My suggestion, avoid hospitals at all costs! Two weeks ago, I went to the ER because I had pneumonia and I needed to get some antibiotics. After about 4 hours and a complete work up including a CT scan, they wanted to admit me. I said (in so many words) hell no! Just give me a prescription for antibiotics and pain meds and I’ll go home. Having since read the ER report, the ER Dr stated that “against” advice, the patient refused to be admitted. Here it is two weeks later and I’m on the mend; no covid jab, no possible covid blood contamination, etc.
Look up natural antibiotics .. antibiotics they use are molds that damage your body destroy the immune system by wiping out all your gut bacteria...get acidophilus probiotic to put it back. Lots of garlic benefits system more..look up natural antibiotics. Order through online stores if you must have them.
Antibiotics are life saving medical inventions. The destruction of gut bacteria can be prevented by using good probiotics, which is not a "natural" antibiotic.
Garlic is only useful as a tool raw, as it's not garlic that does this but the allicin in it, which is destroyed by cooking.
Science knows, does not hide and does not misdirect that antibiotics kill your gut flora... because your gut flora is bacteria being faced with something that kills it.
And, by the way, allicin will kill your gut flora in high concentrations too.
Golden seal root powder was nearly banned in the 70s by the FDA-it's antobiotic nature was too strong for the pharmas. It comes in capsules and for wounds, sprinkle from capsule directly onto wounds and bandage. I stabbed my thumb with a jigsaw and did exactly that-next morning it was healing up...until I hit it with a hammer 😒
A primary care doctor or urgent care center might have been a better choice, if available. Although many of the urgent care centers are shit and seem to be run by Democrats, so check reviews.
My primary care Dr told me to go to the ER. He said if he had attempted to order all the necessary test and work up required, it would have been a nightmare to get the approvals through my insurance. Although I was in the ER for 4 hours, I was able to get a complete work up, X-rays, CT scan with contrast, all blood work, consultation with an infectious disease expert and a pneumenologist, all without flack from my insurance company.
My sister gets pneumonia every single year like freaking clockwork and never has ended up in the hospital from it, she eventually gets some antibiotics from the doctor and gets over it. However, I've noticed she has been sick more often with either pneumonia, flu or bad colds lately, but she is vaxxed. It worries me.
I also have a friend who is vaxxed along with her husband and husband just found out he has cancer a few weeks ago, and it is now spreading since he had surgery about a week & a half ago to get the cancer. He will be doing chemo then radiation now. It doesn't look good for him. I suggested ivermectin and fenbendazole, but she absolutely refuses them and is trusting the doctor. For such smart people they let the lies brainwash them. It's sad. One friend already lost her husband to cancer after suffering because the doctors had no idea what was wrong with him until the night before he died. Now our other friend is going through the same thing.
I’ve never gotten pneumonia before. Im unvaxxed but I do have asthma. Im debating about the pneumonia vaxx but quite honestly I don’t trust the medical profession or vaccines?
My best friends husband has just had a major op to remove a 10cm renal tumour with poddy lymph nodes involved. He’s mid 40s and was healthy before the jab.
Do you remember the guy that cured his cancer with fenbensazole? Did he have a website that documented his process? If you, or anyone knows please send link. friend has cancer (not jabbed) but he doesn’t want to do chemo or radiation
When you get a marriage "license" you're entering into a TRUST relationship with the government, where any kids that are produced as a result become a PROPERTY INTEREST of the government you entered into CON-TRACT with. This is, of course, how it works in the LEGAL SYSTEM. A fictional entity called "government/state" can only make a contract with another fictional entity, aka a "Person, Resident, Citizen, Husband, Wife, Spouse, Guardian, etc.".....never a "man" or a "woman" which are REAL not fictional.
Prior to 1920 couples who got married simply recorded the event in their family bible or sent a notice to the local newspaper with the marriage announcement. This was prior to the yet-to-be-formed "Strawman" or your "ALL CAPS NAME" trust that was activated in the mid 1920s. Once this was created, the "state" could now "contract" with the strawman/trust/ALL-CAPS-NAME and we see the devastating results of this trickery in this situation today with this child.
The "parents" (neither a man or woman in the eyes of the LEGAL system) have little recourse now other than a wave of highly visible and noisy public outrage. There are no LEGAL remedies for them as long as they remain ignorant to the situation they find themselves in now.
Their remedy, which will take too long, would be to annul the marriage and APPEAR in front of a "judge" as the man and woman whose PROPERTY has been TRESPASSED upon and STOLEN. No other "words" should be used in their CLAIM - > MAN, WOMAN, TRESPASS, PROPERTY by the name of the men/women responsible for carrying out the ACT, e.g. "John Smith, sometimes ACTING as director of hospital administration" or "Jane Johnson, sometimes ACTING as CEO of ABC healthcare system", etc.
They done tricked us good! Inner Temple, Inns of the Court. The "Liege" Lords got us to swear our ALLIEGENCE" to their "LEGAL" System. Very clever boys.
Maxim of Law - "He who creates controls"
Maxim of Law - "Ignorance of the law is no defense"
Maxim of Law - "Fraud vitiates everything it touches"
But if you don't know and can't call out the fraud due to ignorance, you remain under their control. Such is the way it is...
Makes you wonder who really won the war of 1812. Did we in actuality lose, but the British crown decided it was too difficult in multiple ways to rule over us, so they said "our legal system or you all die?" If that was the case, we were basically captured.
I'd love to see someone that has the balls to instead of "rising" when the "judge" walks out of their "chambers," that person instead takes a knee with their head down and address them with a royal title instead of the usual "your honor." Stuff like "your majesty," "my liege," "sire," "your highness," etc. Hopefully they'll freak the fuck out and end the "session."
The snatch coup was accomplished by the Civil War, which had absolutely nothing to do with slavery. The original 13 colonies had to borrow $8Million dollars from the French to fight the British in the 1770s. The British Crown Corporation bought that loan from the French in 1789, which was already up to $11Million with interest. Said loan came due in 1859 now valued at over $40Million, of which the 13 colonies had almost none of it. The British Crown Corporation hired one of their agents, ATTORNEYESQUIRE (A "Title of Nobility" banned by the original but now lost 13th amendment) Abraham Lincoln to do his best to convince the new States of the Union (The South) to equally absorb the $40Million in debt to the Crown. As you know, he failed, the Southern states wanting nothing to do with taking on millions in debt to the crown.
And the rest is history - war, defeat, martial law for a decade, the creation of the "Corp-Oration" (talking corpse) in 1865, the Organic Act of 1871 creating the new corp-orations "The United States of America" owned by the British Crown and "UNTED STATES" owned by the Vatican. And of course don't forget the 14th Amendment which was used to create the "U.S. Citizen", supposedly for the newly freed slaves giving them an INFERIOR political status tied to the "Federal Government" instead of the "State Nationals" which is what everybody was prior to the 14th amendment. Who woulda thunk they could trick everybody into becoming "U.S. Citizens", thereby relinquishing our NATURAL & UN-UH-LIEN-ABLE RIGHTS in return for "Privileges & Benefits" granted to us by our liege lords.
Remarkable and ingenious deception, eh?
And voila, here we are. They've been bleeding us dry ever since, the vast majority completely and utterly ignorant to any of it.
This is a perfect example of who really thinks they owns our kids. In America, it is the same. If parents knew what the courts really believe they'd be outraged. I wrote about this several years ago.
03-29-19 On Who Owns the Children
Blair Adams wrote: WHO OWNS THE CHILDREN? (subtitled "Public Compulsion, Private Responsibility, and the Dilemma of Ultimate Authority," Waco, Texas: Truth Forum, 1991, Fifth edition). The author examines some of the court cases and legal precedents that shed light on this important question. In his "Preface" he writes:
[A]ccording to the courts of this land, ... "A child is primarily" not his parents' offspring but "a ward of the [S]tate"; ... parents hold relationship he owes allegiance to the government"; ... parents serve as a mere "guardianship" which "the government places [the child] under"; ... parental authority must be "at all times exercised in subordination to the paramount and overruling direction of the [S]tate"; ... "the natural rights of a parent to the custody and control of... his child are subordinate to the power of the [S]tate";... in deciding whether parent or State will control a child's education, the child's academic progress under the parents - even as measured by State-approved tests - has been termed by State prosecutors as "irrelevant and immaterial"; and finally ... such legal principles and policies form the basis of all this nation's compulsory education laws. (pp. Xix-xx)
In Black's Law Dictionary look up Parens Patriae. Parens Patriae means literally, “parent of the country.” It refers traditionally to the role of STATE as sovereign and guardian of persons under legal disability.
With the birth registration established, the federal government, under the doctrine of Parens Patriae, had the mechanism to take over all the assets of the American people and put them into debt into perpetuity. Under this doctrine, if one is born with a disability, the state, (the sovereign) has the responsibility to take care of you. This author believes that the disability you are born with is, in fact, the birth itself.
And you didn't know that?
The attorney bar association has many secrets that they don't want you to know about. It's a big club and you are not part of it.
If the American people actually knew the secrets that the court systems hide, they'd be marching in the streets.
See Corpus Juris Secundum (CJS), Volume 7, Section 4, Attorney & client: The attorney's first duty is to the courts and the public, not to the client, and wherever the duties to his client conflict with those he owes as an officer of the court in the administration of justice, the former must yield to the latter. Clients are also called "wards" of the court in regard to their relationship with their attorneys. After you have read the foregoing, ask your attorney to see a copy of "regarding Lawyer Discipline & other rules" Also Canons 1 through 9.
Corpus Juris Secundum assumes courts will operate in a lawful manner. If the accused makes this assumption, he may learn, to his detriment, through experience, that certain questions of law, including the question of personal jurisdiction, may never be raised and addressed, especially when the accused is represented by the bar. (Sometimes licensed counsel appears to take on the characteristics of a fox guarding the hen house.
Jurisdiction, once challenged, is to be proven, not by the court, but by the party attempting to assert jurisdiction. The burden of proof of jurisdiction lies with the asserter. The court is only to rule on the sufficiency of the proof tendered. Se McNutt v. GMAC, 298 US 178. The origins of this doctrine of law may be found in Maxfield's Lessee v Levy, 4 US 308.
03-28-19 On Wards if the State
A license is a 'privilege' granted solely by the State. Being a Christian man, I never quite understood why there are such things as "marriage licenses" when the act of marriage is a natural consequence to the Creator's design.
If one researches it, they will find that its origin is rather sinister.
In Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Addition, look up "marriage license" and follow its references).
Recognize that the issuance of licenses are a monopolistic profit center for government. Plain and simple.
The idea of contracts is a very good idea. However, whenever a contract competes with a government monopoly, there is always going to be conflict.
The reason for this is because individuals are considered 'wards of the state'; also referred to as a 'ward of the court'. In many States, a 'ward of the state' refers to individuals who are or were incarcerated. To emphasize, 'incarceration' does not make one independent. And 'not being independent' is the key phrase to understanding what is meant by being a 'ward of the state'.
The legal definition of 'ward of the state' is:
"infants and persons of unsound mind placed by the court under the care of a guardian".
In legal terms, courts view 'defendants' as wards of the court. You will never hear this in court though. This why you are to be represented by the court officer; an attorney. Don't be fooled, your attorney ultimately works for the judge in the court room.
A new tactic for declaring individuals as a 'ward of the state', is by issuing ex parte orders for placing all personal assets, business property, and the individual themselves into 'receivership'. Read Barbara Hollingsworth's, "Federal Judge Puts Internet Pioneer in Civil Lockdown" in the Examiner.
In view of this, the James Stewart and Rawesome Foods tragedy fits well with this growing precedent. It's mind boggling that the government are increasingly stripping Americans of all their rights. It's not hard to see wherever rights have been extinguished, slavery flourishes.
If Americans are considered by the courts as "wards of the state" (of unsound minds), then why do we see so many insane acts of government?
Any purposeful act contrary to Nature's Laws is an act of an unsound mind. The risks of radiation contamination from nuclear power is insanity. Computer voting machines is insanity. mRNA gene-modified tainted blood donor-ship is madness. Normalizing genital butchery and cross sex hormonal medicating is crazy. Making natural healing illegal, is an insane act, etc., etc. etc.
Who is of an unsound mind here? I think it is these people in government.
Great to hear from you Morpheus11! I haven't seen that handle for a while. You and I have had some great (I mean enlightening) conversations. Nice to see you.
Sticky-ing another clear example of: They, as in the Government in Many Countries, Will For Sure Come For Your Children! Evil Cabal turds! This is scary and heartbreaking.
The headline is misleading. The parents had volunteer unvaccinated donors arranged for blood supply if needed. They were not blocking surgery they just wanted assurances that their child would not be transfused with tainted blood from jabbed donors
My heart BREAKS for these parents. They are doing the right thing by their sweet baby. They found donors that were unvaxxed. God help someone who tried to take my child from me.
Reminds me of the parents who were going to lose their 13 yo son for refusing chemo/rad for cancer, opting instead for alternative treatments. The "state" was going to take the child, so the mother and son went on the run.
It is unbelievable this is happening.
If the mother or father are a blood match why not use their own blood? Is the hospital refusing their blood? If so it would seem a lawsuit against the hospital would be in order and good standing as they are refusing a perfectly good source of blood. It’s outrageous this even had to happen and a baby much less a sick baby going to live with complete strangers. What a sick twisted thing to do to that poor baby!
"Dangerous trend propelled by persistent misinformation about the shots' effect on blood."
People that say things like this are the main sources of misinformation about the jabs affect on the blood. I bet you anything this person gets their vaccine science from CNN.
No matter what, I am hoping that given the worldwide attention baby Will has attracted, that the health service will secretly give Will pureblood blood - just to minimise the risk of spike protein damage - so that they can gloat "See we were right, it was safe, the parents were nutters".
At the end of the day, better outcomes for children is all that matters.
That's my hopeful side talking, but imagine the pressure on the Drs ("We'd better not fuck this one up or the whole world will be on our backs").
Not to victim blame, because this is an absurd abuse of rights, but given how dystopian New Zealand went with the Covid restrictions this was a pretty obvious outcome for making that demand. In their shoes I would have lined up a private hospital in the USA for that surgery or said I want to use blood donated from family and then locate sufficient family or friends to get it.
Edit - What I meant by that is - it's BS that they are taking the child away from the parents instead of honoring what the parents feel is right for their child.
I honestly can't believe they stuck around to go to court in that place. They should have hopped a plane to Mexico and waited out all this insanity. Whatever it takes.
This sets a dangerous precedent. Now, authoritarian governments like ours will be empowered to take the children of those who oppose them. Children will now be seen as property of the state- not the parents. This is bad.
If you watch the strawma. Video you will realise the government owns your did it by signing the birth certificate became the keeper just like you only keeper of your car
When you applied for a driver's license everything changed. You are only the keeper of the car..when you get what they call road tax but isn't you are down as the keeper of the car. This is in UK but these straw man laws apply wherever admiralty/maritime law is applied so if you don't tax your car and the police spot it or don't have a valid mot they can and do crush the car.
You pay registration fees in the United States to drive on public highways and roads. If your car is paid off and you don’t register or have insurance on it, and you use it on private property they can’t take your car away from you. It is your property. Registration fees and inspection are for public roadways only.
There is a guy who blogs on gab and does a newsletter..wrote a book about Q was a computer boffin...he is fighting his local council as they are harassing him for council tax rates on his property. He knows council tax everybody pays is illegal and fraudulent so he is fighting them. Very interesting. A lot of what people pay to council's etc is totally illegal
His name is Martin geddes. ..very analytic about Q and the alliance etc
This is what fascist and communist countries do.. take your baby because you want what's best for them.. but the government believes they know better than you and end up killing your child because they know their bullshit is poison.. then they call you crazy and throw you behind bars for re-education.
Socialized healthcare means the government owns you.
Alfie Evans. Charlie Gard.
Come to Texas. I for one would welcome you.
Or just fly to Mexico and walk across into US - no jabs required.
Just say your name is Miguel Hernandez Taquito.
The government wouldn't care that it's a bullshit name as long as they think that you'll vote for them.
Sounds like a better route to me
A friend of mine lives in Canada makes the equivalent of 175 K per year. the government takes around 50K per year for "healthcare"
I thought you guys got your health care for free? How does it actually work there?
oh I see. Thanks for the response! I hate that I'm so ignorant about my neighbors to the north!
Goes deeper than that:
Legal name fraud means you agree through birth certification to let your government own the child.
All use of legal names is unlawful.
What are you talking about?
The idea that we are all corporations.
Interested in learning more.
My suggestion, avoid hospitals at all costs! Two weeks ago, I went to the ER because I had pneumonia and I needed to get some antibiotics. After about 4 hours and a complete work up including a CT scan, they wanted to admit me. I said (in so many words) hell no! Just give me a prescription for antibiotics and pain meds and I’ll go home. Having since read the ER report, the ER Dr stated that “against” advice, the patient refused to be admitted. Here it is two weeks later and I’m on the mend; no covid jab, no possible covid blood contamination, etc.
Look up natural antibiotics .. antibiotics they use are molds that damage your body destroy the immune system by wiping out all your gut bacteria...get acidophilus probiotic to put it back. Lots of garlic benefits system more..look up natural antibiotics. Order through online stores if you must have them.
I use like a miracle. Also a great source of Vitamin C.
Bad effect on me..i kept trying but no go. i drink Chaga mushroom powder in my tea instead. Highest antioxidant you can buy
Antibiotics are life saving medical inventions. The destruction of gut bacteria can be prevented by using good probiotics, which is not a "natural" antibiotic.
Garlic is only useful as a tool raw, as it's not garlic that does this but the allicin in it, which is destroyed by cooking.
Science knows, does not hide and does not misdirect that antibiotics kill your gut flora... because your gut flora is bacteria being faced with something that kills it.
And, by the way, allicin will kill your gut flora in high concentrations too.
Here in UK doctors are reluctant to prescribe antibiotics anymore.
I never said probiotics was an antibiotic
When I lived in ac Mediterranean country doctors would advise raw garlic sandwiches as a cancer preventative and raw garlic in honey is good too.
Where did you learn allicin will kill your gut flora? I can see it might but would like to learn more.
There are side effects from antibiotics and mold is not good for the body is having bad long term effects and people get resistant to it
Colloidal silver, goldenseal, oil of oregano
Golden seal root powder was nearly banned in the 70s by the FDA-it's antobiotic nature was too strong for the pharmas. It comes in capsules and for wounds, sprinkle from capsule directly onto wounds and bandage. I stabbed my thumb with a jigsaw and did exactly that-next morning it was healing up...until I hit it with a hammer 😒
Thanks for info.
So very welcome, fren!!
Here's another to check on that report. Was there a DNR order?
Idk, I will re-read it! Very interesting if so!🤔
A primary care doctor or urgent care center might have been a better choice, if available. Although many of the urgent care centers are shit and seem to be run by Democrats, so check reviews.
My primary care Dr told me to go to the ER. He said if he had attempted to order all the necessary test and work up required, it would have been a nightmare to get the approvals through my insurance. Although I was in the ER for 4 hours, I was able to get a complete work up, X-rays, CT scan with contrast, all blood work, consultation with an infectious disease expert and a pneumenologist, all without flack from my insurance company.
Shoot! Damned if you do and damned if you don't. This is one screwed up medical "system."
Sadly a lot of urgent care are charging you just to tell you to go to the hospital now.
They make their money on rapid bullshit I mean testing.
My sister gets pneumonia every single year like freaking clockwork and never has ended up in the hospital from it, she eventually gets some antibiotics from the doctor and gets over it. However, I've noticed she has been sick more often with either pneumonia, flu or bad colds lately, but she is vaxxed. It worries me.
I also have a friend who is vaxxed along with her husband and husband just found out he has cancer a few weeks ago, and it is now spreading since he had surgery about a week & a half ago to get the cancer. He will be doing chemo then radiation now. It doesn't look good for him. I suggested ivermectin and fenbendazole, but she absolutely refuses them and is trusting the doctor. For such smart people they let the lies brainwash them. It's sad. One friend already lost her husband to cancer after suffering because the doctors had no idea what was wrong with him until the night before he died. Now our other friend is going through the same thing.
I’ve never gotten pneumonia before. Im unvaxxed but I do have asthma. Im debating about the pneumonia vaxx but quite honestly I don’t trust the medical profession or vaccines?
Same, I don't trust them either.
If you've never had it, I would forgo the vaxx.
Lets say it did do something, we've learned that essentially, every single vax has bad side effects.
I went to the ER one time, and while in a haze, they asked if I wanted the HPV vaccine.
I don't remember getting it, but the first dose is on all my medical records, and I've had worsened chronic abdominal pain, since then.
My best friends husband has just had a major op to remove a 10cm renal tumour with poddy lymph nodes involved. He’s mid 40s and was healthy before the jab.
So sorry to hear this. Praying he will make it through and get better.
Do you remember the guy that cured his cancer with fenbensazole? Did he have a website that documented his process? If you, or anyone knows please send link. friend has cancer (not jabbed) but he doesn’t want to do chemo or radiation
Joe Tippens
Your welcome fren
I used to have twice yearly sinus infections, until we figured out it was allergies! She might look into that.
No when she gets sick like that it goes into her lungs. Based in India, ships out of Singapore.
I get my ivermectin and hcq from him.
I noticed that he is also selling amoxicillin and doxycycline on his site, no prescription.
Will link another post that lists overseas pharmacies for ivermectin, these may also sell antibiotics.
My heart just fell. This is so wrong.
Many people need to swing. Will they get what’s due? Will people start taking action, one by one? Will we end their grand charade at last?
When you get a marriage "license" you're entering into a TRUST relationship with the government, where any kids that are produced as a result become a PROPERTY INTEREST of the government you entered into CON-TRACT with. This is, of course, how it works in the LEGAL SYSTEM. A fictional entity called "government/state" can only make a contract with another fictional entity, aka a "Person, Resident, Citizen, Husband, Wife, Spouse, Guardian, etc.".....never a "man" or a "woman" which are REAL not fictional.
Prior to 1920 couples who got married simply recorded the event in their family bible or sent a notice to the local newspaper with the marriage announcement. This was prior to the yet-to-be-formed "Strawman" or your "ALL CAPS NAME" trust that was activated in the mid 1920s. Once this was created, the "state" could now "contract" with the strawman/trust/ALL-CAPS-NAME and we see the devastating results of this trickery in this situation today with this child.
The "parents" (neither a man or woman in the eyes of the LEGAL system) have little recourse now other than a wave of highly visible and noisy public outrage. There are no LEGAL remedies for them as long as they remain ignorant to the situation they find themselves in now.
Their remedy, which will take too long, would be to annul the marriage and APPEAR in front of a "judge" as the man and woman whose PROPERTY has been TRESPASSED upon and STOLEN. No other "words" should be used in their CLAIM - > MAN, WOMAN, TRESPASS, PROPERTY by the name of the men/women responsible for carrying out the ACT, e.g. "John Smith, sometimes ACTING as director of hospital administration" or "Jane Johnson, sometimes ACTING as CEO of ABC healthcare system", etc.
Prayers for the baby.
This is the way. Fuck those British noble bastards. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS
They done tricked us good! Inner Temple, Inns of the Court. The "Liege" Lords got us to swear our ALLIEGENCE" to their "LEGAL" System. Very clever boys.
Maxim of Law - "He who creates controls"
Maxim of Law - "Ignorance of the law is no defense"
Maxim of Law - "Fraud vitiates everything it touches"
But if you don't know and can't call out the fraud due to ignorance, you remain under their control. Such is the way it is...
Makes you wonder who really won the war of 1812. Did we in actuality lose, but the British crown decided it was too difficult in multiple ways to rule over us, so they said "our legal system or you all die?" If that was the case, we were basically captured.
I'd love to see someone that has the balls to instead of "rising" when the "judge" walks out of their "chambers," that person instead takes a knee with their head down and address them with a royal title instead of the usual "your honor." Stuff like "your majesty," "my liege," "sire," "your highness," etc. Hopefully they'll freak the fuck out and end the "session."
The snatch coup was accomplished by the Civil War, which had absolutely nothing to do with slavery. The original 13 colonies had to borrow $8Million dollars from the French to fight the British in the 1770s. The British Crown Corporation bought that loan from the French in 1789, which was already up to $11Million with interest. Said loan came due in 1859 now valued at over $40Million, of which the 13 colonies had almost none of it. The British Crown Corporation hired one of their agents, ATTORNEY ESQUIRE (A "Title of Nobility" banned by the original but now lost 13th amendment) Abraham Lincoln to do his best to convince the new States of the Union (The South) to equally absorb the $40Million in debt to the Crown. As you know, he failed, the Southern states wanting nothing to do with taking on millions in debt to the crown.
And the rest is history - war, defeat, martial law for a decade, the creation of the "Corp-Oration" (talking corpse) in 1865, the Organic Act of 1871 creating the new corp-orations "The United States of America" owned by the British Crown and "UNTED STATES" owned by the Vatican. And of course don't forget the 14th Amendment which was used to create the "U.S. Citizen", supposedly for the newly freed slaves giving them an INFERIOR political status tied to the "Federal Government" instead of the "State Nationals" which is what everybody was prior to the 14th amendment. Who woulda thunk they could trick everybody into becoming "U.S. Citizens", thereby relinquishing our NATURAL & UN-UH-LIEN-ABLE RIGHTS in return for "Privileges & Benefits" granted to us by our liege lords.
Remarkable and ingenious deception, eh?
And voila, here we are. They've been bleeding us dry ever since, the vast majority completely and utterly ignorant to any of it.
Good times!
What could be next is: primea noctis... 🤷♀️
No idea what that is.
The ancient practice of "first night of dalliance with the bride"..
Morpheus knows!
This is a perfect example of who really thinks they owns our kids. In America, it is the same. If parents knew what the courts really believe they'd be outraged. I wrote about this several years ago.
03-29-19 On Who Owns the Children
Blair Adams wrote: WHO OWNS THE CHILDREN? (subtitled "Public Compulsion, Private Responsibility, and the Dilemma of Ultimate Authority," Waco, Texas: Truth Forum, 1991, Fifth edition). The author examines some of the court cases and legal precedents that shed light on this important question. In his "Preface" he writes:
In Black's Law Dictionary look up Parens Patriae. Parens Patriae means literally, “parent of the country.” It refers traditionally to the role of STATE as sovereign and guardian of persons under legal disability.
With the birth registration established, the federal government, under the doctrine of Parens Patriae, had the mechanism to take over all the assets of the American people and put them into debt into perpetuity. Under this doctrine, if one is born with a disability, the state, (the sovereign) has the responsibility to take care of you. This author believes that the disability you are born with is, in fact, the birth itself.
And you didn't know that?
The attorney bar association has many secrets that they don't want you to know about. It's a big club and you are not part of it.
If the American people actually knew the secrets that the court systems hide, they'd be marching in the streets.
See Corpus Juris Secundum (CJS), Volume 7, Section 4, Attorney & client: The attorney's first duty is to the courts and the public, not to the client, and wherever the duties to his client conflict with those he owes as an officer of the court in the administration of justice, the former must yield to the latter. Clients are also called "wards" of the court in regard to their relationship with their attorneys. After you have read the foregoing, ask your attorney to see a copy of "regarding Lawyer Discipline & other rules" Also Canons 1 through 9.
Corpus Juris Secundum assumes courts will operate in a lawful manner. If the accused makes this assumption, he may learn, to his detriment, through experience, that certain questions of law, including the question of personal jurisdiction, may never be raised and addressed, especially when the accused is represented by the bar. (Sometimes licensed counsel appears to take on the characteristics of a fox guarding the hen house. ) Jurisdiction, once challenged, is to be proven, not by the court, but by the party attempting to assert jurisdiction. The burden of proof of jurisdiction lies with the asserter. The court is only to rule on the sufficiency of the proof tendered. Se McNutt v. GMAC, 298 US 178. The origins of this doctrine of law may be found in Maxfield's Lessee v Levy, 4 US 308.
03-28-19 On Wards if the State
A license is a 'privilege' granted solely by the State. Being a Christian man, I never quite understood why there are such things as "marriage licenses" when the act of marriage is a natural consequence to the Creator's design.
If one researches it, they will find that its origin is rather sinister.
In Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Addition, look up "marriage license" and follow its references).
Recognize that the issuance of licenses are a monopolistic profit center for government. Plain and simple.
The idea of contracts is a very good idea. However, whenever a contract competes with a government monopoly, there is always going to be conflict.
The reason for this is because individuals are considered 'wards of the state'; also referred to as a 'ward of the court'. In many States, a 'ward of the state' refers to individuals who are or were incarcerated. To emphasize, 'incarceration' does not make one independent. And 'not being independent' is the key phrase to understanding what is meant by being a 'ward of the state'.
The legal definition of 'ward of the state' is:
"infants and persons of unsound mind placed by the court under the care of a guardian".
In legal terms, courts view 'defendants' as wards of the court. You will never hear this in court though. This why you are to be represented by the court officer; an attorney. Don't be fooled, your attorney ultimately works for the judge in the court room.
A new tactic for declaring individuals as a 'ward of the state', is by issuing ex parte orders for placing all personal assets, business property, and the individual themselves into 'receivership'. Read Barbara Hollingsworth's, "Federal Judge Puts Internet Pioneer in Civil Lockdown" in the Examiner.
In view of this, the James Stewart and Rawesome Foods tragedy fits well with this growing precedent. It's mind boggling that the government are increasingly stripping Americans of all their rights. It's not hard to see wherever rights have been extinguished, slavery flourishes.
If Americans are considered by the courts as "wards of the state" (of unsound minds), then why do we see so many insane acts of government?
Any purposeful act contrary to Nature's Laws is an act of an unsound mind. The risks of radiation contamination from nuclear power is insanity. Computer voting machines is insanity. mRNA gene-modified tainted blood donor-ship is madness. Normalizing genital butchery and cross sex hormonal medicating is crazy. Making natural healing illegal, is an insane act, etc., etc. etc.
Who is of an unsound mind here? I think it is these people in government.
Good post Tewdryg. I posted a similar, more simplified flavor of this as well.
Great to hear from you Morpheus11! I haven't seen that handle for a while. You and I have had some great (I mean enlightening) conversations. Nice to see you.
You as well my friend. Keep up the great work edumacating the GA anons!
And yet fucking cult members can refuse life saving blood transfusions.... Because they are cult members...
Sticky-ing another clear example of: They, as in the Government in Many Countries, Will For Sure Come For Your Children! Evil Cabal turds! This is scary and heartbreaking.
Yes, but on the bright side that may be one of the only actions that will cause normal people to stand up and be the kind of soldiers we need.
The headline is misleading. The parents had volunteer unvaccinated donors arranged for blood supply if needed. They were not blocking surgery they just wanted assurances that their child would not be transfused with tainted blood from jabbed donors
My heart BREAKS for these parents. They are doing the right thing by their sweet baby. They found donors that were unvaxxed. God help someone who tried to take my child from me. Reminds me of the parents who were going to lose their 13 yo son for refusing chemo/rad for cancer, opting instead for alternative treatments. The "state" was going to take the child, so the mother and son went on the run. It is unbelievable this is happening.
This is absolutely heart breaking. I feel for those parents. They gave up their guns and their rights in most other countries.
If the mother or father are a blood match why not use their own blood? Is the hospital refusing their blood? If so it would seem a lawsuit against the hospital would be in order and good standing as they are refusing a perfectly good source of blood. It’s outrageous this even had to happen and a baby much less a sick baby going to live with complete strangers. What a sick twisted thing to do to that poor baby!
"Dangerous trend propelled by persistent misinformation about the shots' effect on blood."
People that say things like this are the main sources of misinformation about the jabs affect on the blood. I bet you anything this person gets their vaccine science from CNN.
Fucking communist bastards need to hang.
No matter what, I am hoping that given the worldwide attention baby Will has attracted, that the health service will secretly give Will pureblood blood - just to minimise the risk of spike protein damage - so that they can gloat "See we were right, it was safe, the parents were nutters".
At the end of the day, better outcomes for children is all that matters.
That's my hopeful side talking, but imagine the pressure on the Drs ("We'd better not fuck this one up or the whole world will be on our backs").
But children have to die to wake up the Normal People!
Not to victim blame, because this is an absurd abuse of rights, but given how dystopian New Zealand went with the Covid restrictions this was a pretty obvious outcome for making that demand. In their shoes I would have lined up a private hospital in the USA for that surgery or said I want to use blood donated from family and then locate sufficient family or friends to get it.
True. Unless that baby was adopted, one of the parents should have been able to donate the blood, but were the parents vaccinated?
How hard would it be to accomodate the parents' request? Evil fascist despots.
That poor kid is in extreme danger. Prayers going up for his extraction from tyranny!
This is BS!
Edit - What I meant by that is - it's BS that they are taking the child away from the parents instead of honoring what the parents feel is right for their child.
The left cheers at heartbreaking stories like this
What happens if the baby is killed?
I honestly can't believe they stuck around to go to court in that place. They should have hopped a plane to Mexico and waited out all this insanity. Whatever it takes.
The story is from New Zealand. Bugging out to Mexico is unlikely an option for them.
Don't worry guys it's just a movie. I'm sure the parents are kicking back eating their popcorn.
So sorry to hear that. Hoping for his swift recovery.
Can’t the parents donate their own blood/plasma? I’m assuming they’re purebloods if they are this grounded in their beliefs.
This sets a dangerous precedent. Now, authoritarian governments like ours will be empowered to take the children of those who oppose them. Children will now be seen as property of the state- not the parents. This is bad.
I think all the stillborn deaths of vaccinated mothers is proof enough.
If you watch the strawma. Video you will realise the government owns your did it by signing the birth certificate became the keeper just like you only keeper of your car
If you hold a title. You own the car, if you have a bill of sell, and the car wasn’t stolen property. You own the car.
When you applied for a driver's license everything changed. You are only the keeper of the car..when you get what they call road tax but isn't you are down as the keeper of the car. This is in UK but these straw man laws apply wherever admiralty/maritime law is applied so if you don't tax your car and the police spot it or don't have a valid mot they can and do crush the car.
You pay registration fees in the United States to drive on public highways and roads. If your car is paid off and you don’t register or have insurance on it, and you use it on private property they can’t take your car away from you. It is your property. Registration fees and inspection are for public roadways only.
Right..UK different.
There is a guy who blogs on gab and does a newsletter..wrote a book about Q was a computer boffin...he is fighting his local council as they are harassing him for council tax rates on his property. He knows council tax everybody pays is illegal and fraudulent so he is fighting them. Very interesting. A lot of what people pay to council's etc is totally illegal
His name is Martin geddes. ..very analytic about Q and the alliance etc
You are not your children's guardians. The state is..same thing..the birth certificate you got and signed for a e the government your child
Watch the videos online.
This is what fascist and communist countries do.. take your baby because you want what's best for them.. but the government believes they know better than you and end up killing your child because they know their bullshit is poison.. then they call you crazy and throw you behind bars for re-education.
I will give my pure blood and ship ASAP. That easy
This is unbelievable. Why aren’t the parents allowed to give blood for the baby?
but we're still on for that pandemic amnesty, right?