For real. And to talk negatively about Trump just to top it off is just mind boggling. It's like he thinks she's running as a democrat, like she should be.
Yeah, Trump is a coward. He didn't have the balls to kill thousands of Americans as part of a false flag, lie about it, cover it up, and then go to war against the fictional enemy. What a pussy.
I'm going to repost this comment from another thread because I see his ghoulish face and I just need to say my peace again. This man took many loved ones from people in many countries and permanently damaged even more. If you are of a certain age group and went over there yourself or knew someone who did you know the emotions I feel surrounding this vile man and the events of the Bush the Lesser years.
It was a bad time. A very bad time. We came closer to the nadir of hope and truth than ever before in our history... in fact I think we bottomed out there, in some ways, and as tough as times are today, they are still better than those years. At least we aren't blind anymore, back then we were suffering so much. We bore many losses in the conflict AND we had no foothold to start the long climb out of the horrifying vision of reality they imprisoned us in. We at least are organized, awake and aware now. We have a north star to follow and we've risen to our feet and begun the long walk together, and I believe that it's getting brighter every step of the way. We're not pretending we can tolerate monsters like this man in our world anymore and that MUST be a good thing.
Sorry to be such a windbag, but this man made my life a very unbearable place once before and I want to KNOW WITHOUT DOUBT he can never do that to me or anyone else again. If you went, you know. If you know someone, you know. That's why the words we speak and moves we make today MUST BE SUCCESSFUL ... because some of us can't bear the weight of living on, if it was all for nothing....
I digress though...Liz better hope this only airs in local pockets or at inconsequential times because it'll likely kill whatever votes and enthusiasm she has remaining (which is almost certainly near 100% Democrats).
The idea that this archvillain vampire would come out and speak gravelly Darth Vader intonations in a fucking cowboy hat and HELP her cause.... well. It really tells you about the UTTER LUNACY AND DESPERATION of these sadistic freaks.
... the arrogance of these people... the idea that Dick fuckin' Cheney would call someone a coward, would discuss the use of - get this - VIOLENCE to shape a political narrative... welp partner ::spits:: that's the most resounding endorsement anyone could ever possibly hear for Donald Trump. It strengthens my belief in him TenFold.
After a once in a lifetime turn by Christian Bale that rivaled a Daniel Day Lewis performance in the movie Vice, I am really surprised they DON'T know we've thoroughly wiped the floor with this man and his reputation. A paranoid, fearful creature shuffling around a bunker, thumbing with grubby digits through to-be classified paperwork, clicking buttons on phones and speaking mealy mouthed little words into them, recordings that are likely forever redacted and out of sight from honest Americans and the light of the truth.
YOU are the coward, Dick. A sad Quasimodo form: your misshapen body that became as twisted as your heart and your insides.
You're the fearmongering, violence loving, orb weaver that put Donald Trump into OUR orbit. You're the sad, lonely little marionette maker who ate through the money and power until nothing was enough to satisfy your tastebuds and all that remained was rotten. You're the black heart, the criminal of war, the saboteur to young life and good nature that stood in the shadows and dreamt of nightmares made flesh. You're the betrayer, the abuser of those moments where fate called for greatness and courage in action, and you fell short and slithered away leaving a trail of human life lost, crumpled up in your hand like a paper ball.
Your daughter's legacy will be one where she failed to WHITEWASH your crimes. In her feeble attempts to garble and transpose you with a real hero who undoes the violence you caused, the blood you shed, the evil you wrought on the world in the name of God and country, selfish legacy and familial glory. We'll undo what you did and your great shame will be living to see it and being powerless to stop it. You're the bastard, you're the lunatic, you've been that all along. How could you see yourself any other way: you took the easy way out, and you'll live long enough to see yourself become a villain at center stage once more.
The name of Cheney will be likened to Hitler one day: worse in fact, and deservingly so. I pray all of you live to see it happen.
Really though. Archbishop of evil. One of the most unholy of the unholies, in my mind. Been that way a long time. But it IS important to laugh when you can. People like them are so bad it really IS clown world
I really had hoped this man was already in prison. What a waste of good oxygen keeping this parasite alive and living free. It is a relief to me when these kind of people speak out against President Trump. It reminds me that we are on the right side.
Funny how Dick Cheney has never spoken this harshly about the leftist commie Dems who stoked murderous riots around the country and threatened the physical safety of conservative justices, even the ones Bush appointed. Notice how these cowboy-hat-wearin' straight-talkin' patriots with such a strong grounding in Christian faith have said nothing about the sexualization and grooming of children by the leftist Dems? See, they're not the problem, Trumpers are.
Remember how he and Bush would never defend themselves against left wing media and Dems, instead leaving all that dirty business to us unwashed common folk who voted for him and had to defend our voting decisions to leftist friends and family? Ah, good times... George Bush calls us all terrorists now.
Cheney seems really desperate to prevent the RINO corporatists from losing power. I wonder why he's so scared...
Well put my friend. The fact that he is using such INCREDIBLY strong statements tells you all you need to know about what he is and what Trump is.
You know, it just struck me when you said that: isn't it sort of funny how the more powerful (former or current) and longer these people have been around, the harder they seem to go at Trump? Almost like the higher up the ladder they are, the more wild and insane he makes them, and they come out with some of the MOST extreme statements in retaliation. Think about Hillary: Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances, Trump could end our democracy, etc.
Basically the minions hate Trump, and their high level demonic masters REALLY REALLY HATE TRUMP. It's at the point that it seems like they can barely even contain their rage anymore. They seem ready to fly off the handle at any moment - how amazing! He exposes their true colors so well! I bet also they are not used to having to contain their anger like this. Under normal conditions they can just kill and maim their underlings with impunity and they scarcely remember how to contain their rage and keep their human masks on when something tickles their temper this much.
I've never heard Cheney speak like this before, I don't think. It's almost out of character: except we know he's a murderous demon. He has usually hidden it much better, but here he seems barely able to keep it bottled.
Thank you so much for both of the comments that you wrote! Your passionate truth helped to justify my hatred rage for him ! You said it all , and God Bless you ! We will live to see this monstrous demon choke on a rope! I pray that writing this has helped to heal some of the pain that this murderer has caused , it helped me ! Thank you and we will live happy , free and at peace cheering for President Trump. Watching his daughter lose miserably will make many of us smile knowing that we kicked both of them in the teeth !
Wow... thank you friend. Honored to be able to share words with you that may help to heal. So much of the talking and rhetoric we hear in the world today does just the opposite I feel. They aren't content to merely give us the scars that so many of us carry - once they've inflicted pain and smell blood, they become frenzied, and return to push dirt and salt into the wounds they caused. That is part of what this clip was intended to do when Cheney made it - or so it feels that way to me. As its been said, there will come a day when they cannot walk down the street. If you've seen the many viral clips of HRC, Pelosi and others when they briefly appear in public places in the past few years - often just to cross the street from their car into a building where they can be hidden away once more in darkness - you probably believe like me that such a day is FAST approaching for them. Their biggest tool and weapon is darkness and anonymity and that has been taken from their hands. People everywhere have awakened to them and seen them in the light. Their secrecy was the biggest source of their power. That is one way I comfort myself to know that they truly are desperate and struggling. We are winning the fight. Those clips of them being shouted down in public are very inspiring to me; I hope that they reach you in the same way!
They are animals, beasts, really and truly. I see unearthly anger and bloodlust in this old, decrepit ghoul wearing the flesh of someone named Dick Cheney and I try to remember that I am not like them.
We are men, made by God, and would never succumb to the curses and temptations they've indulged in, turning themselves into night creatures to gain worldly spoils that their demonic gods promised them in return.
I hope I could offer anyone some solace thru my words and that peace can grow and live in our hearts again one day. I hope for you and for all of us that we will remember that no matter what you've suffered or what happened, we were never alone, God was with us and bound us together in those moments of pain, just as I believe in my heart he will give us redemption and victory that we will share in just the same, as his servants and children.
I've had my troubles with religion and the Creator in my past, sure as many of us have, but in times like this I think a lot of people like me are realizing His influence and works in the world are happening actively and He is calling to us to return to him. When you see real evil it changes you. This is a spiritual battle first and foremost, of that I'm certain.
I admire all of those who carry on the fight in so many different ways, using our many different talents, given freely and with love. All that we've contributed to this shared dream of ours is working, we just need to open our eyes and see it, most of all in dark moments like these. Dawn is coming and they will not survive the light of day.
Thanks again for your praise I was really touched to hear it. Godspeed friend!
This is from the man who could easily be characterized as a living 'Darth Vader', who commandeered the bunker during 911. If Dick Cheney was ever a principled man (he is not) he would confess before he dies and say -- “We did 9/11". Cheney would admit they believed in a global Pax Americana that was engineered by creating a “New Pearl Harbor.” This was their actual plan.
The “New Pearl Harbor” part is a well documented fact and we have heard this before. It's from the white paper produced by the Project for a New American Century (PNAC). Dick Cheney was part of this coup over America that changed America forever and ushered in the Police State we live in today.
If Dick Cheney was an honest man (he is not), he would confess saying ---
“When we assumed office in January 2001 and saw we were losing control of the world, we all panicked. And Paul Wolfowitz, our strategist, suggested we rig up an attack on America as a solution to ushering in the NeoCon American Century. The militarized police state was to take hold until we secured our absolute power and sold to the American public that it necessary to last for a few years. But as time went by and nobody seemed to notice, we kept playing along.” (Social Security was also sold as a temporary measure).
If Cheney had a noble heart (he does not), he would have remorse and tell the reason why he finally decided to tell the truth (he never will). At age 82, with a bad heart, he is one of the few people who knows the big picture and before his death the real story would be revealed..
The reality is Dick Cheney is not a principled or honest man. He is an unremorseful, cold-hearted, evil man who is said to have 'accidentally' shot his hunting partner. I believe he did so, because he knew that he could and get away with it too.
Just like his warning to Senator Paul Wellstone, Dick Cheney told him -- "If you vote against the war in Iraq, the Bush administration will do whatever is necessary to get you. There will be severe ramifications for you and the state of Minnesota." Wellstone cast his vote of conscience and against the Iraq measure. A few weeks later Wellstone, his wife, Sheila, his daughter, Marcia Markuson, three campaign staffers, and two pilots died in a plane crash in Minnesota. Upon hearing about the tragedy, I wasn't aware of the details that his Beech King Air A-100 was tampered with by Deep State operatives, possibly the CIA, either directly or through electromagnetic technology such as DEW. I understand the wings of the plane were fried off in the air.
Yes, Darth Vader still lives and this message from him is never to be underestimated as long as this evil man lives.
Liz Cheney is every part the same evil Darth Vader as a her father is. She is unremorseful, cold-hearted, and evil. Wyoming, please rise up and vote to end her reign of abuse.
"This message from him is never to be underestimated as long as this evil man lives"
Great post overall, but this in particular is what I have been waiting to hear from someone. I took my own shot in a different manner, because I know for myself and some others it becomes personal, it was a soliloquy and evoked the mourning, the coffins draped in flags, the consequences of our subjugation to the mind of this evil being and his cronies in the War Room.
Look deeper into any of these individuals and you'll find deep seated psychological trauma, issues of trust betrayed, emasculation and indoctrination that serves as their boot camp from Lucifer to prepare them to lead the armies of Hell into battle. They never feel comfortable inside the white painted drywall of government buildings, signing cultural blase domestic legislations, allocations, leave that for the poofs. A bunch of drivel in their minds, they could care less - it doesn't INVIGORATE their spirit, and a closer look will show that to be painfully obvious.
These war gamers and Hell generals, Cheney, Wolfowitz and his ilk, who take after Kissinger, Albright and the generation below both of guys like Kirby, Blinken and Obama himself (who is in particular a FINE SPECIMEN and practically a posterchild of this personality and type of asset not dissimilar at ALL from Cheney; a topic which itself deserves further scrutiny) are highly influential and exceedingly dangerous.
A lot of people, even some of us "in the know" I feel have been fooled by the sound of the mockingbirds and the mirror funhouse maze that is 'official procedures and practice' and forgotten about this class of evil satyrs.
We are tempted think of them as bygones relics or relegated to title only positions that no longer operate levers of power. This would be a grave mistake. Look how they hide in the very same shadow of the administrative state, on ubiquitous council appointments or within the corporate machinery. We are tempted to think it represents a reduction of their power and influence but it is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE. When these men appeared on our televisions, in front of the cameras, that was the time when they were soldiers ... nowadays they are older and have receded deeper into the muck of the swamp, to positions nebulous and unaccountable to John Q Public and this is by design. They have become generals in the army of their Blood God now, and are tapped for their wisdom and battlefield intelligence.
Thank you for remembering that and let us all remember the message. THEY NEVER LEFT THE GAME. Look how they all disappear into the ether in an eerily similar fashion each: Cheney, Chertoff, Obama, Gergen, HRC etc. The list goes on. Each of them an asset; some are not the evil ones but merely blind to their functions in the system.. deeper dives are required to spot the specific rungs on the ladder. Without too much detail and detritus I would suggest a look into the 5 draft deferments and then look to the shroud of intelligence agencies that hung albatross style around Obama's collar. He and Chaney are of a kind; never soldiers, never inside the chaos of battle, yet violence and war follows them like a shadow. Obama had a deep respect and almost competitive nature toward the 3 letter agencies - his personality suggested that he liked to know their level of physical conditioning and try to meet the goals himself. He wished himself a soldier or agent likened to ones in spy novels, and conducted hostilities with such a mindset. I would proffer to you that Cheney was not far away from a psychological profile akin to that.
Such people, while ultimately mere assets working for the globalist master race, are desperate for vision and control at all times. They remain in power from behind the scenes and it is simply not within their nature to "let go". Recall how Obama wistfully speaking of continuing to conduct business from a cellphone in the cottage basement. Now, why would Cheney be ANY different from that?
Make no mistake. Cheney has shown his face and spoken and it is meant as a direct threat. To who and what, other than Trump, I cannot say. You do need to suppose that the tension level is high however, because walking out of their shadows for even a moment is something not taken lightly, especially in the context of a man like Cheney and the legacy he left. He knows he is not popular, is what I'm saying. This is a threat, a violent, very violent threat. Do not misunderstand how dangerous these individuals are, to this very day.
Ultimately I'm putting some of this stuff on a Substack along with other articles. If it's okay with you I would like to put up our whole exchange because for context, I will list your username or whatever credentials you'd like, if that's okay.
Trying it because I've had a lot of positive feedback to my writing and I figure I should try to do something with it. If people enjoy it, or it helps in some way, I'm honored. Don't know where it's going but it feels like I should keep doing it.
Thanks again for your contribution and your flattery. Haha!
It's all good with me. I'm not sure what you mean by "throw[ing] your original post in over there." Do you want me to repost my writing in your thread?
Shockingly out of touch. Who do they think they are? Him and Bush left office with the lowest approvals ratings ever, until Biden. Cheney in particular is hated by both sides.
This guy has been in hiding for years. And now comes out to claim 2020 was an honest election? Lol. This is how stupid they think we are. That we didn’t see millions of votes just magically appear at 4am.
They are desperate. They know once the election string starts getting pulled, it takes all of them down. They been rigging this shit for decades. Cheney and Bush are just as guilty as Biden, and they know it.
This is what winning looks like. Dragging all of the scum into the light.
She brought her dad in for an advertisement? Is she trying to lose?
For real. And to talk negatively about Trump just to top it off is just mind boggling. It's like he thinks she's running as a democrat, like she should be.
You can see the entire Dick ad here:
Yeah, Trump is a coward. He didn't have the balls to kill thousands of Americans as part of a false flag, lie about it, cover it up, and then go to war against the fictional enemy. What a pussy.
rolls eyes right out of the back of head
I'm going to repost this comment from another thread because I see his ghoulish face and I just need to say my peace again. This man took many loved ones from people in many countries and permanently damaged even more. If you are of a certain age group and went over there yourself or knew someone who did you know the emotions I feel surrounding this vile man and the events of the Bush the Lesser years.
It was a bad time. A very bad time. We came closer to the nadir of hope and truth than ever before in our history... in fact I think we bottomed out there, in some ways, and as tough as times are today, they are still better than those years. At least we aren't blind anymore, back then we were suffering so much. We bore many losses in the conflict AND we had no foothold to start the long climb out of the horrifying vision of reality they imprisoned us in. We at least are organized, awake and aware now. We have a north star to follow and we've risen to our feet and begun the long walk together, and I believe that it's getting brighter every step of the way. We're not pretending we can tolerate monsters like this man in our world anymore and that MUST be a good thing.
Sorry to be such a windbag, but this man made my life a very unbearable place once before and I want to KNOW WITHOUT DOUBT he can never do that to me or anyone else again. If you went, you know. If you know someone, you know. That's why the words we speak and moves we make today MUST BE SUCCESSFUL ... because some of us can't bear the weight of living on, if it was all for nothing....
I digress though...Liz better hope this only airs in local pockets or at inconsequential times because it'll likely kill whatever votes and enthusiasm she has remaining (which is almost certainly near 100% Democrats).
The idea that this archvillain vampire would come out and speak gravelly Darth Vader intonations in a fucking cowboy hat and HELP her cause.... well. It really tells you about the UTTER LUNACY AND DESPERATION of these sadistic freaks.
... the arrogance of these people... the idea that Dick fuckin' Cheney would call someone a coward, would discuss the use of - get this - VIOLENCE to shape a political narrative... welp partner ::spits:: that's the most resounding endorsement anyone could ever possibly hear for Donald Trump. It strengthens my belief in him TenFold.
After a once in a lifetime turn by Christian Bale that rivaled a Daniel Day Lewis performance in the movie Vice, I am really surprised they DON'T know we've thoroughly wiped the floor with this man and his reputation. A paranoid, fearful creature shuffling around a bunker, thumbing with grubby digits through to-be classified paperwork, clicking buttons on phones and speaking mealy mouthed little words into them, recordings that are likely forever redacted and out of sight from honest Americans and the light of the truth.
YOU are the coward, Dick. A sad Quasimodo form: your misshapen body that became as twisted as your heart and your insides.
You're the fearmongering, violence loving, orb weaver that put Donald Trump into OUR orbit. You're the sad, lonely little marionette maker who ate through the money and power until nothing was enough to satisfy your tastebuds and all that remained was rotten. You're the black heart, the criminal of war, the saboteur to young life and good nature that stood in the shadows and dreamt of nightmares made flesh. You're the betrayer, the abuser of those moments where fate called for greatness and courage in action, and you fell short and slithered away leaving a trail of human life lost, crumpled up in your hand like a paper ball.
Your daughter's legacy will be one where she failed to WHITEWASH your crimes. In her feeble attempts to garble and transpose you with a real hero who undoes the violence you caused, the blood you shed, the evil you wrought on the world in the name of God and country, selfish legacy and familial glory. We'll undo what you did and your great shame will be living to see it and being powerless to stop it. You're the bastard, you're the lunatic, you've been that all along. How could you see yourself any other way: you took the easy way out, and you'll live long enough to see yourself become a villain at center stage once more.
The name of Cheney will be likened to Hitler one day: worse in fact, and deservingly so. I pray all of you live to see it happen.
Wow, that's powerful. I'm glad you put your thoughts down here. Thank you for what you have done and said. May Blessings wash over you.
Thank you so much! Godspeed. Comes from the heart sometimes.
Can you just tell us how you really feel about him?😬
Really though. Archbishop of evil. One of the most unholy of the unholies, in my mind. Been that way a long time. But it IS important to laugh when you can. People like them are so bad it really IS clown world
You're a true wordsmith. Feels like I just surfed your emotional point break. Damn...just damn. Thanks for sharing and God bless!
Wishing i said that. Let's let dickhead see how irrelevant he and his devil spawn family are.
Respect & love man; that's what I have for you.
. . . was an inside job.
controlled demolition at free-fall speeds
Why isn't he in jail yet
Dick Cheney is being deprived of his right to a speedy trial.
What's keeping him alive? Were all those heart issues fake news?
Jimmy Carter looks terrible these days.
haha i needed that good laugh.
I needed that.
I really had hoped this man was already in prison. What a waste of good oxygen keeping this parasite alive and living free. It is a relief to me when these kind of people speak out against President Trump. It reminds me that we are on the right side.
He doesn't look the same. Not sure it's Dick 1.0.
I thought he was dead....,
Looks like an evil Wilford Brimley trying to sell oatmeal.
My comment in the other thread:
Funny how Dick Cheney has never spoken this harshly about the leftist commie Dems who stoked murderous riots around the country and threatened the physical safety of conservative justices, even the ones Bush appointed. Notice how these cowboy-hat-wearin' straight-talkin' patriots with such a strong grounding in Christian faith have said nothing about the sexualization and grooming of children by the leftist Dems? See, they're not the problem, Trumpers are.
Remember how he and Bush would never defend themselves against left wing media and Dems, instead leaving all that dirty business to us unwashed common folk who voted for him and had to defend our voting decisions to leftist friends and family? Ah, good times... George Bush calls us all terrorists now.
Cheney seems really desperate to prevent the RINO corporatists from losing power. I wonder why he's so scared...
The first arrest, maybe?
Well put my friend. The fact that he is using such INCREDIBLY strong statements tells you all you need to know about what he is and what Trump is.
You know, it just struck me when you said that: isn't it sort of funny how the more powerful (former or current) and longer these people have been around, the harder they seem to go at Trump? Almost like the higher up the ladder they are, the more wild and insane he makes them, and they come out with some of the MOST extreme statements in retaliation. Think about Hillary: Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances, Trump could end our democracy, etc.
Basically the minions hate Trump, and their high level demonic masters REALLY REALLY HATE TRUMP. It's at the point that it seems like they can barely even contain their rage anymore. They seem ready to fly off the handle at any moment - how amazing! He exposes their true colors so well! I bet also they are not used to having to contain their anger like this. Under normal conditions they can just kill and maim their underlings with impunity and they scarcely remember how to contain their rage and keep their human masks on when something tickles their temper this much.
I've never heard Cheney speak like this before, I don't think. It's almost out of character: except we know he's a murderous demon. He has usually hidden it much better, but here he seems barely able to keep it bottled.
Godspeed friend!
Thank you so much for both of the comments that you wrote! Your passionate truth helped to justify my hatred rage for him ! You said it all , and God Bless you ! We will live to see this monstrous demon choke on a rope! I pray that writing this has helped to heal some of the pain that this murderer has caused , it helped me ! Thank you and we will live happy , free and at peace cheering for President Trump. Watching his daughter lose miserably will make many of us smile knowing that we kicked both of them in the teeth !
Wow... thank you friend. Honored to be able to share words with you that may help to heal. So much of the talking and rhetoric we hear in the world today does just the opposite I feel. They aren't content to merely give us the scars that so many of us carry - once they've inflicted pain and smell blood, they become frenzied, and return to push dirt and salt into the wounds they caused. That is part of what this clip was intended to do when Cheney made it - or so it feels that way to me. As its been said, there will come a day when they cannot walk down the street. If you've seen the many viral clips of HRC, Pelosi and others when they briefly appear in public places in the past few years - often just to cross the street from their car into a building where they can be hidden away once more in darkness - you probably believe like me that such a day is FAST approaching for them. Their biggest tool and weapon is darkness and anonymity and that has been taken from their hands. People everywhere have awakened to them and seen them in the light. Their secrecy was the biggest source of their power. That is one way I comfort myself to know that they truly are desperate and struggling. We are winning the fight. Those clips of them being shouted down in public are very inspiring to me; I hope that they reach you in the same way!
They are animals, beasts, really and truly. I see unearthly anger and bloodlust in this old, decrepit ghoul wearing the flesh of someone named Dick Cheney and I try to remember that I am not like them.
We are men, made by God, and would never succumb to the curses and temptations they've indulged in, turning themselves into night creatures to gain worldly spoils that their demonic gods promised them in return.
I hope I could offer anyone some solace thru my words and that peace can grow and live in our hearts again one day. I hope for you and for all of us that we will remember that no matter what you've suffered or what happened, we were never alone, God was with us and bound us together in those moments of pain, just as I believe in my heart he will give us redemption and victory that we will share in just the same, as his servants and children.
I've had my troubles with religion and the Creator in my past, sure as many of us have, but in times like this I think a lot of people like me are realizing His influence and works in the world are happening actively and He is calling to us to return to him. When you see real evil it changes you. This is a spiritual battle first and foremost, of that I'm certain.
It's not always easy to hang on and I've been saddened so much to see friends and loved ones let go of the rope, under all the pressures these foul creatures have set on us. I know that a better day is coming though. Music can help so I'll share this song that has some depth & meaning to me with you and all - kudos if you know the story.
I admire all of those who carry on the fight in so many different ways, using our many different talents, given freely and with love. All that we've contributed to this shared dream of ours is working, we just need to open our eyes and see it, most of all in dark moments like these. Dawn is coming and they will not survive the light of day.
Thanks again for your praise I was really touched to hear it. Godspeed friend!
Loved what you wrote and im right there with you especially about the vote for Bush ! I am so looking forward to their demise!
Can't wait for Liz(ard) Cheney to lose bigly. And for her warmongering father to be indicted.
Here's a pic with his mask off.
What an ass.
He's #1 on my list of traitors to be hanged. Followed closely by George W. Bush* and then third runner up Obama.
Edit to add: And I voted for Bush/Cheney TWICE! God Damn.
What. A. Faggot.
I used to argue neoconservatism and defended him. 🤦♂️
Sad to say.... me too. Cant wait to see him fried and hung
Long ago in a land far away.
Welcome to the cool crowd.
glad you put that all behind you.
evil in those eyes, right that even really him? what a menacing look on his face, trying to scare up votes for his spawn??
Hey I saw the same thing in those eyes of his. Deep, deep EVIL!
Salty Dick!
This is from the man who could easily be characterized as a living 'Darth Vader', who commandeered the bunker during 911. If Dick Cheney was ever a principled man (he is not) he would confess before he dies and say -- “We did 9/11". Cheney would admit they believed in a global Pax Americana that was engineered by creating a “New Pearl Harbor.” This was their actual plan.
The “New Pearl Harbor” part is a well documented fact and we have heard this before. It's from the white paper produced by the Project for a New American Century (PNAC). Dick Cheney was part of this coup over America that changed America forever and ushered in the Police State we live in today.
If Dick Cheney was an honest man (he is not), he would confess saying ---
“When we assumed office in January 2001 and saw we were losing control of the world, we all panicked. And Paul Wolfowitz, our strategist, suggested we rig up an attack on America as a solution to ushering in the NeoCon American Century. The militarized police state was to take hold until we secured our absolute power and sold to the American public that it necessary to last for a few years. But as time went by and nobody seemed to notice, we kept playing along.” (Social Security was also sold as a temporary measure).
If Cheney had a noble heart (he does not), he would have remorse and tell the reason why he finally decided to tell the truth (he never will). At age 82, with a bad heart, he is one of the few people who knows the big picture and before his death the real story would be revealed..
The reality is Dick Cheney is not a principled or honest man. He is an unremorseful, cold-hearted, evil man who is said to have 'accidentally' shot his hunting partner. I believe he did so, because he knew that he could and get away with it too.
Just like his warning to Senator Paul Wellstone, Dick Cheney told him -- "If you vote against the war in Iraq, the Bush administration will do whatever is necessary to get you. There will be severe ramifications for you and the state of Minnesota." Wellstone cast his vote of conscience and against the Iraq measure. A few weeks later Wellstone, his wife, Sheila, his daughter, Marcia Markuson, three campaign staffers, and two pilots died in a plane crash in Minnesota. Upon hearing about the tragedy, I wasn't aware of the details that his Beech King Air A-100 was tampered with by Deep State operatives, possibly the CIA, either directly or through electromagnetic technology such as DEW. I understand the wings of the plane were fried off in the air.
Yes, Darth Vader still lives and this message from him is never to be underestimated as long as this evil man lives.
Liz Cheney is every part the same evil Darth Vader as a her father is. She is unremorseful, cold-hearted, and evil. Wyoming, please rise up and vote to end her reign of abuse.
"This message from him is never to be underestimated as long as this evil man lives"
Great post overall, but this in particular is what I have been waiting to hear from someone. I took my own shot in a different manner, because I know for myself and some others it becomes personal, it was a soliloquy and evoked the mourning, the coffins draped in flags, the consequences of our subjugation to the mind of this evil being and his cronies in the War Room.
Look deeper into any of these individuals and you'll find deep seated psychological trauma, issues of trust betrayed, emasculation and indoctrination that serves as their boot camp from Lucifer to prepare them to lead the armies of Hell into battle. They never feel comfortable inside the white painted drywall of government buildings, signing cultural blase domestic legislations, allocations, leave that for the poofs. A bunch of drivel in their minds, they could care less - it doesn't INVIGORATE their spirit, and a closer look will show that to be painfully obvious.
These war gamers and Hell generals, Cheney, Wolfowitz and his ilk, who take after Kissinger, Albright and the generation below both of guys like Kirby, Blinken and Obama himself (who is in particular a FINE SPECIMEN and practically a posterchild of this personality and type of asset not dissimilar at ALL from Cheney; a topic which itself deserves further scrutiny) are highly influential and exceedingly dangerous.
A lot of people, even some of us "in the know" I feel have been fooled by the sound of the mockingbirds and the mirror funhouse maze that is 'official procedures and practice' and forgotten about this class of evil satyrs.
We are tempted think of them as bygones relics or relegated to title only positions that no longer operate levers of power. This would be a grave mistake. Look how they hide in the very same shadow of the administrative state, on ubiquitous council appointments or within the corporate machinery. We are tempted to think it represents a reduction of their power and influence but it is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE. When these men appeared on our televisions, in front of the cameras, that was the time when they were soldiers ... nowadays they are older and have receded deeper into the muck of the swamp, to positions nebulous and unaccountable to John Q Public and this is by design. They have become generals in the army of their Blood God now, and are tapped for their wisdom and battlefield intelligence.
Thank you for remembering that and let us all remember the message. THEY NEVER LEFT THE GAME. Look how they all disappear into the ether in an eerily similar fashion each: Cheney, Chertoff, Obama, Gergen, HRC etc. The list goes on. Each of them an asset; some are not the evil ones but merely blind to their functions in the system.. deeper dives are required to spot the specific rungs on the ladder. Without too much detail and detritus I would suggest a look into the 5 draft deferments and then look to the shroud of intelligence agencies that hung albatross style around Obama's collar. He and Chaney are of a kind; never soldiers, never inside the chaos of battle, yet violence and war follows them like a shadow. Obama had a deep respect and almost competitive nature toward the 3 letter agencies - his personality suggested that he liked to know their level of physical conditioning and try to meet the goals himself. He wished himself a soldier or agent likened to ones in spy novels, and conducted hostilities with such a mindset. I would proffer to you that Cheney was not far away from a psychological profile akin to that.
Such people, while ultimately mere assets working for the globalist master race, are desperate for vision and control at all times. They remain in power from behind the scenes and it is simply not within their nature to "let go". Recall how Obama wistfully speaking of continuing to conduct business from a cellphone in the cottage basement. Now, why would Cheney be ANY different from that?
Make no mistake. Cheney has shown his face and spoken and it is meant as a direct threat. To who and what, other than Trump, I cannot say. You do need to suppose that the tension level is high however, because walking out of their shadows for even a moment is something not taken lightly, especially in the context of a man like Cheney and the legacy he left. He knows he is not popular, is what I'm saying. This is a threat, a violent, very violent threat. Do not misunderstand how dangerous these individuals are, to this very day.
That's a great post. Maybe I missed something, but is this from a book or yourself? I'd like to save this because it is impressive.
No sir, no plagiarism - Brandon style - over here. 🤣
That's very high praise though! I'm flattered honestly, you thought it was that good. Feel free to peel it from here if you like.
I actually reposted it as it's own thread and permalinked back to your comment! I'll link over to it if you want to throw your original post in over there.
Ultimately I'm putting some of this stuff on a Substack along with other articles. If it's okay with you I would like to put up our whole exchange because for context, I will list your username or whatever credentials you'd like, if that's okay.
Trying it because I've had a lot of positive feedback to my writing and I figure I should try to do something with it. If people enjoy it, or it helps in some way, I'm honored. Don't know where it's going but it feels like I should keep doing it.
Thanks again for your contribution and your flattery. Haha! Godspeed
It's all good with me. I'm not sure what you mean by "throw[ing] your original post in over there." Do you want me to repost my writing in your thread?
Only if you wanted to. I linked to it anyway, no need really.
Anyways thanks!
Thanks, cool.
Did he have a gun?
So Reagan was a bad guy?
This shit is insane. Is she legit?
She'd have to be one hell of an actor to be NOT telling the truth.
I can't watch this any longer. I feel sick.
First time I’ve seen this guy for a few years, and that’s a fake Cheney!
It's worth a shot...
Younar are a liar sir. This is desperate shit dragging your half dead ass out for this. Lucky you ain't woth George senior you bitch.
hey dick, “pepper” your daughter in the face. that might actually garner some sympathy. because this video isn’t gonna do it.
Can anyone put on their backward brain for a minute and in any way e plain what this guy might even remotely believe makes trump a coward?
This guy thought it was a good idea to kill navy seals to start a war in iran.
Oh he mad
Probably because he refused to go hunting with him.
Hey Dick...Maybe take Liz hunting.......
Hey look, its the asshole crooked rancher from every single old cowboy show.
Shockingly out of touch. Who do they think they are? Him and Bush left office with the lowest approvals ratings ever, until Biden. Cheney in particular is hated by both sides.
This guy has been in hiding for years. And now comes out to claim 2020 was an honest election? Lol. This is how stupid they think we are. That we didn’t see millions of votes just magically appear at 4am.
They are desperate. They know once the election string starts getting pulled, it takes all of them down. They been rigging this shit for decades. Cheney and Bush are just as guilty as Biden, and they know it.
This is what winning looks like. Dragging all of the scum into the light.
The guy is still alive? I hadnt heard about him since someone shot him in the ass a while ago!
Right? I thought he passed.
This really is a threat to our democracy...