Q codes - Interesting find?
I found this info on another forum and I claim NO credit for it but I found it interesting. So, since we are here, principally, to research Q posts, you might like to download this PDF document. Please read it and comment below.
The post was originally on Reddit but don't let that discourage you. The original poster must have a brain the size of a planet!
Renewed link: https://files.catbox.moe/z4k47w.pdf
(Catbox was throwing up an error message so I had to upload it to litter instead. But that link died. Current link is working. Feel free to archive it elsewhere and post the link here. Thanks!)
I still believe we are watching a dramatization of what could have been. Like scrooge seeing the ghost of Christmas future. Except the things we wish would happen now, HAVE already happened.
We've won already. This is exposure for normies and gives time for this all to resolve. Since the collapse was coming anyway, its best all see those responsible are blamed. So trump let them have the pleasure of getting that blame.
I agree
Yeah maybe we were headed for John Titor's world where Russia had to nuke the deep state into oblivion and destroyed large parts of the planet. Putin and Trump worked to win without war and is now showing off what they were planning for us without the nuclear war part having to happen.
Agreed... So yeah what you're saying is they thought, they could of stopped what is coming 🤡
I say let the collapse happen!
Replace sarin with "George Bush" and you get "George Bush in AI real". Was GB sentenced to have his consciousness entrapped forever? AI download/mind meld?
In the hour since we stickied this, looks like the PDF file has been taken down. Maybe this one is right over the target. My initial skepticism slowly melting away.
If anyone finds an alternative, make a offline copy and post it.
Okay, managed to reconstruct it from the loaded PDF file in text format: https://pastebin.com/eNW6vcsr
Catbox is working now: https://files.catbox.moe/z4k47w.pdf
Original file: https://files.catbox.moe/z4k47w.pdf
This is powerful.
Whomever "decoding" is, I will say this.....he is one smart cookie. Or he is Q. I'm thinking after five years Q is shaking his head and stubbing his toe into the dirt thinking "why are these anons not getting my secret messages?". So he comes out of the darkness and under the moniker of "decoding" he begins the slow process of explaining to the anons how to decode the posts. "decoding" is too smart to have waited five years to show everyone how to decode these posts. But since things are ramping up, Q is sending out instructions on how to find important messages hidden within his posts. These hidden messages probably have to do with how the deep state is going to be taken down, how to prepare your family for the hard times to come, or when to expect Trump to be reinstalled as President. Lots of digging for the smart pedes. I hope they share what they find.
I’ve had this same thought lmao
There are several jumps of intuitive inspiration in the decoding that imo require exceptional brillance - or some critical "hints".
So either this is a one-in-several-billion mind or the decoder had critical clues that not everyone had.
In either case I find the decoding persuasive. I kind of hope the decoding was done on genius and intuition.
This opens a new dimension of Q - access into previously missed meaning.
So either this is a one-in-several-billion mind or the decoder had critical clues that not everyone had.
This is why I said the decoder guy is probably Q. No roadmap of where to go after the top left corner of the grid. I want to believe "decoding" is a very smart person, but he needs to provide more of a roadmap on where to go after the first word is found.
You are persuasive with the explaination you delivered. I'm hoping this is solid hopium and not a wild goose chase. Time will tell, though. I'll give "decoding" the benefit of the doube for now. Short lease.
Yeah, I'm not sure we are meant to decode more than a small percentage.
Enough to keep us sane and able to wait the end.
I remember this actually from CTBS. I was so freaked out when that Reddit sub was cancelled, like I had lost a lifeline.
As do I. It's rather nice seeing some of the old cbts research here! I recall discussing the Google Earth satellite blockage of NK and it rabbit holing into other "censored" areas around the globe.
Trail leads to both corruption and hidden tech. Interdasting stuff.
Fun to see how people got here. I was actually trying to prove myself right and a liberal friend of mine wrong. Back in 2001 she was very anti-Patriot Act and I was all "We have to protect ourselves from Terror!" I started down the FISA database rabbit hole and have been in rabbit holes since. Ironically she is all "Trust Big Government and Pharma!" now and needless to say, I am here. Strange world.
I got blocked from opening a bank account once. Because of the patriot act. I guess I had an old account that closed out in the negative and as a result I couldn’t open an account with anyone except the low lvl nobody banks. I was pissed lol. No big deal I got it cleared up and I wasn’t laundering for terrorists so.
What did CTBS stand for? And is there a substitute forum for it now?
I think it was actually CBTS - Calm before the storm. They shut it down I want to say in 2018 sometime. Somehow people figured out to go Voat and then from Voat people came here.
Q sent us to VOAT/QRV
In the HAM Radio world:
QRV means "Are you ready?"
I was one who went from CBTS to VOAT to here.
It got a lot more lively when yall showed up.
As did I
That's what I did.
It's cbts - calm before the storm
Me, too Dolly!!
What was CTBS?
I think it was actually CBTS - Calm before the storm. They shut it down I want to say in 2018 sometime. Somehow people figured out to go Voat and then from Voat people came here.
I remember that day. I was fairly new to the whole Q thing and was frantically trying to catch up. Then the Reddit ban happened and it went from “some new crazy conspiracy” to being ugly real. That’s what galvanized me and permanently opened my eyes.
Thanks. I had not heard of that sub before. I got here from T_D which led me to patriots and then I found this .win from there right around the election. I found hope here after watching the election being stolen in front of my eyes.
Same. I found T_D when in quarantine (the sub and the world kek) then TDW until all the dooming after the election.
Wish we had brick bots and coat bots here on .win. I don’t understand why they haven’t brought that action back. Wonder if it was a copyright
Train bots too. Miss all of that.
Christmas Day noon
Q sent us to VOAT/QRV
In the HAM radio world:
QRV means "Are you ready?"
Yes, this certainly sounds like SerialBrain2.
That's what I thought... SBB2 is a retard/fraud.
He came out like he found all these decodes, but, he made a mistake by posting his 'method' of decoding. Literally, in the example he was using to show his method, he violated his own method in order to find a message that he wanted to find.
Worse than useless to pay attention to that dude.
Came here to say exactly that!
Yes! That guy had it all figured out wayyyyy back then.
Miss SerialBrain2!
Anyone else think these are similar to the Truth Social symbol? https://imgur.io/7L5k8EB
Yes! That was my first thought.
Unfortunately, my brain isn't wired in a way that clearly/easily sees these types of patterns. Hopefully someone smarter than myself might try running some of GEOTUS's Truths through a similar process to see what (else) they might say.
NK is definitely the place for corporate antics such as this. I have spoken about it at length. I agree with the OP.
Ukraine is the new NK
I have also spoken about these portals, at length. The pastor's reaction was disbelief before understanding.
Litter link is already broken, anyone have a replacement?
Not to worry: https://archive.ph/5ZINQ
Original: https://files.catbox.moe/z4k47w.pdf
Nothing to do with NK.
What are you talking about?
This whole thing is verbatim from your PDF.
I need a memory transplant. :(
Don't worry fren, this is how it is when we are getting information from the firehose.
So eventually we have a message:
Sarin in AI real
ok, but that makes no sense. Sarin is a chemical, AI is an artificial intelligence, probably a digital-domain intelligence. A chemical cannot be "in" something digital, just makes no sense. What is the presumed meaning of the author? doesnt seem to say.
but sarin is a guess at an anagram. There would be others: airns naris rains ranis sarin nasir (and others)
Interestingly, Nasir is an arabic name, means "helper" or "one who gives victory" which ties in with that line of thinking that Q is an AI (ala "the machine" in person of interest) and is certainly helping us, and claims under NCSWIC to be giving us victory.
Show me a 10ft paywall, I’ll show you a 12ft ladder.
Yep my mistake. Removed fb click id.
Not without paying there isn’t. You can try searching for quotes of the abstract with “file type:pdf” in Google and see if that yields results with full text. I’ll do it in a few once I’m on a computer.
Unfortunately, removing that identifier doesn’t get rid of the “Referer” http header. Need to copy and paste it instead of clicking it for that.
Had the same concerns as vapourface but made the same interpretation you have made.
Maybe the entire sentence is the anagram?
(Don't ask me to solve it though; that is something I got the short end in the types of intelligence salad handed out at birth.)
I'm having trouble with the 'snakes' and 'T's'. I understand there has to be a starting point, yet "decoding" give the top left corner as the starting point, then expects us to realize we need to go down the column and figure out the next word from there. Something odd about the lack of roadmapping "decoding" is giving peeps. And especially the Sarin code. No roadmapping at all. If I were going to give out a roadmap to uninformed individuals it would be something like: Start at top left, go down three squares then begin going across to make a snake shape. But where to go from there???? That's what I'm having a very hard time understanding. With the Sarin decode the words were all over the place and "decoding" is expecting you to figure the sequence out. Very sketchy with his instructions.
And I get the 11:11, since Q states it, but then his next example is 11:12. But I thought it was 11:11, why just change to 11:12? It's very confusing.
Had these same thoughts.
AI based drug discovery was successfully used to recreate discovery of harmful molecules including sarin, many other human invented toxins, and even pathogens such as Ebola.
I’d wager that’s what it’s about.
Take this into context with COVID and the related drugs.
Yes I remember that now, brute force inventing everything that would be a toxin. Someone having a list of totally new toxins, what could go wrong. Thanks for remind.
I also recall a Hacker by the name Sarin, but it's been such a long time, that I don't recall the specific Hacked Target....
Gonna look into this, skimmed it over and a few of the links in it are dead.
As I stated, most of the linked pages are gone but the image links are still there.
Don't bother.
This shit is fucking crazy.
I really don't understand where the patterns come from, Can you help me understand how they know what squares to pick?
He picks by finding what he wants it to say and then coming up with a logic to justify it through obfuscation.
I am trying to figure out that as well...
Wow. Thanks!
Working link: https://files.catbox.moe/z4k47w.pdf
The "paper" gives links for intriguing subjects to investigate, like, 11) Demons are opening digital portals. Link The links say, "It looks like you aren't allowed to do that."
Links are all gone. Reddit banned the content. Wonder how long it was there before they banned it
Some of it sounds a bit of a reach (the second part about sarin), but the first part looks more convincing. Worth taking a look.
Interesting find? Grail level, Pede.
My lord! How deep does the rabbit hole go?
Sure wish we knew who's the poster of this decode??
And, if he's still posting and WHO he thinks Q is??
I'm on the floor
This is just about the most interesting thing I've seen on GAW. Awesome find, OP.
It really is! I wish the links were active
Most of them worked for me. I'm on a computer not a phone, maybe that makes a difference?
I guess it’s just the 8chan links aren’t active. Thanks
Wow thank you!! Always things to learn
404 error
u/oneuppin u/Scorpion76
TY for the link, going to have to read it a few times!
Thanks fren. 👍
Link 404's for me.
Thanks fren.
Anyone got a working link as it 404'd it for me.
TY interesting stuff.
op this is great.thanks for sharing
Someone please just summarize the attachment for the rest of us who can't open it please. (The context link is interesting btw).
It's about deciphering Q posts.
That was the ' context' link. What was the dark photo? Was that relevant? (I am on a phone. There was a download that I cannot open)
Here's a sample:-
Let’s take this second tweet, remove all punctuation, and ‘map’ the result in 11X11 grids as hinted in Q907. Verify it. We get 2 grids:
Now, read carefully. This is key to understand: we are going to form words out of these letters based on patterns in a +-90° or 180° continuous T shape, like this:
Man I wish we had access to the comment chains from some of the old cbts posts.
One anon, Fibonacci (ikr!) was quite apt at pointing these type of recurring post patterns out.
This is good, ty.
Fascinating! I was able to read the text on phone. Can’t wait to get into this with links on a computer! Thanks for posting fren!
Regarding his final paragraph in his post: Made me think of DARK to LIGHT.
Hmmm...Who else thinks we are being told George Bush's mind/consciousness was downloaded prior to his death?
Damn. Anyone got a working link for:
7)Demonic AI on 8chan. 11) Demons are opening digital portals.
Sound interesting!
Curious about the vitamin supplement post. The user still exists