💥🪃💥 Supreme Court Formally Ends Trump’s Effort to Block White House Records From Jan 6 Committee 💥🪃💥
🚔 Crime & Corruption 💸
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It’s the precedent that counts people. NObama and all previous current future presidents are now fair game.
President Trump is very Precedential!
I would updoot this but its at 17:)
Same here, fren! Totally would updoot this, but it’s at 17 too!
True statement.
Daz ryt!
I would upvote this but it's at 100
The amount of updoots is too damn high! :]
Now a Republican or freedom oriented party can demand the records of a flaming liberal president. Precedent set!
Cool this means we get Obama's also.
Lol, they will use whatever casuistic nonsense they can to prevent that. They don’t care about double standards.
they dont care about standards...fify
TY for the precedent dummies. You just got played.
Love this one, makes me giggle every time I see it, lol.
Same 😂
My favorite!
This movie is getting good
Sounds a lot like him ‘blocking’ his tax returns…only for them to prove he OVERpaid for years…be careful what ya wish for dems, bc Hillary ain’t the only stone cold bitch coming for ya (karma)
Well that just means there is now precedence established, so Patriots can go after the other's documents.
Boomerang 💥
The entire DOJ, FBI, and CIA have been investigating Trump since before, during and after he was in office. They have yet to uncover anything damaging. Maybe they will find something? I'm not sure.
What I do know is that if obama, biden, pelosi, schiff, and all the RINOs had documents disclosed that are currently protected by privacy means, there will be A LOT of things to go through that are fraudulent, corrupt, and pure evil.
This may come back to bite the uni-party in ways they never imagined.
We shall see.
Yes, "they" said they had "proof" for 3 years regarding "Russia-gate" which was actually just a cover for the real SPY-GATE.
Chess master he is …always plans 5 steps ahead possible disclosure for them to bite ?
Breaking News, they found Trump forgot to return a library book in high school. Just kidding, but I bet they are looking.
We want this to go through. Obama is then fair game.
If Trump has nothing to hide, why block it, other than to piss them off?
Trump right now after trolling them into doing this.
Lol! Reminds me of Devo now that you mention it. 😁
Yes, definitely. This was being super cool back in the day. 🤣
To set precedence as u/EuropeNeedsFixing stated? This could be one of the biggest boomerangs ever.
Now we can demand Hussein’s, and he can’t do a damn thing about it because it’s been done before.
Oh, no, he wouldn’t want to piss them off. They might behave maliciously towards him……
Trump learned from mueller to make them work for everything. And by fighting it and “losing” he sets the precedent to retroactively expose everything from previous administrations.
He’s ultimately making them spend their own resources against themselves.
To make them THINK he is hiding something. In reality, they just won a nothingburger, and opened themselves up to investigations.
Oh please don't throw me in the briar patch!
That's racist...?
Jk lol
Very underrated comment.
If devolution is real, why let the Nat'l Archives office "raid" Mar-A-Lago?
To set the stage for the release of other former POTUS archives, me thinks.
Can you hear that? That's the sound of incoming boomerangs.
I wonder if these records include intelligence briefings identifying Pelosi’s plan to false flag siege the Capitol and kill a protestor?
Nicely thought through. Didn't think of this, now I can't unsee it!
Let's pray!
PSSSSST....hey Obama we're coming for your SEALED records!
Love this
These DS dumbasses walk into every trap.
Watch him put it all out on the internet to everyone.
All according to plan.
This just after Truth Social launches?
Trump baits the hook and DS always bites and is reeled in.
Trump is the MASTER! He sets the trap and the Deep State and Fake News always rise to take the bait.
Obama is so fucked by this! Hell, they all are! Open the books, bois! Time for a reckoning!! Executive privilege is OVER!! BOOMERANG MFERS!!
counting the days until its announced john roberts died. I hate that son of a bitch.
Lol wow boomerang!!
How hilarious would if be if they get it all and find out he started devolution and they've all been under FISA the whole time!? I'd be in stitches for a month! Hang em all!! I volunteer to drop the floor. Nana don't play!
Endgame...now we can go after their sealed records.
I'm trying to find where I saw it, but I remember Julian Assange being asked why he never released any wikileaks on Trump and he flat out said there was nothing there.
Holy crap - I just read through this fact check spin, it’s absolutely laughable how they just can’t admit that there isn’t any dirt on trump
Reminds me of the intentional typos to get the rabid media to report his words
Perfect reply!
They never learn do they?
Patriots in control, enjoy the show.
Shit show. Low ratings. People checking out every day. Trying to do what they can to have some semblance of a normal life.
If I weren't so starved for information about ongoing events, I would be off doing something else.
Unfortunately I'm on here still because I feel I have a responsibility to know everything and disseminate information.
You forgot one little fact, PATRIOTS IN CONTROL. You are watching a movie.
I think they only way they'd get Trump on anything is if they made something he's previously done retroactively illegal.
Would I put it beyond them? No.
Do I think they will succeed? No.