I was just thinking about this the other day - I was listening to some radio program or other and they mentioned "fossil fuel" and it really jumped out at me how often they say this and it's completely false. Abiotic oil. The fields replenish. Are new dinos being created and fossilized continuously? Oil from fossils doesn't make one lick of sense. Like you, I wonder how many things we believe that are false, including history, medicine, science....
I've always wondered....if oil came from fossils, why are there fossils that haven't become oil but carbon date millions of years old? Is there a trigger moment where it happens? (rhetorical obviously)
Also, not a single skeleton of one of these in-between species that evolution requires has ever been dug up. Not one. If evolution was correct, the fossil record should be a completely indecipherable collection of bones in a constant state of fluid change between species. Is this the bone of a dolphin, a porcupine, or a giraffe, or one of the milllion iterations between them. It should be impossible to tell.
If you're a Christian, this post doesn't help your witness. If you're not worshipping God you're not doing it right. God demands worship and not just any worship. He demands worship according to His Word. As far as the legalism you mentioned that exists in Catholicism...
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9 NKJV
"Demands worship", "but only his way". Literally doesn't sound so benevolent when put that way, and naturally you can see why that pushes people away.
This is why I don't like organized religion.
We've seen 1984 in full swing, and the power of people in power, but somehow as a collective we just accept that the Bible is completely unaltered despite all the revisions and retranslations and reinterpretations and so on.
It's silly. It also detracts from the messages that are good within the Bible, by making people disregard all of it for these reasons.
Once I received confirmation, that was it for me. My parents put me in CCD because my grandmother was a devout Catholic, nevermind that my parents' words and actions were about as far away from good parenting as you can get, behind closed doors. Because they rarely showed who they really were to other people.
How is it that Paul's interpretation is treated with the same Creedence as Jesus? It's not for me to say Paul was wrong, he was, however just a man and his ideas are not fact or law. Paul never walked with Jesus and Jesus named Mathias to replace Judas.
Paul is to Christianity what Joseph Smith is to Mormonism.
Having been raised a mormon, and became a christian at age 34 (over 30 years ago), I can attest that there is a difference between Paul of the Bible, and Joe Smith the occultist.
Galatians 1:11-12 Paul Says "But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ."
Paul writings were considered Scripture by Peter who was one of the Apostles. Joseph smith is the father of a Cult. Are you saying Paul, who wrote 13 epistles in the new testament is the father of a Cult?
Yes I am. My experience with Christianity has been very cult like with how much they cling to Paul's words yet when you challenge with Jesus's own words, I get pre-programmed responses like "that's not what Jesus meant. Here's Paul's explanation." No. Wrong. Paul was not named by Jesus to speak on His behalf. He claims he is three different times with three different versions of his conversation story, but Jesus named Mathias to replace Judas. So Paul's ideas, while certainly worth consideration, are not above the words of Jesus Himself. And citing Paul to shut down discussion is wrong. Paul was just a man no different and no more or less susceptible to corruption than you or I.
If you're discounting Paul, then you don't believe a large portion of the New Testament. If you don't believe the Bible (including the NT) is inspired by the Holy Spirit, then, again, you're getting it wrong. Everything Paul wrote was inspired by God via the Holy Spirit...it's all there in Acts 9. At the risk of giving you "Paul's interpretation" again, I'll refer you to this.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
II Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV
Ah yes... the inspired Word of God fallacy. Did you know anyone can make such claims? Did you know Joseph Smith did the same thing? But of course his inspiration was false despite Mormonism being one of the largest sub-sects of Christianity...
The "inspired Word of God" is not immune to the corruptions of man. And history has proven that the Bible is not as Holy as Christians need it to be. I mean Jefferson wrote his own version and lived well into his 80s after being the 3rd President of the greatest country ever established. Of course I see it as his version brought Christ to groups of people who otherwise wouldn't listen and that's all that matters in the end; Jesus. If Jesus didn't say it, then I have my doubts about it. Paul... whether chosen by God or not, was just a man like you or I. And so yes, his interpretation should be reduced to just that. He is not above Jesus, yet people like you quote him like he is... and that's part of the problem.
He is hugely misunderstood: he spoke to people of his day who came to Christianity from different cultures etc. Dr Randall Smith does good teaching on the books of the Bible.
He is the Servant King. He leads by lifting us up and showing us the example to live by.
You are correct in your assessment. Even Mathew 25:31 agrees with you and dispels the ritual of accepting Christ into your heart. If anything, all you need to do is be a decent person. Treat your fellow man with some dignity and respect.
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Light. No one comes to the Father except through me." "Do not judged least ye be judged." It's His call. That's it. There is no affirmative one way or the other. At the end of the day HE decides. Not any mortal man. This ritual crap popular at revivals and pray the gay away camps obviously means nothing when most of the converts move on after a week. And what's worse is the people who excuse that with, "Oh well, guess they weren't chosen."
Aside from people we can point to in the cabal who have done evil EVIL things, you are playing with fire if you are wishing damnation on other non-believers. I choose to carry myself with the hope that EVERYONE is worthy of forgiveness in the end and if God is a Just God He will judge just and righteously based on what's in your heart and the life you led. Again, if wishing damnation on your fellow debt slave is on your heart well... I hope and pray that by the time the big day arrives, that you have moved on from such terrible feelings.
All I will say with certainty is that when judgement day comes... don't lie.
The reason He rode on a donkey is because the old tradition was for kings to ride on 'the noble donkey'. And he was crowned with a crown of thrones, sits on a throne on God's right hand and comes back on Judgement day wearing a 'Crown of Many Crowns'.
Overall you make some good points, but saying that Jesus would be disgusted at the idea of being exalted as a king is incorrect - expect perhaps that he be exalted as Just A King - He is The King.
And yet, Christians continuously make statements that Jesus is synonymous with God. But how can he sit on his own right hand? Also be his own son?
Organized Christianity is definitely not my thing. Too many inconsistencies, and those inconsistencies detract from core and positive messaging that this country used to have serving as its moral compass, precisely because of this stuff.
we're not "making statements", we're quoting statements from the Bible.
The trinity is complicated, sure, but that's just God's nature.
The reason there are 3 aspects/persons of God is because of their roles - the Father made the universe (and therefore lives outside of it in the highest heaven, an eternal and timeless place), the Son who's purpose was to be a 'relatable' face, teach forgiveness, Prove forgiveness and make it easier for us to relate to God and the Holy Spirit, who continually works on our souls and reaches out to us.
All 3 work together and the Son is needed because without Him we wouldn't know God so well, the Holy Spirit because we wouldn't connect so well and the Heavenly Father because He made all and is Lord of All.
Complex but well - He Is God, He's allowed to be complex.
I have... which is why I reduced Paul's contributions to nothing more than his own ideas and interpretation. He has the consistency of Joseph Smith when it comes to his reborn story and while I think he meant well, a lot of his contributions were damaging.
Then of course there's the Council of Nicea deciding Biblical canon... Their credentials? They studied the scripters more than anyone else. Well... Jesus says to be leery of false prophets and that He's no respecter of titles... So if He didn't confirm it when He was here, then I don't see it as any real importance and I choose to follow His example as best I can though I am not brave enough to sell all my possessions.
Im right there with you. Usually reread the first 4 books of the new testament and interested in revelations. The orhers dont sit as well with me. Old testament is my current read
The Inquisition? The KKK referencing the Bible as proof that the white race is the chosen Race? Hitler using the Bible and claiming to be doing "The Lord's work". Everything Paul wrote can be traced to all the problems with Western Christianity.
And as pointed out, missing texts and such.
Thankfully all we need to understand and follow is Jesus. Beyond Mathew, Mark, Luke and John the rest is pretty much semantics that will be corrected or explained anyway... But to assume man has not perverted the Bible is foolish and if you need an example of a story, read what happens after Sodom and Gamora...
The Johannan Comma. Google that term. Read what comes up. 1 John 5:7-8 is a Catholic fabrication.
Matthew 28:19. The KJV Matthew 28:19 contains a baptismal formula that is not used anywhere else in the Bible but is used to justify the trinity doctrine. It's the core verse to justify the trinity. It contradicts the great commission as given in Mark, every baptism performed in Acts, and the greeting in every Epistle.
It was translated from a dead language to greek to where many words didnt have translations. Then to english or what ever, but its like a bad game of telephone.
Look up the council of nicaea. They literally sat around making up shit for the bible.
They changed all the names to white sounding names to better convert the white europeans.
The KJV is where they first mention hell. Before only purgatory was mention, not a fiery pit of hell. Thats what they realized fear controls better than anything else.
Known as the Abiotic Theory... petroleum is generated in the Earth's mantle as a completely natural process. Old abandoned oil fields have later been found to be refilling with oil.
Thanks, I always wondered about the mechanics of how that worked. Corollary question: If humans could somehow abandon petroleum and turn to alternate energy sources that were just as efficient (I know, not likely), what would happen over time as petroleum built up gradually over decades and centuries and not be drilled for? Would it begin to pond on the surface? Leach into oceans? I figure that the abiotic production of petroleum never reaches homeostasis and balances out, but just keeps producing.
I'm shocked that video is still on yt, I saw it many years ago. This man was there with Kissinger and Schlesinger and the rest, getting everyone in line with the propaganda.
"Colonel L. Fletcher Proudly spills the beans about how oil was deliberately, incorrectly classified as a fossil fuel, when in fact it is Abiotic. As such, it is replenished, naturally occurring source. Peak oil is a myth, or more accurately, a lie. Just like almost everything else the establishment ever told you."
Everyone should take a few minutes to watch this, he lays it all down with no bs. There is no biological material decomposing at the depths they are drilling.
This... this is news to me. Always been taught that its from old organic matters trapped down in the earth, not as part of the Earth's natural process. Hence "finite" in numbers.
So if oil is part of Earth's natural process, then by the earliest of time the organic building blocks of life is already abundant on Earth. Then you get maybe a foreign interplanetary microorganism to kickstart the life process.
I guess if we can find another planet with similar geological process and find oil, we would finally recognize oil as part of that process or we declare there was once life on that planet ol
Read all the comments in this thread and watch the video someone posted, it will give you a good overview of how the Abiotic mechanism works. As to being the building blocks of life....hmmm, well maybe. I am more inclined to believe that "intelligent design" had a larger role in creating the complexity of life on Earth than it being a natural process.
Here is a reading suggestion: "Darwin's Black Box" by Michael Behe wherein he discusses the gaping holes in the Darwinian model of evolution. Or a simpler explanation comes from English astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle, who said, "The chance that higher life forms might have emerged in this way [via random natural process] is comparable to the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junkyard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein."
Russian scientists have been saying for many years that oil is formed deep within the earth by a natural process.
Here's a research project. Look up what elements are contained in crude oil. Then compare that list with the list of elements contained in the bodies of animals and in plants. You will see that a number of elements don't match. That proves that oil is not made from dead dinosaurs or from plants.
The only real fossil fuel is coal.
We will never run out of oil. We might get to the point of using it as quickly as the earth makes it, but it will never run out.
Just like how when a well runs dry they just dig deeper.
People actually believe that dinosaurs came back to a specific area year after year for millions of years creating a massive column of oil. How silly !
I have believed that oil is made deep in the ground since reading the DEEP HOT BIOSPHERE. But I have not heard if there is a Theory of HOW its done, the Pressures and the Mechanism involved. Anyone have more info?
If the Left really worried about the environment, they would ban disposable diapers (which are far more hazardous than plastic straws), pay people to incinerate garbage, compost spoiled food and coffee grounds/tea leaves and recycle plastics, aluminum, paper and cardboard in different containers. Instead many recyclables end up in regular trash. They would find a way to recycle appliances or demand longevity in appliances to cut waste. Also find a way to recycle mattresses, and furniture.
There's some very compelling data pointing to petroleum/oil being abiotic, and consequently a geological process of formation rather than a biological one.
There are some very smart scientists that promote the abiotic theory of oil, but these people (as you'd expect) are typically censored, shouted down, etc.
I am not a geologist nor am I a chemist, so I won't pretend to know the truth here. But the abiotic theory of oil is a compelling one and it certainly fits in with information like the above shared by the OP.
EDIT: Good to see other pedes on here familiar with the theory of abiotic oil.
Worked the oil patch for 18 years, petroleum engineering from USL, blow out prevention school, API production standards, etc etc.
While not acknowledged academically, it was openly discussed in the mid 80s, oil has multiple sources of origin.
Directional drilling lead to more robust tools of oil analyzation, (determining if your neighbor was pumping your oil field dry) mass spec. started deciphering differences in oils from specific field and origins.
Some oil is the byproduct of
continuous decomposition of organic matter under pressure, while some oil is the byproduct of the earth's crust constantly recycling itself tru the core.
Shale oil or rock oil is a example of the latter. Supposedly there are massives field of shale oil under the grand canyon, and many other places where faults lie as well.
Cost of production is the problem, much cheaper just to pump it out of producing zones beneath cap rock under pressure.
Leaving all that aside, north america has oil reserves to last 100s if not a 1000 of years. The discoveries of massive reserves have been suppress over several decades that I am personally aware of. And this is just north america, occasionally I hear of "white elephants" being discovered in the Arctic.
This peak oil bull has always been just a contrived controversy to control the cost and distribution of energy.
It's just like the theory that Dr Steve Austin had in the late seventies about coal being formed quickly by the log mat theory. The mount St Helen's eruption has helped him prove his theory. An interesting watch. https://youtu.be/W4a6oWZQ2ok
Yep,same with herbal remedies that they can't patent. Oil=Big Pharma Synthetic replication of plants that can be sold for huge profits. While also keeping tech,cures etc hidden.
"...faster than it can ever be depleted."
Not true, and not the point. We shouldn't use it for energy.
There are clean technologies being kept from us.
Everything about this post is not true. Oil is a form of carbon. Carbon does not come from rock which is what is below your feet. Carbon comes from biological stuff like plants and animals. Essentially old compressed once living stuff. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be destroyed. Only transformed. And the energy that those plants and animals once had has been buried over millions of years to be compressed far below your feet into oil. Oil is old compressed liquified living stuff. And there is no living stuff below the mantle of our Earth.
Some researchers, it seems, disagree with your mainstream science explanation though. Thus, this post and a majority of the comments. Dig deeper, pun intended :)
G'day mate, life's great. It's clownworld but I'm actually enjoying the show.
Not sure why you got the downdoot from someone?
I'm in a zone where there's a potential to be fined for all sorts of bullshit, but if it happens to me I'll just take it to court, contest it - fuck em haha, none of it's legal/ lawful/ loreful ;)
The new illegitimate sap PM with his new Greens cohorts will no doubt try to Biden-style burn this place down. It's ok though, we'll fight and we'll win :)
There's NO shortage of red pills for the normies lately. Was showing some workmates some Davos interview footage today. Those WEF clowns seem to be the best source atm haha!
Everything we "know" about our world is a lie.
Pretty much - can't wait for the truth to come out about everything. It will be Biblical.
I was just thinking about this the other day - I was listening to some radio program or other and they mentioned "fossil fuel" and it really jumped out at me how often they say this and it's completely false. Abiotic oil. The fields replenish. Are new dinos being created and fossilized continuously? Oil from fossils doesn't make one lick of sense. Like you, I wonder how many things we believe that are false, including history, medicine, science....
I've always wondered....if oil came from fossils, why are there fossils that haven't become oil but carbon date millions of years old? Is there a trigger moment where it happens? (rhetorical obviously)
It's all BS. The Earth makes oil.
Just like us evolving from apes…so, some just didn’t evolve and have been basically the same forever? Yet nobody questions this.
Also, not a single skeleton of one of these in-between species that evolution requires has ever been dug up. Not one. If evolution was correct, the fossil record should be a completely indecipherable collection of bones in a constant state of fluid change between species. Is this the bone of a dolphin, a porcupine, or a giraffe, or one of the milllion iterations between them. It should be impossible to tell.
Aaand the Missing Link is still missing.
I like to retort to the evolutionists: You may have come from monkeys, but I did not.
The Solar System is awash in hydrocarbons.
Even the Bible has been tainted and perverted. The important stuff is there... But so too is a bunch of bullshit.
If you're a Christian, this post doesn't help your witness. If you're not worshipping God you're not doing it right. God demands worship and not just any worship. He demands worship according to His Word. As far as the legalism you mentioned that exists in Catholicism...
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 NKJV
And there is why people are turned off of Christianity - if you're doing it this way, you're doing it wrong.
"Demands worship", "but only his way". Literally doesn't sound so benevolent when put that way, and naturally you can see why that pushes people away.
This is why I don't like organized religion.
We've seen 1984 in full swing, and the power of people in power, but somehow as a collective we just accept that the Bible is completely unaltered despite all the revisions and retranslations and reinterpretations and so on.
It's silly. It also detracts from the messages that are good within the Bible, by making people disregard all of it for these reasons.
Once I received confirmation, that was it for me. My parents put me in CCD because my grandmother was a devout Catholic, nevermind that my parents' words and actions were about as far away from good parenting as you can get, behind closed doors. Because they rarely showed who they really were to other people.
How is it that Paul's interpretation is treated with the same Creedence as Jesus? It's not for me to say Paul was wrong, he was, however just a man and his ideas are not fact or law. Paul never walked with Jesus and Jesus named Mathias to replace Judas.
Paul is to Christianity what Joseph Smith is to Mormonism.
Having been raised a mormon, and became a christian at age 34 (over 30 years ago), I can attest that there is a difference between Paul of the Bible, and Joe Smith the occultist.
Okay, well saying it doesn't make it so. Please share your side of things.
Galatians 1:11-12 Paul Says "But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ."
Paul writings were considered Scripture by Peter who was one of the Apostles. Joseph smith is the father of a Cult. Are you saying Paul, who wrote 13 epistles in the new testament is the father of a Cult?
Yes I am. My experience with Christianity has been very cult like with how much they cling to Paul's words yet when you challenge with Jesus's own words, I get pre-programmed responses like "that's not what Jesus meant. Here's Paul's explanation." No. Wrong. Paul was not named by Jesus to speak on His behalf. He claims he is three different times with three different versions of his conversation story, but Jesus named Mathias to replace Judas. So Paul's ideas, while certainly worth consideration, are not above the words of Jesus Himself. And citing Paul to shut down discussion is wrong. Paul was just a man no different and no more or less susceptible to corruption than you or I.
If you're discounting Paul, then you don't believe a large portion of the New Testament. If you don't believe the Bible (including the NT) is inspired by the Holy Spirit, then, again, you're getting it wrong. Everything Paul wrote was inspired by God via the Holy Spirit...it's all there in Acts 9. At the risk of giving you "Paul's interpretation" again, I'll refer you to this.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. II Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV
Ah yes... the inspired Word of God fallacy. Did you know anyone can make such claims? Did you know Joseph Smith did the same thing? But of course his inspiration was false despite Mormonism being one of the largest sub-sects of Christianity...
The "inspired Word of God" is not immune to the corruptions of man. And history has proven that the Bible is not as Holy as Christians need it to be. I mean Jefferson wrote his own version and lived well into his 80s after being the 3rd President of the greatest country ever established. Of course I see it as his version brought Christ to groups of people who otherwise wouldn't listen and that's all that matters in the end; Jesus. If Jesus didn't say it, then I have my doubts about it. Paul... whether chosen by God or not, was just a man like you or I. And so yes, his interpretation should be reduced to just that. He is not above Jesus, yet people like you quote him like he is... and that's part of the problem.
He is hugely misunderstood: he spoke to people of his day who came to Christianity from different cultures etc. Dr Randall Smith does good teaching on the books of the Bible.
He is the Servant King. He leads by lifting us up and showing us the example to live by.
You are correct in your assessment. Even Mathew 25:31 agrees with you and dispels the ritual of accepting Christ into your heart. If anything, all you need to do is be a decent person. Treat your fellow man with some dignity and respect.
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Light. No one comes to the Father except through me." "Do not judged least ye be judged." It's His call. That's it. There is no affirmative one way or the other. At the end of the day HE decides. Not any mortal man. This ritual crap popular at revivals and pray the gay away camps obviously means nothing when most of the converts move on after a week. And what's worse is the people who excuse that with, "Oh well, guess they weren't chosen."
Aside from people we can point to in the cabal who have done evil EVIL things, you are playing with fire if you are wishing damnation on other non-believers. I choose to carry myself with the hope that EVERYONE is worthy of forgiveness in the end and if God is a Just God He will judge just and righteously based on what's in your heart and the life you led. Again, if wishing damnation on your fellow debt slave is on your heart well... I hope and pray that by the time the big day arrives, that you have moved on from such terrible feelings.
All I will say with certainty is that when judgement day comes... don't lie.
Should be interesting conversations with people down south.
.... for turning you back on the Lord.
The reason He rode on a donkey is because the old tradition was for kings to ride on 'the noble donkey'. And he was crowned with a crown of thrones, sits on a throne on God's right hand and comes back on Judgement day wearing a 'Crown of Many Crowns'.
Overall you make some good points, but saying that Jesus would be disgusted at the idea of being exalted as a king is incorrect - expect perhaps that he be exalted as Just A King - He is The King.
For sure, free-will was and is one of His greatest gifts.
If we had no choice of hell heaven wouldn't be such a good place and God would be a (benevolent) tyrant.
Because we can choose it shows all the more how perfect and righteous God and God's way is.
And yet, Christians continuously make statements that Jesus is synonymous with God. But how can he sit on his own right hand? Also be his own son?
Organized Christianity is definitely not my thing. Too many inconsistencies, and those inconsistencies detract from core and positive messaging that this country used to have serving as its moral compass, precisely because of this stuff.
we're not "making statements", we're quoting statements from the Bible.
The trinity is complicated, sure, but that's just God's nature.
The reason there are 3 aspects/persons of God is because of their roles - the Father made the universe (and therefore lives outside of it in the highest heaven, an eternal and timeless place), the Son who's purpose was to be a 'relatable' face, teach forgiveness, Prove forgiveness and make it easier for us to relate to God and the Holy Spirit, who continually works on our souls and reaches out to us.
All 3 work together and the Son is needed because without Him we wouldn't know God so well, the Holy Spirit because we wouldn't connect so well and the Heavenly Father because He made all and is Lord of All.
Complex but well - He Is God, He's allowed to be complex.
Read with holy spirit and discernment always
I have... which is why I reduced Paul's contributions to nothing more than his own ideas and interpretation. He has the consistency of Joseph Smith when it comes to his reborn story and while I think he meant well, a lot of his contributions were damaging.
Then of course there's the Council of Nicea deciding Biblical canon... Their credentials? They studied the scripters more than anyone else. Well... Jesus says to be leery of false prophets and that He's no respecter of titles... So if He didn't confirm it when He was here, then I don't see it as any real importance and I choose to follow His example as best I can though I am not brave enough to sell all my possessions.
Im right there with you. Usually reread the first 4 books of the new testament and interested in revelations. The orhers dont sit as well with me. Old testament is my current read
Well, all I can say about that is....I for one, am in fear of God's anger!
I'm confident that the Creator of the universe is capable of writing an accurate book. Just sayin'.
The Bible is not tainted and perverted. Why do you say this? Point to something that fits your description.
Missing books. Translations altered. Details.
Remember who we are dealing with then ask yourself if they would ever lie to us.
I often get the feeling that certain passages are incomplete.
King James version is a start. Work back from there.
The Inquisition? The KKK referencing the Bible as proof that the white race is the chosen Race? Hitler using the Bible and claiming to be doing "The Lord's work". Everything Paul wrote can be traced to all the problems with Western Christianity.
And as pointed out, missing texts and such.
Thankfully all we need to understand and follow is Jesus. Beyond Mathew, Mark, Luke and John the rest is pretty much semantics that will be corrected or explained anyway... But to assume man has not perverted the Bible is foolish and if you need an example of a story, read what happens after Sodom and Gamora...
The Johannan Comma. Google that term. Read what comes up. 1 John 5:7-8 is a Catholic fabrication.
Matthew 28:19. The KJV Matthew 28:19 contains a baptismal formula that is not used anywhere else in the Bible but is used to justify the trinity doctrine. It's the core verse to justify the trinity. It contradicts the great commission as given in Mark, every baptism performed in Acts, and the greeting in every Epistle.
It was translated from a dead language to greek to where many words didnt have translations. Then to english or what ever, but its like a bad game of telephone.
Look up the council of nicaea. They literally sat around making up shit for the bible.
They changed all the names to white sounding names to better convert the white europeans.
The KJV is where they first mention hell. Before only purgatory was mention, not a fiery pit of hell. Thats what they realized fear controls better than anything else.
Etc etc and on and on.
What's really in Antarctica?
You mean, what's behind the ice wall right? 😉
More continents, according to Admiral Byrd.
Appears that some people here can't accept this reality
False. Antarctica is the greatest desert on Earth.
Because of low rainfall. Doesn’t mean there isn’t a shit ton of snow and ice there genius.
Snow is frozen rain, is it not?
It barely snows in Antarctica. The snow never melts so it just keeps accumulating for thousands of years.
Gotta say that 50% are already nuts
And growing.
4-6% the end won't be for everyone......
I'd rather have the truth and go nuts than live a lie thinking I'm sane.
And I have mourned much for my previous life of being asleep, but despite that, I would be willing to go back to sleep. Fuck slavery.
Known as the Abiotic Theory... petroleum is generated in the Earth's mantle as a completely natural process. Old abandoned oil fields have later been found to be refilling with oil.
This knowledgeable gentleman explains it very well: https://youtu.be/LWuWqscwhb4
I always believed it had something to do with all the oceans organic material falling to the deepest parts of the ocean and compressing the oils out.
Thanks, I always wondered about the mechanics of how that worked. Corollary question: If humans could somehow abandon petroleum and turn to alternate energy sources that were just as efficient (I know, not likely), what would happen over time as petroleum built up gradually over decades and centuries and not be drilled for? Would it begin to pond on the surface? Leach into oceans? I figure that the abiotic production of petroleum never reaches homeostasis and balances out, but just keeps producing.
I'm shocked that video is still on yt, I saw it many years ago. This man was there with Kissinger and Schlesinger and the rest, getting everyone in line with the propaganda.
"Colonel L. Fletcher Proudly spills the beans about how oil was deliberately, incorrectly classified as a fossil fuel, when in fact it is Abiotic. As such, it is replenished, naturally occurring source. Peak oil is a myth, or more accurately, a lie. Just like almost everything else the establishment ever told you."
Everyone should take a few minutes to watch this, he lays it all down with no bs. There is no biological material decomposing at the depths they are drilling.
And John Durham's b-day is 03/16/1950...So in a way John 3/16.
Thank you, yes that was informative, and he describes the politics and economics behind "fossil fuels" very well.
Didn't the Russians first have this theory?
Can't recall, but I first heard about it back in the 1990s
This... this is news to me. Always been taught that its from old organic matters trapped down in the earth, not as part of the Earth's natural process. Hence "finite" in numbers.
So if oil is part of Earth's natural process, then by the earliest of time the organic building blocks of life is already abundant on Earth. Then you get maybe a foreign interplanetary microorganism to kickstart the life process.
I guess if we can find another planet with similar geological process and find oil, we would finally recognize oil as part of that process or we declare there was once life on that planet ol
Read all the comments in this thread and watch the video someone posted, it will give you a good overview of how the Abiotic mechanism works. As to being the building blocks of life....hmmm, well maybe. I am more inclined to believe that "intelligent design" had a larger role in creating the complexity of life on Earth than it being a natural process.
Here is a reading suggestion: "Darwin's Black Box" by Michael Behe wherein he discusses the gaping holes in the Darwinian model of evolution. Or a simpler explanation comes from English astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle, who said, "The chance that higher life forms might have emerged in this way [via random natural process] is comparable to the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junkyard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein."
Russian scientists have been saying for many years that oil is formed deep within the earth by a natural process.
Here's a research project. Look up what elements are contained in crude oil. Then compare that list with the list of elements contained in the bodies of animals and in plants. You will see that a number of elements don't match. That proves that oil is not made from dead dinosaurs or from plants.
The only real fossil fuel is coal.
We will never run out of oil. We might get to the point of using it as quickly as the earth makes it, but it will never run out.
Though some think its 4th: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-most-abundant-liquid-on-earth-after-water?share=1
Just like how when a well runs dry they just dig deeper.
People actually believe that dinosaurs came back to a specific area year after year for millions of years creating a massive column of oil. How silly !
Frack IT!
I have believed that oil is made deep in the ground since reading the DEEP HOT BIOSPHERE. But I have not heard if there is a Theory of HOW its done, the Pressures and the Mechanism involved. Anyone have more info?
My cousin is a petro engineer and told me the same thing. They have no idea how much oil there really is.
If the Left really worried about the environment, they would ban disposable diapers (which are far more hazardous than plastic straws), pay people to incinerate garbage, compost spoiled food and coffee grounds/tea leaves and recycle plastics, aluminum, paper and cardboard in different containers. Instead many recyclables end up in regular trash. They would find a way to recycle appliances or demand longevity in appliances to cut waste. Also find a way to recycle mattresses, and furniture.
Are mateesses not usually recycled? TIL
There's some very compelling data pointing to petroleum/oil being abiotic, and consequently a geological process of formation rather than a biological one.
There are some very smart scientists that promote the abiotic theory of oil, but these people (as you'd expect) are typically censored, shouted down, etc.
I am not a geologist nor am I a chemist, so I won't pretend to know the truth here. But the abiotic theory of oil is a compelling one and it certainly fits in with information like the above shared by the OP.
EDIT: Good to see other pedes on here familiar with the theory of abiotic oil.
thank you for sharing this, you helped me learn something new
Is this actually true?
I'm serious, I have always heard the opposite, so I'm just surprised.
"Fossils From Animals And Plants Are Not Necessary For Crude Oil And Natural Gas, Swedish Researchers Find"
This is the theory of "Abiotic Oil".
I believe it to be true.
Would you look at that. Another example of scientists taking payment to support a specific narrative. Shameful.
I'll throw my 2¢ in,
Worked the oil patch for 18 years, petroleum engineering from USL, blow out prevention school, API production standards, etc etc.
While not acknowledged academically, it was openly discussed in the mid 80s, oil has multiple sources of origin.
Directional drilling lead to more robust tools of oil analyzation, (determining if your neighbor was pumping your oil field dry) mass spec. started deciphering differences in oils from specific field and origins.
Some oil is the byproduct of continuous decomposition of organic matter under pressure, while some oil is the byproduct of the earth's crust constantly recycling itself tru the core.
Shale oil or rock oil is a example of the latter. Supposedly there are massives field of shale oil under the grand canyon, and many other places where faults lie as well.
Cost of production is the problem, much cheaper just to pump it out of producing zones beneath cap rock under pressure.
Leaving all that aside, north america has oil reserves to last 100s if not a 1000 of years. The discoveries of massive reserves have been suppress over several decades that I am personally aware of. And this is just north america, occasionally I hear of "white elephants" being discovered in the Arctic.
This peak oil bull has always been just a contrived controversy to control the cost and distribution of energy.
Control the energy, control the economy...
Thanks for the interesting info!
I've taken so much from this buffet of information,
It's only right to leave a little.
I type slow and the only access is my phone, by the time I'm ready to post seem like everyone has moved on.
I'm glad you read it, and liked it. Your welcome fren.
great info. and one of the reasons I think President Trump’s last rally was in Casper Wyoming; to teach people how important it is.
It's just like the theory that Dr Steve Austin had in the late seventies about coal being formed quickly by the log mat theory. The mount St Helen's eruption has helped him prove his theory. An interesting watch. https://youtu.be/W4a6oWZQ2ok
Thanks, I'll take a look later. Mt St H also put a lot of evolutionist's noses out of joint as far as age calculations went, if I remember right.
Can I get a fack check label on this./s
"No, fossil fuels do not replenish naturally"-The Daily Beast
“There were dinosaurs on your jammies as a kid. Would your jammies lie to you?”
I'm so triggered I'm literally shaking.
Yep,same with herbal remedies that they can't patent. Oil=Big Pharma Synthetic replication of plants that can be sold for huge profits. While also keeping tech,cures etc hidden.
Smartest, I don't know but most evil for sure.
"...faster than it can ever be depleted." Not true, and not the point. We shouldn't use it for energy. There are clean technologies being kept from us.
Everything about this post is not true. Oil is a form of carbon. Carbon does not come from rock which is what is below your feet. Carbon comes from biological stuff like plants and animals. Essentially old compressed once living stuff. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be destroyed. Only transformed. And the energy that those plants and animals once had has been buried over millions of years to be compressed far below your feet into oil. Oil is old compressed liquified living stuff. And there is no living stuff below the mantle of our Earth.
Some researchers, it seems, disagree with your mainstream science explanation though. Thus, this post and a majority of the comments. Dig deeper, pun intended :)
How's life down under my Ozzie one punder.
Are you in that 70k fine 2 year hard time zone ?
Is there any end of absurdities that new PM will not venture.
Run out of red pills yet, what's the scoop my fren?
G'day mate, life's great. It's clownworld but I'm actually enjoying the show.
Not sure why you got the downdoot from someone?
I'm in a zone where there's a potential to be fined for all sorts of bullshit, but if it happens to me I'll just take it to court, contest it - fuck em haha, none of it's legal/ lawful/ loreful ;)
The new illegitimate sap PM with his new Greens cohorts will no doubt try to Biden-style burn this place down. It's ok though, we'll fight and we'll win :)
There's NO shortage of red pills for the normies lately. Was showing some workmates some Davos interview footage today. Those WEF clowns seem to be the best source atm haha!
Hope life's treating you and yours well!
... And have their name attached to the Antarctic Plateau... 🧐
Yes indeed. Operation Highjump reads like a sci fi adventure of epic proportions.
Then there’s Byrd’s flight log tale of his North Pole experience... Hyperborea? Yggdrasil? Missing lands from the old maps?
Antarctic Treaty, United Nations, NASA, Werner Von Braun, it’s all seemingly connected.