What ever Truth unfolds, it has to be darker than the darkest dark. Softer than the quietest secret and loader than the loudest shout. We'll all have to face it together with God in Our Hearts whatever that should be with No Fear in Our Souls.
IT is going to get a LOT DARKER than this...Evil Forces are being exposed and has picked up as of late.
On a personal note: I have started the 3:00 Prayer of Divine Mercy. It is the Daily Reflections of St Faustina...
"You expired, O Jesus,
but the source of life gushed forth for souls
and an ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world.
O Fount of Life,
unfathomable Divine Mercy,
envelop the whole world
and empty Yourself out upon us.
O Blood and Water,
which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus
as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You."
Peace Be with you All, and may everyone of you find peace in yourself and of others because we all have to share this planet called Earth.
Anybody want to guess what this "truth" is? Is it the blatant human trafficking? Is it the fact that we are trapped in a simulation? Is it the fact that 99.99% of everything you've ever been taught about the world we live in, the shape of the planet, the nature of our realm and space, Antarctica, the North Pole, the sun, moon and stars has all been a complete lie and fabrication? Is it our history? Where the human race originated? Where white people came from? Where/how/why we incarnated? Where we go when we die? Do we have to come back? Is reincarnation real? Is this a prison? Can we ever escape? What's your guess?
That our world is run by psychopaths with smiling faces, who literally feed on the blood, flesh, bodies and suffering of other humans - especially children.
That these monsters traffick humans worldwide and keep literal breeding farms in order to create enough children to keep them fed.
That these monsters delight in torturing their victims. Not only does the suffering prove that they have all the power and control, the pain and terror they inflict provides them with adrenalized blood to drink - the greatest drug on earth - which keeps them physically young and strong well past the age when they should have been infirm or dead.
That these psychopaths, these monsters, have been right in front of us all our lives, dropping big clues as to what they really do and we never figured it out. Which they think is hilariously funny and only adds to their sense of power and control.
I can't wait to find out what the truth is. My guess is that most of the people here on GAW and those awakening around the world are here temporarily to learn whatever lessons we are meant to learn. I think this is our last pass in this realm and we get to go back to our Heavenly Father. I think the sleeping masses will be reincarnated here again and again until they wake up. I think we are looking evil in the face and recognize it but they are still unaware. I did not know pure evil could exist before I discovered the Q drops. It's a truth you can't forget or ignore. We shall see. I do believe the best is yet to come! And I'm so grateful to be alive and awake at this moment. Amazing!!
Notice how they put flat earth and hollow earth in next to the human trafficking. We're here trying to expose satanic pedophiles in our government, something that actually has evidence to support it, and then others come in shrieking "everything you were taught in school is wrong! The earth is flat and Copernicus never existed!"
Sometimes I think it's deliberate sabotage, and other times I think it's some people becoming so open minded that their brains have fallen out.
The heliocentric round earth model is not incompatible with young earth creationism. Not only am I myself a young earth creationist, but also this is the standard position for every major institute that promotes creation science. I find it bizarre that every FE proponent I talk to thinks they have the exclusive corner on promoting creationism.
Copernicus? Masonic priest.
And? so were all the Founding Fathers. Should we just throw their ideas out the window and go back to a monarchy? Accusations of Freemasonry is an ad hominem attack, not a valid criticism of a scientific model.
You are prohibited from traveling past the 60th parallel...You cannot demonstrate the curvature of the earth using a formula for a sphere... water seeks its own level...
I have heard every flat earther make those exact claims verbatim. For all your admonitions to think for yourself, y'all have the weird tendency to use the exact same catchphrases and arguments. Furthermore, all of these claims are patently false.
FE sounds completely bat**** crazy...
I wouldn't say that, but it's internally inconsistent, and no two flat earthers agree on what the correct model is. Every time someone tries to explain inconsistencies with the FE model, a flat earther comes along and says "that's not what real flat earthers believe", despite documented evidence that the model in question was formulated by another flat earther. Y'all need two separate models to explain the day/night cycle and the seasons cycle.
...ignoring God, His word (firmament), and making you out to be just an insignificant grain of sand in an infinite universe... and not one of God's children
I'd like to unpack this a bit since I am a Christian and creation science is one of my favorite topics. Apologies for the upcoming wall of text, but I'm extremely passionate and well read about this subject.
The Bible does use the word "firmament", but this was a translation choice from the folks who translated the Vulgate into Latin, and these people were associated with the Roman Catholic Church. So if you're concerned about associations with Freemasonry, then associations with RCC should also give you pause. The original Hebrew word is "raqia", and the meaning associated with this word is the idea of beating out a sheet of metal on an anvil. Hence why the translaters chose the Latin word "firmamentum", which is where the English firmament and firm come from. This imo doesn't mesh well with an vapor canopy, ice canopy, or whatever material the FE dome is allegedly made out of. I'll get into this later, but I think this firmament is actually the earth's crust, which used to have a layer of water trapped under it; this water was later released to cause Noah's Flood (btw, how exactly does the Flood work in a FE model?)
Next, not even the Big Bang model specifically requires an infinite universe, though it doesn't rule out that possibility. As far as causing feelings of insignificance, this is merely personal interpretation. The Psalms state that the heavens declare the glory of God, so if the universe really does have billions of galaxies and incomprehensible numbers of stars, all that does is show how powerful, intelligent, and awesome God is. The fact that He is simultaneously capable of shaping galaxy clusters and paying attention to our needs/saving us from our failures just makes me love and appreciate Him more. I don't see how a vast universe is incompatible with us being God's children. He still made us and sent His Son to save us after all.
If you want a resource that shows how the Big Bang/evolutionary model is wrong, while still showing how a heliocentric, round earth cosmology is compatible with Scripture and actually better explains the biological and geological evidence, check out the link below. It's a free online book about creation science with a unique model for Creation and the Flood. Everything is backed by science, reason, and Scripture. The book even shows how mainstream plate tectonic theory is wrong and doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Definitely worth a read.
Why's everyone so keyed up over the shape of the earth?
OK retard, let's agree the Earth is flat. Does that change anything? Does it make our southern border wide open less relevant? Does it make the Ukraine money laundering machine a non-issue? Or does this perpetual pilpul do anything more than divide, distract, and confuse actual problems? I'm giving you more than you deserve, enjoy your $0.07 engagement payout.
Yay, it's the "It's not the Flat Earth, it's the Realm Earth" guy. Wulp. you can't spell realm without real so I guess it's true, whatever it is supposed to mean.
What does everyone think the truth is that will be revealed? As a child I always questioned my sunday school and CCD classes. Somethings did not sit well with me. I believed in God and I still do, but I will admit I have strayed from my faith at times in my life . My wife brought me back full circle to my faith, but I still have questions and many issues with church and organized religions in general; although I love the messages received during mass. I believe that many of the messages and parables we learn are based on some sort of truth, but much is kept from us, and manipulated. As a child I thought that most religions were a fraud and the knowledge of the One True God had been hidden from us. This is still my belief today. I'm not sure faith and believing in God is enough though. I know many who think it is. I also know many who believe that God left us. God has not forsaken us, but it is my belief we must prove our worthy, through free will, in order to pass through the gates of heaven. But how is this done? I hope that this is part of the Great Awakening.
My thoughts are that this is a prison planet we are inmates until the time we can make the proper choices to ascend and prove ourselves worthy. That free will is our blessing and also our curse. I have tried to live a good life, but by what metric is that measured by? I know by the life I've lived, I'm not worthy of ascending. I'm not sure any of us truly know the requirements. I'm no biblical scholar, although I try and read up on the subject in looking for answers to questions I've had for my almost 50 years in this prison. That longing for answers have lead me to places much like these boards. Are answers in the biblical teachings; The 10 Commandments?. Jesus changed the rules of the Old Testament (but did he really?), but what happened to the souls of those who didn't live up to those standards, or those before Moses when the were given to Abraham Genesis 26:5: “Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.”
If those are the requirements, How strict are they? If very, than I have failed miserably.
The first one: I am the Lord thy God! Thou shalt have no other Gods but me! I believe that and I have faith that Jesus is the Son of God and is God. I also think that man has manipulated what we truly know about Jesus. Is it a sin to not have faith in what man has imparted as the knowledge about God?
Second: Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain! I have failed miserably at this. The cultural normalization of saying "JC" after becoming mad or frustrated about something crept into my vocabulary. As I have aged the frequency of use has waned and I continue to correct myself. I have taken the Lord's name in vain out of anger of losing my young wife to a 5 year battle of breast cancer, slowly watching as man's medicine ripped her body apart and the cancer taking her from us too soon; in our selfish belief at least. Will God forgive such transgressions? During her battle, she never lost her faith. If I'm being honest, at times I strayed but seeing her faith only raised my own. He has blessed me since then with a wonderful life, but I know I'm still not worthy.
Third: Thou shalt keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Society for the most part ruined that one, as I have too.
Fourth: Thou shalt honor father and mother! I've done well with this one, but have made mistakes most make due to immaturity.
Fifth: Thou shalt not kill! To this day I'm good with this one. But many elite should fear me if I get a terminal illness, or harms children. God may be able to forgive all sins, but there are some I admit I am incapable of and that sin will get the better of me.
Sixth: Thou shalt not commit adultery! I remained true to my wife but early in our relationship I was corrupted by the temptation of porn. With my maturation I began to see the true evils of it and it's design to break down the foundation of family, and prey on the weak.
Seventh: Thou shall not steal. Younger days I would be guilty of little things, but depending on the severity of what is considered stealing then I have failed miserably. Napster corrupted me ;)
Eighth: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor! I have been pretty true to this one as well, but am guilty of mud slinging once I have been attacked.
Ninth: Do not let thyself lust after thy neighbor’s wife! My neighbors wives are all liberal, so I'm good there.
Tenth: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, nor his farm, nor his cattle, nor anything that is his! I feel I've been pretty good with this one. I've always been content with what I have and what I have earned myself. I can't say I've been really jealous of what others have obtained. Some people might call it a lack of ambition, but I call it contentment.
Are good deeds enough to cancel out transgressions? Is belief enough no matter how horrible the sin? Are we playing a game where those in earthly power are hiding the true rules from us? Are we doomed to repeat the same mistakes in an endless loop, teaching our children, to make the same mistakes? I know it's a bit deep and endless rambling, but these are things I think about when the big reveal is proposed. I believe that we have been tricked into thinking that faith and belief is enough. God Bless.
Jesus was the big reveal.... The Gospel is simple...... He came here to show us the only way our sinful selves will ever be able to enter the sinless realm of God... Through the invitation of Jesus Christ himself. He took God's wrath upon his human body all for us and our sins. God knows we are not capable of ever being in a sinless state of being, could never follow all those laws completely as we are. So He incarnated as the Son of Man and took all of our transgressions for us, so all we need to do is repent (turn away from our sinful ways) and recognize Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Accept Him, and we are saved!!!
Yes, we all make mistakes along the path, but keep with repentance (turning towards God) and belief in His only Son our savior, and we will be all good at the end of this existence we know now and have a infinite future with Him!!
"Some people might call it a lack of ambition, but I call it contentment."
I have never been about that "keep up with the Jones'" life. I see so many people doing that and I never understood it. I have plenty of ambition in my life, to succeed, to provide for my family, to try to be a good person, but it never meant to have a nicer car or a bigger house to me... I don't care about those things as long as my kids are happy and safe.
Exactly. I am grateful for what I have. Grateful that I was blessed with the time I had with the strongest person I ever met on this earth. Grateful for my son and the many blessings I have received.
this is a prison planet and we are inmates until... we can make proper choices and ascend
You're almost right. Earth was created to be a perfect place where God and man could live in perfect fellowship, but mankind messed that up by choosing to reject God. So Earth can be thought of as a prison, but one of our own making. However, you can't ascend by making your own choices. No one is good enough to restore fellowship with God by their own good choices or good deeds. It is God who came down to us to make the way back to Him, and this was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. The only way back to God is by acknowledging your faults and believing that Christ has already paid to have those faults cleared from your record. Then, on top of getting to be with God in heaven, you get the Holy Spirit here on earth to help guide you into all truth.
Regarding whether Jesus changed the rules in the Old Testament, He did and He didn't. Basically this boils down to the idea of dispensations, the idea that God has slightly different expectations for different people groups across time, with the overall plan of salvation (faith in Jesus Christ) staying the same. So the Israelites were expected to follow all the OT Law, but that's not how they got saved; they were saved by having faith in the coming Messiah, just as Christians today (we just know more about Him because He's already come once). Christians are no longer under the Law, but that doesn't mean we don't have rules. Any rule that Christians are expected to follow is repeated in some form in the New Testament. In fact, all the Ten Commandments are repeated save the keeping of the Sabbath day; the book of Hebrews goes into detail about how Christ is the fulfillment of the sabbath for us. Plus Christians have the Holy Spirit, who provides guidance on how to live your life if you listen.
You're on the right track, and it's good that you're devoting so much thought into this. My advice would be to get a Bible, read the New Testament for starters, and find a good church that teaches the Bible and only the Bible. The more you study, the more answers you will find. Best of luck to you.
Perhaps the key is, in order to ascend, we need to become INSTINCTIVELY good as opposed to RATIONALLY good. We need to be good for the sake of being good and doing good things, as opposed to weighing the risk/benefit ratio or making decisions based on reducing liability, as examples.
A local priest brought up this idea recently in a homily. Intriguing thought.
A week joke that when people begin to learn the truth it will upset their stomachs. That actually did happen to me when I had my rude awakening back in '04. I didn't actually reach for the belly medicine, 15 minutes of fetal position was sufficient.
This is why you read your Bible which starts by describing creation of a geocentric earth where God places the Sun, Moon and Stars in our firmament as lights. 500 years ago Copernicus introduced his pagan heliocentric sun worship model to destroy the clear evidence of creation. A perfect creator God would not place it all on a VW transmission. Pole shifts and aliens are nothing to worry about. If I’m wrong we both get the same fate so why worry. https://rumble.com/v1ur0gi-heliosorcery-2022-official-documentary-exposing-the-occult-origins-of-helio.html
The Bible does not describe a geocentric earth. Retroactively reinterpreting the word "firmament" to fit your failed, incoherent model doesn't change that.
Isaiah 34:4
All the stars of heaven will be dissolved. The skies will be rolled up like a scroll, and all their stars will fall like withered leaves from the vine, like foliage from the fig tree.
PS: If the Earth is not a ball, then no pole shift. Wink.
God does actually destroy this present Earth--at the very end. All Christ's people shall be saved from destruction--so no need to fear.
A New Heaven and New Earth shall follow wherein dwelleth righteousness. No more evil.
If GOD is in control, GOD can stop it just as easily as GOD seems to have programmed these cyclical disasters into the fabric of the Universe. Could it be that GOD is waiting for us to evolve in such a way that we do not destroy ourselves or allow something other than GOD to lead us astray?
Wiping the slate clear allows the strongest live on and begin a new epoch of Earth's history. None of us are privy to the entire story. Only an entity that is truly eternal, omniscient and omnipotent could hope to know the whole story. I suspect that if GOD is that entity, He/She/It, is still waiting for humankind to learn the proper lessons.
I have begun truly questioning everything and it is interesting to say the least. How deep is the corruption? How far back in history? I have recently began trying to tie it all back to the fall of man in Genesis... We have been fighting the same enemy and the same deep world since then.
Kinda sucks to see how slowly white hats have walked the sleeping people to a wake up so far. I am more for ripping the bandaid off then peeling it back off one skin cell at a time.
Maybe that's why they tell you to not wake up a person while they are sleep walking.
I guess normies would completely melt if they had to wake up overnight.
Yes, this is a post that gives me great pause. The post refers to a dark world, which is true beyond question, but, the post then encourages us to put faith in humanity, without mention of Christ. Humanity is inherently evil by nature, and naturally tends toward evil left to it's own devices. This is the result of the fall and is an immutable aspect of our being. I place no faith in humanity, a cursory look into history precludes that. Scripture is clear regarding the (soon coming?) Antichrist, and his total control over the earth. No, I can have no faith in humanity.
We are made in God's image, therefore we are not inherently evil by nature. God gave us free will to choose, and too often we choose evil because we are weak and imperfect, but evil is not an immutable aspect of our being.
Agreed. There are more good than bad. Anyone that thinks all of humanity is inherently evil is so full of shit that it comes flying out of their mouths whenever they say anything...
Adam and Eve were made in God’s image. They lost that after the Fall. Genesis 4 notes that after the Fall Adam had children in his own image, not God’s. Paul reiterates in Romans the fact that all humans are born in Adam’s image. The only exception is those who have been born again, as they now have the image of Christ.
Furthermore, the Bible is clear that none are righteous:
“as it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:”
Romans 3:10 KJV
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”
Jeremiah 17:9 KJV
“But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.”
Isaiah 64:6 KJV
“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: (for until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.”
Romans 5:12-14 KJV
Thank you taking the time to save me from writing the truth you just wrote. So many evangelicals today ignore the sin part completely and just go with this lukewarm fuzziness of God loving everyone. He does, but he hates our sin. And if we don't confess that sin, he assures us we have no place in heaven.
Man was made in God's image and we are born into this world carrying original sin, which is a corruption that wounds and deprives our nature of its original holiness. Original sin weakens our nature in power so we are subject to suffering, death and inclination to sin, but it is not a complete corruption or destruction. We remain capable of choosing salvation in Jesus and accepting God's grace, which we could not do if our nature were inherently evil. God did not abandon us to the power of evil, but gave us free will to accept His grace and sent His only son to save us. By baptism and repentance we are cleansed of original sin and become new creations in Christ.
The beginning of Romans describes the process or progress of falling into sin from choosing to follow the inclination to commit sin, then being fooled and blinded then consumed by sin, all the way to rejecting God completely. Paul is warning how the philosophy of the heathens, lacking in faith and humility, deceived them into believing themselves to be wise, which led them further and so deeply into sin that they rejected God. God's punishment was not death but withdrawal of his grace. If man were evil by nature, this would be the fate of all of us because we would be incapable of choosing salvation. Luke 15 illustrates that even those who choose to serve evil remain capable of repentance and salvation as the one lost sheep and the prodigal son. God loves us so much that He gives us every chance to choose salvation and rejoices in everyone who does.
We can't actually save ourselves--this is Pelagianism. The most popular idea is that we can save ourselves with some help from Jesus. This is semi-Pelagianism. That is Arminian theology, which is very similar, actually, to Catholic theology.
There is also neo-Calvinism, or what is sometimes called "dead" Calvinism or "bastard" Calvinism, which is based upon study of the letter of the word. While some Calvinist theology is good, for example the Doctrines of Grace, Calvinism tends towards OT legalism. We do not save ourselves by any attempt to keep the Law.
Christ did everything necessary to save his sheep. He died for all of the sins of all of his people. We don't actually contribute to his perfect and finished work. In reality, Christ did not die for goats, who attempt to save themselves through the self-righteousness of works. Letting go of self-righteousness is a blessing.
Apart from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, people have trouble understanding the scriptures correctly. After we are "born again" (born spiritually from above), the Spirit teaches us the spiritual meaning of the word. We are born into this world physically alive, but spiritually dead. This is the consequence of original sin. When the Holy Spirit regenerates us, this is the "first resurrection" spoken of in Revelation. It is spiritual resurrection.
There is a final resurrection, which is the redemption of the body, which takes place at Christ's return. The "sleeping" saints arise in their glorified bodies, and then the saints who are alive and remain are instantly translated to meet Christ in the air. This is where the rapture teaching originates. It will not be a "secret rapture" as some teach. It will be an event that everyone will be able to see. The sequence is found in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
God's election of particular sinners to salvation took place in eternity. Romans 9 explains that God created "vessels of mercy" and "vessels of wrath." One group is the elect of God, the other group are reprobates. Reprobates follow the religion of Cain, who was "of that Wicked One." In the time of God's choosing, each lost sheep of Christ will be spiritually regenerated. Hallelujah.
Humanity does not tend towards evil. The vast bulk of humanity are good people.
The problem is and has always been that good people do not gravitate towards political careers leaving a vacuum for sociopaths and psychopaths to fill. What sane man wants a career in politics? It is only those who wish to project their power onto others that do.
According to whose definition? It's all subjective which is why God says that noone continually does good and doesn't sin. Children don't need to be taught to do what's wrong. They already do it because we are sinful. What one person regards as bad is another person's OK or even good.
I frequently think of how I want Blue Oyster Cult's Veteran of the Psychic Wars to be played at my funeral. Speaking for just myself in this case, I think I've seen enough evil and sickness in this world to qualify for the big truth reveal. As Aldous Huxley once said, "maybe this world is another planet's hell."
So is Christmas. Good Lord. How many innocents have to die before this plan actually targets the bad guys? The ones actually guilty of doing all this crap.
Much darker, fren. Much darker.
Much, much, much darker...as in, you wouldn't be able to sleep. Get secure with God. That is the ONLY light that offers a glimmer of hope.
Give us some more breadcrumbs fren, how dark?
What ever Truth unfolds, it has to be darker than the darkest dark. Softer than the quietest secret and loader than the loudest shout. We'll all have to face it together with God in Our Hearts whatever that should be with No Fear in Our Souls.
Read you Bible. It gonna be very very bad, But fight we must.
I do read it, that why I don’t trust humanity. I mean I trust it follow its nature.
IT is going to get a LOT DARKER than this...Evil Forces are being exposed and has picked up as of late.
On a personal note: I have started the 3:00 Prayer of Divine Mercy. It is the Daily Reflections of St Faustina...
"You expired, O Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls and an ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us. O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You."
Peace Be with you All, and may everyone of you find peace in yourself and of others because we all have to share this planet called Earth.
Wonderful prayer. I will pray it every day.
The laptop
Frazzle may be real or not
I have been waking up over the last 4 decades, and believe that reality is very different than the masses believe.
However, a notion stirs in me that even I will have my eyes blown wide open soon. Bring it on!
You want me on that wall! You NEED me on that wall!!!
But can you handle your balls?
BQnita...you bring it out of me every time...Tango Yankee
Be that as it may... but I deserve the truth. WE ALL DO.
Anybody want to guess what this "truth" is? Is it the blatant human trafficking? Is it the fact that we are trapped in a simulation? Is it the fact that 99.99% of everything you've ever been taught about the world we live in, the shape of the planet, the nature of our realm and space, Antarctica, the North Pole, the sun, moon and stars has all been a complete lie and fabrication? Is it our history? Where the human race originated? Where white people came from? Where/how/why we incarnated? Where we go when we die? Do we have to come back? Is reincarnation real? Is this a prison? Can we ever escape? What's your guess?
That our world is run by psychopaths with smiling faces, who literally feed on the blood, flesh, bodies and suffering of other humans - especially children.
That these monsters traffick humans worldwide and keep literal breeding farms in order to create enough children to keep them fed.
That these monsters delight in torturing their victims. Not only does the suffering prove that they have all the power and control, the pain and terror they inflict provides them with adrenalized blood to drink - the greatest drug on earth - which keeps them physically young and strong well past the age when they should have been infirm or dead.
That these psychopaths, these monsters, have been right in front of us all our lives, dropping big clues as to what they really do and we never figured it out. Which they think is hilariously funny and only adds to their sense of power and control.
I can't wait to find out what the truth is. My guess is that most of the people here on GAW and those awakening around the world are here temporarily to learn whatever lessons we are meant to learn. I think this is our last pass in this realm and we get to go back to our Heavenly Father. I think the sleeping masses will be reincarnated here again and again until they wake up. I think we are looking evil in the face and recognize it but they are still unaware. I did not know pure evil could exist before I discovered the Q drops. It's a truth you can't forget or ignore. We shall see. I do believe the best is yet to come! And I'm so grateful to be alive and awake at this moment. Amazing!!
Really, you're going there?
Notice how they put flat earth and hollow earth in next to the human trafficking. We're here trying to expose satanic pedophiles in our government, something that actually has evidence to support it, and then others come in shrieking "everything you were taught in school is wrong! The earth is flat and Copernicus never existed!"
Sometimes I think it's deliberate sabotage, and other times I think it's some people becoming so open minded that their brains have fallen out.
Classic pilpul; expand irrelevant point, debate that while ignoring the real issue(s).
The heliocentric round earth model is not incompatible with young earth creationism. Not only am I myself a young earth creationist, but also this is the standard position for every major institute that promotes creation science. I find it bizarre that every FE proponent I talk to thinks they have the exclusive corner on promoting creationism.
And? so were all the Founding Fathers. Should we just throw their ideas out the window and go back to a monarchy? Accusations of Freemasonry is an ad hominem attack, not a valid criticism of a scientific model.
I have heard every flat earther make those exact claims verbatim. For all your admonitions to think for yourself, y'all have the weird tendency to use the exact same catchphrases and arguments. Furthermore, all of these claims are patently false.
I wouldn't say that, but it's internally inconsistent, and no two flat earthers agree on what the correct model is. Every time someone tries to explain inconsistencies with the FE model, a flat earther comes along and says "that's not what real flat earthers believe", despite documented evidence that the model in question was formulated by another flat earther. Y'all need two separate models to explain the day/night cycle and the seasons cycle.
I'd like to unpack this a bit since I am a Christian and creation science is one of my favorite topics. Apologies for the upcoming wall of text, but I'm extremely passionate and well read about this subject.
The Bible does use the word "firmament", but this was a translation choice from the folks who translated the Vulgate into Latin, and these people were associated with the Roman Catholic Church. So if you're concerned about associations with Freemasonry, then associations with RCC should also give you pause. The original Hebrew word is "raqia", and the meaning associated with this word is the idea of beating out a sheet of metal on an anvil. Hence why the translaters chose the Latin word "firmamentum", which is where the English firmament and firm come from. This imo doesn't mesh well with an vapor canopy, ice canopy, or whatever material the FE dome is allegedly made out of. I'll get into this later, but I think this firmament is actually the earth's crust, which used to have a layer of water trapped under it; this water was later released to cause Noah's Flood (btw, how exactly does the Flood work in a FE model?)
Next, not even the Big Bang model specifically requires an infinite universe, though it doesn't rule out that possibility. As far as causing feelings of insignificance, this is merely personal interpretation. The Psalms state that the heavens declare the glory of God, so if the universe really does have billions of galaxies and incomprehensible numbers of stars, all that does is show how powerful, intelligent, and awesome God is. The fact that He is simultaneously capable of shaping galaxy clusters and paying attention to our needs/saving us from our failures just makes me love and appreciate Him more. I don't see how a vast universe is incompatible with us being God's children. He still made us and sent His Son to save us after all.
If you want a resource that shows how the Big Bang/evolutionary model is wrong, while still showing how a heliocentric, round earth cosmology is compatible with Scripture and actually better explains the biological and geological evidence, check out the link below. It's a free online book about creation science with a unique model for Creation and the Flood. Everything is backed by science, reason, and Scripture. The book even shows how mainstream plate tectonic theory is wrong and doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Definitely worth a read.
If you've made it this far, thank you. If you'd like to discuss it more I've got plenty of free time on my hands.
OK retard, let's agree the Earth is flat. Does that change anything? Does it make our southern border wide open less relevant? Does it make the Ukraine money laundering machine a non-issue? Or does this perpetual pilpul do anything more than divide, distract, and confuse actual problems? I'm giving you more than you deserve, enjoy your $0.07 engagement payout.
Yay, it's the "It's not the Flat Earth, it's the Realm Earth" guy. Wulp. you can't spell realm without real so I guess it's true, whatever it is supposed to mean.
Says the stoner...one toke over the line...lol
Just mephin around
many of those things. Also, the non-human element at play (extraterrestrials, A.I., clones/organic portals, astral entities, etc)
What does everyone think the truth is that will be revealed? As a child I always questioned my sunday school and CCD classes. Somethings did not sit well with me. I believed in God and I still do, but I will admit I have strayed from my faith at times in my life . My wife brought me back full circle to my faith, but I still have questions and many issues with church and organized religions in general; although I love the messages received during mass. I believe that many of the messages and parables we learn are based on some sort of truth, but much is kept from us, and manipulated. As a child I thought that most religions were a fraud and the knowledge of the One True God had been hidden from us. This is still my belief today. I'm not sure faith and believing in God is enough though. I know many who think it is. I also know many who believe that God left us. God has not forsaken us, but it is my belief we must prove our worthy, through free will, in order to pass through the gates of heaven. But how is this done? I hope that this is part of the Great Awakening.
My thoughts are that this is a prison planet we are inmates until the time we can make the proper choices to ascend and prove ourselves worthy. That free will is our blessing and also our curse. I have tried to live a good life, but by what metric is that measured by? I know by the life I've lived, I'm not worthy of ascending. I'm not sure any of us truly know the requirements. I'm no biblical scholar, although I try and read up on the subject in looking for answers to questions I've had for my almost 50 years in this prison. That longing for answers have lead me to places much like these boards. Are answers in the biblical teachings; The 10 Commandments?. Jesus changed the rules of the Old Testament (but did he really?), but what happened to the souls of those who didn't live up to those standards, or those before Moses when the were given to Abraham Genesis 26:5: “Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.” If those are the requirements, How strict are they? If very, than I have failed miserably.
The first one: I am the Lord thy God! Thou shalt have no other Gods but me! I believe that and I have faith that Jesus is the Son of God and is God. I also think that man has manipulated what we truly know about Jesus. Is it a sin to not have faith in what man has imparted as the knowledge about God?
Second: Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain! I have failed miserably at this. The cultural normalization of saying "JC" after becoming mad or frustrated about something crept into my vocabulary. As I have aged the frequency of use has waned and I continue to correct myself. I have taken the Lord's name in vain out of anger of losing my young wife to a 5 year battle of breast cancer, slowly watching as man's medicine ripped her body apart and the cancer taking her from us too soon; in our selfish belief at least. Will God forgive such transgressions? During her battle, she never lost her faith. If I'm being honest, at times I strayed but seeing her faith only raised my own. He has blessed me since then with a wonderful life, but I know I'm still not worthy.
Third: Thou shalt keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Society for the most part ruined that one, as I have too.
Fourth: Thou shalt honor father and mother! I've done well with this one, but have made mistakes most make due to immaturity.
Fifth: Thou shalt not kill! To this day I'm good with this one. But many elite should fear me if I get a terminal illness, or harms children. God may be able to forgive all sins, but there are some I admit I am incapable of and that sin will get the better of me.
Sixth: Thou shalt not commit adultery! I remained true to my wife but early in our relationship I was corrupted by the temptation of porn. With my maturation I began to see the true evils of it and it's design to break down the foundation of family, and prey on the weak.
Seventh: Thou shall not steal. Younger days I would be guilty of little things, but depending on the severity of what is considered stealing then I have failed miserably. Napster corrupted me ;)
Eighth: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor! I have been pretty true to this one as well, but am guilty of mud slinging once I have been attacked.
Ninth: Do not let thyself lust after thy neighbor’s wife! My neighbors wives are all liberal, so I'm good there.
Tenth: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, nor his farm, nor his cattle, nor anything that is his! I feel I've been pretty good with this one. I've always been content with what I have and what I have earned myself. I can't say I've been really jealous of what others have obtained. Some people might call it a lack of ambition, but I call it contentment.
Are good deeds enough to cancel out transgressions? Is belief enough no matter how horrible the sin? Are we playing a game where those in earthly power are hiding the true rules from us? Are we doomed to repeat the same mistakes in an endless loop, teaching our children, to make the same mistakes? I know it's a bit deep and endless rambling, but these are things I think about when the big reveal is proposed. I believe that we have been tricked into thinking that faith and belief is enough. God Bless.
Jesus was the big reveal.... The Gospel is simple...... He came here to show us the only way our sinful selves will ever be able to enter the sinless realm of God... Through the invitation of Jesus Christ himself. He took God's wrath upon his human body all for us and our sins. God knows we are not capable of ever being in a sinless state of being, could never follow all those laws completely as we are. So He incarnated as the Son of Man and took all of our transgressions for us, so all we need to do is repent (turn away from our sinful ways) and recognize Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Accept Him, and we are saved!!!
Yes, we all make mistakes along the path, but keep with repentance (turning towards God) and belief in His only Son our savior, and we will be all good at the end of this existence we know now and have a infinite future with Him!!
"Some people might call it a lack of ambition, but I call it contentment."
I have never been about that "keep up with the Jones'" life. I see so many people doing that and I never understood it. I have plenty of ambition in my life, to succeed, to provide for my family, to try to be a good person, but it never meant to have a nicer car or a bigger house to me... I don't care about those things as long as my kids are happy and safe.
Exactly. I am grateful for what I have. Grateful that I was blessed with the time I had with the strongest person I ever met on this earth. Grateful for my son and the many blessings I have received.
You're almost right. Earth was created to be a perfect place where God and man could live in perfect fellowship, but mankind messed that up by choosing to reject God. So Earth can be thought of as a prison, but one of our own making. However, you can't ascend by making your own choices. No one is good enough to restore fellowship with God by their own good choices or good deeds. It is God who came down to us to make the way back to Him, and this was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. The only way back to God is by acknowledging your faults and believing that Christ has already paid to have those faults cleared from your record. Then, on top of getting to be with God in heaven, you get the Holy Spirit here on earth to help guide you into all truth.
Regarding whether Jesus changed the rules in the Old Testament, He did and He didn't. Basically this boils down to the idea of dispensations, the idea that God has slightly different expectations for different people groups across time, with the overall plan of salvation (faith in Jesus Christ) staying the same. So the Israelites were expected to follow all the OT Law, but that's not how they got saved; they were saved by having faith in the coming Messiah, just as Christians today (we just know more about Him because He's already come once). Christians are no longer under the Law, but that doesn't mean we don't have rules. Any rule that Christians are expected to follow is repeated in some form in the New Testament. In fact, all the Ten Commandments are repeated save the keeping of the Sabbath day; the book of Hebrews goes into detail about how Christ is the fulfillment of the sabbath for us. Plus Christians have the Holy Spirit, who provides guidance on how to live your life if you listen.
You're on the right track, and it's good that you're devoting so much thought into this. My advice would be to get a Bible, read the New Testament for starters, and find a good church that teaches the Bible and only the Bible. The more you study, the more answers you will find. Best of luck to you.
The neighbors wives all being liberal made me LOL.
Perhaps the key is, in order to ascend, we need to become INSTINCTIVELY good as opposed to RATIONALLY good. We need to be good for the sake of being good and doing good things, as opposed to weighing the risk/benefit ratio or making decisions based on reducing liability, as examples.
A local priest brought up this idea recently in a homily. Intriguing thought.
Pepto-Bismol and Alka-Seltzer are about to fly off the shelves
A week joke that when people begin to learn the truth it will upset their stomachs. That actually did happen to me when I had my rude awakening back in '04. I didn't actually reach for the belly medicine, 15 minutes of fetal position was sufficient.
Only thing that really scares me is idea of a magnetic pole shift. I already knew the Devil runs this world, God turning it over is kind of a bummer
This is why you read your Bible which starts by describing creation of a geocentric earth where God places the Sun, Moon and Stars in our firmament as lights. 500 years ago Copernicus introduced his pagan heliocentric sun worship model to destroy the clear evidence of creation. A perfect creator God would not place it all on a VW transmission. Pole shifts and aliens are nothing to worry about. If I’m wrong we both get the same fate so why worry. https://rumble.com/v1ur0gi-heliosorcery-2022-official-documentary-exposing-the-occult-origins-of-helio.html
The Bible does not describe a geocentric earth. Retroactively reinterpreting the word "firmament" to fit your failed, incoherent model doesn't change that.
The sky will roll up like a scroll--
Isaiah 34:4 All the stars of heaven will be dissolved. The skies will be rolled up like a scroll, and all their stars will fall like withered leaves from the vine, like foliage from the fig tree.
PS: If the Earth is not a ball, then no pole shift. Wink.
God does actually destroy this present Earth--at the very end. All Christ's people shall be saved from destruction--so no need to fear.
A New Heaven and New Earth shall follow wherein dwelleth righteousness. No more evil.
If GOD is in control, GOD can stop it just as easily as GOD seems to have programmed these cyclical disasters into the fabric of the Universe. Could it be that GOD is waiting for us to evolve in such a way that we do not destroy ourselves or allow something other than GOD to lead us astray?
Wiping the slate clear allows the strongest live on and begin a new epoch of Earth's history. None of us are privy to the entire story. Only an entity that is truly eternal, omniscient and omnipotent could hope to know the whole story. I suspect that if GOD is that entity, He/She/It, is still waiting for humankind to learn the proper lessons.
pssst... you deserve it.
Pretty sure we all do, bro
I have begun truly questioning everything and it is interesting to say the least. How deep is the corruption? How far back in history? I have recently began trying to tie it all back to the fall of man in Genesis... We have been fighting the same enemy and the same deep world since then.
Kinda sucks to see how slowly white hats have walked the sleeping people to a wake up so far. I am more for ripping the bandaid off then peeling it back off one skin cell at a time.
Maybe that's why they tell you to not wake up a person while they are sleep walking.
I guess normies would completely melt if they had to wake up overnight.
Ilhan was like, oh i din know.
Yes, this is a post that gives me great pause. The post refers to a dark world, which is true beyond question, but, the post then encourages us to put faith in humanity, without mention of Christ. Humanity is inherently evil by nature, and naturally tends toward evil left to it's own devices. This is the result of the fall and is an immutable aspect of our being. I place no faith in humanity, a cursory look into history precludes that. Scripture is clear regarding the (soon coming?) Antichrist, and his total control over the earth. No, I can have no faith in humanity.
We are made in God's image, therefore we are not inherently evil by nature. God gave us free will to choose, and too often we choose evil because we are weak and imperfect, but evil is not an immutable aspect of our being.
Agreed. There are more good than bad. Anyone that thinks all of humanity is inherently evil is so full of shit that it comes flying out of their mouths whenever they say anything...
Adam and Eve were made in God’s image. They lost that after the Fall. Genesis 4 notes that after the Fall Adam had children in his own image, not God’s. Paul reiterates in Romans the fact that all humans are born in Adam’s image. The only exception is those who have been born again, as they now have the image of Christ.
Furthermore, the Bible is clear that none are righteous:
“as it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:” Romans 3:10 KJV
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9 KJV
“But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.” Isaiah 64:6 KJV
“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: (for until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.” Romans 5:12-14 KJV
Thank you taking the time to save me from writing the truth you just wrote. So many evangelicals today ignore the sin part completely and just go with this lukewarm fuzziness of God loving everyone. He does, but he hates our sin. And if we don't confess that sin, he assures us we have no place in heaven.
You are correct
We are all corrupted by original sin in the Garden via Adam. We actually ARE evil by nature. Read the beginning of the Book of Romans.
Man was made in God's image and we are born into this world carrying original sin, which is a corruption that wounds and deprives our nature of its original holiness. Original sin weakens our nature in power so we are subject to suffering, death and inclination to sin, but it is not a complete corruption or destruction. We remain capable of choosing salvation in Jesus and accepting God's grace, which we could not do if our nature were inherently evil. God did not abandon us to the power of evil, but gave us free will to accept His grace and sent His only son to save us. By baptism and repentance we are cleansed of original sin and become new creations in Christ.
The beginning of Romans describes the process or progress of falling into sin from choosing to follow the inclination to commit sin, then being fooled and blinded then consumed by sin, all the way to rejecting God completely. Paul is warning how the philosophy of the heathens, lacking in faith and humility, deceived them into believing themselves to be wise, which led them further and so deeply into sin that they rejected God. God's punishment was not death but withdrawal of his grace. If man were evil by nature, this would be the fate of all of us because we would be incapable of choosing salvation. Luke 15 illustrates that even those who choose to serve evil remain capable of repentance and salvation as the one lost sheep and the prodigal son. God loves us so much that He gives us every chance to choose salvation and rejoices in everyone who does.
Here is what Toplady said about free grace vs free will:
One is scriptural and Christ centered, based upon the absolute sovereignty of God in salvation. The other is man centered, making man his own savior.
Luther said our natural wills are in bondage to sin:
We can't actually save ourselves--this is Pelagianism. The most popular idea is that we can save ourselves with some help from Jesus. This is semi-Pelagianism. That is Arminian theology, which is very similar, actually, to Catholic theology.
There is also neo-Calvinism, or what is sometimes called "dead" Calvinism or "bastard" Calvinism, which is based upon study of the letter of the word. While some Calvinist theology is good, for example the Doctrines of Grace, Calvinism tends towards OT legalism. We do not save ourselves by any attempt to keep the Law.
Christ did everything necessary to save his sheep. He died for all of the sins of all of his people. We don't actually contribute to his perfect and finished work. In reality, Christ did not die for goats, who attempt to save themselves through the self-righteousness of works. Letting go of self-righteousness is a blessing.
Apart from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, people have trouble understanding the scriptures correctly. After we are "born again" (born spiritually from above), the Spirit teaches us the spiritual meaning of the word. We are born into this world physically alive, but spiritually dead. This is the consequence of original sin. When the Holy Spirit regenerates us, this is the "first resurrection" spoken of in Revelation. It is spiritual resurrection.
There is a final resurrection, which is the redemption of the body, which takes place at Christ's return. The "sleeping" saints arise in their glorified bodies, and then the saints who are alive and remain are instantly translated to meet Christ in the air. This is where the rapture teaching originates. It will not be a "secret rapture" as some teach. It will be an event that everyone will be able to see. The sequence is found in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
God's election of particular sinners to salvation took place in eternity. Romans 9 explains that God created "vessels of mercy" and "vessels of wrath." One group is the elect of God, the other group are reprobates. Reprobates follow the religion of Cain, who was "of that Wicked One." In the time of God's choosing, each lost sheep of Christ will be spiritually regenerated. Hallelujah.
Humanity does not tend towards evil. The vast bulk of humanity are good people.
The problem is and has always been that good people do not gravitate towards political careers leaving a vacuum for sociopaths and psychopaths to fill. What sane man wants a career in politics? It is only those who wish to project their power onto others that do.
Yes. I don't agree that "power corrupts." Look at Trump for proof that it doesn't, just for one example.
The truth is that the corrupt are drawn to power. That's why we see it there all the time.
According to whose definition? It's all subjective which is why God says that noone continually does good and doesn't sin. Children don't need to be taught to do what's wrong. They already do it because we are sinful. What one person regards as bad is another person's OK or even good.
Of course we are sinful. There is only One without sin. But being imperfect as we are does not equate with all humanity tending towards evil.
Leave it to this sub to turn a benign statement like "have faith in humanity" into a self-righteous sermon that no one asked for.
Have faith in humanity
To awaken
I appreciate what you're saying, but I refer back to my original post
Humanity is inherently evil? How so?
What IF even a Portion of THIS...is the Truth?? https://greatawakening.win/p/16aA4OTqeT/if-this-is-true-we-are-doomed/c/
This is why they are importing so many outsiders.
I frequently think of how I want Blue Oyster Cult's Veteran of the Psychic Wars to be played at my funeral. Speaking for just myself in this case, I think I've seen enough evil and sickness in this world to qualify for the big truth reveal. As Aldous Huxley once said, "maybe this world is another planet's hell."
I feel as though the truth IS for me. Bring it.
You cant wage war on God, that makes no sense.
War implies a chance someone can lose. It's more of a hissy fit in the larger picture.
But can you wage war on his creation to try and get back at God? This is where I believe we are at.
Gotta think big picture, everything is Prime Creators creation, and the children create themselves. There is only Source.
So is Christmas. Good Lord. How many innocents have to die before this plan actually targets the bad guys? The ones actually guilty of doing all this crap.
Wait till you learn what they haven't told you about sex & the orgasm. Now THAT won't be for everyone.
Elaborate. Little death?
Does it shorten your life span by a fraction or something?