And do not look up Rabbi Abraham Finklstein on BitChute either.. you don't want to know about the children they kidnap on passover, drain their blood, grind up their bodies and sell to McDonalds
I'm sorry it's not a popular opinion but jews need to be also called out just like everyone else. No favouritism for any group. And jews need to call out other jews.
I'm not blaming all jews. But many jews know what's up and letting it slide to capitalize on the situation. That does not help one bit and it fosters suspicions and resentments that will never heal.
The problem is by using a catch all ("the Jews") which not only falls into a pitfall, but empowers and enhances the impact when you hit the spikes at the bottom.
There are better ways to target different sects or specific groups of people, but it's incredibly easy to generalize ("the Jews") and ultimately destroy any point you are trying to make in the eyes of the pedestrian.
But you have to remember that you aren't usually debating or arguing a point for the person you're talking to to change their tune, you are arguing for the onlookers.
So when you are making an overgeneralization that comes across as incredibly dishonest (unless anyone who says "the Jews" actually does believe that Average Joe Jew down the road is part of a global effort to control and/or destroy the world or its population) you are turning the onlookers against you.
But if you talk about the Khazarians, you'll incite a few people to start their journeys down that rabbit hole.
What do you suggest we do? The Jews are in control of the world, that is undeniable, what better ways are there to target different sects? I am not going to hit any spikes, the Jews are. To discriminate about the ones who eat children would give the perps an escape route, "it wasn't us it was the others!"
There's the problem; it's not "The Jews are in control of the world", it's "Some Jews, with others, are in control of the world". Through your generality, you could say, "Indians (from the country of India) are in control of the hotel industry", or "The Irish are all alcoholics!".
But the difference is, when you even HINT that a Jewish person did something wrong, you're deplatformed instantly and in some countries you're even jailed.
That is what you do to HIDE things, not to stop hate speech.
Not entirely. You have outed yourself as against their agenda, the same way as as saying you support Trump, the second amendment, are against vaccinations, doubt the legitimacy of the origins of the coof as stated, etc.
All of these things get you canceled to some capacity, because they out you as an enemy to their agenda.
It's not just when you say "Jew", but that makes you an extremely easy target.
Again, you are using "they", which gives the impression that the entire population of Jewish people in the world are controlling the world. Yes, there are prominent Jewish people (or at least they claim to be) who are in control of major aspects of the world, but it would be difficult to believe it is only Jewish people.
"We" might, if Catholics controlled the media, a huge swath of our banking system and much of our government. And if any individual's life and livelihood could be ruined for criticizing Catholics as a group.
There is only one group that may not be criticized.
Basic physics (ie free fall velocity) proves the support provided by the underlying structure of all three towers was almost 0. Only one way to get that effect, and it’s not a bit of jet fuel.
its not explosives either. there's a reason the seismic activity did not match a million tons of debris hitting the ground. those towers turned into powder on the way down.
IIRC the framework of a tower like those would likely survive a normal explosive anyway. Even targeted explosives. It would need some serious focus (probably) to bring it down, as in a willful act.
Steel could melt as people have pointed out many times, not by the jet fuel but by the friction and speed of impact, and all it would need is a brief moment of such high temperatures.
But that doesn't explain the fall looking like target demolitions. If there were, say, 8 beams making the bulk of the support framework (arbitrary) and two of them melted, it would fall lopsided and much more sloppily.
I truly hope one day we get the unaltered truth of that moment. It was that moment, of moments, where we descended down this tyrannical road and our government reached for power beyond what the Constitution allots, and they haven't stopped reaching.
Hell, the first attempt in the 90's. Trump himself said in an interview right after 9/11 said that he went down there and half the support columns were missing from the truck explosion, but it was still standing.
Even as a teenager who bought into it "just being a terrorist attack" at the time the way the towers collapsed still bothered me on a subconscious level.
somebody did the math to determine how much energy would be needed to turn that much steel and concrete and furnishings into dust before it could hit the ground. they concluded the buildings would need to be constructed mostly from explosives in order to achieve this. not to mention the dust cloud from this effect would be pyroclastic (but it clearly wasn't on that day as nobody was burned by it). what we witnessed (and the world at large witnessed) that day was a demonstration of exotic weapons technology. I like to call it the Jewish Space Laser. Many people think that is antisemitic, regardless of its truthfulness.
You are 100% correct. There was a 911 video posted on YouTube where you could watch the top of a tower, a metal rod poking straight up, literally turn to dust. It hadn't exploded - in fact the building was just starting to collapse. But that pole turned to dust right before my eyes. That convinced me there was something more at play than just explosives.
all these paint a clear picture for me at least. watching the core column blow away in the wind is just extra confirmation. it is impossible to make happen what we witnessed that day absent some sort of exotic technology. it was a demonstration to the world of jewish weapons supremacy, likely appropriated from US MIL funded and designed tech. Israel has a colorful history of stealing our military secrets.
Bush isn’t Jewish? news to me.
And yes, I despise traitors far more than the Jews with no allegiance to western Christian culture who for all intent and purposes are just doing what they are born to do.
You can name traitors though and people don’t cry, point out Jews doing what Jews have always done and there’s always someone takes issue simply because it’s apparently mean to highlight Jewish behaviour.
Awesome, so Jew relocation time it is then. Should be a much nicer steadier pace when the western world isn’t placating parasites that wish for our destruction.
You see traitors are our problem to bare, Jews on the other hand have zero place peddling their perversion or even presence in the west. Yet we can’t even talk about it? Seems a simple solution, we don’t require them, they don’t want to live like us so they simply must return to Israel and we don’t pay them anymore. Why is this a controversial take? I’d wager for most it isn’t really controversial at all, it’s just been silenced and the regular normie can’t even fathom exactly what it is they get up to and why they get up to it. Luckily the Overton window is shifting.
Watch the Owen Benjamin channel on Rumble for three consecutive days and then you will have a masters degree in the difference between grabblers and the religion.
It's like those supposed "peaceful" and "extremist" muslims, and the "good" and "bad" cops. They never call each other out, because to do so would end up getting that person ostracized, and in Frank Serpico's case, left for dead.
Why is this stickied? Especially when GAW removed my "Teh jooz invented MSG!" Precisely. Looks like Israel is on the menu, boys. Keep it topical. As Q said...
"Israel" isn't "the Jews". I don't recall Q saying anything about saving "the Jews" for last. It's disappointing to see this ham-handed sort of stuff seeping into GAW, and I suspect it's going to hurt the site badly (if it becomes a feature): not because I'm "DUH JOOS!!!" and I "want to infiltrate the site with duh JIDF!!!" but because I'm not sick or dumb enough to blame 15 million human beings for my bad day 'cause "nose shape" or "early life section". I'll just naturally become inclined to read elsewhere, along with others. I know: you don't care. "Don't let the door hit ya!" This is my plea for YOUR benefit, not mine. I'll read here, or I won't, with or without an account.
Ninety-nine percent of the people pushing this stuff have a clarity problem: meaning when you catch them targeting the race, they switch to the religion. When you catch them targeting the religion and point out (the very Jewish) Christ, they shift to 'a secret cult of' while continuing to talk among themselves about "purging" the entire race. All of it is very scammy and the arguments (when challenged) vacillate.
Besides, it's all 100% unconstitutional and (consequently) un-American. I can't figure how any of these proponents could ever be mistaken for MAGA, considering they're taking a huge crap on the Constitution. When people start talking about "purging" races, you'll then catch them talking about idiocy like "genetic hygene" and the nuance of "white". Suddenly, you find out there are only about 10,000 genetically acceptable human beings. "Slippery slope"? How do I know? I know because this has been the content on and Gab for years.
Thinking back to Britney Spears suddenly shaving her head that's been said by some to be common with MK Ultra breaking down. It's like the person is trying to shed the persona that was forced upon them.
Pretty damn sure if this guy said that white people were the devil and ate black children, or even said anything negative about Muslims it wouldn’t cause nearly as severe of a response from the league
DUH! The renowned philosopher Charleston White says they take the biggest baddest slaves and make an example out of them. Whip them in front of all the other slaves to show what happens when you get out of line. This is a modern day lynching. Humanity must win out. This is fucking insanity
Ron Paul's failure was that he tried running for President before having enough grassroots support to overcome the suppression that he faced from within. Then again perhaps Trump learned from what happened to Ron Paul and maybe Ron's lesson was necessary.
I remember when he was running in 2008. Leno had him on the tonight show and, he was gaining momentum. Then Iowa happened and all of a sudden, No Name (who was polling toward the bottom) gets the endorsement. Around that time, Ron Paul wasn't allowed in the debate on Fox. Didn't have enough of a percentage in polling.
This is when I realized that the fix was in. I still voted for him anyway.
indeed. lots of people like to credit Alex jones and Loose Change etc for their awakening. I give credit to Ron Paul. He taught me about the jews without using the word jew. slick.
I've said it before and I'll keep saying it because it bears repeating, there absolutely is a group of people of Jewish descent who have supremacist ideology. Some of it is driven by the Torah and their belief that they are God's chosen people. The Torah itself and the writings of many rabbis over the ages have created an absolutely toxic ideology that defines for the Jewish people a dual-class citizenship where they're the rulers and everyone else is goyim. There are some very powerful, wealthy, and prominent people who believe it to the core, and they don't have any hesitation about hurting goyim who don't toe the line and submit.
Two key caveats:
Not all Jews who are evil are religious. In fact most of the communist pushers are secular and would have no idea what the inside of a synagogue looks like.
Many of the religious Jews ardently disavow this ideology and have no intention of harming anyone else. They're just decent folks who want to be free to live their lives according to their faith and traditions.
Do not groups all of these people together into one group, when in fact, we have 3 separate groups on the matter. Focus your fire on the individuals who have shown toxic behavior, and focus on the behaviors and attitudes that are objectionable. That is not anti-Semitic. It is not immoral or indecent to call out evil when we see it, and Kanye has indeed seen a lot of evil. He has a right to speak. They're destroying him because he spoke truth. If he spoke lies, it'd be easy to simply show he was wrong and let the facts discredit him.
Not all Jews who are evil are religious. In fact most of the communist pushers are secular and would have no idea what the inside of a synagogue looks like.
It's why I hate this bullshit of them being treated as a race and as a religion at the same time, giving these Hollywood Commies and such multiple ways to claim to be a protected class.
Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, also pushed back against Irving's latest comments.
"The answer to the question 'Do you have any antisemitic beliefs” is always 'NO' without equivocation," Greenblatt said on Twitter. "We took @KyrieIrving at his word when he said he took responsibility, but today he did not make good on that promise. Kyrie clearly has a lot of work to do."
I'm Jewish and I hate how accusations of anti-semitism are being used by the cabal to silence patriots. Yes anti-semitism (discriminating against someone solely for being Jewish) is wrong and anti-American. Jewish values are about kindness, compassion, Gd and Torah... and have nothing to do with leftist politics. But the secular Jews that are involved in politics (like Soros globally, and Biden cabinet members here) are secular, they don't represent us, and they do not share the true values of torah and Judaism. The NWO and WEF and global communistic push is NOT a "jewish" thing. Israelis are victims of vax mandates just like American Jews. Rank and file Jewish people are waking up in droves, just the same as blacks and hispanics that are coming to our side. The left uses anti-semitism as a tool to counter legitimate criticism of them. Painting the right, republicans, MAGA, us... as nazis and anti-semite white supremacists is the best tool the left has to keep jews on their plantation. Unfortunately many patriots still do attack people for being Jews (not differentiating between regular Jewish people and Jewish pieces of shit like Epstein and Soros) which doesn't help our side in my opinion. Kyrie and Ye are good examples.. The left loves it when Jews hate republicans, and vice versa. They've cultivated the dynamic for a very long time. But united we stand and divided we fall. WWG1WGA
Quite simply, Jewish people like yourself are the equivalent of the mothers and children that get shoved out into the front lines of conflict as a meat shield. Your existence shields them and their interests - they'll never have to be out on that edge, they risk nothing and reap everything, and anyone who attacks their lines will get called out for being monsters for attacking "defenseless women and kids".
There is no such group as "God's Chosen". We are all God's Chosen, all one in the Creator. And yes, WWG1WGA!
discriminating against someone solely for being Jewish
Look up what they're redefining anti-semitism to mean now. The State Dept has it defined (as parroted by Little Ben Shapiro) to mean "accusing an American of Jewish heritage of having more loyalty to Israel or global Jewish interests than America."
Even God calls them out.. revelation 2:9, I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but though art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
It's like all the people from Voat already told you this or something.
That doesn't mean you need to hate Jewish people as a whole, racism isn't good and people are individuals with free will and may not participate in group activities or culture, etc... but if you can't see that there's a concerted effort to stop anyone from noticing anything Israel/Jews/Khazars/whatever label you want to use are doing and making it impossible to call out, you're really really blind.
These businesses must be held accountable for interfering with rights of free speech. Deal in the sports business and butt out of politics and interference in your players personal liberties.
Am I missing 'something' with the Kyrie Irving brouhaha in that all he posted was he liked a 'certain' movie? That's it. Nothing more. And it turns out the movie espouses the ancient Hebrews were blacks and therefore the 'chosen ones'. Many people may not agree to this, but certainly anyone has the right to believe it and speak it. Kyrie Irving didn't even go there, which makes it even more astounding.
The entire issue here is the outrageous public discrimination against a certain religious belief and framing it as 'antisemitic'.
IMHO, there's a huge implication and consequence from this if it is not publicly challenged. The Jews are openly discriminating against other religious beliefs. These people have set themselves up to be judge, jury, and prosecutor. In other words, forthright racial supremacists. They are dictating their race as the only version of being the 'chosen ones'. Anyone else disagreeing with it is to be fined and suspended, or even fired.
These people so far have been measured in their attacks against Christians. However from this, it's a matter of time before they openly attack any player or celebrity that openly reveal their belief in Jesus Christ.
No fucking shit, of course they're right.
Whatever you do DO NOT go to bitchute and search for 'jewish ritual murder' or 'Blood Libel'!!!!
To do so would be antisemitic!!!!
Fully aware
He knows the nose!
You got me curious now. SHould I really not do that? Maybe with a tor browser???
And do not look up Rabbi Abraham Finklstein on BitChute either.. you don't want to know about the children they kidnap on passover, drain their blood, grind up their bodies and sell to McDonalds
I'm sorry it's not a popular opinion but jews need to be also called out just like everyone else. No favouritism for any group. And jews need to call out other jews.
You’re not American I’m assuming.
We call out soros and his minions all the time.
Also people like the Pope and Bill gates aren’t Jewish.
It’s more complicated than blaming Jews the same way 9/11 was more complicated than blaming Islam.
Can’t fall for the divide and conquer BS although it seems some people want to.
I'm not blaming all jews. But many jews know what's up and letting it slide to capitalize on the situation. That does not help one bit and it fosters suspicions and resentments that will never heal.
And the fact that no one is allowed to speak out against ANY of them without their livelihoods & lives being threatened.
RINOs are even pushing laws trying to make "antisemetic" speech illegal at the state level. DeSantis already did it in Florida.
Yeah, another red flag to add to the desantis pile of red flags
See exactly "disavow antisemitism."
you mean, they operate like a tribe or something? whodda thunkit
I agree with that. Just wanted to let you know we do call those motherfuckers out.
George Carlin is a bigger historical figure than people realize.
he never mentioned them by their race
What did he say about them?
The problem is by using a catch all ("the Jews") which not only falls into a pitfall, but empowers and enhances the impact when you hit the spikes at the bottom.
There are better ways to target different sects or specific groups of people, but it's incredibly easy to generalize ("the Jews") and ultimately destroy any point you are trying to make in the eyes of the pedestrian.
Going down the khazarian rabbit hole is deep, dark and long, and will still end up with you being called an anti-semite.
Going down any of these rabbit holes gets you called something,
Q supporters are crazy conspiracy theorists that are somehow dangerous violent people despite not being Antifa/BLM who openly have been.
But you have to remember that you aren't usually debating or arguing a point for the person you're talking to to change their tune, you are arguing for the onlookers.
So when you are making an overgeneralization that comes across as incredibly dishonest (unless anyone who says "the Jews" actually does believe that Average Joe Jew down the road is part of a global effort to control and/or destroy the world or its population) you are turning the onlookers against you.
But if you talk about the Khazarians, you'll incite a few people to start their journeys down that rabbit hole.
What do you suggest we do? The Jews are in control of the world, that is undeniable, what better ways are there to target different sects? I am not going to hit any spikes, the Jews are. To discriminate about the ones who eat children would give the perps an escape route, "it wasn't us it was the others!"
There's the problem; it's not "The Jews are in control of the world", it's "Some Jews, with others, are in control of the world". Through your generality, you could say, "Indians (from the country of India) are in control of the hotel industry", or "The Irish are all alcoholics!".
But the difference is, when you even HINT that a Jewish person did something wrong, you're deplatformed instantly and in some countries you're even jailed.
That is what you do to HIDE things, not to stop hate speech.
Not entirely. You have outed yourself as against their agenda, the same way as as saying you support Trump, the second amendment, are against vaccinations, doubt the legitimacy of the origins of the coof as stated, etc.
All of these things get you canceled to some capacity, because they out you as an enemy to their agenda.
It's not just when you say "Jew", but that makes you an extremely easy target.
If they don't control the world then who does?
Again, you are using "they", which gives the impression that the entire population of Jewish people in the world are controlling the world. Yes, there are prominent Jewish people (or at least they claim to be) who are in control of major aspects of the world, but it would be difficult to believe it is only Jewish people.
Take this for example. We know the pope is corrupt and lots of pedophile priests. Do we say "Catholics are pedos" ?
"We" might, if Catholics controlled the media, a huge swath of our banking system and much of our government. And if any individual's life and livelihood could be ruined for criticizing Catholics as a group.
There is only one group that may not be criticized.
In general, yes. At least the Catholic clergy.
A lot of people do and very often as well.
Also when you do call out individuals the rest still dogpile on you anyway.
Ve didn't know. Ve vere good jews.
Globohomos carried out 9/11. Demolished via explosives.
Yeah that whole thing has so much surrounding it. Hard to know exactly what’s true since we weren’t there.
Anyone who sits and thinks about it for two mins knows the official govt story is bullshit.
Kinda like how people know the official ukraine story is BS.
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
Basic physics (ie free fall velocity) proves the support provided by the underlying structure of all three towers was almost 0. Only one way to get that effect, and it’s not a bit of jet fuel.
its not explosives either. there's a reason the seismic activity did not match a million tons of debris hitting the ground. those towers turned into powder on the way down.
IIRC the framework of a tower like those would likely survive a normal explosive anyway. Even targeted explosives. It would need some serious focus (probably) to bring it down, as in a willful act.
Steel could melt as people have pointed out many times, not by the jet fuel but by the friction and speed of impact, and all it would need is a brief moment of such high temperatures.
But that doesn't explain the fall looking like target demolitions. If there were, say, 8 beams making the bulk of the support framework (arbitrary) and two of them melted, it would fall lopsided and much more sloppily.
I truly hope one day we get the unaltered truth of that moment. It was that moment, of moments, where we descended down this tyrannical road and our government reached for power beyond what the Constitution allots, and they haven't stopped reaching.
Hell, the first attempt in the 90's. Trump himself said in an interview right after 9/11 said that he went down there and half the support columns were missing from the truck explosion, but it was still standing.
Even as a teenager who bought into it "just being a terrorist attack" at the time the way the towers collapsed still bothered me on a subconscious level.
Search for Judy Wood.
somebody did the math to determine how much energy would be needed to turn that much steel and concrete and furnishings into dust before it could hit the ground. they concluded the buildings would need to be constructed mostly from explosives in order to achieve this. not to mention the dust cloud from this effect would be pyroclastic (but it clearly wasn't on that day as nobody was burned by it). what we witnessed (and the world at large witnessed) that day was a demonstration of exotic weapons technology. I like to call it the Jewish Space Laser. Many people think that is antisemitic, regardless of its truthfulness.
You are 100% correct. There was a 911 video posted on YouTube where you could watch the top of a tower, a metal rod poking straight up, literally turn to dust. It hadn't exploded - in fact the building was just starting to collapse. But that pole turned to dust right before my eyes. That convinced me there was something more at play than just explosives.
ambient temp dust cloud.
lack of seismic activity.
lack of debris pile.
all these paint a clear picture for me at least. watching the core column blow away in the wind is just extra confirmation. it is impossible to make happen what we witnessed that day absent some sort of exotic technology. it was a demonstration to the world of jewish weapons supremacy, likely appropriated from US MIL funded and designed tech. Israel has a colorful history of stealing our military secrets.
Yup. Gotta love that the people saying follow the science being the ones who deny this fact.
And a ring of fire. As johnny carson foretold
the international banking cabal is jewish and they own everything
I don’t blame Islam for 9/11 I blame Jews.
What about the president and everyone else who wasn’t Jewish who let it happen?
They get no blame from you? Only the Jewish people?
Bush isn’t Jewish? news to me. And yes, I despise traitors far more than the Jews with no allegiance to western Christian culture who for all intent and purposes are just doing what they are born to do. You can name traitors though and people don’t cry, point out Jews doing what Jews have always done and there’s always someone takes issue simply because it’s apparently mean to highlight Jewish behaviour.
Awesome, so Jew relocation time it is then. Should be a much nicer steadier pace when the western world isn’t placating parasites that wish for our destruction.
Wow you want a second Holocaust?
I don’t.
Like I said there is good and bad on all sides.
Good and bad Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, Buddhists, etc.
It’s not just one group. You can believe that but I don’t.
You see traitors are our problem to bare, Jews on the other hand have zero place peddling their perversion or even presence in the west. Yet we can’t even talk about it? Seems a simple solution, we don’t require them, they don’t want to live like us so they simply must return to Israel and we don’t pay them anymore. Why is this a controversial take? I’d wager for most it isn’t really controversial at all, it’s just been silenced and the regular normie can’t even fathom exactly what it is they get up to and why they get up to it. Luckily the Overton window is shifting.
Jews did 9/11
Watch the Owen Benjamin channel on Rumble for three consecutive days and then you will have a masters degree in the difference between grabblers and the religion.
Beliefs of racial supremacy mean they will never call each other out
Most "Jews" are not JEWS. Most are Kazarians.
It's like those supposed "peaceful" and "extremist" muslims, and the "good" and "bad" cops. They never call each other out, because to do so would end up getting that person ostracized, and in Frank Serpico's case, left for dead.
Why is this stickied? Especially when GAW removed my "Teh jooz invented MSG!" Precisely. Looks like Israel is on the menu, boys. Keep it topical. As Q said...
"Israel" isn't "the Jews". I don't recall Q saying anything about saving "the Jews" for last. It's disappointing to see this ham-handed sort of stuff seeping into GAW, and I suspect it's going to hurt the site badly (if it becomes a feature): not because I'm "DUH JOOS!!!" and I "want to infiltrate the site with duh JIDF!!!" but because I'm not sick or dumb enough to blame 15 million human beings for my bad day 'cause "nose shape" or "early life section". I'll just naturally become inclined to read elsewhere, along with others. I know: you don't care. "Don't let the door hit ya!" This is my plea for YOUR benefit, not mine. I'll read here, or I won't, with or without an account.
Ninety-nine percent of the people pushing this stuff have a clarity problem: meaning when you catch them targeting the race, they switch to the religion. When you catch them targeting the religion and point out (the very Jewish) Christ, they shift to 'a secret cult of' while continuing to talk among themselves about "purging" the entire race. All of it is very scammy and the arguments (when challenged) vacillate.
Besides, it's all 100% unconstitutional and (consequently) un-American. I can't figure how any of these proponents could ever be mistaken for MAGA, considering they're taking a huge crap on the Constitution. When people start talking about "purging" races, you'll then catch them talking about idiocy like "genetic hygene" and the nuance of "white". Suddenly, you find out there are only about 10,000 genetically acceptable human beings. "Slippery slope"? How do I know? I know because this has been the content on and Gab for years.
Look at Kanye here. The eye blinking and starting and stopping look like mind control to me.
Yeah pretty sure he was subjected to MK Ultra.
They don't let you become a big star without being controlled in some way.
Thinking back to Britney Spears suddenly shaving her head that's been said by some to be common with MK Ultra breaking down. It's like the person is trying to shed the persona that was forced upon them.
Pretty damn sure if this guy said that white people were the devil and ate black children, or even said anything negative about Muslims it wouldn’t cause nearly as severe of a response from the league
DUH! The renowned philosopher Charleston White says they take the biggest baddest slaves and make an example out of them. Whip them in front of all the other slaves to show what happens when you get out of line. This is a modern day lynching. Humanity must win out. This is fucking insanity
in clown world, the truth is punished and the lies are celebrated.
Ron Paul once said, "TRUTH is treason in an Empire of Lies."
Ron Paul was the only politician I ever liked. he taught me about the federal reserve before my life became a conspiracy theory.
He sent us down this road
Ron Paul's failure was that he tried running for President before having enough grassroots support to overcome the suppression that he faced from within. Then again perhaps Trump learned from what happened to Ron Paul and maybe Ron's lesson was necessary.
He was running out of time. He’s kinda old….
Yet he's still going strong over a decade later.
I remember when he was running in 2008. Leno had him on the tonight show and, he was gaining momentum. Then Iowa happened and all of a sudden, No Name (who was polling toward the bottom) gets the endorsement. Around that time, Ron Paul wasn't allowed in the debate on Fox. Didn't have enough of a percentage in polling.
This is when I realized that the fix was in. I still voted for him anyway.
indeed. lots of people like to credit Alex jones and Loose Change etc for their awakening. I give credit to Ron Paul. He taught me about the jews without using the word jew. slick.
Look at the comments and quote tweets. #TheNoticing cannot be stopped now.
Yep. Part of the plan.
Why should someone who isn't promoting anti-semitism have to disavow it? Compelled speech is as bad as censorship.
Has JoeBiden disavowed antisemitism?
I've said it before and I'll keep saying it because it bears repeating, there absolutely is a group of people of Jewish descent who have supremacist ideology. Some of it is driven by the Torah and their belief that they are God's chosen people. The Torah itself and the writings of many rabbis over the ages have created an absolutely toxic ideology that defines for the Jewish people a dual-class citizenship where they're the rulers and everyone else is goyim. There are some very powerful, wealthy, and prominent people who believe it to the core, and they don't have any hesitation about hurting goyim who don't toe the line and submit.
Two key caveats:
Do not groups all of these people together into one group, when in fact, we have 3 separate groups on the matter. Focus your fire on the individuals who have shown toxic behavior, and focus on the behaviors and attitudes that are objectionable. That is not anti-Semitic. It is not immoral or indecent to call out evil when we see it, and Kanye has indeed seen a lot of evil. He has a right to speak. They're destroying him because he spoke truth. If he spoke lies, it'd be easy to simply show he was wrong and let the facts discredit him.
You mean the talmud.
It's why I hate this bullshit of them being treated as a race and as a religion at the same time, giving these Hollywood Commies and such multiple ways to claim to be a protected class.
“ I'm starting to think Ye (Kanye) might be right… “
^^^ This man said nothing wrong
This is my favorite part:
Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, also pushed back against Irving's latest comments.
"The answer to the question 'Do you have any antisemitic beliefs” is always 'NO' without equivocation," Greenblatt said on Twitter. "We took @KyrieIrving at his word when he said he took responsibility, but today he did not make good on that promise. Kyrie clearly has a lot of work to do."
"Failure to bend the knee, slave!"
The Khazars are panicking...
If you want to find out who runs the world, find out who you cannot criticize or make fun of.
Just starting to think he is right? This has been right for longer than any of us have been alive.
I'm Jewish and I hate how accusations of anti-semitism are being used by the cabal to silence patriots. Yes anti-semitism (discriminating against someone solely for being Jewish) is wrong and anti-American. Jewish values are about kindness, compassion, Gd and Torah... and have nothing to do with leftist politics. But the secular Jews that are involved in politics (like Soros globally, and Biden cabinet members here) are secular, they don't represent us, and they do not share the true values of torah and Judaism. The NWO and WEF and global communistic push is NOT a "jewish" thing. Israelis are victims of vax mandates just like American Jews. Rank and file Jewish people are waking up in droves, just the same as blacks and hispanics that are coming to our side. The left uses anti-semitism as a tool to counter legitimate criticism of them. Painting the right, republicans, MAGA, us... as nazis and anti-semite white supremacists is the best tool the left has to keep jews on their plantation. Unfortunately many patriots still do attack people for being Jews (not differentiating between regular Jewish people and Jewish pieces of shit like Epstein and Soros) which doesn't help our side in my opinion. Kyrie and Ye are good examples.. The left loves it when Jews hate republicans, and vice versa. They've cultivated the dynamic for a very long time. But united we stand and divided we fall. WWG1WGA
Quite simply, Jewish people like yourself are the equivalent of the mothers and children that get shoved out into the front lines of conflict as a meat shield. Your existence shields them and their interests - they'll never have to be out on that edge, they risk nothing and reap everything, and anyone who attacks their lines will get called out for being monsters for attacking "defenseless women and kids".
There is no such group as "God's Chosen". We are all God's Chosen, all one in the Creator. And yes, WWG1WGA!
Look up what they're redefining anti-semitism to mean now. The State Dept has it defined (as parroted by Little Ben Shapiro) to mean "accusing an American of Jewish heritage of having more loyalty to Israel or global Jewish interests than America."
Even God calls them out.. revelation 2:9, I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but though art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
It's like all the people from Voat already told you this or something.
That doesn't mean you need to hate Jewish people as a whole, racism isn't good and people are individuals with free will and may not participate in group activities or culture, etc... but if you can't see that there's a concerted effort to stop anyone from noticing anything Israel/Jews/Khazars/whatever label you want to use are doing and making it impossible to call out, you're really really blind.
One who wrestles with God.
"We're saving Israel for last"
This is a slam dunk (pun intended) case for the 1st Amendment. NBA is a CCP puppet organization.
These businesses must be held accountable for interfering with rights of free speech. Deal in the sports business and butt out of politics and interference in your players personal liberties.
The Jews are what…. 12-13% of the world’s population?
How do they control all aspects of the MSM and Entertainment (music, movies, etc)?
.27 per cent
Rough approximation is 3 out of 1,000
No where near 1 out of 10
Am I missing 'something' with the Kyrie Irving brouhaha in that all he posted was he liked a 'certain' movie? That's it. Nothing more. And it turns out the movie espouses the ancient Hebrews were blacks and therefore the 'chosen ones'. Many people may not agree to this, but certainly anyone has the right to believe it and speak it. Kyrie Irving didn't even go there, which makes it even more astounding.
The entire issue here is the outrageous public discrimination against a certain religious belief and framing it as 'antisemitic'.
IMHO, there's a huge implication and consequence from this if it is not publicly challenged. The Jews are openly discriminating against other religious beliefs. These people have set themselves up to be judge, jury, and prosecutor. In other words, forthright racial supremacists. They are dictating their race as the only version of being the 'chosen ones'. Anyone else disagreeing with it is to be fined and suspended, or even fired.
These people so far have been measured in their attacks against Christians. However from this, it's a matter of time before they openly attack any player or celebrity that openly reveal their belief in Jesus Christ.
Research WHY and for what purpose the ADL was formed.