgent war against any Force that decided to take over Australia.
I may be wrong,but I can't see the combat arms, SAS, Commandos,Paratroops,
Infantry, and also all the other units of the Army,Navy and Air Force think that any
attempt to oppress the Australian people would be an easy or reasonable idea.
Like most Free World Militray Forces, the Australian Military are "of the people".
They are an integral part of our society. Why would the lower ranks want to destroy
their families and communities, even if a very small number of senior ranked
people tried to force them to carry out such an operation?
We live in very troubled and uncertain times. I believe we may be seeing an exercise in "house cleaning" of Cabal and Deep State assets. Time will tell.
All we can do is "stay frosty",be aware and prepared for how the situation plays
Thanks for the info and your perspective. I was hoping what you stated would be how it is. This is pretty much what I was thinking too. It’s that “uncertain times” part of things though hey. Catching up with a good mate, former army captain this week. Interested to see If he’s heard any rumblings.
There is an SAS Squadron based at Holsworthy Barracks in southern Sydney for East Coast counter terrorism deployment. They often conduct training in the Greater Sydney area.
So as a reminder, if you are struck by a bullet, don't be alarmed, it is just a blank round, for training and drill purposes. Don't seek emergency medical attention, you aren't really bleeding. Just lay down and quietly practice bleeding out. Be safe out there.
Nothing is going to happen down under until Trump takes back control of the country. The DS won't allow it. Midterms are Nov right so we're looking at another 12-18 months before anything happens with military
I sure hope so. Just seems like he may have purposefully sacrificed his reelection in exchange for forcing the deep state to expend all their resources at once
I'm usually an optimist. But one of my biggest pet peeves is being fooled. And at this point, it seems to me that Trump getting voter frauded out was a very much necessary step in the arduous process of removing the corrupted officials and cleaning up our voting systems. None of which would have been possible if Trump remained in office and many of us newly awakened would have just returned to business as usual with our heads in the sand.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm quite the military buff.
I'm certainly not an expert, but I've been deeply fascinated in & read tons about the military, ships, aircraft, weapons, etc. etc. I've read a TON.
Never in my entire life have I heard of any sort of a "training exercise" that lasts what; pretty much one full year???
Like; one single continuous training exercise, that is bsically MOUT???
Never heard anything like this, ever, anywhere, about any country's military nor any unit; even the secret squirrels.
There's definitely a lot here we aren't being told......
My thoughts went the other way. Martial law without it being declared. In much the same way we have all been silently declared war upon but only a few have worked it out.
Bosi says they’re all corrupt at the highest levels. “Counter terrorism” exercises? Umm, our Aussie politicians have been classifying the resistance, the freedom movement as terrorists... The optimist in me is hoping for a mop up of the DS but... We’ll see I guess...
This is my question too - some posts talk about the tightening grip that Aus govt has on the citizens in order to reach 99% vax , but in the comments, usually someone in country refutes the stories we're getting from MSM. This story today about an 11-month period of exercises is more worrisome than comforting (arrests) to me. Who is the target? I haven't heard of many 'wins' happening in the Aus govt hierarchy. I know that one 'section' had an elected official resign and be replaced with someone of our mindset, but other than that, the rest of Aus seems to be in deep grip of DS govt.
Still too many here not awake.
We have state lock downs, celebrities, politicians and sports stars could travel freely, while family were denied helping their sick members or worse died. In Northern Territory their rounding up Aboriginals and forcing them into camps / jabs. Got cancer? Need a 20 cm tumour removed? Its currently considered "elective surgery" so, denied. The list of examples is endless. Things ain't right here and glad that peeps are joining in on the Canberra convoy.
bro their gubment locked down for 8 cases...cops arresting antimaskers and kids....think that says it all...Aus is no go...It might be their headquarters..i mean all the elites have bunkers in NZ...allegedly
You band together with people with any kind of guns you can get, and other stuff like napalm which is easily made from commonly found ingredients. A few coordinated takeovers of police precincts, armories, gun stores - steal their shit, and Bob's yer uncle.
Ex aussie army veteran here. This time frame is totally out of the ordinary. Normally these type of activities would be run for a few weeks to a month max. To have it run for 11 months is like WTF? SASR is based in Perth, Swanbourne, so the exercises over there make some sense as they are the chicken stranglers we would normally use for this sort of thing. The Commando regt is based in Sydney so that could be the reason for the Sydney exercises, that and it is a nice big fat target with lots of high profile sites.
I really need to know more about this expression. It sounds like a military-oriented nickname that belongs with "snake-eater," "turd-chaser," and etc.
The term"Chicken stranglers" comes from the survival training the SAS specialise in. They train in catching,killing and preparing anything edible.
Hence,catch your chicken and strangle it!
And for those of us not military, what is SAS?
Sorry about that folks,the SAS is the Special Air Service,the elite Special forces of the British,Australian and New Zealand Armies. Like the US Navy SEALS and US Army Delta Force.
Not a problem,you are very welcome!
Good stuff. I learned something today.
Well I'd assume the British Special Air Service
That comment refers to the Australian SAS Regt.
The SAS Regt's of the British, Australian and New Zealand Armies are very similarly trained. They will have very slight differences in tactical standard operation procedures (SOP)
A good example is Patrol size, the British prefer 4 man patrols,2 pairs, very psychologically stable.
The Australian Army Training Team, Vietnam (AATTVN) advised the Australian SAS that 5 man patrols would be better. It can take 2 men to move a battle casualty and with a 4 man patrol, that would leave only 1 man to cover the patrol's withdrawal.
Very wise advice from the AATTVN.
Close but no cigar I guess. I just assumed that it was straight up a British base lording over their prison colony
I was drinking some Fosters with an Aussie there and he showed me his prize car he had in his garage. He showed me his guns he had and then pulled a pogo stick out. He said to me -- Now, I'll show you Yanks how we go 'roo hunting.
kek......that wasnt a joke was it....
you should see how they hunt crocs
I've never seen anyone who could shoot like that. Not to this day. ;)
Ah, got it. So, ed Zachary like "snake-eater."
Is "snake eater"a US special forces term?
Sounds like chicken chokers or maybe Chickenlover from South Park. 😂
Chicken stranglers.
In America, thats an easy sexual innuendo.
Have you heard Ricardo Bossi? He claimed he was working with military and that they already have turned many of the politicians and elites. He was former military and said that things were going to get dicey for a bit over there as they make arrests and his predicted time-frame overlaps with these dates pretty accurately.
Yeah, I have heard of him and watched a number of his videos and interviews. I want to like him, but there is something about him that I am not sure of. I can't put my finger on it, but something just doesn't feel right about him.
I have class mates from Duntroon who live and work in Canberra in and amongst the government depts. They don't seem to think that anything like this is going on and they are on our side. I wish it was true, but I just get this feeling that Bossi is a bit full of him self.
I would like to see him come out and give some support to the United Aust Party, but Bossi is too busy pushing his own Australia One Party. I don't see his party being able to have any impact other than to dilute votes, whereas the UAP could actually make some real impact and is running candidates in all seats.
However, if the whole system is fucking rigged, as we seem to think it is, then what difference does any of this make?
From a NSW Police Sargent and former head NSW police air wing and friend of mine since deceased, served (AATTVN) South Vietnam informed me prior to him passing that when Whitlam was booted by direct order from the cabal that the then Governor General ordered SASR to route to Canberra by way of RAAF c130’s in case of National up rising and were en route that afternoon when Whitlam was booted
I can't find this on twitter. The post looks odd to me. Anyone find the actual post?
Anyone else feel the change in the air?
2 year delta.
Jan 28 2020 14:39:33
You didn't think we highlighted 'Epstein' for no reason did you?
Those who were once protected are no longer.
Hunters become PREY.
gives me chills :)
Same in NSW as well, in Sydney Harbour area and coaster NSW area.
"This essential training is vital to maintain Australia’s world-class military capability. It is not a part of the Australian Government’s COVID-19 response. The training is being conducted in a manner that accounts for COVID-19 restrictions and good health management processes.
Defence is unable to provide media access or further information, including specific timings, regarding this training in order to protect operational tactics, techniques and procedures."
Could have just simply said “Move along. Nothing to see here.”
Is this to protect the guilty or to round them up?
I think both and that is the problem I don't want this sterilized cleanup of the elites and the corrupt. The plan involves too much pacification of the populace for my taste. It's the one thing about Q that always rubbed me wrong I feel like a child when they say things like that. I am here because I believe in the conspiracy but I have been far from sold on the "plan" to solve it but I'm here waiting patiently.
That's my number one gripe as well that I have trouble reconciling. All the catch phrases like "patriots are in control" , "trust the plan" , "we have it all" come off as pacification and implausible oversimplification.
If you substitute "government" for any of those, it becomes clear how dangerous this line of thinking can be, and how the DS uses this same psychology in their favor.
"government is in control" ... "trust the government" .. "government has it all"
Yep, it does give credence to the people who worry that Q is there to pacify us into not making change for ourselves.
But then it also makes me wonder, if maybe it's for the best if big demonstrations don't happen all the time.
We saw what happened to Jan 6th, and it makes me think about Occupy Wallstreet.
People who were "awake" back then, used to talk about how any resistance or protest back then, never got any news coverage, until they were sure it was infiltrated and they could spin the narrative their way.
One of my ex's was in Chicago during their Occupy Wallstreet, and he remembers sitting there for days, with no media coverage, until one day a large bus came in and a bunch of people got out.
Suddenly these people were causing trouble, starting fights, and also, the media started swooping in and finally "interviewing" the wallstreet protestors.
I don't think organization is bad, no. I was at Jan 6th and I would love more protests like that.
But I also know the DS is looking for every tiny opportunity to smear us, and take us down.
All you can do is pray that whatever we need to do at the time, we have a sign to do it. Like Jan 6th.
It's a "this is why we can't have nice things" feeling. I don't distrust Q. I'm just generally upset and disappointed in humanity in general.
Don't breathe the G-25 Paxilon Chlorohydrate.
It's all bullshit and it's bad for ya.
The were men once...
Some say they are folks who made it to the 8th booster, saw the great big nothingness and went insane..
i think the ds still has control of Aus....now [[[they're]]] cornered so [[[they're]]] getting ready for the last stand.
Hopefully McGowan is in their sights. He's right up there with Daniel Andrews and that fuck head from the Northern Territory.
Never forget that this is what they will do if they get rid of guns in America. Never Going to Happen. Support your 2A.
Or without a gene modifying spike protein or two.
You could create a fear campaign using the symptoms of a common cold mixed with murderous treatment protocols that hype the death rate and then use that fear to sell the population a lethal vaccination as the cure. That might exterminate enough people in order for you to swoop in and handle the few remaining holdouts. Just a thought. That sounds like a movie though.
Pry it from my cold dead fingers....if you still alive to try
Hey hey, just army going around shooting stuff day and night, okay? Nothing to worry about, not habbening at all! ;)
It's only for 11 months. Just training, you know.
Just to flatten the curve....
No, that wasn't a bloody explosion. You may have been confused by the pyrotechnics, and paint packets.
Imagine Aus gov't going alex jones on people...
i think so
Genuine questions as you’ll obviously have more of an insight than non military: Do you trust the current military hierarchy? That Operation Shield TV General is clearly a twisted MF. Could the chicken strangler units conceivably be used against the Australian people? Would these units disobey such orders if they were issued?
I think if the Australian Military turned against the Australian people,that would be the start of a disaster leading to a full scale Pacific Ocean wide war that could escalate further.
Australia is strategically important to security of the Indo-Pacific region. If the Cabal decided to take Australia,they would definitely need the aid and participation of Communist Chinese Forces. Some "sleeper" forces are possibly here already among Australia's large Chinese community.
If that happened,then the US, Japan, South Korea, Britian and other Nations would be drawn into a major conflict. I can not see the "White Hats" thinking that would be a great idea!
The Australian Military is highly trained and extremely professional. It is also very small compared to the size of the Australian population.
There is quite a fair sized proportion of the Australian population that are former members of the Military and have the skill sets to wage a very sustained and vicious insurgent war against any Force that decided to take over Australia.
I may be wrong,but I can't see the combat arms, SAS, Commandos,Paratroops, Infantry, and also all the other units of the Army,Navy and Air Force think that any attempt to oppress the Australian people would be an easy or reasonable idea.
Like most Free World Militray Forces, the Australian Military are "of the people". They are an integral part of our society. Why would the lower ranks want to destroy their families and communities, even if a very small number of senior ranked people tried to force them to carry out such an operation?
We live in very troubled and uncertain times. I believe we may be seeing an exercise in "house cleaning" of Cabal and Deep State assets. Time will tell.
All we can do is "stay frosty",be aware and prepared for how the situation plays out.
Thanks for the info and your perspective. I was hoping what you stated would be how it is. This is pretty much what I was thinking too. It’s that “uncertain times” part of things though hey. Catching up with a good mate, former army captain this week. Interested to see If he’s heard any rumblings.
Hang in there,fren. We'll get through this.
That sounds interesting about your mate,the former Captain. Keep us posted what he thinks about this situation.
The White Hats in Australia know about the approx 3.2 million legal firearms and the approx 1.5 million to 4 million unregistered firearms.
They know how determined Australians can be when they really get pissed off!
"...during some aspects of the training."
The rest of the time it will be real.
Yes, as on movie sets -- Baldwin can confirm!
There is an SAS Squadron based at Holsworthy Barracks in southern Sydney for East Coast counter terrorism deployment. They often conduct training in the Greater Sydney area.
Feb to Dec,now that is very unusual!
Eleven months of training. Weird.
Are the Counter Terrorists the Australian Government?
If you see a few tanks and 100s of troops in you neighborhood, it's no big deal
The Australian military has enough money to recreate these landscapes as a training zone somewhere away from the city...
anyone that believes this narrative is a certified retard
Much safer, no chance of civilian lawsuits…
So far, only announced for Sydney and for Perth.
Fucking kek!
That's as transparent as a bottle of Evian being carried by a twiggy new-ager wearing a fishnet tanktop.
"Don't worry citizen, we're just practicing..."
In all fairness, that's what I'm going to tell the feds when they ask why I'm stockpiling radioisotopes.
"I'm just practicing."
Aus wide so Tasmania too? Got a link for Tasmania?
Why in the metro area...
The Special forces,SAS,Commandos train in urban counter terrorist operations.
They train for all situations, ie, tall buildings, bridges, tunnels,suburban areas and transport like ships,trains, planes and vehicles.
Great cover if they want to round up "bad actors"
The general public usually don't mind,even when Blackhawks roar over their houses late at night! Your tax dollars at work!
So as a reminder, if you are struck by a bullet, don't be alarmed, it is just a blank round, for training and drill purposes. Don't seek emergency medical attention, you aren't really bleeding. Just lay down and quietly practice bleeding out. Be safe out there.
"practice bleeding out" lol!
Nothing is going to happen down under until Trump takes back control of the country. The DS won't allow it. Midterms are Nov right so we're looking at another 12-18 months before anything happens with military
Whether this is or isn't tied to Trump, I agree that the DS wouldn't needlessly expose their operations before the US mid-terms.
Trump isn't going to do that until 2024 bud. He said so himself.
Trump also said that 2020 must be fixed and the diamonds must be returned. It's not a choice between 2020 or 2024. He's working on both fronts.
I sure hope so. Just seems like he may have purposefully sacrificed his reelection in exchange for forcing the deep state to expend all their resources at once
Rough 😢
I'm usually an optimist. But one of my biggest pet peeves is being fooled. And at this point, it seems to me that Trump getting voter frauded out was a very much necessary step in the arduous process of removing the corrupted officials and cleaning up our voting systems. None of which would have been possible if Trump remained in office and many of us newly awakened would have just returned to business as usual with our heads in the sand.
Sounds like they're rounding up folks. White hats or black hats?
I think its the black hats getting ready to do their final show down.
Swift and..
........Real gun and ammo will be used in other aspects of the training I bet.
Hahahahaha! These morons come up with funnier stuff every day!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm quite the military buff. I'm certainly not an expert, but I've been deeply fascinated in & read tons about the military, ships, aircraft, weapons, etc. etc. I've read a TON.
Never in my entire life have I heard of any sort of a "training exercise" that lasts what; pretty much one full year???
Like; one single continuous training exercise, that is bsically MOUT???
Never heard anything like this, ever, anywhere, about any country's military nor any unit; even the secret squirrels.
There's definitely a lot here we aren't being told......
I wouldn’t be getting my hopes up:
Do they no longer have boot camp?
My thoughts went the other way. Martial law without it being declared. In much the same way we have all been silently declared war upon but only a few have worked it out.
Cabal trying to squash a Canadian inspired Freedom Convoy/protest before it starts?
That was my wonder. Does anyone know if Aussie military is on the side of citizens, or are they just government pawns?
Bosi says they’re all corrupt at the highest levels. “Counter terrorism” exercises? Umm, our Aussie politicians have been classifying the resistance, the freedom movement as terrorists... The optimist in me is hoping for a mop up of the DS but... We’ll see I guess...
This is my question too - some posts talk about the tightening grip that Aus govt has on the citizens in order to reach 99% vax , but in the comments, usually someone in country refutes the stories we're getting from MSM. This story today about an 11-month period of exercises is more worrisome than comforting (arrests) to me. Who is the target? I haven't heard of many 'wins' happening in the Aus govt hierarchy. I know that one 'section' had an elected official resign and be replaced with someone of our mindset, but other than that, the rest of Aus seems to be in deep grip of DS govt.
Still too many here not awake. We have state lock downs, celebrities, politicians and sports stars could travel freely, while family were denied helping their sick members or worse died. In Northern Territory their rounding up Aboriginals and forcing them into camps / jabs. Got cancer? Need a 20 cm tumour removed? Its currently considered "elective surgery" so, denied. The list of examples is endless. Things ain't right here and glad that peeps are joining in on the Canberra convoy.
bro their gubment locked down for 8 cases...cops arresting antimaskers and kids....think that says it all...Aus is no go...It might be their headquarters..i mean all the elites have bunkers in NZ...allegedly
Imagine trusting the military.
Too bad the Aussies can't defend themselves with similar "weapons" as the army. Guess they'll have to deploy sheer numbers instead. Best of luck Aus.
There are approx 3.7 million licit and illicitly held guns by civilians in Aus. https://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/australia
You band together with people with any kind of guns you can get, and other stuff like napalm which is easily made from commonly found ingredients. A few coordinated takeovers of police precincts, armories, gun stores - steal their shit, and Bob's yer uncle.
Any outsider sending it to family in australia?
how? they scan all packages? better off 3d printing one
Not sure how to 3d print. But maybe others can send the print equipment to australians.