Agree Its hard to believe (even though it may have been required to go on his trip to Germany) because of his position on vaccines post his baby's SIDS death all those years ago.
Then that would be bad considering he’d be lying about going through this, which if the DS would be able to prove - would kill credibility for any other vax injury victim.
This was exactly my thoughts. It doesnt sound like he'll have longevity (whether vax related or not).
To me the question is what is gained by broadcasting essentially what may be a veiled death date?
This worries me.
Expert scientist isn't able to come to Twitter until Feb for Facuici files? Musk death date? What could a potential delay mean? Is it a good delay or bad? Who intervened/what went wrong? What went right?
I had already read several articles and at least one book about vaxxines. In fact I warned my own grown-up kids about seven years ago (they ignored me). It's called research. Nothing to do with gambling.
LOL I know, right. We "luckily" guessed, literally, everything over the last 2.5 to almost pin point accuracy. Yea... we guessed lol. Leftism is narcissism = absolutely, no matter what proof you show - they are still right.
Feelings are facts to these buttercups, and they can't survive without their feelings being validated by strangers. I believe the correct position is arrested development - which is a testament to the sheer amount of kids who were ( and are ) abused growing up - like a narcissist, these people act exactly like spoiled toddlers.
True! You can get them to say almost anything that way EXCEPT denying what they supposedly profuse they stand by. Once you comer them that way they either change the subject or attack you by saying you're interrogating. lol
Did we also “guess” when we said Russian Collusion was a Hoax?
Did we also “guess” when we said Jussie Smollett was full of shit? (Adams fell for that one too btw.)
Did we also “guess” when we said the Covington Catholic boy was just smiling and the full video revealed the truth they were hiding? (Adams fell for this one too.)
Did we “guess” when we said HCQ was a cure for Covid and the entire science establishment was forging studies to shut it down?
To be fair Adam's was the author of the incredibly famous "dilbert" comic strip....he should never have stuck his nose in politics while trying to tow the lefty turned moderate line. You can't be moderate on anything in modern culture and a public figure
Could he be lying that he got the booster and just wanted to start a pubic forum on the topic of side effects? Interesting that he also posted that a cousin had a serious case of myocarditis.
He didn’t become one of the richest public figures in the world by not knowing more about everything than 99% of people on this forum….and that’s also assuming that there are majestic and Q team people on this forum…. Also his connection to “sprit”. Weather good or bad would have to be greater as well for reasons that should be obvious. How many times do we need to be reminded that we are in the Matrix watching a movie right now…
You’d think someone with his brains and access to insider info he wouldn’t have. Could be lying to make us believe he has a reason to be so mad to make him look like a good guy when it’s great reset time? Or lying to bring exposure?
The exposure piece is possible. Remember "Joe Rogan doctor" who gave him ivermectin saying he also prescribed ivermectin to most of Congress yet they were getting shots on TV for the show.
Notice elon hasn't stopped any detrimental Twitter drops nor has he addressed serious serious truth on Twitter yet.
Not saying he isn't for real, just saying people need to keep some healthy skepticism as the Elon Twitter thing could still turn out to be a huge limited hangout
I don't think he actually named the doc. It was anecdotal hearsay but his point was the doctor in question alleged he was prescribing a large number of politicians with ivermectin and they hadn't been jabbed.
So while it could have been bs it's a good thing to remember with everything going on.
I have to get this off my chest- just got off the phone with my sister- who I’ve seen & talked to regularly tell me that for the last 9 months her son has been having cardiac issues. I have 4 older sisters & all are left of center - all ran out & got their vax passes & proudly texted about it and their boosters. One has had as many as 5 shots now.. I of course am the conspiracy theorist & the only one who hasn’t gotten sick in 3 years- LOL- anyways- this sister’s husband has had cardiac issues so of course she says it’s hereditary- I just agree & say Oh wow- didn’t know that was going on with my nephew. The fact she has not said anything about it for 9 months speaks VOLUMES- also they are in upstate NY so the Bills player is everywhere. Also - she said the one thing that seems to help my nephew is taking those vitamin packs with CD & zinc. Folks - it’s real. I want to offer up the recipe for detoxification but they don’t want to hear it- obviously. Maybe he’s figuring it out himself from online forums- keep posting treatments & pray.
Agreed. It’s an olive branch to the vaxxed. If Elon Musk, one of the most successful businessmen, creator, richest, smartest, etc…, was fooled about the vax, then it was ok for them to be fooled too. It reduces guilt about being wrong about taking the shot. Hopefully, this will help them through the denial phase of grief. Anger phase is on deck.
People that have been saying this was the case who were not medical professionals themselves, were going off of what Actual medical professionals were saying about the nasty side effects and deaths that, those medical professionals were trying to get out to the public constantly and listening to those who were victims themselves but, were silenced, bribed and threatened by the asshats for trying to warn people all the while the asshats were spamming "Safe and effective" and discourging people to listen to those trying to warn people, over every legacy wave, political figure and actor/ress. No "coin flip" needed. Only a small percent of people took the shots of own free will without some sort of coercion to do so most took first two shots because they would be fired or couldn't travel freely if they did not.
Yep - he's shifting the narrative and pointing the way for Bernie Bros to be able to discuss openly their health concerns and experienced from vax and boosts. Imagine being a young techie who's always been a Good Kid who drinks deeply whatever Koolaid a person in a position of authority tells them to drink.
They've always done as told.
But now their fiancee has a cardiac issues at 28 just after getting boosted.
Or the Bernie Bro himself has a cardiac issues, and young vaxxed athletes are dropping like flies.
You'd never go to a site like GAW for info (conspiracy theory branding). You might maybe trust a reddit thread?
But Elon discussing it on twitter makes talking about it and learning about it okay.
Toss in some Joe Rogen Experience?
These guys have to be able to allay their concerns and fears somehow.
Good on ya, Elon!
He's getting ahead of the narrative and playing devil's advocate. As evidenced by his costume named "devil's champion" in profile pic. Also his mom is a freemason(satanist)
There is absolutely no chance this dude got any Covid Vaccine. He is obviously part of the plan in some fashion. 5 years from now once this is all over and we won he will be in a fireside chat on some program and they'll ask if he "really got the C-19 vaccine" and he'll smirk and go "Fuck no."
Exactly. Same with Trump. I can't believe how many naive people, on this board of all places, think he would actually take the death shot. HE'S PLAYING A ROLE TO AWAKEN THE SHEEP.
I want to say Trump has also said he had received the vaccines. Perhaps there will be a cure for the vax and Musk could be a candidate to say he has side effects that have been nulled by ___
Let's assume he really did. Is he preparing to disappear at some point in the future?
For the record; I dont believe he took the shots. Saline at best.
This! They are seeding a narrative . Maybe he took it n used something to neutralize it that they will use on vaxxhats .
Bingo Seeding the narrative. That's what he's been doing for a while now. He's been recruited by the good guys.
(non) shot heard 'round the world?
Yeah I've been wondering if the shot heart round the world is really this shot
Why do we need crimes against children to unite Humanity, when we've got, damn, they tried to kill all of us.
Same. My train of thought that I haven't been able to move on from:
Who got the shot (vax) who's symptoms/death would resonate even with the vaxxers?
Is there someone universally liked (by both left and right)? That will be it and if so who?
I think that is a strong possibility.
Agree Its hard to believe (even though it may have been required to go on his trip to Germany) because of his position on vaccines post his baby's SIDS death all those years ago.
I wish him success.
A huge success
I forgot about that. Good point.
Then that would be bad considering he’d be lying about going through this, which if the DS would be able to prove - would kill credibility for any other vax injury victim.
This was exactly my thoughts. It doesnt sound like he'll have longevity (whether vax related or not).
To me the question is what is gained by broadcasting essentially what may be a veiled death date?
This worries me.
Expert scientist isn't able to come to Twitter until Feb for Facuici files? Musk death date? What could a potential delay mean? Is it a good delay or bad? Who intervened/what went wrong? What went right?
More questions than answers. Yargh.
Effin Scott Adams response 2 minutes ago "It was a coin flip and some people guessed right." God that guy is an arrogant retard.
It was never a coin flip for me🤷🏼♂️
I had already read several articles and at least one book about vaxxines. In fact I warned my own grown-up kids about seven years ago (they ignored me). It's called research. Nothing to do with gambling.
LOL I know, right. We "luckily" guessed, literally, everything over the last 2.5 to almost pin point accuracy. Yea... we guessed lol. Leftism is narcissism = absolutely, no matter what proof you show - they are still right.
Feelings are facts to these buttercups, and they can't survive without their feelings being validated by strangers. I believe the correct position is arrested development - which is a testament to the sheer amount of kids who were ( and are ) abused growing up - like a narcissist, these people act exactly like spoiled toddlers.
Very well-enunciated description. You can defeat the narcissist by playing off of his need for validation from strangers. Works every time.
True! You can get them to say almost anything that way EXCEPT denying what they supposedly profuse they stand by. Once you comer them that way they either change the subject or attack you by saying you're interrogating. lol
Science doesn’t care about your feelings, unless you are feeling gender dysphoria
Did we also “guess” when we said Russian Collusion was a Hoax?
Did we also “guess” when we said Jussie Smollett was full of shit? (Adams fell for that one too btw.)
Did we also “guess” when we said the Covington Catholic boy was just smiling and the full video revealed the truth they were hiding? (Adams fell for this one too.)
Did we “guess” when we said HCQ was a cure for Covid and the entire science establishment was forging studies to shut it down?
Clot Adams needs to fade into obscurity. We need to get rid of this people-famous-for-no-real-reason thing.
To be fair Adam's was the author of the incredibly famous "dilbert" comic strip....he should never have stuck his nose in politics while trying to tow the lefty turned moderate line. You can't be moderate on anything in modern culture and a public figure
Yes he is. We didn’t “accidentally” get it right. We followed ALL of the science, not just the science that provided us with confirmation
Could he be lying that he got the booster and just wanted to start a pubic forum on the topic of side effects? Interesting that he also posted that a cousin had a serious case of myocarditis.
Exactly this-finally put it in a public forum of free speech to discuss! How to introduce...
I thought about that definitely a possibility .
Timer is about right. Fauci files next?
Took a glance at Scott Adams follower account #. It's sitting at 832.4k so a lot of eyes on.
I’d rather believe that we are smarter than the richest man in the world.
He didn’t become one of the richest public figures in the world by not knowing more about everything than 99% of people on this forum….and that’s also assuming that there are majestic and Q team people on this forum…. Also his connection to “sprit”. Weather good or bad would have to be greater as well for reasons that should be obvious. How many times do we need to be reminded that we are in the Matrix watching a movie right now…
Ha Ha ! 😬
You’d think someone with his brains and access to insider info he wouldn’t have. Could be lying to make us believe he has a reason to be so mad to make him look like a good guy when it’s great reset time? Or lying to bring exposure?
The exposure piece is possible. Remember "Joe Rogan doctor" who gave him ivermectin saying he also prescribed ivermectin to most of Congress yet they were getting shots on TV for the show.
Notice elon hasn't stopped any detrimental Twitter drops nor has he addressed serious serious truth on Twitter yet.
Not saying he isn't for real, just saying people need to keep some healthy skepticism as the Elon Twitter thing could still turn out to be a huge limited hangout
Man, good memory. I totally forgot about that.. what was that Dr.'s name again?
I don't think he actually named the doc. It was anecdotal hearsay but his point was the doctor in question alleged he was prescribing a large number of politicians with ivermectin and they hadn't been jabbed.
So while it could have been bs it's a good thing to remember with everything going on.
I could very well be wrong but I think it was actually Dr. KORY
Gotcha, ty!
I believe he was named.. I remember I watched an interview with the doctor in it, and he admitted to the US senators part as well.
Didn't realize/remember that piece
he said he had to to visit his tesla location in germany.
He didn't take it. He's seeding narratives. Read his other tweets. he's part of the plan.
Let's ask the guy who just got hired at Tesla..
He posted here yesterday. Maybe sort new and go through posts that are 1-day old?
I have to get this off my chest- just got off the phone with my sister- who I’ve seen & talked to regularly tell me that for the last 9 months her son has been having cardiac issues. I have 4 older sisters & all are left of center - all ran out & got their vax passes & proudly texted about it and their boosters. One has had as many as 5 shots now.. I of course am the conspiracy theorist & the only one who hasn’t gotten sick in 3 years- LOL- anyways- this sister’s husband has had cardiac issues so of course she says it’s hereditary- I just agree & say Oh wow- didn’t know that was going on with my nephew. The fact she has not said anything about it for 9 months speaks VOLUMES- also they are in upstate NY so the Bills player is everywhere. Also - she said the one thing that seems to help my nephew is taking those vitamin packs with CD & zinc. Folks - it’s real. I want to offer up the recipe for detoxification but they don’t want to hear it- obviously. Maybe he’s figuring it out himself from online forums- keep posting treatments & pray.
If he really did take the jabs and suffered side effects, it actually motivates him to get payback and he won't stop.
His tweet is meant to help wake up the normies!
Agreed. It’s an olive branch to the vaxxed. If Elon Musk, one of the most successful businessmen, creator, richest, smartest, etc…, was fooled about the vax, then it was ok for them to be fooled too. It reduces guilt about being wrong about taking the shot. Hopefully, this will help them through the denial phase of grief. Anger phase is on deck.
I agree, he knows millions see his tweets and by using the phrase 'permanent damage' he is making normies aware that this is a real possibility.
...........or.......... he is actually talking about rocket boosters😃😃😃
I don't believe him. I think he's saying this to dish out red pills.
Several Anons are leaning towards the red pill tweet angle. Very interesting if so and I hope it works .
If Elon took the shots, he is not as smart as I thought NOR was he paying attention!
He is waking up the masses. He's getting the convo about this poison to trend. Guarantee he didn't get the jab.
People that have been saying this was the case who were not medical professionals themselves, were going off of what Actual medical professionals were saying about the nasty side effects and deaths that, those medical professionals were trying to get out to the public constantly and listening to those who were victims themselves but, were silenced, bribed and threatened by the asshats for trying to warn people all the while the asshats were spamming "Safe and effective" and discourging people to listen to those trying to warn people, over every legacy wave, political figure and actor/ress. No "coin flip" needed. Only a small percent of people took the shots of own free will without some sort of coercion to do so most took first two shots because they would be fired or couldn't travel freely if they did not.
Yep - he's shifting the narrative and pointing the way for Bernie Bros to be able to discuss openly their health concerns and experienced from vax and boosts. Imagine being a young techie who's always been a Good Kid who drinks deeply whatever Koolaid a person in a position of authority tells them to drink. They've always done as told. But now their fiancee has a cardiac issues at 28 just after getting boosted. Or the Bernie Bro himself has a cardiac issues, and young vaxxed athletes are dropping like flies. You'd never go to a site like GAW for info (conspiracy theory branding). You might maybe trust a reddit thread? But Elon discussing it on twitter makes talking about it and learning about it okay. Toss in some Joe Rogen Experience? These guys have to be able to allay their concerns and fears somehow. Good on ya, Elon!
Yet another case of an intellectual having zero common sense. Sad.
It's showing he is not antivax by getting a vax, then saying it was brutal, meaning its not the healthiest. Win/win
Either dumb or a liar. Hmmmmmmm……
Maybe this is why he's going scorched earth?
What good is having billions of dollars if you're not around to spend it?
He didnt take it.
He better be careful. He might have his Twitter account banned. /s
Ha, I just responded to him several minutes ago for that very tweet.
Waking people up as the original is at Gitmo and probably dead by now......
"Serious Case of Myocarditis" means that kid won't see 2030. sauce
He's getting ahead of the narrative and playing devil's advocate. As evidenced by his costume named "devil's champion" in profile pic. Also his mom is a freemason(satanist)
This is the best take I have seen so far on this…
There is absolutely no chance this dude got any Covid Vaccine. He is obviously part of the plan in some fashion. 5 years from now once this is all over and we won he will be in a fireside chat on some program and they'll ask if he "really got the C-19 vaccine" and he'll smirk and go "Fuck no."
Speaking from the top branch of a very tall tree... to a very large audience...Because only one voice emanates from the top of the mountain..
He said he was required to take the jab in order to enter Germany to go to his factory. He also said it was not his choice.
Exactly. Same with Trump. I can't believe how many naive people, on this board of all places, think he would actually take the death shot. HE'S PLAYING A ROLE TO AWAKEN THE SHEEP.
Love how Clott Adams won't back down LOL
What happens to twitter if Elon is heart attacked?
I want to say Trump has also said he had received the vaccines. Perhaps there will be a cure for the vax and Musk could be a candidate to say he has side effects that have been nulled by ___
Has Musk released the Twitter docs on Fauci, CDC, etc?
Not until early Feb he said
One should not hold ANY stock in Elon. He is a controlled figure forced to expose the evil, ONLY. Anything more is a waste of energy.