to put this as simple as possible. Is the economy going to dump more and then eventually go back up, indicating a buying opportunity in stocks, real estate, etc. Or is all going to zero? Would I be safe if I invest in good companies or is it not worth it all,because the USDollar may go to zero? What are your thoughts? Should I take this as a buying opportunity or embrace the possibility of a complete financial collapse where my money is now toilet paper?
Im just a broke trade school student unsure about this whole shitty clown show, and dont want all of my money to go down the drain.
To go off topic a bit, Would trump even let that happen, because if you introduce a new financial system, what are you going to do if millions of hard working middle class Americans lose all their wealth from the old system?
Always follow LQdy u/BQnita. When she is away, u/Mary911 is advisable… and vice-versa. Have flowers and hugs, beloved LQdies.🤗💐
How are you today? I don’t have to work so I may chop wood instead. I have to do something with these steres of pruned wood.🥳🔥
This brought a huge awww smile to my face.🤗❤️
I imagine her as a gentle little cat Mummy.🤗
Gold and silver. Period.
..... and farmland
The land isn't actually yours. It can and will be taken from you like other commie countries did in the past when the country is starving.
I call bullshit on that
Fucking sweet
You can cannonball run your ass naked around this lot
Buy a used trailer and your in for less than a new 4x4
You like hot ?
You ask for it you got it affordable land coming up
That shits going down. I wouldn't buy land for another year
Physical gold and silver for sure. If you can’t hold it, you don’t own it.
what about that company Bongino supports- precious metals IRAs and they hold it for you?
Just as manipulated as paper fiat currencies.
And practically as a store of real value, possibly an even greater con. But the GoLd and SiLveR rackets have been a huge hit with humanity for millennia.
Depends on your tolerance for risk. Personally I don’t trust Bongino, but never the less it boils down to risk. In a high-inflation economy, physical assets are the best hedge against inflation. Second would be government bonds which theoretically carry the least amount of risk. Gold IRA’s and other versions of “paper gold” basically carry the same amount of risk as most other stocks.
"Hey, give me $1,000/month and I'll hold your extremely valuable precious metals for you... when the economy collapses and people are stabbing neighbors with sharpened toothbrushes for a package of ramen noodles, we'll give it to you. Promise!"
If you don't hold it, you don't own it.
If shit like that is happening you have more things to worry about then where your fucking gold is stored buddy
No argument there. The physical assets are one of many worries cared for.
Obviously my example was extreme. The point is, the extent of their fuckery and willingness to blatantly violate the law and steal from citizens is seemingly endless.
If you can't hold it, you don't own it.
I think we made full circle. Yeah "you'll have more things to worry about" and gold could be the only thing you're worth to anyone. If you have nothing to offer society, you are only worth what you have in physical assets... physical assets that you can secure and protect btw. Sooooo buy gold, lead and learn some life skillz... like farming and harvesting animals.
It's also precisely the time you want physical assets to trade for food.
Yes. If you have nothing to offer society gold will no doubt be a major trading commodity.
Yep, hard currency is a more advanced form of trade than bartering.
Yes, but ONLY if you cant hold it directly.
For example, lets say you have a 401k and you're 59.5 yrs old (just an example). You can withdraw your funds, but you'll have to pay income tax (but no early withdraw penalty).
Instead, you can roll-over your 401k fully/partially to a gold or silver ira w/o tax.
If you go with Noble Gold (sponsor some patriots) then they will do the paperwork, setup and purchase your metal. No tax, no penalty.
Your metal us yours. They send you a pic of your metal, and you can choose between two vaults (TX, and NH i think). They charge going street rates (spot + premium depending on what metals you get.). They charge about 8% fee, and your metal is stored and managed by a trust company.
Using this process… How do you get it shipped to you if you “own” it?
You own it, but the trust company stores it. Like i sait, this is mot as good as in your own possession.
For IRAs, 401k etc, its an option. Hope that helps.
F that.
Copper, brass, and lead here. Can't shoot gold.
You can if you mold your own bullets. Add a little silver, copper and tin to harden up to taste.
Doesn't buying into these mean you believe global digitial currency will rule the world?
There's a difference between crypto and digital assets.
dont buy into rigged markets.
go for silver and gold if you can.
Sure, silver an gold markets are totally legit...
Not the gold and silver market, physical gold and silver. You are correct that the COMEX is completely manipulated by derivatives in the gold and silver paper market.
silver and gold can never default
at least its a physical commodity with inherent value.
Ha, you are right, but for stacking physical...the manipulation is a feature. (for now) 😉
whats this dislike against stocks, everything's being manipulated, precious metals AND stocks. So whats the big fuss about it.
Most people here know fuckall about investing and just are precious metal boomer maxis. It’s extremely cringe.
Legit. I cringe like mad when I see the gold/silver-only crowd pipe up. They talk about EMPs rolling across the entire country. They talk about a total collapse of the market, as if all the companies that literally manufacture every good you consume are going to fail all at once. It's insane.
You have to ask yourself: do you think that Mondelez, Protector & Gamble, and Pepsi are all going to go out of business at once?
Thank you. Because if they knew jack shit about investing, the would not waste time hanging out on the internet blabbing. They'd be kicking it in the Caribbean saying Marcellus Wallace was right.
Silver is so shorted by them keeping the price down. Eventually they'll have to make good
The point is exactly that. Everything IS being manipulated. When that manipulation is exposed - what can you hold onto?
Stocks and retirement funds that brokerages manage? No. They can literally sell these out from under you (just like what they did when GME began to moon in Jan 21')
If you're holding silver/gold (or have certain stocks DRS'ed), those are untouchable.
Invest in assests that you can hold.
All the value of derivatives will fall into gold when the crash comes. Paper (derivatives) will only be worth what its printed on.
I’ve been buying DWAC and rumble stock little by little with each paycheck for a year now. I’m in the red, but I’m confident in the future that something big is going to happen with those two stocks.
Only stock I have is GME, HYMC, DWAC and Rumble
Thank you. I did not know that Ryan Cohen bought into it heavily. I already own 4000 shares of the stock and I know it is a mining company. I was only asking you why are you recommend the stock.
I was mistaken as it was AMC that bought into HYMC. Sorry. Have removed the duh and now apply it to myself. (hud!). None of us are holy and none holier than anyone else.
Thank you again. We may or may not have invested in a good thing.
My bad it was AMC not Cohen.
I'm only buying DWAC and GME. A hundred each paycheck. I'm in the red too, but I have high hopes. This was the money I was putting into my 401k but I trust these two stocks to out perform the market.
I can only budget 60 out of each check, but my stocks are slowly piling up, especially now.
Did you DRS your GME?
All 16 shares. lol
One of us.
Yeah, my DWAC got crushed, but you don't lose $$$ unless you sell...right? 😁
Buy low. It goes lower, buy more. When Enron comes back, I will be a billionaire and people will marvel at my investment savvy!
I'm building a house with a good overall down payment. We're trying to save money, but this is going to be the house we stay at forever. I'm trusting Jesus, praying that this will be under budget and we won't owe anything when it's done.
Just how I'm planning based on where God has placed us. It's all his anyway. So, am I worried? No.
Some people are WAY into trusting in gold, silver, and chariots. It can all be gone tomorrow.
Yep everything can be gone tomorrow. Houses, cars, stocks, cash, gold, ammo, guns, food, everything. Just have to do the best you can as God leads. Only Heavenly treasure remains.
You must not live in Florida. That is not possible unless you make around 100k a year as an individual here.
I don't, and like where I live in Alabama.
That said, people said the same thing when I went to college about not being able to do it without debt. And I did.
Not saying you can, I just hate when people say things like this. It's more defeatist. I do it too, sometimes, tho.
3 years ago i would've never said it.
Can confirm; Am individual.
can confirm, I was house.
If you're building new and in the north please make sure you include alternative heating accomodations. Wood stove, wood boiler, etc. I'm kicking myself building in 2015 a single gas fireplace requiring an electric blower to operate.
Tuesday will be the indicator for what the market is about to do. 2023 is going to make 2022 look like the puppy bowl. I'm not giving advice, but I'd buy DWAC while it's on sale. I'd keep your powder dry and be ready to start buying in when the market appears to hit bottom. It isn't even close to that yet, IMO. I think we will be seeing the bottom about summer.
OP, I've been hearing doomsday predictions about how the "economic collapse is going to happen any day now!" for over a decade now. The economy isn't great, but anyone claiming to know exactly what is going to happen and when is full of shit. Here's some general financial advice to get you through whatever happens:
Priority #1 is having an emergency fund. Not just in the bank, but physical cash at home in case the ATMs or banks are inaccessible.
Prep. Even if the economy doesn't collapse, natural disasters and emergencies still happen. Make sure you have enough food, water, food prep supplies, medicine, and a means of keeping yourself and loved ones warm during an extended utility outage. Make sure the pets are taken care of, too. A good goal to aim for is two weeks' worth of supplies for your family. If you can add more, even better.
When you've got those two practical matters squared away, THEN you can start worrying about stocks, real estate, etc.
This is extremely practical advice. Reading about some of the deaths from this last winter storm just leaves me baffled. How can you live in a place like upstate New York and have electric powered everything? And no generator? No fireplace? Some lost electricity and just froze to death.
It's sad that people have to be told this stuff. But apparently they do. 🤷♀️
Having a stockpile of food at home also will make things less immediately stressful if you are to lose your source of income for a while.
I have been hearing "physical cash will be useless soon" since the 1990s. Again, reread my post:
We don't know if and when the collapse will happen, and until then, job losses, home repairs, car repairs, medical emergencies, and just life happens. What are you going to do if your furnace breaks tomorrow and it's 10 degrees outside? Pay the repairman in Silver Eagles? Go, "Oh, wait a few hours while I find a LCS that's open right now to cash in my silver"? If you can find one that willing to put up with that, more power to you, but that's just not happening/practical for 99 percent of people stuck in that situation. And to clarify, I'm not knocking people who own precious metals, but have some liquidity available because shit happens.
I think people will be unloading second houses, cabins, land, etc, that they can’t afford anymore or because they need the cash. I’ve got a few places I’ve got my eyes on and I’m waiting to see what happens.
My husband and I just talked about this. My family once had lots of land. My grandfather was diagnosed with terminal cancer while still young. He sold everything. It did provide for his family and helped their adult kids start businesses, but the return would have been 1000 fold if he had just allowed my grandmother to sell the land when she needed money keeping the rest of the land. In the last 20 years, other family land has had a 50% decline and then regained every penny and more. Our government can print more dollars but it can't make more land.
I wont give you an investment advice. I will give you an anology.
Think of a bubble, that keeps growing and growing and growing. Everyone knows it has to burst at some point. But everyone is awe inspired as to how huge it is growing, and everyone keeps jumping on the bubble, because staying out of it would make you feel like you are being dwarfed by everyone on it.
Would you jump on the bubble?
Not Trump, not anyone else, can stop the bubble from bursting simply because every pyramid scheme has to collapse when it runs out of victims.
What Trump has been doing, on the other hand, is to reshuffle the economy such that when the collapse finally happens, it takes down the Cabal assets rather than the common folks.
Excellent question. Answer : My personal experience- My wife and I recently just had this exact conversation because we are business owners that haven't finished our "grand plan" of our business and were faced with what should we do about expanding. Should we hedge all our assets and hunker down or take a risk and expand into the next step of our dreams. We chose to expand. For many reasons including the fact that one of the things we are doing involves processing raw materials into usable items (Alaska = Trees = Sawmill = wood ) , but chiefly among them is this; God has always had our backs. We work our asses off diligently and invest in ourselves at every turn, we use that for every good work we have the opportunity to apply it too. God always gives us more opportunities and open doors and never once have we been led into a pitfall. Not since this whole shamdemic started, not with every cry of the failing economy, the run and hide crowd says don't, don't, don't. I personally am an extreme optimist, but I am a realist too. I understand the whole thing can come crashing down, so for us we have been investing in equipment and useful things that can produce an effect. We decided money itself wasnt tangibly useful if the whole thing fell over but something that could be traded for things we ourselves couldnt get is. That and learning new skills (tradeable too). If you choose to invest in other businesses are they in an industry that relies on many others beforehand to produce what they offer or will they become paramount to an economy that needs raw materials and goods that are necessary for our survival. Just questions to ask. God loves creative and strong people and I believe that for us to live in fear and to exist based on the fear they are projecting onto us is to put our trust in them and not him.
Tl;dr Think about who you and what you are investing in, if you do, and are they something needed and integral to a functioning society. Dont lose hope, Trust God.
Buy silver and gold!
One of the most clear drops we have on the topic of the USD is that Gold shall destroy the Fed. So, the Federal Reserve Note will be destroyed according this claim.
“The best is yet to come” and “we will be back in some form” are some POTUS quotes, so good things are on the horizon, just - how do we ride an uncertain wave, and how dark is this going to get before it gets good?
Markets are real. Providing business value is real. And, this and many other constants will remain. Look into business fundamentals and then place bets accordingly. IMO
I'm investing in a small farm with garden and livestock. nobody is going to want to eat gold when shtf, Food will be gold.
The dollar may not go to zero, but DOW 16,000 is a real possibility. Basel 3, 4 kick in on Jan 3rd and the manipulation of the gold and silver market will come to and end. Those holding paper silver and paper gold will be holding the shitty end of the stick soon. Real assets are the hedge against the coming inflation and the coming market crash. Just my opinion. The only stocks I would be buying right now would be those in the Death Care industry. There is a whole lotta dying going on for some reason.
Thanks, I didn't realize that Basil 3/4 was habbening now. I thought it was already implemented.
Pls help me understand why the manipulation will end, and any other interdasting insights you may have. Thx fren.
It's my understanding that Basel 3/4 requires banks to have actual assets in their possession in order to make a transaction against that asset (collateral). This prohibits one bank from creating "leased" contracts for gold/silver to other banks who in turn, use their leased assets to sell the public paper SLV/GLD.
I have this question in spades. Thanks mods for the sticky, hope there is some solid input from the group.
It is indeed a great question. However, only God knows what the markets are going to do.
I used to think I had a handle on this topic from listening to various experts. Then 15-20 years later all the chaos they predicted has yet to play out, and I'm left realizing there are lots of good ideas but no one REALLY knows what's going to happen or when.
What I CAN tell you is if you invest in things you can drop on your foot - precious metals, whatever else - those things will always have good comparative value. The value of dollars is a bit of a psychological construct, and can be set at anything they want, zero included. Same thing with pretty much the whole stock market - a couple years ago the price of oil actually went NEGATIVE!
Personally I think there's going to be a time coming where prices will go much lower, but then there's also the question of how do you preserve buying power so you can take advantage of that?
I've got more questions than answers but I hope you find a way to rock it.
A full-on belly up collapse doesn't jive with what we were told. No civil war, no anarchy, etc.
You make a good point, if Q said it would be swift and clean/no civil war. Id assume it wouldn't collapse to zero.
My Dad keeps telling us to hurry up and list our house - we've been planning to downsize. He says the housing market will crash and we can buy another house cheap. Would kill me though to take advantage of someone else's misfortune. Told my husband this afternoon, I'd rather build a small house.
It’s a dog eat dog world. I wouldn’t feel bad.
Life is player versus player. You're taking a job someone wanted. You've got a husband someone wanted. You have a life someone would kill for. People make their own decisions and we deal with the consequences as well as the blessings.
It's not about taking advantage of someone. They're making the move they believe is right for them and they have access to all the same info you do. And no one truly knows what tomorrow will hold. Besides, I've watched housing market booms and busts. There's always a turn in the market coming somewhere. Even if someone buys your home and the value falls $50K the next month, they still have a solid house to live in.
Trade School Student pretty much says it all for you. Invest in tools if you have extra in your coffers. Invest in a vinyl plotter so you can do your own decals on the truck. Invest some time learning GIMP or DaVinci Resolve or Inkscape (all free) and handle your own graphics.
Alternatively, you could gamble. Lottery tickets, stock market, or whatever.
Oh man, I thought with all the hype it was bound to spike again!
I’d buy cases of scotch before I’d invest one dime in the stock market right now. A bottle of scotch could become just like liquid gold during tough times.
Even bags of sugar would be precious in a world filled with toilet paper, beans and rice hoarders.
Yep, especially if you have stored coffee for that sugar.😎
Yep, or Tea :)
I saw an opportunity in March 2020 and bought some shares of Disney and other companies. One year later, the stock had doubled. Less than a year after that, it tanked to less than what I bought it for.
It's not just what you buy, it's what you sell it for and when you sell it.
The best investment I made recently is $3,000 worth of food storage in late 2020 before prices went up. Those powdered eggs I bought that even I was doubtful of? They cost me far less than buying fresh eggs now. The freezer I bought before 2020 and then the second one I bought in 2022 after prices went up are good too. I was able to stockpile hamburger patties at a killer price, in addition to other meats.
Someone once told me the best side hustle is a garden.
You need to know what your goals are. If your goal is to make some money, then I can give you my thoughts on what I'm doing, but I cannot legally provide financial advice, so I therefore won't.
I'm operating knowing that it won't go to zero. Do you really think that PEP or DIS will go to zero? KO? MSFT? I look at the products I buy (Pepsi, Xbox, theme park passes) and I look at those companies. Are they successful? Do they provide a terrific product? Do I think they'll be around in a decade? Then I buy those companies.
I was told in 2011 about a guy who had bought Ford and others around the time of bailouts for $1/share or something like that. The stock eventually went up and he profited.
I started looking at PEP in 2006. Had I invested then, my money would have quadrupled by now, I think. I don't love everything about the company, but I do know that Pepsi, Quaker, and Frito Lay products are everywhere and very popular. I don't love everything about Microsoft, but I love the Xbox brand and I definitely see future success in it. I don't love Coca-Cola, but I do know that I can go anywhere in the world and buy a Coca-Cola product and it will be top-quality every single time.
If you're looking to make a quick buck, you can, but there are no guarantees. What I looked for in 2020 was a big dip, and then I assumed the stock would rebound within a year or two. Want evidence? Go look at S&P 500 data for the years 2007-2009. Try symbol SPY on Yahoo Finance and see the data.
If you want to make money riding the market down, you can try options. You can look into TastyTrade and the educational resources it provides.
As for long-term, the common sentiment is S&P 500 ETF or mutual fund. Dave Ramsay never shuts up about it.
And if you believe what they say around here, I don't think it hurts to have some physical gold and silver laying around.
Only you can do what you think is right. I moved all my money away from financial advisors because I found them to be unhelpful and I've been managing on my own.
My nephew holds your views about the market, but the only spoiler is what is being accumulating is fiat reserve 'dollars'. I have no faith when the 1950 'dollar' is now worth 3 cents.
What exactly are derivatives?? When you see a table of big banks that shows JP Morgan Chase holding 61 TRILLION in derivatives and the next seven holding at least 150 TRILLION in derivatives, where is the value there??? There is no bailout or bail in that could possibly happen. Asking for a fren...
All you experts saying to get into precious metals...why exactly? If the shit hits the fan to the level that we think it will, gold and silver will be nothing but pretty shinies. You cannot eat it, you cannot plant it, it will not grow, etc. Hell oil sounds like a better idea if you can lay your hands on enough past your own needs.
In a future where the global economy has collapsed, people will be bartering with food, guns, ammunition, etc. You'll open your safes and look at the stacks of metal and wonder what the fuck you're going to do with all. You cannot use bullion to buy food today, what makes you think you will be able to in a Road Warrior type world?
Speaking generally, people who invest in precious metals do it as a hedge against hyperinflation scenarios like Zimbabwe or Venezuela rather than a straight up Mad Max-style collapse. But yes, even prepping for a realistic hyperinflation scenario, you should prioritize having food and emergency preps in place before investing excess cash into metals.
OP, physical assets are your best hedge against inflation. You can buy physical gold and silver (some high-profile investors swear by silver). However, if you’re looking at real estate it all depends on where you’re looking to buy. Some markets are currently holding steady while some are getting hammered. Personally I believe all real estate will experience some type of correction or crash going into 2023 and early 2024. Anything beyond 2024 is too far out to call imo.
As for the dollar falling to zero, that’s highly unlikely. Even if the dollar did collapse, chances of it happening in our lifetime is low. Just look at other countries where leftist ideology has taken over. Even in Venezuela it’s taken decades to get where they are. And their currency is not the worlds reserve currency like the US dollar still is. Will that change? Who knows, but it certainly appears the ground work is being laid for such a happening (US dollar no longer the worlds reserve currency). Hope this helps.
Finally, something with a citation.
But what happened after 1929? Like, maybe by 1934?
Buy long term storage emergency food, precious metals, off grid water filtration system, gun and a lot of ammo (FMJ so it's good for food and defense), solar flashlights/back up batteries, a simple to fix and reliable vehicle, a decent amount of fuel, firewood, and some primitive survival books that are pertinent to your area. That's the basic stuff that I can think of. If you can hold it, you own it. If it requires electricity, make sure you can charge it anywhere. If it doesn't help you live, you don't need it.
Land and precious metals...these will have value in the long term
Try your hand at running your own business, stock markets are gambling. The bad folks win most of the time. Corporations eventually become evil and don't try hard to please their customers. Your neighbour is a bit more concerned with you than the big corporations.
A co worker told me his cable / internet bill is 264 dollars WTF...
As many below have said… hard stuff is best… i like crypto, but if shit truly goes tits up… people wont give two shits with crypto as its still virtual… will i thjnk crypto eventually be the thing, absolutely…. However, physical gold and silver is best at this point