I was told to have an update tetanus shot years ago and accepted. That night I thought I was going to die: my temperature plummeted and I shivered despite having layer upon layer put on me. My daughter had to take me to the bathroom covered in blankets, went to bed with my teeth chattering. No amount of hot water bottles or covering made any difference. Thankfully I managed to sleep and felt better in the morning.
Years ago (almost 20 years now), I was working on a Navy ship in San Diego. I was helping the welder layout foundations and braces when I got a long cut on my left hand. It was fairly deep and it was bleeding a lot. I cleaned it out with betadine and bandaged it up myself. After another hour or two, one of the officers noticed my hand and asked what happened. I told him it was just a cut. He insisted that I leave the ship and get a medical evaluation. I left the base and went to a hospital to let them check it out. A nurse saw me first and saw the wound and asked how it happened. I explained in detail. She said that I am going to need a tetanus booster. I told her I didn't need one, the metal was cleaned and on a ship. She was insistent that I get one. I declined. The doctor came in, took one look and said I would need a tetanus booster. I explained again that it was not necessary. He was insistent. I asked him if he knows what causes tetanus. He couldn't remember the bacteria. I explained it is clostridium and it lives in soil. It thrives in rust of soil contact steel/iron. Since the metal used was cleaned with acetone and ground down for welding, there was zero chance of clostridium present. Therefore, I didn't need a tetanus booster. I left without one, the fact that both the nurse and doctor didn't know what caused lockjaw and when and why a tetanus shot would be required is why I haven't been to see a doctor ever since. I research my own issues and problems and treat them accordingly. If my treatment doesn't work or I need prescription meds, I will go see a doctor, but so far I have been batting a thousand. Hoping to go the rest of my life without needing to see a doctor or go to a hospital.
Good work! I decline the tetanus shot for my kids based on this same logic and it shuts medical people down. Like they got hurt in the house, how would they get the tetanus bacteria from that??
Also, it's really a puncture wound from such a rusty/soil metal situation that closes over that really sets you up for it because it's an anerobic bacteria.
I git a million mandatory ones in the military but avoided ever since. Everytime we got the flu shot or the nose gel version they had literally half the people on our ship got sick...I normally get the flu maybe once every 3 or 4 years so simple math dictates that's way better than the shot.
Additionally I got a tetanus shot for an injury when I was like 12 and I must have subconsciously hated them because they had to get 2 nurses and a doctor to hold me down to give it to me...my newborn is 100% pureblood despite being 2 months early . My oldest (10) only had is initial shots on a delayed schedule and has not had any since.
Yes the bacterium is anaerobic which means it grows without oxygen, which is why puncture wounds run the highest risk for tetanus. With an open would that has bled a lot and if you've been able to wash it out you have about zero chance of getting tetanus. 😎
I concur and am on board with everything you said...doesn't it feel good to be in charge of one of the most important aspects of your life...your health and well-being? I hope people that are trying to ditch the medical establishment's plan for our lives, will gain confidence in their ability to choose appropriate remedies and to learn to trust themselves and their ability to acquire the knowledge and resources to treat just about anything. I also am batting a thousand...independence from this tyranny is it's own reward and for me it is such a lot of fun to solve a puzzle and enjoy the fruits of success, healing and knowledge. God has been my guide in everything I do and He has proven more than faithful to reveal His wonderful knowledge and healing power. God bless you Patriot for your testimony and encouragement.
Wow, thank you for that info! I didn't know that. When I was 13, I slipped while fishing on Longboat Key and sliced my leg open on a barnacle. The cut was really deep and bled a ton, had to have 30 stitches in 3 layers. I remember they gave me a tetanus shot for it. At the time, I didn't question it. I'm sure it could have gotten infected from something, but probably not the tetanus bacteria.
Thanks for your service to our country and the education on tetanus shot. The officer might have been covering himself telling you to go to doctor. I can’t blame anyone for covering themselves. I learned about that quickly when I started worked for big companies.
I didn't blame him at all. I get the responsibilities and protocols. I was just shocked at the doctor and nurse not understanding something so basic. I know they have to learn a lot of material, but this is an extremely common bacteria and it did cause a lot of damage throughout history. It would've seemed to be a very basic medical concept. I didn't think too highly of their knowledge and skill. I also dated a woman that worked in a hospital for many years, I got to know a lot of doctors and nurses socially. It became very apparent that many of them weren't terribly intelligent and were just going through the motions at work, just to live their social lives afterwards. Only a couple were actually impressive in knowledge and passion for medicine.
Tetanus is pretty brutal. Because we've had such a long time to observe the effects of that vaccine, there is a lot of evidence to suggest -- or even prove -- that provided you get the vaccine at an early enough age, it provides sufficient protection for the rest of your life without boosters.
You know..like a vaccine should. That said, that's proof of even a non mRNA vaccine can have lifelong effects, and that we shouldn't be injecting this all willy nilly.
AND what you have eluded too is EXACTLY why this mRNA vaccine was brought out...to make the planet DEPENDENT on the vacs instead of OUR NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM...
I like you will NEVER have another vaccine...my 3 shot Cards from the military are quite enough!!!
Especially as they decided the simple tetanus shot was no longer acceptable, so now they recommend everyone receive the Booster TDAP shot (with Pertussis) every 5 years instead of every 10)
I had to get a second tetanus plus another shot so I could go to school years ago. I'm done after those. I had residual pain in my injection sites for 2 years and the doctors told me I was crazy.
Traditional vaccines aren't clean (unless you're a VIP who can afford cleaned vaccines) and mRNA vaccines are just purely poisonous. Pharma needs its ass kicked.
I have lost complete trust in Big Pharma, hospitals and medical doctors. They have all betrayed us for money. I will not take any new pills or vaccines. God has given me everything I need and He can decide how long I live.
I put all my faith in Christ and have turned completely away from the medical industrial complex. I will live until God decides to take me home and I am blessed by the freedom and peace that gives me.
Same. I always refused the poison pills that they tried to give me after a procedure, and just dealt with the pain. I haven't seen a doctor since my jaw surgery and absolutely do not trust them right now. So far, I'm healthy as a horse for a guy my age (post-50).
You are a hoot...I bet you would drive the medical establishment crazy if you were ever to come in contact with them. There are GOOD doctors who do respect our alternative thoughts and convictions and I have had the good fortune to know many that I absolutely admired. There really are some GREAT medical establishments around, though not as prevelant as the bought and paid for ones...
I make appointments and pay the 45.00 co pay and confront these spineless turds with articles and facts in the clinic every chance I get...they just go speechless and look down, like the turds they are.
There are some good ones - but they aren't in the mainstream, IMO.
If the medical was so good our life expectancy and over health as a nation as whole would be increasing, not declining.
If these mainstream "medical/health professional" were living 10, 20 yrs longer on average than the rest of us fools, I might believe them. But they don't.
Just look at the prescription drug addiction, the obesity rate, autism, autoimmune, cancer, blood diseases, mental health - all have SKYROCKETED over the last 25-30yrs and we are getting much much worse as a nation.
Sure you can blame the food companies as well. But the vast majority is the healthcare, pharma and education system.
The biggest advances in our country to the over health has nothing to do with "Healthcare". It's been Sanitation- the advent of indoor plumbing and fresh water supply in the late 1800's
And I will throw in the discovery/use of vitamins, minerals and good whole foods,
I do what you do but a little more quietly...not a big fan of confrontation. You have hit on some accurate points about the relationship of health and our environment, food, drugs, etc. I think I once had a small bottle of aspirin for about 15 years...everything is a choice, for sure, and I think people are starting to realize that they actually do have a choice and they don't have to blindly accept ANY medical care, drugs, etc. that have been offered them. People just don't trust their own knowledge and judgement anymore...but hopefully that is all changing...I personally enjoy these posts that get people thinking and researching so they can see that they do have options and choices. It is a lot of fun to educate people for their greater health and well-being...Knowledge is power...
Interesting the amount of comments saying their view is 'unchanged' as they never trusted vaccines in the first place. Some people have been awake for a long time...
I'm so afraid of doctors now that I'm even scared to schedule a colonoscopy.
That's not a joke about taking anything through the exit door, I mean an actual colonoscopy, the thing they tell you to get upon reaching certain age thresholds.
If you don’t have high risk of colon cancer (strong family history - meaning first or second degree relative, diagnosed under the age of 50) you don’t need one. Do Cologuard testing instead. My bowels have not been the same since I had one. I’m convinced the prep ruined my normal function. Plus you’ll avoid anesthesia and any time you can avoid that you should.
While I have lost all trust in vaccines and almost regret allowing my children to be vaccinated, I do have the colonoscopies. My first one 16 years ago discovered several pre cancerous polyps and I have no family history of colon cancer. I now go every 3 years to have polyps removed. Luckily the first two I had, the doctor prescribed the clean out cocktail. After that the insurance companies make them push the over the counter crap that will rip your insides up and took me almost 2 years before I felt normal again. Now when I go, I refuse to use the over-the-counter and require the doctor to write the prescription. Many insurance companies won’t cover it and it is expensive, but I’ve also learned that many offices have “samples“ they will give you. If you do decide to get another one, make sure you get the prescription clean out not the OTC recipe you buy in the drugstore.
Overall I agree, but colonoscopies will catch more and also potentially find other problems that aren't cancerous, and aren't related at all that they can provide treatment for.
Prep should not affect your long term bowel movements, and while I won't convince you that your perception of the cause is untrue, it's essentially just a liquid fast with laxatives -- it shouldn't cause a problem.
Possible that something was damaged on the way in or out though.
As for your last comment: all the yes. Anaesthesia is some terrifying shit.
It’s a stool test. You send your entire stool sample to a lab to be screened for blood and cancerous cells. I believe the basic idea is - if you’ve got polyps or cancer going on inside the colon, those abnormal cells shed off easily and can be detected in your sample. I am ignorant of the actual testing, and if you’re wary of genetic testing, I cannot say whether or not they are doing that.
I understand the mistrust that has developed around medicine. I work in the medical field and I get it. I’ve lost a lot of trust as well and seen some things I’ve never seen in 32 years of this work. But I don’t know any providers (physicians, NP’s, PA’s) that got personally paid extra to give MRNA injections, certain medications or diagnose people with COVID. I HAVE seen plenty be lazy about investigating anything and blindly/fearfully follow government guidelines - which I do believe are shaped by some with malicious intent.
So it’s going to be like anything else- you’ll have to do some research and try to make the best informed decision for you. But don’t totally give up on all medical professionals. Many are awake and still want to do it to help others.
You think any medical people are going to tell you that they got paid?
Your "field of work" have been harming, lying to, coercing, killing and maiming people for decades. It's been mostly a scam since the 1900's in the name of "science".
Biggest drug dealers on the planet - bar none.
Outside of maybe trauma, IMO, your profession is one step below prostitution.
I have worked both in private practice and for a larger organization. In my organization, if we get caught accepting so much as a cupcake or ink pen from a sales rep we can get fired. No one brings us anything. We don’t meet with any sales reps. We try to make our decisions based on good research. I can’t speak to what may go on under the table. Back in private practice yes, the physician got trips, gifts, etc. but I didn’t see him change his prescribing practices due to this and he was quite critical in his thinking about what therapies he used for his patients. I often tell patients how they can improve/treat/heal themselves with natural remedies and diet, gasp thereby reducing the number of repeat visits! I treat my patients how I want my family to be treated. You are being completely bigoted in your blanket statements about all healthcare providers. Not all of us practice like you think.
Listen, If people in the "Medical" field lived on average 10, 15, 20 yrs longer than the rest of us. I might believe you people, but they don't.
-Life expectancy has dropped the last few years
-Obesity levels are off the charts
-Prescription Drug use is it an all time high
-Autoimmune has exploded that last 20 yrs
-Diabetes is out of control
-Cost are at all time high
-Bribes & Payoffs from drug companies keep raging
-Way too much unnecessary exams and procedures
-Medical Errors rank 3rd in the list of causes of death
-Autism rates among kids has also exploded
-All the Major medical associations think abortion is "healthcare"
and it's getting worse by the day. And you think I am being a bigot?
If after a 150 years of research and TRILLONS upon Trillions of dollars that this is happening, then the only conclusion I can come up with is:
It's a money draining, keep you sick and drugged up SCAM.
The only people I hear or read about that live a lot longer than us are the ones that can't even spell doctor let alone even seen the inside of a clinic.
A agree mostly with this. I know nurses that have refused the vaccine. They have been approved religious exemption. Some of these people I know get asked by patients, “did you get the vaccine?” They say no. Then the patient starts asking why. This was when the vaccine came out. I personally don’t believe a nurse should give any medical advice, including vaccines. Number one that’s their job and possibly malpractice on the line. They could lose their license. Nurses aren’t backed up by the system or where they work like doctors. Nurse’s make a good salary but nothing compared to doctor salaries.
I’ve researched to see if my pain management doctor has been paid and she hasn’t. Other doctors I’ve seen in the past have been paid big dollars. Also you might not see what they have been paid in perks. Pharmaceutical reps take doctors on golf trips and spas. I’m in NC and know someone who worked for Johnson & Johnson years ago. Her boss flew doctors to Myrtle Beach for golf paid for by J&J. She had to get smart to do something for the female doctors. She took them for spa days. Several local doctors wouldn’t talk to her unless she provided a sit down meal. Her boss told her she wasn’t spending enough money out of her budget to woo doctors. So weekly she bought an entire meal and desserts for her large family. That’s how crooked the pharmaceutical system is.
If "doctors" and/or people in the medical community lived 10, 20, 30yrs longer on average than the rest of society, I might believe them.
But they don't.
It's a "get you in for an exam/visit/appt of some sort, get you on drugs of some sort, vaccines and keep you sick and drugged up system".
They have been doing this since the 1800's.
The only group on people I see or have read about that live a heck of a lot longer than everyone else, is the ones that can't even spell the word doctor or even have been close to a hospital or clinic.
I believe most doctors are like Hair Stylists in a way. A hair stylist will tell you they are too busy making every one else look good and don’t pamper themselves. I think most doctors don’t do as they preach. I know some medical professionals that would only get their children treatment as a last resort. You are correct about those that have doctors. I read an article, Scientists are studying these people because they don’t have any diseases, health problems like the modern world does. I can’t remember what village or the name the people go by, I know they are in SA in the Amazon region. I could save them money and time. It’s because they haven’t been exposed to toxic chemicals in their water, air, food and homes. They don’t eat processed food or take otc drugs or pharmaceutical drugs. I’m sure anyone already knows this including those scientists. Difference is the scientists are making money off their bogus study.
I have one good doctor. I think the difference is because she’s from India. It’s my pain management doctor. She has never pushed any medication at treatments. I went to her about a year before I knew about lidocaine injections and epidurals. They have saved me on more than one occasion. I’m like others here, don’t trust any needles from a doctor. Sometimes I need an epidural so much I have to take my chances. I don’t believe she would do anything but I don’t know about the companies making the drug. It’s a chance I take to be pain free. I’ve been going to her twelve years. In the past year I’m almost completely off medication. I still use NSAID occasionally. Other than her I’ve had terrible experiences with doctors over the last twenty five years. Back then they had the attitude pain was in your head. Even when the doctors came around they never suggested herbs or supplements to help. My pain doctor is the only one that’s made natural medicine suggestions. For that reason I always tell her the herbs I’m taking.
The hospitals mandate treatment based on the crooked CDC protocols and the doctors and patients are not allowed to deviate from that. The hospitals got the money for the deaths, treatments and all protocol used for the entire fiasco. Also, the hospitals did not report to VAERS all the damage caused by the injections...believe me there is enough sin to go around for everyone...
That might be true, IDK. I believe any blood test they do has the potential of taking DNA. Look at what China did with pregnancy tests or something, I don’t remember if it was pregnancy tests In doctors office. Not America but other countries. They got their DNA. I saw it on here a long time ago.
I was just reading about eating apricot seeds. It might have been this week on the post someone made about what they take to stay well. Immunity supplements to prevent shedding was part the conversation.
I was extremely stressed to go see a dentist due to a filling falling out. The hygienist took my blood pressure. Needless to say it was through the roof. I prayed several times that day for God's protection. I don't trust any of them.
They may have seen a lot of high blood pressure due to all the vaxxing and take it before treatment to be safe. Any dental surgery requires close monitoring of blood pressure and perhaps even dentists are being cautious about the health of their patients...is my guess anyway.
There are herbs and mushrooms that prevent or kill cancer cells. I believe I read dandelion root kills all cancer except brain cancer. Some mushrooms have the ability to kill cancer cells. From my research the possibility of cancer is in everyone (or cancer cells) but it depends (a lot) on what you eat and your genetics. Research Dr Axe cancer, he and another doctor has a good video on YouTube. Also he stopped practicing medicine when his mom was diagnosed. He moved back to help her. The things he did with food and herbs shrunk her tumor and the doctors were shocked. Said, what ever you are doing keep doing it.
That’s great. Dandelions have multiple benefits. Too bad I can’t get all the ones in my yard. Don’t trust it because I know my grandfather sprayed anything to get rid of creatures. He got something illegal back in the 70s to prevent termites under his house. He didn’t have bugs in the house for years.
I have some dandelion tea, don’t drink it regularly or take supplement. I have it on hand because it’s a good detox. If I get cold or bad allergies I up the amount of tea I normally drink. I’ll flip flop immunity, teas with vitamin C & detox teas. I just started Cordyceps tincture (mushroom/fungi). I’m attempting to try each mushroom individually so I can move the a multi mushroom tincture. I play it safe with herbs by introducing one new plant at a time. (Like you do starting babies on food) So far I have had a reaction to any herbs. I guess my body prefers them to poison medicine.
An interesting thing about their colonoscopies: the business end of the probe is cleaned between patients. Now, I heard about this several years ago so might not be relevant any longer but, the disinfectant they were using was NOT doing a thorough job and people were exposed to the remains. It was dangerous.
In my estimation, I would rather take care of myself instead of subjecting myself to their "tests." IMHO, those te$t$ are more for drumming up business and scaring the people.
Not on twitter:
My view is unchanged. I had GREAT parents that never vaxxed myself, brother,or sister. We are all true pure bloods, I have been for 42 years and kicking. No major happenings, no major diseases, no attitude problems..nuttin. We are all healthy and just fine. So my IM TOTALLY AGAINST VAXX view is unchanged. My new born is also unvaxxed.
Indeed. James Rolfe once had a video on his website showing the most incredible Jackie Chan stunts, and while it's not on his Youtube channel yet, here's a re-upload.
Think about it--he was willing to put his body through all that,with no stuntman, and needles are what scare him.
Maybe this one time, we should take his advice. Fuck his simping for China, though.
I lost trust in the 90s when I went down the rabbit hole of medical treatment and vaccines. I learned that with natural nutrition and theraputics, I no longer had to go to a doctor. I also learned that SIDS was caused by vaccines. A friend told me the story in the 90s, that her daughter was upset because her best friend lost her baby to SIDS. I said that it was caused by vaccines. Then she said " Oh, my God! All that poor mother said was " He was so healthy when I took him in for his shot the day before he died" I decided then that I would never get another vaccine.
Totally lost trust. There is zero proof any vaccines prevent anything- they have mercury, aluminum and some, fetal cells. I had a vaccine injury of my vocal cords in 1994 and will never take another shot including flu, shingles, pneumonia. Ask yourself why they manufacture a stronger flu shot for the elderly when the young and the old can’t tolerate higher doses of most medications and anesthetics.
I've always been a medical questioner but I still had some trust in vaccines...right up until the point where they wanted to vaccinate children against Hepatitis B. Why do children have to be vaxxed against something that was transmitted either sexually or through needle-sharing?? What sort of mindset came up with that idea?
I was still naive enough at that point that I didn't realize they could be setting up those kids for "health failures" as they got older. I didn't think that the chase for $$$ could be that bad.
Definitely lost trust. A comment to that thread talks about how "they went through real trials". Yes, but...did they though? Or did our government cover for them then, too?
All you have to do is watch TV for a few hours and see all the lawyer ads asking if you or a loved one took XYZ FDA approved drug and you could win money in a settlement/lawsuit. There are several every few hours. These all went through the long term "safety testing". This is by no means a litmus test on safety or reliability. Anyone that thinks FDA approval means anything to me, is sadly mistaken
I'm not absolving Reagan of responsibility, but since learning about how nefarious the three letter agencies truly are, I've wondered how many of Reagan's actions were because former CIA director and VP George HW was (literally) holding a gun to Reagan's head.
If some people need convincing that vax☠xines have ALWAYS been a fraud perpetuated to negate your individual Right over your own body, then read on. I think by now we all realize their intended plan to control the entire world is by mandatory vax☠xination. Every individual wanting to buy or sell will be through the vax☠xine passport or 'some' expansion of it. G20 has already announced their intentions on implementing this. First however by any and all means necessary, they are trying to get as many people believing vax☠xines are essential for humanity to survive. It's a Big Lie.
All vax☠xines throughout its history have only exasperated and prolonged diseases.
The Salk Polio vaccine killed and maimed far more people than the disease itself. Moreover –
"Up to 90% of the total decline in the death rate of children between 1860-1965 because of whooping cough, scarlet fever, diptheria, and measles occured before the introduction of immunisations and antibiotics."---Dr Archie Kalokerinos, M.D. (http://whale.to/vaccines/decline1.html)
Why was this so?
"The decline in infectious diseases in developed countries had nothing to do with vax☠xinations, but with the decline in poverty and hunger."--Dr Buchwald, M.D. (http://whale.to/vaccines/decline1.html)
The decline in poverty and hunger is another way of stating Western society's greatly improved sanitation treatment (treatment of human waste), hygiene (clean potable water), and nutrition. If you looked into this as I have, you'll see that that these improvements started to really takeoff after the turn of the 20th Century where it accelerated post WWII. During this time common diseases like measles, polio, TB, tetanus, whooping cough, scarlet fever, diptheria, et. al. declined precipitously. Without the 'benefit' of any vax☠xine In the United States --the tuberculosis mortality rate underwent a drop of roughly 96 percent in the first 60 years of the 20th Century and that in a little short of the same time span (although the effectiveness of the vaccine has been seriously questioned by reputed scientists) mortality from typhoid vanished.
Today, the most prevalent cause of disease is from environmental chemical toxins that attack the neurological system and cause cancer and auto-immune diseases, et. al. In 2002, Dr. Tom Mack of USC stated --
“My credentials include probably spending more time working up [analyses of] population-based outbreaks of smallpox than virtually anybody ever has.”
Mack then stated --
“If people are worried about endemic smallpox [long lingering or permanent presence of the disease in the population], it disappeared from this country not because of our mass herd immunity [derived from a vaccine]. It disappeared because of our economic development. And that’s why it disappeared from Europe and many other countries…[its disappearance is] not from universal vaccination.”
It fascinates me whenever the efficacy and safety of vaccines are questioned, the entire 5th column of the vax☠xine lobby comes out in full force. And when I point out that the efficacy and safety of vax☠xines is NON-EXISTENT, the Vax☠xers go nuts. The CDC begrudgingly admitted there have been NO LAB TESTS for the efficacy and safety for vax☠xines in at least 34 years. With that admission, it underscores that vax☠xines are a hoax and their real purpose has ALWAYS been for EUGENICS purposes and to keep the population sickly, so that the pharmaceutical industry can profit off drugs that treat only the symptoms. Further proof of this is provided by the many testimonies of prominent medical doctors who have advised their patients at risk of having an adverse reaction not to vax☠xinate. Not only have they been threatened by their respective licensing boards, but many doctors have had their licenses revoked for even speaking out and reporting adverse effects their patients are experiencing. Writing a medical exemption for a patient is now a career ending endeavor and nearly impossible to get even with severe preconditions. The video, “Doctors Are Silenced To Prevent Informed Consent As The Genocide Continues”, provides an alarming insight to what is continuing to this day.
At this point in history, I find it incredible, that any sentient, intelligent being, would allow these monsters to inject ANYTHING, into their bodies. That sacred trust we all grew up with, regarding doctors and nurses? Yeah, all that's left of that, is a pile of fine ashes.
I was born mid-eighties, and for me and most of my classmates, there was at least a two year difference between us and our younger siblings. I noticed, even as a teenager, that the younger siblings all seemed much smaller and many had developmental difficulties or physical issues. I've learned in the past couple of years that there was jump in the amount of vaccines administered to our siblings just over that two year period. Coincidence?
I've not only lost trust in vaccines, I've lost trust in the medical industry as a whole. Also, I think I owe Jenny McCarthy an apology.
I learned as a small child that you could only get tetanus from a puncture wound that had not bled much. That bleeding a fair amount washed out a wound. When I got a deeo puncture on my foot from being a happy little heathen running around barefoot on the island I lived on, I got a tetanus shot and not one bit of reaction to it. That was many decades ago. I believe they have changed the formulation of the shot into yet another way to endanger health. Dirty rotten stinking Big Pharma bastards. So yeah... I mistrust vaccines now for anything
I found out in the early 1980's that SV40 was passed along to tens of millions of Americans that got the polio vax in the 1950's and 60's. Unintended consequence? You betcha. But it didn't stop them from making vaccines mandatory for school attendance.
I'm pretty sure the consequences were the point of the vaccines then, just as they are now. That was an early test run of using them as a depopulation tool. Mandates are how they make sure nobody escapes.
I wondered if it started with the MMR vaccine. I never had the MMR because I had rubella as a toddler so I got the “pass”. I was also lucky enough to never have received the polio vax because it was stopped the year I would’ve been required to receive it where we lived. I recently asked my mother what vaccines I had as a child and she could not remember any. Now I feel guilty for allowing my children to have followed the recommended vaccines back in the 80s and 90s.
I lost trust 48 years ago and that includes pretty much everything that comes from the medical cartel. I can't get on twitter to vote. Will you post the results? I'd be interested in seeing that.
I have a sever allergy to gluten. I was hospitalized as a newborn for weeks after my vaccines with croup in a medical tent and nearly died. My immune system has never functioned normally.
THC is the only substance that keeps the sensation of my body temperature regulated.
I remember as a young child fighting my parents and doctors physically when needles are involved, it was subconscious.
I was sick until 5th grade when I quit eating gluten. After I stopped I felt a huge veil lift from my mind. No doctor could ever figure out what was wrong, and laughed at the idea that your diet could make you sick.
Safe to say I have never trusted the medical industry, and i will never inject my future children with anything but salene and maybe antibiotics if natural remedies fail.
My daughter has celiac and it was not discovered until she was 19. Spent most of her life congested...we used to say "earth to beanie"...she was so spacey. She eliminated Barley, rye, oats and wheat and made a tremendous recovery. She found that taking digestive enzyme really help quite a bit. She said she never knew what it was like to feel healthy.
Evidently, celiac is a European disease and in Italy they actually test for it at birth. She was lucky, they found it with a blood test, but now they like to take a biopsy of the small intestine. It is actually an illness where the body becomes very malnourished because the villa flattens in the the small intestine and therefore do not absorb the nutrients from the food. I am very grateful for all the attention that celiac has gotten over the years, because people that continue to eat gluten will continue down the road of ever-increasing ill health. There are lots of great gluten free products and cook books, so it is doable to eliminate this from your diet.
Glad you found the solution to better health...celiac is a bummer, but there are solutions...
I have a clarity of thought that I cherish. When I accidentally ingest gluten I'm in a Fucking brain fog for weeks. The mental effects of gluten outweigh the physical by ten fold. I would trade any food for a clear mind.
It is amazing how underdiagnosed that is. I have read that it is the strains of different grains that they have developed over time...the ancient grains from long ago did not have this effect on people...so it is man tampering with what God gave us that was good and genetically modifying it until it became a totally useless product. My daughter did not read until she was 10 and she did not clearly speak until she was 2. She started public school in 6th grade, and everything worked out...she ended up getting a master's degree. Once you heal the brain...you heal the body. I am glad you discovered this allergy...God bless you...
The allopathic medical protocol for vaccinating the body actually weakens the immune system. There's lots of info regarding this fact. Shooting the virus straight into the body is opposite of how the body would get the flu, for instance. The way the medical protocol is administered is probably why there has been such an increase of childhood cancers and many other so called incurable diseases. Our immune systems have been compromised.
i think a doubt has been cast upon the whole thing. quality has been an issue for a while now, but the rest may or may not be shady and we will need new convincing.
regardless, i wanted to put that out there as a viewpoint that wasn't being talked about.
I would strongly suggest reading RFK Jr's book "Real Anthony Fauci" and his website https://childrenshealthdefense.org/ to start learning the facts and evidences surrounding regular vaccines.
I havnt lost trust in other vaccines but I have lost trust in the people who administer other vaccines. I worry a covid zealot doing something. Also nobody aspirates the needle anymore. An muscular injection should not go into the blood stream but they don't GAF any more.
Please do some serious research on the "other" vaccines. The same people that want to kill you with the covid vaccine are the same people that have formulated these other vaccines for the last 70 years.
I was told to have an update tetanus shot years ago and accepted. That night I thought I was going to die: my temperature plummeted and I shivered despite having layer upon layer put on me. My daughter had to take me to the bathroom covered in blankets, went to bed with my teeth chattering. No amount of hot water bottles or covering made any difference. Thankfully I managed to sleep and felt better in the morning.
Years ago (almost 20 years now), I was working on a Navy ship in San Diego. I was helping the welder layout foundations and braces when I got a long cut on my left hand. It was fairly deep and it was bleeding a lot. I cleaned it out with betadine and bandaged it up myself. After another hour or two, one of the officers noticed my hand and asked what happened. I told him it was just a cut. He insisted that I leave the ship and get a medical evaluation. I left the base and went to a hospital to let them check it out. A nurse saw me first and saw the wound and asked how it happened. I explained in detail. She said that I am going to need a tetanus booster. I told her I didn't need one, the metal was cleaned and on a ship. She was insistent that I get one. I declined. The doctor came in, took one look and said I would need a tetanus booster. I explained again that it was not necessary. He was insistent. I asked him if he knows what causes tetanus. He couldn't remember the bacteria. I explained it is clostridium and it lives in soil. It thrives in rust of soil contact steel/iron. Since the metal used was cleaned with acetone and ground down for welding, there was zero chance of clostridium present. Therefore, I didn't need a tetanus booster. I left without one, the fact that both the nurse and doctor didn't know what caused lockjaw and when and why a tetanus shot would be required is why I haven't been to see a doctor ever since. I research my own issues and problems and treat them accordingly. If my treatment doesn't work or I need prescription meds, I will go see a doctor, but so far I have been batting a thousand. Hoping to go the rest of my life without needing to see a doctor or go to a hospital.
What a great illustration of being your own advocate.
Good work! I decline the tetanus shot for my kids based on this same logic and it shuts medical people down. Like they got hurt in the house, how would they get the tetanus bacteria from that??
Also, it's really a puncture wound from such a rusty/soil metal situation that closes over that really sets you up for it because it's an anerobic bacteria.
I git a million mandatory ones in the military but avoided ever since. Everytime we got the flu shot or the nose gel version they had literally half the people on our ship got sick...I normally get the flu maybe once every 3 or 4 years so simple math dictates that's way better than the shot.
Additionally I got a tetanus shot for an injury when I was like 12 and I must have subconsciously hated them because they had to get 2 nurses and a doctor to hold me down to give it to me...my newborn is 100% pureblood despite being 2 months early . My oldest (10) only had is initial shots on a delayed schedule and has not had any since.
Good job dad. 👍
Are they homeschooled?
ie: you step on a rusty nail and it punctures the sole of your foot - good idea get a tetanus shot. Lol
The homeopathic Ledum works wonders for puncture wounds...just sayin',,,
Thanks 🥰
Yes the bacterium is anaerobic which means it grows without oxygen, which is why puncture wounds run the highest risk for tetanus. With an open would that has bled a lot and if you've been able to wash it out you have about zero chance of getting tetanus. 😎
I concur and am on board with everything you said...doesn't it feel good to be in charge of one of the most important aspects of your life...your health and well-being? I hope people that are trying to ditch the medical establishment's plan for our lives, will gain confidence in their ability to choose appropriate remedies and to learn to trust themselves and their ability to acquire the knowledge and resources to treat just about anything. I also am batting a thousand...independence from this tyranny is it's own reward and for me it is such a lot of fun to solve a puzzle and enjoy the fruits of success, healing and knowledge. God has been my guide in everything I do and He has proven more than faithful to reveal His wonderful knowledge and healing power. God bless you Patriot for your testimony and encouragement.
Wow, thank you for that info! I didn't know that. When I was 13, I slipped while fishing on Longboat Key and sliced my leg open on a barnacle. The cut was really deep and bled a ton, had to have 30 stitches in 3 layers. I remember they gave me a tetanus shot for it. At the time, I didn't question it. I'm sure it could have gotten infected from something, but probably not the tetanus bacteria.
Thanks for your service to our country and the education on tetanus shot. The officer might have been covering himself telling you to go to doctor. I can’t blame anyone for covering themselves. I learned about that quickly when I started worked for big companies.
I didn't blame him at all. I get the responsibilities and protocols. I was just shocked at the doctor and nurse not understanding something so basic. I know they have to learn a lot of material, but this is an extremely common bacteria and it did cause a lot of damage throughout history. It would've seemed to be a very basic medical concept. I didn't think too highly of their knowledge and skill. I also dated a woman that worked in a hospital for many years, I got to know a lot of doctors and nurses socially. It became very apparent that many of them weren't terribly intelligent and were just going through the motions at work, just to live their social lives afterwards. Only a couple were actually impressive in knowledge and passion for medicine.
Tetanus is pretty brutal. Because we've had such a long time to observe the effects of that vaccine, there is a lot of evidence to suggest -- or even prove -- that provided you get the vaccine at an early enough age, it provides sufficient protection for the rest of your life without boosters.
You know..like a vaccine should. That said, that's proof of even a non mRNA vaccine can have lifelong effects, and that we shouldn't be injecting this all willy nilly.
AND what you have eluded too is EXACTLY why this mRNA vaccine was brought out...to make the planet DEPENDENT on the vacs instead of OUR NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM...
I like you will NEVER have another vaccine...my 3 shot Cards from the military are quite enough!!!
No, I think the mRNA vaxxx was brought out to conduct the genocide that the rich globalists desire to achieve 500 million on the earth.
Especially as they decided the simple tetanus shot was no longer acceptable, so now they recommend everyone receive the Booster TDAP shot (with Pertussis) every 5 years instead of every 10)
I had to get a second tetanus plus another shot so I could go to school years ago. I'm done after those. I had residual pain in my injection sites for 2 years and the doctors told me I was crazy.
Traditional vaccines aren't clean (unless you're a VIP who can afford cleaned vaccines) and mRNA vaccines are just purely poisonous. Pharma needs its ass kicked.
Medical gaslighting is one of the system's best practiced skills.
I was told the primary source for tetanus is manure. So most people don't need the shot.
Updated tetanus shots were the only ones I trusted for years, now not even that. I will never let a needle in my arm voluntarily again.
I have lost complete trust in Big Pharma, hospitals and medical doctors. They have all betrayed us for money. I will not take any new pills or vaccines. God has given me everything I need and He can decide how long I live.
I put all my faith in Christ and have turned completely away from the medical industrial complex. I will live until God decides to take me home and I am blessed by the freedom and peace that gives me.
Amen. May the Lord richly bless you and may your faith in Him keep you until that day when we shall see Him face to face. God bless.
God bless and keep you as well. May your eyes see His Glory in the everyday and your faith strengthen and grow. Amen.
Amen. I haven't taken any vaccines or prescibed pills in over 30yrs. Been to an appt once and it was a joke.
Same. I always refused the poison pills that they tried to give me after a procedure, and just dealt with the pain. I haven't seen a doctor since my jaw surgery and absolutely do not trust them right now. So far, I'm healthy as a horse for a guy my age (post-50).
You are a hoot...I bet you would drive the medical establishment crazy if you were ever to come in contact with them. There are GOOD doctors who do respect our alternative thoughts and convictions and I have had the good fortune to know many that I absolutely admired. There really are some GREAT medical establishments around, though not as prevelant as the bought and paid for ones...
I make appointments and pay the 45.00 co pay and confront these spineless turds with articles and facts in the clinic every chance I get...they just go speechless and look down, like the turds they are.
There are some good ones - but they aren't in the mainstream, IMO.
If the medical was so good our life expectancy and over health as a nation as whole would be increasing, not declining.
If these mainstream "medical/health professional" were living 10, 20 yrs longer on average than the rest of us fools, I might believe them. But they don't.
Just look at the prescription drug addiction, the obesity rate, autism, autoimmune, cancer, blood diseases, mental health - all have SKYROCKETED over the last 25-30yrs and we are getting much much worse as a nation.
Sure you can blame the food companies as well. But the vast majority is the healthcare, pharma and education system.
The biggest advances in our country to the over health has nothing to do with "Healthcare". It's been Sanitation- the advent of indoor plumbing and fresh water supply in the late 1800's
And I will throw in the discovery/use of vitamins, minerals and good whole foods,
I do what you do but a little more quietly...not a big fan of confrontation. You have hit on some accurate points about the relationship of health and our environment, food, drugs, etc. I think I once had a small bottle of aspirin for about 15 years...everything is a choice, for sure, and I think people are starting to realize that they actually do have a choice and they don't have to blindly accept ANY medical care, drugs, etc. that have been offered them. People just don't trust their own knowledge and judgement anymore...but hopefully that is all changing...I personally enjoy these posts that get people thinking and researching so they can see that they do have options and choices. It is a lot of fun to educate people for their greater health and well-being...Knowledge is power...
Knowledge is power. No doubt.
Absolute truth...never a big fan, but now avoid at all costs...
As of now, 10,408 votes, 82% say lost trust.
The Great Awakening in effect.
Interesting the amount of comments saying their view is 'unchanged' as they never trusted vaccines in the first place. Some people have been awake for a long time...
Hmm. Poll should have had that option.
Yeah, unchanged (pro vaccines) unchanged (against vaccines).
Truly non biased language would not use "anti" because that's clearly charged wording
A common polling trick is to use people's natural biases to get the response you want.
I'm so afraid of doctors now that I'm even scared to schedule a colonoscopy.
That's not a joke about taking anything through the exit door, I mean an actual colonoscopy, the thing they tell you to get upon reaching certain age thresholds.
If you don’t have high risk of colon cancer (strong family history - meaning first or second degree relative, diagnosed under the age of 50) you don’t need one. Do Cologuard testing instead. My bowels have not been the same since I had one. I’m convinced the prep ruined my normal function. Plus you’ll avoid anesthesia and any time you can avoid that you should.
While I have lost all trust in vaccines and almost regret allowing my children to be vaccinated, I do have the colonoscopies. My first one 16 years ago discovered several pre cancerous polyps and I have no family history of colon cancer. I now go every 3 years to have polyps removed. Luckily the first two I had, the doctor prescribed the clean out cocktail. After that the insurance companies make them push the over the counter crap that will rip your insides up and took me almost 2 years before I felt normal again. Now when I go, I refuse to use the over-the-counter and require the doctor to write the prescription. Many insurance companies won’t cover it and it is expensive, but I’ve also learned that many offices have “samples“ they will give you. If you do decide to get another one, make sure you get the prescription clean out not the OTC recipe you buy in the drugstore.
You only have [their] word for that.
Besides, I hear that fenbendazole plus Chaga mushroom powder is very effective at warding off bowel cancer.
Overall I agree, but colonoscopies will catch more and also potentially find other problems that aren't cancerous, and aren't related at all that they can provide treatment for.
Prep should not affect your long term bowel movements, and while I won't convince you that your perception of the cause is untrue, it's essentially just a liquid fast with laxatives -- it shouldn't cause a problem.
Possible that something was damaged on the way in or out though.
As for your last comment: all the yes. Anaesthesia is some terrifying shit.
It screws up your microbiome
You trust Cologuard? I've heard of them.
It’s a stool test. You send your entire stool sample to a lab to be screened for blood and cancerous cells. I believe the basic idea is - if you’ve got polyps or cancer going on inside the colon, those abnormal cells shed off easily and can be detected in your sample. I am ignorant of the actual testing, and if you’re wary of genetic testing, I cannot say whether or not they are doing that.
I understand the mistrust that has developed around medicine. I work in the medical field and I get it. I’ve lost a lot of trust as well and seen some things I’ve never seen in 32 years of this work. But I don’t know any providers (physicians, NP’s, PA’s) that got personally paid extra to give MRNA injections, certain medications or diagnose people with COVID. I HAVE seen plenty be lazy about investigating anything and blindly/fearfully follow government guidelines - which I do believe are shaped by some with malicious intent.
So it’s going to be like anything else- you’ll have to do some research and try to make the best informed decision for you. But don’t totally give up on all medical professionals. Many are awake and still want to do it to help others.
You think any medical people are going to tell you that they got paid?
Your "field of work" have been harming, lying to, coercing, killing and maiming people for decades. It's been mostly a scam since the 1900's in the name of "science".
Biggest drug dealers on the planet - bar none.
Outside of maybe trauma, IMO, your profession is one step below prostitution.
I have worked both in private practice and for a larger organization. In my organization, if we get caught accepting so much as a cupcake or ink pen from a sales rep we can get fired. No one brings us anything. We don’t meet with any sales reps. We try to make our decisions based on good research. I can’t speak to what may go on under the table. Back in private practice yes, the physician got trips, gifts, etc. but I didn’t see him change his prescribing practices due to this and he was quite critical in his thinking about what therapies he used for his patients. I often tell patients how they can improve/treat/heal themselves with natural remedies and diet, gasp thereby reducing the number of repeat visits! I treat my patients how I want my family to be treated. You are being completely bigoted in your blanket statements about all healthcare providers. Not all of us practice like you think.
Good for you.
Listen, If people in the "Medical" field lived on average 10, 15, 20 yrs longer than the rest of us. I might believe you people, but they don't.
-Life expectancy has dropped the last few years -Obesity levels are off the charts -Prescription Drug use is it an all time high -Autoimmune has exploded that last 20 yrs -Diabetes is out of control -Cost are at all time high -Bribes & Payoffs from drug companies keep raging -Way too much unnecessary exams and procedures -Medical Errors rank 3rd in the list of causes of death -Autism rates among kids has also exploded -All the Major medical associations think abortion is "healthcare"
and it's getting worse by the day. And you think I am being a bigot?
If after a 150 years of research and TRILLONS upon Trillions of dollars that this is happening, then the only conclusion I can come up with is:
It's a money draining, keep you sick and drugged up SCAM.
The only people I hear or read about that live a lot longer than us are the ones that can't even spell doctor let alone even seen the inside of a clinic.
A agree mostly with this. I know nurses that have refused the vaccine. They have been approved religious exemption. Some of these people I know get asked by patients, “did you get the vaccine?” They say no. Then the patient starts asking why. This was when the vaccine came out. I personally don’t believe a nurse should give any medical advice, including vaccines. Number one that’s their job and possibly malpractice on the line. They could lose their license. Nurses aren’t backed up by the system or where they work like doctors. Nurse’s make a good salary but nothing compared to doctor salaries.
I’ve researched to see if my pain management doctor has been paid and she hasn’t. Other doctors I’ve seen in the past have been paid big dollars. Also you might not see what they have been paid in perks. Pharmaceutical reps take doctors on golf trips and spas. I’m in NC and know someone who worked for Johnson & Johnson years ago. Her boss flew doctors to Myrtle Beach for golf paid for by J&J. She had to get smart to do something for the female doctors. She took them for spa days. Several local doctors wouldn’t talk to her unless she provided a sit down meal. Her boss told her she wasn’t spending enough money out of her budget to woo doctors. So weekly she bought an entire meal and desserts for her large family. That’s how crooked the pharmaceutical system is.
It's insane.
If "doctors" and/or people in the medical community lived 10, 20, 30yrs longer on average than the rest of society, I might believe them.
But they don't.
It's a "get you in for an exam/visit/appt of some sort, get you on drugs of some sort, vaccines and keep you sick and drugged up system".
They have been doing this since the 1800's.
The only group on people I see or have read about that live a heck of a lot longer than everyone else, is the ones that can't even spell the word doctor or even have been close to a hospital or clinic.
I believe most doctors are like Hair Stylists in a way. A hair stylist will tell you they are too busy making every one else look good and don’t pamper themselves. I think most doctors don’t do as they preach. I know some medical professionals that would only get their children treatment as a last resort. You are correct about those that have doctors. I read an article, Scientists are studying these people because they don’t have any diseases, health problems like the modern world does. I can’t remember what village or the name the people go by, I know they are in SA in the Amazon region. I could save them money and time. It’s because they haven’t been exposed to toxic chemicals in their water, air, food and homes. They don’t eat processed food or take otc drugs or pharmaceutical drugs. I’m sure anyone already knows this including those scientists. Difference is the scientists are making money off their bogus study.
I have one good doctor. I think the difference is because she’s from India. It’s my pain management doctor. She has never pushed any medication at treatments. I went to her about a year before I knew about lidocaine injections and epidurals. They have saved me on more than one occasion. I’m like others here, don’t trust any needles from a doctor. Sometimes I need an epidural so much I have to take my chances. I don’t believe she would do anything but I don’t know about the companies making the drug. It’s a chance I take to be pain free. I’ve been going to her twelve years. In the past year I’m almost completely off medication. I still use NSAID occasionally. Other than her I’ve had terrible experiences with doctors over the last twenty five years. Back then they had the attitude pain was in your head. Even when the doctors came around they never suggested herbs or supplements to help. My pain doctor is the only one that’s made natural medicine suggestions. For that reason I always tell her the herbs I’m taking.
The hospitals mandate treatment based on the crooked CDC protocols and the doctors and patients are not allowed to deviate from that. The hospitals got the money for the deaths, treatments and all protocol used for the entire fiasco. Also, the hospitals did not report to VAERS all the damage caused by the injections...believe me there is enough sin to go around for everyone...
I could be wrong, but I believe Cologuard actually looks at DNA.
That might be true, IDK. I believe any blood test they do has the potential of taking DNA. Look at what China did with pregnancy tests or something, I don’t remember if it was pregnancy tests In doctors office. Not America but other countries. They got their DNA. I saw it on here a long time ago.
Yes it might, as I said, I’m ignorant of the actual testing they do
Cancer? Big deal, I'll eat apricots.
it's the amygdalin in the apricot seeds that benefit cancer...not the apricots...
I was just reading about eating apricot seeds. It might have been this week on the post someone made about what they take to stay well. Immunity supplements to prevent shedding was part the conversation.
If I ever get a colonoscopy, I'll consider getting it done without sedation.
Hell, tax time is enough to know what that feels like kek
I was extremely stressed to go see a dentist due to a filling falling out. The hygienist took my blood pressure. Needless to say it was through the roof. I prayed several times that day for God's protection. I don't trust any of them.
May God bless and keep you close to Him. Love your user name.
I've started seeing a biologic dentist.... You have a higher chance of them not having bought into the COVID crap. https://iabdm.org
A dental hygienist took your blood pressure? That’s unusual.
They may have seen a lot of high blood pressure due to all the vaxxing and take it before treatment to be safe. Any dental surgery requires close monitoring of blood pressure and perhaps even dentists are being cautious about the health of their patients...is my guess anyway.
Just eat 2-4 raw carrots every week and lower your colon cancer risk by 17%(!) and be done with it.
Colonoscopies are ghey anyway.
There are herbs and mushrooms that prevent or kill cancer cells. I believe I read dandelion root kills all cancer except brain cancer. Some mushrooms have the ability to kill cancer cells. From my research the possibility of cancer is in everyone (or cancer cells) but it depends (a lot) on what you eat and your genetics. Research Dr Axe cancer, he and another doctor has a good video on YouTube. Also he stopped practicing medicine when his mom was diagnosed. He moved back to help her. The things he did with food and herbs shrunk her tumor and the doctors were shocked. Said, what ever you are doing keep doing it.
Lucky me! I just started taking that last week!
That’s great. Dandelions have multiple benefits. Too bad I can’t get all the ones in my yard. Don’t trust it because I know my grandfather sprayed anything to get rid of creatures. He got something illegal back in the 70s to prevent termites under his house. He didn’t have bugs in the house for years.
I have some dandelion tea, don’t drink it regularly or take supplement. I have it on hand because it’s a good detox. If I get cold or bad allergies I up the amount of tea I normally drink. I’ll flip flop immunity, teas with vitamin C & detox teas. I just started Cordyceps tincture (mushroom/fungi). I’m attempting to try each mushroom individually so I can move the a multi mushroom tincture. I play it safe with herbs by introducing one new plant at a time. (Like you do starting babies on food) So far I have had a reaction to any herbs. I guess my body prefers them to poison medicine.
An interesting thing about their colonoscopies: the business end of the probe is cleaned between patients. Now, I heard about this several years ago so might not be relevant any longer but, the disinfectant they were using was NOT doing a thorough job and people were exposed to the remains. It was dangerous.
In my estimation, I would rather take care of myself instead of subjecting myself to their "tests." IMHO, those te$t$ are more for drumming up business and scaring the people.
I wish I was surprised at this.
Nut allergies.
Milk allergies.
Egg allergies.
All kinds of problems that I don't remember anyone having when I was younger.
No one on my baseball team needed an inhaler. My grandsons coach has a bag to put them all in with their names on em'.
I lost trust a long time ago.
Not on twitter: My view is unchanged. I had GREAT parents that never vaxxed myself, brother,or sister. We are all true pure bloods, I have been for 42 years and kicking. No major happenings, no major diseases, no attitude problems..nuttin. We are all healthy and just fine. So my IM TOTALLY AGAINST VAXX view is unchanged. My new born is also unvaxxed.
My 2 grandchildren are purebloods too, 4 and 6. Both born at home. Very healthy.
Never liked needles anyway. Always had needlephobia.
Fun fact: Jackie Chan is afraid of needles too.
Yeah. THAT Jackie Chan.
It's one thing to fall from great heights or be thrown through windows or slammed against sharp would.
Needles are fucking scary and bypass all protection that our skin and muscles provide.
Indeed. James Rolfe once had a video on his website showing the most incredible Jackie Chan stunts, and while it's not on his Youtube channel yet, here's a re-upload.
Think about it--he was willing to put his body through all that, with no stuntman, and needles are what scare him.
Maybe this one time, we should take his advice. Fuck his simping for China, though.
I’m not on Twitter, but I lost my hearing from a flu shot. I lost faith then. It all seemed “safe and effective” till I got my “wake-up” shot.
I lost trust in the 90s when I went down the rabbit hole of medical treatment and vaccines. I learned that with natural nutrition and theraputics, I no longer had to go to a doctor. I also learned that SIDS was caused by vaccines. A friend told me the story in the 90s, that her daughter was upset because her best friend lost her baby to SIDS. I said that it was caused by vaccines. Then she said " Oh, my God! All that poor mother said was " He was so healthy when I took him in for his shot the day before he died" I decided then that I would never get another vaccine.
Totally lost trust. There is zero proof any vaccines prevent anything- they have mercury, aluminum and some, fetal cells. I had a vaccine injury of my vocal cords in 1994 and will never take another shot including flu, shingles, pneumonia. Ask yourself why they manufacture a stronger flu shot for the elderly when the young and the old can’t tolerate higher doses of most medications and anesthetics.
I've always been a medical questioner but I still had some trust in vaccines...right up until the point where they wanted to vaccinate children against Hepatitis B. Why do children have to be vaxxed against something that was transmitted either sexually or through needle-sharing?? What sort of mindset came up with that idea?
I was still naive enough at that point that I didn't realize they could be setting up those kids for "health failures" as they got older. I didn't think that the chase for $$$ could be that bad.
Definitely lost trust. A comment to that thread talks about how "they went through real trials". Yes, but...did they though? Or did our government cover for them then, too?
All you have to do is watch TV for a few hours and see all the lawyer ads asking if you or a loved one took XYZ FDA approved drug and you could win money in a settlement/lawsuit. There are several every few hours. These all went through the long term "safety testing". This is by no means a litmus test on safety or reliability. Anyone that thinks FDA approval means anything to me, is sadly mistaken
Yeah but like I don't want to watch TV :(
Yeah, Reagan signed that damn law in 1986(?) that gave immunity to the vaccine developers.
I'm not absolving Reagan of responsibility, but since learning about how nefarious the three letter agencies truly are, I've wondered how many of Reagan's actions were because former CIA director and VP George HW was (literally) holding a gun to Reagan's head.
This right here.
Not on twatter.
What's the result
82% say they have lost trust in all vaccines. Lot of comments underneath talking about how they’ll never take another one of any kind
Thanks fren
"Bad begins and worse remains behind.''-HAMLET.
If some people need convincing that vax☠xines have ALWAYS been a fraud perpetuated to negate your individual Right over your own body, then read on. I think by now we all realize their intended plan to control the entire world is by mandatory vax☠xination. Every individual wanting to buy or sell will be through the vax☠xine passport or 'some' expansion of it. G20 has already announced their intentions on implementing this. First however by any and all means necessary, they are trying to get as many people believing vax☠xines are essential for humanity to survive. It's a Big Lie.
All vax☠xines throughout its history have only exasperated and prolonged diseases.
The Salk Polio vaccine killed and maimed far more people than the disease itself. Moreover –
Why was this so?
The decline in poverty and hunger is another way of stating Western society's greatly improved sanitation treatment (treatment of human waste), hygiene (clean potable water), and nutrition. If you looked into this as I have, you'll see that that these improvements started to really takeoff after the turn of the 20th Century where it accelerated post WWII. During this time common diseases like measles, polio, TB, tetanus, whooping cough, scarlet fever, diptheria, et. al. declined precipitously. Without the 'benefit' of any vax☠xine In the United States --the tuberculosis mortality rate underwent a drop of roughly 96 percent in the first 60 years of the 20th Century and that in a little short of the same time span (although the effectiveness of the vaccine has been seriously questioned by reputed scientists) mortality from typhoid vanished.
Today, the most prevalent cause of disease is from environmental chemical toxins that attack the neurological system and cause cancer and auto-immune diseases, et. al. In 2002, Dr. Tom Mack of USC stated --
Mack then stated --
It fascinates me whenever the efficacy and safety of vaccines are questioned, the entire 5th column of the vax☠xine lobby comes out in full force. And when I point out that the efficacy and safety of vax☠xines is NON-EXISTENT, the Vax☠xers go nuts. The CDC begrudgingly admitted there have been NO LAB TESTS for the efficacy and safety for vax☠xines in at least 34 years. With that admission, it underscores that vax☠xines are a hoax and their real purpose has ALWAYS been for EUGENICS purposes and to keep the population sickly, so that the pharmaceutical industry can profit off drugs that treat only the symptoms. Further proof of this is provided by the many testimonies of prominent medical doctors who have advised their patients at risk of having an adverse reaction not to vax☠xinate. Not only have they been threatened by their respective licensing boards, but many doctors have had their licenses revoked for even speaking out and reporting adverse effects their patients are experiencing. Writing a medical exemption for a patient is now a career ending endeavor and nearly impossible to get even with severe preconditions. The video, “Doctors Are Silenced To Prevent Informed Consent As The Genocide Continues”, provides an alarming insight to what is continuing to this day.
The top comments are PANICKING.
Them: But, but, hey, like , you know...the thing is safe. Real vaxes work its just the mRNA that are bad.
Me: What was that you said about mRNA?
Them:. reeeeeeeee
At this point in history, I find it incredible, that any sentient, intelligent being, would allow these monsters to inject ANYTHING, into their bodies. That sacred trust we all grew up with, regarding doctors and nurses? Yeah, all that's left of that, is a pile of fine ashes.
I was born mid-eighties, and for me and most of my classmates, there was at least a two year difference between us and our younger siblings. I noticed, even as a teenager, that the younger siblings all seemed much smaller and many had developmental difficulties or physical issues. I've learned in the past couple of years that there was jump in the amount of vaccines administered to our siblings just over that two year period. Coincidence?
I've not only lost trust in vaccines, I've lost trust in the medical industry as a whole. Also, I think I owe Jenny McCarthy an apology.
I have lost trust in anything medical related.
Yes. Lost ALL trust in vaxxes, as well as in the Medical/Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, and unelected bureaucracies, and elections.
Thank you, President Trump, for EXPOSING all of these international scams. Hurry back into office, please, before we're all dead. Thank you!
Well said.
I've lost trust...
I learned as a small child that you could only get tetanus from a puncture wound that had not bled much. That bleeding a fair amount washed out a wound. When I got a deeo puncture on my foot from being a happy little heathen running around barefoot on the island I lived on, I got a tetanus shot and not one bit of reaction to it. That was many decades ago. I believe they have changed the formulation of the shot into yet another way to endanger health. Dirty rotten stinking Big Pharma bastards. So yeah... I mistrust vaccines now for anything
I found out in the early 1980's that SV40 was passed along to tens of millions of Americans that got the polio vax in the 1950's and 60's. Unintended consequence? You betcha. But it didn't stop them from making vaccines mandatory for school attendance.
I'm pretty sure the consequences were the point of the vaccines then, just as they are now. That was an early test run of using them as a depopulation tool. Mandates are how they make sure nobody escapes.
I wondered if it started with the MMR vaccine. I never had the MMR because I had rubella as a toddler so I got the “pass”. I was also lucky enough to never have received the polio vax because it was stopped the year I would’ve been required to receive it where we lived. I recently asked my mother what vaccines I had as a child and she could not remember any. Now I feel guilty for allowing my children to have followed the recommended vaccines back in the 80s and 90s.
I lost trust 48 years ago and that includes pretty much everything that comes from the medical cartel. I can't get on twitter to vote. Will you post the results? I'd be interested in seeing that.
I have
66 and never had faith in any vaccines
I have a sever allergy to gluten. I was hospitalized as a newborn for weeks after my vaccines with croup in a medical tent and nearly died. My immune system has never functioned normally.
THC is the only substance that keeps the sensation of my body temperature regulated.
I remember as a young child fighting my parents and doctors physically when needles are involved, it was subconscious.
I was sick until 5th grade when I quit eating gluten. After I stopped I felt a huge veil lift from my mind. No doctor could ever figure out what was wrong, and laughed at the idea that your diet could make you sick.
Safe to say I have never trusted the medical industry, and i will never inject my future children with anything but salene and maybe antibiotics if natural remedies fail.
My daughter has celiac and it was not discovered until she was 19. Spent most of her life congested...we used to say "earth to beanie"...she was so spacey. She eliminated Barley, rye, oats and wheat and made a tremendous recovery. She found that taking digestive enzyme really help quite a bit. She said she never knew what it was like to feel healthy.
Evidently, celiac is a European disease and in Italy they actually test for it at birth. She was lucky, they found it with a blood test, but now they like to take a biopsy of the small intestine. It is actually an illness where the body becomes very malnourished because the villa flattens in the the small intestine and therefore do not absorb the nutrients from the food. I am very grateful for all the attention that celiac has gotten over the years, because people that continue to eat gluten will continue down the road of ever-increasing ill health. There are lots of great gluten free products and cook books, so it is doable to eliminate this from your diet.
Glad you found the solution to better health...celiac is a bummer, but there are solutions...
20 years gluten free now :)
And feeling great....I imagine....
I have a clarity of thought that I cherish. When I accidentally ingest gluten I'm in a Fucking brain fog for weeks. The mental effects of gluten outweigh the physical by ten fold. I would trade any food for a clear mind.
I know exactly what you are talking about...there are videos online of kids that appear to be in a catatonic state...pretty sad...
That was me. Until 11 years old. All doctors thought I was highly autistic.
Turns out I'm only a little autist ;)
It is amazing how underdiagnosed that is. I have read that it is the strains of different grains that they have developed over time...the ancient grains from long ago did not have this effect on people...so it is man tampering with what God gave us that was good and genetically modifying it until it became a totally useless product. My daughter did not read until she was 10 and she did not clearly speak until she was 2. She started public school in 6th grade, and everything worked out...she ended up getting a master's degree. Once you heal the brain...you heal the body. I am glad you discovered this allergy...God bless you...
The allopathic medical protocol for vaccinating the body actually weakens the immune system. There's lots of info regarding this fact. Shooting the virus straight into the body is opposite of how the body would get the flu, for instance. The way the medical protocol is administered is probably why there has been such an increase of childhood cancers and many other so called incurable diseases. Our immune systems have been compromised.
This fact had always confounded me, but never could get a straight answer from any teacher as to how this made sense.
I agree.
i question whether they will make a "mistake" and jab me with the vax.
So you honestly think the other "vaccines" have been thoroughly tested and proven to be necessary, safe and effective?
i think a doubt has been cast upon the whole thing. quality has been an issue for a while now, but the rest may or may not be shady and we will need new convincing.
regardless, i wanted to put that out there as a viewpoint that wasn't being talked about.
I would strongly suggest reading RFK Jr's book "Real Anthony Fauci" and his website https://childrenshealthdefense.org/ to start learning the facts and evidences surrounding regular vaccines.
I wouldn’t trust them enough to get a B12 injection at this point, no less one of their DNA altering expirements.
Yeah, comments seem to support that
I havnt lost trust in other vaccines but I have lost trust in the people who administer other vaccines. I worry a covid zealot doing something. Also nobody aspirates the needle anymore. An muscular injection should not go into the blood stream but they don't GAF any more.
Please do some serious research on the "other" vaccines. The same people that want to kill you with the covid vaccine are the same people that have formulated these other vaccines for the last 70 years.