"any links or pics to their propaganda will be removed, do not give them publicity"
man, we were making hotstepper meme contests out of their footage when it was them. We gave blm riots wall to wall coverage on TD. These fucking commie retards 'iF wE iGnOrE iT, iT WiLL gO aWaY gUiSe!'
Thanks for this, made me laugh. I guess thats why its called clown world. Equal parts hilarious and nonsensical meanwhile these clowns think theyre wearing clean black business suits.
Inadvertently they are gaslighting their own supporters in Ottawa.
"You can't be being tortured by a massive anti-mandate demonstration. There isn't one. It would be on the news and social media if the truckers were really honking like that."
I mod for a pretty big subreddit and the others are all provaxx... it’s amazing to see their blatant censorship and grip on self perceived power... and then their silence when they realize I’m anti-mRNA injection... and how I could boot them off the team for spewing their authoritarian bullcrap.
While we completely understand that your trucker-protestors are something of a "fringe minority" at the moment, would you only be so kind as to sendr/Ottawaa few of your incredibleprotesting trucks-- in order that they too may be able to offload a tad bit of their copious amounts ofSALTin there?
With many many thanks, A least-concerned-about-these-Leddit-janniespatriot.
If they wont let you post on r/Ottawa then just flood the mod mail with shit-posts. Every mod gets the mod mail, and it creates a conversation amongst the mods. You can easily bog them down with mod mails, especially if you are able to get the mods to react to it.
oi. not being technically gifted as most of this group is.... I thought at first this was from one of our mods! I was really confused by the authoritarian tone. Then i read the green font. dbl checked the user name (or whatever) that shows the r/......
Too bad nobody will be allowed to point out that this is complete censorship and totalitarianism because the good little sheeple will do what they’re told. More and more I’m feeling like what’s happening in Canada is much like what’s happening in the States. We have video evidence (and personal witness) to the overwhelming support of the Freedom Convoy ALL ACROSS CANADA - but now that they’re in Ottawa, the minority left are in full-on defence trying to make it seem they’re in the majority and they’re completely deaf to the insanely unacceptable “views” of the supposed “Leader” of Canada who is inciting hatred and violence against peaceful protests. Scary stuff. Praying for God’s protection and provision.
Lemme take a wild guess - all these past couple years they were happily posting all the covid numbers and their problems with the "covid deniers" etc. But now, suddenly no covid stuff.
lol, we got snow too, lol - -I MEANT THE ONLINE SITE, silly I couldn't find something at ottawa.win. If people talk about the mods there their must be a board somewhere
I'm willing to bet that the libs running around touching each others winkies in reddit are going to be far more concerned when the trucks stop bringing their funyuns and Mt Dew Red. It'll be fun watching them drown in their own tears. Lack of food makes people far more reasonable.
Trying to limit propaganda, without realising that the definition of propaganda is that which is pimped out by state-sponsored media, not cell-phone footage from a protestor.
Censorship of any form is propaganda. If those in charge are who determines what can and cannot be said and by whom then that is literally what creates propaganda. It could be just me but I do find it amusing how people on the internet believe they matter or hold any power in life because they are labeled a mod on a website.
I'm not against mods either but the mod thing is just really the other side of the same coin. Any bit of power corrupts even if it's just a mod on a website or a cop or a judge with people's lives in their hands or politicians screwing with lives of millions. Far too often when someone has any power over others they'll eventually try to control what is and is not said which is no different than MSM n such trying to control a narrative that they approve of. I do appreciate mods keeping forums and chat rooms on the internet under control but at the same time everyone has to remember that it's always the people and without the people then websites, government, etc hold no power over anything.
We will censor you, prevent you from speaking and only allow one sided opinions to be heard... but it's for your own good. :>(
You can't get much more oppressive and totalitarian than that.
that sums up tarddit.
Literally. Even some of the subs you'd expect to be at least somewhat right-minded like r/preppers are totally infested with communists.
Why would a communist want to prep & stockpile food & supplies?
Shouldn't they be spreading their wealth around to the less fortunate? 🧐🤔🧐
Have you seen r/collapse
Yep, pretty sure I poked my head in there & once I realized how flat out communist it was, I immediately closed that tab & never went back.
Its what libs do.
They don’t want to let anyone say anything that might challenge their narratives
I’m gonna repost this thanks fren.
Don't worry they will remove "their [truckers] propaganda". I'm sure they will remove the mainstream media propaganda like the Nazi flag too!
That's what they did during the BLM pro... riots.
Oh wait... They didn't. They allowed "their propaganda."
"any links or pics to their propaganda will be removed, do not give them publicity"
man, we were making hotstepper meme contests out of their footage when it was them. We gave blm riots wall to wall coverage on TD. These fucking commie retards 'iF wE iGnOrE iT, iT WiLL gO aWaY gUiSe!'
Yep, typical stick-their-heads-up-their-ass type people.
If there's one things lefties love it's sticking things up their asses.
Big Mike has joined the chat
**Bathhouse Barry has joined the chat
I’d like to know what they mean by ‘propaganda’. Like, is Freedom propaganda in their eyes.
They mean photographic evidence and facts.
Just a handful of deplorables, with unacceptable views.
Reddit should just be called 1984.com
This comment has been flagged for wrong-think
I’m so glad I found a fellow anti-wrong thinker here!
Precog Alert!! 🚨
Close the hatches! Prepare for descent! A tidal wave of truth is coming our way! Dive! Dive! Dive!
Their definition of propaganda and misinformation is anything that exposes their own propaganda and misinformation.
Your alternative facts are conflicting with my alternative facts!
That makes you a racist and a misogynist and a transphobe.
Don’t forget Nazi
Thanks for this, made me laugh. I guess thats why its called clown world. Equal parts hilarious and nonsensical meanwhile these clowns think theyre wearing clean black business suits.
Inadvertently they are gaslighting their own supporters in Ottawa.
"You can't be being tortured by a massive anti-mandate demonstration. There isn't one. It would be on the news and social media if the truckers were really honking like that."
This is a 2 button meme waiting to happen
You accidentally shared your crypto password string bro!
What's your favorite plant medicine?
The proper term is “canadians”
North Cubans
r/truckers hasnt been removing anything lol
That sub was dead as fuck when my homie first started pushing me to drive. Had some good info still but wasn't active. It's been some years tho.
was dead years ago, 100k+ subs had over 1m+ hits a day until end of August. then has been brigaded almost non stop the last few months.
had a couple mods go full blown sjw/pc. had to drop them. sent a few messages through email and mods on patriots and never been responded to.
I mod for a pretty big subreddit and the others are all provaxx... it’s amazing to see their blatant censorship and grip on self perceived power... and then their silence when they realize I’m anti-mRNA injection... and how I could boot them off the team for spewing their authoritarian bullcrap.
Do it slowly, or else they will whine to admins, and YOU will be removed, and they will be reinstated
Yep. They will replace him like they did the pizza gate mods and the Donald mods
I remember when a tranny was appointed as a mod on r/cringeanarchy, xe was bullied to oblivion kek
The way around this is to make posts that they won't censor and then use the edit function to say the shit that needs to be said. Spread the word.
Only thing that can't be changed is the title so keep that in mind. Good idea tho for sure.
Fucking communist mods.
They only have 31 mega threads on the convoy. I bet they’re loving the fact the media is ignoring it. Lololol
Dear Canadians,
While we completely understand that your trucker-protestors are something of a "fringe minority" at the moment, would you only be so kind as to send r/Ottawa a few of your incredible protesting trucks -- in order that they too may be able to offload a tad bit of their copious amounts of SALT in there?
With many many thanks,
A least-concerned-about-these-Leddit-jannies patriot.
If they wont let you post on r/Ottawa then just flood the mod mail with shit-posts. Every mod gets the mod mail, and it creates a conversation amongst the mods. You can easily bog them down with mod mails, especially if you are able to get the mods to react to it.
Not that i would ever do anything like that
It’d be great to broadcast that to the Truckers; let those mods sort out thousands of shitposts.
"we want you to talk about the protest, but only talk about it in a way that pleases us in every conceivable way"
If I post that I wonder if they'll approve it.
You can talk about the protest as long as you talk negatively about them
oi. not being technically gifted as most of this group is.... I thought at first this was from one of our mods! I was really confused by the authoritarian tone. Then i read the green font. dbl checked the user name (or whatever) that shows the r/......
just so glad i'm not on a site like that.
100% trash…you’re missing NOTHING.
good to know! life getting incredibly busy. i can barely keep up with GAW and patriots.win. always nice to see your posts :)
You’re at home here 😎💕
thank you Puncake!
Faggots, the lot of them. And probably all tranny pedophiles as well
I can’t wait until Trump’s site goes live.
Why use reddit? Freecanada.win
Too bad nobody will be allowed to point out that this is complete censorship and totalitarianism because the good little sheeple will do what they’re told. More and more I’m feeling like what’s happening in Canada is much like what’s happening in the States. We have video evidence (and personal witness) to the overwhelming support of the Freedom Convoy ALL ACROSS CANADA - but now that they’re in Ottawa, the minority left are in full-on defence trying to make it seem they’re in the majority and they’re completely deaf to the insanely unacceptable “views” of the supposed “Leader” of Canada who is inciting hatred and violence against peaceful protests. Scary stuff. Praying for God’s protection and provision.
Disinformation RE: Covid?
The disputed safety of the Vaxxes is extreme misinformation.
Also, Reddit is for faggots.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Misinformation about COVID?
Who gets to decide whats misinformation?
I saw recently that some users believe that only doctors can decide whats good vaccine information.
Presumably these people also believe that only priests are qualified to decide what is good religious information?
Lemme take a wild guess - all these past couple years they were happily posting all the covid numbers and their problems with the "covid deniers" etc. But now, suddenly no covid stuff.
What's this "disinformation/misinformation about covid"? He means: the truth, doesn't he?
where is /r/Ottawa?
A bit north of r/border.look for snow.
lol, we got snow too, lol - -I MEANT THE ONLINE SITE, silly I couldn't find something at ottawa.win. If people talk about the mods there their must be a board somewhere
I'm willing to bet that the libs running around touching each others winkies in reddit are going to be far more concerned when the trucks stop bringing their funyuns and Mt Dew Red. It'll be fun watching them drown in their own tears. Lack of food makes people far more reasonable.
Lmao faggots
Trying to limit propaganda, without realising that the definition of propaganda is that which is pimped out by state-sponsored media, not cell-phone footage from a protestor.
Censorship of any form is propaganda. If those in charge are who determines what can and cannot be said and by whom then that is literally what creates propaganda. It could be just me but I do find it amusing how people on the internet believe they matter or hold any power in life because they are labeled a mod on a website.
jannies work for free because they get a rush to the head.
Not dissing mods here though! All gudz.
I'm not against mods either but the mod thing is just really the other side of the same coin. Any bit of power corrupts even if it's just a mod on a website or a cop or a judge with people's lives in their hands or politicians screwing with lives of millions. Far too often when someone has any power over others they'll eventually try to control what is and is not said which is no different than MSM n such trying to control a narrative that they approve of. I do appreciate mods keeping forums and chat rooms on the internet under control but at the same time everyone has to remember that it's always the people and without the people then websites, government, etc hold no power over anything.
Good grief. Think how we think our be gone.
I would really like someone to tell me how they decide what is disinformation and misinformation. They sound so
Those fucking people. Lol.