“And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.”
So 10 elites secretly rule, who have received power from the devil.
13 These have ONE MIND, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
They work as a secret cabal. They share the same goals and work together. For satan.
14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called and chosen, and faithful.
They are actively at war with Jesus.
15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
Where the statue of liberty sits, where there is a melting pot of a nation is America.
Built in the image of Roman Liberty Goddess, Libertas, who was originally known as Ishtar by the Babylonians.
She was called the matron Goddess of Prostitution because she promoted sexual freedom. At the time, slaves considered her their Goddess in the hopes of winning their freedom.
Libertas was also Goddess of War in order to fight for freedom, and also Goddess of Victory because freedom must have victory in order to survive. Libertas was also the goddess of immigrants
Known as the Mother of Harlots by Roman Historian Cicero’s writings.
In Greek she was called Astarte, which became Aphrodite.
16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
Flesh is written as sarx, which could mean many things, (flesh, physical body, spiritual body, nature (carnal mind))
The elite who worship satan and has his power hate America and want America to be stripped of power, to destroy the country and its resources, to suffer and be destroyed
17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
In the end, the evil elite are accidentally doing God's will to fulfill his word. Just as the Palestinians did by bricking up the east gate.
18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
I'm sorry, "the whore" isn't America or the statue of liberty. It's most likely the Vatican/Roman Catholic church. "The Two Babylons" by Hislop is one of the best books on this topic. I'd also highly recommend Chuck Missler's video series on Revelation. It's the best I've seen on the topic by far.
"The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth" There is only one place That describes a whore sitting in water. I understand how you could think it's where the queen site but then the next wouldn't really make sense.
"are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues" America is the only melting pot nation on earth where there are a great many nationals and languages.
To the Jews, "The waters" meant the gentile world and people surrounding the Mediterranean. It was a common idiom. I think this explains your second quote as well.
I don't adhere to the new age idea of Judaism and I really don't care if it confuses others. Jews are descendants of Judah, and Jesus was a Jew. I am not talking about fake Jews of today or fake Jews of back then. I mean Jew by way of bloodline, not a religion and not kazaars.
"New age"? Judaism is actually a newer religion than Christianity is, but that's certainly an interesting statement [you made]. In regards to the name "Jew", it has been intermingled with the words 'Israelite', 'Judahite', 'Judean', 'pharisee', and 'Edomite' for over 400 years. It's use in the Bible is ambiguous and unfortunately needs to be deciphered for every verse that it is used. Some times it refers to the Roman province of Judea, other times it refers more accurately to Edomites. Other times it references 'Israelites".
Just as a recap: Noah > Shem > Terah > Abram(Abraham) > Isaac > Esau, the firstborn son of Isaac (Father of Edomites) and the twin brother of Jacob(Israel and father of the Israelites)* > Judah > Joseph > Twins > Perez >>> King David >>>>>>Jesus
By Jew i mean and only mean the line a Judah, and sure, it's meant several things. Edomites areJew ajacent to me.
What I mean by modern "new age" is those we call Jews that have no blood lineage back to Judah. I can be persuaded to add Edomites to that list but they are more like a cousin.
I see, so do you believe that we should not interpret revelations as if they were written for us (the people of today), for the people near the end times to read and understand? but instead, written for the ancient Jews to understand well before anything like this would pass?
Taking into context how things were written at the time is important. You can think of how language evolves and so does the interpretation. An example today would be leftists using the phrase “well regulated” pertaining to modern day gov’t regulation when it was commonly known at that time as “in good standing order”.
My interpretation is that Revelation relates to something that is a cyclical event facilitated by the elites and god multiple times.
It is not Revelations, it's Revelation. It's the book written by the last surviving apostle John. Jesus revealed Himself to John as the righteous warrior that He is, and not as the Lamb He was when He walked the earth.
I really wish that those who wish to comment here about the Book of Revelation would actually understand that it is singular, and try and have a modicum of understanding of what is involved.
I believe it was written for all people, including us. But, I believe it is a very complex document that requires serious study to get an accurate understanding. This video is an hour long, and it's just one of 24 in a series on Revelation by Chuck Missler but, I think you will find that it's one of the best and most detailed explanations of who "the Whore" is that you can find anywhere:
I think Babylon the great is America. I think the whore might be Israel, and the beast she rides on might either be the EU or the UN. America is the number one economy, makes sense because many have gotten rich of her. The whore is Israel because Israel makes alliances with anyone and everyone out of self interest. They sell state secrets to enemies of their Allies for self preservation. Sooner or later the beast they ride on will devour them, when all the nations turn against them. The pope and the Roman Catholic Church I think serves the position of anti christ and the beast system. One world religion, sooner or later the church will deny Christ, as shocking as that sounds.
We really don't know, do we? Every generation seems to have a different interpretation. I chuckle now about the interpretation Hal Lindsey had in the "Great Late Planet Earth" back in the 1970s.
To me, mystery Babylon is the international corporations and its adherence to international Admiralty Law.
The whore (false church) has daughters (protestant churches).
Waters = Europe or 10 nations from old Rome. 3 were ripped out by the roots by the little horn which came up in the middle of the 10 Roman subdivisions.
The woman (true remnant church) fled persecution and found safety in the wilderness (pilgrims in America)
This land protected religious freedom for a little while (300 years)
America was founded on Christian principles (spoke like a lamb) but will speak like the dragon soon. How does a nation speak, with laws.
The stark difference in that mindset is (True) Christians who don't fear the end is not to quicken that ending (suicide), but looking at death as a mere passage to life eternal, based on the free gift of grace provided by Christ's death at the cross. Death is, in a sense, a relief to the vile sin-filled world we live in. There is no earthly utopia, not even in the USA as it was intended. It may be the best form of government, it may be the most blessed form of government, it (US government) is not and will never be a perfect government, nor will any earthly government. Original sin and personal sin, etc.
Light and momentary afflictions (as the apostle Paul says), you view life on earth as the pinnacle of your existence, God views the pinnacle of man to be with him in paradise, not our lives on earth. We (as humanity) have made our bed, and we now lie in it. Don’t blame God for the errors of man. God graciously doesn’t give us our Just reward. Eternal existence apart from God. Meaningless, worthless, destructive existence in hell.
There is no original sin..it isn't even in the Jewish bibles as they know there is not.
When the aliens invaded earth and place Adam in the gan edin..obviously brought from elsewhere..and cloned eve from Adams stem cells and we are not talking one Adam one eve here..and Eve got pregnant from another of the elohim...a snake a devil he was called for upsetting all the elohim plans...which was for them to control through artificial insemination.
As eve had eaten the fruit..a term used for sexual act...they left the garden as the damage was done..they had eaten from the tree of life...the Elohm were concerned less they eat from the tree of knowledge and become as them..able to livrpe for thousands of years so they had to leave.
The concept of original sin came much much later when a redeemer o sins was introduced..one who was.born in December died usually on a cross for sins of man at easter rose after three days...do some research.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles
Yes there is original sin, it’s in our DNA, it’s why children from the youngest ages act out in sin, in EVERY. SINGLE. SITUATION. You are making up a lot of shit
Proving that Revelation is not in fact inserted subliminal mind control by circularly referencing other suspect verses isn’t really a proof. It’s circular logic.
1 Corinthians 2:14
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
To the spiritually minded, the ones who do not dismiss the Bible as man-made foolishness, there are clear principles established throughout the Scriptures.
One of those key principles is the establishment of two to three witnesses to prove any interpretation of scripture.
Deuteronomy 17:6
At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death.
Deuteronomy 19:15
One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.
The Bible doesn't say the end of the world is a good thing. It also says we're to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Works can't save us. With that being said, works and good deeds are the fruits of the change that happens inside us once we repent of our sins and reestablish a relationship with the Creator through prayer and praise and thanksgiving.
Look at the LGBTQ and satanist. Both of these groups Shame and taunt Christian’s and call us bigots and all kinds of nasty things. Simply because we don’t agree with their sinful life. They are slowly turning Christian’s into everyone’s enemy. But they dare not touch Islam who is far less tolerant than Christianity, why is that? Why is Islam and Judaism not judged with the same rule that Christians are currently judged. Indeed we are approaching the end. The signs are all there.
So to you, it does not feel like the tribulation period? after it the antichrist will rule for a short period, and then Christ will return and slay the beast, the dragon gets chained and Christ rules the earth for 1000 years. After that 1000 years is when the end actually comes and is the end for satan after he is released one last time to take as many with him... I often think what if we are living in the period after satanhas been released for a second time, what a twist would that be, but I'm leaning more towards tribulation and the emergence of the antichrist. Is anyone's guess really? Only God knows.
There will be an end to the earth as we know it. We are overdue for the 12,000-year cycle and the ice age that will follow. The poles are moving faster each year.
I think it's written in a timeline we are doomed to reach but if we follow it's warnings we can hopefully avoid. Unfortunately we've fulfilled most of it
Nah, we won't avoid it. Even the vast majority of professing Christians can't get the day of worship right. Protestants left the pagan, sun god worshiping Catholic church, but didn't change the day of worship back to God's Holy Sabbath.
You know, one of the ten commandments.
If professing "christians" can't even get one of the simplest ten commandments right (How hard is it to just go to church on the right fucking day??), then we have little hope of avoiding the destruction that's coming.
Technically you don’t need to go to church. Going to church is a very small almost insignificant part of it. The root of Christianity is to accept the blood of Christ and his body as our saving sacrifice. The believe without proof of this sacrifice guarantees the cleansing of our sin and we are made clean before all mighty God. Jesus Christ is not our executioner, he is our salvation. God is judge and his Angels will be the ones doing the punishment and waging war for his glory.
That might be a bit too critical. Though I agree with the premise that modern feel good christianity isn't helping progress, it wouldn't take much, now that people are doing independent research, to show them that the bible is and may be the only cumulative document that is in mass print left that helps us answer questions of the past and future. It's not only a book of life guidance, it's a codex of sorts. It may have been altered a bit here and there, but those people too were stupid and scoffed at the texts being literal that they left the real history and warnings in there, we just have to read them in a logical sense rather than a "passage". It's a big discussion and I love entertaining possible theories (including mudfood, giants, eden/Atlantis and Sirius star system heritage) that the bible canonically validates. But I wouldn't doom it, though if I was presented with the same info. several years ago I would probably agree with you. I've learned a lot since then. Christianity in it's modern state needs a heavy wake up call.
There are many books and tablets older than the old testament! And less tampered with. The epic of Gilgamesh was written before and description of the flood and other pieces inserted into Bible as are pieces from the Vedas the Mahabharatas etc.
Do some research....look for the original creation stories..there are about 25 of them..we are told all of them are myths..fables and only the old testament is truth.. right!! Even though old testament was written AFTER
The Jewish books are more revealing ..look into them ...
That's why I specifically said " in mass print" lol. Those documents aren't, so people are not aware of them. Speaking of, got any sauce on those? I've had a few links from the past but they don't work anymore. You can PM me. I just have infographs but id rather have the source material..I eat data like tendies
The kingdom of heaven is within you..we are the temple..our pineal gland connects us to higher forces...what need of a church controlling us telling us what to do when we can obey our conscience within us
Just happens to be the same time the aliens invaded..the elohim/annanuki/ lords/judges/kings/Jehovah/anodai /archangels/malacci/gavriELs/etc. There is so much evidence and the sooner the Bible is withdrawn with all its cruelty racial hatred oppression etc the better
Can't agree about the Christ being the embodiment of divine love. I remember hearing the story of the crucifixion and the guilt- I felt and also anger that I didn't ask anyone to die for me....I was only young but that feeling never left. It is designed to do what it did..guilt...the negative emotion that hooks you in to mother church. ..
guilt is a terrible emotion to have and no divine love would do that. What sin needed someone dying for? and how could someone else's blood redeem anyone?.
There was an invention of original sin....a fairy story of Adam and Eve and an apple ..and the woman ate the apple..a Jewish way of saying ate the fruit....had sex....which is what we have to do to keep humanity alive...so....the need for a redeemer arose....problem reaction solution....classic cabal action. A way to control humanity.
There have been sixteen such redeemers ...look them up...all the same pagan /astrotheology story....December birth Easter death rising on third day..lamb of god..died for our sins 12 disciples etc . The story of the passage of the sun who seems to die for three days....
There was a Jesus they say but the story is different
There is perfect love which is explained in the Bible. We are destined to repeat this life acquiring more of the traits of love until we can stop reincarnating here..or is this another tale? Who knows for sure
The nature of REVELATION - SINGULAR - as with almost all Biblical prophesy is that it has type occurrences before the final fulfilment. You cannot understand the Bible with a world mindset but a Hebrew mindset.
You are talking rubbish. To even think the omnipotent omnipresent God of all creation would kill his own creation.....you confuse the god of love with the vengeful yehwah of the bible...an alien who even his own people hated....he nuked sumaria to kill Marduk ..an elohim like himself ..sodom and Gomorrah too .a vengeful jealous revengeful drunken murderous alien
..and you confuse him with the god of all creation..all worlds..all universes..all galaxies..world's without end?
The truth is coming out that the churches have hidden while men in frocks control the world...it's ending
Go to Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles . He was a translator of the inter linear bibles for the Vatican. He is an expert in old hebrew Greek Latin etc and these are his discoveries...not only him I might add ..but others have read the stone tablets of the annanuki as the elohim in Sumeria etc were known as and the bibles themselves to realise the trutH We were invaded by aliens who wanted to be worshipped as gods ...
No one in their right mind can believe Jonah lived in a whale for three days!! It was a submarine that took him to Nineveh on official business by yahweh..who was the governor of the tribe of Jacob whose testament of what happened when they were invaded you now read as the word of the creator of all worlds galaX IES and universes..not so.
Over 240 came down on mount Hebron.from ..their mother ship. The Mahabharatas talk of this as do many other scriptures. Their god Krishna,was one of them.
ELyon their leader gave them the territories to govern..there was constant wars.
MikaEL was an archangel..axmilitary position..the cherubim were robots..there were gavriELs who did artificial insemination on barren women..Sarah wife of Abraham..
They were all ELs..elohim..not gods.
Yahweh drank six litres of fortified wine a day..that's in the Jewish records..he made over 630 commandments for the tribe of Jacob...they had to be circumscised to show they belonged to him. He put the firstborn child and animal to show he was the lord
They were not our creators..they cloned eves from Adams they placed in gan dins..protected place..laboratories.
Go and readcpzul Wallis ..he was an archbishop teachers priests etc and delving into creation myths and translating he too came on the truth
The Jews didn't have a word for eternity..th word olam is an indefinite period of time.
Ruach was not holy spirit but their craft hovering over the land and water.
They were not mortal..even in hxbible they show they died.
They talk of the sky council n he Bible..
There were 27 different types of flying vehicle. The one in ezikiel NASA copied ..it's a space shuttle
The elohim were very tall albino like skin very clear very pale eys and blond or reddish hair...this is what Enoch looked like..a hybrid of them. They took him when they left
It's the mindset of God - in case you missed it Jesus was a Jew, an Israelite a Hebrew, you don't want His mindset?
Jesus, a Jew, and Israelite, a Hebrew who so loved you that He gave Himself, spilled His Hebrew blood for your sins and mine - you don't want His mindset?
Except for Luke and Acts and a small portion of Daniel the whole Bible was written by Israelites! With their mindset.
(Romans 10) Paul says that we are wild olives grafted in to Israel, you don't want that mindset? He goes on to say at 10:26 that All Israel will be saved.
If God has a language it is Hebrew - you don't want that?
You may want to check out this explanation of the seven headed dragon and how it relates to the ten horned Antichrist. https://youtu.be/HO0vdOE3cfQ It includes many more references throughout history than the USA focused explanation you are giving.
Hell you can't even get the name right sooooo......
But anyways Revelation (with no "s") was about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD by Rome within the same generation of Jesus being crucified EXACTLY like Jesus said would happen. "This generation shall not pass till all these things take place"
Where are we now? "Sit at my right hand while I make all your enemies your footstool" God the Father to Jesus (That verse appears more times in scripture than any other) "God wins" isn't just a Q slogan, it's the theme of the entire Bible.
I agree with Datasinc. The plain reading of Revelation lends itself well to the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem with complete correspondence of every single detail. An excellent resource on this is Gary DeMar at American Vision, book Last Days Madness. Another good book, When the Man Comes Around by Douglas Wilson. We can read what is there, or we can add imagination to it. It is important to differentiate.
In the end, does it really matter specifically which generation Revelation is talking about? The Bible repeats. The atonement for a Blessed Nation descending into decadence will ALWAYS have to be paid just the same, and with a heavy price.
And I do not think it could just mean a very large number. The verse is "The army had 200 million soldiers on horses. I heard them say how many there were."
It was large symbolic number like you or I saying "gazillions" or "tons" but it was Rome's army at full force that had surrounded the city and temple and SLAUGHTERED practically everyone and destroyed the temple, walls, and city for the most part.
There were also joined by the host of hell and there are even secular accounts of the horror that happened in the city as God's judgment came upon it. Straight demonic horrors that sound like they were poured out of bowls.
Perhaps parts of Revelation correspond directly to what happened in 70 AD but, that passage is not even from Revelation, it is in the Gospels just after a long list of events Jesus lists that will happen before "these things" take place. And, those events never happened in the first century.
Yes, it's because eschatology and theology do matter so much that I hold to a biblical, pre-millennial, dispensational position. It's the position that's most consistent with the totality of scripture.
Then why did that eschatological position only become popular after the Schofield reference Bible was published a couple of hundred years ago and it was the first Bible with footnotes that taught that very much uncommon and unpopular astrological position?
I used to be a dispy. The amount of leaps and logic that you have to take for dispensationalism versus post-millennialism or even a millennialism versus what the scriptures say especially in conjunction with historical events is night and day.
Your position doesn't even reconcile with Daniel 9, let alone the rest of the Bible. Daniel's 70th week would have to already have happened for the Millennial Reign of Christ to have commenced. It has not happened yet.
Daniel 9:24 gives 6 specific conditions that will come about at the conclusion of the 70th week, which commences the Millennial Reign:
"Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and to anoint a most holy place."
First off you COMPLEATY disregarded the big question I asked you. Why is that? Is it because your view of End Times is so new it still wears diapers and wets the bed?
Your position doesn't even reconcile with Daniel 9, let alone the rest of the Bible.
Oh yeah? How would you know? You didn't ask me what my position on those were or how the fall into post-mill eschatology DID YOU? No. The case is "closed" only because YOU didn't look past the log in your eye. YOU put YOUR timeline into the scripture and wanted instant gratification...... kinda like the Jews that rejected Jesus as the Messiah because he wasn't doing it the way they thought it would happen.
God loves to replay the same mistakes over again so people take the lessons to heart. Thanks for being the lesson today.
Oh and hey playa, if you recall I posted this in a comment YOU replied to:
and guess what playboi? Daniel 9 and practically everything else you brought up is covered there.. If OnLy It CoUlD rEaD!
AND if you have an issue you don't see covered AFTER you review those lectures and DEBATES that bring up the same things you did..... yet didn't bother to look at..... THEN we can continue and cover anything that wasn't covered.
Here's the kicker though, not a single Apostle or one of our founding fathers shared your view of end times because.. it was FRINGE and hardly anyone was pre-mill.
The medieval doctrine of the millennium by referring to it as “the church of God which, by the diffusion of its faith and works, is spread out as a kingdom of faith from the time of the incarnation until the time of the coming judgment”.[32]
A notable exception to normative medieval eschatology is found in Joachim of Fiore (c. 1135–1202), a Cistercian monk, who to an extent, stressed premillennial themes. Joachim divided earth's history into three periods. He assigned each age to a particular person of the Trinity as the guiding principle of that era. The first era was the Old Testament history and was accordingly the age of the Father; the current age of the church was the age of the Son; and still in Joachim's future was the age of the Spirit. For Joachim, year 1260 was to mark the end of the second and the beginning of the third and final golden age of earth's history.[33]
During the Reformation period, amillennialism continued to be the popular view of the Reformers. The Lutherans formally rejected chiliasm (millennialism) in The Augsburg Confession. “Art. XVII., condemns the Anabaptists and others ’who now scatter Jewish opinions that, before the resurrection of the dead, the godly shall occupy the kingdom of the world, the wicked being everywhere suppressed.’"[34] Likewise, the Swiss Reformer Heinrich Bullinger wrote up the Second Helvetic Confession, which reads "We also reject the Jewish dream of a millennium, or golden age on earth, before the last judgment."[35] Furthermore, John Calvin wrote in Institutes that millennialism is a "fiction" that is "too childish either to need or to be worth a refutation".[36] The Anglican Church originally formalized a statement against millenarianism in the Anglican Articles.
Russia is telling us that they are going to turn the US into radioactive glass and all everyone on here does is argue about the correct biblical truths and interpretations.
You will still be arguing when hell fire drops from the sky won't you?
Been searching for forty years when God led me to that site. Ten years later , still amazed at all the layers and gems embedded in every book.
God uses everyone, your choice if it is for good or evil, but God uses everyone.
We were all there for the rebellion of Lucifer and 1/3 of us chose Lucifer.
Lucifer/Satan was the only one sentenced to death , but God has a plan for our salvation. We were all sent to be born and die.
We are all here in these animal bodies to understand what death is all about.
Some are saved ( by the grace of God ) and will be teachers during the millennium. We have been lied to about everything. It will take 1000 years to teach the truths of God . Then the final exam , when satan is released from his chains to test what we learned.
Sadly many will choose death. But it will be their choice.
Some of the expectations of many ( nesara and gesara ) is what Lucifer/Satan/Fake Jesus will bring to the world after being thrown from heaven.
He will bring peace and abundance for all who bend a knee to him. He will look and act exactly like Jesus would. Satan's only desire is to ruin God's plan anyway he can.
He has tried in the Garden of Eden, the time before Noah's flood, at Calvary and each and everyday in our own lives.
Don't be fooled by the first supernatural being coming down to earth. If you don't understand this before it happens and have the seal of God in your forehead, God will send a strong delusion and you will think Satan is Jesus and will try to convince me .
Nope, not gonna happen. I will wait the five months till real Jesus returns.
Exciting times ahead. After seeing how easily people fell for the covid lie, I now see how truly gullible people are and will jump at worshiping fake Jesus.
If you reject God then nothing ultimately matters. You are just matter floating through space acted upon by time and chance, signifying nothing. Who cares?
The Biblical worldview is the foundation for objective truth, morals and everything else and it says the world will never be destroyed and for those of us in Christ we know that God is sovereign over everything and God wins... just like Q has said a number of times.
If fire drops from the sky I know there's nothing I can do about it but also where I'm gong won't be hotter. How about you? I'll keep focusing on God and His Word and how I can use His worldview and standards to impact the world as commanded. You can live in fear of everything EXCEPT that which you are SHOULD fear, God.
To fully understand the book of Revelation one needs to do a deep dive into the book of Daniel. Daniels visions of the beast, his experiences in Babylon. All of it. America has absolutely turned into a Babylonian society — all about the self being worshiped above God—
After that you have the keys to unfurling the book of Revelation.
The Babylonian system is a system both religious and commercial - Daniel 2 Nebuchadnezzar's images tells us this - Babylon - Persia - Greece - Rome - to a Rome which is mixed with clay. We are in the feet and awaiting the rock cut without hands to come a destroy man's empires and replace them all with Christ's empire.
The end is predicted all the time. I place approximately ZERO weight on predictions of the end times. God says in Revelation, that it will be so clear, no one will have a question if it is or is not the End Times.
It is always good to have people see the light before they die and meet their maker.
Just my 2 cents, whether you are pre or post trib, I think we can all agree that you need to be ready not only physically but spiritually. The world all around us is crumbling and the spirit of antichrist is on the loose. Trying to destroy families, people, religion etc. I will also say no man knows the time or day… we could all be wrong about speculating who is what in the bible, but I think we can agree it is rolling in quickly. ❤️ Always love to my fav pooch for the post!! 🐕🦴
How in the hell are there US and UK soldiers over there fighting?? Why do Russians believe this? And why is the guy writing this article stating that the majority of our Nuclear Arsenal was made in the 70's? What the hell is this??
Russia wants to Tango?
I believe Russia should be taken seriously. And we need to have ABSOLUTELY NO MILITARY presence in Ukraine. KEEP AMERICAN SOLDIERS OUT OF UKRAINE!!
The red dragon trying to destroy the child = communist China trying to go after Christian’s. Revelations was visions of future events. You can’t take prophecy written down thousands of years ago literally word by word. Some prophets saw visions of machines and technology they did not understand.
Well yes I totally agree with you..the tribe of Jacob kept a record of what happened to them when the elohim invaded earth.
There seems to be a few different jesuses in the Bible. There is one who says ..to follow me you must obey my father's commandments and then another...sell all you have and follow me.. that's over 600 commandments his father Yahweh...as it is said in the Bible he was the only begotten son of God and god is in the Bible Yahweh..the murderous cruel god.
Gurdjieff says that the rich man meant rich in personality/ego...and that this must go to inherit the kingdom of heaven inside you.
There is the one who grandstander throwing the money changers out of the temple...but they did a service...no one could pray in the temple without taking a sacrifice ..and the poor bought doves ..small items they could afford. So he deprived them while not stopping the actual practise of. Money changing etc. The temple was a place of commerce too
There were in tents outside prostitues men and women. Young ones too ...who carried out sacred rights...
You need to read Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles and Paul Wallis ..used to be an archbishop teaching priests etc. who got interested in interpretation of the Bible and started translating it himself. Mauro shows you what books to buy if you want to interpret the Bible yourself as many do.
We have been deceived and the church of Rome knows the truth and the Jews knew about the cloning the invaders did and they don't have original sin or a Messiah in their holy books as they know the truth. They are however waiting for the invaders to come back.
Not sure how to respond considering that all the comments I've read is just a discussion about who has the best interpretation of Revelation. I'm a Christian, not a biblical scholar. I only can speak of what I've read in that marvelous book. But, let's face facts. How long have we been fighting these evil monsters on earth? Since the Garden of Eden. Should have cut the head off then, but anyways. In modern times, these people have changed the meanings and perverted history so much, we basically all agree we've been lied to in modern history. Agree? Ok. So what's to say that these same people, long ago, who supposedly interpreted the writings from Hebrew or whatever language, doesn't matter, correctly? Or just like modern history, which we know to be false for the most part, has been changed to suit the belief of the people doing the interpretation? After all, if you canbread the ancient language of the dead sea scrolls, why did they need interpreted? So if a common man of earth, no matter how smart or educated they are, didn't like what was originally written, or didn't interpret it as well as we think, wrote what he thought it said, or put his own spin on the idea, it can be wrong. I disagree about Revelation being cyclical. The end is the end. There is no reset button. It's not a video game.
Just my two cents. I've never believed the full text of the Bible, based on the fact that the text was lost, found, interpreted, interpreted again, and has been at risk of misinterpretation from the beginning of the 1st interpretation. Believing that you are reading the Bible chapters as written in modern day, is the basis of Faith. Unless you speak and read the ancient language fluently and have the scrolls in your possession, it's still an interpretation of what was written. But, I'm a crazy person. Dont listen to me! Lol
Rev is 100% about America without a doubt!
I'm sorry, "the whore" isn't America or the statue of liberty. It's most likely the Vatican/Roman Catholic church. "The Two Babylons" by Hislop is one of the best books on this topic. I'd also highly recommend Chuck Missler's video series on Revelation. It's the best I've seen on the topic by far.
The reason I think it is America is that
"The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth" There is only one place That describes a whore sitting in water. I understand how you could think it's where the queen site but then the next wouldn't really make sense.
"are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues" America is the only melting pot nation on earth where there are a great many nationals and languages.
To the Jews, "The waters" meant the gentile world and people surrounding the Mediterranean. It was a common idiom. I think this explains your second quote as well.
I think you mean Israelites.
I don't adhere to the new age idea of Judaism and I really don't care if it confuses others. Jews are descendants of Judah, and Jesus was a Jew. I am not talking about fake Jews of today or fake Jews of back then. I mean Jew by way of bloodline, not a religion and not kazaars.
"New age"? Judaism is actually a newer religion than Christianity is, but that's certainly an interesting statement [you made]. In regards to the name "Jew", it has been intermingled with the words 'Israelite', 'Judahite', 'Judean', 'pharisee', and 'Edomite' for over 400 years. It's use in the Bible is ambiguous and unfortunately needs to be deciphered for every verse that it is used. Some times it refers to the Roman province of Judea, other times it refers more accurately to Edomites. Other times it references 'Israelites".
I see, so do you believe that we should not interpret revelations as if they were written for us (the people of today), for the people near the end times to read and understand? but instead, written for the ancient Jews to understand well before anything like this would pass?
Taking into context how things were written at the time is important. You can think of how language evolves and so does the interpretation. An example today would be leftists using the phrase “well regulated” pertaining to modern day gov’t regulation when it was commonly known at that time as “in good standing order”.
My interpretation is that Revelation relates to something that is a cyclical event facilitated by the elites and god multiple times.
The Bible is the story of man and the cycle we go through. This world will end but the apocalypse has had many dry runs.
I see
It is not Revelations, it's Revelation. It's the book written by the last surviving apostle John. Jesus revealed Himself to John as the righteous warrior that He is, and not as the Lamb He was when He walked the earth.
It's like Meijer's or Targets.
I really wish that those who wish to comment here about the Book of Revelation would actually understand that it is singular, and try and have a modicum of understanding of what is involved.
I believe it was written for all people, including us. But, I believe it is a very complex document that requires serious study to get an accurate understanding. This video is an hour long, and it's just one of 24 in a series on Revelation by Chuck Missler but, I think you will find that it's one of the best and most detailed explanations of who "the Whore" is that you can find anywhere:
Dave Hunt's A Woman Rides The Beast should be read by any student of Revelation.
You are welcome!
The Bible should be used to interpret the symbols. There's a reason Jesus emphasized the Book of Daniel to the Apostles.
to be fair, the writers thought the end time was happening in a few years, and for some, it did.
I think Babylon the great is America. I think the whore might be Israel, and the beast she rides on might either be the EU or the UN. America is the number one economy, makes sense because many have gotten rich of her. The whore is Israel because Israel makes alliances with anyone and everyone out of self interest. They sell state secrets to enemies of their Allies for self preservation. Sooner or later the beast they ride on will devour them, when all the nations turn against them. The pope and the Roman Catholic Church I think serves the position of anti christ and the beast system. One world religion, sooner or later the church will deny Christ, as shocking as that sounds.
I think Babylon the great is the Ancient Babylonian Cult of Death.
It's not a country.
It's a system.
It poisons everyone.
In the US, it's the DNC, the Deep State, all the globalists.
The remnant in Christ will STAND and firght though
Europe is a place of many languages and nations.
But the guy above is correct, the whore is the Vatican.
It's the aliens....
Also the ten horns in her crown
"ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings" Does her crown represent 10 kings?
I believe so
^^^ I second this ^^^
We really don't know, do we? Every generation seems to have a different interpretation. I chuckle now about the interpretation Hal Lindsey had in the "Great Late Planet Earth" back in the 1970s.
To me, mystery Babylon is the international corporations and its adherence to international Admiralty Law.
Fits better for the following:
God is all loving, but He is also a Holy, Righteous, Judge.
The stark difference in that mindset is (True) Christians who don't fear the end is not to quicken that ending (suicide), but looking at death as a mere passage to life eternal, based on the free gift of grace provided by Christ's death at the cross. Death is, in a sense, a relief to the vile sin-filled world we live in. There is no earthly utopia, not even in the USA as it was intended. It may be the best form of government, it may be the most blessed form of government, it (US government) is not and will never be a perfect government, nor will any earthly government. Original sin and personal sin, etc.
Light and momentary afflictions (as the apostle Paul says), you view life on earth as the pinnacle of your existence, God views the pinnacle of man to be with him in paradise, not our lives on earth. We (as humanity) have made our bed, and we now lie in it. Don’t blame God for the errors of man. God graciously doesn’t give us our Just reward. Eternal existence apart from God. Meaningless, worthless, destructive existence in hell.
Why? Absent from the body, present with God. We belong to God he can do as He pleases.
There is no original sin..it isn't even in the Jewish bibles as they know there is not.
When the aliens invaded earth and place Adam in the gan edin..obviously brought from elsewhere..and cloned eve from Adams stem cells and we are not talking one Adam one eve here..and Eve got pregnant from another of the elohim...a snake a devil he was called for upsetting all the elohim plans...which was for them to control through artificial insemination.
As eve had eaten the fruit..a term used for sexual act...they left the garden as the damage was done..they had eaten from the tree of life...the Elohm were concerned less they eat from the tree of knowledge and become as them..able to livrpe for thousands of years so they had to leave.
The concept of original sin came much much later when a redeemer o sins was introduced..one who was.born in December died usually on a cross for sins of man at easter rose after three days...do some research.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles
Yes there is original sin, it’s in our DNA, it’s why children from the youngest ages act out in sin, in EVERY. SINGLE. SITUATION. You are making up a lot of shit
Sin in original Greek means missing the mark..what has that to do with DNA?
I am not making anything up look on biglinos website and not just his either..
There is evidence to prove what I say .where is your evidence about original sin and DNA?
It's not what the Bible says.
Amos 5:18
Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light.
Amazing. The name Satan could appear in place of the LORD and it would make as much sense.
1 Corinthians 2:14
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
To the spiritually minded, the ones who do not dismiss the Bible as man-made foolishness, there are clear principles established throughout the Scriptures.
One of those key principles is the establishment of two to three witnesses to prove any interpretation of scripture.
Deuteronomy 17:6
At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death.
Deuteronomy 19:15
One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.
The Bible doesn't say the end of the world is a good thing. It also says we're to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Works can't save us. With that being said, works and good deeds are the fruits of the change that happens inside us once we repent of our sins and reestablish a relationship with the Creator through prayer and praise and thanksgiving.
I see what you're saying now. Agreed.
Look at the LGBTQ and satanist. Both of these groups Shame and taunt Christian’s and call us bigots and all kinds of nasty things. Simply because we don’t agree with their sinful life. They are slowly turning Christian’s into everyone’s enemy. But they dare not touch Islam who is far less tolerant than Christianity, why is that? Why is Islam and Judaism not judged with the same rule that Christians are currently judged. Indeed we are approaching the end. The signs are all there.
So to you, it does not feel like the tribulation period? after it the antichrist will rule for a short period, and then Christ will return and slay the beast, the dragon gets chained and Christ rules the earth for 1000 years. After that 1000 years is when the end actually comes and is the end for satan after he is released one last time to take as many with him... I often think what if we are living in the period after satanhas been released for a second time, what a twist would that be, but I'm leaning more towards tribulation and the emergence of the antichrist. Is anyone's guess really? Only God knows.
One thing I realized in my studies of Exodus was that both the Israelites and the Egyptians were afflicted by the first 3 plagues.
There will be an end to the earth as we know it. We are overdue for the 12,000-year cycle and the ice age that will follow. The poles are moving faster each year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAlyvbt8Nlk&t=12s
NONE of Scripture is sus. Which parts would that be?
I think it's written in a timeline we are doomed to reach but if we follow it's warnings we can hopefully avoid. Unfortunately we've fulfilled most of it
Nah, we won't avoid it. Even the vast majority of professing Christians can't get the day of worship right. Protestants left the pagan, sun god worshiping Catholic church, but didn't change the day of worship back to God's Holy Sabbath.
You know, one of the ten commandments.
If professing "christians" can't even get one of the simplest ten commandments right (How hard is it to just go to church on the right fucking day??), then we have little hope of avoiding the destruction that's coming.
Technically you don’t need to go to church. Going to church is a very small almost insignificant part of it. The root of Christianity is to accept the blood of Christ and his body as our saving sacrifice. The believe without proof of this sacrifice guarantees the cleansing of our sin and we are made clean before all mighty God. Jesus Christ is not our executioner, he is our salvation. God is judge and his Angels will be the ones doing the punishment and waging war for his glory.
That might be a bit too critical. Though I agree with the premise that modern feel good christianity isn't helping progress, it wouldn't take much, now that people are doing independent research, to show them that the bible is and may be the only cumulative document that is in mass print left that helps us answer questions of the past and future. It's not only a book of life guidance, it's a codex of sorts. It may have been altered a bit here and there, but those people too were stupid and scoffed at the texts being literal that they left the real history and warnings in there, we just have to read them in a logical sense rather than a "passage". It's a big discussion and I love entertaining possible theories (including mudfood, giants, eden/Atlantis and Sirius star system heritage) that the bible canonically validates. But I wouldn't doom it, though if I was presented with the same info. several years ago I would probably agree with you. I've learned a lot since then. Christianity in it's modern state needs a heavy wake up call.
There are many books and tablets older than the old testament! And less tampered with. The epic of Gilgamesh was written before and description of the flood and other pieces inserted into Bible as are pieces from the Vedas the Mahabharatas etc.
Do some research....look for the original creation stories..there are about 25 of them..we are told all of them are myths..fables and only the old testament is truth.. right!! Even though old testament was written AFTER
The Jewish books are more revealing ..look into them ...
That's why I specifically said " in mass print" lol. Those documents aren't, so people are not aware of them. Speaking of, got any sauce on those? I've had a few links from the past but they don't work anymore. You can PM me. I just have infographs but id rather have the source material..I eat data like tendies
The kingdom of heaven is within you..we are the temple..our pineal gland connects us to higher forces...what need of a church controlling us telling us what to do when we can obey our conscience within us
I worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who's son is Jesus Christ. I don't follow new age, metaphysical mumbo jumbo.
The point is it's not new age and there is evidence..lots of evidence now.
We are no longer dependent on priests telling us what is in the Bible..we can look ourselves and we can see what I really says...
That's why Jesus said the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands.
I firmly believe churches -- not congregations, that's something else -- were designed to keep people away from God.
I have always rejected that hierarchy. I don't need people preaching to me -- just spouting words they don't understand.
I'll do my own reading and connect with the Most High on my own. And if I can get some like-minded people together, so much the better.
Bravo....the early churches were schools ....
Just happens to be the same time the aliens invaded..the elohim/annanuki/ lords/judges/kings/Jehovah/anodai /archangels/malacci/gavriELs/etc. There is so much evidence and the sooner the Bible is withdrawn with all its cruelty racial hatred oppression etc the better
Can't agree about the Christ being the embodiment of divine love. I remember hearing the story of the crucifixion and the guilt- I felt and also anger that I didn't ask anyone to die for me....I was only young but that feeling never left. It is designed to do what it did..guilt...the negative emotion that hooks you in to mother church. ..
guilt is a terrible emotion to have and no divine love would do that. What sin needed someone dying for? and how could someone else's blood redeem anyone?.
There was an invention of original sin....a fairy story of Adam and Eve and an apple ..and the woman ate the apple..a Jewish way of saying ate the fruit....had sex....which is what we have to do to keep humanity alive...so....the need for a redeemer arose....problem reaction solution....classic cabal action. A way to control humanity.
There have been sixteen such redeemers ...look them up...all the same pagan /astrotheology story....December birth Easter death rising on third day..lamb of god..died for our sins 12 disciples etc . The story of the passage of the sun who seems to die for three days....
There was a Jesus they say but the story is different
There is perfect love which is explained in the Bible. We are destined to repeat this life acquiring more of the traits of love until we can stop reincarnating here..or is this another tale? Who knows for sure
Holy nuts this is a decent post. Thank you!
The nature of REVELATION - SINGULAR - as with almost all Biblical prophesy is that it has type occurrences before the final fulfilment. You cannot understand the Bible with a world mindset but a Hebrew mindset.
You are talking rubbish. To even think the omnipotent omnipresent God of all creation would kill his own creation.....you confuse the god of love with the vengeful yehwah of the bible...an alien who even his own people hated....he nuked sumaria to kill Marduk ..an elohim like himself ..sodom and Gomorrah too .a vengeful jealous revengeful drunken murderous alien
..and you confuse him with the god of all creation..all worlds..all universes..all galaxies..world's without end?
The truth is coming out that the churches have hidden while men in frocks control the world...it's ending
Go to Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles . He was a translator of the inter linear bibles for the Vatican. He is an expert in old hebrew Greek Latin etc and these are his discoveries...not only him I might add ..but others have read the stone tablets of the annanuki as the elohim in Sumeria etc were known as and the bibles themselves to realise the trutH We were invaded by aliens who wanted to be worshipped as gods ...
No one in their right mind can believe Jonah lived in a whale for three days!! It was a submarine that took him to Nineveh on official business by yahweh..who was the governor of the tribe of Jacob whose testament of what happened when they were invaded you now read as the word of the creator of all worlds galaX IES and universes..not so.
Over 240 came down on mount Hebron.from ..their mother ship. The Mahabharatas talk of this as do many other scriptures. Their god Krishna,was one of them.
ELyon their leader gave them the territories to govern..there was constant wars.
MikaEL was an archangel..axmilitary position..the cherubim were robots..there were gavriELs who did artificial insemination on barren women..Sarah wife of Abraham..
They were all ELs..elohim..not gods.
Yahweh drank six litres of fortified wine a day..that's in the Jewish records..he made over 630 commandments for the tribe of Jacob...they had to be circumscised to show they belonged to him. He put the firstborn child and animal to show he was the lord
They were not our creators..they cloned eves from Adams they placed in gan dins..protected place..laboratories.
Go and readcpzul Wallis ..he was an archbishop teachers priests etc and delving into creation myths and translating he too came on the truth
The Jews didn't have a word for eternity..th word olam is an indefinite period of time.
Ruach was not holy spirit but their craft hovering over the land and water.
They were not mortal..even in hxbible they show they died.
They talk of the sky council n he Bible..
There were 27 different types of flying vehicle. The one in ezikiel NASA copied ..it's a space shuttle
The elohim were very tall albino like skin very clear very pale eys and blond or reddish hair...this is what Enoch looked like..a hybrid of them. They took him when they left
It's the mindset of God - in case you missed it Jesus was a Jew, an Israelite a Hebrew, you don't want His mindset?
Jesus, a Jew, and Israelite, a Hebrew who so loved you that He gave Himself, spilled His Hebrew blood for your sins and mine - you don't want His mindset?
Except for Luke and Acts and a small portion of Daniel the whole Bible was written by Israelites! With their mindset.
(Romans 10) Paul says that we are wild olives grafted in to Israel, you don't want that mindset? He goes on to say at 10:26 that All Israel will be saved.
If God has a language it is Hebrew - you don't want that?
You may want to check out this explanation of the seven headed dragon and how it relates to the ten horned Antichrist. https://youtu.be/HO0vdOE3cfQ It includes many more references throughout history than the USA focused explanation you are giving.
People quoting Revelations like this just prove they don't understand it
Hell you can't even get the name right sooooo......
But anyways Revelation (with no "s") was about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD by Rome within the same generation of Jesus being crucified EXACTLY like Jesus said would happen. "This generation shall not pass till all these things take place"
Where are we now? "Sit at my right hand while I make all your enemies your footstool" God the Father to Jesus (That verse appears more times in scripture than any other) "God wins" isn't just a Q slogan, it's the theme of the entire Bible.
Here's a playlist of sermons, discussions and debates on the subject that I suggest everyone checks out because Theology matters. Eschatology matters. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4vxYfDpoYaWjqK76eZukIyKtyX5Xa-J
Sorry, this is false. The context of that passage makes it clear that it's referring to a future generation, not the current generation.
I agree with Datasinc. The plain reading of Revelation lends itself well to the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem with complete correspondence of every single detail. An excellent resource on this is Gary DeMar at American Vision, book Last Days Madness. Another good book, When the Man Comes Around by Douglas Wilson. We can read what is there, or we can add imagination to it. It is important to differentiate.
In the end, does it really matter specifically which generation Revelation is talking about? The Bible repeats. The atonement for a Blessed Nation descending into decadence will ALWAYS have to be paid just the same, and with a heavy price.
America won't escape this
No it doesn't...Doctrinal disputes are healthy....ones that question the Gospel, even in the slightest, are not.
Here's a playlist of sermons, discussions and debates on the subject. Theology matters. Eschatology matters. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4vxYfDpoYaWjqK76eZukIyKtyX5Xa-J
Who fielded a 200 million man army in AD 70?
And I do not think it could just mean a very large number. The verse is "The army had 200 million soldiers on horses. I heard them say how many there were."
It was large symbolic number like you or I saying "gazillions" or "tons" but it was Rome's army at full force that had surrounded the city and temple and SLAUGHTERED practically everyone and destroyed the temple, walls, and city for the most part.
There were also joined by the host of hell and there are even secular accounts of the horror that happened in the city as God's judgment came upon it. Straight demonic horrors that sound like they were poured out of bowls.
No one....However, today China can.
Perhaps parts of Revelation correspond directly to what happened in 70 AD but, that passage is not even from Revelation, it is in the Gospels just after a long list of events Jesus lists that will happen before "these things" take place. And, those events never happened in the first century.
If Revelation leads to AD70 then the Millennial Reign of Christ on the earth followed - per Revelation 19, and this is followed by Eternity.
Thus AD 70 - AD 1070 Christ reigned her on earth - No!
and the situation we are in is Eternity - No!
So you've been taught but that's not what holds up when we look at the entirety of scripture.
Pre-millennial dispensationalism is the greatest lie the devil ever told and has done more damage to the church than anything else.
Here's a playlist of sermons, discussions and debates on the subject that I suggest you check out because Theology matters. Eschatology matters. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4vxYfDpoYaWjqK76eZukIyKtyX5Xa-J
Yes, it's because eschatology and theology do matter so much that I hold to a biblical, pre-millennial, dispensational position. It's the position that's most consistent with the totality of scripture.
Then why did that eschatological position only become popular after the Schofield reference Bible was published a couple of hundred years ago and it was the first Bible with footnotes that taught that very much uncommon and unpopular astrological position?
I used to be a dispy. The amount of leaps and logic that you have to take for dispensationalism versus post-millennialism or even a millennialism versus what the scriptures say especially in conjunction with historical events is night and day.
Your position doesn't even reconcile with Daniel 9, let alone the rest of the Bible. Daniel's 70th week would have to already have happened for the Millennial Reign of Christ to have commenced. It has not happened yet.
Daniel 9:24 gives 6 specific conditions that will come about at the conclusion of the 70th week, which commences the Millennial Reign:
"Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and to anoint a most holy place."
Do we have everlasting righteousness? Nope.
Has all iniquity been atoned for? Nope.
Have we seen the end of sin? Nope.
Case closed.
First off you COMPLEATY disregarded the big question I asked you. Why is that? Is it because your view of End Times is so new it still wears diapers and wets the bed?
Oh yeah? How would you know? You didn't ask me what my position on those were or how the fall into post-mill eschatology DID YOU? No. The case is "closed" only because YOU didn't look past the log in your eye. YOU put YOUR timeline into the scripture and wanted instant gratification...... kinda like the Jews that rejected Jesus as the Messiah because he wasn't doing it the way they thought it would happen. God loves to replay the same mistakes over again so people take the lessons to heart. Thanks for being the lesson today.
Oh and hey playa, if you recall I posted this in a comment YOU replied to:
and guess what playboi? Daniel 9 and practically everything else you brought up is covered there.. If OnLy It CoUlD rEaD!
AND if you have an issue you don't see covered AFTER you review those lectures and DEBATES that bring up the same things you did..... yet didn't bother to look at..... THEN we can continue and cover anything that wasn't covered.
Here's the kicker though, not a single Apostle or one of our founding fathers shared your view of end times because.. it was FRINGE and hardly anyone was pre-mill.
The medieval doctrine of the millennium by referring to it as “the church of God which, by the diffusion of its faith and works, is spread out as a kingdom of faith from the time of the incarnation until the time of the coming judgment”.[32]
A notable exception to normative medieval eschatology is found in Joachim of Fiore (c. 1135–1202), a Cistercian monk, who to an extent, stressed premillennial themes. Joachim divided earth's history into three periods. He assigned each age to a particular person of the Trinity as the guiding principle of that era. The first era was the Old Testament history and was accordingly the age of the Father; the current age of the church was the age of the Son; and still in Joachim's future was the age of the Spirit. For Joachim, year 1260 was to mark the end of the second and the beginning of the third and final golden age of earth's history.[33]
During the Reformation period, amillennialism continued to be the popular view of the Reformers. The Lutherans formally rejected chiliasm (millennialism) in The Augsburg Confession. “Art. XVII., condemns the Anabaptists and others ’who now scatter Jewish opinions that, before the resurrection of the dead, the godly shall occupy the kingdom of the world, the wicked being everywhere suppressed.’"[34] Likewise, the Swiss Reformer Heinrich Bullinger wrote up the Second Helvetic Confession, which reads "We also reject the Jewish dream of a millennium, or golden age on earth, before the last judgment."[35] Furthermore, John Calvin wrote in Institutes that millennialism is a "fiction" that is "too childish either to need or to be worth a refutation".[36] The Anglican Church originally formalized a statement against millenarianism in the Anglican Articles.
Go watch the playlist. You'll learn something.
Eh, I had a Bible that titled it "The Revelations of John" or something to that effect, guess it just stuck
No worries, just a weird pet peeve I have that bugs the crap outta me for some reason.
As long as you understand the book better than you remember the name you're gold! The guy that made that webpage deff does not.
Don't confuse the Book of Matthew with the Book of Revelation.
The destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD was indeed a fulfillment of the 490 year prophecy laid out in Daniel.
Dispensationalism is indeed a false doctrine, but the Book of Revelation most definitely goes beyond 70 AD.
Oh I'm not. I just have a clear understanding of the symbolism in Revelation.
i.e. 7 headed, 7 horned beast = Rome had 7 hills / territories with 7 governors.
666 = Nero Cesar written in Hebrew since Hebrew letters also have numerical values.
And on and on.
Post-Mill all the way!
Christ could have returned 10 minutes after he left. Nothing has to happen first otherwise one could figure out the time.
He came on the clouds in judgment and destroyed Jerusalem already.
When Christ returns again that's in, it's a wrap. Game Over.
This is the worst thread ever.
Russia is telling us that they are going to turn the US into radioactive glass and all everyone on here does is argue about the correct biblical truths and interpretations.
You will still be arguing when hell fire drops from the sky won't you?
They will try, but God intervenes and destroys the missile attack. Saving the children of "Israel".
What is that site you pointed to? You know what is said, be very careful who you follow. No one knows the plans of God, not even that site.
Been searching for forty years when God led me to that site. Ten years later , still amazed at all the layers and gems embedded in every book.
God uses everyone, your choice if it is for good or evil, but God uses everyone.
We were all there for the rebellion of Lucifer and 1/3 of us chose Lucifer. Lucifer/Satan was the only one sentenced to death , but God has a plan for our salvation. We were all sent to be born and die.
We are all here in these animal bodies to understand what death is all about.
Some are saved ( by the grace of God ) and will be teachers during the millennium. We have been lied to about everything. It will take 1000 years to teach the truths of God . Then the final exam , when satan is released from his chains to test what we learned.
Sadly many will choose death. But it will be their choice.
Some of the expectations of many ( nesara and gesara ) is what Lucifer/Satan/Fake Jesus will bring to the world after being thrown from heaven.
He will bring peace and abundance for all who bend a knee to him. He will look and act exactly like Jesus would. Satan's only desire is to ruin God's plan anyway he can.
He has tried in the Garden of Eden, the time before Noah's flood, at Calvary and each and everyday in our own lives.
Don't be fooled by the first supernatural being coming down to earth. If you don't understand this before it happens and have the seal of God in your forehead, God will send a strong delusion and you will think Satan is Jesus and will try to convince me .
Nope, not gonna happen. I will wait the five months till real Jesus returns.
Exciting times ahead. After seeing how easily people fell for the covid lie, I now see how truly gullible people are and will jump at worshiping fake Jesus.
Ever heard of Kayfabe?
If you reject God then nothing ultimately matters. You are just matter floating through space acted upon by time and chance, signifying nothing. Who cares?
The Biblical worldview is the foundation for objective truth, morals and everything else and it says the world will never be destroyed and for those of us in Christ we know that God is sovereign over everything and God wins... just like Q has said a number of times.
If fire drops from the sky I know there's nothing I can do about it but also where I'm gong won't be hotter. How about you? I'll keep focusing on God and His Word and how I can use His worldview and standards to impact the world as commanded. You can live in fear of everything EXCEPT that which you are SHOULD fear, God.
I have not rejected God and never will.
Then why be fearful as if it isn't all in Gods hands?
Wait until he finds out what happens to RUSSIA in Revelation...
To fully understand the book of Revelation one needs to do a deep dive into the book of Daniel. Daniels visions of the beast, his experiences in Babylon. All of it. America has absolutely turned into a Babylonian society — all about the self being worshiped above God— After that you have the keys to unfurling the book of Revelation.
The Babylonian system is a system both religious and commercial - Daniel 2 Nebuchadnezzar's images tells us this - Babylon - Persia - Greece - Rome - to a Rome which is mixed with clay. We are in the feet and awaiting the rock cut without hands to come a destroy man's empires and replace them all with Christ's empire.
End of days?
Why is Trump even waking people up if this is what is going to happen?
The end is predicted all the time. I place approximately ZERO weight on predictions of the end times. God says in Revelation, that it will be so clear, no one will have a question if it is or is not the End Times.
It is always good to have people see the light before they die and meet their maker.
We are in a TYPE of Revelation period...not the actual Revelation period....It's on it's way though.
Just my 2 cents, whether you are pre or post trib, I think we can all agree that you need to be ready not only physically but spiritually. The world all around us is crumbling and the spirit of antichrist is on the loose. Trying to destroy families, people, religion etc. I will also say no man knows the time or day… we could all be wrong about speculating who is what in the bible, but I think we can agree it is rolling in quickly. ❤️ Always love to my fav pooch for the post!! 🐕🦴
Pre, mid and post trib will all apply but to different groups -
Revelation 4 & 5 Priests and Kings from all nations redeemed by His blood. Pre trib,
Revelation 7:9-17 Mid trib from every tribe and nation
Revelation 15:1-8 we see Israel (song of Moses and song of the Lamb) on the glassy sea before throne which was empty in Revelation 4.
Remember in the Bible there is Israel and there are the Nations.
How in the hell are there US and UK soldiers over there fighting?? Why do Russians believe this? And why is the guy writing this article stating that the majority of our Nuclear Arsenal was made in the 70's? What the hell is this??
Russia wants to Tango?
I believe Russia should be taken seriously. And we need to have ABSOLUTELY NO MILITARY presence in Ukraine. KEEP AMERICAN SOLDIERS OUT OF UKRAINE!!
This is ridiculously crazy!!
...at this point, the Pentagon is calling the shots and this is not a "proxy" war anymore....
Prophetic literature can be misunderstood in Russian as well as English apparently.
Studies on Books of the Bible
Be amazed what you didn't know.
The great reveal?
Yet another 17 🤔
The red dragon trying to destroy the child = communist China trying to go after Christian’s. Revelations was visions of future events. You can’t take prophecy written down thousands of years ago literally word by word. Some prophets saw visions of machines and technology they did not understand.
Wow, Dog, didn't know this article would pose such an existential debate. Best people get comfy AF before SHTF.
...one just never knows what will light the fire on GAW....
...doggy winks...
The Whore of Babylon is the false religious system.
Well yes I totally agree with you..the tribe of Jacob kept a record of what happened to them when the elohim invaded earth.
There seems to be a few different jesuses in the Bible. There is one who says ..to follow me you must obey my father's commandments and then another...sell all you have and follow me.. that's over 600 commandments his father Yahweh...as it is said in the Bible he was the only begotten son of God and god is in the Bible Yahweh..the murderous cruel god.
Gurdjieff says that the rich man meant rich in personality/ego...and that this must go to inherit the kingdom of heaven inside you.
There is the one who grandstander throwing the money changers out of the temple...but they did a service...no one could pray in the temple without taking a sacrifice ..and the poor bought doves ..small items they could afford. So he deprived them while not stopping the actual practise of. Money changing etc. The temple was a place of commerce too
There were in tents outside prostitues men and women. Young ones too ...who carried out sacred rights...
You need to read Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles and Paul Wallis ..used to be an archbishop teaching priests etc. who got interested in interpretation of the Bible and started translating it himself. Mauro shows you what books to buy if you want to interpret the Bible yourself as many do.
We have been deceived and the church of Rome knows the truth and the Jews knew about the cloning the invaders did and they don't have original sin or a Messiah in their holy books as they know the truth. They are however waiting for the invaders to come back.
Russia rattling sabers.
The Cabal controls all nations, one way or another.
Revelation has a variety of interpretations.
Many believe Babylon is Rome. But sometimes she sounds like Jerusalem, eh?
At baseline, Babylon represents false religion.
Babylon rides a beast. Beasts represent nations, governments. She has control over many nations.
Whatever Babylon is, she will be judged, and the saints will rejoice at her destruction, because she persecutes the saints.
If America goes kablooie, there won't be any rejoicing saints. Is God going to nuke all his American children? . . . . . . . . . ?
Judging by all the pointless blather this news has generated, it evidently doesn't mean much at all.
Not sure how to respond considering that all the comments I've read is just a discussion about who has the best interpretation of Revelation. I'm a Christian, not a biblical scholar. I only can speak of what I've read in that marvelous book. But, let's face facts. How long have we been fighting these evil monsters on earth? Since the Garden of Eden. Should have cut the head off then, but anyways. In modern times, these people have changed the meanings and perverted history so much, we basically all agree we've been lied to in modern history. Agree? Ok. So what's to say that these same people, long ago, who supposedly interpreted the writings from Hebrew or whatever language, doesn't matter, correctly? Or just like modern history, which we know to be false for the most part, has been changed to suit the belief of the people doing the interpretation? After all, if you canbread the ancient language of the dead sea scrolls, why did they need interpreted? So if a common man of earth, no matter how smart or educated they are, didn't like what was originally written, or didn't interpret it as well as we think, wrote what he thought it said, or put his own spin on the idea, it can be wrong. I disagree about Revelation being cyclical. The end is the end. There is no reset button. It's not a video game. Just my two cents. I've never believed the full text of the Bible, based on the fact that the text was lost, found, interpreted, interpreted again, and has been at risk of misinterpretation from the beginning of the 1st interpretation. Believing that you are reading the Bible chapters as written in modern day, is the basis of Faith. Unless you speak and read the ancient language fluently and have the scrolls in your possession, it's still an interpretation of what was written. But, I'm a crazy person. Dont listen to me! Lol