What if Moderna collaborated with AstraZeneca to create another mRNA therapeutic to promote recovery of cardiac function caused by the Covid-19 vaccines? They're really asking that.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

I'll pass on it thanks, and go to my maker when he calls me.
Agreed...also did anyone notice them using the word encode? They're getting very loose-lipped about this gene editing garbage they keep putting out.
They're pretty open about how mRNA works, but nobody really cares
I'd think about it after a decade or two of trials
With all data available for review and proper legal liability. And informed consent of course.
The trials to give us the condition to get hooked on this product, not the trials for this product
I wouldn't even then; their vaccines are poison. Period.
If it's truly a medical advancement backed by years of trials from a ton of different groups across the planet and few, if none at all, come with negative findings, why wouldn't you be curious?
Just about everything you consume today was an advancement, the same as that.
Their beginnings have carried through to what we've seen in the last couple of years. There is nothing honest about the drug makers or many of their pushers. It's well known that the drug industry cherry picks their results, outright trashes results and lie, lie, lie. No thank you.
Awesome pede. Simply awesome 👏
Perhaps she’ll Lie
Someone’s gonna die.
Top search for the poem is it’s written form on NIH website.
They’re mocking us.
Top search for the poem is it’s written form on NIH website.
They’re mocking us.
western medicine via the Rockefeller agenda is hinged upon making the little people dependent upon more and more pharma poisons. this reliance upon pharma via rnas now makes perfect sense
This is dangerous to our Cabal fortified godless Utopia
Doctors and scientists are such fools, but people who actually listen to and respect them are even bigger fools. These people are not Gods. They aren’t even particularly bright. They are primarily obedient to hierarchical power and half-decent at memorization of establishment texts. Other than that, doctors and scientists are the same ego-driven, vain, lazy, shallow, narcissistic assholes everyone went to high school with. If you ever had to watch these same doctors and scientists jerking off to their beloved incest porn, this would all get real clear real fast. “I’m going to let this incest porn jerk off fiend change my DNA because I think he’s superior to me? Uh, no.”
And upvoted!
To quote Omicron Kenobi: Who is the bigger fool the fool or the fool who follows him?
Statement needs to be canceled it’s very non-inclusive to the 682 pronouns and genders
Bbuttt…muh UPGRADE?!!
Doctors and scientists think the heart is a pump.
We’re so many levels of retarded with our institutional theories that we’ve accomplished almost nothing of a true understanding.
In fact, the prevailing materialistic view of reality has only set us back. In that, primitive civilizations were more connected to the actual nature of reality than we are.
Set the CRSPR controls for the heart of the Sun.
Without attributing the cardiac damage to the vaccines, of course.
"Trust us, we have the for realsies cure for the thing TOTALLY not caused by us....super cereal- buy more drugs!"
The boot tastes delicious as I kneel and lick
It's delicious to the taste, and very desirable.
And it’s “free”? smh
As much as I dislike The Big Bang Theory, Bernadette’s line about her pharmaceutical company “discovering” a new eye disease in the morning and “finding” the cure/treatment four hours later has been the best description of this pandemic charade I’ve found yet.
These companies helped create COVID, then they created the “vaccines.” Now that the “vaccines” are being caught as causes of cardiac issues, they’re “creating” treatments for it.
Makes me so sick.
and about how her company also crossed rabies with something else - like the common cold? - and she laughed while denying because "that would be a terrible, terrible thing!"
They also had hot chick Penny working as a pharmaceutical rep for a while, persuading docs to push certain drugs on their patients. She did this mostly by wearing low-cut blouses and flirting with the docs. I think she finally quit when she realized what she was really doing.
All of it was spot on.
It’s not just creating myocarditis, it’s creating the variants which is a perpetual ball-roll. Jesus in Heaven.
Well now we have the Jack Murphy big bad beard theory
Let me guess. The new mRNA injection will also be "experimental", meaning that Moderna can't be sued for any damages?
Where have we seen this before?
The first two sentences are absolute truth.
The last one will never happen.
I’ve actually seen TARDS on Twitter say JUST THAT. “mRna once perfected can cure everything”. Nailed-them Bro.
Not under this Rockefeller controlled public health system it doesn't.
Their goal has never been to cure anything - but only to make customers. Moderna's Covid vaxxine was in development long before Covid was unleashed. The 3 HIV1 proteins along with the furin cleavage site attached to the S1 subunit, are traced back to Moderna. This latest treatment for heart failure was developed in 2013 with the collaboration of AstraZeneca - the first clinical trial was held in early 2019 and the second in 2021. In other words, these two mRNA therapies were developed almost simultaneously. This all could just be coincidental, but then again....
F’real. u/mac1221 gets an ‘A+’ in GAw-101 and may proceed to The Storm.
True, but in public they said something along the lines of, "We uploaded the (SARS - COV - 2 insilco sequence) virus to our computers and within two hours had the vaccine"
Yeah because that seems totally legit, these people are superhumans, literally!
No kidding. Moderna had the Covid vaxxine developed in mid Jan of 2020, a couple of days after the sequence had been put into the genetic data base by the Chinese and made available to the public. The download did not contain the entire "viral" sequencing - just the gain of function weaponized portions. The rest was computer generated in silico from existing sequences in the data base. The vaxxine was then developed over a weekend based upon those weaponized gain of function sequences. It was completed before China had even acknowledged that the disease could be transmitted from human to human, more than a week before the first confirmed coronavirus case in the United States. By the time the first American death was announced a month later, the vaxxine had already been manufactured and shipped to the National Institutes of Health for the beginning of its Phase I clinical trial. This was the fastest timeline of development in the history of vaxxines and a full three months prior to Warp Speed. No vaxxine can be developed this quickly, be manufactured, and be ready for trial in that short amount of time - when pigs fly. In addition, they want us to believe that this SARS "virus" developed organically from bats with 3 HIV1 inserts at its binding sites on the S1 subunit and also containing a furin cleavage site that doesn’t exist in nature but does exist in a Moderna patent. Yup, sounds like superhumans to me too. Not.
I think from memory it was the 10th Jan 2020 the Chinese uploaded the 30k base pair genome sequence to the CRM database (allegedly Pelosi was in China on the 11th/12th Jan) and on the 15th Jan 2020 it was reported (not saying it was true) the first person carrying the virus entered the USA via Tacoma airport in Seattle.
And yes it was the unique Furin cleavage site that as you say isn't found in nature that first tipped off real researchers this never came from a bat!
Boy do them pharma pedes work quick, lol. "Hey Barry, we got some deadly for cereals totally natural bat virus going around"
..................2 hours later, "All sorted Steve, we can save the world"!
You have a good memory there fren. Here is some nice work that ties a few of those genetic sequence puzzle pieces together. The end of the article holds the key that links that furin cleavage site to Moderna - a smoking gun for sure. I knew Moderna was tied into all this mess in a big way back in 2020 - I just didn't have the proof till now.
How to BLAST your way to the truth about the origins of COVID-19 Using BLAST is easy. I'm going to show you how easy and how to prove that SARS-Cov-2 is man-made
Also for your reading pleasure to show that they already knew what was coming back in 2019.
Wuhan Lab Partner Dr. Ralph Baric Reviewed Coronavirus Vaccine in December 2019 – After Scheming in 2018 on How to Make Money from Pandemic
Thanks fren I will have a look through them. I did see the article about BLAST and how to use it a short while ago, will take a decent look thanks.
Or the ability to destroy everything.
You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.
What On earth could you be infering to?
Fuck all that lab shit. God and nature provide all. Animal based diet (meat, eggs, fruit, fish, dairy especially raw, honey, organs) plants for medicine. Don’t over think it have a cheat meal or two (mine is beer) and be as stress free as possible.
We don’t need big pharma we just need to go back to what God provided us.
Dr. Shawn Baker and Dr Paul Saldino are great resources if your interested in an animal based diet.
Never been a big fan of vegan diets - especially in people that are endurance athletes. All of my patients that were vegan endurance runners or triathletes, of which I only had a few, all ended up with bad shatter type fractures of their lower extremities that required surgery. The bulk of them were in their forties and had been vegans for well over 10 years - a few of them over 20 years. There were about half of them that I managed to convince that eating some clean animal protein would help in their recovery. Since the other nutritional tips I had given them had bore fruit with regard to their performance, they took my advice. I often wonder if I had managed to convince them to get some clean animal protein onboard sooner whether they could have avoided the severity of the injuries. The others refused my advice and continued with their vegan diets. It was a small cohort, but I noted that those who did eat some types of clean animal protein seemed to heal faster and had less strength issues in the injured tissues than those that remained on a solely plant based diet. However, none of them were ever able to return to competitive sports and all had lingering challenges.
This is not to say that there are not people that can follow a strict vegan diet and manage to stay healthy. But, I never saw any in my practice. My clinical experience indicated to me that the vegans I treated were not any healthier than the those that were not vegans; The difference was in the types of chronic ailments they suffered from and how old they were when they started to have problems. They did not by in large suffer from the same conditions associated with weight as those that consumed animal proteins - like diabetes. However, they did seem to suffer more from wasting types of conditions such as muscle and bone loss more associated with frail older adults. Instead of frailty at 80, they were suffering with it at 45. There needs to be balance in everything and eating organic clean foods is absolutely key - vegan or not.
Vegans are retards.
I went vegan for 6 months as a prediabetic and it was a struggle to eat a balanced diet. I'm glad I did it though, not only because I turned my condition around, but also because I learned a lot about seasoning and now my chicken and steak smothered in butter tastes fantastic.
Ok…lmao now. Seriously. 😂
This is dangerous to our Indoctrination and evolution propaganda
Anyone who believes this creatures are trying to help anyone...
they're just finishing the job
That’s very mean
sometimes, the truth is painful
Moderna's CFO just sold ALL his Moderna stocks - 10s of millions of dollars. You think his is running scared?
Here is a very well done article about Moderna and its history - including its CEO. This article lines up with much of the research I have done on this company.
The Disturbing Truth About Moderna and its mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine: Part 1
That’s exactly what I do if I’m about to launch a brand new product in March and make a bunch of money
Well now, what could possibly go wrong?
They have to collaborate because they have never made a product that has worked.
What if all human vaccines were really just an unhealthy racket?
They are.
Look at the charts showing cases of every childhood disease, compare to when the disease started dropping of the charts to when the vaccine was introduced. In every case clean water and sanitation with better hygiene did the job even before the vax came out.
Read the case of Leceister posted elsewhere at ga.win and how they defeated smallpox without the vaccines in the 1860s. Look at the case of Uttar Pradesh, Mexico City and that Brazilian city whose name escapes me for modern instances.
Vaccines are a scam, always have been. They have not protected anyone ever. They only damage humanity.
https://book4you.org/book/5418297/958a07 What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong Dawn Lester, David Parker
Cool…just downloaded. Below that download link there’s gobs of other vaccine info epubs. Everyone should peruse 👍🏽
If you were unable to see how the big Pharmaceuticals work this should be an eye opener. First create a vaxx that destroys the heart claiming to be something else $$$, then create a vaxx that treats heart disease $$$. Oh and if you still trust the Pharmaceuticals then all hope for you is lost.
I’ll believe it when I see it coming from the horses mouth until the vaccine companies admit their own faults voluntarily and confess for no compelled reason I think you’re spreading MDM maldismisinformation
Say what you like but if it walks like a duck …
A drug to treat the effects of a drug to treat the effects of a drug...rinse and repeat...
That's what they've been doing all along. Look at the laundry list of drugs they put seniors/the elderly on.
Create the problem. Sell the (supposed) solution.
Instead of your arm, this time they want to stab you straight in the heart. What's next, an mRNA vax for "improper thinking" that goes directly into your brain? I genuinely feel sorry for the people who haven't woken up yet, it's about to get really intense at the back of the roller coaster.
I went to the _moderna-tx twitter page and this is what the Header says;
“ Working to deliver on the promise of mRNA science to create a new class of transformative medicines for patients. Report side effects at 1-866-663-3762”.
Uummm…side effects? Not a confidence booster. 🤮
So they created a problem (myocarditis) and offered up a solution?
No thanks. And if you even consider this you have crossed the line into officially nuts
Are they having a laugh at how far the sheep can be controlled? Would people really line up for injections directly into the heart? Yikes
Hmmm, problem, reaction, solution?
Now they want you to inject their poisons directly into your heart.
Damn I was hoping they would go for our dick holes first
I wouldn't take one damn thing from these criminal drug companies.
So the vaccines didn't kill 15% as they expected and they have to inject other shit directly to people hearts?
AIDS injected directly into your heart
zombies anyone?
That's like asking Charles Manson and Ted Bundy to make cupcakes.
You’re Sega cd Sega genesis add-on duo needs a 32X! And the new six button controller and Other future peripherals every five or six months
Moderna has new trials going on for an Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) mRNA vaccine. It's no coincidence that COVID is re-activating EBV in certain individuals (happened to me).
Any flu or cold can re-activate an old infection like EBV or Lyme. Even a really stressful job or a car accident could do it. (Anything that damages your immune system.)
Thanks for the info. Crazy as I had never heard that before which makes it more interesting and shows they're going to go with more fear tactics. Creating and administering even more mRNA jabs. 'COVID can reactivate EBV so you need to come take this mRNA EBV jab.'