It's not just you. Not gonna bore anyone with details in my area, but we can all at least confirm the herd is not right in the head in any way.
It's a cross between mind controlled zombies, NPC bots, alzheimers, psychopaths, stockholmers, and PTSDers .
I hate going out for anything. For every 1 awakened Patriot I encounter I have to fend off 20 mental patients.
It's a small part of why I come here. To talk to like minded people. I used to call that normal, but nowadays it seems like we're wizards, aliens, or something.
I still get surprised daily at the lack of common sense, selfishness, & cowardice of people.
When and where does it all end, especially for them ?
I work for an accounting firm and last year we had to ask everyone if they received EIP #3 (stimulus payment that was $1,400/person).
95% could not remember and most of them said no, they never got it. After a couple returns were rejected we started asking people to go check their bank accounts from March 2020 to verify & 0 clients out of about 500 didn't receive the money.
One guy said he didn't get it, return rejected so we had him check on & they said they'd sent it. Dude found his $1,400 check in his BATHROOM of all places and cashed it in April of 2022.
I've even had clients call & ask if they filed last they forgot whether or not they filed a tax return....
I hear you, live in bizarro world for sure! I'd thought we were red out here but believe half the clients are jabbed. My boss and his wife have been jabbed 4 times and he was a brilliant man with a masters degree in accounting and financial planning. These days it's a miracle if he can make it through 1 item on his to-do list which gets bigger but never smaller.
It's a shitshow and the dumbing down of Americans was a rapid success from my POV.
Demoralization and stress. It's actually probably a major factor in all of this.
I'm down to blame the vax for a lot of shit, but even a lot of non-vaxxed are having a struggle of a time with some stuff.
Stress, demoralization, fear. Lack of sleep, or lack of good sleep. Junk food and too much processed foods because they don't feel up to cooking or they fell into bad habits.
So much of this comes from all of that too. We must be careful to avoid ascribing too much to just the vaccination, lest we place too little blame on the machinations of every authority in the world working together to put us through this whole farce.
It is quite literally up to us to save the world from itself. Blind positivity also doesn't get us there. Asking hard questions in an appropriate way will push the cause significantly forward. But we have to reclaim the reins of the next generation as well, and ensure that they understand that this is not normal and not acceptable.
It's impacted me quite a lot as well. I have no drive anymore, no excitement, no happiness, and the recent sudden passing of my Fiance's Father doesn't help matters either. 3 years down the toilet is what I say.
Agreed. It's worse now for me than before. I spent COVID really improving myself but I got sick and never really recovered mentally. Every time I try, I end up injuring myself. But I think I end up injuring myself because I don't take as much care as I used to to avoid injuring myself.
There are times where the beckoning of submission invites you in. When nothing really good is happening, it's really hard to keep giving it the middle finger.
Sometimes you just want to sleep, but you find that you can't. Night after night.
It's a benefit to you that you can relate it to the massive propaganda and brainwashing weapons being used against us.
I can relate to the physical exhaustion and overall feeling of doom & gloom as well. Knowing we are not truly a free country is (as mentioned) demoralizing & draining.
Hang in there, I'll add you to my prayers frens.
Here is what I remind myself of every time it overwhelms me: Jesus suffered so much more than I have & did so knowing what He would endure and STILL He chose to endure it. That kind of love cannot be matched by anything in this world!
They can take my money, my material things & even my health, but they can't take away my Savior! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I do not know true suffering, and if He could suffer for me, I will suffer these worldly woes knowing He will never abandon me. They can take everything from me but my God, and my God is enough to sustain me through worldly suffering.
Friend don’t do that it’s called despair and it’s a terrible sin. Snap out of it. You have so much to be thankful for! You are special. You know. Your mission to in whatever way you can to be a leader.
It’s as bad as it ever has been these days. Socially isolated. Everyone thinks I am crazy. Wife running around telling lies to everyone that I am crazy. Can’t even show my face at any family events because I don’t want to deal with them anymore.
We must be careful to avoid ascribing too much to just the vaccination, lest we place too little blame on the machinations of every authority in the world working together to put us through this whole farce.
And stress and grief. When I lost my first wife in 2016, she was 38, my memory went to shit. All the stress and grief clouds your brain and puts you in a fog. Still has not returned to it's prior splendor, but it's gotten better. The whole world has been demoralized and put in extremely stressful situations with the Covid Plandemic.
Absolutely! It's crazy to me that people with FOUR kids don't remember getting a $8,400 deposit that wasn't a paycheck. How can a person forget that? MOST of our clients did and you make a great point, most of them are demoralized.
Right there with you. I own a tax prep firm. Looking forward to not having to reconcile the EIP payments and the ridiculous pre-payments of the child tax credits.
Yeah. Front row seat to a giant dumpster fire where low IQers are huddled around it chanting " biiidaaan " while trading boosters.
Stolen elections here in IL. Mostly red state, but under commie rule.
People say " Oh just move ". Why should I have to be chased from my home by terrorists ? BS. Work, Family, and the few friends I enjoy are all here.
Part of why I never left to is, because I knew that would only buy time. The NWO agenda would eventually take over all states - beit by invasion or Fed boot to the throat.
You're right about the weird shit and breakdown of basics in society though. Nothing works, including people. And as much as we try to be self sufficient ourselves, we just cannot be totally independent yet.
No telling what I would witness if I spent my daily out in public.
I live near a college town in Ill. Even with that, it is a mostly red state. There is no way Prickster won. If they would only bulldoze Chicago into the lake, that could save us.
When people suggest you move it is with your quality of life in mind only. We moved mid Covid from red to blue and the difference is night and day. I didn’t ‘have’ to move, I moved because I knew it would bring me peace and happiness. Is it possible that move only bought us time? Perhaps. But time is precious. I may die before anything changes where I am now and even if I don’t? I enjoyed my life for longer than if I’d stayed
I am visiting a friend in a red state. Went to a diner/bar last night. It was someone's birthday so everyone sang. A friend or relative at her table had brought (brung?) brownies. She asked people at the tables around her if people wanted brownies, we all did LOL. My first thought is "are they going to LET her do that?? Where are the brownie police? This isn't technically food from a licensed restaurant I can't believe no one cares." It was so refreshing to be in a place where people were just normal. Felt like being in a time machine back to early 1970 when the center was still holding.
Like when we did a road trip to South Dakota and I saw ammo for sale right at the gas station counter. Didn't even get asked for ID, if you're from a blue state it's surreal when you get to experience how the rest of the country lives.
I'm in a blue state. Honestly other than core maskers re-emerging not much has changed except pricing on some things. Was in the nearby "big city" over the weekend and unmasked to masked ratio was 90:10 by eyeball tally.
Eggs; just bought a dozen at Aldi well under $3. Ground beef biggest change so we wait for the next sale and deal hop (Aldi, Trader Joe's, Target, regional chain discount store, and regional chain market). If you aren't hitting multiple stores and surfing their sales you will get hosed at the register.
Most noticeable price increases are junk food: chips, cookies, sugared cereal, etc. Some of them just make me laugh. We don't buy much anyway and aren't buying it at all now. Box of plain shredded wheat branded cereal $6+ (near $7 for frosted). Plain store brand though at $2.49, tastes the same. Plain oatmeal went up $1 which is ~30% increase but a 42 oz. container takes a month or more to plow thru so that isn't felt.
Biggest surprise is produce, not much change. Prices high on hot house stuff but they always are in winter. Bagged lettuce, spinach, & mixed greens up 30%. Everything else, cheap. Onions & potatoes, no change. Some specialty fruit/berries you definitely have to check around on price. Bought a pint of blueberries at Aldi for $1.79 a few weeks back. In other stores they were $4.49, perfect example why you deal hop.
It is laughable indeed. All these companies wanted to play covid and believe that I am going to pay 3x for something that I never needed now, when the reality is the rest of my life is going to be spent helping them all lose money.
This should be a top rated comment. If ~80 million of us curtailed our buying habits for 2 weeks we could bring everything to a dead stop. It's all based on consumption so just stop doing it.
We hit it weekly. Last year one week they had eggs at $0.55/12! Every week they have a loss leader on sale so I usually go there first. That item will always be something already on our list. This is just the way we do it, you'll figure out your own system.
We own a business in a lib shithole. Employees walking out and quitting in tears because we, as OWNERS, "can't tell me what to do!!!" OK, bye. Everyone has "ADHD" and needs special accommodations. We are required by our lease to open at a specific time... I'll be damned if we ever open on time. They are always late. Talking fast, talking out their ass, or not talking at all to customers. Taking orders then not following up, or not placing the order with the distributors. It's a mess. We opened in 2011 and had zero problems with this crap until post covid.
It may be the liberal shithole. I've not see this yet where I am.
The mewing woman is quite concerning, the people walking off the job and never coming back and the strange meandering speech issues... WTH?? The slow walkers & talkers sound like the old Hippies I knew that smoked pot all the time.
But it does sound like a lot of vax-caused brain damage. God help us all.
Re the sinus /throat gunk - I highly recommend doing sinus rinses when you get home. I just use a spouted gravy boat and 1 oz. of warmed distilled water and 1/4 tsp. Himalayan salt, sniffing it in each nostril ever so gently with my head held upright as I lean over the sink. The salty distilled water is 'hungry water' devoid of minerals and will grab all the microscopic particulates that have invaded your mucus membranes and pull them into the salty water which will roll down the back of your throat into your mouth. Spit it out in the sink. Continue until the back of your throat is washed or when you feel compelled to blow your nose.
Afterwards, finish off with a few Q-tips to dry the inside of your nostrils, and you should feel much better. Works great.
Also, buy a bottle of sterile saline (for the eyes). Drop of few drops in your eyes to flush them out too.
Here's what you need to know about a Neti pot or any sinus rinse device. You must only use sterile DISTILLED water in a clean container. NEVER TAP WATER! Tap water has bacteria and other things that your stomach can handle, but your sinus which leads up to your brain is not designed for.
Some people use a NeilMed plastic squirt bottle, but how do you sterilize the thing properly? Also, with too much pressure it squirts too high up in your nose making it painful sometimes. Also, many people just rinse the bottle in the sink, and put it away. THAT IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! (Not for me, anyway, lol.)
I use a clean, dishwasher safe gravy boat, creamer or gravy separator (anything with a little spout that can be held easily in the hand that is dishwasher safe. I use it once and then put in the dishwasher. I only use distilled water. (I have my own countertop distiller).
My daughter does a sinus rinse every day, due to pollution in Los Angeles. She buys jugs of distilled specifically for this reason and swears by it.
Spray the Neilmed bottle and nasal aperture with 70% isopropyl and the. Sealing it in gallon ziplock with a clean paper towel to dry. Store in the ziplock. Isopropyl is a very effective anti microbial as long as the item you’re spraying is cleaned of debris first.
It is treated, but... remember the movie Erin Brockovich? Ground water was contaminated by industry and people were drinking and bathing in the municipal water that was mixed with the underground fresh water aquifers (recently contaminated) and the community was becoming sick and dying from the poisonous industrial chemicals. The city was treating the water, but the toxins were not being pulled out.
I grew up in a similar community, but we didn't have an Erin Brockovich, but an alert Catholic nun who reported a pattern of leukemia sickening her parochial students. That was our church and we lived blocks from it. Soon it came to our collective consciousness that suddenly nearly every household in our community had someone who was getting cancer. They called it 'a cancer cluster'. My healthy athletic mother got a huge terminal brain tumor. She had been the healthiest person I knew. Then they shut down 5 huge underground aquifers and named the area a Super Fund site.
I always drank the tap water and even the hose water when we played outside in the summer. I was extremely fit and athletic. Surprisingly, I got stage 3 breast cancer and am still alive because of healthy choices and massive supplement and herbal tincture ingestion, along with drinking only purified or distilled water since my 20's. I own two countertop water distillers and use that for all my cooking or drinking needs.
So, I do have a less trusting opinion about tap water. Also...
Re-read the statement about how stomach acid can handle many of these pathogens, but the upper sinus is not designed to do that. We are specifically talking about NOT using tap water for SINUS RINSES. Do you follow?
I have my own life experience with contaminated water that killed my mother a number of my friends and almost me. I learned my lesson.
But, by all means, use that tap water up into your sinuses unboiled and straight out of the bathroom sink. Don't spend a buck fifty for a bottle of distilled. It's your life. I'll choose differently, because I know better.
"Tap water is not sterile, meaning it might have germs in it. Waterborne germs can also grow in pipes, even when the public water system is working correctly, a small number of germs that naturally occur in the environment can still be present, and waterborne germs can grow in pipes.”
"Bacteria, Viruses, and Parasites in Drinking Water"
“Bacteria are everywhere in our environment, including surface waters and groundwater. Some of these bacteria can be harmful to human health. Drinking water with disease-causing bacteria, viruses, or parasites (collectively called pathogens) can make you sick.
It is not practical to test drinking water for every type of pathogen, but it is simple to test drinking water for coliform bacteria. The presence of coliform bacteria can indicate there may be harmful pathogens in the water.”
Two main groups of bacteria found in tap water are:
Coliform Bacteria. Coliform bacteria is a group of bacteria that is naturally found in soil, plants and the digestive tracts of people and animals. ...
Heterotrophic Bacteria. Heterotrophic bacteria are generally found in all water supplies.
Biochemist here. I made injectable-grade solutions. Tap water couldn't get anywhere near the labs because it was so contaminated with crap. Lots of filters, of several kinds were employed, then distillers. The end product is what we would use in the labs, drink, use in the coffee pots and tea kettles, even bottle up to take home, because we saw what came out of the city water.
Wow. Someone doesn't like hearing a differing opinion. You said the water was free of bacteria. That isn't true.
Here's another bit of info you won't like:
"Nasal irrigation devices — which include neti pots, bulb syringes, squeeze bottles, and battery-operated pulsed water devices — are usually safe and effective products when used and cleaned properly, says Eric A. Mann, M.D., Ph.D., a doctor at the FDA."
What does safe use mean? First, rinse only with distilled, sterile or previously boiled water.
Tap water isn’t safe for use as a nasal rinse because it’s not adequately filtered or treated.
Some tap water contains low levels of organisms — such as bacteria and protozoa, including amoebas — that may be safe to swallow because stomach acid kills them. But in your nose, these organisms can stay alive in nasal passages and cause potentially serious infections. They can even be fatal in some rare cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
What Types of Water Are Safe to Use?
Distilled or sterile water, which you can buy in stores. The label will state “distilled” or “sterile.”
Boiled and cooled tap water — boiled for 3 to 5 minutes, then cooled until it is lukewarm. Previously boiled water can be stored in a clean, closed container for use within 24 hours.
Water passed through a filter designed to trap potentially infectious organisms. CDC has information on selecting these filters.
Make sure people understand that it’s 10% povidone iodine ( aka Betadine) and not the kind of iodine you ingest. 1 teaspoon of povidone iodine to 8 ounces of distilled water Celine solution.
you could also nebulize for 10 min, with the hydrogen peroxide solution. dont do it without checking the recipe/dilution, but it both treats and prevents covid, whether shed or ... however it started.
Yes everything sucks at the moment. I waited 45 minutes in taco bell drive through. I watched at least 7 people order and drive off because it was taking too long. Small town walmart full of robot npc slaves filling bags to fill online orders for pick up. The oversized carts they push clog the isles. Everyone I see looks dead inside. The hardest working and most helpful worker at the gas station is an old woman who should be retired and enjoying life. The other employees won't look up from their phones.
I recently visited a Walmart Supercenter for the first time in years, and there were more employees pushing carts and filling orders around than there were customers. Utterly bizarre.
So many young people and Covid-petrified Libs refuse to shop for themselves. Nowadays, they’d rather have someone else do their bidding and fulfill their orders.
I order groceries online for pickup sometimes, but it's for the reasons people are listing in this thread. I don't want to be around people in public anymore. Everyone is rude and mentally unstable.
Legit. I got chewed out at market the other day for something totally stupid for like bumping into someone when it’s super crowded. People are on edge.
When I go to a Walmart, rarely now because I find delivery a time, back, and money saver, there are noticeably fewer people. They don't seem any stranger than ever, though. This weekend at the opposite end of the social world, a nice resort area, things looked pretty normal. I also feel a little polluted after exposure to crowds. My solution is like any allergen exposure, take a shower, wash hair and clothes and nose. Do it after work, not before.
We tried to go INTO several fast food locations on a recent road trip, many have their dining rooms closed. Where before it was artificial COVID closures, now it's lack of staff.
Edit: and service was too slow in the lines outside, so we ended up in a greasy spoon, which imo was better and didn't cost much more.
Plus we got to give the "gift" versus taxed tip spiel.
Most of the people in the fast food drive-thru these days are delivery drivers for DoorDash and the like. The delivery people are there to pick up several orders at once, that holds up the line, and you can't just go inside and order anymore because the dining rooms are closed. Now as for why people are willing to pay delivery fees for cold McDonalds food, I don't know.
So the missus orders Doordash and others annoyingly often, her last three orders have all had issues and one left at our doorstep wasn't even her order. They gave her a refund every time but it's still inconvenient and I have to wonder how much money is being lost to refunds for all of these fuck ups.
I've said for a long time I think the vaxx is eating people's brains. Crazy people in stores, crazy people on the roads driving like they just landed here from planet Carless. I live in a very conservative area with clusters of liberals in the towns and one city.
Some of the nuts in stores are young people whose mothers were apparently either dead or in a coma when it came time to teach manners and human decency. If you're an old lady like me, I have to constantly watch for young ones veering right at me at top speed because apparently I'm invisible or have no right to their space. My favorite is, if I'm walking anywhere near the checkouts, they shift into fifth gear to get ahead of me. This has happened so often, I now speed up and say, "Oh, good! Cart races!!"
I've been pointing out the mental degradation with each shot for over a year now. The missus is in way less denial of my claims as this drags on. I've seen coworkers in their sixties getting so forgetful they might be developing early dementia.
The worst for cart racing is Target, where I think the weight of the manbuns has contributed to the brain degradation. It's okay to have noodle arms but to be beaten to a register by a lady boomer shames their manhood.
People are still normal here in deep red eastern KY / western WV. Yeah, we have our share of people who were vaxxed at the advice of their doctors, but many weren't. Everyone is friendly and kind to one another. My truck fell apart in the grocery store parking lot the other day (fell off the ball joint) and I had no less than 3 men come out of nowhere, get on their backs and proceed to tell me what was wrong with my vehicle LOL. I had two old women come up to me and tell me they were going to pray for me. Life is different in red America - specifically Appalachia! Love it here!
Not in a libhole, around people all day, every day except on the weekends. Your story scares me. Could be allergies that you’re experiencing from exposure to things at your work. Same thing used to happen to me when my job was at an older building and that was decades before Covid.
Yep sick building syndrome. There was a lecture hall at my college where I'd get congested minutes after entering and it'd clear up after going outside, some sort of mold infestation. This was 15 years ago.
Good point. If it’s a clothing store, I always get allergy symptoms from handling new clothing. My Mom used to say it was the “sizing solution” in them. Not sure if that still holds true now.
I'm in a lib- shit-hole too. What I see is mostly angry rude people.
When they talk they use aggressive ways to get express themselves ... like "I'm telling you I'm here for an appointment with so and so" just weird. And the way people drive... dangerous and erratic- like they're the 3rd monkey on their way to the Ark
I'm always looking forward to getting back home...
I don't know how any of you guys live in normal life. I work at home and my work comes to me. My groceries come to me. I literally am living a new world order life already. But on the egg note! My birdies are going to start laying eggs in about 3 weeks, I am so excited! And it seems like perfect timing since eggs are so expensive.
Go hens! Hey, watch your chicken food. I had been feeding mine what was supposed to be a good layer feed. They stopped laying completely and didn't seem to be feeling well. We switched their food to a mix of scratch grains with just a fraction of the feed and they're laying their butts off again and are obviously feeling perkier.
I have been feeding them Grubbly's brand. I am brand new to owning chickens. I keep reading the scratch grains, that are mostly made out of corn, are bad for them. I guess that's not your experience? May I ask which brand you use?
I have always fed them some scratch grains tossed on the ground. It's good for them to scratch and peck. I had been feeding them Nutrena Naturewise layer pellets - not cheap and reads like it's good. My guy searched around and found people saying their hens also stopped laying on that feed and to add in 3/4 scratch grains to 1/4 feed. Obviously something is missing in that feed. As soon as we started the scratch/feed mix, they started laying like egg machines again and were much perkier. And started singing the egg song again. I think there's something missing in that feed. BTW, don't give your hens layer feed until they start laying regularly.
I'm going to switch back to Purina layer feed, which I had given them in the past. I just have to drive further to get it. And keep up the scratch grains. I also give them greens, chopped cabbage, anything to give them some raw vegetables, usually 2-3 times a week but more in winter when there's no weeds or grass for them to gobble. I give them mealworms from time to time too. Scratch grains are Country Road from Rural King.
I don't let them run outside their fenced run because it's far too dangerous here. Just ask the hawk that parks in the tree next to their run and ponders how to get in there.
BTW, mine are about 17 months old and have been laying for over a year.
ALMOST FORGOT be sure to give them grit when you feed them any coarse grains like scratch. You can get bags of it at the feed store. They don't have teeth, they use grit to grind the grains inside their crop.
That's interesting about the scratch. I'll have to try some of it. I think I've been buying a brand called scratch and peck. They seem to like it. It's supposed to be organic and all that good stuff so hopefully that's true.
I do give my birds treats. They love bananas with cinnamon. I've also given them berries. I read not to give them too many when they're young so I'm trying not to give them anything except the food for right now. I have gotten them some herbs which they rather enjoyed.
I get predator birds in my area because I'm near the river. I definitely don't feel comfortable just letting them run around the backyard.
Glad to help. BTW, a bit of oregano is good for them. One more tip - if you have any kind of garden, get some chicken wire and push in posts and make a big circle and throw their straw or whatever you use for bedding in there when you clean their hutch. It will make very nice compost eventually.
I learned the hard way not to free range. I live way out in the country. There are many predators out here - hawks, foxes, weasels, bears and, worst of all, neighbors' dogs allowed to wander around. It's pretty devastating to find a flock of 10 hens and the poor rooster who tried to defend them all killed by a dog or other predators. They now stay in their fence with an electric fence around and outside of that.
I have seen lots of reports on line about tractor supply food having issues. Many people are saying their egg production dropped or stopped completely.
Mine came from Rural King but they may be carrying some of the same brands. I think brand reports would be more reliable than generic it came from whatever store.
Chickens can stop laying in winter although I hadn't had that before. Egg farms get around this by using lights to give them light similar to warmer months. Probably the best bet is to get a trash can with a secure lid and toss in a mixture of this and that - different brands, different types.
Look at how not only size but quality of human foods have dropped. I'm sure they're doing the same with animal food.
We have 10 new hens that are about 14 weeks old, really excited for them to start laying (i am guessing some will start in about 4 weeks based on breed).
Our 9 older hens are slowing down, we were getting about 2 eggs a day (even before the molt) but this week they have been laying better, getting 4-5 per day. I don't know how old they are, they were given to us in late 2020 and were already laying, so at least 2.5 years old... I suspect some are older than that.
They are really fun to watch, I really live my girls:)
We built a separate fenced in area (that touched the existing pen), and let the birds see each other, but they couldn't get at each other. We kept the young birds in there foe a few weeks. When we moved them all into the same area, it was like a middle school dance. Older birds on one side, young birds on the other. The older girls did some pecking and let the younger ones know they needed to stay out of the way. I was very careful to make sure no one was getting injured, that was my biggest concern. I did also add some more feeders and another waterer so the young ones can get some. It has been a couple weeks now and the younger ones are starting to go out and explore a little more ( we let them free range in an open area during the day).
I would not say the older hens are mothering them, but they are tolerating them. The younger ones are starting to get curious about the laying boxes. The other day, 7 of them were in the hen house watching a couple older hens lay :)
I have been thinking about a rooster, it would be awesome to hatch our own chicks!
I work with concrete, haven't noticed much, but then again most of the people I work with are not vaxxed.
As for all that other stuff you mentioned about hand tremors or slow talking and retarded speech?
Well.... It's construction, we have the best and brightest, also the dumbest and stupidest.
How ever I've know a few people who've had major health issues, directly attributed to adverse reactions to the shit.
From what I've seen most who only took the first one or two have been doing fine, it's the boosters that are wrecking people. Makes sense that the first shots at least would be more benign so not to alarm too many sheep.
I don't believe in the 5G thing, especially after being exposed to it for hours a day for years now. Maybe it's different if you have the graphene crap in you but as normal human I feel no different around 5G vs other signals. This is sounding like "electrosensitive" people who claim they're getting a headache at the sight of an access point that's not even wired up to power.
While hypochondriacs abound, I will say that lots of people unaware of 5g or other radiation sources (eg, leaky microwaves) have suffered serious health issues before finally nailing down the problem.
Existence of fad placebo hypochondriacs doesn't eliminate actual suffering, any more than fake-memory pushing deep state psychologists eliminates SRA.
If you have ingested anything that reacts with strong polarizing radiation, you will have health issues when exposed. Simple. And food and water can have a lot of toxins, never mind injections.
It's early, but this is going to be the best thing I read all day, "Apropos of nothing, she starts saying 'meow, meow, meow' for like 2 straight minutes."🐸
Sounds like shithole inner city. Plenty of mentally unstable types before the lockdown and jabs. Probably worse now. And inflation is hitting everyone who isn't rich.
Inner city is the only place that I've ever seen a tranny, out in the suburbs it's like they don't exist. I don't know anyone who admits to even knowing one.
Grocery retail was this way long before the jab. It was this way 30yrs ago when I was in hs and college. The unique thing about grocery retail vs other types of specialty stores is EVERYBODY has to eat, there's not just one type of clientele. You get a much broader view of the big picture...and it's a mess. Chemically altered food and beverages, the air is full of whatever tptb poison us with along with perfumes and artificial scents on/in everything, people are highly overmedicated and chemically altering themselves, nobody has any coping skills or been taught how to use an inkling of logic, etc. It's pretty bad and unfortunately I think it's going to get worse.
In the lines of "what a story," keep a journal. You paint a great word picture. Could be a book like "Ratchethead" or "Beer Blast," 2 good books about workplace idiocy.
Retail has worsened because what is happening is a combination of things.
Older generations have retired to get away from crazy new work policies or they are covidians and have become long term hypchondriacs. So, these new hypchondriacs refuse to work.
The patience of the general public has gone down hill post "lockdowns" so it is really a sink or swim environment. Even the most seasoned veteran retail workers are feeling it.
A lot of these companies are operating on the premise that it is business as usual without recognizing how the world has changed. Inflation, supply shortages, short tempered customers, shortage of experienced workers, lack of training. Throw in the covidians and their crazy demands and always calling out sick and it is a trainwreck.
All of these things were there before the plandemic but now are magnified.
My advice to those working in retail. Hang on as long as possible, and build a huge nest egg of emergency funds. Always try to look for another better job because retail is failing to keep up with realities of the world. Especially true because a lot more orders are going through online now compared to five years ago.
Working in a brick and mortar retail these days isn't a long term job anymore IMO unless in certain unique industries.
Where I live, most of the young ones don't work at all or are a source of constant rotation into, out of jobs. I see a lot of older people who have retired and now are back working. I assume it's because they can't get by because Social Security and whatever retirement they have is being hit by the Biden economy. And it's a lot less than the unemployment the young ones are collecting nowadays.
BYW, I think the ones not working are in for a rude shock because companies are going to find it cheaper and easier to spend on automating jobs vs keeping humans in their jobs.
Yes that is the other factor where younger generations do not want to work. I think the talk of UBI and stimulus checks is a means to damper the spirits of youth that want to push themselves for better, independent lives.
Of course, but it's hardly equal. The local Target had 2-3 cashiers (one watches the 4 self checkouts) for black Friday 2022. Scheduled this way and NOT due to call-offs.
Can't say I've seen any of this, but of course I'm in one of the reddest areas in the nation percentage wise. Also has one of the lowest jab rates if I'm not mistaken. I will say I've heard some weird rumors about the public school system, but our public school system locally is about to collapse since we've seen a 95% (literally 95%, I did the math) drop in enrollment, with most either homeschooling or going to one of the local Christian Schools instead.
Regardless, this sounds to me like a combination a mental illness, and possibly just mental breakdowns. Which if you think about it, isn't THAT unreasonable of a conclusion. Assuming you're in a liberal crabhole, it's reasonable to assume these people are slowly having their reality crumble around them. Everything they've ever believed in is a lie, and they don't know how to handle it.
Imagine being in their shoes for a second and experiencing that. And I don't mean in a "I used to be normal but now I know the truth and I'm a conspiracy theorist" type of thing. These people are literally having their world come crashing down around them. They've made HORIBLE life choices. They've never had to suffer the consequences of their actions. They've never faced repercussions for what they've done.
Now they have to face everything all at once. Their lives are basically ruined, and they're probably going to die soon. They know it deep down, even if they don't want to admit it. I have no comparable experience, but I'd imagine it's similar to being told you have cancer via text message, and the doctor leaving you to deal with it on your own.
And of course, there's the actual jab side effects. If you start factoring in that, well there's no telling what could be possibly going on. So overall, I think this is more separating the chaff from the wheat if you will. It's sad really, but I can't find it in my to feel sympathy for these people. We BEGGED them to not do this to themselves and to listen to us. And they did it anyway.
Long story short, they're living in a hell of their own making, and they can no longer handle reality. Ergo, they're having mental breakdowns without any possible help, since there's no way to help them.
So glad I work alone most days haha or with a buddy who's based. Im proud of you anon for being able to put up with these people, you're a bigger person than me.
To some extent, these problems have been true for a long time. I remember trying to hire people in the 1980s, and the interviewees could not read, write, and do math. They also often did not show up for their interviews. Or sat there looking obnoxious.
I live in a very rural, very red community. I see almost none of this when I'm out and about at the local town establishments. Mostly normal people doing normal people stuff.
I avoid the cities these days as they're just full of drooling libtardiots. Went to the city this weekend because the whole family needed a few things from different stores and it was blue haired zombie stares the whole time.
For the few moments they could break out of their zombie stares it was usually to cast disparaging looks at my wholesome, happy Christian family out enjoying our time together.
For the sinuses / feeling run down...never forget that they use the crappiest construction materials to save money. You could be mildly allergic to carpeting, the lighting may cause headaches and they might not have cleaned the vents in a while. Also work environments tend to be dry which during winter causes your sinuses to swell and dry, making them uncomfortable. Some low doses of allergy medicine or allergy eye drops can help.
Things are crazy here in PA, too, tendie. It’s not just you.
I’m starting to wonder if the mumbling, listlessness, tremors, and overall abnormal behavior may be related to cognitive dissonance sending people over the edge.
Obviously the vax is creating neurological issues in people. A local hospital is refusing to mandate or take additional boosters because of the number of recently boosted patients showing up in the ER with spinal cord and brain abnormalities.
But, as someone who has her fair share of anxiety on occasion, I’ve been known to speak at increasing volume and speed when I’m avoiding the truth or I’m freaking out and don’t want to say it.
There’s no way the normies don’t, on some unconscious level, see the shit show of a path they have created for all of us by voting Democrat and RINO for so long. Biden is considering banning gas stoves in homes now. GAS STOVES. Even if you’re a raving environmental lunatic, there must be a part of your unconscious that sees the Crazy Train you’re riding and is screaming at you to step on the brake.
Think about the stoves as an example: aside having no scientific basis to be done, how does one replace the utilities of their house when supplies are low, inflation is high, and contractors are in short supply? How would you heat your home if the power went out? They may scream death to fossil fuels, but now that they’re feeling the pain in their own wallets, their sanity is begging for them to separate themselves from the Matrix they’ve supported for so long.
This cognitive dissonance—and the way it is affecting the Collective Unconscious—appears to be presenting itself in these bizarre behaviors.
That is a compelling theory when you consider how many people have been subjected to what I call "MK Ultra Lite" for many years now. Look at how crazy celebrities go when they break free of their programming even if for a little while.
I remember seeing some idiot on twatter, no idea if it was a bot, say that he would rather have $10/gal gas than Trump in office. Those people cannot be reasoned with.
Get a spray tan, learn some Spanish and a heavy accent for English, they'll put you on a bus with cash and a phone for free, amigo! Come on out to the Carolinas and help purple areas go red again!
Or just sell what you can and hitch or ride-share with someone else who's moving out. Find a church and start there.
Lots of work available, not even retail, not even kidding.
My friend moved from Long Island to Charleston, SC almost a year ago. The place was gorgeous and I'd love to go back. Also the city proper was more like a town. But apparently my garbage union is in North Carolina, and if I can transfer jobs from here to somewhere in that state, I might take that route.
Effects of the jab are and have been much less pronounced in my area (suburb of Toronto, Canada). Although I know a person who died suddenly when just about everyone was getting their 2nd or 3rd dose, not too much in terms of damage being done physiologically. I'm a teacher, though, and lockdowns have done a terrible number socio-emotionally on children, and people are getting colds and flus more. However, I don't sense widespread neurological damage that you mentioned. I think my area was destined for the more benign batches of the vax, maybe because lots of non-whites live here?
I’m in Florida and it’s bad. I hate leaving my house to go out in the matrix. I used to live in Los Angeles and would go back to California to visit - pre jab era - I would get anxiety so bad I couldn’t wait to leave. It’s bad. The end won’t be for everyone. You are right about everything especially us being like wizards or something it’s insane. Also food prices are so outrageous it’s frightening. We just have to endure until the pendulum swings back to normal. It’s going to be rough, biblical and hIstorical.
It's not just you. Not gonna bore anyone with details in my area, but we can all at least confirm the herd is not right in the head in any way.
It's a cross between mind controlled zombies, NPC bots, alzheimers, psychopaths, stockholmers, and PTSDers .
I hate going out for anything. For every 1 awakened Patriot I encounter I have to fend off 20 mental patients.
It's a small part of why I come here. To talk to like minded people. I used to call that normal, but nowadays it seems like we're wizards, aliens, or something.
I still get surprised daily at the lack of common sense, selfishness, & cowardice of people.
When and where does it all end, especially for them ?
I work for an accounting firm and last year we had to ask everyone if they received EIP #3 (stimulus payment that was $1,400/person).
95% could not remember and most of them said no, they never got it. After a couple returns were rejected we started asking people to go check their bank accounts from March 2020 to verify & 0 clients out of about 500 didn't receive the money.
One guy said he didn't get it, return rejected so we had him check on & they said they'd sent it. Dude found his $1,400 check in his BATHROOM of all places and cashed it in April of 2022.
I've even had clients call & ask if they filed last they forgot whether or not they filed a tax return....
I hear you, live in bizarro world for sure! I'd thought we were red out here but believe half the clients are jabbed. My boss and his wife have been jabbed 4 times and he was a brilliant man with a masters degree in accounting and financial planning. These days it's a miracle if he can make it through 1 item on his to-do list which gets bigger but never smaller.
It's a shitshow and the dumbing down of Americans was a rapid success from my POV.
Demoralization has an impact on memory too.
Demoralization and stress. It's actually probably a major factor in all of this.
I'm down to blame the vax for a lot of shit, but even a lot of non-vaxxed are having a struggle of a time with some stuff.
Stress, demoralization, fear. Lack of sleep, or lack of good sleep. Junk food and too much processed foods because they don't feel up to cooking or they fell into bad habits.
So much of this comes from all of that too. We must be careful to avoid ascribing too much to just the vaccination, lest we place too little blame on the machinations of every authority in the world working together to put us through this whole farce.
It is quite literally up to us to save the world from itself. Blind positivity also doesn't get us there. Asking hard questions in an appropriate way will push the cause significantly forward. But we have to reclaim the reins of the next generation as well, and ensure that they understand that this is not normal and not acceptable.
It's impacted me quite a lot as well. I have no drive anymore, no excitement, no happiness, and the recent sudden passing of my Fiance's Father doesn't help matters either. 3 years down the toilet is what I say.
Agreed. It's worse now for me than before. I spent COVID really improving myself but I got sick and never really recovered mentally. Every time I try, I end up injuring myself. But I think I end up injuring myself because I don't take as much care as I used to to avoid injuring myself.
There are times where the beckoning of submission invites you in. When nothing really good is happening, it's really hard to keep giving it the middle finger.
Sometimes you just want to sleep, but you find that you can't. Night after night.
But I persist in spite of that.
It's a benefit to you that you can relate it to the massive propaganda and brainwashing weapons being used against us. I can relate to the physical exhaustion and overall feeling of doom & gloom as well. Knowing we are not truly a free country is (as mentioned) demoralizing & draining. Hang in there, I'll add you to my prayers frens.
I'm wondering, what's the point anymore?
the point is the freedom to wonder,
and that freedom is worth fighting for.
Here is what I remind myself of every time it overwhelms me: Jesus suffered so much more than I have & did so knowing what He would endure and STILL He chose to endure it. That kind of love cannot be matched by anything in this world!
They can take my money, my material things & even my health, but they can't take away my Savior! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I do not know true suffering, and if He could suffer for me, I will suffer these worldly woes knowing He will never abandon me. They can take everything from me but my God, and my God is enough to sustain me through worldly suffering.
It's a fight for the future of the world, that my offspring and their offspring will live in.
That's enough, even if it gets hard sometimes.
Friend don’t do that it’s called despair and it’s a terrible sin. Snap out of it. You have so much to be thankful for! You are special. You know. Your mission to in whatever way you can to be a leader.
We must lead not follow
It’s as bad as it ever has been these days. Socially isolated. Everyone thinks I am crazy. Wife running around telling lies to everyone that I am crazy. Can’t even show my face at any family events because I don’t want to deal with them anymore.
Are you still married?
So nice, needed to be said twice..
And stress and grief. When I lost my first wife in 2016, she was 38, my memory went to shit. All the stress and grief clouds your brain and puts you in a fog. Still has not returned to it's prior splendor, but it's gotten better. The whole world has been demoralized and put in extremely stressful situations with the Covid Plandemic.
Yep, I know the fog of loss well and this is very similar to that. I had not made that connection but glad you pointed it out!
Absolutely! It's crazy to me that people with FOUR kids don't remember getting a $8,400 deposit that wasn't a paycheck. How can a person forget that? MOST of our clients did and you make a great point, most of them are demoralized.
Right there with you. I own a tax prep firm. Looking forward to not having to reconcile the EIP payments and the ridiculous pre-payments of the child tax credits.
Our intake sheet is half the size it was last year!
Are you experiencing the same brain fog in your clients?
Probably because they spent it all so quickly in a drunken stupor.
Some for sure, but those that don't drink are having the same memory issues.
Yeah. Front row seat to a giant dumpster fire where low IQers are huddled around it chanting " biiidaaan " while trading boosters.
Stolen elections here in IL. Mostly red state, but under commie rule.
People say " Oh just move ". Why should I have to be chased from my home by terrorists ? BS. Work, Family, and the few friends I enjoy are all here.
Part of why I never left to is, because I knew that would only buy time. The NWO agenda would eventually take over all states - beit by invasion or Fed boot to the throat.
You're right about the weird shit and breakdown of basics in society though. Nothing works, including people. And as much as we try to be self sufficient ourselves, we just cannot be totally independent yet.
No telling what I would witness if I spent my daily out in public.
I live near a college town in Ill. Even with that, it is a mostly red state. There is no way Prickster won. If they would only bulldoze Chicago into the lake, that could save us.
Tammy Fuckworth got 900k votes, about 1/3 of her total, from Rock County which has only 140k residents. It's utterly blatant.
There are no blue states, just blue sinkholes that cheat their states and the country into corrupt oblivion.
Don't pollute LM with all that trash...
When people suggest you move it is with your quality of life in mind only. We moved mid Covid from red to blue and the difference is night and day. I didn’t ‘have’ to move, I moved because I knew it would bring me peace and happiness. Is it possible that move only bought us time? Perhaps. But time is precious. I may die before anything changes where I am now and even if I don’t? I enjoyed my life for longer than if I’d stayed
Do you mean from blue to red?
I hope so because that would be mind numbing. Going from a red state to a blue state during COVID. Nightmarish.
I am visiting a friend in a red state. Went to a diner/bar last night. It was someone's birthday so everyone sang. A friend or relative at her table had brought (brung?) brownies. She asked people at the tables around her if people wanted brownies, we all did LOL. My first thought is "are they going to LET her do that?? Where are the brownie police? This isn't technically food from a licensed restaurant I can't believe no one cares." It was so refreshing to be in a place where people were just normal. Felt like being in a time machine back to early 1970 when the center was still holding.
Like when we did a road trip to South Dakota and I saw ammo for sale right at the gas station counter. Didn't even get asked for ID, if you're from a blue state it's surreal when you get to experience how the rest of the country lives.
Brung is nonstandard, generally used only in "dance with the one that brung you."
Wise thinking. Life is short, enjoy it where the quality of life is highest if you are able.
Re: Food Cost
I'm in a blue state. Honestly other than core maskers re-emerging not much has changed except pricing on some things. Was in the nearby "big city" over the weekend and unmasked to masked ratio was 90:10 by eyeball tally.
Eggs; just bought a dozen at Aldi well under $3. Ground beef biggest change so we wait for the next sale and deal hop (Aldi, Trader Joe's, Target, regional chain discount store, and regional chain market). If you aren't hitting multiple stores and surfing their sales you will get hosed at the register.
Most noticeable price increases are junk food: chips, cookies, sugared cereal, etc. Some of them just make me laugh. We don't buy much anyway and aren't buying it at all now. Box of plain shredded wheat branded cereal $6+ (near $7 for frosted). Plain store brand though at $2.49, tastes the same. Plain oatmeal went up $1 which is ~30% increase but a 42 oz. container takes a month or more to plow thru so that isn't felt.
Biggest surprise is produce, not much change. Prices high on hot house stuff but they always are in winter. Bagged lettuce, spinach, & mixed greens up 30%. Everything else, cheap. Onions & potatoes, no change. Some specialty fruit/berries you definitely have to check around on price. Bought a pint of blueberries at Aldi for $1.79 a few weeks back. In other stores they were $4.49, perfect example why you deal hop.
It is laughable indeed. All these companies wanted to play covid and believe that I am going to pay 3x for something that I never needed now, when the reality is the rest of my life is going to be spent helping them all lose money.
^^^Nailed it!
This should be a top rated comment. If ~80 million of us curtailed our buying habits for 2 weeks we could bring everything to a dead stop. It's all based on consumption so just stop doing it.
Thanks for the tips, we just got an Aldi in our town, I’ll try it now.
We hit it weekly. Last year one week they had eggs at $0.55/12! Every week they have a loss leader on sale so I usually go there first. That item will always be something already on our list. This is just the way we do it, you'll figure out your own system.
Wow ! Stated amazingly close to how I feel Thank you
"Wizards" ~ Cool!
Amen! Likeswise!! and LOL!!!
We own a business in a lib shithole. Employees walking out and quitting in tears because we, as OWNERS, "can't tell me what to do!!!" OK, bye. Everyone has "ADHD" and needs special accommodations. We are required by our lease to open at a specific time... I'll be damned if we ever open on time. They are always late. Talking fast, talking out their ass, or not talking at all to customers. Taking orders then not following up, or not placing the order with the distributors. It's a mess. We opened in 2011 and had zero problems with this crap until post covid.
Too many people are snowflakes.
It may be the liberal shithole. I've not see this yet where I am.
The mewing woman is quite concerning, the people walking off the job and never coming back and the strange meandering speech issues... WTH?? The slow walkers & talkers sound like the old Hippies I knew that smoked pot all the time.
But it does sound like a lot of vax-caused brain damage. God help us all.
Re the sinus /throat gunk - I highly recommend doing sinus rinses when you get home. I just use a spouted gravy boat and 1 oz. of warmed distilled water and 1/4 tsp. Himalayan salt, sniffing it in each nostril ever so gently with my head held upright as I lean over the sink. The salty distilled water is 'hungry water' devoid of minerals and will grab all the microscopic particulates that have invaded your mucus membranes and pull them into the salty water which will roll down the back of your throat into your mouth. Spit it out in the sink. Continue until the back of your throat is washed or when you feel compelled to blow your nose.
Afterwards, finish off with a few Q-tips to dry the inside of your nostrils, and you should feel much better. Works great.
Also, buy a bottle of sterile saline (for the eyes). Drop of few drops in your eyes to flush them out too.
Good luck and hang in there.
Here's what you need to know about a Neti pot or any sinus rinse device. You must only use sterile DISTILLED water in a clean container. NEVER TAP WATER! Tap water has bacteria and other things that your stomach can handle, but your sinus which leads up to your brain is not designed for.
Some people use a NeilMed plastic squirt bottle, but how do you sterilize the thing properly? Also, with too much pressure it squirts too high up in your nose making it painful sometimes. Also, many people just rinse the bottle in the sink, and put it away. THAT IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! (Not for me, anyway, lol.)
I use a clean, dishwasher safe gravy boat, creamer or gravy separator (anything with a little spout that can be held easily in the hand that is dishwasher safe. I use it once and then put in the dishwasher. I only use distilled water. (I have my own countertop distiller).
My daughter does a sinus rinse every day, due to pollution in Los Angeles. She buys jugs of distilled specifically for this reason and swears by it.
Spray the Neilmed bottle and nasal aperture with 70% isopropyl and the. Sealing it in gallon ziplock with a clean paper towel to dry. Store in the ziplock. Isopropyl is a very effective anti microbial as long as the item you’re spraying is cleaned of debris first.
It is treated, but... remember the movie Erin Brockovich? Ground water was contaminated by industry and people were drinking and bathing in the municipal water that was mixed with the underground fresh water aquifers (recently contaminated) and the community was becoming sick and dying from the poisonous industrial chemicals. The city was treating the water, but the toxins were not being pulled out.
I grew up in a similar community, but we didn't have an Erin Brockovich, but an alert Catholic nun who reported a pattern of leukemia sickening her parochial students. That was our church and we lived blocks from it. Soon it came to our collective consciousness that suddenly nearly every household in our community had someone who was getting cancer. They called it 'a cancer cluster'. My healthy athletic mother got a huge terminal brain tumor. She had been the healthiest person I knew. Then they shut down 5 huge underground aquifers and named the area a Super Fund site.
I always drank the tap water and even the hose water when we played outside in the summer. I was extremely fit and athletic. Surprisingly, I got stage 3 breast cancer and am still alive because of healthy choices and massive supplement and herbal tincture ingestion, along with drinking only purified or distilled water since my 20's. I own two countertop water distillers and use that for all my cooking or drinking needs.
So, I do have a less trusting opinion about tap water. Also...
Re-read the statement about how stomach acid can handle many of these pathogens, but the upper sinus is not designed to do that. We are specifically talking about NOT using tap water for SINUS RINSES. Do you follow?
I have my own life experience with contaminated water that killed my mother a number of my friends and almost me. I learned my lesson.
But, by all means, use that tap water up into your sinuses unboiled and straight out of the bathroom sink. Don't spend a buck fifty for a bottle of distilled. It's your life. I'll choose differently, because I know better.
I'd still prefer not to use Russian roulette if I were the type to do that.
The water itself may not be contaminated at the source, but it could be along the route to your spout. Including the spout itself.
Don't forget the fluoride in water too.
I live 8n a rural area and have a well. Our water is great.... the nearby city water? Not so much.
"Tap water is not sterile, meaning it might have germs in it. Waterborne germs can also grow in pipes, even when the public water system is working correctly, a small number of germs that naturally occur in the environment can still be present, and waterborne germs can grow in pipes.”
"Bacteria, Viruses, and Parasites in Drinking Water"
“Bacteria are everywhere in our environment, including surface waters and groundwater. Some of these bacteria can be harmful to human health. Drinking water with disease-causing bacteria, viruses, or parasites (collectively called pathogens) can make you sick.
It is not practical to test drinking water for every type of pathogen, but it is simple to test drinking water for coliform bacteria. The presence of coliform bacteria can indicate there may be harmful pathogens in the water.”
Two main groups of bacteria found in tap water are:
Biochemist here. I made injectable-grade solutions. Tap water couldn't get anywhere near the labs because it was so contaminated with crap. Lots of filters, of several kinds were employed, then distillers. The end product is what we would use in the labs, drink, use in the coffee pots and tea kettles, even bottle up to take home, because we saw what came out of the city water.
Wow. Someone doesn't like hearing a differing opinion. You said the water was free of bacteria. That isn't true.
Here's another bit of info you won't like:
"Nasal irrigation devices — which include neti pots, bulb syringes, squeeze bottles, and battery-operated pulsed water devices — are usually safe and effective products when used and cleaned properly, says Eric A. Mann, M.D., Ph.D., a doctor at the FDA."
What does safe use mean? First, rinse only with distilled, sterile or previously boiled water.
Tap water isn’t safe for use as a nasal rinse because it’s not adequately filtered or treated.
Some tap water contains low levels of organisms — such as bacteria and protozoa, including amoebas — that may be safe to swallow because stomach acid kills them. But in your nose, these organisms can stay alive in nasal passages and cause potentially serious infections. They can even be fatal in some rare cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
What Types of Water Are Safe to Use?
Distilled or sterile water, which you can buy in stores. The label will state “distilled” or “sterile.”
Boiled and cooled tap water — boiled for 3 to 5 minutes, then cooled until it is lukewarm. Previously boiled water can be stored in a clean, closed container for use within 24 hours.
Water passed through a filter designed to trap potentially infectious organisms. CDC has information on selecting these filters.
Make sure people understand that it’s 10% povidone iodine ( aka Betadine) and not the kind of iodine you ingest. 1 teaspoon of povidone iodine to 8 ounces of distilled water Celine solution.
you could also nebulize for 10 min, with the hydrogen peroxide solution. dont do it without checking the recipe/dilution, but it both treats and prevents covid, whether shed or ... however it started.
Try taking serrapeptase supplements. The same thing happens to me at work. I believe the stuff helps a lot.
I use a nasal spray of colidal silver and charcoal tablets to cleanse. I have to ground myself daily .
In fairness, far too many people do this anyway and do so while driving which is not acceptable.
They're probably high.
Yes everything sucks at the moment. I waited 45 minutes in taco bell drive through. I watched at least 7 people order and drive off because it was taking too long. Small town walmart full of robot npc slaves filling bags to fill online orders for pick up. The oversized carts they push clog the isles. Everyone I see looks dead inside. The hardest working and most helpful worker at the gas station is an old woman who should be retired and enjoying life. The other employees won't look up from their phones.
It will get worse before it gets better.
I recently visited a Walmart Supercenter for the first time in years, and there were more employees pushing carts and filling orders around than there were customers. Utterly bizarre.
So many young people and Covid-petrified Libs refuse to shop for themselves. Nowadays, they’d rather have someone else do their bidding and fulfill their orders.
I order groceries online for pickup sometimes, but it's for the reasons people are listing in this thread. I don't want to be around people in public anymore. Everyone is rude and mentally unstable.
Legit. I got chewed out at market the other day for something totally stupid for like bumping into someone when it’s super crowded. People are on edge.
We are living through WWIII. May God give us all strength and tolerance.
Fortunately in Florida all the Wal marts are packed with customer vehicles. Just goes to show the difference in mentality from one State to another.
When I go to a Walmart, rarely now because I find delivery a time, back, and money saver, there are noticeably fewer people. They don't seem any stranger than ever, though. This weekend at the opposite end of the social world, a nice resort area, things looked pretty normal. I also feel a little polluted after exposure to crowds. My solution is like any allergen exposure, take a shower, wash hair and clothes and nose. Do it after work, not before.
It is a slow degrade of society in general.
We tried to go INTO several fast food locations on a recent road trip, many have their dining rooms closed. Where before it was artificial COVID closures, now it's lack of staff.
Edit: and service was too slow in the lines outside, so we ended up in a greasy spoon, which imo was better and didn't cost much more.
Plus we got to give the "gift" versus taxed tip spiel.
Most of the people in the fast food drive-thru these days are delivery drivers for DoorDash and the like. The delivery people are there to pick up several orders at once, that holds up the line, and you can't just go inside and order anymore because the dining rooms are closed. Now as for why people are willing to pay delivery fees for cold McDonalds food, I don't know.
So the missus orders Doordash and others annoyingly often, her last three orders have all had issues and one left at our doorstep wasn't even her order. They gave her a refund every time but it's still inconvenient and I have to wonder how much money is being lost to refunds for all of these fuck ups.
The wife wanted me to bring home taco bell. I would have waited longer if I had to.
Dining area closes at 10pm. Drive through or nothing at midnight. It's a guilty pleasure not a staple of our diet. All pure bloods in this house.
Fuck off now.
I've said for a long time I think the vaxx is eating people's brains. Crazy people in stores, crazy people on the roads driving like they just landed here from planet Carless. I live in a very conservative area with clusters of liberals in the towns and one city.
Some of the nuts in stores are young people whose mothers were apparently either dead or in a coma when it came time to teach manners and human decency. If you're an old lady like me, I have to constantly watch for young ones veering right at me at top speed because apparently I'm invisible or have no right to their space. My favorite is, if I'm walking anywhere near the checkouts, they shift into fifth gear to get ahead of me. This has happened so often, I now speed up and say, "Oh, good! Cart races!!"
I've been pointing out the mental degradation with each shot for over a year now. The missus is in way less denial of my claims as this drags on. I've seen coworkers in their sixties getting so forgetful they might be developing early dementia.
The worst for cart racing is Target, where I think the weight of the manbuns has contributed to the brain degradation. It's okay to have noodle arms but to be beaten to a register by a lady boomer shames their manhood.
People are still normal here in deep red eastern KY / western WV. Yeah, we have our share of people who were vaxxed at the advice of their doctors, but many weren't. Everyone is friendly and kind to one another. My truck fell apart in the grocery store parking lot the other day (fell off the ball joint) and I had no less than 3 men come out of nowhere, get on their backs and proceed to tell me what was wrong with my vehicle LOL. I had two old women come up to me and tell me they were going to pray for me. Life is different in red America - specifically Appalachia! Love it here!
That's how it is where I live but I see the zombie/crazies when I go to town. Really, city folks, it's another world in the rural areas.
Not in a libhole, around people all day, every day except on the weekends. Your story scares me. Could be allergies that you’re experiencing from exposure to things at your work. Same thing used to happen to me when my job was at an older building and that was decades before Covid.
Yep sick building syndrome. There was a lecture hall at my college where I'd get congested minutes after entering and it'd clear up after going outside, some sort of mold infestation. This was 15 years ago.
I also thought about that as an explanation. I too had similar scratchy throat. I don’t have daily interaction with people that are vaxed
Good point. If it’s a clothing store, I always get allergy symptoms from handling new clothing. My Mom used to say it was the “sizing solution” in them. Not sure if that still holds true now.
I'm in a lib- shit-hole too. What I see is mostly angry rude people.
When they talk they use aggressive ways to get express themselves ... like "I'm telling you I'm here for an appointment with so and so" just weird. And the way people drive... dangerous and erratic- like they're the 3rd monkey on their way to the Ark
I'm always looking forward to getting back home...
3rd monkey on their way to the Ark. Kek!
I don't know how any of you guys live in normal life. I work at home and my work comes to me. My groceries come to me. I literally am living a new world order life already. But on the egg note! My birdies are going to start laying eggs in about 3 weeks, I am so excited! And it seems like perfect timing since eggs are so expensive.
Go hens! Hey, watch your chicken food. I had been feeding mine what was supposed to be a good layer feed. They stopped laying completely and didn't seem to be feeling well. We switched their food to a mix of scratch grains with just a fraction of the feed and they're laying their butts off again and are obviously feeling perkier.
I have been feeding them Grubbly's brand. I am brand new to owning chickens. I keep reading the scratch grains, that are mostly made out of corn, are bad for them. I guess that's not your experience? May I ask which brand you use?
I have always fed them some scratch grains tossed on the ground. It's good for them to scratch and peck. I had been feeding them Nutrena Naturewise layer pellets - not cheap and reads like it's good. My guy searched around and found people saying their hens also stopped laying on that feed and to add in 3/4 scratch grains to 1/4 feed. Obviously something is missing in that feed. As soon as we started the scratch/feed mix, they started laying like egg machines again and were much perkier. And started singing the egg song again. I think there's something missing in that feed. BTW, don't give your hens layer feed until they start laying regularly.
I'm going to switch back to Purina layer feed, which I had given them in the past. I just have to drive further to get it. And keep up the scratch grains. I also give them greens, chopped cabbage, anything to give them some raw vegetables, usually 2-3 times a week but more in winter when there's no weeds or grass for them to gobble. I give them mealworms from time to time too. Scratch grains are Country Road from Rural King.
I don't let them run outside their fenced run because it's far too dangerous here. Just ask the hawk that parks in the tree next to their run and ponders how to get in there.
BTW, mine are about 17 months old and have been laying for over a year. egg song, so you'll know it when you hear it, sometimes the chicken who laid the egg sings it, sometimes it's another chicken
ALMOST FORGOT be sure to give them grit when you feed them any coarse grains like scratch. You can get bags of it at the feed store. They don't have teeth, they use grit to grind the grains inside their crop.
That's interesting about the scratch. I'll have to try some of it. I think I've been buying a brand called scratch and peck. They seem to like it. It's supposed to be organic and all that good stuff so hopefully that's true.
I do give my birds treats. They love bananas with cinnamon. I've also given them berries. I read not to give them too many when they're young so I'm trying not to give them anything except the food for right now. I have gotten them some herbs which they rather enjoyed.
I get predator birds in my area because I'm near the river. I definitely don't feel comfortable just letting them run around the backyard.
Thanks for the tips!
Glad to help. BTW, a bit of oregano is good for them. One more tip - if you have any kind of garden, get some chicken wire and push in posts and make a big circle and throw their straw or whatever you use for bedding in there when you clean their hutch. It will make very nice compost eventually.
Will your chickens free range? I heard that some will not?
I learned the hard way not to free range. I live way out in the country. There are many predators out here - hawks, foxes, weasels, bears and, worst of all, neighbors' dogs allowed to wander around. It's pretty devastating to find a flock of 10 hens and the poor rooster who tried to defend them all killed by a dog or other predators. They now stay in their fence with an electric fence around and outside of that.
I have seen lots of reports on line about tractor supply food having issues. Many people are saying their egg production dropped or stopped completely.
Mine came from Rural King but they may be carrying some of the same brands. I think brand reports would be more reliable than generic it came from whatever store.
Chickens can stop laying in winter although I hadn't had that before. Egg farms get around this by using lights to give them light similar to warmer months. Probably the best bet is to get a trash can with a secure lid and toss in a mixture of this and that - different brands, different types.
Look at how not only size but quality of human foods have dropped. I'm sure they're doing the same with animal food.
Thank you! I already enjoy them so much.
We have 10 new hens that are about 14 weeks old, really excited for them to start laying (i am guessing some will start in about 4 weeks based on breed).
Our 9 older hens are slowing down, we were getting about 2 eggs a day (even before the molt) but this week they have been laying better, getting 4-5 per day. I don't know how old they are, they were given to us in late 2020 and were already laying, so at least 2.5 years old... I suspect some are older than that.
They are really fun to watch, I really live my girls:)
So you have 19 birds? How did the older ones take to the new ones? Did they mother them or treat them like strangers?
I accidentally got a rooster. I might let some of my girls have a baby or two.
We built a separate fenced in area (that touched the existing pen), and let the birds see each other, but they couldn't get at each other. We kept the young birds in there foe a few weeks. When we moved them all into the same area, it was like a middle school dance. Older birds on one side, young birds on the other. The older girls did some pecking and let the younger ones know they needed to stay out of the way. I was very careful to make sure no one was getting injured, that was my biggest concern. I did also add some more feeders and another waterer so the young ones can get some. It has been a couple weeks now and the younger ones are starting to go out and explore a little more ( we let them free range in an open area during the day).
I would not say the older hens are mothering them, but they are tolerating them. The younger ones are starting to get curious about the laying boxes. The other day, 7 of them were in the hen house watching a couple older hens lay :)
I have been thinking about a rooster, it would be awesome to hatch our own chicks!
They start laying at about five months.
I work with concrete, haven't noticed much, but then again most of the people I work with are not vaxxed.
As for all that other stuff you mentioned about hand tremors or slow talking and retarded speech?
Well.... It's construction, we have the best and brightest, also the dumbest and stupidest.
How ever I've know a few people who've had major health issues, directly attributed to adverse reactions to the shit.
Don't notice any of that in oklahoma.
Less jabs per person than blue states. Inflation taking its toll on poor people though
A lot of people had the first shots,but almost none had the booster. For the most part,word got out that they were no good.
From what I've seen most who only took the first one or two have been doing fine, it's the boosters that are wrecking people. Makes sense that the first shots at least would be more benign so not to alarm too many sheep.
I don't believe in the 5G thing, especially after being exposed to it for hours a day for years now. Maybe it's different if you have the graphene crap in you but as normal human I feel no different around 5G vs other signals. This is sounding like "electrosensitive" people who claim they're getting a headache at the sight of an access point that's not even wired up to power.
While hypochondriacs abound, I will say that lots of people unaware of 5g or other radiation sources (eg, leaky microwaves) have suffered serious health issues before finally nailing down the problem.
Existence of fad placebo hypochondriacs doesn't eliminate actual suffering, any more than fake-memory pushing deep state psychologists eliminates SRA.
If you have ingested anything that reacts with strong polarizing radiation, you will have health issues when exposed. Simple. And food and water can have a lot of toxins, never mind injections.
If the cellphone reception is anything to go by, we're totally safe from 5g here. (rolls eyes)
Welcome to the zombie apocalypse, rooftop!
Loved your story, btw. You are a wordsmith. Kek!
It's early, but this is going to be the best thing I read all day, "Apropos of nothing, she starts saying 'meow, meow, meow' for like 2 straight minutes."🐸
Lol, now that's going to be in my head all day
Reporting from a conservative Florida town in Space Coast....nah man it ain't like that over here
Good to know!
Yes, welcome to libtard usa. Sorry fren, all metro areas are fooked.
Sounds like shithole inner city. Plenty of mentally unstable types before the lockdown and jabs. Probably worse now. And inflation is hitting everyone who isn't rich.
Inner city is the only place that I've ever seen a tranny, out in the suburbs it's like they don't exist. I don't know anyone who admits to even knowing one.
Grocery retail was this way long before the jab. It was this way 30yrs ago when I was in hs and college. The unique thing about grocery retail vs other types of specialty stores is EVERYBODY has to eat, there's not just one type of clientele. You get a much broader view of the big picture...and it's a mess. Chemically altered food and beverages, the air is full of whatever tptb poison us with along with perfumes and artificial scents on/in everything, people are highly overmedicated and chemically altering themselves, nobody has any coping skills or been taught how to use an inkling of logic, etc. It's pretty bad and unfortunately I think it's going to get worse.
In the lines of "what a story," keep a journal. You paint a great word picture. Could be a book like "Ratchethead" or "Beer Blast," 2 good books about workplace idiocy.
Retail has worsened because what is happening is a combination of things.
Older generations have retired to get away from crazy new work policies or they are covidians and have become long term hypchondriacs. So, these new hypchondriacs refuse to work.
The patience of the general public has gone down hill post "lockdowns" so it is really a sink or swim environment. Even the most seasoned veteran retail workers are feeling it.
A lot of these companies are operating on the premise that it is business as usual without recognizing how the world has changed. Inflation, supply shortages, short tempered customers, shortage of experienced workers, lack of training. Throw in the covidians and their crazy demands and always calling out sick and it is a trainwreck.
All of these things were there before the plandemic but now are magnified.
My advice to those working in retail. Hang on as long as possible, and build a huge nest egg of emergency funds. Always try to look for another better job because retail is failing to keep up with realities of the world. Especially true because a lot more orders are going through online now compared to five years ago.
Working in a brick and mortar retail these days isn't a long term job anymore IMO unless in certain unique industries.
Where I live, most of the young ones don't work at all or are a source of constant rotation into, out of jobs. I see a lot of older people who have retired and now are back working. I assume it's because they can't get by because Social Security and whatever retirement they have is being hit by the Biden economy. And it's a lot less than the unemployment the young ones are collecting nowadays.
BYW, I think the ones not working are in for a rude shock because companies are going to find it cheaper and easier to spend on automating jobs vs keeping humans in their jobs.
Yes that is the other factor where younger generations do not want to work. I think the talk of UBI and stimulus checks is a means to damper the spirits of youth that want to push themselves for better, independent lives.
Increase in wages to $15 also means doing 400% the work as before.
True as the expectation is more work done as wages increase so there is always a trade off.
Of course, but it's hardly equal. The local Target had 2-3 cashiers (one watches the 4 self checkouts) for black Friday 2022. Scheduled this way and NOT due to call-offs.
Can't say I've seen any of this, but of course I'm in one of the reddest areas in the nation percentage wise. Also has one of the lowest jab rates if I'm not mistaken. I will say I've heard some weird rumors about the public school system, but our public school system locally is about to collapse since we've seen a 95% (literally 95%, I did the math) drop in enrollment, with most either homeschooling or going to one of the local Christian Schools instead.
Regardless, this sounds to me like a combination a mental illness, and possibly just mental breakdowns. Which if you think about it, isn't THAT unreasonable of a conclusion. Assuming you're in a liberal crabhole, it's reasonable to assume these people are slowly having their reality crumble around them. Everything they've ever believed in is a lie, and they don't know how to handle it.
Imagine being in their shoes for a second and experiencing that. And I don't mean in a "I used to be normal but now I know the truth and I'm a conspiracy theorist" type of thing. These people are literally having their world come crashing down around them. They've made HORIBLE life choices. They've never had to suffer the consequences of their actions. They've never faced repercussions for what they've done.
Now they have to face everything all at once. Their lives are basically ruined, and they're probably going to die soon. They know it deep down, even if they don't want to admit it. I have no comparable experience, but I'd imagine it's similar to being told you have cancer via text message, and the doctor leaving you to deal with it on your own.
And of course, there's the actual jab side effects. If you start factoring in that, well there's no telling what could be possibly going on. So overall, I think this is more separating the chaff from the wheat if you will. It's sad really, but I can't find it in my to feel sympathy for these people. We BEGGED them to not do this to themselves and to listen to us. And they did it anyway.
Long story short, they're living in a hell of their own making, and they can no longer handle reality. Ergo, they're having mental breakdowns without any possible help, since there's no way to help them.
So glad I work alone most days haha or with a buddy who's based. Im proud of you anon for being able to put up with these people, you're a bigger person than me.
To some extent, these problems have been true for a long time. I remember trying to hire people in the 1980s, and the interviewees could not read, write, and do math. They also often did not show up for their interviews. Or sat there looking obnoxious.
Good point. This is beyond anything I've seen at any job.
I live in a very rural, very red community. I see almost none of this when I'm out and about at the local town establishments. Mostly normal people doing normal people stuff.
I avoid the cities these days as they're just full of drooling libtardiots. Went to the city this weekend because the whole family needed a few things from different stores and it was blue haired zombie stares the whole time.
For the few moments they could break out of their zombie stares it was usually to cast disparaging looks at my wholesome, happy Christian family out enjoying our time together.
Oh boy, do they HATE seeing happy people!
For the sinuses / feeling run down...never forget that they use the crappiest construction materials to save money. You could be mildly allergic to carpeting, the lighting may cause headaches and they might not have cleaned the vents in a while. Also work environments tend to be dry which during winter causes your sinuses to swell and dry, making them uncomfortable. Some low doses of allergy medicine or allergy eye drops can help.
The lunatics have taken over the asylum
Gets scarily accurate at around 2:25
First thing first, make providine iodine nasal spray and use it immediately after you leave work. Easy to do
I saw your little voat goat & had a very pleasant flashback to some of the early/earlier Q days 🙂.
Take care, & God Bless, fren!
Things are crazy here in PA, too, tendie. It’s not just you.
I’m starting to wonder if the mumbling, listlessness, tremors, and overall abnormal behavior may be related to cognitive dissonance sending people over the edge.
Obviously the vax is creating neurological issues in people. A local hospital is refusing to mandate or take additional boosters because of the number of recently boosted patients showing up in the ER with spinal cord and brain abnormalities.
But, as someone who has her fair share of anxiety on occasion, I’ve been known to speak at increasing volume and speed when I’m avoiding the truth or I’m freaking out and don’t want to say it.
There’s no way the normies don’t, on some unconscious level, see the shit show of a path they have created for all of us by voting Democrat and RINO for so long. Biden is considering banning gas stoves in homes now. GAS STOVES. Even if you’re a raving environmental lunatic, there must be a part of your unconscious that sees the Crazy Train you’re riding and is screaming at you to step on the brake.
Think about the stoves as an example: aside having no scientific basis to be done, how does one replace the utilities of their house when supplies are low, inflation is high, and contractors are in short supply? How would you heat your home if the power went out? They may scream death to fossil fuels, but now that they’re feeling the pain in their own wallets, their sanity is begging for them to separate themselves from the Matrix they’ve supported for so long.
This cognitive dissonance—and the way it is affecting the Collective Unconscious—appears to be presenting itself in these bizarre behaviors.
That is a compelling theory when you consider how many people have been subjected to what I call "MK Ultra Lite" for many years now. Look at how crazy celebrities go when they break free of their programming even if for a little while.
I remember seeing some idiot on twatter, no idea if it was a bot, say that he would rather have $10/gal gas than Trump in office. Those people cannot be reasoned with.
Stephen Colbert said he'd pay $15 per gallon, cause he drives a Tesla.
Such an ass.
And I bet the normies laughed, because it didn't immediately click in their heads that Teslas don't run on gas.
I call NYC the shitty to myself. I wish I had the resources to leave.
Get a spray tan, learn some Spanish and a heavy accent for English, they'll put you on a bus with cash and a phone for free, amigo! Come on out to the Carolinas and help purple areas go red again!
Or just sell what you can and hitch or ride-share with someone else who's moving out. Find a church and start there.
Lots of work available, not even retail, not even kidding.
My friend moved from Long Island to Charleston, SC almost a year ago. The place was gorgeous and I'd love to go back. Also the city proper was more like a town. But apparently my garbage union is in North Carolina, and if I can transfer jobs from here to somewhere in that state, I might take that route.
Effects of the jab are and have been much less pronounced in my area (suburb of Toronto, Canada). Although I know a person who died suddenly when just about everyone was getting their 2nd or 3rd dose, not too much in terms of damage being done physiologically. I'm a teacher, though, and lockdowns have done a terrible number socio-emotionally on children, and people are getting colds and flus more. However, I don't sense widespread neurological damage that you mentioned. I think my area was destined for the more benign batches of the vax, maybe because lots of non-whites live here?
I’m in Florida and it’s bad. I hate leaving my house to go out in the matrix. I used to live in Los Angeles and would go back to California to visit - pre jab era - I would get anxiety so bad I couldn’t wait to leave. It’s bad. The end won’t be for everyone. You are right about everything especially us being like wizards or something it’s insane. Also food prices are so outrageous it’s frightening. We just have to endure until the pendulum swings back to normal. It’s going to be rough, biblical and hIstorical.
The obama years were pretty shitty and the pendulum hardly swung at all.
I live in florida. I'm loving it.
I'm curious as to what the brand name is of that retail establishment you work for.
Is the decor predominantly orange inside the building?