I need to understand more. I need to know why game stop?? Why a video game company? Are video game companies a GOOD LONG TERM INVESTMENT? Maybe I’m just getting too old or too tunnel blinded by DWAC
Not really about video games. In basic terms, huge deep state controlled hedge funds (professional market manipulators) are running a scheme where they artificially buy and sell nonexistent shares of certain selected stocks, over and over and over, raking in billions of dollars by screwing the little guy. Retail investors got wind of it and bought large numbers of shares from companies targetted in the scheme, screwing up the Hedge Fund's game. At a certain point in time, the Hedge funds have to return the shares they own on paper (but don't actually possess), forcing them to buy actual shares, causing a sudden metoric rise in the price of the stock (called a mega short squeeze) resulting in bankruptcy of the hedge funds and retirement payday for the legitimate small retail stock holders. GME is believed to be ground zero in this deep state stock manipulation scheme. Some have speculated the stock could hit anywhere from 4 digits to upwards of 7 digits PER share. Some have proposed that GME is part of the white hat plan to return stolen wealth back to the people. Holding until the moon.
How many times have we been told the plan will wrap up in 2 more weeks? Just because some people were making incorrect predictions doesn't disprove it.
Its called faith. If you pay $10 bucks for something that has the potential to give you $1000 or $10000 or $100000, and all you have to do is forget you have it, where is the harm?
The WORST thing that happens is you're out ten bucks.
It's like buying some bitcoins when it wasn't worth anything for $100. You get 20 or so, sell when it's $25,000, and have around half a million dollars.
If everyone was paying 10 dollars, sure. But people get caught up in this and place their entire life savings in things like the iraqi dinar and lose everything.
They shorted the crap out of GME and retail investors came in and saved the company, while in the process destroying Melvin and other smaller HF’s. The HF plan is to never have to cover/close the short positions when the company goes bankrupt and delists. That’s how it’s worked for them before with Sears, Toys R Us etc.
These cocksuckers manipulate a company’s stock down making millions along the way while destroying jobs and companies. This time they got caught and now it’s only a matter of time until those awake in the world slowly buy up the entire float. This is not a matter of IF but when. NCSWIC.! Nothing.
Date fagging is bad mojo, on the Q boards, in the stock market, and with the return of Christ. All 3 have been messed up badly. However, someone wrongly guestimating a date does not invalidate an event's legitimacy or prevent the event from occuring.
The answer is crime. Crime is how the hedge funds are kicking the can down the road to stay solvent another day. Crime is how they're avoiding margin calls and liquidation. Crime is how they're staying out of prison. Crime is knowing that if the SEC or FINRA slaps you with a fine, it won't be more than 6 figures.
They increased the float by naked shorting, which is supposed to be illegal. They've increased the float by several times in order to avoid a margin call. They route buys through dark pools, and sells on the lit exchanges so we never see the real price.
It should also be noted that hedge funds short into oblivion because if the company bankrupts and ceases to exist, the shares they shorted never have to be covered. So, they have unlimited power to drive the price down, kill a company and never be held responsible for the synthetics they created... Until Game Stop. They shorted Gamestop, had media preaching against brick and mortar but something happned... Roaring Kitty happened. Q plan or not, here we are... Gamestop arose from the ashes like a phoenix and HEDGIES R FUK!!!
This is the way. Editing to add, what happened to Sears and Toys R Us? They'd have customers for forever. Sears was like the one-stop-shop big box store for everything, and Toys R Us would have had customers for forever, because people are always having kids. But they're gone, and why? Because they got shorted out of business.
I lost about $3,000 in a legal stock market scheme I fell for. It was an indexed "fund" called UWTI, which paid 3x the change in the price of crude oil. I bought when oil had dropped to around $50/barrel (I think), with the knowledge that it would eventually go up. What I didn't realize is the simple mathematical fact, that if you take any number, increase it by a certain percent, and then decrease it by the same percent, the net result is a decrease. (start with 100, go up 10%, it's 110, now go down 10%, it's 99. Those fluctuations up and down eventually turn that 100 to zero!). I didn't realize this, and left my money in that "fund", and didn't check it for a few months, and it was whittled down to almost nothing. A friend of mine at work was big into stock trading, and I listened to him talk this thing up, and when you looked at their chart (obviously rigged), it made it seem that if oil got back up above $100/barrel, the value of the fund would be through the roof. What I didn't recognize is that they must have had a few people in on the scheme early on, so that it made it look like people actually paid (maybe they did, but it was part of the scheme) thousands of dollars per "share" when oil WAS over $100/barrel, so a casual view of that trend would leave stupid people, like me :) , to believe you could also see a rise. But, I didn't count on those daily, even hourly, or even at the minute level, fluctuations that ate the value away. After I got what I could back, I continued to watch the fund, and it eventually got to such a low value it was shut down. The original people involved must have made 10s of millions from it. I tried to get SEC to investigate. I provided them with a summary of the scheme, but they never got back to me. What is funny, is this "fund" had a 90-page "prospectus". I didn't read through it all, but perhaps somewhere around page 88 it described how the fund was worthless and anyone who left their money in it for more than a day was an idiot :)
You're warned up front with leveraged funds that they're for active investors, not buy and hold and forget. I've made money from them but you need to check on them at least a few times a week.
But what if the hedge funds just declare bankruptcy and don't pay out? This is the question that has stopped me buying GME, as well as the general down trend of the stock market.
Don’t let fear rule you. This is once in a lifetime opportunity and NCSWIC. There is great chance this is all part of the plan you are following here. I bought a bunch of GME in the $90-$100 range. It’s now been $120-$150 in the past several months while other stocks have plummeted. Don’t miss this chance friend. There is a reason this $15 stock has held this high for so long and it’s not fundamentals - it’s a squeeze play and hedgefunds are going the way of the guidestones while we get rich. Melvin Capital and others went tits up when we ran to mid $300’s last year. We’re camped on Citadel now and this one is gonna make Melvin Capital and the $350 run look like peanuts. When you buy make sure you do it via computersharedotcom and DRS your place in history.
No, it's a once in history opportunity to take trillions away from the cabal and redistribute it to We, The People. The regular people will be able to do a fuck-ton of good with access to all that money compared to governments. Things like opening shelters, food banks, soup kitchens, community/road repairs, clean ups, water clean ups, all great things.
You can DRS easily from Fidelity. Just call or go into chat and tell them how many shares of GME you want to direct register and they'll set up the account with Computershare.
The adjustment happens on the 22nd when the split-divendend occurs, only shares owned and settled by the 18th get split. After the 22nd you're buying new shares at the lower price.
XXX HODLer here! You guys get on board! Q spoke about a transfer of wealth. How the heck do you think that's going to happen? Who owns the hedge funds? The elites! Vanguard and Blackrock. Look who owns them! They own Citadel! Citadel owned Melvin. Melvin shuttered its doors. This is going all the way up the chain. YOU BETTER HOLD FOR FUCK YOU MONEY! YOU BETTER DO THAT! all you have to do is HODL!!! This is going to be biblical! Hell, there's enough money in the markets and elsewhere for the price to go go 8 digits PER SHARE! ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS HODL!!!!
That's a good question... But who's in control now? I know what I believe. Hell, it doesn't even look like Hillary is in control of her own Twitter now. Personally, I think it's gonna happen.
I’m with you friend. I’m not sure what people are missing. I’m even for 2022 after the GME/AMC runs today even though I lost on so many others this year. I’m hodling until the bitter end - this is gonna be biblical!
Hey I’m just South of Hugo. Where you at in OK? We may have to have a get together post MOASS - or maybe carpool down to Grapevine for next years millionaires, oops I mean shareholders meeting lol.
There’s legal obligation and it gets passed off if any one entity declares bankruptcy. First it’s the lending banks, then it’s the DTCC, which will automatically buy at market value to cover, then if their insurance money runs out, it legally gets passed onto the fed. They can print money.
I disagree that GME has anything to do with Q or the white hats. It's a funny meme, and it did hit the hedgies pretty hard, but sounds like something that optically is not very plausible for Q to be engaged in.
It's going to collapse the corrupt hedge funds and pyramid scheme that is wallstreet. Why would you not assume it's part of the plan, when everything else collapsing and being exposed is part of the plan?
It was excessively shorted. They need to buy back shares. Millions of people wont sell them back. high demand and low supply means high price. I think its part of Q personally. They are also debt free, led by the young chewy ceo genius, and are gonna dominate the new NFT, blockchain, cryptocurrency space.
iirc they're gonna have to do an audit for how many shares are actually out there vs the shit tons of synthetics created out of nothing to short the stock so aggressively
Yes I believe if you are a hedge that naked shorted and created fake shares you will have a hard time when the time comes for the split and you have to come up with even more fake shares to cover the split dividends. Though not sure of mechanics of it. In a short squeeze scenario if they want to get out they would not only have to cover for real shares but also all the fake ones too. Which means Hedgies R Fuk.
Makes the price point more accessible to more people allowing more buying pressure.
But this is a stock dividend, not a stock split. A 4:1 stock dividend isnt like a 4:1 stock split where all the math is just 4xed and 1/4thed, the 83 million shares will be given 3 new shares that have to be given their proper home. Since it has been illegally naked shorted (making synthetic shares that arent ever properly delivered or hedged against), the market makers and brokers will struggle to provide them to all the people who bought them.
This is NOT a stock dividend. The company says it is a "stock split in the form of a stock dividend" ... whatever the fuck that mean.
You are ignoring the "stock split in the form of a" language. Don't.
Let's look at it this way:
(a) If it was a cash dividend, they would pay the dividend in cash. But they don't have enough cash to pay a cash dividend.
(b) If it was a regular stock dividend, they would issue additional stock to current stockholders ... BUT ... they would pay for that out of cash ... which they don't have.
The company has a total market value of $9 billion (76 million shares outstanding x $120 per share).
IF they were going to just "give you 3 times the shares you have now* ... then they can't just give you pieces of paper (stock certificates), because those have ZERO value by themselves. SOMEBODY has to buy them.
Usually, they use that extra stock (authorized but not issued) to raise cash by selling them to investors in a secondary stock offering, which they did previously. Then, that stock acquires value (sometimes at a discount to current market value because they are looking for one big money source to buy the stock, but that also devalues the existing stock price).
But if nobody is BUYING the stock and they still want to issue stock that has no value, then THEY must buy it themselves and THEN give the shareholders the stock dividend.
But (again) they do not have the cash to do that.
(No matter what the Reddit touts say.)
So ...
They are doing a STOCK SPLIT, and pretending it is a stock dividend. That is the only thing I see. It is weird.
And it is a bad time to do it -- in a bear market.
We'll see how it goes.
83 million shares will be given 3 new shares that have to be given their proper home
76 million x 3 = 228 million ... and why do you think that's a problem? They already know who all the shareholders are -- that is WHY they have an ex-dividend date. That is the date where the owners of RECORD are documented by the company, and THOSE owners get the dividend.
They KNOW who to pay the dividend to (if it is a dividend), or credit the split to (if it is a split). There is no mystery for the company.
Since it has been illegally naked shorted (making synthetic shares that arent ever properly delivered or hedged against), the market makers and brokers will struggle to provide them to all the people who bought them.
No, they won't. The shorts are irrelevant -- except in the wet dreams of the Reddit boys.
Some of you guys seem to think that shorting a stock somehow means buying a stock.
I read something from Reddit because I was trying to understand the argument, and it was just weird.
The person claimed that (a) someone owns GME, (b) someone else borrows GME, and then that means that (c) someone else also buys GME.
That (c) part is NOT true. Just (a) and (b).
In naked shorting, Mr. (b) shorts shares that Mr. (a) owns ... AND ... also shorts shares the nobody owns because they do not exist. That is WHY it is called "naked shorting." There is no extra buyer (Mr. (c)). If there was an extra buyer, and therefore more long shares that real shares (naked long, I guess) ... then THAT WOULD be a problem. But that is not how it works.
Seems like the Reddit boys don't really know WTF they are talking about.
If someone can explain it, I will take a listen ... but it seems like the Reddit boys are pushing a bunch of clusterfuck language and people accept it without understanding it.
And the company itself is acting very weird. Has been since the big short squeeze last year. I would not be surprised if the Reddit guy(s) are someone within or close to GME pushing this whole narrative.
Good luck, but I just don't see the story the same way some of you do.
Perhaps in the current scenario, ONLY shares that are owned by people outside of GME will be split, allowing them to sell some, or all, if they want, but not creating additional shares owned by the people "inside GME"? This would seem to fit with them calling it a "dividend" rather than a regular stock split. Is such a thing possible?
The person claimed that (a) someone owns GME, (b) someone else borrows GME, and then that means that (c) someone else also buys GME.
When you short a stock, you are borrowing it in exchange for an IOU. You are betting that it will go down, so that you can BUY the shares back and settle your short for a profit. If it goes up, you will eventually be forced to buy the shares at a loss in what's known as a margin call. That's where the buying in (c) is coming from.
No, I was referring to a post on Reddit where some dumbass said there were twice the number of longs becuse of the shorts, and THAT is why he/she/it thinks the split/dividend will destroy the shorts.
Makes no sense, and I was pointing out that some people (at least) on Reddit are saying really stupid things.
If the buys aren't routed through dark pools, then the price should quickly go up and away, though probably halted many times due to the circuit breakers built in when a stock moves too much too fast.
It's costing them tons of money to keep the price suppressed. But they no longer care, they want to go bankrupt and hope for a bailout is their only plan at this point.
Board of Directors has approved and declared a four-for-one split of the Company’s Class A common stock in the form of a stock dividend.
The stock dividend will be distributed after the close of trading on July 21, 2022. Trading will begin on a stock split-adjusted basis on July 22, 2022.
Yes, the way they are being used right now they are mostly all scams, especially NFTs.
However, the primary speculation is that GameStop’s NFT marketplace will allow people to sell games they’ve downloaded. It will also create a marketplace for people to buy and sell in-game items they’ve purchased. If your kid buys a $1,000 Fortnite skin now you have a way to resell it.
We’re in a roarin’ ‘20s right now. Back then people used to spend money on stupid shit too. But that all stopped very suddenly when the credit dried up and the markets went into freefall.
Enjoy the game of musical chairs. You might even make something. But when the music stops you’d better already be rid of that shit or it’s yours forever.
Video games are certainly real. They typically are worth $60 when buying a new game.
In-game items aren’t worth anything to someone who doesn’t play video games or someone who doesn’t believe video games are real in the first place.
However, in-game items make up a huge percentage of revenue for video game developers. Activision, a developer of real video games, made $8.8 billion in revenue in FY 2021. $5.1 billion of that revenue came from microtransactions and in-game purchases.
Whether you want to admit it or not, in-game purchases are certainly worth a lot of money to people who play video games. Just because you find them worthless doesn’t mean they are worthless.
So if you want to believe the MSM narrative that GameStop is a failing brick and mortar company then that’s your decision. But I think we should all know by now not to trust the MSM.
People spent all kinds of money on stupid shit during the roarin' twenties, which period is analogous with the present time. When the free money finally dries up though, ALL money is directed towards necessities and bullshit like $1000 skins revert to their true value.
The only reason nonsense like this has value is because of all the liquidity being pumped into our economy. All of this has happened before, there is nothing new under the sun.
People place value on things. Even if it's a virtual item in the digital realm. Doesn't mean it's less "real" than physical items. Look how much money people are spending on in game items.
"In 2020, global gaming audiences spent an approximate 54 billion U.S. dollars on additional in-game content."
Some video game producers are now moving to the model where their game is free due to this fact. The in-game content is where they make bank.
what if.. Loopring becomes gold backed. and GME forms a new stock exchange, using Loopring as the currency to trade stocks with. these are speculative thoughts.
I do believe the rest of it is all scams, Trump never liked Crypto, it's just been used to counterfeit money
You can already do this. Corporations have no business being so big that we need to use this kind of technology to track shares. Bring back antitrust law and let a million competitors bloom.
And you sound like people right before the .com crash who though anything at all to do with the internet would be huge.
Precious metals do the job better than crypto. In God we trust, not in cabal-produced software relying on encryption algorithms the cabal gave us from free running on a computer the cabal built running an OS the cabal built and sending all data on an internet the cabal controls.
What makes precious metals valuable? Their use in electronics and other things that the cabal produces? I agree most crypto is a scam. But decentralized finance is the future. No more middleman. Returning power to the people.
The same thing that makes crypto valuable (for now): people assigning it value.
Their use in electronics and other things that the cabal produces?
Gold industrial use is negligible, its primary use by far is as a store of value. It simply has value because people think it does.
Silver, on the other hand, is half store of value, half essential industrial input. You are right that silver's value primarily comes from the latter. If people stopped using it as a store of value, it would still have value because of its industrial uses.
I think the important part comes from the relationship between the two. We've seen that the silver:gold ratio can't be stretched beyond 100:1, prices correct one way or another. It's presently at 90 and recently bounced down hard off of 120ish. Ultimately silver's scarcity and the constant demand for it for industrial uses will drive silver's price up (and the silver:gold ratio down towards its natural 16:1 or so). But if this happens, people who bought silver when it was worth 1/100th of gold will start buying gold now that their silver is worth 1/50th or 1/20th of gold. That'll reveal gold's scarcity, and the price of both will skyrocket.
There is no similar price suppression scheme in crypto, and thus no similar upward potential. The crypto schemes were all aimed at inflating crypto so "they" could pump it and dump it, and a part of the cluster of bubbles they blew has just popped (rest assured, "they" dumped well in advance of that happening).
But decentralized finance is the future. No more middleman. Returning power to the people
That's metals. The ideal form is metal coinage, giving every citizen the choice to bank (and trade in bank tickets in lieu of metal coinage and risk their bank going tits up but gain convenience in exchange) or store your wealth yourself and bear full responsibility for keeping it safe.
Under metallic money, we exist in a state of constant deflation, as natural improvements in efficiencies and technologies lead to ever lower costs for the same product. This rewards savers, who see their socked-away funds buy ever more. Back when things operated in this way, saving was a "nest egg." Cheaper metals are conscripted into currency duty as the more expensive ones become too valuable for day-to-day commerce, and so coinage goes from gold to silver to copper to nickel, and so on.
Under our current system, all benefits of improving efficiencies and technologies accrue to the banks, not to the people who had the foresight and capacity to save. There is no benefit to saving because their money printing artificially devalues money. The only way forward is to borrow, and the only way to borrow is to be a good slave.
And you are used to living under monopolies who’ve perverted your idea of what IP law is for. When the monopolies are gone there will be no demand for it.
All of us were. I went balls deep on real estate the last 20 years, but in the end, a house worth $400k is actually worth maybe $30k, the high prices are fake, caused by money printing for low rate mortgages. They now intend to hike the rates and the banks end up owning half the country through foreclosure. All my investment activity, all those weekends fixing up houses, it was all just helping them achieve this end.
Farmland is the only good play in land, and precious metals in particular and commodities in general may be the best escape hatch out of this crashing economy.
And your second statement doesn't make sense. How would the stock going up for someone who owns 9 million shares take him out? He doesn't have a short position on his own company. He isn't invested in hedge funds. They are diametrically opposed.
He started a company called chewy with family money. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was into some stuff. That company did have some disney vibes to it now that I think about it.
Every time you insult him you get a bunch of people freaking out so theres clearly something there. Pretty sure he’s one of those people think are a white hat when they’re not. Thus the emotional response.
Edit: wow didn’t expect proof in the responses right away. Just an example of how emotional people get.
Lol he strives to make money stop talking like you know him. If you worked at the company I was mentioning you’d understand but you didn’t so you don’t.
go to superstonk on reddit.. GME is going to be HUGE. imo, in the long term they are going to be forming a New stock exchange, and will become the most valuable company on the planet
NFT is going to bigger than crypto. Even without a short squeeze the company is going to go places. IMO Q and patriots were involved in this to take down hedge funds who fund the cabal.
A theory I’ve seen it is not just hedge funds but final boss they are after is the Fed itself. The MOASS will create a domino effect leading to the Fed. The Fed can in theory just go BRRRR to cover the tendies but in doing so would cause its own demise as congress would likely get involved and rescind its charter.
Doesn’t this quintuple the available stock for the short sellers to settle their positions? It was my understanding that the GME strategy was to limit their ability to cover their positions because they shorted more stock than was available.
I don’t think it’s a split though, they’re issuing new shares as a dividends. I’m not sure what that entails, but it will almost certainly have different rules than a split.
I’m on board with GME, however that’s not how a stock split works. The shares will be split 4 for 1 yes, but the stock price matches exactly by also splitting into only 25% of the current price. So instead of 1 share worth $124, you’ll have 4 shares at $31 each totaling the same $124. I’ve been through plenty of stock splits and the value of what you own always stays exactly the same.
Thousands of hours of research is bullshit? Well damn, I guess America's Frontline Doctors, Dr Zelenko, and everybody else that proved the "pandemic" and "vaccines" were a scam were just bullshitting everybody.
Except it's been verified numerous times over the past year and a half, by experts in markets even? Who are you to call bs on this? Specifically, what part of their research is bs and why?
You haven't read shit. Tell me one good reason why you are so invested in proving us wrong? Do you care about us losing money? Or are you missing out and don't want others to make money?
In a stock dividend for every share you hold you are paid a dividend in stock. Usually this is done by a business that wants to reward its shareholders but doesn't have the cash on hand or doesnt want to use its cash on hand. So they'll pay a 5% stock dividend so for 100 shares you recieve 5 more.
They are equally dilutive of share price.
However anyone in a short position has to compensate who they borrowed it from for a dividend, where as for a stock split their short position would multiply too. So shorts will owe back 3 shares more than the 1 they borrowed.
The company itself says it is a "STOCK SPLIT, IN THE FORM OF A DIVIDEND."
Posted 7/6/2022. Did you read it?
Board of Directors has approved and declared a four-for-one split of the Company’s Class A common stock in the form of a stock dividend.
The stock dividend will be distributed after the close of trading on July 21, 2022. Trading will begin on a stock split-adjusted basis on July 22, 2022.
Bro you're spewing your nonsense all over this thread. It's a dividend wherein the company issues 3 new shares for every 1 share people hold. That's mechanically different from how a split works.
If that were true, then they wouldn't have to do a split at all. Just hand out free candy.
They started with 300 million shares authorized, and about 75 million issued. Their directors approved an increase in the authorized shares to 1 billion (from 300 million) and a 4:1 split of the 75 million issued, making it 300 million (which is why they also increased the authorized amount).
Those "authorized but unissued shares" have ZERO value ... UNTIL someone makes them have value. It could be done with a secondary offering, a treasury stock buy back, or in the case, a split.
No matter how they do it, there ain't no free lunch (not even free candy).
You still fail to comprehend the difference between a traditional split and one in the form of a dividend. Until you grasp this point there's no use in continuing this discussion.
^ Someone who gets it. A rare thing in this thread.
They seem to think the shares just magically pop out of nowhere ... poof ... and they get free candy in their brokerage account.
Of course, they are fighting against the shorts who get free short shares in their account, but free longs is somehow right and free shorts is somehow wrong.
Those "new shares" issued are FROM the stock split.
What? You think there is a free lunch?
The way the shorts see it is exactly the same, before and after.
Mr. Short has a 10,000 share short position. Those were shares borrowed from Mr. Long.
Mr. Long gets 30,000 new shares at 1/4 the price, and his total position (40,000 shares long at 1/4 the price), in terms of dollars, is the same. Because now the shares trade on that "split-adjusted basis," which is 1/4 the price.
If Mr. Short was still short 10,000 shares at 1/4 the price, then that would be a 75% PROFIT to Mr. Short, overnight. You really think that's what the company is doing? Or, do you think that Mr. Short is now short 40,000 at 1/4 the price? Which makes more sense?
Mr. Long AND Mr. Short are both in the SAME positions after the split/dividend as they were before.
Imagine being short 10,000 shares at $100 = $1,000,000 short. You have to pay back the 10,000 shares, NOT the $1,000,000. Then, the company does a split/dividend, and you are now short 10,000 shares at $25 = $250,000. What do you do? You IMMEDIATELY cover at $250,000 to cash out, and you have a fat profit of $750,000 on a $1,000,000 trade.
But it don't work that way ...
If you think it does, then somebody is blowing smoke up your ass.
The only real difference I can see between a traditional stock split and a split/dividend is that the basis is different -- which might mean nothing to most GME owners.
not completely accurate. it isn't a split it's a dividend in the form of more shares. the difference is that stock holders are being GIVEN (paid) more shares, wherein normally they just split and the price goes down
it isn't a split it's a dividend in the form of more shares.
Board of Directors has approved and declared a four-for-one split of the Company’s Class A common stock in the form of a stock dividend.
The stock dividend will be distributed after the close of trading on July 21, 2022. Trading will begin on a stock split-adjusted basis on July 22, 2022.
why are you cutting off my sentence? in your "quote" of me. Is it to change the meaning of what i said? because that's what you've done. why are you accusing me, of having, exactly what you seem to have, ie a "reading comprehension problem" these are the tactics of the left are they not? , misquoting/incomplete quotes, and accusing others of what you're doing? is that you kenny?
I did. Nothing really of note happened, is what I see. It was bullish both before and after the split/dividend (they used the same language as GME), but that was during a bull market.
No way to tell if this move made any difference. The price topped a few months later, and has been down ever since.
The price is LOWER today than on the day they made that announcement.
I don't expect it to have any affect on the shorts. Might help them cover if they need to, but I don't believe they need to.
I don't believe in the "massive naked shorts out there" story.
GME manipulated the stock price back when the short squeeze happened more than a year ago. They took advantage by issuing a secondary offering that gave them 10 times the capital infusion than they would have otherwise had (thus, the purpose of the move).
Today, the company still loses money. It is a bear market. Stocks that lose money tend to do VERY badly in a bear market. Hence the price drop the stock has seen from the highs, or even from the market top in January (had a spike for a week in March, then right back down).
I think the story is interesting (I have no position in GME, long or short). But I think what is even more interesting is that so many people believe a story and they really have no clue what they are talking about.
The Reddit touts (some of whom might be in this thread) are blowing smoke up everyone's ass, and I find it fascinating.
BTW, I participated in a thread back during the short squeeze. At that time, there WAS a naked short position, and I wrote about it here on GAW. So, I am familiar with that aspect of the story. But the rest is just Tulip Bulb Mania (look it up).
And GME up 10% since close. Looks like folks are working hard to find all those shares they’re gonna need soon lol. Wait til 8:30 AM to watch the 10 day scramble start.
Not seeing where anyone has mentioned this split is a dividend, not just a 4 for 1 split. So if you are DRSed at ComputerShare, then you will get three additional shares for each shares as a dividend. Hopefully you will get the same if your shares are at a broker. Brokers or shorted hedge funds that have synthetic shares in their position might have a bit of a problem getting the new dividend shares. Of course they can always commit more crime to cover, but this may lead to them getting exposed sooner. Just a smooth brained ape here, so probably missing some details but that’s the fundamental difference with this split.
Re-read the statement - then retract your statement
Reading is fundamental - it;s a gosh darn dividend which will force a share recall because borrowed shared need to be returned - and there are more shares borrowed than exists….
It’s a stock or split dividend. I said what is going to happen. Maybe it will force a return or maybe not. Crime is real. Sorry if didn’t meet up to your stellar posting standard requirements.
which will force a share recall because borrowed shared need to be returned - and there are more shares borrowed than exists
Let's run through a scenario, because a lot of people seem to think this is gonna kill the shorts. Let me explain why it won't.
Theoretically, let's say I want to short 1,000 shares of GME at $120 per share, and you own those shares and want to lend them to me to short. You get a small interest rate for doing it. Let's look at how the math/accounting works:
Let's assume you have only 1,000 shares GME in your brokerage account, and I have only $120,000 cash in mine (anyone must have some cash in order to short).
Your account, both before and after my short --
Stock: 1,000 GME long @ $120 = $120,000
Cash: $0
Total: $120,000
My account, before my short --
Stock: $0
Cash $120,000
Total: $120,000
My account, after my short --
Stock: -1,000 GME short @ $120 = -$120,000
Cash: $240,000
Total: $120,000
My cash went up because I sold stock (that I don't own), and added it to my cash account. At the same time, I borrowed 1,000 shares of GME, so I owe that back to you. Note: I do NOT owe you the cash; I owe you the shares, at whatever price they are when I buy them back to pay off my debt to you (this is how, as a short, I make or lose money).
Now ...
A stock split or a "stock split in the form of a dividend" happens.
Your 1,000 shares are now 4,000 shares, and the price that was $120 is now $30.
Your account --
Stock: 4,000 GME long @ $30 = $120,000
Cash: $0
Total: $120,000
In my account, there are 2 possibilities. Either my short position is also split, or it is not.
If my position is also split, my account looks like this:
Stock: -4,000 GME short @ $30 = -$120,000
Cash: $240,000
Total: $120,000
If my position is not split, my account looks like this:
Stock: -1,000 GME short @ $30 = - $30,000
Cash: $150,000 (broker took $90,000 out to account for the "extra" 3,000 shares @ $30, so $240,000 - $90,000 = $150,000)
Total: $120,000
Note: I do NOT have to pay 3,000 shares at the OLD $120 price because the stock has already split. So, no real change.
The only real change would be that my short position has been diluted. But, there are now 4 times as many shares available to short.
I could short again.
Now, let's talk naked shorts.
How does it happen at all?
There must be someone who will lend shares that do not exist. Who could do that? A Wall Street investment banker/prime broker, such as Goldman Sachs, as an example.
I tell my prime broker, GS, that I want to short 1,000 shares GME. Goldman doesn't have the shares and can't find any, but they say, "Done!" anyway. I just naked shorted, and might not even know it. Only GS would really know.
GS would be "long" shares that do not exist, so they could lend them to me to short.
They are not legally allowed to do this, but they officially have 3 days to find those shares. If they cannot, they could theoretically enter into some side agreement with another Wall Street firm (maybe even one they own or control themselves), and the 2 companies could just trade positions back and forth forever.
Since GS makes MASSIVE profits from lending shares to short (regular or naked), they have plenty of funds to cover these positions for a long as they want. Plus, they can use much more leverage than anyone else can, other than the Federal Reserve. And because they are now also a bank, they can borrow directly from the Federal Reserve, which can just print money out of nothing (until they are taken down).
Back to the example, since GS does not really own those shares, they could be considered a "naked long." As such, they will not get the new stock from the split/dividend, because they are not official owners as of the ex-dividend date, based on the GME's stock ledger records.
Does GS care? I doubt it. Just like they created new shares to short from nothing, They will take the cash from my short position, as above, and use it to "retire" some of that position.
They will probably also buy and sell as a market maker and unwind their position, so it doesn't matter anyway.
Worst case scenario for GS, they use other funds to cover it, borrow from the FR, or get bailed out by their puppets in Congress.
Maybe GME management wants to squeeze the shorts, but I don't see it happening from a stock split. It doesn't change the game.
Besides, it's a bear market, and GS knows that. If it's a waiting game, time is on their side. They probably know what is REALLY going on at the New York Fed, which is where the money printing actually happens. This is why both GS and NYF people are ALWAYS in the White House administration. So, none of this stock splitting stuff will move the needle. It wont' change the game for GME.
Show us PROFITS for the company, and THAT could change the game. Until then, the shorts will not be too worried. This is all smoke and mirrors to cover for the fact that GME management cannot figure out how to turn a profit, IMO.
the issue... shares in brokers... those people are either going to find out their shares are not real or the Broke will have to pay them to keep the Ponzi scheme illusion going. whatever happens, it will be expensive.
This is a genius two-pronged attacked that is going to make life difficult for two different groups for two different reasons!
Attack #1– hit the DTCC hard. By doing a dividend split the DTCC is going to be handed a limited number of shares (they’ll get theirs after CS distributes shares to insiders and DRS accounts). This puts serious pressure on the DTCC because there’s going to be a ton of people expecting stocks to show up in their account and the DTCC is going to have to find them. (There have been a lot of posts focusing on this scenario— but not on the second prong of the attack.)
Attack #2– Forcing price action that will trigger margin calls and liquidations. The last 18 months price actions have shown the SHF have price ceilings where margin calls would be triggered. In January ‘21 it looks like it was $500. By March ‘21 it had come down to $350. Their efforts to kick the can and to live to fight one more day have increased their debt, their fees and interest, and have lowered their margin threshold. There was some speculative DD recently that suggested the line may lie to under $200 and may be as low as $150.
Every time a stock splits the price begins to climb again. So this move is going to result in prices rising— and they won’t have to rise much to begin to trigger margins. If the stock is at $120 on July 18 it will start trading at $30 a share. Juicy right? But that $30 is really 4 for $120. A rise in price to $50 a share is equivalent to $200. And when it hits $75, it’s $300.
And this isn’t even considering the effect this will have on options and the ramp that’s going to push prices up. Hedgies are fukd.
I know there is concern that the system will somehow cheat and screw apes. I think though this move puts multiple pressure points on different parties such that their options are going to be limited. Hedgies need the price to stay low. The DTCC needs to buy shares. Two of our biggest enemies have just been pitted against each other. Both are fukd bcs my price to sell has lots of numbers in it.
So genius move RC! Hit the DTCC and hit SHF! Buckle up!
TLDR- the dividend split attacks the DTCC by forcing them to close shorts/buy shares since they won’t receive enough from CS to distribute to the brokerages AND attacks the Hedgies by creating upward price pressure that will trigger margin calls and then liquidations.
By doing a dividend split the DTCC is going to be handed a limited number of shares (they’ll get theirs after CS distributes shares to insiders and DRS accounts). This puts serious pressure on the DTCC because there’s going to be a ton of people expecting stocks to show up in their account and the DTCC is going to have to find them.
This is a stupid statement.
GME knows EXACTLY who gets how many shares. That is WHY there is an Ex-Dividend Date. Anyone listed as shareholder on that date, whether direct or street name, gets the shares on the distribution date.
There is no scratching the head and trying to figure it out.
The only real issue if there are hidden naked shorts is that there are also hidden naked longs that created those naked shorts. And THOSE are the guys who have to do some accounting tricks to make it all work out. But those guys BUILT the system. You think they can't figure out how to handle a stock split or dividend?
How does that work? I have 13 shares direct registered. Will I have 52(x4) on 7/21, or the opportunity to purchase 33 more at a lower price? I’m not investment savvy. Bought it a long time ago and hedl. Can someone explain in simple terms? Thanks!
Second time today I've got to use this GIF!
Let's go!! 🚀
this almost seems to good to be true
If anyone still has any question about GME going to the moon, well, they now have an opportunity to buy the stock at 25% the price.
I need to understand more. I need to know why game stop?? Why a video game company? Are video game companies a GOOD LONG TERM INVESTMENT? Maybe I’m just getting too old or too tunnel blinded by DWAC
Not really about video games. In basic terms, huge deep state controlled hedge funds (professional market manipulators) are running a scheme where they artificially buy and sell nonexistent shares of certain selected stocks, over and over and over, raking in billions of dollars by screwing the little guy. Retail investors got wind of it and bought large numbers of shares from companies targetted in the scheme, screwing up the Hedge Fund's game. At a certain point in time, the Hedge funds have to return the shares they own on paper (but don't actually possess), forcing them to buy actual shares, causing a sudden metoric rise in the price of the stock (called a mega short squeeze) resulting in bankruptcy of the hedge funds and retirement payday for the legitimate small retail stock holders. GME is believed to be ground zero in this deep state stock manipulation scheme. Some have speculated the stock could hit anywhere from 4 digits to upwards of 7 digits PER share. Some have proposed that GME is part of the white hat plan to return stolen wealth back to the people. Holding until the moon.
How many times have we been told the plan will wrap up in 2 more weeks? Just because some people were making incorrect predictions doesn't disprove it.
Just because something hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it never will.
Nothing ever happens until it does
Its called faith. If you pay $10 bucks for something that has the potential to give you $1000 or $10000 or $100000, and all you have to do is forget you have it, where is the harm?
The WORST thing that happens is you're out ten bucks.
It's like buying some bitcoins when it wasn't worth anything for $100. You get 20 or so, sell when it's $25,000, and have around half a million dollars.
If everyone was paying 10 dollars, sure. But people get caught up in this and place their entire life savings in things like the iraqi dinar and lose everything.
Actually, that thought process gives me a lot of peace during this great awakening. It’s called having faith.
well this comment sucked lol
And where is Melvin Capital..? Please explain what happened to them for the viewing audience…..don’t talk when you don’t know jack!
They made a bad bet and went poof like many crypto and stock hfs will be doing
They shorted the crap out of GME and retail investors came in and saved the company, while in the process destroying Melvin and other smaller HF’s. The HF plan is to never have to cover/close the short positions when the company goes bankrupt and delists. That’s how it’s worked for them before with Sears, Toys R Us etc.
These cocksuckers manipulate a company’s stock down making millions along the way while destroying jobs and companies. This time they got caught and now it’s only a matter of time until those awake in the world slowly buy up the entire float. This is not a matter of IF but when. NCSWIC.! Nothing.
sing that sweet sweet music.
They make billions doing that.
Don't forget Bill Hwang.
Date fagging is bad mojo, on the Q boards, in the stock market, and with the return of Christ. All 3 have been messed up badly. However, someone wrongly guestimating a date does not invalidate an event's legitimacy or prevent the event from occuring.
The answer is crime. Crime is how the hedge funds are kicking the can down the road to stay solvent another day. Crime is how they're avoiding margin calls and liquidation. Crime is how they're staying out of prison. Crime is knowing that if the SEC or FINRA slaps you with a fine, it won't be more than 6 figures.
They increased the float by naked shorting, which is supposed to be illegal. They've increased the float by several times in order to avoid a margin call. They route buys through dark pools, and sells on the lit exchanges so we never see the real price.
Crime is why it's taking so long.
It should also be noted that hedge funds short into oblivion because if the company bankrupts and ceases to exist, the shares they shorted never have to be covered. So, they have unlimited power to drive the price down, kill a company and never be held responsible for the synthetics they created... Until Game Stop. They shorted Gamestop, had media preaching against brick and mortar but something happned... Roaring Kitty happened. Q plan or not, here we are... Gamestop arose from the ashes like a phoenix and HEDGIES R FUK!!!
This is the way. Editing to add, what happened to Sears and Toys R Us? They'd have customers for forever. Sears was like the one-stop-shop big box store for everything, and Toys R Us would have had customers for forever, because people are always having kids. But they're gone, and why? Because they got shorted out of business.
I lost about $3,000 in a legal stock market scheme I fell for. It was an indexed "fund" called UWTI, which paid 3x the change in the price of crude oil. I bought when oil had dropped to around $50/barrel (I think), with the knowledge that it would eventually go up. What I didn't realize is the simple mathematical fact, that if you take any number, increase it by a certain percent, and then decrease it by the same percent, the net result is a decrease. (start with 100, go up 10%, it's 110, now go down 10%, it's 99. Those fluctuations up and down eventually turn that 100 to zero!). I didn't realize this, and left my money in that "fund", and didn't check it for a few months, and it was whittled down to almost nothing. A friend of mine at work was big into stock trading, and I listened to him talk this thing up, and when you looked at their chart (obviously rigged), it made it seem that if oil got back up above $100/barrel, the value of the fund would be through the roof. What I didn't recognize is that they must have had a few people in on the scheme early on, so that it made it look like people actually paid (maybe they did, but it was part of the scheme) thousands of dollars per "share" when oil WAS over $100/barrel, so a casual view of that trend would leave stupid people, like me :) , to believe you could also see a rise. But, I didn't count on those daily, even hourly, or even at the minute level, fluctuations that ate the value away. After I got what I could back, I continued to watch the fund, and it eventually got to such a low value it was shut down. The original people involved must have made 10s of millions from it. I tried to get SEC to investigate. I provided them with a summary of the scheme, but they never got back to me. What is funny, is this "fund" had a 90-page "prospectus". I didn't read through it all, but perhaps somewhere around page 88 it described how the fund was worthless and anyone who left their money in it for more than a day was an idiot :)
SEC doesn't give a shit about us. They also are probably wrapped up in the GME fiasco. Sorry for your loss!
You're warned up front with leveraged funds that they're for active investors, not buy and hold and forget. I've made money from them but you need to check on them at least a few times a week.
But what if the hedge funds just declare bankruptcy and don't pay out? This is the question that has stopped me buying GME, as well as the general down trend of the stock market.
Don’t let fear rule you. This is once in a lifetime opportunity and NCSWIC. There is great chance this is all part of the plan you are following here. I bought a bunch of GME in the $90-$100 range. It’s now been $120-$150 in the past several months while other stocks have plummeted. Don’t miss this chance friend. There is a reason this $15 stock has held this high for so long and it’s not fundamentals - it’s a squeeze play and hedgefunds are going the way of the guidestones while we get rich. Melvin Capital and others went tits up when we ran to mid $300’s last year. We’re camped on Citadel now and this one is gonna make Melvin Capital and the $350 run look like peanuts. When you buy make sure you do it via computersharedotcom and DRS your place in history.
Thanks Fren.
No, it's a once in history opportunity to take trillions away from the cabal and redistribute it to We, The People. The regular people will be able to do a fuck-ton of good with access to all that money compared to governments. Things like opening shelters, food banks, soup kitchens, community/road repairs, clean ups, water clean ups, all great things.
I look forward to being able to go John Galt. If companies think they're having trouble retaining employees now...
I'm on Fidelity - no harm in going through them, right? Sounds like the downside would be no DRS
You can DRS easily from Fidelity. Just call or go into chat and tell them how many shares of GME you want to direct register and they'll set up the account with Computershare.
Oh, great! Thank you fren. I don't suppose I can do that for the DWAC I already own. Seems to me I tried that for my initial purchase.
So does the price drop immediately or after the split shares have been issued later in July? I need to get ready to buy more.
The adjustment happens on the 22nd when the split-divendend occurs, only shares owned and settled by the 18th get split. After the 22nd you're buying new shares at the lower price.
So is the idea to buy right now or after the split when it’s cheaper?
Thank you.
XXX HODLer here! You guys get on board! Q spoke about a transfer of wealth. How the heck do you think that's going to happen? Who owns the hedge funds? The elites! Vanguard and Blackrock. Look who owns them! They own Citadel! Citadel owned Melvin. Melvin shuttered its doors. This is going all the way up the chain. YOU BETTER HOLD FOR FUCK YOU MONEY! YOU BETTER DO THAT! all you have to do is HODL!!! This is going to be biblical! Hell, there's enough money in the markets and elsewhere for the price to go go 8 digits PER SHARE! ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS HODL!!!!
What if the govt intervenes. I've had that thought. It would bring a million apes to the precipice.
That's a good question... But who's in control now? I know what I believe. Hell, it doesn't even look like Hillary is in control of her own Twitter now. Personally, I think it's gonna happen.
I'm not selling until I see phone numbers.
I’m with you friend. I’m not sure what people are missing. I’m even for 2022 after the GME/AMC runs today even though I lost on so many others this year. I’m hodling until the bitter end - this is gonna be biblical!
Hey I’m just South of Hugo. Where you at in OK? We may have to have a get together post MOASS - or maybe carpool down to Grapevine for next years millionaires, oops I mean shareholders meeting lol.
LOL I'm in! I'm in the Tulsa area. Noticed a few Okies on here.
There’s legal obligation and it gets passed off if any one entity declares bankruptcy. First it’s the lending banks, then it’s the DTCC, which will automatically buy at market value to cover, then if their insurance money runs out, it legally gets passed onto the fed. They can print money.
"it legally gets passed onto the fed. They can print money."
Wouldn't this just hasten a Weimar Republic type scenario?
Asking as a fellow ape, 11 shares DRS'd!
DRS = ?
Directly Registered Share. This forces your shares out of the synthetic dark pool.
Direct Registered Shares
Thanks. That's very helpful.
This is the answer.
they have to go bankrupt first.
Nice synopsis fellow ape. MOAR crayons 🖍 please 😜
Diamond hands HOLDING to the moon! 🦍🚀🦍🚀🦍🚀🦍🚀
I disagree that GME has anything to do with Q or the white hats. It's a funny meme, and it did hit the hedgies pretty hard, but sounds like something that optically is not very plausible for Q to be engaged in.
It's going to collapse the corrupt hedge funds and pyramid scheme that is wallstreet. Why would you not assume it's part of the plan, when everything else collapsing and being exposed is part of the plan?
Think of the timing!
When I think of Q, I don't think of artificially inflating the stock price of a video game seller. That was all on wallstreetbets and not Q.
It's likely the redistribution of wealth that Q spoke of. It's the only legal way to do it.
Q's not going to do something that niche as his way of redistributing wealth.
It was excessively shorted. They need to buy back shares. Millions of people wont sell them back. high demand and low supply means high price. I think its part of Q personally. They are also debt free, led by the young chewy ceo genius, and are gonna dominate the new NFT, blockchain, cryptocurrency space.
Heres 100s of proofs on the subject. https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg
What specifically does splitting the shares do to benefit retail holders versus hedge shorters?
iirc they're gonna have to do an audit for how many shares are actually out there vs the shit tons of synthetics created out of nothing to short the stock so aggressively
Yes I believe if you are a hedge that naked shorted and created fake shares you will have a hard time when the time comes for the split and you have to come up with even more fake shares to cover the split dividends. Though not sure of mechanics of it. In a short squeeze scenario if they want to get out they would not only have to cover for real shares but also all the fake ones too. Which means Hedgies R Fuk.
This guy fucks!
That's a problem.
Makes the price point more accessible to more people allowing more buying pressure.
But this is a stock dividend, not a stock split. A 4:1 stock dividend isnt like a 4:1 stock split where all the math is just 4xed and 1/4thed, the 83 million shares will be given 3 new shares that have to be given their proper home. Since it has been illegally naked shorted (making synthetic shares that arent ever properly delivered or hedged against), the market makers and brokers will struggle to provide them to all the people who bought them.
This is NOT a stock dividend. The company says it is a "stock split in the form of a stock dividend" ... whatever the fuck that mean.
You are ignoring the "stock split in the form of a" language. Don't.
Let's look at it this way:
(a) If it was a cash dividend, they would pay the dividend in cash. But they don't have enough cash to pay a cash dividend.
(b) If it was a regular stock dividend, they would issue additional stock to current stockholders ... BUT ... they would pay for that out of cash ... which they don't have.
The company has a total market value of $9 billion (76 million shares outstanding x $120 per share).
IF they were going to just "give you 3 times the shares you have now* ... then they can't just give you pieces of paper (stock certificates), because those have ZERO value by themselves. SOMEBODY has to buy them.
Usually, they use that extra stock (authorized but not issued) to raise cash by selling them to investors in a secondary stock offering, which they did previously. Then, that stock acquires value (sometimes at a discount to current market value because they are looking for one big money source to buy the stock, but that also devalues the existing stock price).
But if nobody is BUYING the stock and they still want to issue stock that has no value, then THEY must buy it themselves and THEN give the shareholders the stock dividend.
But (again) they do not have the cash to do that.
(No matter what the Reddit touts say.)
So ...
They are doing a STOCK SPLIT, and pretending it is a stock dividend. That is the only thing I see. It is weird.
And it is a bad time to do it -- in a bear market.
We'll see how it goes.
76 million x 3 = 228 million ... and why do you think that's a problem? They already know who all the shareholders are -- that is WHY they have an ex-dividend date. That is the date where the owners of RECORD are documented by the company, and THOSE owners get the dividend.
They KNOW who to pay the dividend to (if it is a dividend), or credit the split to (if it is a split). There is no mystery for the company.
No, they won't. The shorts are irrelevant -- except in the wet dreams of the Reddit boys.
Some of you guys seem to think that shorting a stock somehow means buying a stock.
I read something from Reddit because I was trying to understand the argument, and it was just weird.
The person claimed that (a) someone owns GME, (b) someone else borrows GME, and then that means that (c) someone else also buys GME.
That (c) part is NOT true. Just (a) and (b).
In naked shorting, Mr. (b) shorts shares that Mr. (a) owns ... AND ... also shorts shares the nobody owns because they do not exist. That is WHY it is called "naked shorting." There is no extra buyer (Mr. (c)). If there was an extra buyer, and therefore more long shares that real shares (naked long, I guess) ... then THAT WOULD be a problem. But that is not how it works.
Seems like the Reddit boys don't really know WTF they are talking about.
If someone can explain it, I will take a listen ... but it seems like the Reddit boys are pushing a bunch of clusterfuck language and people accept it without understanding it.
And the company itself is acting very weird. Has been since the big short squeeze last year. I would not be surprised if the Reddit guy(s) are someone within or close to GME pushing this whole narrative.
Good luck, but I just don't see the story the same way some of you do.
Prove me wrong, and I will tip my hat to you.
Go post on Superstonk and they will prove you wrong in about 2 minutes.
Perhaps in the current scenario, ONLY shares that are owned by people outside of GME will be split, allowing them to sell some, or all, if they want, but not creating additional shares owned by the people "inside GME"? This would seem to fit with them calling it a "dividend" rather than a regular stock split. Is such a thing possible?
WTF does that mean?
When you short a stock, you are borrowing it in exchange for an IOU. You are betting that it will go down, so that you can BUY the shares back and settle your short for a profit. If it goes up, you will eventually be forced to buy the shares at a loss in what's known as a margin call. That's where the buying in (c) is coming from.
Yes, I know how to short.
No, I was referring to a post on Reddit where some dumbass said there were twice the number of longs becuse of the shorts, and THAT is why he/she/it thinks the split/dividend will destroy the shorts.
Makes no sense, and I was pointing out that some people (at least) on Reddit are saying really stupid things.
Slashes the price so people can buy more.
Starting the Jan '21 FOMO all over again.
One portion of why they are doing it yes. People will see that tastey price at 25-30$ and think "sweet i can afford it now"
FOMO incoming
If the buys aren't routed through dark pools, then the price should quickly go up and away, though probably halted many times due to the circuit breakers built in when a stock moves too much too fast.
It's costing them tons of money to keep the price suppressed. But they no longer care, they want to go bankrupt and hope for a bailout is their only plan at this point.
It’s not a split… it’s a dividend
GME management says otherwise.
See Tesla
For what? Price is lower today than when they did the split.
When Jr pointed it out I was sold.
Very interesting. Only further supports my q idea.
Bannon has made a couple statements on the whole thing. He said this is Apes Vs Snakes, economic populism.
Apes vs snakes = the bloodline of Adam vs the bloodline of Cain.
There is no new NFT, blockchain, and cryptocurrency space. Those things are all scams.
Yes, the way they are being used right now they are mostly all scams, especially NFTs.
However, the primary speculation is that GameStop’s NFT marketplace will allow people to sell games they’ve downloaded. It will also create a marketplace for people to buy and sell in-game items they’ve purchased. If your kid buys a $1,000 Fortnite skin now you have a way to resell it.
Yes it makes digital things more like physical items. Current digital goods are more like renting than owning.
None of that shit is real nor worth anything.
Yea so tell me about how people pay thousands for csgo stickers and skins. Just because you arent interested doesnt make it worthless
We’re in a roarin’ ‘20s right now. Back then people used to spend money on stupid shit too. But that all stopped very suddenly when the credit dried up and the markets went into freefall.
Enjoy the game of musical chairs. You might even make something. But when the music stops you’d better already be rid of that shit or it’s yours forever.
Because they're addicted like alcoholics/drug addicts.
Video games are certainly real. They typically are worth $60 when buying a new game.
In-game items aren’t worth anything to someone who doesn’t play video games or someone who doesn’t believe video games are real in the first place.
However, in-game items make up a huge percentage of revenue for video game developers. Activision, a developer of real video games, made $8.8 billion in revenue in FY 2021. $5.1 billion of that revenue came from microtransactions and in-game purchases.
Whether you want to admit it or not, in-game purchases are certainly worth a lot of money to people who play video games. Just because you find them worthless doesn’t mean they are worthless.
So if you want to believe the MSM narrative that GameStop is a failing brick and mortar company then that’s your decision. But I think we should all know by now not to trust the MSM.
People spent all kinds of money on stupid shit during the roarin' twenties, which period is analogous with the present time. When the free money finally dries up though, ALL money is directed towards necessities and bullshit like $1000 skins revert to their true value.
The only reason nonsense like this has value is because of all the liquidity being pumped into our economy. All of this has happened before, there is nothing new under the sun.
People place value on things. Even if it's a virtual item in the digital realm. Doesn't mean it's less "real" than physical items. Look how much money people are spending on in game items.
"In 2020, global gaming audiences spent an approximate 54 billion U.S. dollars on additional in-game content."
Some video game producers are now moving to the model where their game is free due to this fact. The in-game content is where they make bank.
what if.. Loopring becomes gold backed. and GME forms a new stock exchange, using Loopring as the currency to trade stocks with. these are speculative thoughts. I do believe the rest of it is all scams, Trump never liked Crypto, it's just been used to counterfeit money
If you don't hold it, you don't own it.
If you hodl it, tendies will come.
It’s IMX bud. Buy it now at $1. Gonna be the next BITC!!
The big money that moves the markets comes from the big funds, not individuals like you and me.
THEY are not going to trade on anything other than the big exchanges. There are already many small exchanges, and they ignore them.
NFT= tokenized securities market on the first of its kind platform that allows investors to buy shares in a company with no middle man. Boom baby.
You can already do this. Corporations have no business being so big that we need to use this kind of technology to track shares. Bring back antitrust law and let a million competitors bloom.
You sound exactly like those articles saying the internet is just going to be a fad LOL
And you sound like people right before the .com crash who though anything at all to do with the internet would be huge.
Precious metals do the job better than crypto. In God we trust, not in cabal-produced software relying on encryption algorithms the cabal gave us from free running on a computer the cabal built running an OS the cabal built and sending all data on an internet the cabal controls.
What makes precious metals valuable? Their use in electronics and other things that the cabal produces? I agree most crypto is a scam. But decentralized finance is the future. No more middleman. Returning power to the people.
The same thing that makes crypto valuable (for now): people assigning it value.
Gold industrial use is negligible, its primary use by far is as a store of value. It simply has value because people think it does.
Silver, on the other hand, is half store of value, half essential industrial input. You are right that silver's value primarily comes from the latter. If people stopped using it as a store of value, it would still have value because of its industrial uses.
I think the important part comes from the relationship between the two. We've seen that the silver:gold ratio can't be stretched beyond 100:1, prices correct one way or another. It's presently at 90 and recently bounced down hard off of 120ish. Ultimately silver's scarcity and the constant demand for it for industrial uses will drive silver's price up (and the silver:gold ratio down towards its natural 16:1 or so). But if this happens, people who bought silver when it was worth 1/100th of gold will start buying gold now that their silver is worth 1/50th or 1/20th of gold. That'll reveal gold's scarcity, and the price of both will skyrocket.
There is no similar price suppression scheme in crypto, and thus no similar upward potential. The crypto schemes were all aimed at inflating crypto so "they" could pump it and dump it, and a part of the cluster of bubbles they blew has just popped (rest assured, "they" dumped well in advance of that happening).
That's metals. The ideal form is metal coinage, giving every citizen the choice to bank (and trade in bank tickets in lieu of metal coinage and risk their bank going tits up but gain convenience in exchange) or store your wealth yourself and bear full responsibility for keeping it safe.
Under metallic money, we exist in a state of constant deflation, as natural improvements in efficiencies and technologies lead to ever lower costs for the same product. This rewards savers, who see their socked-away funds buy ever more. Back when things operated in this way, saving was a "nest egg." Cheaper metals are conscripted into currency duty as the more expensive ones become too valuable for day-to-day commerce, and so coinage goes from gold to silver to copper to nickel, and so on.
Under our current system, all benefits of improving efficiencies and technologies accrue to the banks, not to the people who had the foresight and capacity to save. There is no benefit to saving because their money printing artificially devalues money. The only way forward is to borrow, and the only way to borrow is to be a good slave.
But Al Gore invented the internet.
You know nothing about NFTs and how they will work with things like Music, Video games, etc.
NFT is not just for a picture.
And you are used to living under monopolies who’ve perverted your idea of what IP law is for. When the monopolies are gone there will be no demand for it.
If so, I don't mind. At least I was involved in helping expose the corruption on wall street who fund the cabal.
All of us were. I went balls deep on real estate the last 20 years, but in the end, a house worth $400k is actually worth maybe $30k, the high prices are fake, caused by money printing for low rate mortgages. They now intend to hike the rates and the banks end up owning half the country through foreclosure. All my investment activity, all those weekends fixing up houses, it was all just helping them achieve this end.
Farmland is the only good play in land, and precious metals in particular and commodities in general may be the best escape hatch out of this crashing economy.
Uh, what?
Proof of him being involved in pedophilia please.
And your second statement doesn't make sense. How would the stock going up for someone who owns 9 million shares take him out? He doesn't have a short position on his own company. He isn't invested in hedge funds. They are diametrically opposed.
The FUD just gets more and more bizarre.
Well, he's not a shill at least, only a Real Raw News reader LOL.
Yeah I think this is a case of someone just genuinely being confused.
RC is a good guy. Quit spreading bs. Or give A reliable source.
Dude, he's the chairman of the board on Gamestop.
He started a company called chewy with family money. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was into some stuff. That company did have some disney vibes to it now that I think about it.
Every time you insult him you get a bunch of people freaking out so theres clearly something there. Pretty sure he’s one of those people think are a white hat when they’re not. Thus the emotional response.
Edit: wow didn’t expect proof in the responses right away. Just an example of how emotional people get.
Well the baseless accusations on nothing more than an unfair assumption doesn't exactly lend well to a productive dialogue, hence the response.
They’re not baseless but believe what you want you have access to all the tools you need to verify what I said.
If people want to remain blissfully ignorant then that’s their decision.
Solid enough data for me.
He strives for good customer service, and he brought that over to Gamestop.
Lol he strives to make money stop talking like you know him. If you worked at the company I was mentioning you’d understand but you didn’t so you don’t.
Can you say the same about Trump?
No, not even close.
I can’t believe you just compared this dude to Trump.
Do some research on him.
Why would you post that here? Do you have no respect for anyone?
That place is a shithole that was compromised a LONG a time ago.
Oh no I’m a bot again?
Must’ve hit a nerve.
Dude your shilling is starting to glow a little too hard.
Saying something that triggers an emotional response in you doesn’t make someone a shill.
It does when there's no substance to back it up. You're a bag of wind.
Reddit is indeed a shithole, but they're doing amazing research over there, showing people how fake everything is.
Agreed. Superstonk is exposing a lot of fraud in the markets. They also occasionally talk about the Fed and how it's complete bull shit.
MANY discussions about how they want us divided as well. They aren't like other reddit subs
Pretty much the only reason I even bother visiting that site any more.
Reddit is fake they’re not showing people anything they’re obsessing over the stock market which is in itself A DISTRACTION lol
They’re only exposing people we knew were corrupt already. Walls st hedge fund managers. Wow big surprise we’ve known this forEVER
To Uranus!
go to superstonk on reddit.. GME is going to be HUGE. imo, in the long term they are going to be forming a New stock exchange, and will become the most valuable company on the planet
That's what every con artist wants you to believe.
NFT is going to bigger than crypto. Even without a short squeeze the company is going to go places. IMO Q and patriots were involved in this to take down hedge funds who fund the cabal.
A theory I’ve seen it is not just hedge funds but final boss they are after is the Fed itself. The MOASS will create a domino effect leading to the Fed. The Fed can in theory just go BRRRR to cover the tendies but in doing so would cause its own demise as congress would likely get involved and rescind its charter.
90% of cryptos have gone bust, so you better hope so.
Why should I hope so, do you think gamestop's only success will be their NFT marketplace?
Also, why are you so concerned with what I do with my money?
They now have the opportunity to buy 25% of one share at 25% of the price pre-split.
LOL. Nobody has down voted you because the people who would down vote have no clue what you mean.
Doesn’t this quintuple the available stock for the short sellers to settle their positions? It was my understanding that the GME strategy was to limit their ability to cover their positions because they shorted more stock than was available.
No it’s a dividend not a split. All the synthetic shares will have to be bought.
Yeah, seems weird, huh?
Of course, companies registered with the SEC are prohibited from stock manipulation, even if the price goes up.
So, there's that ...
Small nit, but they’re issuing 4 new shares, so there will soon be 5 shares for every 1 share that exists now.
No, it's a 4:1 split, so they are issuing 3 shares for every 1 existing share, making it 4 total.
Thanks for clarifying, I read elsewhere it was a dividend.
Yeah, that's what makes it confusing. Company says it is both.
DRSed shares that get split are automatically DRSed.
I don’t think it’s a split though, they’re issuing new shares as a dividends. I’m not sure what that entails, but it will almost certainly have different rules than a split.
That is something I've been wondering, and I don't know the answer.
Will be interesting to see how it plays out.
I’m on board with GME, however that’s not how a stock split works. The shares will be split 4 for 1 yes, but the stock price matches exactly by also splitting into only 25% of the current price. So instead of 1 share worth $124, you’ll have 4 shares at $31 each totaling the same $124. I’ve been through plenty of stock splits and the value of what you own always stays exactly the same.
My hands are so diamond i havent even looked at the price in a year.
You missed some nice dips,I bought a bunch at 89 dollers.
You don’t have any AMC do you?
No popcorn for me.
we eat crayons and we HODL.
Both statements appear to be very true.
You DRS?
Last September, number is around 80,000
...you own 80,000 shares?
DFV has at least 100,000 shares.
True but he also bought in originally when it was single digits lol
He doubled his position after the sneeze.
At 150$ a share too.
Computershare registration number. It counts up by ten and is over a million now if I remember correctly.
Ah ok haha I was thinking "damn we have some rich pedes around here".
I wish,I have around 200.
purple ringed 125... -10T
I want to pay off my house.
You'll be able to pay off a lot of houses if you hold long enough.
Good luck finding 4 billion shares hedge funds.
Hedgies r fukt.
Why would they need 4 billion shares?
Currently, there are 75 million shares issued, and this will take it to 300 million shares.
They are short a billion shares,hidden in derivatives and other fukery. Goto r/superstonk and read the DD library.
Oh ... THAT.
Yeah, I read that.
It is bullshit.
Wow damn bro you're right I just sold all my shares, thanks man!
You offer nothing of substance.
Go to bed. You have gym class in the morning.
Same to you.
Night night
lol what? You feeling ok there bud?
Thousands of hours of research is bullshit? Well damn, I guess America's Frontline Doctors, Dr Zelenko, and everybody else that proved the "pandemic" and "vaccines" were a scam were just bullshitting everybody.
Thousands of hours of bullshit pretending to be "reserach" is ... bullshit. Yeah.
How many thousands of hours did Pfizer put into their "research" about the fake vaxx?
Research - https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg
Except it's been verified numerous times over the past year and a half, by experts in markets even? Who are you to call bs on this? Specifically, what part of their research is bs and why?
You start answering some of my previous questions (which you have consistently ignored) ... and maybe I'll get back to you.
You haven't read shit. Tell me one good reason why you are so invested in proving us wrong? Do you care about us losing money? Or are you missing out and don't want others to make money?
He probably shorted GME
Yeah but there’s a billion synths.
I have to emphasis. it isn't a Split. it's a Dividend paid out in more shares. the main difference is.. the SHF's are fucked
Wrong. See above.
I have all of one share. Does that mean I get 3 more for free? Huh? Explain like I’m 5. Chemist is stupid with stocks.
Yes. This is also a dividend not a split.
In a split 1 share becomes 4.
In a stock dividend for every share you hold you are paid a dividend in stock. Usually this is done by a business that wants to reward its shareholders but doesn't have the cash on hand or doesnt want to use its cash on hand. So they'll pay a 5% stock dividend so for 100 shares you recieve 5 more.
They are equally dilutive of share price.
However anyone in a short position has to compensate who they borrowed it from for a dividend, where as for a stock split their short position would multiply too. So shorts will owe back 3 shares more than the 1 they borrowed.
The company itself says it is a "STOCK SPLIT, IN THE FORM OF A DIVIDEND."
Posted 7/6/2022. Did you read it?
Your thesis is wrong. Sorry, but that is that.
Bro you're spewing your nonsense all over this thread. It's a dividend wherein the company issues 3 new shares for every 1 share people hold. That's mechanically different from how a split works.
Where do you think the new shares come from? The split, correct? GME owners are not giving you theirs. They have to come from somewhere.
They come from the amount of shares GME is authorized to issue.
If that were true, then they wouldn't have to do a split at all. Just hand out free candy.
They started with 300 million shares authorized, and about 75 million issued. Their directors approved an increase in the authorized shares to 1 billion (from 300 million) and a 4:1 split of the 75 million issued, making it 300 million (which is why they also increased the authorized amount).
Those "authorized but unissued shares" have ZERO value ... UNTIL someone makes them have value. It could be done with a secondary offering, a treasury stock buy back, or in the case, a split.
No matter how they do it, there ain't no free lunch (not even free candy).
You still fail to comprehend the difference between a traditional split and one in the form of a dividend. Until you grasp this point there's no use in continuing this discussion.
^ Someone who gets it. A rare thing in this thread.
They seem to think the shares just magically pop out of nowhere ... poof ... and they get free candy in their brokerage account.
Of course, they are fighting against the shorts who get free short shares in their account, but free longs is somehow right and free shorts is somehow wrong.
The whole thing is bizarro world.
SEC filings are "nonsense" to the stock "experts."
The filing isn't nonsense, just your interpretation.
Those "new shares" issued are FROM the stock split.
What? You think there is a free lunch?
The way the shorts see it is exactly the same, before and after.
Mr. Short has a 10,000 share short position. Those were shares borrowed from Mr. Long.
Mr. Long gets 30,000 new shares at 1/4 the price, and his total position (40,000 shares long at 1/4 the price), in terms of dollars, is the same. Because now the shares trade on that "split-adjusted basis," which is 1/4 the price.
If Mr. Short was still short 10,000 shares at 1/4 the price, then that would be a 75% PROFIT to Mr. Short, overnight. You really think that's what the company is doing? Or, do you think that Mr. Short is now short 40,000 at 1/4 the price? Which makes more sense?
Mr. Long AND Mr. Short are both in the SAME positions after the split/dividend as they were before.
Imagine being short 10,000 shares at $100 = $1,000,000 short. You have to pay back the 10,000 shares, NOT the $1,000,000. Then, the company does a split/dividend, and you are now short 10,000 shares at $25 = $250,000. What do you do? You IMMEDIATELY cover at $250,000 to cash out, and you have a fat profit of $750,000 on a $1,000,000 trade.
But it don't work that way ...
If you think it does, then somebody is blowing smoke up your ass.
It's naked shorting, not regular shorting. These are magical shares created out of thin air. They were never issued.
This move by the company does not change that, which was my point.
Lmfao how fucking dumb are you
price drops. you get more shares. your $ value stays the same.
.... you have 1 share at $120. they will cut the value to $30, but you have 4 shares.
advantage: you don't get taxed.
The only real difference I can see between a traditional stock split and a split/dividend is that the basis is different -- which might mean nothing to most GME owners.
Before --
1 share worth $120 each = $120 total value
After --
4 shares worth $30 each = $120 total value
(IOW: Not the big deal some people are hoping for)
not completely accurate. it isn't a split it's a dividend in the form of more shares. the difference is that stock holders are being GIVEN (paid) more shares, wherein normally they just split and the price goes down
LOL, You literally say wrong, than contradict and quote "stock dividend" . what part of Dividend don't you understand? good luck with your affairs.
You said:
I said:
And then I posted the SEC document where the company says they "declared a four-for-one split'
Do you have a reading comprehension problem, or just want it to be so bad that you ignore proof that you are wrong?
why are you cutting off my sentence? in your "quote" of me. Is it to change the meaning of what i said? because that's what you've done. why are you accusing me, of having, exactly what you seem to have, ie a "reading comprehension problem" these are the tactics of the left are they not? , misquoting/incomplete quotes, and accusing others of what you're doing? is that you kenny?
Because I quoted the relevant part. The rest is not relevant to your stupid claim.
You still want to ignore the company's own SEC filing.
Good luck with that.
Incorrect. Look at what happened with Tesla post-split.
I did. Nothing really of note happened, is what I see. It was bullish both before and after the split/dividend (they used the same language as GME), but that was during a bull market.
No way to tell if this move made any difference. The price topped a few months later, and has been down ever since.
The price is LOWER today than on the day they made that announcement.
So, what does that prove?
Then you clearly didn't pay attention. Post-split Tesla shot back up to around the same price that it was pre split. That's significant.
Yeah, that happens all the time, especially a hot stock in a bull market.
But NOW ...
Tesla stock is LOWER than it was at the split.
Congratulations, you've completely missed the point entirely.
Well, you're not exactly one to make a point, so I doubt it.
Isn't this just lowering the price per share so its easier for them to pay back the short? I'm following you that its a split paid as a dividend
Not exactly.
I don't expect it to have any affect on the shorts. Might help them cover if they need to, but I don't believe they need to.
I don't believe in the "massive naked shorts out there" story.
GME manipulated the stock price back when the short squeeze happened more than a year ago. They took advantage by issuing a secondary offering that gave them 10 times the capital infusion than they would have otherwise had (thus, the purpose of the move).
Today, the company still loses money. It is a bear market. Stocks that lose money tend to do VERY badly in a bear market. Hence the price drop the stock has seen from the highs, or even from the market top in January (had a spike for a week in March, then right back down).
I think the story is interesting (I have no position in GME, long or short). But I think what is even more interesting is that so many people believe a story and they really have no clue what they are talking about.
The Reddit touts (some of whom might be in this thread) are blowing smoke up everyone's ass, and I find it fascinating.
BTW, I participated in a thread back during the short squeeze. At that time, there WAS a naked short position, and I wrote about it here on GAW. So, I am familiar with that aspect of the story. But the rest is just Tulip Bulb Mania (look it up).
When they buy back a billion fake shares the price will rise a bit.
We're not selling though.
Market closed at 117 today!
And GME up 10% since close. Looks like folks are working hard to find all those shares they’re gonna need soon lol. Wait til 8:30 AM to watch the 10 day scramble start.
Hell fucking yeah
Someone check the deltas on July 18th or July 21st?
Please be the ‘game over’ one……!
Suicide weekend would be cool too 🤣
Sadly not :(. I think Q had to stay away from this operation big time.
So the market collapses on July 21st? Hedgies have to locate shares and close their short positions?
So two more weeks?
I got banned two weeks for saying that. FYI. They ain’t playin.
The 21st is literally 2 weeks from today.
I get it. I’m not a mod and was surprised at how sensitive that particular one was… just a word of warning.
Hey thanks
Was sitting on the fence...pretty stock/finance ignorant.
Bought 4 at opening this a.m.
Time will tell.
Tried to decipher all the posts but they were more of an argument and didn't teach me anything. I figure...You snooze, you lose.
Fingers crossed.
This is insane if it trips the MOASS. But I'm sure that the powers that be will find an illegal way to curtail this.
Not seeing where anyone has mentioned this split is a dividend, not just a 4 for 1 split. So if you are DRSed at ComputerShare, then you will get three additional shares for each shares as a dividend. Hopefully you will get the same if your shares are at a broker. Brokers or shorted hedge funds that have synthetic shares in their position might have a bit of a problem getting the new dividend shares. Of course they can always commit more crime to cover, but this may lead to them getting exposed sooner. Just a smooth brained ape here, so probably missing some details but that’s the fundamental difference with this split.
Re-read the statement - then retract your statement
Reading is fundamental - it;s a gosh darn dividend which will force a share recall because borrowed shared need to be returned - and there are more shares borrowed than exists….
Do your research before posting bullshit.
It’s a stock or split dividend. I said what is going to happen. Maybe it will force a return or maybe not. Crime is real. Sorry if didn’t meet up to your stellar posting standard requirements.
Let's run through a scenario, because a lot of people seem to think this is gonna kill the shorts. Let me explain why it won't.
Theoretically, let's say I want to short 1,000 shares of GME at $120 per share, and you own those shares and want to lend them to me to short. You get a small interest rate for doing it. Let's look at how the math/accounting works:
Let's assume you have only 1,000 shares GME in your brokerage account, and I have only $120,000 cash in mine (anyone must have some cash in order to short).
Your account, both before and after my short --
My account, before my short --
My account, after my short --
My cash went up because I sold stock (that I don't own), and added it to my cash account. At the same time, I borrowed 1,000 shares of GME, so I owe that back to you. Note: I do NOT owe you the cash; I owe you the shares, at whatever price they are when I buy them back to pay off my debt to you (this is how, as a short, I make or lose money).
Now ...
A stock split or a "stock split in the form of a dividend" happens.
Your 1,000 shares are now 4,000 shares, and the price that was $120 is now $30.
Your account --
In my account, there are 2 possibilities. Either my short position is also split, or it is not.
If my position is also split, my account looks like this:
If my position is not split, my account looks like this:
Note: I do NOT have to pay 3,000 shares at the OLD $120 price because the stock has already split. So, no real change.
The only real change would be that my short position has been diluted. But, there are now 4 times as many shares available to short.
I could short again.
Now, let's talk naked shorts.
How does it happen at all?
There must be someone who will lend shares that do not exist. Who could do that? A Wall Street investment banker/prime broker, such as Goldman Sachs, as an example.
I tell my prime broker, GS, that I want to short 1,000 shares GME. Goldman doesn't have the shares and can't find any, but they say, "Done!" anyway. I just naked shorted, and might not even know it. Only GS would really know.
GS would be "long" shares that do not exist, so they could lend them to me to short.
They are not legally allowed to do this, but they officially have 3 days to find those shares. If they cannot, they could theoretically enter into some side agreement with another Wall Street firm (maybe even one they own or control themselves), and the 2 companies could just trade positions back and forth forever.
Since GS makes MASSIVE profits from lending shares to short (regular or naked), they have plenty of funds to cover these positions for a long as they want. Plus, they can use much more leverage than anyone else can, other than the Federal Reserve. And because they are now also a bank, they can borrow directly from the Federal Reserve, which can just print money out of nothing (until they are taken down).
Back to the example, since GS does not really own those shares, they could be considered a "naked long." As such, they will not get the new stock from the split/dividend, because they are not official owners as of the ex-dividend date, based on the GME's stock ledger records.
Does GS care? I doubt it. Just like they created new shares to short from nothing, They will take the cash from my short position, as above, and use it to "retire" some of that position.
They will probably also buy and sell as a market maker and unwind their position, so it doesn't matter anyway.
Worst case scenario for GS, they use other funds to cover it, borrow from the FR, or get bailed out by their puppets in Congress.
Maybe GME management wants to squeeze the shorts, but I don't see it happening from a stock split. It doesn't change the game.
Besides, it's a bear market, and GS knows that. If it's a waiting game, time is on their side. They probably know what is REALLY going on at the New York Fed, which is where the money printing actually happens. This is why both GS and NYF people are ALWAYS in the White House administration. So, none of this stock splitting stuff will move the needle. It wont' change the game for GME.
Show us PROFITS for the company, and THAT could change the game. Until then, the shorts will not be too worried. This is all smoke and mirrors to cover for the fact that GME management cannot figure out how to turn a profit, IMO.
the issue... shares in brokers... those people are either going to find out their shares are not real or the Broke will have to pay them to keep the Ponzi scheme illusion going. whatever happens, it will be expensive.
LOL ... that's the ONLY thing people are talking about here.
Good post on SS:
This is a genius two-pronged attacked that is going to make life difficult for two different groups for two different reasons!
Attack #1– hit the DTCC hard. By doing a dividend split the DTCC is going to be handed a limited number of shares (they’ll get theirs after CS distributes shares to insiders and DRS accounts). This puts serious pressure on the DTCC because there’s going to be a ton of people expecting stocks to show up in their account and the DTCC is going to have to find them. (There have been a lot of posts focusing on this scenario— but not on the second prong of the attack.)
Attack #2– Forcing price action that will trigger margin calls and liquidations. The last 18 months price actions have shown the SHF have price ceilings where margin calls would be triggered. In January ‘21 it looks like it was $500. By March ‘21 it had come down to $350. Their efforts to kick the can and to live to fight one more day have increased their debt, their fees and interest, and have lowered their margin threshold. There was some speculative DD recently that suggested the line may lie to under $200 and may be as low as $150.
Every time a stock splits the price begins to climb again. So this move is going to result in prices rising— and they won’t have to rise much to begin to trigger margins. If the stock is at $120 on July 18 it will start trading at $30 a share. Juicy right? But that $30 is really 4 for $120. A rise in price to $50 a share is equivalent to $200. And when it hits $75, it’s $300.
And this isn’t even considering the effect this will have on options and the ramp that’s going to push prices up. Hedgies are fukd.
I know there is concern that the system will somehow cheat and screw apes. I think though this move puts multiple pressure points on different parties such that their options are going to be limited. Hedgies need the price to stay low. The DTCC needs to buy shares. Two of our biggest enemies have just been pitted against each other. Both are fukd bcs my price to sell has lots of numbers in it.
So genius move RC! Hit the DTCC and hit SHF! Buckle up!
TLDR- the dividend split attacks the DTCC by forcing them to close shorts/buy shares since they won’t receive enough from CS to distribute to the brokerages AND attacks the Hedgies by creating upward price pressure that will trigger margin calls and then liquidations.
This is a stupid statement.
GME knows EXACTLY who gets how many shares. That is WHY there is an Ex-Dividend Date. Anyone listed as shareholder on that date, whether direct or street name, gets the shares on the distribution date.
There is no scratching the head and trying to figure it out.
The only real issue if there are hidden naked shorts is that there are also hidden naked longs that created those naked shorts. And THOSE are the guys who have to do some accounting tricks to make it all work out. But those guys BUILT the system. You think they can't figure out how to handle a stock split or dividend?
so wat u saying???
How does that work? I have 13 shares direct registered. Will I have 52(x4) on 7/21, or the opportunity to purchase 33 more at a lower price? I’m not investment savvy. Bought it a long time ago and hedl. Can someone explain in simple terms? Thanks!
You will have 52 and the current price per share will be divided by 4 at open.
Thank you!
DWAC will be coming along shortly, don't sell!!!
Daily average 2 million shares traded in first 25 minutes of open.
It's also how you short the fuk out of it.
How much are you being paid to shill against gme anyways?