**This is what I said to him after he finally admitted that we are watching a show, but followed up with “I will be voting for any other Repub in the primaries bc I can’t stand that man”.
“”All I can say is don’t let your disgust take away from the much larger picture.
*Notice, I never say Trump is the best president that ever lived or the best president in our lifetime. I haven’t told you “I love that man” or “he’s going to save America!”.
That’s because I was really turned off by his personality until the 2020 elections. When I became sure they were stolen and I added that into the Russia Russia Russia stuff I began to see him differently. It no longer made sense to me to dislike him for his style bc I realized that no one else was capable of dealing with what he dealt with and not fold to the pressure, NO ONE.
Not one politician had ever come out and taken a hard stance against the media and looked them straight in the eyes on live tv and say to them they should be ashamed for the lying they constantly report. DT is the ONLY reason that way of thinking exists in an open dialogue with Americans on the level it’s on today!
That man went up against NATO and told those vampires they will pay their fair share, NO ONE ELSE HAD DONE THAT. He recognized the Capitol of Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel, Republican candidates had said they would do that, but never mentioned it again once elected. He went against ALL PARTIES when he moved to secure our borders, NO ONE HAD DONE THAT. Because of what TRUMP put in motion Governor Abbot had the ballz to FINNALY begin to secure our Southern borders in a way that sets the bar for all other border states to follow, FUCKING AWESOME! **If borders are you biggest concern, and you have said they are, then you have Trump to think for almost all actions that have taken place to solve that problem. Period. FULL STOP.
I could go on for hours with Donald Trump’s accomplishments, but I don’t need to because YOU KNOW THEM! You’re problem is your FE FEEEE FEEEEELLLLIIIINGS. Well fuck feelings bc WE HAVE A COUNTRY TO SAVE!!
When I take all that I just stated and the countless other things he did to make this country great again I’m left with thinking I DONT GIVE A SHIT WHAT HIS PERSONALITY IS LIKE.
His personality is the reason he was able to push through all the extreme things that were thrown at him and his family and STILL push forward. No one, not Haley, DeSantis, Cruz, Paul or anyone else who might run has shown that they could do that PRIOR to DT taking office.
DeSantis was in Congress and what did he do?
**Nikki Haley is tough as nails and what she did while Ambassador to the UN is, at this moment, the pinnacle of her political career. But, she went there with a mandate that her boss gave her, DONALD FREAKIN TRUMP. Before that she was a known Republican governor, but it wasn’t until she went to the UN that she became a star. And who gave her the mandate that made that happen for her? TRUMP. And if Trump wasn’t a MASTER tactician “as you have stated” that mandate would have been dead on arrival! Haley has said that one of the first things she did when she got to the UN was to tell those bastards that TRUMP ISNT PLAYIN AROUND and the better pay attention and get in line! She didn’t go up there and say, you better listen to me or there’s going to be hell. NO, she said you better listen bc my boss is a little crazy and who knows what he’ll do! THAT is what a MASTER TACTICIAN tells his people to say and if you can’t see that, well,,, BLESS YOUR HEART.
Haley has spoken about this and has said none of what she did at the UN would have EVER happened if it wasn’t for Donald Trump and the ppl he had surrounding him. The most interesting part of that is that she talked highly of the ppl Trump put in places of power close to him. The msm on both sides painted the Whitehouse as a chaotic place during his presidency but that was NOT true. The proof is in all of his accomplishments.
Nowadays, Haley is bouncing around Washington talking shit about the man who REFORMED NATO. Let’s hope she’s only playing a role bc if she’s not, SHES FINNISHED!
So I’m not about to vote for someone else who’s praise comes from actions they’ve taken only because Trump paved the way. And I’m especially not voting for someone that’s already been to Congress and I can’t tell you one damn thing they were involved in that got something done. I’m sticking with the person who I KNOW will push back against the insanity NO MATTER WHAT. I’m sticking with the guy who made us ENERGY INDEPENDENT when EVERYONE, ALL SIDES, did not want it to happen. I’m sticking with the guy I know FOR SURE is going to fight like hell to secure our borders. I’m sticking with guy who has PROVEN he WILL NOT get us into any BULLSHIT wars. I’m sticking with the guy that has PROVEN he will bring back manufacturing to the US. AND, I’m sticking with the politician that SPOKE UP FIRST about the insanity of the trans movement, involving kids and TRANNY BATHROOMS!
I have chosen to be a grown up and hire the guy that has DONE or TRIED to do EVERYTHING we as Conservatives have been begging for for EONS.
SO I’LL BE DAMNED if I’m going to let my personal feeling on his personality stop me from voting for a SURE THING. And, I SURE AS HELL won’t let my FE FEEE FEEEEELLLINNGSS stop me from voting for the ONE PERSON who has PROVEN the he WILL FIGHT LIKE HELL TO SAVE AMERICA.!!!””
What is even supposed to be the problem with Trump’s personality? He has a quintessentially American personality. Is it mean tweets? Don’t people know that almost all of Twitter is “mean tweets”? Trump tweeted in the same general tone - pithy quips and complaints - that everyone else is also tweeting in. Then when Trump was in a different social setting, like the State of the Union, he acted appropriate to that situation.
It’s also worth pointing out that part of Trump’s purpose is to bring back free speech, so when people complain that he wasn’t perfectly politically correct, well, that’s the point. Trump was trying to set an example for people that it’s okay to speak your mind, it’s okay to be direct and tell it like it is. And it worked! For all the censorship that they have used to try to silence us, people are speaking way more directly and honestly than they were in 2015. I think people forget how locked down speech was near the end of Obama’s Presidency, and how much Trump loosed it. Even the leftists and liberals have loosened in their speech just by the overall shift in the culture Trump brought.
I know some people don’t like Ye, or possibly would like him but are being duped by short out-of-context clips (sound familiar?), but right now Ye is loosening up the bounds of free speech even further. You see it in some of these interviews where he is breaking people’s programming in real-time. He blows through about fifteen things you aren’t allowed to say in about five minutes and it leaves the interviewer reeling. It makes ALL these politically correct speech rules seem stupid when they get dumped out at once and then - nothing. Nothing happens. Because really, they’re just words. And like that, all the fear and hysteria and energy around those words goes poof. It’s like cracking an illusion.
One of the best and well written expressions of truth I’ve ever read concerning DJT and his personality ,,, I agree 100 percent ! He’s a man’s man , a Brillant boss , an intelligent , take no bullshit leader! He is also extremely kind and.Compassionate! ,, I never got the whole feelings argument , I think our country has been fed to much jello and soy milk ! Men need to strap on their boots and stick their chests out for Gods sake ! Not talking about the men on here , thank God there’s a few real men still around , as a woman I’m grateful for thst !
Thank God for real women.
Thank you , it’s tough in San Diego .. not a lot of real men here !
Stand your ground and stay strong. Blessed will be the man that has you as a partner In life.
Ahh thank you
Well, I can understand why some people may not take to him. He can come across as an egocentric, narcissistic bully at times. That is reinfoeced by the MSM that only show that side in any of their news items and where else do people get their information on Trump from?
I started down the rabbit hole in 2016 when Trump defeated Hillary. I thought then that Trump was an idiot, because that was all I had heard, and I knew the Clintons to be "dubious" already. Then I found this report by Liz Crokin that showed things in a completely different light.
For some years now I have found myself agreeing more and more with Nigel Farage. This is what he said about President Trump
Dan Bongino explained the Queens, NY, outlook on life. They were not as tough as those in Brookyn and not as rich as those in Manhattan so exaggeration became a way of life. We know that to appear normal on TV you need to be larger than life.
We can understand how you need to be tough in business. You may have to deal with all kinds of shysters and you need to fight your corner. You need to be tough if you are going to enter the lion's den of the United Nations and tell world leaders where they are going wrong. Trump had to be doubly tough because most of the other leaders were all in the same cabal and were lined up gainst him.
THIS is the problem.
These people are NOT coming to this conclusion independently. They are hit with message after message about "Trump bad" by people in politics and media who hate Trump because he is showing everyone what the swamp is really all about -- and they ARE the swamp.
These messages are nothing but marketing. Every advertising expert knows that if you hit someone with a message, on average 7 times, they will start to hear it and possibly believe it. It is the "Big Lie" concept that Goebbels was talking about when he was pointing out that the British used this concept against their own people -- he was not talking about Germans, but about the English, and especially Churchill, who was a fat, lazy, cowardly liar.
This is why you have to punch through the indoctrination to get them to realize they ARE indoctrinated. They are ONLY looking at the surface and not the substance of ideas.
I disagree with Trump on a few things. But those few things I disagree with him on, I ALSO disagree with every OTHER politician because they ALSO go along with the bullshit (vaccines, Covid, Israel, budget deficit spending).
There is NO politician out there taking a truthful stance on these issues. But on every other issue, Trump is the best. AND he is most likely to get things done when he returns -- or at least, I can't seen anyone else who is better.
I don't give a fuck about his mean tweets.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
Seems like that long-held American belief is lost on the current safe space culture.
So true.
Belief in the ability to grow, to achieve whatever you put your mind to.
To speak the truth. To see clearly.
He can be a bit abrasive, but that's a regional thing. People from New York understand this.
Time for us to become the superhumans that we have the potential to become.
He is also abrasive to get the crooked politicians to get mad and foolishly react and show their true colors. Love him or hate him, he is truly the one and only one who can fix our country.
That might be a good discussion strategy.
"You think he is abrassive?"
"He's from New York. Everybody from New York is abrasive. So what?"
The problem with Trump’s personality is that he is a quintessentially American. That is what the fight is about. They need Useless idiots. (They say useful idiots because commies love praise, they are still going to kill most of their own supporters.)
The useless idiots are being made via bullying; online, in media, in political area's. If you are not an idiot then you are a racist, homophobic, Republican, white supremacist; and are not allowed to watch 'Wakanda'. LOL.
Bullying is the new American value.
Very true.
I know someone who is knowledgable about a wide variety of topics. He often complains that people around him "scold" him for acting like he knows everything.
But the thing is, he does. At least, compared to them, who know very little.
Give them hell.
Who needs friends or family? If they want to be 4-6% then so be it
Yeah, friends and family suck! Loyalties and shared history don't mean nuthin'! Let's see who can be worst!
I believe Trump would not agree. Seems to value both. Go to church and quit turning people off everywhere you go!
Your friend is a literal npc retard. He LITERALLY pulled the "mean tweets" line despite everything. Unreal.
What's wrong with his personality? Nothing! Why do so many feel the need to virtue signal like this? Seriously, can you give me one "so called" mean tweet example where he was just mean to some regular person, who wasn't part of the cabal that is wanting us dead?
I love Trump and appreciate his personality.
But the fact is, the vast majority of normie Republicans dislike him greatly now. The media brain washing has worked, and most blame him for all of the Republican problems.
My wife campaigned this fall and knocked on thousands of doors in our district. She was dismayed at how many Republicans still blame Trump, even to the point of saying they’d vote for Biden. It’s unreal.
The sheep suck….
Are you saying that actual "Republicans" said they would vote for the Resident?
I doubt these people are part of the R party. Maybe they were just saying they were? I know many D's who are so ashamed of the Resident and didn't even want to vote in the midterms.
These people that claimed they are "Republican", but are willing to vote for the dementia patient just don't seem realistic to me...no offense.
Yes, these were Republican and Independent registered voters. Like I said, she knocked on thousands of doors this fall. Trump does very poorly with our district, which is quickly becoming more and more liberal.
I would describe most of these people as higher income, if not wealthy. The old line country club Republicans if you will. These are the types that support the Bush family, Bob Dole, Mitt Romney, etc. It's a significant part of the Republican base unfortunately, and a huge portion of the donor base.
Now what they say at the door, vs what they actually would do at the ballot box may be two different things. The point is, she caught an earful from a lot of R's who are fed up with Trump.
And in this district, which has changed from red to purple, voted heavily Dem in the midterms.
Not saying that there wasn't cheating (we use Dominion affiliated voting machines), but based on what she heard at the door, she wasn't surprised.
Expect to this a lot more of this sort of thing online in the coming year or two. A lot of politicians etc on both sides don't want Trump back and they've lost one of their main propaganda arms (Twitter) so they don't have a lot of options left.
They'll have to go after Trump's supporters and try to get them to dump him and one way of doing that is by implying that he doesn't have any support left. (It's ironic when you think about it - if his support is dwindling, they have nothing to worry about. But they do seem to be worried.)
These psychological tricks are getting old and lame.
Yes, I understand all this, but if you're a true Trump supporter, then I don't think you can be swayed, no matter what they try and do.
They tried so much before the 2020 election, but how did POTUS Trump get millions of new voters?
Then they told us he lost, which most of us on here know it was false and saw the lengths they went to (with the fraud) and then they claimed this actually happened.
If some say they are not voting for him while claiming to be an "R", then they are probably a Never Trumper. Their antics are becoming very transparent these days and they may think they will change people's minds, but I just don't believe that it can be done in the amount of people that they would need.
It’s not his tweets for me, per se. It’s the whole package, but I don’t give a shit about his personality bc WE HAVE A COUNTRY TO SAVE.
I should also say his personality has really grown on me. Once you come to know a person’s heart/resolve/intelligence and you find out those things are extraordinary, their personality fades to the back.
Trump won in 2016 (and again in 2020 but that's a whole 'nother discussion) so he can easily win in 2024 with so many more people being awakened since then. Myself included,
Keep telling the truth. It doesn't always make an impact at the time but future proves past. Eventually people will notice the truth and they will remember the people who told them the truth that they brushed off in the past.
We are not planting trees. We are planting seeds. And those seeds will grow. Not all of them of course but we don't know which ones will grow and which ones will not so plant all of the seeds everywhere you go. Giant forests will grow from the seeds we are planting today. Keep speaking the truth. Keep planting the seeds no matter how discouraging it may feel at the time.
Ron Paul was the best candidate in 2008 and 2012 but he didn’t have the personality to push back like Trump does.
We need the Trump personality.
Besides, ending wars and NOT starting new ones should give even Democrats a reason to vote for him.
They're anti-war unless a democrat starts one.
Recently, I found my "Ron Paul Revolution" t-shirt. I walk three miles everyday and sit on my porch a lot. I can't tell you how many people were either honking at me or stopping and giving me a thumbs up. At first I thought, "wow, people are being extra friendly today." Then I realized, "it's Ron Paul!" It was really cool.
Wow. That is dissapointing to think about. Adult cartoons.
I loved the guy from the first debate. It only grew from there.
He had me at, "Because you'd be in jail."
Well said! I did not like Trump during the 2016 campaign. I detested his language. He was uncouth, not “Presidential”. I can’t remember what made me change my mind about him or at what point I changed, but I changed. I liked what he was saying but not how he said it. He was brash and boastful, but I believed that he truly felt the U.S. had given him many opportunities and he wanted to save the U.S. He knew the U.S. was being steered in the wrong direction. I believed him when he called the news out as fake and the politicians, as having life long careers for self serving goals. I felt Christie was a liar, Cruz and Rubio fake and phony. The only other person I would have considered was Huckabee. But I felt Trump had the fortitude and truly loves America. Is he perfect? No. But I think a higher being is guiding and protecting him through all the trials and travails. If he is placed back in the forefront as President in 2023 or runs in 2024, that is because that is the plan that God has for the U.S. and the world. When you see all that DJT accomplished in 2016-2020 despite the constant battles, he never gave in or gave up, I find it truly amazing. None of us is perfect, and I hate the Left and RINOS for all their lies because DJT is upsetting their cushy life, not ours, but theirs. They are self centered, evil people who think only of their own wealth and power. So would I vote for DJT again? Yes! He is the only one who can plow through the evil and disdain that surrounds him and give us a sliver of hope. If the U.S. falls, the world is doomed to a path of annihilation via wars, depopulation, sickness, starvation, drugs, sexual abuse, and poverty. I think your friend is simply spouting what he has been brain washed to say about Trump. How anyone can view JRB as a President who has done any good for the country and the world and worthy of another vote is beyond my comprehension. Trump has a kind and compassionate heart. This is evidenced by his interactions with our troops, with his children and grandchildren and people who have leaked what he has quietly done for them. He has not always been successful, but at least he has tried.
I find that about the only thing people have against Trump is, "he's so divisive", or "he's a jerk", and "I can't stand him!". It's pretty pitiful that they KNOW how good Trump was for the country, but still let their immature emotional response block their ability to do what is right.
moral of the story is never let perfect be the enemy of the good.
people are so used to the polished slick used car salesmen politician who can lie to your face eloquently without raising suspicion
trump just straight up says "yeah we are gonna sell a bunch of guns to people in the middle east it's gonna be great we're gonna make a bunch of money.
there was probably a reporter somewhere working on that story for years who couldn't wait to "blow the lid off" the story and trump just comes out and says it.
people want that eloquent liar because a blunt truth-teller makes them uncomfortable.
can't fix that in everyone but most eventually come around when they stop watching TV for a while.
they need constant bombardment of the bullshit otherwise it starts to wear off after a while... you know... like a booster.
Winners write the history. Buckle up.
Trump’s “personality” was standing up for us, the people.
His “mean tweets” and “name calling” was always directed at people who attacked us, or who attacked Trump or his family personally. And when I say “attacked us”, I don’t mean “Republicans” or “anons”, mean “we the people”.
If you approach Trump from the perspective that big, rich corporations, wealthy career politicians, and the media, are lying to the American people for their own gain, then suddenly every “mean tweet” sounds more like he’s standing up for us, in a way nobody else has in our lifetime.
NPCs have been trained by the big corporations, career politicians, and media to take personal offense at Trumps “mean tweets”. Because these institutions have intentionally and deceptively co-opted everyone into fighting their battles for them.
Most of these battles are battles that THEY (the institutions above) have started. Most of these battles are battles that either have no material impact on normies, or a negative impact on normies.
Why would MSNBC be so hellbent against Trump sending an entire medical ship to help Covid patients? Why would politicians be against dropping the ACA mandate while continuing to fund pre existing conditions and coverage for those who want it?
Why would Pfizer and Moderna lie in November of 2020 about the progress of their vaccine to contradict Trump who said it would be “ready by the end of the year” only to announce days later (after Trump “lost”) that it was ready? Why, then, would they lie about the efficacy and safety of the vaccine to Trump, and to us, and use big tech to ban anyone from calling them out?
Because they hate us. Trump isn’t attacking you or me or your left wing Aunt or your gay neighbor. Trump was attacking the people who are attacking all of us!
But people take personal offense on these institutions’ behalf.
This is the hurdle we need to overcome, and the thing we need to find ways of communicating.
Trump is a litmus test for freedom and success. If you don’t choose freedom and success that comes with some “mean tweets” made on behalf of protecting freedom, then you aren’t ready for freedom.
Because it takes mean tweets, and a hell of a lot more, to protect freedom.
Excellent commentary fren! From the get go, I am one of those that absolutely loved the way he spoke . It was refreshing that he spoke "We the People's" language. That he was a no bullshit guy.
I have family that asked me why I voted for him. They watch MSM and buy into narrative. I said, "he's done more for this country than any other President. Everyone benefited from his policies. Forget his personality, look at his ACTIONS." That ended that conversation 🐸
In the beginning his personality wasn’t my cup of tea, BUT I don’t vote on personality.
Especially when there’s so much on the line.
I’m an adult that has hired and fired more than I can remember. I can’t remember, ever, not hiring someone or firing someone just bc their personality didn’t align with what I like or don’t like. I look at the person as a whole and then decide if they’re capable of meeting the task at hand.
What gets me is the lack of understanding that these ppl have when it comes to the type of personalities a president will have to deal with, most are PIT VIPERS.
So what they really want is a president that will put on one face when they address them and a completely different one when they are dealing with world leaders. *If they argue that’s not true then they have no real understanding of what world leaders are like once you get them behind closed doors. You don’t get to be a world leader by winning a congeniality contest!
Clueless Idiots.
I know. That drives me nuts too. They know some of the world leaders are known badasses. Like Putin. They have no clue what it means to be respected vs liked.
you are the cure, just dnt know it yet.... thank you.
He sat there and let you talk that long without interruption?
That was a text with no reply,,,, yet.
Trump doesn't talk like a politician. That is what they hate. I would rather have Trump's mean tweets that are what we are all thinking than some stuffed shirt lying politician.
Get the hell over this shit.
I never understood ppl getting bent over his tweets,ll they’re complaint about petty while being petty
Reminds me of my coworker who said in around 2017 that he'd vote in a primary for a "George W Bush-type" against Trump. It was in that moment I realized it was a fool's errand to try to convince him of anything...
These people are brainwashed by fake media to believe things. They have not done any critical thinking of their own. So, throwing facts at them is not likely to get them to understand the real issue.
The REAL issue here is that they are focusing on personality and appearance on the surface, and nothing else. It's the same reason many voted for Barry (Obama). His substance was horrifying, but ... uh ... he black!
In this case, it might be useful to use the Hitler narrative to your advantage. I do not believe the fake media's narrative on Hitler, but it might be useful for the sake of discussion here.
"So, what you're saying, is you would have voted for Hitler because you liked how he sounded, and you would have ignored his ideas and what he did. Dude ... you need to stop being so superficial. Look past the way someone talks and understand what they stand for."
Something like that MIGHT be the punch in the face to wake them up. Dunno.
Regardless of how you feel about his personality, the Earth alliance is not backing a different person for President of the U.S. They are backing Trump. So, what side is he on? Simple as that.
Next time, tell us what you REALLY think 😉
There was a lot of feeling in that but BOOOMS of Truth!!! Good for you Anon! How do you feel now getting that out, for you? And how did he react, or is he still chewing on it?
Still chewing..
He normally responds to me QUICKLY when when I paint him in a way he doesn’t like.
And let him do so. He’ll come around.
He’s started too.
What’s fucked up is now admitting that we’re watching a show, but he doesn’t have the wear with all to know what that means.
I feel nothing after saying it.
In the moment I was PISSED, but after I was at peace.
Yes you did… you felt at peace. Because you said openly to a good friend the truth, that you’ve probably held back out of your own kindness/control. Sometimes our friends finally need to hear when they are Reeeeeally being wrong.
Yeah, that’s probably why I’m at peace.
Bipolarity got you swervin girl. Go on!
Yeah, off meds ;)
I've been told by other New Yorkers I know IRL that Trump is simply a New Yorker. People whine about him because they're losers.
To me those are the worse.
Ppl who can’t take feelings out of decision making get other ppl killed.
Yup or they really have a disliking for his personality. In that case they’re just idiots voting on Fee Feeee FEEEEELLINNNGGS
Don't leave us hanging! What did your friend say? (Good for you, btw. Nice rant.)
He’s still stewing..
Well, maybe if he stews long enough he'll get cooked. Thanks for the info.
We want the sequel!!!
Haha! Yes. At least the denouement.
Anyone who votes for personality is a useless citizen. A moron and low IQ retard.
*** Well,,,,, he finally responded and it ended with agreeing to only talk about our shared faith, our marriages and guns😂.
That agreement didn’t come easy, it started off with some high energy emotional words. All of this boils down to him thinking I need to respect his option and me thinking his opinion is based on emotion and not logic.
He recognizes that there’s a psyop taking place, most likely by white hats, but he refuses to research Q. Yet, he has wanted to talk to me about this stuff with no earned understandings coming from Q research. To me he’s acting like a lefty who tells you you’re wrong, but refuses to look into the evidence you’ve presented
It’s a weird AF place to be with someone who is Conservative, recognizes a white hat psyop, but doesn’t understand the greatness of Donald Trump, MIND BLOWN.
When we finally get this guy on our side he will be a one hell of an Anon, because he has a good heart and it takes Heaven and Earth to get him to budge from he thinks is right!